Part - 1 - Theory of Research and RDM

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Research Design and Methodology

Theory of Research

Gebeyehu Belay (Dr. of Eng.) Associate Professor

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty

An overview of R and RDM
 Where it start/ begin?
 Motivation:  Choose a topic that motivates you
 Interest,  Reading literature, attend conferences, talk
 Observations, with experts, will uncover a number of
 Professor(s) potential research problems
 Or…..
 Practical example: my research proposal
 Pick just one, based on what you want to
learn more about

 Background:  Must believe that it is worth your time and

 Your courses, effort.
 Work experience,
 recommendations,  Saying “You’re going to be married to it,
 Or….. so you might as well enjoy it.”

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
…contd an Overview
 Why need it (R and RDM)?
 We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to
create them,

 A great solution to the wrong problem or approach is wrong, and

 To be consistent, efficient and successful, we need to have designed

research, methodology

 May not be rules and or principles

 Therefore, research is The process of exploring the unknown,

studying and learning new things, building new knowledge about
things that no one has understood before

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Thinking about research
 Researches are initially need time to think about: many research
projects fail because of lacking this steps;

 It is extremely important to spend time thinking about our research

before we move on to the planning stage;

 It needs careful thought about our research issues by having enough

 To be efficient in time, cost, and other resources,
 Efficient to our energy that we gonna spent on/for it; and
 To have proper, stable and consistence progress and outcomes.

 Practical example: mini software development

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
 Understanding the business environment: Knowing the business ...
 Problem defining;  It is an academic activity of
 Requirement analysis;  Search for knowledge
 Scientific investigation
 Designing,
 Coding,
 testing,
 Verification,
 …the systematic process of collecting
 Updating
and analyzing information (data) in
 Implementing order to increase our understanding of
the phenomenon about which we are
concerned or interested

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Science , research and scientific methods
 Science is an extremely complex phenomenon, and difficult if not
entirely impossible to define in a simple way.

 It is the systematic study of the properties of the physical world, by

means of repeatable experiments and measurements, and the
development of universal theories.

 Statements in science must be precise and meaningful, such that

other people can test them

 To do science is to search for repeated patterns, not simply to

accumulate facts.

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Science , research and scientific methods
 If there is anything that can characterize science then it must be its
 The scientific method might be seen as the logical scheme used by scientists
searching for answers to the questions posed within science, as well to formulate
theories as to assure the means for producing them (instruments, tools,
 Scientific research
 Scientific methods  Employs systematic observation and
 Sequence of experiments rational process to create new
 Randomization knowledge
 Repetition  Based on logical relationship not just
 Change one parameter/experiment a belief
 Prove/Disprove Hypothesis  Involves an explanation of the
methods used to collect and analyze
the data; explanation to why the
results are meaningful”
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Understanding the 5Ws

 5Ws  Examples:
 What?  The specific need of the research ex:
 Why?  The purpose of the software; Their
interest, …..
 Who?  The users of the software, or partners
of the research….
 Where?  Thinking about resources: time, cost
and place,
 When?  For how long for researching, and
other issues

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research process
 Step1 -Problem- Selection (title) & formulation of Research Problem
 Step2 -Literature survey
(It include development of objectives and working hypotheses)

 Step3 -Research design

( Pilot (quick) study ) (Step4- Developing Instruments)

 Research Execution
 Step5- Data collection, Processing & analysis of data
 Step6- Testing hypotheses, solution design, Interpretation & generalization

 Step7- Preparation & writing of the report.

 NOTE: The above steps are not exhaustive, nor mutually exclusive, but a
series of closely related, continuously overlapping and interdependent
nonlinear steps/ actions.
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research process

 As a broad description the process flow chart

Move from a research idea

To a general focus research question

To a series of research questions or hypotheses

To specific research objectives

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research process: in-depth
Wish to research
The research
Formulate and clarify your Research topic Process –
Progressive Problem
Critically review the literature
Choose your research approach and strategy

Negotiate access and address ethical issues

Plan your data collection and collect the data using one or more of :
Sampling Secondary data Observation Semi-structured and in-depth interviews Questionnaires

Analyse your data using one or both of:

Quantitative methods Qualitative methods

Write your research report

Submit your research report

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Type of research
 Research types can be classified based on its purpose and

 Descriptive vs. Analytical:

 Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries such as
Ex post facto where the researcher has no control over the variables so he
can only report what has happened.

 Analytical research is using of facts already available then analyse these

to make a critical evaluation.
 (your research is expected to be of more analytical)

 Fundamental research (Basic research): Pure research

 Aim: to discover basic truths & laws Not concerned with day–to-day
phenomena & problems,
 Purpose: To find solution to fundamental problems, major issues,
universal laws & theories Approach
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Type of research
 Fundamental research (Basic research): Pure research
 Fundamental research is mainly concerned with generalizations
and with the formulation of a theory

 Knowledge for knowledge sake: done out of mere curiosity, an

intellectual exploration an attempt to arrive at new discovery, an
improvement over an existing theory,

 Carried out in a well-equipped lab: done mainly by experts, and

 Demands higher level of problem procedures, tools, controls,

analyses, etc.

