Prevention of Drug Abuse Essay
Prevention of Drug Abuse Essay
Prevention of Drug Abuse Essay
So sometimes they make bad decisions, like taking drugs, to cover-up their insecurities. * Because they want to escape or relax. * Because they think it makes
them seem grown-up. * Because they want to rebel. Sometimes people turn to drugs not so much for themselves, but to make a statement against someone else,
such as their families or society in general. * Because they are curious. Adolescents are curious about having new experiences. Seeing someone doing drugs
makes them more curious to know how drugs will make them feel.
It is important that kids are kept away from this type of environment. * Because of the Peer Pressure * Emotional pressure. Loneliness and depression raise
emotional pressure, and some teens seek a chemical solution to this problem. * Because they are bored Often-bored-teen are 50 percent more likely than not
often bored teens to smoke, drink, and use illegal drugs. Teens who can’t talk to their parents are more likely to feel isolated, and use drugs. * Because they
want attention.