Thèse de Doctorat: Parth Raj S
Thèse de Doctorat: Parth Raj S
Thèse de Doctorat: Parth Raj S
Discipline : Électronique
Spécialité : Communications numériques
Unité de recherche : IETR UMR CNRS 6164
Président : M. Jean-Pierre C ANCES, Professeur, Université de Limoges
Rapporteurs : M. Rémy B OYER, Maître de conférences/HDR, CentraleSupélec
M. Salah B OURENNANE, Professeur, École Centrale Marseille
Directeur de thèse : M. Yide WANG, Professeur, Université de Nantes
Co-directeur de thèse : M. Pascal C HARGÉ, Professeur, Université de Nantes
4 Remerciements
French culture and cuisine. They have greatly enriched my life in France.
Finally, from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank my mother Heeramani,
my father Nanku Ram, and my little sister Divya Shail for their endless love, support
and encouragement throughout my endeavors.
La localisation des cibles est présente dans notre vie quotidienne. La plupart des
animaux et les humains sont équipés de certains types de systèmes de localisation. Le
fait d’avoir deux oreilles est la première preuve. Avoir deux oreilles aide les animaux à
localiser la direction de la source sonore. En outre, les chauves-souris utilisent des on-
des ultrasonores pour naviguer dans l’obscurité. Inspiré de la nature, le traitement des
signaux électromagnétiques et acoustiques a été étudié pendant de nombreuses décen-
nies pour localiser les sources radio et acoustiques, respectivement. La localisation de
sources est utilisée dans le radar, le sonar et même les télécommunications. Cepen-
dant, grâce à la capacité à se propager dans l’espace, à grande vitesse et à une petite
longueur d’onde des ondes radio, les radars ont de nombreux avantages par rapport
au sonar, tels qu’une résolution élevée, une réponse rapide, et une capacité de localiser
les sources aussi bien à l’intérieur d’une structure que dans l’espace.
Le radar a attiré l’attention pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale lorsqu’il a sur-
passé les capacités visuelles des humains pour détecter les avions et les navires. Le
radar a de nombreuses applications civiles et militaires qui nous permettent de l’utiliser
directement ou indirectement. Il joue un rôle dominant dans la navigation des trans-
ports comme les avions, les bateaux, les navires et les voitures intelligentes. Les radars
sont également utilisés dans les prévisions météorologiques, le suivi de météorites, la
surveillance pour des raisons de sécurité, les contrôles de la circulation, les recherches
scientifiques et bien d’autres domaines. Un radar est distingué en fonction de ses ap-
plications, du type de forme d’onde utilisé et de ses principales caractéristiques. En
conséquence, il existe de nombreuses façons de classer un système radar. Une de ces
classifications consiste à distinguer les radars passifs et actifs. Un système radar pas-
sif est composé uniquement d’antennes réceptrices. Il s’appuie sur les signaux émis
par les sources ou par une antenne de transmission non-coopérative qui illumine les
sources. D’autre part, le système radar actif contient des éléments transmetteurs et ré-
cepteurs. En raison des antennes de transmission dédiées, nous connaissons les formes
d’onde émises qui nous permettent d’extraire plus d’informations sur les cibles des
échos reçus. Initialement, des antennes directives ont été montées sur une configura-
tion mécanique rotative pour scruter la région d’intérêt. Plus tard, cette configuration
est remplacée par un réseau de déphaseurs qui peut diriger le faisceau à grande vitesse
6 Résumé
dans la région d’intérêt. Nous pouvons trouver une énorme quantité de travail sur les
techniques de la localisation de sources en utilisant des radars passifs et actifs avec
des antennes multiples. La formation de voies, MVDR, MUSIC, ESPRIT, etc. sont des
méthodes d’estimation de DOA les plus célèbres.
Depuis le début, le radar a connu de nombreuses évolutions. Récemment, la tech-
nique de communication basée sur MIMO a inspiré le développement du radar MIMO.
L’amélioration des composantes hyperfréquences et des architectures de processeurs
rapides a également joué un rôle très important dans le développement d’un radar
MIMO. Un radar MIMO se compose de plusieurs antennes d’émission et de récep-
tion comme un radar à balayage de faisceaux classique. Cependant, les antennes
d’émission dans un radar MIMO transmettent des signaux linéairement indépendants
qui peuvent être facilement identifiés par les filtres adaptés au niveau du récepteur.
Lors de l’interaction des signaux orthogonaux transmis avec les cibles, chaque signal
transmis possède individuellement des informations sur les cibles. Après les filtrages
adaptés des signaux reçus, les informations sur les cibles sont traitées afin d’extraire
les distances, les DOAs, les DODs, les vitesses, les tailles, etc. de ces cibles. Le radar
MIMO fournit une haute résolution angulaire, une grande diversité spatiale et une ex-
cellente identifiabilité des paramètres. Dans un sens large, un système de radar MIMO
peut être classé comme statistique ou cohérent. Un radar MIMO statistique a des an-
tennes largement séparées alors qu’un radar MIMO cohérent a plutôt des antennes
co-localisées. Cette thèse est consacrée aux systèmes radar MIMO avec des antennes
co-localisées, précisément, un système MIMO bistatique dont les réseaux d’émission
et de réception avec antennes co-localisées sont séparés d’une grande distance.
En fonction de la distance d’une cible par rapport au centre du réseau d’antennes,
la cible peut être considérée comme située en champ proche ou en champ lointain de
ce réseau. En champ lointain, le front d’onde sphérique d’une onde est approximé
comme planaire. La plupart des méthodes de localisation de sources existantes sont
consacrées à la situation du champ lointain. Cependant, la localisation de cibles en
champ proche est également importante en raison de ses nombreuses applications,
notamment à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Dans la zone du champ proche d’un réseau, le
front d’onde sphérique d’un signal source ne peut plus être considéré comme planaire.
Afin de réduire la non-linéarité du modèle exact du signal basé sur le front d’onde
sphérique et de simplifier les algorithmes de localisation, le front d’onde sphérique est
souvent approximé en quadrique (surface quadratique) en utilisant les termes de deux
premiers ordres de l’expansion de Taylor (appelé aussi approximation de Fresnel).
Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode pour localiser des
cibles en champ proche d’un système MIMO bistatique en utilisant l’approximation
de Fresnel. Dans le cas du MIMO bistatique en champ proche, nous devons estimer
quatre paramètres pour chaque cible, à savoir, la direction du départ par rapport au
Résumé 7
• La première méthode proposée basée sur le modèle exacte s’inspire d’une méth-
ode basée sur le modèle approximé existante pour localiser les cibles en champ
proche d’un radar MIMO bistatique. L’idée principale de travailler avec le mod-
èle exact du signal, est d’estimer d’abord directement les vecteurs directionnels,
puis d’en extraire les paramètres de localisation. Par conséquent, la méthode pro-
posée basée sur le modèle exacte utilise une technique s’appuyant sur les sous-
espaces pour estimer les vecteurs directionnels. À partir des vecteurs direction-
nels estimés, nous pouvons alors extraire les longueurs relatives des chemins.
Elles peuvent être utilisées pour obtenir un système surdéterminé d’équations
linéaires qui peut être résolu par un estimateur des moindres carrés pour obtenir
les paramètres de localisation. L’extraction des longueurs de chemin relatives à
partir du vecteur directionnel nécessite un déroulement (phase unwrapping) et
une correction du décalage de phase. Le déroulement de phase est nécessaire car
les composants des vecteurs directionnels sont complexes et leurs phases ne peu-
vent être récupérées que dans leur domaine principal, tandis que les longueurs
des chemins relatives sont directement proportionnelles aux phases réelles des
composants complexes des vecteurs directionnels. Le déroulement fournit habituelle-
ment des phases décalées qui peuvent être corrigées à partir du fait que la phase
de la composante de référence devrait être nulle. Ainsi, en soustrayant la phase
du composant de référence des phases restantes, on obtient les estimations des
longueurs de trajets relatives. Les longueurs de parcours estimées peuvent être
utilisées pour estimer les paramètres de localisation en utilisant la procédure util-
isée par la deuxième méthode de correction proposée.
La comparaison entre les deux méthodes proposées basées sur le modèle exacte
révèle que la méthode basée sur PARAFAC a des performances légèrement meilleures,
notamment parce que la première méthode n’utilise pas la totalité de l’information
disponible. Les méthodes basées sur le modèle exacte n’ont pas de contrainte sur la
10 Résumé
distance inter-élément du réseau d’antennes, donc elles sont applicables aux réseaux
d’antennes avec un espacement entre éléments à demi-longueur d’onde.
En conclusion, dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé deux méthodes de localisation
de sources basées sur le modèle exact, une méthode basée sur le modèle approximé
et deux méthodes de correction pour la localisation de sources en champ proche d’un
système MIMO bistatique.
Remerciements 3
Résumé 5
List of Figures 15
List of Algorithms 17
List of Acronyms 19
Notations 21
Introduction 23
1 Radar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.1 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.2 Passive and Active Radar Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.3 Array Based Radar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2 MIMO Radar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.1 Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2 Classification of MIMO Radar Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3 State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4 Organization of this Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5 List of Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1 Signal Model 35
1.1 Target Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.2 Modeling of Bistatic MIMO System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1.3 Modeling of Near Field Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.3.1 Fresnel Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.3.2 Wavefront Approximation in Near Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.3.3 Symmetric Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1.4 Signal Model in Cartesian Coordinates System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
12 Contents
3 Correction Methods 65
3.1 Approximation Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.2 LUT Based Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.2.1 LUT Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.2.2 Correction using LUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.3 Correction using Estimated Accurate Relative Propagation Path Length
Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.3.1 Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.3.2 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.4 Four Location Parameters to Cartesian Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.5 Numerical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Conclusion 91
1 Conclusions and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Appendices 95
Bibliography 111
List of Figures
16 List of Figures
2.7 RMSE in DOA estimated by the method in [1] and the proposed method
versus SNR. The CRLBs are calculated using (1.41). . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.1 Tensorization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.2 RMSE in the position estimated by the proposed methods described in
section 4.1 and section 4.2 versus SNR. de = dr = λ/2, K = 103 , L = 103 ,
M = 8, N = 9, mo = 1, no = 1, and P = 2. The CRLBs are calculated
using (1.43) and (1.45). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.3 RMSE in the position estimated by the proposed methods described in
section 2.2, section 4.1, and section 4.2 versus SNR. de = dr = λ/4,
K = 103 , L = 103 , M = 7, N = 9, mo = 4, no = 5, and P = 2. The CRLBs
are calculated using (1.43) and (1.45). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
A.1 Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.1;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
A.2 Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.2;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
A.3 Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.3;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
A.4 Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.4;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
A.5 Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.5;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
A.6 Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.6;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
List of Acronyms
EM ElectroMagnetic
ESPRIT Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques
LS Least Squares
LUT Look Up Table
20 List of Acronyms
a, α, A Scalar
a, α Vector
A Matrix
A 3-way tensor
[·]T Transpose
[·]∗ Conjugate
[·] H Hermitian transpose (conjugate transpose)
[·]† Left pseudo inverse
[·]−1 Inverse of a square matrix
E{·} Expectation
k · kF Frobenius norm
j −1
<{ a} Real part of a
={ a} Imaginary part of a
| a| Absolute value of a
arg{ a} Argument of a
∠{ a } Principal value of a
IN N × N identity matrix
JN N × N exchange matrix
0N N × 1 zeros vector
0N N × N zeros matrix
1N N × N ones matrix
1 M× N M × N ones matrix
N1 Set of all natural numbers without zero
Z Set of all integers
R Set of all real numbers
C Set of all complex numbers
card(·) Cardinal number of a set
Hadamard product
⊗ Kronecker product
Khatri-Rao product (column wise Kronecker product)
22 Notations
RAdio Detection And Ranging (RADAR) has been an important research topic
since many decades. Even now, its development is continuing with a steady pace.
To begin, we summarize the transition of radar technology from conventional to Mul-
tiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system with its applications, classifications, and
advantages. MIMO system based radars are the recent kinds of radar systems which
have shown better performance as compared to the conventional radar systems. Con-
sequently, the radar systems with MIMO technology are currently a hot topic of re-
search. The development of signal processing techniques linked to the MIMO radar
systems is discussed under the state of the art. And at last, the organization of this
dissertation is provided, followed by the list of related publications.
1 Radar
Radar is a localization system which analyses the received ElectroMagnetic (EM)
signals to detect, locate, and track the objects in its range. It is because, when an EM
wave interacts with an object, the property of the wave changes based on the charac-
teristics of the objects like distance, velocity, shape, and size. By analyzing the echoed
signal, we can extract the information regarding the characteristics of that object. Ac-
cording to the historical records, it all started in 1886, when Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
decided to practically test the EM theory developed by James Clerk Maxwell. He fur-
ther studied the reflection of the radio waves by different dielectric substances. The
frequency of a radio wave may vary from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. However, the preferred
frequency range in radar is 25 MHz to 70 GHz. Inspired by the work of Hertz, many
researchers worked on the radar systems which were less attractive field at that time.
