Mark "Just in Time" Williams runs a service that assembles teams to solve complex problems within tight deadlines. His teams are three times more expensive than standard jobs but can mobilize within 60 minutes of payment. Typical jobs involve a brief description, time limit, and fee offered to runners via message. Runners have three minutes to accept before receiving further instructions and meeting the team. Jobs require quick thinking under pressure to overcome unexpected challenges within the deadline. Success earns double the standard fee while failure with effort still earns a partial fee plus expenses.
Mark "Just in Time" Williams runs a service that assembles teams to solve complex problems within tight deadlines. His teams are three times more expensive than standard jobs but can mobilize within 60 minutes of payment. Typical jobs involve a brief description, time limit, and fee offered to runners via message. Runners have three minutes to accept before receiving further instructions and meeting the team. Jobs require quick thinking under pressure to overcome unexpected challenges within the deadline. Success earns double the standard fee while failure with effort still earns a partial fee plus expenses.
Mark "Just in Time" Williams runs a service that assembles teams to solve complex problems within tight deadlines. His teams are three times more expensive than standard jobs but can mobilize within 60 minutes of payment. Typical jobs involve a brief description, time limit, and fee offered to runners via message. Runners have three minutes to accept before receiving further instructions and meeting the team. Jobs require quick thinking under pressure to overcome unexpected challenges within the deadline. Success earns double the standard fee while failure with effort still earns a partial fee plus expenses.
Mark "Just in Time" Williams runs a service that assembles teams to solve complex problems within tight deadlines. His teams are three times more expensive than standard jobs but can mobilize within 60 minutes of payment. Typical jobs involve a brief description, time limit, and fee offered to runners via message. Runners have three minutes to accept before receiving further instructions and meeting the team. Jobs require quick thinking under pressure to overcome unexpected challenges within the deadline. Success earns double the standard fee while failure with effort still earns a partial fee plus expenses.
“JIT” Williams Short Order Fixer “JIT” Williams is a slim Caucasian male in his early
60s. He stands 5ft. 6in tall, with grey eyes and
white hair. His gaze is intense, and his English is inflected with a distinct New York accent.
Mark “Just in Time” Williams is the man to see when
you have a complex problem that must be solved in the next few hours. JIT specializes in assembling and equipping capable teams of problem solvers at a moment’s notice. His services cost at least three times the usual cost for a mission without time con- straints, due in advance. Once payment is made, a team will be in the field within 60 minutes. A typical assignment from JIT begins with an Edgerunner’s agent beeping with a priority mes- sage. The message includes a description of the job, an indication of how much time is available to complete the mission, and an offered fee. The run- ner has three minutes to respond with In or Out. If they are in, additional directions immediately follow. Usually, this is a location to rendezvous with the rest of the team. But, given the nature of JIT’s assign- BD 4 DX 4 CL 8 TH 7 IN 7 ments, anything is possible. Once the entire team MV 6 RF 6 WL 7 EM 5 LK 7 has been recruited, JIT will call with a briefing, deliv- Initative +6 Death Save 4 Armor Penalty 0 ered as the team is en route. JIT usually has a plan, Brawling 8 Evasion 8 Athletics 6 but with the clock ticking the team will likely have to Resist T/D 13 Endurance 8 Concentration 11 think on their feet and improvise in the face of un- HP 40 Wnd 20 Head SP 0 Body SP 7 expected challenges. A successful team earns twice Skills: Operator +6, Basic Tech +10, Bribery +14, Bu- the fee for a similar job without time constraints. A reaucracy +12, Business +10, Conversation +11, Edu- team that fails but demonstrates to the client that cation +9, First Aid +9, Handgun +13, Human Per- a serious effort was made earns 20% of the fee, plus ception +13, Interrogation +12, Language: English +11, reasonable expenses. Language: French +11, Language: Japanese +11, Lan- guage: Spanish +11, Language: Streetslang +12, Li- brary Search +9, Local expert: Pacifica +12, Percep- Using JIT in Play tion +12, Persuasion +16, Stealth +6, Streetwise +15, Use JIT as an employer when there needs to Trading +18, Wardrobe and Style +10 be a clock on the mission, or you need to take away the player characters ability to plan Cyberware: Chipware Socket, Chyron (L), Cyberau- ahead. This can be useful when the mission dio Suite, Cybereye (L), Enhanced Antibodies, Inter- objective would otherwise be easy to achieve, face plugs - neck, Interface plugs - wrist, Internal or present relatively little risk to the charac- Agent, Neural Link, Radio Scanner / Music Player, ters. It can also be used to raise the stakes and Scrambler Descrambler, Targeting Scope (L), Toxin add tension to the job. Binders Missions from JIT should test the characters Gear: 30 12mm Smart bullets ability to improvise and innovate. Require Armor: Kevlar that the characters act when information is incomplete. Force then to prioritize by threat- Attacks ening them from another angle, such as a a Brawling: +08/2d6, ROF 2 loved one in trouble elsewhere. Make them Militech “Boomer Buster”: Pistol +15/4d6, 14/MAG decide what is really important, and then sac- - Extended Magazine, Smartgun Link, 30 12mm rifice to demonstrate it. Smart bullets
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