 Applied Research (Field Research):

 Applied research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing
a society or an industrial/business organisation.
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Type of research
 Applied Research (Field Research):
 Purpose : To improve a product/process by testing theoretical concepts in
actual problem situations, organizations,

 Has most of the characteristics of Fundamental Research including the

sampling techniques, generalizing the findings. Concerned with testing of
FR theories or laws in actual field setting.

 Example: Research in Database management systems

 Developing a SW that convert word files into database format

 Innovating new way in doing payroll processing by a computer

 Developing a program that copy's files from a computer to a mobile


(Given the filed that we are in, your research is expected to be more
of applied)

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Type of research
 Action Research:
 Conducted by a person in order to enable him to achieve his purposes more

 Approach : to encourage the expertise, or other practitioners to do research

in order to improve themselves,

 purpose : to improve work facilities,

 Focus: the immediate application – not on general application. Similar to

applied research in many ways. AR – immediately available small sample –
to find solution to the immediate problem.

 Based on approaches
 Quantitative vs. Qualitative:
 Quantitative research is based on the measurement of amount/quantity.
 Qualitative research is concerned with quality or kind.
 (your research can follow both or either )
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Type of research
 Based on approaches
 Conceptual vs. Experimental (or Empirical):
 Conceptual research is used by philosophers to develop new concepts or to
reinterpret existing ones.

 Empirical research is data-based research which can be verified by

observation or experiment.
 (as a masters and Ph.D. work, your research is expected to be more
of empirical)
 Behavioral Vs Design research (IT related)
 Design Science
– Studies artificial objects or phenomena designed to meet certain goals
– (most likely your work will fall under this category)
 Behavioral
– Studies the decision processes and communication strategies within and
between organisms in a social system (IT users vs IT artifacts)
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research approaches
 Differing approaches to research
Research philosophy

Research approaches

Research strategies

Data collection Time horizons


BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research philosophy or epistemology
Research philosophy

 Broadly speaking the are two views over the nature of knowledge
and how it is developed (Epistemology).
 These are Positivism (scientific method) and Interpretivism.
 Note: They are often in warring camps.
 Some see these oppositions as false and detrimental to research.
 Keep flexible!

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research approaches
Research approaches

 Choosing a research approaches

 A deductive approach?
 You develop a theory and design a strategy to test hypotheses.
 A closeally to the philosophy of positivism.
 A scientific approach.
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research approaches
Research approaches

 An inductive approach?
 You collect data and develop a theory as a result of your data
 A closeally to the philosophy of phenomenology.
 Building theory

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research approaches
 Research type could be based on the research issues, dimensions, ...
and generally it can be classified as:
 Explanatory research:
 undertaken with the aim of clarifying ambiguous problems,

 general problems usually known but not sufficiently


 the purpose is to get more information, not to uncover specific

courses of action,

 However determining a specific course of action to follow is not

a purpose of exploratory research
 Example: software improvmrnt process....

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Research approach
 descriptive research:
 undertaken with the aim of determining the characteristics of a population or
 Previous knowledge of problem exists
 High degree of precision or accuracy required
 Examples:
 What software process need improvment? Why?
 Casual research:
 undertaken with the aim of identifying cause and effect relationships
amongst variables
 are normally preceeded by exploratory and descriptive research studies
 Often difficult to determine because of the influence of other variables
(concommitant Variation and the presence of other hidden variables)
 Example: Application software demands
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Topic selection and formulation of a research issues
 What are the challenge and also basic problem which may
discourage a person from undertaking research?

 Topic selection is one of the most fundamental phases of a research

/project in the choice of a suitable problem,

 This work is can be considered as to an ant, which brings its single

grain of sand to the anthill,

 Would it be specific or broad? Why?

 Is the problem/topic significant enough?
 Is it feasible (practical/possible for me to do it)?
 Is it free of unknown hazards/dangers?
 Is it clear (unambiguous)?

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Topic selection and formulation of a research issues
 Actively involving yourself in narrowing and refining the problem:
 Narrowing the focus
 Situation (time, condition, resources availability, readiness, etc.),
 Measurements,
 Issue(s) dealt with?
 Setting the scope of the problem (“this is my line…I won’t go beyond it…”).

 The goodness of your research topic and issues formulation:

 Interesting – keeps the researcher interested in it throughout the research
 Researchable – can be investigated through the collection and analysis of
 Significant: contributes to the improvement and understanding of educational
theory and practice,
 Manageable: fits the level of researcher’s level of research skills, needed
resources, and time restrictions,
 Ethical: does not embarrass or harm participants
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Topic selection and formulation of a research issues

Move on to next stage of 1. Read literature, reflect,

research design discuss and identify gaps
2. Generate list of interesting
potential questions

Yes No
3. Check literature. Have questions
6. Does a suitable been answered already?
problem exist?

5. Eliminate impractical
4. Test feasibility

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Topic selection and formulation of a research issues
 Theoretical framework of research topic selection:
 Choose a topic
 Choose some potential research questions
 Choose a theoretical framework
 Given the iterative nature of your research topic, which might
change or modify later

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Topic selection and formulation of a research issues
 How to locate a researchable problem?
 The research issues could be sources for questions or
 Background/experience + observation + needs + interests = research problem
 Read professional literature systematically,
 Suggestions from investigators,
 Journals, bulletins, magazines.
 Perusal of recent convention programs of your professional
 Set your own criteria based on:
 Sustained motivation,
 Adequate training and personal predilections,
 Feasibility,
 Importance to your profession.

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Topic selection and formulation of a research issues
 How to delimiting the research problem?
 Read extensively in the literature related field of interest,
 Seek assistance from professors, (and others)
 Notice the difference between delimitation and limitation.
 Delimitation: a premeditated limitation that the researcher narrows down.
 Limitation: a weakness in the study which becomes apparent during or
after its completion.
 Categories of delimitations:
 The number of observations, subjects or cases,
 Time and geographic location,
 The selection of sources,

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Proposal development and research organization

 Proposal writing is a skill and requires considerable knowledge in

any disciplines,

 Eelements of effective proposal writing includee:

 Proper formatting, content and satisfying program criteria,
 Demonstrating the outcomes or significance (benefits),
 Addressing the research issues and research requirements,
 Demonstrating the sustainability of the research or project’s output, and
 Others (such as monitoring and evaluation provisions, and proposal follow

 It also involves the proper referencing of other documentation and

sources of information used in preparing the proposal.

 Therefore good proposal is absolutely essential for sustainable

research work and accomplishment.
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Proposal development and research organization
 Proposals should be well researched prior to submission and
intended to be an agreement between you and your professor,
 Exactly what you are going to attempt to accomplish,
 The problem to be addressed, the resources required, and when activities
will be performed,
 Your decisions must be based on documented facts,
 The proposal should be a guidance of the followed research work,
would examine
 the location, the characteristics of the research,
 the situation of existing facilities, and
 anything else required to objectively describe the background of the
 Formatting is concerned with the look, style, and layout of the
proposal. It is not merely aesthetics. A properly formatted proposal
is pleasing to the eye but it also:

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Proposal development and research organization
 Adds to the perception that the document is well thought out,
 Enhances the credibility and professionalism of your professor,
 Is easy to read and understand,

 Facilitates the understanding of the proposal content:

 Makes it easy for the reader to find the information they are
looking for, .
 Title Page: The first page of the proposal and often serves as
the cover of the document. It should include: date, research
title, place, name of the university; and any required
information (e.g. proposal reference #)
 Table of Contents: Make it easy for readers to find the
information they require.
 Appendices: Use appendices to avoid crowding the body of the
proposal and maintain the narrative flow.
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Proposal development and research organization
 Length: The proposal should be focused and concise. The length
will usually depend on the nature of the issues being proposed,
 Lay out: The margins, spacing, fonts, headings, and numbering
should be consistent throughout the document,
 Writing: Sentence structure, grammar, and spelling should be
 Footnoting & References: Footnote the source of quotes, statistics,
and tables. Reference all sources of information used in the
preparation of the document,

 Research organization
 Give focus and consideration for timely, procedurally and other
basic methods to organize your work,
 Giving overview at start of entire section
 Describe overall approach that will be used to achieve aims
 Consider using flowchart or table
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Report preparation and presentation process
Problem definition, Data analysis Pre report writing
research design
and methodology

Interpretation of research

Report writing
Report preparation

Oral presentation

Reading of the Post report writing

Research work report by others activities

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Gap analysis

 Gaps discovered while reading the literature

 The research domain
 Theories
 Research techniques
 The literature

 Ways of plugging gaps

 Supervisors and advisors
 Colleagues
 Units of study
 Original work

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Criteria of a Good Research Problem
 Clarity: the research problems are unambiguous and clearly
 Specific: The problems are sufficiently specified for it to be what
gonna to be researched,
 Researchable: The issues or research problems would be clearly
known that what kind of data are needed to get the new things or
artifacts and also how those data are obtain,
 Research coherent: the flow of the research work should seted in a
consistence flow and interrelated in some meaningful way,
 Substantively relevant: The research should be worthwhile, non
trivial questions and worth of the research effort to be expanded.

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
Tips on Clarity and Style
 Avoid
 Overly ambitious research plans
 Contingent Specific Aims
 Complex, emerging techniques without establishing familiarity or including
 Too little detail on data analysis
 Under-powered studies

 Include summary or conclusion

 Bright idea and well developed and clearly described methods
 Appropriate data analysis, large enough sample size
 Plenty of time to do the work, Only minor limitations
 Clear pathway to strong conclusions

BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty
BDU: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology: Computing Faculty

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