Many successful experiments like radio telegraphy, detection of ships and aircrafts,
radar based altimeter, range finding, etc. were already performed using continuous
and pulsed waveforms. However, the radar development only accelerated in World
War II for military applications. After the war, the research bent towards the civilian
applications. Since then, it has gone through a lot of improvements and it is still an
active field of research. Parallel researches on the electronics and microwave devices
like processors, magnetrons, klystrons, traveling-wave tubes, mixers, filters, etc. have
24 Introduction
1.1 Applications
The primary objective of inventing the radar was to locate the aircrafts and ships
in World War II. However, after the end of the war the radar is also developed for the
civilian applications. It is now used for navigation. Modern aircrafts are equipped
with altimeter and weather radars to increase safety. Altimeter radar can also be used
to map the ground from air. Weather radar provides a large resource for the weather
forecast. Radar is very useful in navigation when optical visibility is poor. Doppler
radars are used in road safety by detecting speedy vehicles. Radar can also be used
for surveillance to secure the public places like airports, museums, concerts, politically
sensitive conferences, metro trains, etc. Radar is still used by the military to detect,
track, and guide missiles for national security. During the world wars, many land
mines were buried underground which can still be active. Ground penetration radar
can be used to detect those land mines in order to disable them. Not only the land
mines, the ground penetration radar can also be used to explore ancient ruins without
physically exploiting them. Radar also contributes in the researches related to astron-
omy, civil engineering, medicines, etc. [4–6].
A radar is distinguished based on its applications, type of waveform used, and its
significant feature. As a result, there are many ways in which a radar system can be
classified. Consequently, here we only discuss the classification concerning the passive
and active radar systems which are shown in Figure 1.
Passive radar system only contains receiver. It simply listens to the EM signals
emitted or reflected by the targets. Since it has no dedicated transmitter, the targets
which do not emit their own signals can not be detected in the absence of any EM
wave broadcasting source. However, this drawback makes it nearly undetectable to
the surveillance radar.
On the other hand, active radar system contains transmitter along with the receiver.
To locate a target, the receiver processes the reflections of the known signal broadcast
by its dedicated transmitter. Since, we know the waveform of the transmitted signal,
we can extract more information about the target from the echo of transmitted known
signals. MIMO systems fall under active radar [7].
1. Radar 25
Receiver Transmitter
Passive Radar Station Active Radar
(a) Passive Radar System (b) Active Radar System
putation complexity of this method is close to the root MUSIC, however lower than
the spectral MUSIC. Mean Square Error (MSE) of the DOAs estimated by root MUSIC
is lower than that by ESPRIT [17]. In [16], the authors have claimed that ESPRIT has
more robustness with imperfect array than MUSIC method. Subspace based methods
like MUSIC and ESPRIT usually use eigendecomposition which adds high computa-
tional complexity to these techniques. Propagator Method (PM) is a subspace based
method that doesn’t use eigendecomposition, however provides satisfactory perfor-
mance as compared to the MUSIC techniques [18]. RAnk REduction (RARE) is another
subspace based method which shows performance comparable to the other subspace
based methods [19]. There are many other localization methods such as minimum-
norm, linear prediction, etc. for DOA estimation [20–22]. Almost all of the above
mentioned methods focus on the far field region of a standard linear array. However,
they were also developed further to deal with other array geometries and situations.
As a result, there exist many variations of these methods in the literature concerning
sources localization.
2 MIMO Radar
The idea of MIMO communication [29–31] was stretched out to MIMO radar [32,
33]. A MIMO system consists of multiple transmitting and receiving antennas. These
antennas may be placed in distributed or colocated manner. Each transmitting an-
tenna emits a waveform orthogonal to the waveform transmitted by the remaining
transmitting antennas. This orthogonality may exist in the signal space, time domain,
or frequency domain [34]. The receiving array receives the superposition of the echoes
of the transmitted signals after their interaction with the targets. The acquired signal at
each receiving antenna is then passed through the matched filters. The orthogonality
between the transmitted signal allows the matched filters to identify the known trans-
mitted signals in the received signal at each receiving antenna [35, 36]. Consequently,
we collect the number of transmitting antennas times the number of receiving anten-
nas data points at a time instance. Because of the advancements in the computation
capabilities, we can apply complicated signal processing techniques on the data col-
lected at the receiver of a MIMO radar [37]. A MIMO radar can also be considered
as an upgrade to the active phased array radars. The major difference between the
two is that a phased array radar transmits weighted versions of the same signal wave-
form whereas in a MIMO radar each transmitting antenna emits linearly independent
waveforms [38].
2.1 Advantages
A MIMO radar is an active radar therefore it inherits the merits and demerits of an
active radar. Multiple paths in a channel may cause fading of the signals. Due to the
multiple transmitting and receiving antennas, this fading phenomenon can be mini-
mized to a great extent [37,39]. The ability to uniquely identify the targets is known as
parameter identifiability. Due to the use of linearly independent transmitted signals,
MIMO radar has waveform diversity which provides high parameter identifiability as
compared to a phased array radar with same number of transmitting and receiving an-
tennas [40]. In other words, a MIMO radar can unambiguously identify more targets
than a phased array radar.
RCS at the other locations. These spatially diverse targets can not easily hide from a
MIMO radar with widely separated antennas.
In a coherent MIMO radar, the transmitting and receiving antennas are colocated.
Based on the number of colocated antennas arrays and the separation between the
transmitting and receiving arrays, a coherent MIMO radar can be classified as a mono-
static, bistatic, or multistatic. In monostatic MIMO radar, the transmitting and receiv-
ing arrays overlap. Therefore, the DOA and Direction Of Departure (DOD) for a target
are same. If the surface of target facing the radar has small RCS, the monostatic radar
may not detect it. This situation can be overcome by using a bistatic MIMO radar in
which the transmitting array is placed far from the receiving array [37]. Because of the
large separation between the transmitting and receiving arrays, a bistatic MIMO radar
has more degrees of freedom than a monostatic MIMO radar [37]. In a monostatic
MIMO radar, DOA is equal to DOD, therefore the signal model is simple as compared
to a bistatic MIMO radar and as a result, a monostatic MIMO radar requires estimating
only one direction for each target [43–48]. A multistatic MIMO radar contains many
transmitting and receiving arrays. The antennas in these arrays are locally colocated
however the arrays are widely separated. This increases the spatial diversity of the
mutistatic MIMO radar. It can also be considered as a combination of the statistical
and coherent MIMO radars. The colocated antennas in these radar provide high an-
gular resolution and detection sensitivity [32, 49]. The work in this thesis only deals
with a bistatic MIMO radar which has more spatial diversity than a monostatic MIMO
radar and less complexity than a multistatic MIMO radar.
(Widely separated antennas)
(Colocated antennas)
Beside the subspaces based methods, there are factor analysis methods to estimate
DOD, DOA and Doppler shift. Uniqueness and rotation of factors analysis were dis-
cussed in [60–62]. Using factor analysis, Tucker decomposition was proposed to de-
compose a three dimensional tensor into three matrices (2-D tensors) and one 3-D
tensor factors [63]. In 1969, an attempt was made to define the rank of tensors by
taking the rank of matrices as a reference [64]. In 1970, PARAllel FACtor (PARAFAC)
and CANonical DECOMPosition (CANDECOMP) trilinear decompostions were intro-
duced independently in [65] and [66] respectively. In 1972, Harshman introduced
Parallel factor for cross-product matrices (PARAFAC2) [67]. In this, he also discussed
about the algorithm and uniqueness of PARAFAC2 model. J. B. Kruskul extended
the matrix rank to the rank of multi-way array and provided a relation between the
30 Introduction
uniqueness and the rank of 3-way array for PARAFAC [68–70]. In [71], Harshman and
Lundy reviewed on direct and indirect fitting of PARAFAC, PARAFAC2 and PARAFAC–
TUCKER (PARATUCK) models. In 1997, Rasmus Bro published tutorial and applica-
tions of PARAFAC under Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems [72]. In
this, he discussed about the uniqueness and rank of multi-way arrays. He also summa-
rized Trilinear Alternating Least Squares (TALS) and three different ways to speed it
up. He used chemometric examples to show his finding. He further elaborated multi-
way analysis for food industry in his PhD thesis [73]. His team also proposed a direct
fitting algorithm for PARAFAC2 [74] and used it in fluorescence spectroscopy [75].
Sensor array processing became an application of PARAFAC [76, 77]. In 1999, COM-
plex parallel FACtor (COMFAC) was introduced which dealt with PARAFAC for tri-
linear complex valued data [78]. University of Copenhagen, has provided free N-way
toolbox for MATrix LABoratory (MATLAB) [79]. This toolbox contains the updated
versions of useful functions, algorithms and documents. To avoid confusions, [80]
proposed standard notations for the tensors and operations on it. Uniqueness, being
an important characteristics of tensor decomposition, was extended from trilinear to
multilinear case [81]. The multi-way analysis has became a part of multilinear (tensor)
algebra [82, 83]. The tensor algebra can be considered as a super set of linear alge-
bra [84, 85].
Many fitting algorithms were proposed for PARAFAC to decompose tensor. How-
ever, among those TALS was found to have better performance [86]. TALS some-
time converges very slowly between initial and final state. Since, TALS convergences
time depends upon the size of tensor, therefore some techniques were proposed using
Tucker method to compress its size [87, 88]. In TALS, the initialization also plays a
significant role in convergence and avoiding local minima. Few initialization method
like Generalized Rank Annihilation Method (GRAM), Direct TriLinear Decomposition
(DTLD) were also helpful to accelerate the convergences [89–92]. Another solution to
speed up the convergence of TALS is line search. Line search was initially used in [65]
with a constant step size (1.25). Later, another iteration dependent step size (cube root
of iteration) was proposed which performed better than constant step size [73]. In 2008,
enhanced line search algorithm for real valued tensors was proposed in which step size
was a factor that minimizes the cost function [93]. Following this research work, the al-
gorithm was extended to complex valued tensors [94]. The above mentioned methods
have greatly improved TALS performance. However, due to the increase in the area of
applications, fast TALS was proposed for multi-way tensors which achieved memory
and time benefits over previous TALS algorithms [95].
The localization using MIMO radar can be considered as a trilinear algebra prob-
lem which was the most common data structure in tensor decomposition research. In
case of bistatic MIMO radar, the performance of PARAFAC was proved much bet-
3. State of the Art 31
ter in terms of computation time and estimation error as compared to 2-D spectral
Capon [96]. In mutistatic and bistatic case, the performance of PARAFAC was found
better than 2-D spectral subspace techniques with considerable resolution [97]. Due to
trilinear decomposition, DOA, DOD and Doppler frequency were estimated jointly for
a bistatic MIMO radar using PARAFAC [98]. In 2014, PARAFAC-MUSIC was proposed
in which the estimated Doppler frequencies were fed again to the matched filters bank
to cancel the effect of Doppler shift and estimated DOA (monostatic) using filtered
signal with the help of MUSIC [99]. PARAFAC-MUSIC showed reduction in estima-
tion error of DOA as compared to PARAFAC and MUSIC. A Reduced Dimensional
PARAllel FACtor (RD-PARAFAC) was proposed for monostaic MIMO radar configu-
ration and compared with Cramér–Rao Lower Bound (CRLB), PARAFAC, ESPRIT and
PM [100]. According to the results in [100], RD-PARAFAC outperformed other meth-
ods and for low SNR, PM showed high estimation error. Tensor-ESPRIT showed less
angle estimation error as compared to PARAFAC [101].
All the above mentioned methods are dedicated to the far field targets localization
using bistatic MIMO radar. Very few methods can be found in the existing literature
which can deal with the localization of near field targets using bistatic MIMO radar
even though near field sources localization techniques using passive array radar are
under constant development [1, 23, 25–28, 102]. In this thesis, we try to fill this gap
related to the targets in the near field region of a bistatic MIMO radar. The near field
region of an array can not be mathematically modeled the same as its far field region
because the far field assumptions in near field region may lead to a significant estima-
tion error. For a point like target, the signal wavefront is spherical which has a non-
linear mathematical expression. Taylor expansion is used on this expression to reduce
its nonlinearity making the localization procedure relatively simple. Based on this ap-
proximated model, [26] presents a subspaces based technique to localize the targets
in the near field region of a pseudo-monostatic MIMO radar. Inspired by their work,
another method was proposed for the near field region of a bistatic MIMO radar [1].
Due to the combination of the near field situation and bistatic MIMO radar, we need
to estimate four localization parameters viz. DOD, DOA, and two ranges belonging to
the transmitting and receiving arrays. The basic strategy in most of the existing meth-
ods for the near field sources localization is to estimate DOAs before the estimation of
their corresponding ranges. This strategy can work fine with the approximated model,
however it won’t work correctly for the accurate model. In this thesis, we present some
novel methods to deal with the two models.
32 Introduction
This dissertation deals with some localization techniques to estimate the positions
of the targets in the near field region of a bistatic MIMO system. To explain the meth-
ods, we need firstly to provide the signal model. Thus, in chapter 1, we formulate
the signal model of a bistatic MIMO system. We start with a brief explanation of the
modeling of targets in section 1.1, because the echoed signals have space-time varying
random gains due to the interaction with the targets. There exists a huge amount of
work on a bistatic MIMO system, thus, its signal model is easily available in the exist-
ing literature on it. In section 1.3, we explain the model of the near field region of a
bistatic MIMO radar. Near field region, also referred to as Fresnel region, of an array
of antennas is a finite 3D space. This finite region is bounded by the upper and lower
limits of the radial distance from the center of the array. We also give the expressions
to compute these limits in the same section. Approximation of the model is a common
practice while dealing with the Fresnel region. The change in the signal model due
to the Fresnel approximation of the spherical wavefront is elaborated in section 1.3.2.
