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Neuralware Fashionware Cash: 5.00eb
Neural Link Biomonitor Carried: 14.50 kg
Cyberaudio Skinwatch # Item kg
Cyberaudio Suite 2 Mustang Arms “Mark III” 6.00
Internal Agent 50 11mm bullets 0.30
1 Kevlar 3.00
Cyberware Notes 1 Combat knife 0.50
1 Carryall 1.00
1 Interface Cables 0.01
1 Anti-Smog Breathing Mask 0.60
1 Lock Picking Set 0.30
1 Vial of Biotoxin 0.10
# Item kg
4 Gang Colors Top 1.20
2 Gang Colors Bottoms 0.70
1 Gang Colors Footwear 1.00
1 Gang Colors Hat 0.10
Gear Notes
Anti-Smog Breathing Mask Wearer is im-
mune to effects of toxic gases, fumes, and
similar dangers.
Friday Night Firefight
LUCK O O O O O O Iron Grip - When you already have a target
Initiative 7+d10 grabbed, you may take an action to make an
Aikido check against DV15. On success, they suf-
fer a -2 cumulative penalty to break the grab. Until
Athletics 10 Brawling 14 the grabble is broken, they may not make ranged
Evasion 14 Resist T/D 5 attacks.
Endurance 14 Concentration 7
Melee Weapons
Combat knife
Max Hitpoints: 35 Light Melee Weapon +08/1d6, ROF 2
OOOOO Ignores half the defender’s armor.
Lightly OOOOO Stabilize
No Ranged Weapons
Wounded OOOOO DV 10
OOO Mustang Arms “Mark III”
OOOOO Pistol +13/3d6, ROF 2
Seriously OOOOO -2 to Stabilize 11mm bullets, 8/MAG
Wounded OOOOO actions DV 13
-4 to actions 50 11mm bullets
Mortally -6 to MOVE
Wounded Death Save at end of turn
Stabalize DV 15
Deathsave: Less than 5 on a d10
+ 1 per round after the first
Body SP: 7
Unarmed Combat
Brawling +14/2d6, ROF 2