Brian Incheck Observation 11 4 - 1
Brian Incheck Observation 11 4 - 1
Brian Incheck Observation 11 4 - 1
Sequence of Activities
-Individual student tuning / warm-up
-During individual practice time, Incheck went and asked around about students’ interest in the
Junior Regional Orchestra audition
-Tuning as a group
-Rehearsal of a song in a method book, possibly a warm-up?
-Breakdown of rehearsals/events coming up for the upcoming weeks
-Rehearsal of other piece
-Incheck has created a teacher persona leaning heavily on dry humor and a driven style of
teaching that resonates well with students.
-Incheck is driven, having a set lesson plan for class and being proactive in preventing mistakes
while also correcting mistakes quickly.
-Incheck has a very loud and goal-oriented personality where his voice fills the room
-Conducting style is very clear, giving these younger musicians very clear beat 1’s.
-Teaching is explained to students in a very straightforward way, including a breakdown of
conducting in segments where it might be confusing
-The students have been drilled on this beginning process of tuning and the daily doses of every
class. They are well disciplined in terms of not talking and knowing warm-up repertoire.
-Responsive to instructor’s instructions, sometimes needs reminders of discipline
-Incheck’s loud voice and personality is fit to drown out any type of side-talking
-Incheck regularly plays instruments in class to give a constant example to students of correct
intonation as well as technique.
-Incheck plays the parts of the numerous instruments so they students know what the parts sound
-Has a ‘toolbox’ of rehearsal techniques that the students are aware of, including ‘slow-motion’
where the students play segments at a very slow tempo.
-Exaggerates dynamics to get students to correctly play dynamics, including saying to play
segments “as loud as humanly possible”
-Does reps of smaller segments/smaller instrument groups, taking an approach of playing with
the instrument group first and then listening/assessing the improvement of the smaller rehearsal
spot without playing
Final Thoughts
I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Incheck’s class as he brings a sort of alacrity to the classroom
that engages students and promotes a drive for excellence. Incheck has a clear goal for the future
of his program and acts towards achieving this goal in his class. I particularly like Incheck’s
drive to get students to audition for groups outside his class such as Junior Regional Orchestra.
Incheck still holds a standard of quality with his students and exhibits this when expressing that
any students’ auditions must be to the standard of what Incheck wants. Incheck’s rehearsal
process and pedagogical tools is another facet of his teaching that I particularly like.