Another common practice in the near field sources localization methods is the use of
symmetric Uniform Linear Array (ULA) whose mathematical meaning is provided in
section 1.3.3. While locating a near field source using a linear array, its distance from
the array’s reference point and its angle at that reference point with respect to the axis
of the array constitute its location parameters. In a bistatic MIMO system with linear
arrays, we have four such location parameters belonging to the transmitting and re-
ceiving arrays. However, in 3D space we need only three coordinates. Additionally, it
is more practical to visualize and analyze the location of target in terms of Cartesian co-
ordinates. Thus, in section 1.4, we restate the signal model in terms of three Cartesian
coordinates. To analyze the estimation accuracy of an estimator, the Root Mean Square
Error (RMSE) of the estimated parameter is compared against its CRLB which serves
as a benchmark. The expression to calculate the CRLBs of the location parameters of
the targets in the near field region of a bistatic MIMO system can easily be found in the
related work. Section 1.5 is dedicated to the expression used to calculate the CRLB of
the location parameters in the bistatic MIMO case.
Chapter 2 contains two localization methods which use Fresnel approximation based
signal model. Section 2.1 provides a summary of an existing near field target localiza-
tion method using bistatic MIMO system which is used in this work to compare with
our proposed methods. This method has very low computational complexity but the
maximum number of localizable targets solely depends on the number of sensors in the
receiving array. Contrary to it, the proposed method in section 2.2 is computationally
costly however it can locate more number of targets by exploiting the MIMO technol-
ogy. In section 2.3, we compare the RMSE of the four location parameters estimated by
4. Organization of this Dissertation 33
In chapter 4, we describe two proposed methods which can directly handle the
accurate model. Both methods use the same strategy in which the directional vec-
tors are estimated firstly and then the unbiased location parameters are extracted from
them. The method in section 4.1 is based on the subspace based technique whereas
the method in section 4.2 uses tensor decomposition to estimate the directional vec-
tors. Section 4.3 shows an example in which we compare the mean squares of position
errors of the proposed methods against CRLB and a method which uses Fresnel ap-
• Parth Raj Singh, Yide Wang, and Pascal Chargé, “An Exact Model-Based Method
for Near-Field Sources Localization with Bistatic MIMO System”, Sensors 17 (4),
723, 2017. [104]
• Parth Raj Singh, Yide Wang, and Pascal Chargé, “A Correction Method for the
Near Field Approximated Model Based Localization Techniques”, Elsevier Digi-
tal Signal Processing 67, pp. 76–80, 2017. [105]
• Parth Raj Singh, Yide Wang, and Pascal Chargé, “Performance Enhancement of
Approximated Model Based Near Field Sources Localisation Techniques”, IET
Signal Processing 11(7), pp. 825–829, 2017. [106]
• Parth Raj Singh, Yide Wang, and Pascal Chargé, “Near Field Targets Localization
Using Bistatic MIMO System with Symmetric Arrays”, EUSIPCO, pages 2467–
2471, Kos island, Greece, August 2017. [107]
• Parth Raj Singh, Yide Wang, and Pascal Chargé, “Near Field Targets Localization
Using Bistatic MIMO System with Spherical Wavefront Based Model”, EUSIPCO,
pages 2472–2476, Kos island, Greece, August 2017. [108]
Signal Model
In this chapter, we discuss the necessary mathematical models useful for under-
standing the context of the following chapters. At first, we introduce the distributions
often used to model a complex target followed by the commonly used model of the
received signal in a bistatic MIMO radar system. Next, we describe the signal model
with Fresnel approximation in the near field region followed by the effect of this ap-
proximation. We also reformulate the signal model in Cartesian coordinates. At last,
we provide the expressions to obtain the CRLBs of the location parameters for the
signal models concerning spherical wavefront, quadric wavefront, and Cartesian coor-
36 Chapter 1. Signal Model
tuating. Nearly spherical objects generate negligible scintillation, thus, they fall under
nonfluctuating targets [109]. The RCS of a fluctuating target is not easily tractable.
As a result, the reflection coefficient of a fluctuating target is modeled as a random
process [110]. Swerling cases are the most recognized models for the fluctuating tar-
gets [34, 109, 110]. Swerling cases I and II are applicable to non spherical targets with
more than one large reflectors as compared to the wavelength of impinging signal like
airplanes. Swerling cases III and IV are used to describe the targets with one large
reflector and some small reflectors like ships. Swerling case zero is for nonfluctuating
targets like meteors. In case of Swerling cases I and III, the power of the reflected signal
from a target is nearly constant for all the pulses in a single scan but greatly changes
from scan to scan. In the case of Swerling cases II and IV, the power fluctuates from
pulse to pulse even in a single scan [109]. These cases are not enough to model the
behavior of every fluctuating target [111]. There exist different distributions to model
different complex targets, among which Rayleigh is mostly opted [4]. Hence, we use
complex targets with Rayleigh distributed reflected signal gain.
h iT
ae p = ae (ρe p , θe p ) = ae(1, p) , · · · , ae(mo −1, p) , 1, ae(mo +1, p) , · · · , ae( M, p) (1.2)
h iT
ar p = ar (ρr p , θr p ) = ar( p, 1) , · · · , ar( p, no −1) , 1, ar( p, no +1) , · · · , ar( p, N ) (1.3)
1.2. Modeling of Bistatic MIMO System 37
( ρ e p , θ e p , ρr p , θr p )
ρe p
δ e (m
de θe p
1 m mo − 1 mo mo + 1 mo + 2 M
where mo and no are the indexes of the reference elements of the transmitting and re-
ceiving arrays, respectively, ae(m, p) = aem (ρe p , θe p ) = exp(− j 2 π δe(m, p) /λ), and ar( p, n) =
arn (ρr p , θr p ) = exp(− j 2 π δr( p, n) /λ). m ∈ {1, 2, · · · , mo , · · · , M} and n ∈ {1, 2, · · · ,
no , · · · , N } are the indexes of the antennas of the respective arrays. λ is the wavelength
of the carrier. As shown in Figure 1.1, δe(m, p) is the difference between the distance trav-
eled by the transmitted signal from the mth transmitting antenna to the pth target and
the distance traveled by the transmitted signal from the mo th transmitting antenna to
the pth target, which can be expressed for ULA as
δe(m, p) = δem (ρe p , θe p ) = ρ2e p + (m − mo )2 d2e − 2 (m − mo ) de ρe p cos θe p − ρe p (1.4)
where ρe p and θe p are respectively the range and DOD of the pth target with respect to
the reference transmitting antenna indexed by mo , and de is the inter-element spacing
in the transmitting ULA. Similarly, δr( p, n) is the difference between the distance traveled
by the reflected signal from the pth target to the nth receiving antenna and the distance
traveled by the reflected signal from the pth target to the no th receiving antenna, which
can be expressed for ULA as
δr( p, n) = δrn (ρr p , θr p ) = ρ2r p + (n − no )2 d2r − 2 (n − no ) dr ρr p cos θr p − ρr p (1.5)
where ρr p and θr p are, respectively, the range and DOA of the pth target with respect
to the reference receiving antenna indexed by no and dr is the inter-element spacing in
the receiving ULA [23].
38 Chapter 1. Signal Model
Additionally, let
h iT
δe p = δe (ρe p , θe p ) = δe1 (ρe p , θe p ), δe2 (ρe p , θe p ), · · · , δe M (ρe p , θe p ) ∈ RM (1.6)
h iT
δr p = δr (ρr p , θr p ) = δr1 (ρr p , θr p ), δr2 (ρr p , θr p ), · · · , δr N (ρr p , θr p ) ∈ R N . (1.7)
δem (ρe p , θe p ) and δrn (ρr p , θr p ) can be called as accurate relative propagation path lengths,
which make δe (ρe p , θe p ) and δr (ρr p , θr p ), the accurate relative propagation path length
vectors respectively.
F = 2 D2 /λ (1.9)
where D is the largest dimension of the array shown in Figure 1.2. Bistatic MIMO sys-
tem has two arrays, therefore, we have three near field regions. Two near field regions
correspond to the arrays and one to the whole system. This work mostly focuses on
the shared near field regions of the arrays. For the transmitting and receiving ULAs,
D = ( M − 1) de and D = ( N − 1) dr respectively. Let F̆e and F e be the lower and upper
limits of the Fresnel region of the transmitting array and F̆r and Fr be the lower and
upper limits of the Fresnel region of the receiving array respectively.
Far-field region
Far-field region
F̆ = 0.6
2 D3
Near-field region
Transmitting ULA : D = ( M − 1)de
Receiving ULA : D = ( N − 1) dr
(n − no )2 d2r ( n − n o ) dr
ϑr( p, n) = − 2 cos θr p . (1.11)
ρ2r p ρr p
The square root term of (1.10) is usually approximated by using Maclaurin series
(Taylor series centered at the origin), given by [2, 23, 24]
q 1 1 1
1 + ϑr( p, n) = 1 + ϑr( p, n) − ϑr2( p, n) + ϑr3( p, n) + · · · , ∀ |ϑr( p, n) | < 1 (1.12)
2" 8 16 #
1 (n − no )2 d2r ( n − n o ) dr
= 1+ −2 cos θr p
2 ρ2r p ρr p
1 (n − no )2 d2r (n − no )3 d3r
− 4 cos θ rp − 4 cos θr p
8 ρ2r p ρ3r p
(n − no )4 d4r
+ +··· (1.13)
ρ4r p
( n − n o ) dr ( n − n )2 d2
o r 2
= 1− cos θr p + sin θr p + γr( p, n) (1.14)
ρr p 2 ρ2r p
where γr( p,n) represents the remainder with higher degree terms.
The maximum positive and minimum negative values of n − no can be obtained
when no = 1 and no = N at n = N and n = 1 respectively. We have max{(n −
no )} = N − 1 and min{(n − no )} = 1 − N. Also, ϑr( p, n) is inversely proportional to ρr p .
40 Chapter 1. Signal Model
Therefore, ϑr( p, n) achieves maximum value when ρr p = F̆r . Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4
show the variation of |ϑr( p, n) | for the two cases at dr = λ/2. It can be observed that
the curves in the two figures are mirror images of each other at θr p = 90◦ . Thus,
exploring n − no > 0 situation is sufficient to understand n − no < 0 situation. For the
completeness, Figure 1.5 shows the variation of |ϑr( p, n) | with θr p for some vital values
of N when dr = λ/4. Form the figures and (1.11), we can say that |ϑr( p, n) | is maximum
at ρr p = F̆r with θr p = 180◦ and max{(n − no )} or θr p = 0◦ and min{(n − no )}.
|ϑ(p,N) |; ρrp = F̆r and no = 1 N = 20
N = 30
N = 40
|ϑr(p, N )| (λ)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θrp (degree)
(n − no )2 d2r ( n − n o ) dr
−1 < − 2 cos θr p < 1 (1.15)
ρ2r p ρr p
N = 20 |ϑ(p,1)|; ρrp = F̆r and no = N
N = 30
N = 40
|ϑr(p, 1 )| (λ)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θrp (degree)
|ϑ(p,N) |; ρrp = F̆r and no = 1
N = 50
N = 60
N = 70
|ϑr(p, N )| (λ)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θrp (degree)
(n − no )2 d2r + ρ2r p n o
> max cos θr p (1.17)
2 ( n − n o ) dr ρr p
(n − no )2 d2r − ρ2r p n o
< min cos θr p . (1.18)
2 ( n − n o ) dr ρr p
As we know that −1 ≤ cos θr p ≤ 1. Therefore, we can say
ρ2r p − (n − no )2 d2r > 2 (n − no ) dr ρr p . (1.20)
Furthermore, ρ2r p + (n − no )2 d2r > ρ2r p − (n − no )2 d2r , thus, inequality (1.20) is a suf-
ficient condition for the convergence of (1.12). This inequality can further be used to
calculate the minimum value of range for which the Fresnel approximation is valid. To
obtain that, we need to rewrite (1.20) as
√ √
ρr p − (1 + 2)(n − no ) dr ρr p − (1 − 2)(n − no ) dr > 0. (1.21)
In this inequality, ρr p − (1 − 2)(n − no ) dr > 0 when n − no > 0, therefore ρr p >
(1 + 2)(n − no ) dr is a necessary condition for the convergence of (1.12).
In the Fresnel region with Fresnel approximation, ρr p ≥ F̆r > 0 and ρr p > (1 +
2)(n − no ) dr for n − no > 0. Figure 1.6 and Figure 1.7 show these bounds as a func-
tion of N for dr equal to λ/2 and λ/4 respectively. As compared to F̆r , (1 + 2)(n −
no ) dr is linear and grows slowly with the increase of the number of array elements.
This linear bound can not be ignored in the arrays with small aperture. The similar
conclusion can be made for the transmitting array.
