Samson Franz Final Term Exam
Samson Franz Final Term Exam
Samson Franz Final Term Exam
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES
Philosophy Department
Final Term Examinations in NGEC 0823 Art Appreciation
SECOND Semester AY 2021-2022
I. General Directions:
1. Write your full name, year/section and major in the answer sheet.
2. Use the following Technical Specification: 12 TNR, 1 inch margin on all sides, Short
Bond & 1.5 Spacing
3. Always remember that “Honesty is still the best policy”. Duplicated works would
mean zero for all students involved. Make sure that your work is 80% to 100%
original and not plagiarized. No points will be given to overly plagiarized works.
4. Kindly observe proper citation (In-text citation + References). You may use APA or
MLA style of referencing and citing sources.
5. Read the directions very carefully. Failure to follow directions will mean failure in the
A. Instructions:
1. Search for one Filipino Indigenous Artwork. Scan or take a photo of it and paste it
into the section provided below. Please acknowledge the creator of the artwork by
citing his/her name, the title of the artwork, and if the link is taken from the internet.
2. Comment on how the elements satisfy or defy Felipe M. De Leon’s Attributes of
Filipino Indigenous Arts namely: Unity and Integrity, Creative process, Communal
and Societal Dimension, and, Flexibility and Availability of the Material
3. You may search for video sources to give you more ideas on how analysis is done
but NEVER use them as your entry for this exam.
4. STRICTLY NO DUPLICATED WORKS. To avoid this, kindly send in our
group chat the list of your prospect artworks.
6. TIP: Choose an artwork where you are interested and can easily satisfy the
ATTRIBUTES of INDIGENOUS ART by Felipe M. De Leon and 1 Western
Artwork that you are interested in.
II. Test Proper (Please use this outline. Extend the space if necessary)
Aaron Ivan Manubay
4. Content of the Art: It is inspired by the people who keeps fighting in their trials,
living in discomfort and distress as well as those people who value and brightness
in restoring humanity during the times of depression.
A piece of art that is authentic will be able to set itself out from other pieces of art
in a more substantial way than it is currently able to. Its distinctiveness to its people
and evidence of how their ideals were absorbed into its formation can be attributed to
its high level of integrity. Manubay has successfully incorporated traditional values
and functions into modern life through his artwork that focuses on different dimensions
of one’s mind and its connection to reality. It also illustrates how principles were used
in its production as we can see on the colors that are vibrant making it as one of the
distinctive features of his art.
By just doing what you enjoy, you can obtain the highest level of mental wellness.
By engaging with art, we can increase our emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and
openness to new ideas and experiences. No one is good or unskilled when it comes to
opportunity since everyone must work hard.
Manubay’s work is very delicate and takes a long time to complete, but it
becomes more intricate than we realize when it is merged with other materials. It
demands the artist's patience, which is why I think that rather than the finished
product, one can genuinely perceive the artist's creativity that can be shown deep
inside the meaning of the artwork.
This artwork is brought by the undeniably depressing surge of pandemic
which every person experienced an unforeseen circumstance along their life's
journey, impeding their aspirations and goals. Through the worse scenarios and
lack of capacity to relieve the effects of the situation, overflowing tears and
triggering anxieties may be recognized in every person along with its location.
This artwork is an exceptional product of mind which for me is the best part
that I considered to choose it. Regardless of the artistic and really time-consuming
process just to create this, the fact that through this obra and my friend’s other
artworks; he was healed. He surpassed the darkness of depression and became a
better person that is willingly want to share his talents to other artists and develop
the sense of harmony. The ubuntu reminds me of him that even in the most trying
circumstances he keeps on fighting and preserved the resiliency of his heart which
can barely see in it.
3. Comparison of Filipino Artwork to Western Arts (You may use your last
work as a point of comparison)
Western art has a long history and has developed into a wide variety of
media and styles over the years. The arts of the Philippines are symbolic
representations of the nation's history, culture, and way of life, according to the
context of Philippine art. It has also evolved as a result of interactions that have
occurred within Filipino civilization from prehistoric times to the present. Western
art is much more diverse than the arts that have developed predominantly on the
Philippine archipelago. Compared to the arts of the Philippines, it is influenced by
a considerably wider variety of cultures. It serves as the main dividing line between
the two categories of art.
The structure of the artwork is inspired from the face of humanity with tears,
scratches and ripping parts of the head masked wherein, regardless of all the
situations, it is life's reality that people may criticize the works you do, the outfit
you wear, and try to pull us down. The figurative human being with a scheme of
green and gold of view expressed hope for touching the lives of those people who
suffer from different forms of tenses, worries and diseases. Its surroundings reflect
on the economy which is full of complications in disarray. The main objective that
implies in this structure is we students or people of the community must not let
other people validate ourselves. By igniting the potential of people, we must rise
from all those negative hates of other people and change. Enriching the lives of the
viewers for an innovative path with use of health meditation and mindfulness. As
we need to continue our path to gain much more understanding, to be skillful, to
enhance our strength, to aid other people who are struggling as well as to share our
possibilities in dealing with one another. In addition, we need to have this kind of
aspect to move forward in any course, to cultivate more morals as we grow old, to
find a job and specifically it helps us to grow stronger, healthier and to be a valuable
person that may eager unite people as one in use of handling time management well
and by igniting their fullest potential through their lives.
E. Conclusion:
Provide a recap or synthesis of this work and end with a focus on your main
realization in connection to the Filipino Artwork.
The Philippine arts present a society that is shaped by a wide range of cultures and
customs. Numerous cultural influences that have created the culture of the country are
shown through different forms and structures. In line with the Ubuntu of Mr. Manubay,
being dependent on assisting people in a balanced and productive manner and realizing
our maximum potential both individually and as a member of a society that supports
others in doing the same. Artworks serves as a platform for raising awareness about
mental health, as well as a source of inspiration for anyone who needs to deal with their
sorrow and heal. It also serves as a reminder of the light behind all the darkness we
experience in life.
F. References:
IV.Rubrics: Please read this part. This is how you will be rated.
Category 4 3 2 1
1. Description Makes a complete Makes a detailed Makes a detailed Descriptions are not
and detailed description of most description of some detailed or complete.
description of the of the subject matter of the subject matter
subject matter and/or and/or elements seen and/or elements seen
elements seen in a in a work. in a work.
2. Analysis Accurately describes Accurately describes Describes some Has trouble picking
several dominant a couple of dominant dominant elements out the dominant
elements or elements and and principles used elements.
principles used by principles used by by the artist, but has
the artist and the artist and difficulty describing
accurately relates accurately relates how these relate to
how they are used how these are used the meaning or
by the artist to by the artist to feeling of the theme.
reinforce the theme. reinforce the theme.
3. Interpretation Forms a somewhat Student identifies Student can relate Student finds it
reasonable the literal meaning how the work makes difficult to interpret
hypothesis about the of the work. him/her feel the meaning of the
symbolic or personally. work.
meaning and is able
to support this with
evidence from the
4. Evaluation Uses multiple Uses 1-2 criteria to Tries to use aesthetic Evaluates work as
criteria to judge the judge the artwork. criteria to judge good or bad based
artwork, such as artwork, but does on personal taste.
composition, not apply the criteria
expression, accurately.
creativity, design,
communication of
Source : Art and Art History Department Analysis of a Work of Art Rubric
Prepared by:
Philosophy Cluster
Endorsed by: