Est Micro Project Report
Est Micro Project Report
Est Micro Project Report
Sr.No Topic Page No.
1. Abstract 7-8
2. Introduction 9
5. Advantages, Disadvantages 16
6. Goals of filtration 17
7. Reference 18
8. Result 19
9. Conclusion 20
The survey has resulted in the selection of four household treatment devices: the
bios and filter (BSF), bucket filter (BF), ceramic candle filter (CCF) and the
silver-impregnated porous pot filter (SIPP). The first three filters were
manufactured in a Tshwane University of Technology workshop, using modified
designs reported in literature. The SIPP filter is a product of the Tshwane
University of Technology. The performance of the four filters was evaluated in
terms of flow rate, physicochemical contaminant (turbidity, fluorides,
phosphates, chlorophyll a, magnesium, calcium and nitrates) and microbial
contaminant (Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholera, Salmonella typhimurium,
Shigella, dysenteriae) removals.
The flow rates obtained during the study period were within the recommended
limits (171l/h, 167l/h, 6.4l/h and 3.5l/h for the BSF, BF, CCF and SIPP,
respectively). Using standard methods, the results of the preliminary laboratory
and field studies with spiked and environmental water samples indicated that all
filters decreased the concentrations of contaminants in test water sources. The
most efficiently removed chemical contaminant in spiked water was fluoride
(99.9%) and the poorest removal efficiency was noted for magnesium (26–56%).
A higher performance in chemical contaminant removal was noted with the BF.
For pathogenic bacteria, the mean percentage removals ranged between 97% and
Although the concentrations of most chemical parameters were within the
recommended limits in raw surface water, poor removal efficiencies were
recorded for all filters, with the poorest reduction noted with fluorides (16–
48%). The average turbidity removals from surface water ranged between 90%
and 95% for all filters. The highest bacterial removal efficiency was recorded by
the SIPP (99–100%) and the lowest by the BF (20–45%) and the BSF (20–60%).
Extensive experimental studies with various types of raw surface water will still
determine the long-term performance of each filter, as well as the filters that can
be recommended to the communities for household treatment of drinking water.
Water purifier, also known as water purifier and water purifier, is water
treatment equipment for deep filtration and purification of water quality
according to the requirements of water use. Usually speaking, the water
purifier refers to the small purifier used for household use.
Its core technology is the filter membrane in the filter element device. At
present, the main technology comes from ultrafiltration membrane and RO
reverse osmosis membrane. The water purifier can effectively remove rust,
sand, colloid and adsorb residual chlorine, odor, discoloration, pesticides and
other chemicals in water. It can effectively remove bacteria, pathogens,
toxins, heavy metals and other impurities in water. The application of water
purification technology in the field of drinking water will soon make the
phenomenon of "soil and water incompatibility" a history and effectively
solve the local diseases caused by excessive harmful substances in
groundwater in many places.
Household water purification :-
In August 2013, the General Office of the State Health and Family Planning
Commission issued the Regulations for the Management of Label Instructions
for Hygienic and Safe Products Involving Drinking Water, which states that the
labels and instructions for aquatic products should not be labeled as "acidic
water", "alkaline water", "activated water", "small molecular water",
"functional water", "energy water" or "oxygen- rich water".
Image of Household water filtration :-
Ultrapure Water System / Ultra Pure Water Systems :-
Ultra pure water is water nearly or completely devoid of contaminants.
Ultrapure water systems are an important component for laboratories across
markets including manufacturing and the semi-conductor industry. These ultra
pure water systems remove chemical contaminants through de-ionization (DI)
and reverse osmosis. An ultra pure water system eliminates bacteria with UV
An ultrapure water system is equipped with ultra filters to remove endotoxins,
DNase and Rnase left over from bacteria destroyed by UV, resulting in
extremely low total organic carbon (TOC). Additional carbon filters in these
laboratory water purification systems reduces the need for pre-treatment,
permitting tap water as a source.
In the last stages of water purification, 2 Pure H2O Vita Tech Water
Purification System technology will erase unwanted frequencies and
Reprogram the water to copy that of nature
Activated Carbon :-
Carbon Block :-
Carbon block filters are block-shaped filters that are composed of crushed
carbon particles. These filters tend to be more effective than other types of
carbon-based filters since they have a larger surface area. The rate at which
water flows through these filters has a direct impact on their level of
effectiveness. Fibre dyne carbon block filters have a greater sediment- holding
capacity than other types of block filters.
Distillation :-
1. After the water has been purified it is separated from unwanted substances.
1. Not all germs and contaminants are removed from filtered water. When the
process is taking place very, small particles can pass through the membranes
used to perform water filtering.
2. Thorough cleaning and care of the equipment are very vital so that they can
carry out the water softening process without any hitch whatsoever.
All the cartridges must be disposed of after the water softening process. These
cartridges contain harmful toxins that were purified from the hard water. If they
are thrown anyhow they might end up being pollutants to the environment.
Goals of Filteration :-
The goals of the treatment are to remove unwanted constituents in the water
and to make it safe to drink or fit for a specific purpose in industry or
medical applications. Widely varied techniques are available to remove
contaminants like fine solids, micro-organisms and some dissolved
inorganic and organic materials, or environmental persistent
pharmaceutical pollutants. The choice of method will depend on the quality
of the water being treated, the cost of the treatment process and the quality
standards expected of the processed water. The processes below are the ones
commonly used in water purification plants. Some or most may not be used
depending on the scale of the plant and quality of the raw (source) water.
1. Achak, M., Mandi, L., Ouazzani, N., 2009. Removal of organic pollutants
and nutrients from olive mill wastewater by a sand filter. J. Environ.
Manage. 90, 2771–2779.
The water quality is increased and is therefore safer to drink. The activated
charcoal was the most effective method, and is also capable of removing
airborne toxins and gases from water and from the environment. Not only did
the activated charcoal help purify the water, but it is also good for the
environment overall.
Weekly Work / Progress Report……
Details of 16 Engagement Hours of the Student Regarding
Completion of the Project
Week Date Work or activity Performed Sign ofthe
No. Duratio Guide
From To
n in
Discussion and Finalization of the
1 22/09/21 9:00 10:00 One hour Project Title
Two hours
3 01/10/21 9:00 11:00 Literature Review
Two hours
4 05/10/21 9:00 11:00 Collection of Data