Ight Breaker: A New Ranger Conclave
Ight Breaker: A New Ranger Conclave
Ight Breaker: A New Ranger Conclave
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The Night Breakers
The dark has nowhere to hide. Not even in your
hearts will the weight of shadow be safe from us.
— Ayn Brightlaugh
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Simple Firework. 3 small fireworks that are loud
Night Breaker
and colourful but do no damage.
They can easily be held in the hand and
attached to arrows.
Were my eyes glowing dear one? Perhaps they Colourful Oil. 3 charges of lantern or torch oil
delight to see you smile again for that above all I that can create a flame in a colour of your
could most not bear the shadows to take! choosing.
— Patch-of-Sun
Resplendant Arrow
Night Breakers stand against unatural shadows At 3rd level, you learn to shoot piercing arrows
that would darken the land and bring fear to the of radiant light. As a bonus action, choose one
innocent. They seek out ways to dispel magical creature that you can see. The next time you hit
darkness and dedicate themselves to foiling the that creature on this turn with a ranged or thrown
schemes of creatures that rely on it for nefarious weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack
deeds. These rangers can be found honoring their becomes radiant damage. The ranged attack may
ancient tradition of lifting spirits through simple continue for a further 60 ft in a straight line to hit a
acts of joy and couragous acts of valour with a second creature behind the first. The first creature
smile on their face, often in places where the dark hit takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage damage from
lies heavy. the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class,
the extra damage increase to 2d8.
Night Breaker Features
Bright Eyes
Ranger Level Feature
By 7th level, you learnt to harness the light within
3rd Night Breaker Magic, Cheer Bringer,
to see better in the dark. You can see normally in
Resplendant Arrow (1d8)
7th Bright Eyes dim light and in darkness as if it were dim light.
11th Soul Chakaram, Resplendant Arrow (2d8) In addition, you may use a bonus action to see
15th Lightrise normally in magical darkness for up to a minute
and are immune to being blinded.
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I’m a terrible Hindu but the one tradition I absolutely observe is Diwali. I mean
sure it’s got candy, fire, treats, fireworks, sweets, beautiful lights, an overload of
sugary goodness, and more but what it’s about is that triumph over seemingly
insurmountable and endless evil that we all hope for whether in the pages of the
book or in the real. How could I not want to make that into a subclass?
The actual origin of Diwali where I got my inspiration from (Including the reason it
is what it is and not a paladin or cleric) is the Hindu myth known as the Ramayan.
The tale is the Hindu equivalent of Britain’s King Arthur, China’s Journey to the
West or Japan’s Momtaro. I absolutely reccomend it! Hit me up on Twitter
(@AY2EL) if you’d like reccomendations of my favourite versions.
(There’s another popular version about the Goddess of Luck and Wealth creating
Diwali but as that one doesn’t involve valiant princes, demon kings or flying
monkeys, I don’t give it a lot of attention)
We wish you a happy Diwali and a prosperous year ahead full of love, light, luck,
and all the heroism you hope for. (Also candy! Always candy)
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