From the approach similar to n − no > 0 situation, we can say that ρ2r p − (n − no )2 d2r >
−2 (n − no ) dr ρr p is a necessary condition for the convergence of (1.12) when n − no <
0, which gives ρr p > −(1 + 2)(n − no ) dr . Finally, we can simply say that for the
convergence of (1.12),
ρr p > (1 + 2)|n − no | dr (1.23)
1.3. Modeling of Near Field Targets 43
ρrp (λ)
( 2 + 1) (N − 1) dr
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
ρrp (λ)
10 ( 2 + 1) (N − 1) dr
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
is the necessary condition for any possible value of n. The maximum positive and
minimum negative values of n − no can be combined as max{|n − no |} = N − 1. By
using this in (1.23) at ρr p = F̆r , we can get
N > λ((1 + 2)/0.62)2 /dr (1.24)
which when substituted with dr = λ/2 and dr = λ/4 gives N > 30.3248 and N >
60.6496. The same results can be graphically validated from Figure 1.3, Figure 1.6, and
Figure 1.7. Here, the value of N decreases with the increase of ρr p and this constraint
totally vanishes when ρr p > (1 + 2)( N − 1) dr .
In far field situation, only
first degree term of (1.14) is used [41, 97], which gives
δr( p,n) ≈ −(n − no ) dr cos θr p . While in case of near field, where the second degree
term is also used, the approximated relative path length is given by [2, 3, 23, 24]
where ωr p = dr cos(θr p ) and φr p = d2r sin2 (θr p )/(2 ρr p ). Similarly, δe(m, p) is approxi-
mated as
and h iT
a er (ρr p , θr p ) = e
er p = a ar( p, 1) , · · · , e
ar( p, no −1) , 1, e
ar( p, no +1) , · · · , e
ar( p, N ) (1.29)
e s(t) + w(t)
ye(t) = A (1.30)
with A ee er where A
A ee = [ a
ee 1 , a
ee 2 , · · · , a er = [ a
eeP ] and A er1 , a
er2 , · · · , a
erP ].
Similar to (1.6) and (1.7), let
h iT
δee p = δee (ρe p , θe p ) = δee1 (ρe p , θe p ), δee2 (ρe p , θe p ), · · · , δee M (ρe p , θe p ) ∈ R M (1.31)
1.3. Modeling of Near Field Targets 45
h iT
δer p = δer (ρr p , θr p ) = δer1 (ρr p , θr p ), δer2 (ρr p , θr p ), · · · , δer N (ρr p , θr p ) ∈ R N . (1.32)
and " #
ωr p
δer p = δer (ρr p , θr p ) = δer (ωr p , φr p ) = N (1.34)
φr p
" #T
−(1 − mo ) −(2 − mo ) · · · 1 0 −1 · · · −( M − mo )
M= ∈ R M ×2
(1 − m o )2 (2 − m o )2 · · · 1 0 1 ··· ( M − m o )2
" #T
−(1 − no ) −(2 − no ) · · · 1 0 −1 · · · −( N − no )
N= ∈ R N ×2 . (1.36)
(1 − n o )2 (2 − n o )2 · · · 1 0 1 ··· ( N − n o )2
ρrp (λ)
2 √
( 2 + 1) N̆ dr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ρrp (λ)
2 F̆r
( 2 + 1) N̆ dr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
symmetric array which give N̆ > 3.7906 and N̆ > 7.5812 for dr = λ/2 and dr = λ/4
respectively that can also be observed in Figure 1.8 and Figure 1.9. Throughout this
thesis, we consider that the convergence condition of (1.12) is always satisfied.
z n ge
t (ra gle
e na
nth ect
ls a ir
g le
n )
a lf a i s ( u n i t vector
h array ax
Figure 1.10 – Cone
In 3D space, the range and directional angle of a target with respect to a linear array
make a circle related to the base of a cone, shown in Figure 1.10, with the range as its
slant height and the directional angle as its half angle. In the bistatic case, we have two
48 Chapter 1. Signal Model
× νe p
d ce
Transmitter θep
Receiver sin
Target z
ρe p sin θe p νe p
tp ρe p
θe p
ρr p
θr p
d cr
νr p
θ rp
ρr p sin
ρr p sin θr p dcr × νr p
Figure 1.11 – A bistatic MIMO radar system with linear arrays.
such circles (shown in Figure 1.11). The target is located at the intersection of these two
circles. In the figure, νe p and νr p are unit vectors on the planes of the respective circles.
The parametric equations of the circles can be written as
h i
ψe p ( ϕe ) = ρe p sin θe p cos ( ϕe ) νe p + sin ( ϕe ) dce × νe p + ρe p cos θe p dce + eo
h i
ψr p ( ϕr ) = ρr p sin θr p cos ( ϕr ) νr p + sin ( ϕr ) dcr × νr p + ρr p cos θr p dcr + ro
where × denotes the cross-product operation between two vectors; ψe p ( ϕe ) and ψr p ( ϕr )
are the position vectors of a point on the respective circles at ϕe and ϕr , respectively.
The equation parameters ϕe and ϕr independently vary from 0 to 2π rad to completely
sweep the respective circles.
Let t p = [ xt p , yt p , zt p ] T be the position vector of the pth target. Then, the ranges
and directional angles can be expressed in terms of the Cartesian coordinates as ρe p =
1.5. Cramér-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) 49
ar( p, n) = arn (t p ) = exp − j
t p − ro
2 + (n − no )2 d2r − 2 (n − no ) dr t p − ro T dc −
t p − ro
. (1.40)
F r F
where CRLB(η) ∈ R4P×4P , η = [ρe1 , · · · , ρeP , θe1 , · · · , θeP , ρr1 , · · · , ρrP , θr1 , · · · , θrP ] T
is the vector of the desired location parameters of P targets, L is the number of data
samples, R = A Rs A H + σw2 I M N , Π⊥ †
A = I M N − A A , 14 is the 4 × 4 matrix whose all
50 Chapter 1. Signal Model
Å = [∂( ae1 ⊗ ar1 )/∂ρe1 , · · · , ∂( aeP ⊗ arP )/∂ρeP , ∂( ae1 ⊗ ar1 )/∂θe1 , · · · ,
∂( aeP ⊗ arP )/∂θeP , ∂( ae1 ⊗ ar1 )/∂ρr1 , · · · , ∂( aeP ⊗ arP )/∂ρrP ,
∂( ae1 ⊗ ar1 )/∂θr1 , · · · , ∂( aeP ⊗ arP )/∂θrP ] . (1.42)
The main diagonal of (1.41) contains the lower bounds of all the location parameters
in terms of variance for all the targets based on the accurate model. Let ε(η p ) be the
standard deviation of η p ∈ {ρe p , θe p , ρr p , θr p }. The CRLB for the approximated model
can simply be obtained by replacing the accurate directional vectors with the approx-
imated directional vectors in (1.41) and (1.42). However, for the signal model with
Cartesian coordinates, (1.41) changes to
T −1
σw2 H ⊥ H −1
CRLBc (ηc ) = < Åc Π A Åc 13 ⊗ Rs A R A Rs (1.43)
where CRLBc (ηc ) ∈ R3P×3P , ηc = [ xt1 , · · · , xtP , yt1 , · · · , ytP , zt1 , · · · , ztP ] T is the vec-
tor of the desired Cartesian coordinates of P targets, 13 is the 3 × 3 matrix of ones,
Åc = [∂( ae1 ⊗ ar1 )/∂xt1 , · · · , ∂( aeP ⊗ arP )/∂xtP , ∂( ae1 ⊗ ar1 )/∂yt1 , · · · ,
∂( aeP ⊗ arP )/∂ytP , ∂( ae1 ⊗ ar1 )/∂zt1 , · · · , ∂( aeP ⊗ arP )/∂ztP ] . (1.44)
The CRLBs of the Cartesian coordinates of the pth target can be combined as
ε(t p ) = [diag{CRLBc (ηc )}] p + [diag{CRLBc (ηc )}] P+ p + [diag{CRLBc (ηc )}]2P+ p
1.6 Conclusion
The signal models formulated in this chapter are going to serve as the starting point
of the discussion of the methods in the coming chapters. In the next chapter, both the
methods use Fresnel approximation based model. Consequently, the approximated
model is used throughout the next chapter to discuss and analyze the methods.
Approximated Model Based Methods
In this section, we provide a summary of the method recently proposed in [1]. The
received signal vector, ye(t) in (1.30), can also be expressed as ye(t ) = [ý1T (t), ý2T (t), · · · ,
T ( t ) , · · · , ý T ( t )] T with
ým o M
er D
ým (t) = A e m s(t) + ẃm (t) (2.1)
nh io
where Dm = diag ae(m, 1) , ae(m, 2) , · · · , ae(m, P)
e e e and ẃm (t) is the corresponding noise
sub-vector. The method in [1] is a subspace based method which needs symmetric
transmitting and receiving arrays with de ≤ λ/4 and dr ≤ λ/4.
Along with the above constraints, the method in [1] uses M = 5 transmitting an-
tennas to explain their method. Consequently, we also use the same number of trans-
mitting antennas in its summary. The method begins with the construction of four
H ( t )} such that m 6 = m . The four cross
cross covariance matrices, Ŕm = E{ým (t) ým o o
52 Chapter 2. Approximated Model Based Methods
where E{ẃm (t) ẃ3H (t)} = 0 N for m 6= 3 with 0 N beign a N × N square matrix contain-
ing only zeros. From the first two and last two pairs of the cross covariance matrices,
we can write
er D
Ŕ1 = A e 2∗
e1 D erH A
A er erH Ŕ2
A (2.6)
er D
Ŕ5 = A e 4∗
e5 D erH A
A er erH Ŕ4
A (2.7)
where Ŕ2 Ŕ2+
= Ŕ4 Ŕ4+ e e
= Ar Ar ArH e erH and [·]+ denotes the pseudo inverse
operation using singular value decomposition which is explained below.
As mentioned in [1], the inverse of Ŕm should be calculated by using the singular
values and vectors corresponding to the P largest singular values to improve the ro-
bustness in a noisy environment. Because for P < N, Ŕm is rank deficient therefore
Ŕ− 1 H
m does not exist. Hence, Ŕ m is used to represent its inverse. Let Ŕ m = Um Σm Vm
Ŕ5 Ŕ4+ A
er = A
er D e 4∗ .
e5 D (2.11)
e1 D
From (2.10) and (2.11), it is clear that D e ∗ and D
e5 D
e ∗ correspond to the P largest
2 4
2.1. Summary of [1] 53
eigenvalues of Ŕ1 Ŕ2+ and Ŕ5 Ŕ4+ respectively. Let u p and u p be the eigenvectors of
Ŕ1 Ŕ2+ and Ŕ5 Ŕ4+ associated to their P largest eigenvalues respectively. The subspace
spanned by [u1 , u2 , · · · , u P ] and [u1 , u2 , · · · , u P ] is also spanned by the columns of
Ar , thus, we have u p = q p aer p and u p = q p a er p , where q p and q p are the constants which
appear during the eigenvalue decomposition.
From the P largest eigenvalues of Ŕ1 Ŕ2+ and Ŕ5 Ŕ4+ , we can have
+ +
However, before using (2.14), the eigenvalues of Ŕ1 Ŕ2 and Ŕ5 Ŕ4 should be paired by
comparing the inner product of the corresponding eigenvectors from the fact that the
inner product of two aligned vectors is greater than that of two nonaligned vectors [1].
The DOD of the pth target can be calculated from the estimated value of ωe p obtained
from the arguments of the diagonal elements in (2.14) as
θ̂e p = arccos ω̂e p /de . (2.15)
h iT
ŭ p = q p q∗p exp(−4 π j N̆ ωr p /λ), · · · , 1, exp(4 π j ωr p /λ), · · · , exp(4 π j N̆ ωr p /λ)
0 0 ··· 0 1
0 0 · · · 1 0
. .. . .. ..
JN = .. . . . . . ∈ RN×N (2.19)
0 1 · · · 0 0
1 0 ··· 0 0
is the exchange matrix.
From (2.18), ωr p can be estimated as
N −1
ω̂r p =
4 π ( N − 1) ∑ ∠ [ŭ p ]i /[ŭ p ]i+1 . (2.20)
i =1
h iT
uep = q∗p q∗p exp(4 π j N̆ 2 φr p /λ), · · · , 1, exp(4 π j φr p /λ), · · · , exp(4 π j N̆ 2 φr p /λ)
From (2.22), φr p can be estimated as
φ̂r p =
8 π N̆
∑ arg [uep ] N̆ −i+1 /[uep ] N̆ +1 + arg [uep ] N̆ +i+1 /[uep ] N̆ +1 /i2 . (2.23)
i =1
The angles should be unwrapped before using (2.20) and (2.23) to remove the phase
ambiguities which appear because the argument of a complex number can only be
retrieved in its principal value. The process of unwrapping angles is given in [115].
In the unwrapping process, the discontinued principal values of the components of uep
are added or subtracted by a multiple of 2π to obtain a smooth transition along the
phases. As we know that the argument of the reference component should be zero.
