The document provides game statistics and lore about a giant mutated alligator rumored to lurk in the sewers of Night City. Characters can make skill checks to learn different facts about the Night City Gator (NCG), such as that it is rumored to be 35 feet long with 7 eyes and gills from radiation exposure. Higher skill checks reveal the NCG's existence is unlikely as alligators are not native to the region and the sewers would not provide enough food or be hospitable living conditions. The NCG can be used as a threat or encounter for characters traveling through or near the sewers.
The document provides game statistics and lore about a giant mutated alligator rumored to lurk in the sewers of Night City. Characters can make skill checks to learn different facts about the Night City Gator (NCG), such as that it is rumored to be 35 feet long with 7 eyes and gills from radiation exposure. Higher skill checks reveal the NCG's existence is unlikely as alligators are not native to the region and the sewers would not provide enough food or be hospitable living conditions. The NCG can be used as a threat or encounter for characters traveling through or near the sewers.
The document provides game statistics and lore about a giant mutated alligator rumored to lurk in the sewers of Night City. Characters can make skill checks to learn different facts about the Night City Gator (NCG), such as that it is rumored to be 35 feet long with 7 eyes and gills from radiation exposure. Higher skill checks reveal the NCG's existence is unlikely as alligators are not native to the region and the sewers would not provide enough food or be hospitable living conditions. The NCG can be used as a threat or encounter for characters traveling through or near the sewers.
The document provides game statistics and lore about a giant mutated alligator rumored to lurk in the sewers of Night City. Characters can make skill checks to learn different facts about the Night City Gator (NCG), such as that it is rumored to be 35 feet long with 7 eyes and gills from radiation exposure. Higher skill checks reveal the NCG's existence is unlikely as alligators are not native to the region and the sewers would not provide enough food or be hospitable living conditions. The NCG can be used as a threat or encounter for characters traveling through or near the sewers.
Night City Gator BTRS-2308-2 Characters may make skills checks using the skills
below to see what they know about the Gator. They
learn every fact for which they beat the DC. Local Expert: Anywhere in Night City • DV 9: A giant gator haunts Night City’s sewers. • DV 13: My room-mate’s cousin’s dentist saw it once while on a drunken bender. • DV 15:: The Gator got mutated by the bomb. It’s 35 ft. long, has 7 eyes and gills. • DV 17: Rumors of the Gator pre-date the bomb. If BD 20 DX 6 CL 8 TH 1 IN 3 the it existed, it burned to ash with the city center. MV 5 RF 6 WL 7 EM 1 LK 0 Education Initative +8 Death Save 10 Armor Penalty 0 • DV 9: Alligators and Crocodiles are not native to Brawling 14 Evasion 10 Athletics 11 southern California. Resist T/D 9 Endurance 10 Concentration 9 • DV 13: Every city has rumors of pet gators flushed HP 80 Wnd 40 Head SP 4 Body SP 4 into the sewer. Only Florida really has them. Skills: Perception +11, Stealth +11, Tactics +5, Tracking Animal Handling +8, Wilderness Survival +13 • DV 13: Night City’s winters are to cold for reptiles. Cyberware: Anti-dazzle (12), Cybereye (12345), En- • DV 17: Gators need to bask in the sun; if the NCG hanced Antibodies, Gills, Image Enhance (34), existed it would have been spotted out of the wa- Kerenzikov Speedware, Low Light / Infrared / UV (12), ter. MultiOptic Mount, Neural Link, Radar / Sonar Im- plant, Radiation Detector (5), Toxin Binders Science: Biology • DV 9: No modern Crocodilian is as large as the NCG Attacks is supposed to be. Tail: +14/3d6 • DV 13: The sewers do not provide enough calories Bite: +14/4d6, Ignores 1/2 armor. to support a large predator. • DV 15: Pollutants accumulate in small animals, and get concentrated in apex predators. A gator in the sewers would be quickly poisoned with in- dustrial pollutants.
Using the Night City Gator
Use the Gator as a surprise the first time the character try to use the sewers to sneak around the city. After that, any plan that de- pends on going through the sewers will carry with it the risk of an encounter with the Gator. • The Gator is 2m wide, 2m tall at the shoulder, and The Gator can appear in the bay. It has 12m long. It weighs 7 tons. If using minis use a 2x6 learned that small boats contain tasty meals, mini for the Gator. and are easily sunk. • The Gator lurks beneath the water, breathing through its cybernetic gills and using its cyber- If a character is having trouble justifying a netic eyes to watch for prey. new cyberlimb, the Gator can be used to en- • The Gator flees when it is seriously wounded, or courage a continued commitment to the cy- bites off a limb. berpunk lifestyle. • When the Gator scores a critical hit with a bite at- tack and gets at least one six on the damage dice, it causes a critical injury. • When the Gator causes a critical injury with its bite, Crocodile image by Aga Marlon. use the table below to determine which critical in- jury it causes. Punk Journal is unofficial content provided under the d6 Injury Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by R. Talsorian Games. This 1-2 Dismembered Hand content references materials that are the property of R. 3-4 Dismembered Arm Talsorian Games and its licensees. 5-6 Dismembered Leg