Nova Burn Digital
Nova Burn Digital
Nova Burn Digital
Preparing to Play……………………….1
How to Play………………………………..2
enemy Fire………………………….3
Custom Rules………………………………7
Nova Burn…………………………………10
Preparing to Play
You will choose your ship, prepare your play space, then roll dice to create a
field of enemy fire for you to dodge and a fleet of enemy ships for you to
Begin by gathering a pen or pencil, at least one six-sided die (1d6), and any
bits and scraps you have about the house. Anything that can be used as a
small token will do.
If your book has been written in enough, you should then set up your play
area using a virtual tabletop or by printing out fresh play materials. These can
be downloaded for free from
Nova Burn begins on page 10, but first read the rest of this book to learn how
to play.
How to Play
The rules of Nova Burn are simple but there are many details to follow. Read
the rules carefully before launching your ship into battle.
You have three ships to choose from on page 12. Each ship has its own
strengths and weaknesses based around core abilities.
Speed is how many spaces your ship can move each turn.
Shoot is how powerful your attack is, represented by how many dice you roll.
Weapon is the kind of shot your ship is equipped with and determines how
many enemies can be targeted at a time, as described on page 5.
Dodge is how maneuverable your ship is, represented by how many dice you
Shields are how much damage the ship can take. If your shields are used up
and you are hit again, your ship is destroyed.
Speed, Weapons, and Shields are all fixed numbers.You will always be able to
move the same number of spaces each turn.You will always target the same
number of enemies and you will always be able to take the same number of
Each ship also has a special that alters the rules in some way, usually when
you roll 6.
When play begins, you will choose your ship and fill in its information on your
ship’s computer (starting on page 14).
This game is played on a 6x6 grid with a special top row that is held by enemy
ships (“row 0”).
The grid is a small sector of space through which you will fly, destroying
enemies and dodging their shots as you blast towards victory. Each individual
grid is a different scenario referred to as a wave.
Moving your ship from row 1 to row 0 without being destroyed means you
have cleared the wave.
To set up a wave, begin by placing your ship anywhere on
row 1.Your ship can be represented by any token small
enough to fit on the grid, or by making a light mark with a
pencil.You can also roll 1d6 to place your ship randomly.
Next, generate and place enemies for this wave. The main game in this book
(starting on page 10) gives you a list of enemies to use for each wave, but
enemies can also be generated randomly. Most often, this will be a number
of enemies created by rolling 1d6.
Once you have found the number of enemies, place one per space in row 0.
You can select the space yourself or roll again to randomly choose a space
for each enemy. Place an enemy by writing its symbol in the square (typically
the first letter of its name) along with its HP, or by laying your own token on
the space. If the space is already taken, roll again.You cannot place more
than six enemies.
When placing bosses, note its shape and place it so that the top row of
squares is in row 0, then fill in any other squares accordingly.
Enemy Fire
Each turn begins with enemy fire. Every enemy attack will place one shot on
the grid.
All enemies are rated with two numbers in parentheses. The first is their shot
number and the second is their hitpoints. So an enemy of (2/1), for example,
will shoot twice each turn and be destroyed if they take 1 damage.
Shot: 2
HP: 1
Look at each enemy in play and note their shot number. Add all shot
numbers to create your shot total.
Now roll 2d6 or 1d6 two times. One of these numbers will point you to a
column on the grid, the other a row. Put them together to find where the
enemy shot is to be placed. It is best to have dice of different colors to not
confuse the two, if possible.
Once the space is found, mark the shot on the grid with an X or a token. This
space, and the spaces above, below, left, and right of it, are now threatened.
Moving into our out of a threatened space requires a dodge test (explained on
the next page).
If a shot is placed on the space where your ship is, you must immediately
make a dodge test (explained below).
Shmup Action
Once all the enemy ships have fired, it’s your turn! Fire up thrusters and
engage the enemy!You may shoot once and move once in any order.
When you move, take your ship and fly a number of squares equal to its speed
in any direction.You may not enter a space occupied by an enemy ship.You
may also choose not to move. Erase your ship marker and draw a new one, or
just move the token you are using.
If you fly into or out of a threatened space (see above) at any time you must
make a dodge test to see if you can maneuver around the shot.
To do this, roll six-sided dice equal to your ship’s dodge ability. If any die
shows or then you have successfully dodged the shot! If not, you are hit
and must mark off a shield. Do this by checking one of the boxes next to your
ship’s shield ability.
If you have no more shields and you are hit, your ship is destroyed and you
have failed the galaxy. Game Over.
You only dodge when you enter or exit a space, not both. So if your turn ends
after a successful dodge you may mark the space to remind you that you that
you need not dodge again when you leave that threatened space.
1 2 3 4 5 6
All possible spaces are under
this space, so it is marked
2 a
To cancel (and remove) a shot, you must fly into its space. Make a dodge test
as usual. On a success or failure, remove the shot from play.
If an enemy shot is placed on the same space as your ship during an enemy
attack, you dodge immediately and then remove the shot following the same
rules for canceling above.
To attack, roll dice equal to your ships shoot ability and add any modifiers (ie.
1d6+1 is the number you rolled plus one). This is how much damage your
weapon does.
Next, note your weapon to determine your targets:
»The cannon only targets any enemy in your column.
»The beam targets one enemy in your column plus one more to either side.
»Missiles can strike any two enemies on the grid.