The remaining unwrapped phases can be shifted according to it to get the arguments
of the components of uep which can be used in (2.23) to compute φ̂r p . Finally, the range
to the receiving array can be computed as
ρ̂r p = d2r sin2 θ̂r p /(2 φ̂r p ). (2.24)
2.1. Summary of [1] 55
In this method, Ŕ1 Ŕ2+ and Ŕ5 Ŕ4+ are N × N complex valued matrices, therefore,
the maximum number of localizable targets is N. Beside, there are some other con-
straints in this method like quarter wavelength inter element spacing. These extra
constraints appear due to the fact that the argument of a complex number can only
be retrieved in its principal form belonging to (−π, π ]. This impacts the parameter
retrieval from (2.14), (2.16), (2.18), and (2.22). For (2.14) and (2.16), the constraints are
−π < 4 π ωe p /λ ≤ π and −π < 12 π φe p /λ ≤ π which are directly visible in the
expression. On manipulating these constraints further, we can get
λ λ
arccos < θe p ≤ arccos − (2.25)
4 de 4 de
ρe p ≥ 6 d2e sin 2
θe p /λ. (2.26)
All the elements of ŭ p contain the information about a single target. To retrieve
the necessary information from ŭ p , [1] proposed to use difference between the phases
of its consecutive elements which should be unambiguous. Thus, we can say −π <
4 π ωr p /λ ≤ π is a constraint that can be rewritten as
λ λ
arccos < θr p ≤ arccos − . (2.27)
4 dr 4 dr
Like the elements of ŭ p , the elements of uep also belong to a single target. To avoid
ambiguity in this case, the arguments of the elements adjacent to the reference element
should be between −π and π, i.e. −π < 4 π φr p /λ ≤ π. Accordingly, we can write
ρr p ≥ 2 d2r sin2 θr p /λ. (2.28)
The constraints on the DOD and DOA, given in (2.25) and (2.27) respectively, are
similar. It can be found out from the expressions that the unambiguous sweeps of
θe p and θr p will decrease if the inter element spacings increase beyond λ/4 to reduce
the mutual coupling between array antennas. Figure 2.1 shows the variation of the
unambiguous region of θe p with respect to de varying from λ/4 to λ/2. Below λ/4,
0 ≤ θe p ≤ π and 0 ≤ θr p ≤ π because the lower and upper limits of DOD and DOA
are physically controlled by the array geometry. Consequently, the method in [1] can
only work for the inter element spacings less than or equal to λ/4.
At de = dr = λ/4, (2.26) and (2.28) are the functions of only θe p and θr p respec-
tively. Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3 respectively show the unambiguous region of ρe p and
ρr p with respect to θe p and θr p at quarter wavelength. From the figures, we can say
that the ambiguities in the ranges are maximum at θe p = θr p = 90◦ because of their
squared sine function. However, their magnitudes differ. By making comparison with
56 Chapter 2. Approximated Model Based Methods
(M = 5)
Ambiguous region
0.5 F̆e
(M = 4)
ρep (λ)
(M = 3)
0.1 (M = 2)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θep (degree)
(N = 3)
ρrp (λ)
(N = 2)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θrp (degree)
the lower limit of the Fresnel region, we can conclude that the ambiguity in the range
corresponding to transmitting array doesn’t exist for M ≥ 4 and the ambiguity in the
range corresponding to receiving array doesn’t exist for N ≥ 3. As mentioned in the
beginning of this section, the method in [1] uses symmetric arrays, therefore N will
always be greater than or equal to 3. And also M = 5. Hence, the ambiguity due to the
range will never occur while using this method.
The symmetry in the transmitting ULA allows us to write the following relation
exp(− j 2 π (− M̆ ωe p + M̆2 φe p )/λ)
JM a
ee p
= 1 = de (θe ) a
ee p (2.29)
exp(− j 2 π ( M̆ ωe p + M̆2 φe p )/λ)
e = ( De
J̆ A e
1N×P ) A (2.31)
e can be written as
The eigendecomposition of R
where the diagonal elements of Λs ∈ RP× P are the P largest eigenvalues and the
columns of Us ∈ C M N × P are their corresponding eigenvectors spanning the signal
subspace. The columns of Un ∈ C M N ×( M N − P) span the noise subspace. From (2.32)
and (2.33), we can write
Ae T = Us (2.34)
Fe (θ ) = J̆ Us − [de (θ ) ⊗ 1 N × P ] Us (2.35)
e T − [de (θ ) ⊗ 1 N × P ] A
= J̆ A eT
= ( De 1 N × P ) A e T − [de (θ ) ⊗ 1 N × P ] A
= ([de (θe1 ) − de (θ ), de (θe2 ) − de (θ ), · · · , de (θeP ) − de (θ )] 1 N × P ) Us (2.36)
from (2.31) and (2.34) (see [2] and [116]). At θ = θe p , all the components of the pth
column of Fe (θ ) become zero and Fe (θ ) becomes rank deficient. Thus, we can use the
following spectrum function to estimate DODs [2, 116]
Se ( θ ) = . (2.37)
det{ FeH (θ ) Fe (θ )}
The estimated DODs (say θ̂e p ) of the P targets correspond to the P highest peaks of
Se (θ ) when θ is varied from 0◦ to 180◦ .
Using the orthogonality between the signal and noise subspaces, we can write [59]
h iH h i
ee ( ρ e p , θ e p ) ⊗ a
a er (ρr p , θr p ) Un UnH ee ( ρ e p , θ e p ) ⊗ a
a er (ρr p , θr p ) = 0. (2.38)
Since, h i
ee ( ρ e p , θ e p ) ⊗ a
a er (ρr p , θr p ) = aee ( ρ e p , θ e p ) ⊗ I N aer (ρr p , θr p ). (2.39)
i.e. the subspace spanned by the directional vector of departure is orthogonal to the
noise subspace, therefore, the estimated range corresponding to θ̂e p can be given by
ρ̂e p = arg max (2.41)
F̆e ≤ρ≤ F e
det{ G H (ρ) G (ρ)}
Like before, the DOAs can be estimated by using the following spectrum function
Sr ( θ ) = . (2.44)
det{ FrH (θ ) Fr (θ )}
Fr (θ ) = Ĭ Us − [1 M× P ⊗ dr (θ )] Us (2.45)
= (1 M × P [dr (θr1 ) − dr (θ ), · · · , dr (θrP ) − dr (θ )]) Us (2.46)
can be obtained from (2.34) and (2.42). The estimated DOAs (say θ̂r p ) of the P targets
correspond to the P highest peaks of Sr (θ ) when θ is varied from 0◦ to 180◦ . However,
the DOAs are not paired.
Finally, to get the estimation of the receiver side range of the pth target, we use 2D
(ρ̂r p , θ̂r p ) = arg max H
F̆ ≤ρ≤ F
er (ρ, θ ) Q a
er (ρ, θ )
r r
θ ∈{θ̂r1 ,··· ,θ̂r P }
Initially, all the P DODs and DOAs are estimated in one 1D search each. And then,
the ranges belonging to transmitting and receiving arrays of each target are estimated
separately by handling one target at a time. Therefore, all the location parameters are
automatically paired. Algorithm 2.1 provides the complete procedure of this proposed
2.3. Numerical Example 61
where η p ∈ {ρe p , θe p , ρr p , θr p } is the true value of the location parameter of the pth
target and η̂ p (k) ∈ {ρ̂e p (k), θ̂e p (k), ρ̂r p (k ), θ̂r p (k)} is the estimated value of the corre-
sponding location parameter in the kth trial.
Almost all of the existing approximated model based methods [1–3, 23, 24] simu-
late the received signals by using Fresnel approximation to analyze the performance
of their methods. The methods in section 2.1 and section 2.2 are based on the approx-
imated model, thus, we also use the model corresponding to (1.30) as the input signal
to show the performance of our method.
In Figure 2.4, Figure 2.5, Figure 2.6, and Figure 2.7, we compare the RMSE in the
location parameters (range associated with the transmitting array, DOD, range associ-
ated with the receiving array, and DOA respectively) of two targets estimated by the
62 Chapter 2. Approximated Model Based Methods
proposed method and the method in [1] in terms of SNR. The SNR is varied from 0 dB
to 30 dB with an interval of 5 dB. The location parameters (ρe p , θe p , ρr p , θr p ) of the two
targets are (1.5λ, 50◦ , 2.5λ, 140◦ ) and (3.5λ, 110.5◦ , 5λ, 60◦ ). The CRLBs of the loca-
tion parameters are calculated from (1.41) by replacing the accurate model parameters
with the approximated model parameters. In the figures, ε(η p ) denotes the CRLB of
the η p parameter belonging to the pth target in terms of standard deviation.
RMSE (λ)
Figure 2.4 – RMSE in range associated with the transmitting array estimated by the
method in [1] and the proposed method versus SNR. The CRLBs are calculated using
From the above figures, we can observe that the proposed method has better per-
formance in terms of RMSE than that of the method in [1]. The primary reason of the
poor performance of the method in [1] is that it does not exploit all the available infor-
mation. Additionally, the RMSEs of the ranges estimated by the proposed method are
very close to their respective CRLBs.
2.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have proposed an extension of the method [2] to localize near
field targets using a bistatic MIMO system consisting of symmetric transmitting and
receiving ULAs. Compared to the existing method in [1], the proposed method has
better performance in terms of RMSE because we exploit all the available information.
2.4. Conclusion 63
RMSE (degree)
10 ǫ(θe1 ); Section 2.1
ǫ(θe2 ); Section 2.1
ǫ(θe1 ); Section 2.2
10 ǫ(θe2 ); Section 2.2
ε(θe1 ); Section 1.5
ε(θe2 ); Section 1.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 2.5 – RMSE in DOD estimated by the method in [1] and the proposed method
versus SNR. The CRLBs are calculated using (1.41).
ǫ(ρr1 ); Section 2.1
ǫ(ρr2 ); Section 2.1
1 ǫ(ρr1 ); Section 2.2
10 ǫ(ρr2 ); Section 2.2
ε(ρr1 ); Section 1.5
ε(ρr2 ); Section 1.5
RMSE (λ)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 2.6 – RMSE in range associated with the receiving array estimated by the
method in [1] and the proposed method versus SNR. The CRLBs are calculated using
64 Chapter 2. Approximated Model Based Methods
RMSE (degree)
ǫ(θr1 ); Section 2.1
ǫ(θr2 ); Section 2.1
10 ǫ(θr1 ); Section 2.2
ǫ(θr2 ); Section 2.2
ε(θr1 ); Section 1.5
ε(θr2 ); Section 1.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 2.7 – RMSE in DOA estimated by the method in [1] and the proposed method
versus SNR. The CRLBs are calculated using (1.41).
Along with it, the proposed method automatically pairs all the four location parame-
ters. [1] uses submatrices of the covariance matrix, therefore, the maximum number of
localizable targets is limited by the number of receiving antennas, i.e. N. However, the
maximum number of localizable targets in the proposed method is given by N ( M − 1).
Both the methods discussed here use Fresnel approximation which introduces biases
in the estimated location parameters. This bias is a function of location which remains
constant for an array if its parameters are not modified. Consequently, this bias can be
considered as an offset and can be removed by calibration. Hence, in the next chapter,
we propose two methods to reduce this bias from the location parameters.
Correction Methods
In the previous chapter, we have elaborated two methods which are based on the
approximated signal model which signifies quadric wavefront. However, in practice
the wavefront is spherical. Thus, the location parameters estimated by every approx-
imated model based method is biased. This bias is of systematic type and therefore
its effect can be reduced. In this chapter, we propose two approaches to reduce the
effects of Fresnel approximation on the location parameters. The first method is based
on LUTs whereas the second method uses Least Squares (LS) estimation.
From (1.26), we can observe that the approximated model is biased. This bias is like
a location parameters dependent systematic error added to the accurate model. Thus,
when a biased approximated model based method has to deal with the unbiased accu-
rate model, this bias shows up in the estimated location parameters and decreases their
precisions. Testing an approximated model based method with the accurate model
based input signals is perfectly fair because the wavefront of a point source is spher-
ical in reality. In the considered bistatic MIMO system, there are two ULAs which go
through Fresnel approximation independently. However, the effect of this approxima-
tion is the same for both the arrays. As a result, explaining one explains the other.
66 Chapter 3. Correction Methods
In the near field region, LUT based correction is possible in the first place because it
is finite. A LUT based correction method is one of the most primitive but an effective
way to minimize the approximation bias from the estimated location parameters. A
key point to note is that this bias in an estimated location parameter is the result of the
propagation of the systematic error, introduced by the Fresnel approximation, through
the localization process of an approximated model based method. The final result of
an error propagation depends on the path which the error takes. Since, two different
localization techniques use two different algorithms, therefore, the path taken by the
systematic error to reach location parameters will be different. Consequently, different
approximation biases will be observed in the same location parameters for different lo-
calization techniques which can be seen in Appendix A where six different approaches
to obtain biased location parameters are compared. However, if we are looking for one
method to reduce the effect of the Fresnel approximation, LS based LUT inspired by
section A.1.3 can be a right choice which is described in the following.
The whole LUT based correction method can be divided into two major steps. First
step is the creation of LUT, which only depends on the system’s physical parameters.
The second step is the correction of the location parameters using the LUT created in
the first step.
