New Lesson Plan Demo
New Lesson Plan Demo
New Lesson Plan Demo
Concept : Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores are the three
classification of animals according to the food they eat.
Science Process : Observation and Classification.
Reference : Science for Daily use V
Materials : pictures of different animals, Replica of farm, ocean and forest
habitat , Puzzle.
1. Prayer
(The teacher will call a pupil to lead the prayer.)
The pupils will stand.
________ will come forward
and lead the Prayer.
2. Greeting
Good morning Class!
Good morning Sir,
Good morning classmate,
It’s nice to see you again.
You may now take your seats.
3. Checking of Attendance
( The teacher will ask in every group)
Group 1 is there any absent in your group?
I’m glad to say that there is no o
ne absent in ou group.
How about group 2 and 3?
Is there anyone absent in your group?
I’m glad to say that there is no
one absent in our group.
4. Checking of Assignment
Do you have an assignment?
None Sir.
5. Energizer.
Let sing a song entitled
“Old Mcdonald”
( the pupils will sing the song)
6. Review
Class before we proceed to our new lesson,
let us have a short review about our previous
lesson. What was our lesson yesterday?
Classifying animals according to
their habitats.
Very good.
7. Motivation
I have 3 envelope, inside the envelope there are
Pieces of puzzle, all you have to do is to arrange
The puzzle to see what the pictures is.
1. Discussion
Herbivore are the animals that eat plants
Omnivores are animals that eat both plant and meat.
Carnivores are animals that eat other animals or flesh meat.
2. Presentation
I have here some animals inside the mystery box.
Kindly pick an animals and tell what the animals eat.
Then place it accordingly whether it is herbivores,
Carnivores and omnivores.
Alright for those who answer correct let’s give
them a nice clap.
3 Activity
Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. And strictly no erasure.
1. Which animals belong to carnivores?
a . Horse b. Cow c. Lion
2. It is an animal that eats other animals and plants?
a . Herbivores b. Carnivore c. Omnivores
3. It is an animals that gets its energy from eating plants.
a . Herbivores b. Carnivores c. Omnivores
4. It is an animals that eat other animals.
a . Herbivores b. Carnivores c. Omnivores
5. Which animals does not belong to the group?
a . Pig b. Dog c. Snake
C. Generalization
What are the differences between herbivore, carnivore and omnivores?
*Herbivore are animals that
gets its energy from eating
*Carnivores are animals that
eat other animals.
*Omnivores are animals that
eat both plant and animals.
D. Application
Lets have a group activity. I will group you into three groups.
This will be the group 1, group 2 and group 3. Each group will
Choose a leader. The leaders come in front and get an envelope
For the activity, but before that lets recall first the standard for
group activity.
Work quietly
Be cooperative
Share your idea
Finish your work on time
Classify these animals properly in the table.
Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores
Pig Fox Human Elephant Wolf Rabbit Cat
Jaguar shark Deer
Draw at least 2 example of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores,
Can you differentiate the herbivore, carnivores and omnivores.
IV Evaluation
Direction: Choose the correct answer.
Encircle the letter of your choice.
V Assignment
Define the following