To resolve your attack, divide up the damage you rolled among all possible
targets. If the applied damage is equal to their hit points (HP) then they are
destroyed and removed from the grid. At least 1 damage must be placed on
each target, if possible; for example, if you roll 3 and have two targets you
cannot put all 3 on a single target.
When fighting bosses, note the space with a star on it. This is the core. Unless
you shoot the core, halve all damage done to the boss (rounding up).
When your ship has flown to row 0, the wave is complete. Whenever you face
a boss ship it must be destroyed before you can enter row 0. When you defeat
the final boss you need not fly to row 0 to win.
After the wave is cleared, reset the board by erasing all shots and remaining
enemies, or print out a fresh grid, and begin the next wave.
The multiplier resets after the third enemy is destroyed or if you go 1 turn
without destroying an enemy, whichever comes first
At the end of each stage, total your score. At the end of the game, total all
points for your final score and check off any of the following achievements:
Play again or proceed on to the next section to learn more about customizing
your game.
Custom Rules
After you complete the main game once or twice you
may want to customize the rules a bit. Here are some
suggestions for tweaking the game to your liking.
Most shmups offer the player a few lives (or “extends”). If the one death rule is
too harsh, try one of these:
»Start the game with 1-3 extends.You choose how many or roll 1d3, then
mark them in the book or use tokens to keep track
»Start the game with 0 extends but gain 1 after each wave
»Start the game with 0 extends and gain 1 any time you score 10 more points
on any wave
Completing a shmup two times in a row without dying is called a 2-all. For a
real challenge, try this with the main Nova Burn game using the same ship for
two sessions back to back.
Maniac Mode
In the main game, you can never have more than six enemies in play. Once
you fill row 0, you’re done. For real bullet hell action, place extra enemies (any
more than six) in row 1. Remember, shots cannot be placed on top of enemy
ships, so your play area will shrink!
Custom Ships
Mix and match abilities and special powers to customize your ship!You can
even swap out specials with these below:
Prototype Shield: When you move into the same space as an enemy shot, roll
twice on your dodge test and keep the better result.
Destructor Circuitry: When you would have to split damage among multiple
targets, you may apply all damage to one target instead.
Advanced Computer: When you roll 6 on an attack or dodge, take +1 the next
time you take that same action.
Acerbic Ray: When you shoot, clear any enemy shots on your column.
Power Reroute:You may attack twice per turn, but take -1 whenever you
Frequency Scrambler: Deal damage normally to any part of a boss, not just
the core.
Zeta Cloak: Once per wave you may attack at the beginning of the turn,
before placing enemy shots.
Random Enemies
Use these tables to create a customized game.You can select each wave
yourself or randomize by rolling 1d6 to determine the enemy type, then 1d6
again to decide how many are in play for this wave. Follow the pattern of the
main game: three waves of fighters then a boss fight.
Enemy Fighters
1 Ambusher A 1 1
2 Striker S 2 1
3 Bruiser B 1 2
4 Hawker H 2 2
5 Lancer L 2 3
6 Dozer D 3 2
Enemy Bosses
1d6 Name Shot HP Shape
1 Debaser 4 7
2 Razer 5 8
3-4 Bolzer 6 10
5-6 Mortifier 6 12
Have you made your own custom rule? I want to hear about it! Find me online
Insert coin
In the far black of the void,
cruel forces gather.
Darkflame Speed: 2
Shoot: 1d6+1
Weapon: Alpha Cannon
Dodge: 2d6
Thrusters: If you roll when you
dodge you may roll twice and keep
the better result on the next dodge
Aegis Speed: 2
Shoot: 1d6
Weapon: Theta Beam
Dodge: 2d6
Mega Blaster: If you roll on an
attack, roll again and add the
Speed: 1
Umbra Shoot: 1d6
Weapon: Gama Missiles
Dodge: 1d6
Repair Bot: If you roll when you
dodge, restore 1 shield.
Stage 1
Escaping gravity into pure black netted with stars
They are nearer than we believed
I cannot fail.
Wave 1:
1d6 Ambusher (1/1)
Wave 2:
1d6+1 Bruiser (1/2)
Reinforcements: When the first enemy is destroyed roll 1d6. On a 1-2 put that
many Bruisers into play.
Wave 3:
1d6 Striker (2/1) + 1d6 Bruiser (1/2)
Wave 4:
Debaser (4/7)
Ship’s Computer
Speed Dodge
Shoot Targets
Stage 2
Their numbers show no end
But neither does my rage.
The main fleet is ahead and it will be mine.
Wave 1:
1d6 Striker (2/1)
Squadron Leader: After placing enemies, choose 1. This enemy becomes (3/2).
Wave 2:
1d6+2 Bruisers (1/2)
Wave 3:
1 Lancer (2/3) + 1d6 Hawker (2/2)
Wave 4:
Razer (5/8)
Ship’s Computer
Speed Dodge
Shoot Targets
Stage 3
The final battle?
I must clear my mind.
One battle or a hundred more, I will finish this.
Wave 1:
1d6+1 Lancer (2/3)
Wave 2:
1d6+1 Hawker (2/2)
Meteor Barrage: At the end of each turn, roll 1d6. On a 1, roll again. If you are
on this row make a dodge test.
Wave 3:
1d6-1 Dozer (3/2) - Cannot be fewer than 1 enemies
Wave 4:
Mortifier (6/12)
Ship’s Computer
Speed Dodge
Shoot Targets
High Scores
Date Score Date Score
ISBN 978-0-9972727-8-9
All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this
book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means,
without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in
reviews and/or copies of play material.