For a bistatic MIMO system, we need to construct two 2D LUTs to map the true
location parameters with the corresponding biased location parameters obtained due
to the use of the approximated model. A LUT should be finite even if a bounded space
has infinite locations. Thus, to construct a LUT, we need to calculate the biased location
parameters at some discrete locations in the near field region of an array by varying the
range from lower to upper Fresnel limit and the direction angle from 0 to π by some
small intervals. Figure 3.1 shows a discretized near field region of a linear array when
the range and directional angle are sampled by constant intervals. The intersection
points, which can be seen in Figure 3.1, of the curves corresponding to the range and
directional angle inside the Fresnel region are the locations whose biased parameters
are recorded in the LUT.
For the transmitting array, let ρeq and θ eq be the range and DOD at the qth intersec-
tion point (or discrete location) respectively such that F̆e ≤ ρeq ≤ F e and 0 ≤ θ eq ≤ π.
The next sensitive step is to calculate the biased location parameters from δe (ρeq , θ eq ) by
minimizing its distance with δee (ρ , θ e ), like an approximated model based technique.
eq q
3.2. LUT Based Correction 67
Intersection point
Fresnel region
π 0
In other words,
eρ eq , e
θ eq = arg min
δee (ρe , θe ) − δe (ρeq , θ eq )
(ρe , θe ) F
e e
θ eq = arccos ω eq /de (3.4)
e 2 2 e e
ρeq = de sin θ eq / 2 φeq . (3.5)
Similar to the transmitting array, a separated LUT can be created for the receiving
array by replacing the transmitting array side parameters with the receiving array side
68 Chapter 3. Correction Methods
parameters in (3.3), (3.4), and (3.5). Algorithm 3.1 summarizes the LUTs creation steps.
The aim of the correction method is to get back the true location parameters from
the biased location parameters estimated by an approximated model based localization
technique. Therefore, when using the LUT in the correction method, eρeq and e
θ eq will be
the inputs, and ρeq and θ eq will be the outputs of the LUT.
Figure 3.2 shows one block of the grid shown in Figure 3.1 inside which we have the
biased location parameters, corresponding to the transmitting array, of the pth target,
when estimated by an approximated model based localization method. In Figure 3.2,
(ρe p , θe p ) is the pair of true transmitting array side location parameters of the pth tar-
ρ e1 , e
get and (ρee p , θee p ) is its corresponding biased location parameters. (e ρ e2 , e
θ e1 ), (e θ e2 ) ,
ρ ,e
(ee3 θ ), and (e
e3 ρ ,e
e4 θ ) are four biased location parameters from the LUT, obtained
using the method described in section 3.2.1, that are adjacent to (ρee p , θee p ). (ρe1 , θ e1 ),
(ρe2 , θ e2 ), (ρe3 , θ e3 ), and (ρe4 , θ e4 ) are the corresponding true location parameters reg-
istered in the LUT. deq represents the distance between (ρee , θee ) and (ep p ρ ,e
θ e ) where
eq q
From Figure 3.2, de1 , de2 , de3 , and de4 can be viewed as four minimum distances be-
tween the biased location parameters in LUT and (ρee p , θee p ). For these four nearest
ρ − ρ ,e
points, [e eq θ eq − θ eq ] T , ∀ q ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}, can be considered as an approximation
error vector. The main idea is to interpolate the approximation error vector corre-
sponding to the pth target by using the known approximation error vectors at the four
nearest neighbors. One of the low complexity interpolation methods suitable for such
a situation is the natural neighbor interpolation with inverse distance weighting [117].
In our case, the mathematical expression of the natural neighbor interpolation can be
3.2. LUT Based Correction 69
ρ e2 , e
(e θ e2 )
( ρ e2 , θ e2 )
ρ e3 , e
(e θ e3 )
( ρ e3 , θ e3 )
(ρee p , θee p )
(ρe p , θe p )
de1 de4
ρ e4 , e
(e θ e4 )
( ρ e1 , θ e1 ) ρ e1 , e
(e θ e1 )
( ρ e4 , θ e4 )
where ρ̂e p and θ̂e p are respectively the corrected range from the transmitting array and
DOD and !
dq = deq ∑ 1/deq0 (3.8)
q =1
represents the inverse distance weighting. When deq = 0, for one value of q (q ∈
{1, 2, 3, 4}); ρ̂e p = ρeq and θ̂e p = θ eq . It is impossible that two or more distances are
simultaneously zero.
Similar to the transmitting array side location parameters correction using LUT, the
receiving array side location parameters can be corrected by using the same approach.
Algorithm 3.2 provides the steps to make corrections using LUTs.
3.3.1 Principle
Consider a single near field target with location parameters (ρeo , θeo , ρro , θro ) and
reflection coefficient s(t). Corresponding to it, the received signal can be written as
Πn = I MN − [ ae (ρeo , θeo ) ⊗ ar (ρro , θro )] [ ae (ρeo , θeo ) ⊗ ar (ρro , θro )] H . (3.11)
An accurate model based subspace technique finds the DOA (θr ), DOD (θe ), and
ranges (ρe and ρr ) of the target such that
The solution of (3.12) is given by ρe = ρeo , θe = θeo , ρr = ρro , and θr = θro , which
3.3. Correction using Estimated Accurate Relative Propagation Path Length Vector 71
H 1
[ ae (ρeo , θeo ) ⊗ ar (ρro , θro )] I MN − [ ae (ρeo , θeo ) ⊗ ar (ρro , θro )] (3.13)
[ ae (ρeo , θeo ) ⊗ ar (ρro , θro )] [ ae (ρeo , θeo ) ⊗ ar (ρro , θro )]
An approximated model based subspace technique finds the DOA, DOD, and ranges
by minimizing the following cost function:
Ideally, the minimum of the cost function in (3.17) should be equal to zero. How-
ever, from (1.2), (1.3), (1.28), and (1.29), we can say that ae (ρeo , θeo ) 6= a ee (ρeo , θeo ) and
ar ( ρro , θro ) 6 = a
er (ρro , θro ), or, ae (ρeo , θeo ) ⊗ ar (ρro , θro ) and a
ee ( ρ e o , θ e o ) ⊗ a
er (ρro , θro ) are
not collinear. As a result, the problem becomes to find (ρee , θee , ρer , θer ) such that the
72 Chapter 3. Correction Methods
The cost function in (3.19) is a nonlinear maximization problem, therefore, its solution
in a closed form expression is difficult to achieve. However, two suboptimal solutions
can be found as
M −1 2
(ρee , θee ) = arg min ∑ δem (ρe , θe ) − δem (ρeo , θeo ) = arg min
δee (ρe , θe ) − δe (ρeo , θeo )
(ρe , θe ) m =0 (ρe , θe )
N −1 2
(ρer , θer ) = arg min ∑ δrn (ρr , θr ) − δrn (ρro , θro ) = arg min
δer (ρr , θr ) − δr (ρro , θro )
( ρr , θr ) n =0 ( ρr , θr )
It is obvious from (3.20) that
e e
δe (ρe , θe ) − δe (ρeo , θeo )
δe (ρee , θe ) − δe (ρeo , θeo )
(ρe , θe ) F F
δee (ρeo , θeo ) − δe (ρeo , θeo )
which means that δee (ρee , θee ) is a better estimate of the true δe (ρeo , θeo ) than δee (ρeo , θeo )
and that (ρee , θee ) is a biased estimation of (ρeo , θeo ). δee (ρee , θee ) being an optimal estimate
of δe (ρeo , θeo ) in LS sense, a better estimate of (ρeo , θeo ) can be expected from it. The
same can be said for the receiving array side range and DOA from (3.21).
3.3.2 Procedure
Let (ρee p , θee p , ρer p , θer p ) be the location parameters of the pth target estimated by an
approximated model based method. δem (ρe p , θe p ) and δrn (ρr p , θr p ) can respectively be
estimated by substituting these values in (1.27) and (1.25) as
δ̂r( p, n) = δern (ρer p , θer p ). (3.24)
On replacing δem (ρe p , θe p ) by δ̂e(m, p) in the rearranged form of (1.4), we can get
2 (m − mo ) de ρe p cos θe p + 2 δ̂e(m, p) ρe p = (m − mo )2 d2e − δ̂e2(m, p) (3.25)
From ve p , the estimates of the transmitting array side range and DOD of the pth target
can be calculated as ρ̂e p = −[ve p ]2 /[ve p ]3 and θ̂e p = arccos([ve p ]1 /[ve p ]2 ) respectively.
Similar to (3.25), replacing δrn (ρr p , θr p ) by δ̂r( p, n) in the rearranged form of (1.5) leads
2 (n − no ) dr ρr p cos θr p + 2 δ̂r( p, n) ρr p = (n − no )2 d2r − δ̂r2( p, n) (3.27)
The receiving array side range and DOA of the pth target can respectively be calculated
by ρ̂r p = −[vr p ]2 /[vr p ]3 and θ̂r p = arccos([vr p ]1 /[vr p ]2 ).
The complete correction procedure is summarized in Algorithm 3.3.
Algorithm 3.3 Estimated Relative Path Length Vector Based Correction Method.
1: Estimate the DOA, DOD, and ranges of targets by an approximated model based
2: Calculate δ̂e(m, p) and δ̂r( p, n) for the pth target using (3.23) and (3.24).
3: Construct the matrices (3.26) and (3.28) from δ̂e(m, p) and δ̂r( p, n) respectively.
4: Using TLS method, get ρ̂e p , θ̂e p , ρ̂r p , and θ̂r p of the pth target.
5: Repeat the above steps from 2 to 4 for each target.
ψe p ( ϕe ) − ψr p ( ϕr )
can be interpreted as the square of the Euclidean distance
between the two points on the two circles in 3D space.
A coarse solution of (3.31) can be calculated by exhaustive grid search, and then it
can be finely tuned by Newton’s minimization method. Finally, the position vector of
3.5. Numerical Example 75
the pth target can be computed as t̂ p = ψe p ( ϕ̂e ), t̂ p = ψr p ( ϕ̂r ), or the average of these
two position vectors.
1. eo = [0.6λ, λ, 1.4λ] T ,
The values of these parameters are arbitrarily chosen such that there exists a near field
region of significant size which is shared by both ULAs.
Unlike in section 2.3, the performance of the proposed correction methods elabo-
rated in this chapter is analyzed as the root of mean squares of the Euclidean distances
between the true and K estimated positions of a target, with respect to SNR, calculated
as v
u 1 K
e t p = t ∑
t̂ p (k ) − t p
F (3.32)
K k =1
where K is the total number of Monte Carlo trials at each SNR and t̂ p (k) is the estimated
position of the pth target at the kth trial.
76 Chapter 3. Correction Methods
In Figure 3.3, we compare e(t p ) of two near field targets whose location parame-
ters are estimated by the methods described in chapter 2 and corrected using the LUT
based correction method given in section 3.2. The position vectors of the two targets
are [4λ, 3λ, 2λ] T and [−2.9λ, 1.7λ, 1.5λ] T . Figure 3.4 shows the similar plots when the
correction is performed using the proposed method elaborated in section 3.3.
From Figure 2.4 to Figure 2.7, we can conclude that the proposed method in sec-
tion 2.2 provides better precision than the existing method summarized in section 2.1.
The same can be observed in Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4 when the input signals are mod-
eled without Fresnel approximation. The presence of systematic bias in the estimated
position due to the Fresnel approximation can be seen in both the figures as the floor
effect at high SNR in the curves corresponding to the method in section 2.2 before
correction. At low SNR, this systematic bias is not distinguishable in the estimated po-
sition because the noise contributes more to the localization error than the systematic
bias. The proposed correction methods only reduce the effect of the systematic bias
added during the Fresnel approximation. The estimation errors in the positions esti-
mated by the method in section 2.1 for the two chosen targets are so large that the floor
effect is not visible in the figures.
It can be observed in both the figures that both of the proposed correction meth-
ods have high performance when the estimates are good, because the performance of
each correction method also depends upon the performance of the used approximated
model based method. Also, both the proposed correction methods have almost sim-
ilar correction performance. However, the computation complexity of the method in
section 3.3 is much lower than the LUT based correction method in section 3.2.
Additionally, the two proposed correction methods are applicable to a single receiv-
ing array. Therefore, they can also be used for the near field sources localization tech-
niques based on the approximated model such as [2] and [3]. Appendix B shows the
further analysis of the correction methods on such approximated model based meth-
3.6 Conclusion
The proposed correction methods can significantly reduce the systemic biases ap-
peared in the estimated location parameters due to the Fresnel approximation at high
SNR when the effect of the bias dominates the additive noise. The correction perfor-
mance of both methods improves with the decrease in the estimation error. In the sim-
ulation, a numerical example with symmetric ULAs having quarter wavelength inter
element spacings is considered. However, the proposed correction methods have no
such requirements. In other words, the proposed correction methods can be applied
to an approximated model based method which uses non-symmetric arrays with inter
3.6. Conclusion 77
RMSE (λ)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 3.3 – RMSE in the position estimated by the methods described in Chapter 2 and
corrected by the proposed method explained in section 3.2 versus SNR. The CRLBs are
calculated using (1.43) and (1.45).
The legends of the figure are as follows:
e(t1 ); Section 2.1
e(t2 ); Section 2.1
e(t1 ); Section 2.1 & Section 3.2
e(t2 ); Section 2.1 & Section 3.2
e(t1 ); Section 2.2
e(t2 ); Section 2.2
e(t1 ); Section 2.2 & Section 3.2
e(t2 ); Section 2.2 & Section 3.2
ε(t1 ); Section 1.5
ε(t2 ); Section 1.5
78 Chapter 3. Correction Methods
RMSE (λ)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 3.4 – RMSE in the position estimated by the methods described in Chapter 2 and
corrected by the proposed method explained in section 3.3 versus SNR. The CRLBs are
calculated using (1.43) and (1.45).
