Novel HRM Practices in The New Millennium: Article by A.Vignesh
Novel HRM Practices in The New Millennium: Article by A.Vignesh
Novel HRM Practices in The New Millennium: Article by A.Vignesh
org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Globally the technology is an inevitable tool used for the benefit of humankind. At present it is
being adopted by several organizations to meet the needs of its various stakeholders. In the
competitive and challenging market that we face today will continue to face in the future
demanding organizational excellence. In order to achieve this extended quality, organization’s
need to concentrate on adopting, quality development, teamwork, and reengineering. Some of
these factors are forced by the way organizations adopt things and how employees are treated.
The study brings out the current trends in human resource management and to review existing
research with regard to these recent trends.
Keywords: Diversity, Human resource management, Workforce.
Human resource management is the management of human resources. HRM has evolved
considerably over the last century, and a major transition in form and function primarily within
the last two decades. The human resource management has been drastically evolved in recent
times. Nowadays HR plays a significant strategic partner, assuming stunningly different, far
reaching transformational roles and responsibilities. The way of doing work is rapidly changing.
As a part of organization, HRM should be prepared to meet with effects of changing modern
world of work. For the HR professionals it means understanding the adopting of globalization,
diversity of work-force, changes in skill requirements, corporate downsizing, continuous
improvement initiatives, re-engineering, the contingent work force, decentralized job sites and
employee involvement for which all and more have the financial implication to organization.
Driven by a number of significant internal and external environment forces, HRM has progressed
from a largely maintenance function, with little if any bottom line impact, to what many scholars
and practitioners today regard as the source of sustained competitive advantage for organizations
operating in a global economy
JETIRAY06010 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 66
© 2019 JETIR April 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4 (ISSN-2349-5162)
1. Enhancing Organizational
2. Strategy Partner
3. Ensure Employee Commitment
4. A Change Agent
5. Quality of HR
6. New Employment Practices
In the present scenario the organizational excellence is needed for accomplishing this paradigm
shift, for this instance the Human Resources have never been more indispensable than today. By
redesigning the new roles and responsibilities, which result in enhancing the organization’s value
to employees, investors and customers, HR can facilitate in delivering organizational excellence.
It can be lead the customers, managers and senior managers in moving and planning from the
closed room to the real market place and also it leads them an expert in the way work is
organized and executed.
HR is a representative for the employees and also to help the organization by enhancing its
capacity for change. HR can facilitate the organizations in meeting up the competitive challenges
such as globalization, intellectual capital, technology, profitability through growth, and other
challenges that the organization are facing while adjusting to uncontrollable changes in business
environment. The role of HR is to quickly turn strategy into action; to handle the challenges
intelligently and efficiently; to increase employee contribution and commitment towards the
organizational excellence and to create favorable conditions for flawless change.
2. Strategy Partner:
HR can become a partner in executing a strategy for propelling and directing in the discussions
of how the company can make a strategy to accomplishing the organization goal.
It involves four steps for creating the conditions for this discussion. First HR should be define
the company’s way of doing business based on organizational architecture. Second, HR is a
responsible person for conducting an organizational audit. Third, HR as a strategic partner needs
to identify methods for restoring the parts of the organizational architecture that need it. Fourth
and finally, HR first set clear priorities and take responsibility for maintaining the stock as well.
By doing this HR can change their traditional image and still make sure all routine work for the
company is done well.
4. A Change Agent:
The novel HR also acts as a change agent, which is designing the organization’s capacity to
promote and enables on change. However they are not primarily responsible for implementing
change it is the duty of the HR manager to ensure that the organization brings out the changes
framed for implementation.
5. Quality of HR:
The predominant thing that managers can do to strive the new mandate for HR is to develop the
quality of the HR staff itself. Senior executives are required to move beyond the stereotypes of
HR professionals as incompetent support staff and untie HR’s full potential
In an organization the balance sheet shows human resource as an expense and not as a Capital. In
the digital age, it is observed that the machines can do the work more efficiently comparing most
people however; technology to work is dependent on people.
The competitive challenges for Employment Practice in the New Millennium leads to taken
account into the strategic association of the people and labour-management partnerships as they
both have to take organization ahead.
7. Benchmarking:
HR department should adopt benchmarking practices for continuous improvement and directing
the human resources who associated with the strategic path followed by the organization for
appreciating the changes happening within and outside the environment whereas growing the
knowledge in relation to add value to decision making at the highest level of the organization.
Every organization should include the key employees during strategy formulation for choosing
the most suitable course of action for attaining of organizational goals and objectives and
achieving the organizational vision.
Promoting employees is to create an impression and a positive message that the organization’s
employees are recognized. Young blood and new ideas frequently come from new joiners to the
organization. By welcoming the new ideas and approaches is helps to avoid stagnation of the
firm. For improving employee morale, promoting employees from within the organization is
essential. It communicates that the organization recognizes their employees and invests in their
human resources.
A successful human resource planning is making sure that the recruiting of suitable employees is
on board when needed. It needs a dynamic approach whereas the organization forecasts its needs
well in advance. It is important to identify the right competencies being sought. An organization
should spot those skill sets requisite by employees to be successful. It will improves the
employees’ contributions to the overall success of the firm and the core values of the
organization prior to their selection.
Employees must understand their role properly, if employees are expected to contribute to the
accomplishment of the firm’s strategic objectives. It can be attained in part by clearly explaining
the mission and vision statements of the company. The mission defines the objectives and
approaches of the organization. The vision statement describes a future position of the company.
Only that employee who knows this purpose can contribute to the fullest extent possible.
Employees then identify how they can contribute their unique talents toward the attainment of
these goals.
Synergy can be precisely described as “ability to work together toward a common vision”.
Through the effective use of teams, organizations can often achieve synergy. Directing the team
towards the overall corporate objectives and also ensures that employees are working toward the
same goal.
In the technological era is a force that changes and improves the lives of people living in all over
the world. Digitalization downsized the Country borders and also changes it from barriers to
bridges as a result of trade globalization and liberalization, improving the levels of education
among people and workers in globally, and progression in technology. With the use of
technology which gives the flow of Goods, services and labour talent are now flowing more
freely throughout the globe than comparing the yesteryears. There are abundant of opportunities
and the organizations to increased employment opportunities and increased wages for skilled
workers. The challenges are equally abundant. Companies need to meet up with millennia’s and
changing workforce; they must grab the attention, and to deal with the multicultural employment
pools. Last and foremost; they should conduct relevant research towards the human resource and
their indispensible contribution in future organizations.
9. Websites
b. https.//
10. Books:
a. V S P Rao influencing factors, human resource management
b. emerging-trends-in-hrm