Militech grunts are low-ranking soldiers in Militech and the NUSA military. They are young recruits who can be found patrolling cities or on the front lines. While coordinated in combat, they are also reckless when off duty due to their youth and bravado. Militech grunts make disposable forces that can be used as cannon fodder in conflicts or to stir up trouble when needed.
Militech grunts are low-ranking soldiers in Militech and the NUSA military. They are young recruits who can be found patrolling cities or on the front lines. While coordinated in combat, they are also reckless when off duty due to their youth and bravado. Militech grunts make disposable forces that can be used as cannon fodder in conflicts or to stir up trouble when needed.
Militech grunts are low-ranking soldiers in Militech and the NUSA military. They are young recruits who can be found patrolling cities or on the front lines. While coordinated in combat, they are also reckless when off duty due to their youth and bravado. Militech grunts make disposable forces that can be used as cannon fodder in conflicts or to stir up trouble when needed.
Militech grunts are low-ranking soldiers in Militech and the NUSA military. They are young recruits who can be found patrolling cities or on the front lines. While coordinated in combat, they are also reckless when off duty due to their youth and bravado. Militech grunts make disposable forces that can be used as cannon fodder in conflicts or to stir up trouble when needed.
Militech Grunt Cannon Fodder squad engaged in combat operations, they are cool
and coordinated under fire. If they must hold a po-
sition as casualties mount, they will not hesitate to dig in and call for re-enforcement. Off duty, they are young enough to think they are invincible and trained enough to think they are dan- gerous. Hormone-fueled swagger and bravado can quickly get them into trouble when they are one leave and away from authority figures. When reality catches up to them and they realize that they can in fact be hurt, they tend to beat a hasty retreat. Militech grunts do not carry their helmets or assault rifles off duty, but do often wear their combat fa- tigues.
Using Grunts in Play
Militech grunts are the cannon fodder of Militech and the NUSA military. They can be found patrolling North Oak as law enforce- ment, guarding military bases, or on the front lines of any conflict Militech is fighting. Use BD 5 DX 5 CL 6 TH 4 IN 3 them whenever you need disposable army MV 4 RF 5 WL 4 EM 5 LK 0 grunts. Initative +5 Death Save 5 Armor Penalty 0 Off duty Militech grunts make good drunken Brawling 8 Evasion 8 Athletics 7 hoodlums. Use them to start a bar fight when Resist T/D 4 Endurance 8 Concentration 6 a quiet night of information gathering is go- HP 35 Wnd 18 Head SP 7 Body SP 7 ing to smoothly. Alternatively, use them to Skills: Autofire +8, Conversation +7, Drive Land Vehi- suddenly a make a relaxing night of karaoke cle +6, Education +5, First Aid +6, Gamble +7, Hand- a serious affair. gun +7, Heavy Weapons +6, Human Perception +7, Language: English +4, Language: Streetslang +5, Li- brary Search +5, Local expert: North oak +5, Melee Weapon +7, Perception +7, Persuasion +8, Shoulder Punk Journal is unofficial content provided under the Arms +10, Stealth +7, Tactics +6, Wardrobe and Style Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by R. Talsorian Games. This +8, Weaponstech +10 content references materials that are the property of R. Gear: Agent Talsorian Games and its licensees.
women, usually in their first few years of service. They are young men and women recruited from across the NUSA. More than a few come from free states as well, lured by Militech recruiters and the promise of a career that does not require skills or connections. Within sight of their commanding officers, Militech grunts are focused and professional. As part of a