The legends of the figure are as follows:
e(t1 ); Section 2.1
e(t2 ); Section 2.1
e(t1 ); Section 2.1 & Section 3.3
e(t2 ); Section 2.1 & Section 3.3
e(t1 ); Section 2.2
e(t2 ); Section 2.2
e(t1 ); Section 2.2 & Section 3.3
e(t2 ); Section 2.2 & Section 3.3
ε(t1 ); Section 1.5
ε(t2 ); Section 1.5
3.6. Conclusion 79
element spacings less than or equal to λ/2. Fresnel approximation is the cause of the
biases in the location parameter, therefore, by avoiding it, we can directly obtain unbi-
ased location parameters. In the next chapter, we propose two methods which do not
use Fresnel approximation.
Accurate Model Based Methods
Beside reducing the bias due to the Fresnel approximation, we can directly exploit
the accurate model. In this chapter, we discuss two proposed methods which can di-
rectly deal with the accurate signal model. The key strategy used by both the proposed
methods is to estimate δe p and δr p first, then use the accurate model on them to obtain
the estimates of ρe p , θe p , ρr p , and θr p . The first proposed method in this chapter is an im-
provement of [1] to deal with the accurate signal model. The second proposed method
in this chapter uses a tensor decomposition technique known as PARAFAC to estimate
the directional vectors.
where wm (t) is the corresponding noise subvector and y̆m (t) = Ar Dm s(t) where
nh io
Dm = diag ae(m, 1) , ae(m, 2) , · · · , ae(m, P) (4.2)
is the diagonal matrix with the elements of the mth row of Ae as its diagonal compo-
82 Chapter 4. Accurate Model Based Methods
where the columns of U are the eigenvectors and the diagonal elements of Λ are the
corresponding eigenvalues. If the eigenvalues are sorted in descending order, then the
qth eigenvalue can be expressed as
µ̆ + σ2 if q ∈ {1, 2, · · · , P}
q w
µq = (4.4)
σ2 if q ∈ { P + 1, P + 2, · · · , MN }
where µ̆q is the qth eigenvalue among the P nonzero eigenvalues of A Rs A H arranged
in descending order with Rs = E{s(t) s H (t)}. The following subspace based approach
can be used to remove the additive noise, in which the noiseless covariance matrix is
reconstructed from U and Λ of R as [119]
R̆(m, m0 ) = E{y̆m (t) y̆m 0 ( t )} ∈ C
∗ H
= A r Dm R s Dm 0 Ar (4.6)
∗ H
R̆(mo , m0 ) = Ar Rs Dm 0 Ar (4.7)
R̆(m, m0 ) R̆+
(m o, m
0) = Ar Dm Ar† (4.9)
where [•]+ denotes the inverse operation using singular value decomposition which is
4.1. Improved [1] for Accurate Model 83
explained below.
As mentioned in [1], the inverse of R̆(mo , m0 ) should be calculated by using the sin-
gular values and vectors corresponding to the P largest singular values to improve
the robustness in a noisy environment. It is because, when P < N, R̆(mo , m0 ) should
theoretically be a non-invertible square matrix. Thus, we use the following method to
obtain its inverse and use R̆+ (mo , m0 )
to represent its inverse. Let R̆(mo , m0 ) = Um0 Sm0 VmH0
where Um0 ∈ C N × N , Sm0 ∈ R N × N , and Vm0 ∈ C N × N are the matrices containing the
left singular vectors, singular values, and right singular vectors respectively. Then,
−1 H N × P , S̆ 0 ∈ R P× P , and V̆ 0 ∈ C N × P are the ma-
(mo , m0 )
= V̆m0 S̆m 0 Ŭm0 where Ŭm0 ∈ C m m
trices that contain the left singular vectors associated with the P largest singular values,
the corresponding P singular values and right singular vectors respectively. In prac-
tice, the remaining ( N − P) singular values will be close to zero. Therefore, R̆(mo , m0 )
will not be rank deficient and the conventional way of inverting a square matrix may
introduce numerical accuracy. Thus, this step also improves the numerical accuracy of
the calculation of pseudo-inverse.
The submatrices with the same index m have the same Dm , thus we can add them
together as
1 M
M m∑
Rm = R̆(m, m0 ) R̆+
(mo , m0 )
= Ar Dm Ar† . (4.10)
0 =1
where the columns of Ar and diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix Dm (4.2) are,
by definition, respectively the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of Rm . Let u(m, p) and
β (m, p) be respectively the pth eigenvector and eigenvalue of Rm (β (m, p) is one of the
P largest eigenvalues). Further, we can write u(m, p) = α(m, p) e j φ(m, p) ar p and β (m, p) =
ae(m, p) where α(m, p) and φ(m, p) respectively represent the scaling factor and phase shift
introduced during the eigendecomposition. Since the eigendecomposition of the M − 1
matrices Rm (with m 6= mo ) is performed independently, therefore an additional step is
required to pair all the M − 1 sets of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Classically, the
pairing can be done by comparing the inner product of the eigenvectors from the fact
that the inner product of two aligned vectors is greater than that of two nonaligned
vectors [1].
ρr p and θr p can be estimated from the angular part of u(m, p) . The argument of a
complex number can only be calculated in its principal form. Therefore, phase un-
wrapping is necessary [115]. Phase unwrapping also introduces phase shift. As we
know that arg{ ar( p, no ) } = 0, therefore the unwrapped phase at n = no is the phase shift
introduced during the eigendecomposition as well as unwrapping. Thus, subtracting
this phase shift from all the remaining components of the unwrapped phase vector
84 Chapter 4. Accurate Model Based Methods
YM = ( A e Ar ) S T + WM ∈ C MN × L (4.12)
N 1
N 2
⇒ Y
YL = (S Ae ) ArT + WL ∈ LM × N
YN = ( Ar S) AeT + WN ∈ NL× M
. (4.14)
According to the least squares principle, the following objective functions can be
86 Chapter 4. Accurate Model Based Methods
Âr = arg min
YL − (S Ae ) ArT
, (4.16)
Ar F
Âe = arg min
YN − ( Ar S) AeT
Ae F
where Âr , Âe , and Ŝ denote the estimated values of Ar , Ae , and S respectively.
The TALS algorithm is a classical method to minimize the above objective func-
tions [65, 66, 96]. Least squares estimates of (4.15)–(4.17) are given by
h iT
Ŝ = ( Ae A r ) YM , (4.18)
h iT
Âr = (S Ae ) YL , (4.19)
and h iT
Âe = ( Ar S) YN . (4.20)
In the TALS algorithm, (4.18)–(4.20) are alternatively updated with the new val-
ues of Âr , Âe , and Ŝ until a stopping criteria is met. kYM − ( Ae Ar ) S T
F < etol
is often used as the stopping condition, where etol is the tolerance. In practice, the
algorithm given in [78] is used for PARAFAC decomposition, which uses compres-
sion, line search, normalization, etc. to accelerate the TALS method. The parameter
identifiability of the PARAFAC decomposition is well studied in the existing litera-
ture [69, 70, 81, 96]. It is clearly mentioned in [96] that the PARAFAC decomposition is
unique when max( M, N ) ≥ 3 and P ≤ M N − min( M, N ) for the non-coherent targets
and Swerling model II which are fully satisfied by our assumptions.
where âe p and âr p are the estimated directional vectors obtained from the PARAFAC
decomposition, and âe(mo , p) and âr( p, no ) are their respective reference elements used here
to remove the scaling factor in the decomposition of the received signal tensor.
Even though a near-field region occupies a finite space, minimizing (4.21) by using
grid search or Newton’s method is computationally expensive. Therefore, we choose
an indirect method in which we estimate the ranges and directional angles, followed by
the estimation of the coordinates. Let δ̂e(m, p) and δ̂r( p, n) be the estimated path differences
which are obtained from the estimated directional vectors as follows
h n o n oi
δ̂e(m, p) = −λ arg âe(m, p) − arg âe(mo , p) / (2 π ) (4.22)
and h n o n oi
δ̂r( p, n) = −λ arg âr( p, n) − arg âr( p, no ) /(2 π ) (4.23)
where arg {•} represents the unwrapped phase value i.e. the estimated argument [115].
Equations (4.22) and (4.23) can be described as follows:
1. Get the directional vectors âe p and âr p from the PARAFAC decomposition.
4. Subtract the unwrapped phase corresponding to âe(0, p) and âr( p, 0) from all the com-
ponents of the unwrapped phase vector of âe p and âr p , respectively.
5. Divide each component of the normalized phase vectors obtained from the above
step by −2 π/λ to get δ̂e(m, p) and δ̂r( p, n) .
Once we have δ̂e(m, p) and δ̂r( p, n) , the procedure in section 3.3.2 can be used to obtain
ρ̂e p , θ̂e p , ρ̂r p , and θ̂r p . Finally, t̂ p can be found by using (3.31) which is computation-
ally less expensive and reliable than (4.21). Algorithm 4.2 provides a summary of this
proposed method.
88 Chapter 4. Accurate Model Based Methods
ǫ(t1 ); Section 4.1
ǫ(t2 ); Section 4.1
ǫ(t1 ); Section 4.2
ǫ(t2 ); Section 4.2
ε(t1 ); Section 1.5
10 ε(t2 ); Section 1.5
RMSE (λ)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 4.2 – RMSE in the position estimated by the proposed methods described in
section 4.1 and section 4.2 versus SNR. de = dr = λ/2, K = 103 , L = 103 , M = 8,
N = 9, mo = 1, no = 1, and P = 2. The CRLBs are calculated using (1.43) and (1.45).
4.4 Conclusion
From the simulation results it is clear that the accurate model based methods can
easily surpass an extremely good approximated model based method because of the
presence of bias due to the Fresnel approximation. Among the proposed accurate
model based methods, the PARAFAC decomposition based method provides better
estimates than the sub-covariance matrices based method at the cost of computation
time because PARAFAC uses iterative TALS based method. The other advantage of an
accurate model methods is that it can be used for a system which uses half wavelength
inter element spacing to minimize mutual coupling between the array elements.
90 Chapter 4. Accurate Model Based Methods
RMSE (λ)
Figure 4.3 – RMSE in the position estimated by the proposed methods described in
section 2.2, section 4.1, and section 4.2 versus SNR. de = dr = λ/4, K = 103 , L = 103 ,
M = 7, N = 9, mo = 4, no = 5, and P = 2. The CRLBs are calculated using (1.43) and
92 Conclusion
ing four nearest neighbors from two LUTs is time consuming. To overcome the space
and time requirement of LUT based correction method, we have proposed the second
method which estimates the accurate relative propagation path length vector and cor-
rects the location parameters using TLS. The proposed methods add extra complexity
to the localization process however greatly improves the estimation performance.
Beside the methods to reduce the effects of Fresnel approximation, we have pro-
posed two methods which can directly process the spherical wavefront based signal
model. The first method is based on subspaces whereas the second method is based
on tensor decomposition. Principally in both the proposed methods, we estimate the
directional vectors first and then the location parameters from them. Tensor decom-
position usually uses iterative methods to find its components which makes it com-
putationally costly. On the other hand, subspaces based proposed method processes
submatrices which is faster than the tensor decomposition based method however the
maximum number of localizable targets reduces to the number of receiving antennas.
Because of the complete exploitation of the signal data all together by the tensor de-
composition based proposed method, its performance surpasses the proposed sub-
space based method. Using the accurate model doesn’t imply that the performance in
terms of RMSE will always be better. This can be observed from the simulation results
that if the proposed correction methods are applied on the proposed approximated
model based method, it can surpass both the accurate model based methods. How-
ever, it is clear from this work that approximated model alone is not a great choice
when we are looking for precision. It is better to correct the bias or to use the accurate
model based methods in the near field region of a bistatic MIMO system. Additionally,
the proposed accurate model based methods support interelement distance between
λ/4 and λ/2 which can not be handled by most of the approximated model based
2 Future Work
The performance of all the proposed methods in this thesis is analyzed only by
computer simulations. However, the methods are proposed for real life applications.
Therefore, the analysis is incomplete without testing the proposed methods with some
real bistatic MIMO radar data.
In the near field region of an array, the fast moving target may not induce coherent
Doppler shift. Thus, the model used in this study may not be suitable for such targets
because in this study we have ignored the effects of Doppler shifts in the signal model.
In the literature, we can find countless work on the point-like sources in the near field
region of an array. However, we may come across large targets which can not be local-
ized properly with the proposed methods. Thus, this work should be extended to the
2. Future Work 93
and h iT
JN δer p + δer p = 2 φr p N̆ 2 , ( N̆ − 1)2 , . . . , 0, . . . , ( N̆ − 1)2 , N̆ 2 . (A.2)
96 Appendix A. Biased Location Parameters
δ̀r p = JN δr p − δr p (A.3)
δ́r p = JN δr p + δr p . (A.4)
From (A.5), ω
e r p can be estimated as
h i h i
1 2 N̆ ρr p
ω =
4 N̆
∑ δ̀r p
i +1
− δ̀r p
= ωr p +
2 N̆
γr( p, 1) − γr( p, N ) (A.6)
i =1
which can be used to obtain the biased DOA using the following expression
θer p = arccos(ω
e r p /dr ). (A.7)
N̆ h i h i
er p = 1
φ ∑ i2
δ́r p + δ́r p (A.9)
4 N̆ i =1
N̆ −i +1 N̆ +i +1
because (n + 1 − no )2 − (n − no )2 = 2 (n − no ) + 1.
Similarly, on multiplying (A.14) by PN −1 ∈ R( N −2)×( N −1) , we can obtain the second
98 Appendix A. Biased Location Parameters
difference as
2 φr p γr( p, 3) − 2 γr( p, 2) + γr( p, 1)
2 φr p γr − 2 γr + γr
( p, 4) ( p, 3) ( p, 2)
PN −1 PN δr p = . + ρr p .. (A.15)
.. .
2 φr p γr( p, N ) − 2 γr( p, N −1) + γr( p, N −2)
2φer p
2 φer p
≈ . ∈ R N −2 . (A.16)
2 φr p
N −2 h i
er p =
2 ( N − 2) ∑ PN −1 PN δr p
i =1
ρr p N −2
= φr p +
2 ( N − 2) ∑ γr( p, i+2) − 2 γr( p, i+1) + γr( p, i) . (A.18)
i =1
N −1 h i
erp =
N−1 ∑ [2 (i − no ) + 1] φer p − PN δr p
i =1
" #
γr( p, 1) − γr( p, N ) N −2
( N − 2 n o + 1)
= ωr p + ρ r p
2 ( N − 2) ∑ γr( p, i+2) − 2 γr( p, i+1) + γr( p, i) .
i =1
Finally, θer p and ρer p can be calculated from ω er p by using (A.7) and (A.11)
e r p and φ
where γr p = [γr( p, 1) , γr( p, 2) , · · · , γr( p, N ) ] T . As before, θer p and ρer p can be calculated from
er p by using (A.7) and (A.11) respectively.
e r p and φ
Like the above method in section A.1.3, this approach is also based on LS estima-
tion. However, it directly estimates biased range and DOA by minimizing the follow-
ing cost function
(ρer , θr ) = arg min
δr − δr (ρ, θ )
p p p (A.22)
(ρ, θ ) F
with the help of a numerical method like Newton’s minimization technique because
closed form expression may not be easily found. The use of numerical methods to
minimize the cost function makes this method slow because of the iterations; and un-
reliable due to the local minimums.
Estimations from all the possible combinations of i and i0 can be combined using mean
which gives
As above, θer p and ρer p can be calculated by using (A.7) and (A.11) respectively.
100 Appendix A. Biased Location Parameters
(n − no )3 d3r
γr( p, n) ≈ cos θ rp sin θr p (A.26)
2 ρ3r p
to obtain the biased range and DOA by using (A.11) and (A.7) respectively.
Figure A.1, Figure A.2, Figure A.3, Figure A.4, Figure A.5, and Figure A.6 show the pro-
file of this error (ξer p ) for the biased location parameters extraction approaches briefed
in section A.1.1, section A.1.2, section A.1.3, section A.1.4, section A.1.5, section A.1.6
respectively. The symmetric ULA used in this example is assumed to have N = 9 an-
tennas and dr = λ/4 inter element spacing. In the figures, the lower and upper limits
of the Fresnel region are also drawn to show the near field region of the considered
From the error profiles of these methods, we can notice that the biases in the lo-
A.2. Numerical Example 101
cation parameters due to the Fresnel approximation have significant variation with
respect to DOA except for the method in section A.1.3. Additionally, as shown in Fig-
ure A.3, the error magnitude is also small and gradually decreases with the increase
in range which is close to ideal behavior of a function inversely proportional to the
range. Because of its closeness to the ideal error profile, we have used this method to
construct LUT in section 3.2. And it has shown acceptable performance in the reduc-
tion of the biases in the location parameters due to the Fresnel approximation which
can be backed up by the numerical examples in section 3.5. On analyzing Figure A.2
visually, we can say that the method in section A.1.2 can be accepted as the second
choice to construct LUTs.
ξerp (λ)
0 .0
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
6 0.05 0.05 F̆r
4 0.0
3 0 75
0.0 0.07
5 5
0. 0 .1
1 1
0 .3 0.3
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure A.1 – Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.1;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5.
102 Appendix A. Biased Location Parameters
0.025 0.05 0.025
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
ξerp (λ)
5 7 5
0.0 F̆r
4 0.05 0.05
5 0.075
2 0.07
2 0.
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure A.2 – Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.2;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5.
2 5 25
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
7 ξerp (λ)
6 Fr
5 F̆r
4 0 .0
0 .0
2 0.1
0 .0 7 5
1 0.2
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure A.3 – Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.3;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5.
A.2. Numerical Example 103
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
ξerp (λ)
6 Fr
0 .0
5 F̆r
0. 0
1 25 0.07
0.0 0.07 00.2 50
0 .0
0.01 25 0.01
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure A.4 – Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.4;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5.
0. ξerp (λ)
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
7 5
5 02F
0. r
5 0.0
4 0.0
0.075 0.075
0 .1
1 0.0.05
2 1
0. 0.
0.2 .2
5 30
1 0.3
0.20.07 0.
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure A.5 – Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.5;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5.
104 Appendix A. Biased Location Parameters
ξerp (λ)
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
0.05 F̆r
5 5
0 .0
0 .0 1
4 0.075 0.075
3 0.1
1 0.
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure A.6 – Approximation error (ξer p ) profile of the extraction method in section A.1.6;
dr = λ/4, N = 9, and no = 5.
Correction Methods for Single Array
The two proposed correction methods in chapter 3 can be used for a single receiv-
ing array [105, 106]. In the following, we apply them to correct the biased location pa-
rameters estimated by the two existing approximated model based near field sources
location methods in [2] and [3]. Consider a ULA with N = 9 receiving antennas and
d = λ/4 inter element spacing. Since the methods in [2] and [3] require symmetric
array, we take no = 5 which makes N̆ = 4. The received signals for the simulations are
generated using the model based on spherical wavefront. The actual location param-
eters of the pth location is given by (ρr p , θr p ). As in Appendix A, (ρer p , θer p ) denotes the
pair of biased location parameters estimated here by using [2] and [3]. And (ρ̂r p , θ̂r p )
denotes the corresponding pair of corrected location parameters. The estimation er-
ror (ξer p ) between the actual and biased location parameters is calculated in terms of
Euclidean distance using the expression in (A.29). By using the similar expression,
we can calculate the estimation error (ξ̂ r p ) between the actual and corrected location
parameters as r
ξ̂ r p = ρ̂2r p + ρ2r p − 2 ρ̂r p ρr p cos θ̂r p − θr p . (B.1)
Figure B.1 and Figure B.2 show the contour plots of the Euclidean distances be-
tween the actual and biased locations estimated in noiseless situation by the methods
in [2] and [3] respectively. The contours are generated by discretizing the near field re-
gion into a regular rectangular grid and then calculating ξer p at each of these locations.
Each location is handled separately, therefore the methods in [2] and [3] experience a
single source situation. The upper and lower limits of the Fresnel region are also shown
along with the contours to easily identify the near field region. L = 103 samples are
106 Appendix B. Correction Methods for Single Array
used to estimate the biased location parameters from both the methods to avoid the
degradation in their performance due to the lack of samples, because both are based
on subspace principle. The unit of the approximation error values shown on the con-
tour lines is λ. These figures have similar meaning as the figures in section A.2. They
also conclude that two different methods have different approximation error profiles.
ξerp (λ)
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
6 0.04
0.03 6
4 0.0
0.04 0.04
0.1 0.06
2 6
0.0 0.08 0.08
1 0.1
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
ξerp (λ)
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
0 .0
0. 0
2 0.06
8 0.08
1 0 . 0 .1 0.1
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Let ξ r p = ξer p /ξ̂ r p be the ratio of the error in the location parameters at the pth lo-
cation before correction to the error after correction. Figure B.3 and Figure B.4 respec-
tively show this ratio for the near field region when the biased location parameters of
each location are estimated in noiseless condition by using the methods in [2] and [3]
and corrected by our proposed method in section 3.2. The LUT is constructed by us-
ing 100 uniformly spaced discrete values of the ranges between F̆r and Fr ; and 720
uniformly spaced discrete values of the DOA from 0.1◦ to 179.9◦ .
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
2 Fr 6
1.5 1.5
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure B.3 – ξ r p of [2], corrected using section 3.2; d = λ/4, L = 103 , and N̆ = 4.
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
3 2 5
ξrp 6 2
2 6
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure B.4 – ξ r p of [3], corrected using section 3.2; d = λ/4, L = 103 , and N̆ = 4.
Same as above, Figure B.5 and Figure B.6 respectively show the profile of ξ r p in the
near field region when the biased location parameters of each location are estimated in
noiseless condition by using the methods in [2] and [3] and corrected by our proposed
method in section 3.3.
108 Appendix B. Correction Methods for Single Array
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
12 1 2
12 8
3 5
1 .4
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure B.5 – ξ r p of [2], corrected using section 3.3; d = λ/4, L = 103 , and N̆ = 4.
Perpendicular to the array (λ)
3 2 5
ξrp 2
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Along the array (λ)
Figure B.6 – ξ r p of [3], corrected using section 3.3; d = λ/4, L = 103 , and N̆ = 4.
In Figure B.3, Figure B.4 Figure B.5, and Figure B.6, the Fresnel region with ξ r p > 1
signifies that the proposed correction methods reduce the error due the approximated
model. We can observe from these figures that the improvement of the proposed
correction method varies inside the Fresnel region. The principal cause of this phe-
nomenon is that the approximation error due to the higher order terms in (1.14) is
a nonlinear function of range and DOA. In addition, the degree of the nonlinearity
changes inside the Fresnel region. Large value of ξ r p implies better correction. From
the patterns of contours in Figure B.3, Figure B.4 Figure B.5, and Figure B.6, we can
observe that ξ r p does not have the same values in the same part of the near field re-
gion for the two methods. This illustrates that the correction methods have different
performance for different methods.
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Thèse de Doctorat
Résumé Abstract
Dans cette thèse, nous considérons la dernière géné- Sources localization is used in radar, sonar, and
ration du radar. Il s’agit d’un radar MIMO bistatique telecommunication. Radar has numerous civilian and
qui est composé de plusieurs antennes d’émission et military applications. Radar system has gone through
de réception. Pour ce système, les antennes émet- many developments over the last few decades and
trices transmettent des signaux linéairement indépen- reached the latest version known as MIMO radar. A
dants afin qu’ils puissent être identifiés à l’aide d’un MIMO radar is composed of multiple transmitting and
banc de filtres adaptés au niveau des antennes de receiving antennas like a conventional phased array
réception. Les signaux filtrés sont alors traités pour radar. However, its transmitting antennas transmit lin-
extraire les paramètres des cibles, tels que les DOA, early independent signals so that they can be easily
DOD, vitesse, etc. Un radar MIMO bistatique offre une identified by the matched filters bank at its receiving
grande diversité spatiale et une excellente identifiabi- end. The matched filtered signals are then processed
lité des paramètres, etc., ce qui nous a incités à l’uti- to extract the ranges, DOAs, DODs, velocities, etc. of
liser dans ce travail. La situation en champ lointain the targets. A bistatic MIMO radar system provides
d’un radar MIMO bistatique est largement traitée dans high resolution, spatial diversity, parameter identifiabil-
la littérature. Mais, peu de travaux existe sur la situa- ity, etc. which inspired us to use it in this work. There
tion en champ proche, c’est ce qui a motivé le tra- are many existing methods to deal with the far field re-
vail de cette thèse. La localisation de cibles en champ gion of MIMO radar system. However, little work can
proche est importante en raison de nombreuses ap- be found on the near field region of a bistatic MIMO
plications à l’intérieur des constructions. A ce sujet, la radar which motivated the work in this thesis. Near
plupart des méthodes actuelles utilisent l’approxima- field targets localization is also important because of
tion de Fresnel dans laquelle le front d’onde sphérique many indoor applications. Most of the existing near
des signaux reçus est supposé quadrique plutôt que field sources localization techniques use Fresnel ap-
planaire comme en champ lointain. Dans ce travail de proximation in which the real spherical wavefront is as-
thèse, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode de sumed quadric unlike planar in far field situation. In
localisation des cibles en champ proche qui utilise l’ap- this work we have proposed a novel near field targets
proximation de Fresnel. Celle-ci conduit à une estima- localization method using Fresnel approximation. The
tion biaisée des paramètres de localisation car en réa- Fresnel approximation leads to a biased estimation of
lité le front d’onde est sphérique. Nous avons proposé the location parameters because the true wavefront is
alors deux méthodes de correction pour réduire les ef- spherical. Consequently, we have proposed two cor-
fets de l’approximation de Fresnel et deux autres mé- rection methods to reduce the effects of Fresnel ap-
thodes qui utilisent directement le modèle exacte basé proximation and other two methods which directly use
sur le front d’onde sphérique. the exact signal model based on spherical wavefront.