Yin 2019
Yin 2019
Yin 2019
Ab.ftruct- I n this paper , we consider ace ll-freem assive C urrently, some studiesh ave been performedo n the cell-
mu ltiple-inpu t mu ltiple- outpu t (:\ 11:\ 10 ) sys temw hi chco ntai n s free massive MIMO systems. [12}a nalyzedt he minimu m
a large num ber ofa ccess point s (APs)a nd a much smaller rate and5% -outage rate performance under thecondi tion of
numbero f users. Eac h APob tain s th e chann el param eters imperfectch annel informatio n and assumedt hatt he
estimatedfr om t he uplink quantization bits and applies complete ly orthogonalp ilots area llocated to the users. In
maximum ratio tr ansmis sion (:\IRT) inthe downlink [ 13]. thea uthors deriv ed the closed-form express ion for
t ransmission.Durin g the tr ansmi ssion of feedback, we ccnstder downli nk achievable rateu nder the Ray leigh fading channel.
a qu antization techniquea ndlimit edca pac ity, We redesignth e
[ 14] proposeda random vectorq uantization code book design
eodebookwhic h co ntai ns channe l direction inform atio n (C[)J )
method. In[15 ]. the effect of large-scale fadin g was added to
a nd channel q ualityinf ormation (CQI) . We derivet he dosed-
the originalG rassma nn codebookw hich minimizes chord
form expre ssion for t he down link ac hievab le rate a nd a pp ly
max-min power controlal gorithm to guaranteeth e users ' data d istance to design ac odebookb ased onfu ll channel
ra tes. In order toin crease the perform ance • .... ea lso propose a n information. Althoug h this codebooki ss uboptimal,i t is
optimal bita llocation a lgorithm. Simulationres ults show that mores uitable for distributed antenna systems (DAS). [16]
th e pr oposeda lgorithms ca na chieve good system performance. analyzed the statistics o ft he quantized channela ndt he real
channe l. [17] proposed that thech annel quantizat ion needs
Keywords-s-Cett-free m assive MUdD, ch(lnlleJ (Ju(lnti:atitm, feedbac k channel directio n information (COl) and channel
codeb(wk d e ~ · i1( l . tlchievable rate. maximize radio transmission quality information (CQI), while it did not ind icate the
feedback ratio of CQ I and COl. Tot he best of our
I. INTRODUCTION knowled ge. inc ell-free massive MIMO systems,th ere has
beenn ore searc hes on limitedfee dback.
Due to the advanta ges ofhi gh energy efficiency and
spectru m utilization, large-sca lem ultiple-input multiple- Inthi s paper . weco nsider ace ll-free massive MIMO
output (MIMO) has been considered as ap romising 5G syste mu nderthe ass umptionsth at its channel obeys
wireless access technolo gy [1-5]. In gene ral, there are mainly Rayleigh fading and APs haveno channel statei nformatio n
twoca tegories of massive MIMO : the co-loc atedma ssive (CS I). First,w ere design the codebooka nd carryo n channel
MIMO andd istributed massive MIMO . where antenna arrays estimation by channel quantiza tion [18·20 ). Then, we derive
arelocate da t the bases tation and spreado ut over aw ide the closed-form express ion ford ow nlink achievable rate and
area respectively [6- 10]. Since the anten nas of the d istributed tackle with the power andbi t allocat ion problem. Lastly. we
mass ive MIMO are spread outov er a largea rea. it can propo se the optimal bita llocation algorit hm to improve the
reducet he impacto f shadow fadin g, and its coveragei s rate performance.
wider than co-locat ed massiveM IMO at the cost o f higher The rema inder o ft his pape r is organized as follows.
backhaul [11].H owever. both of thet wo categories inherit Sectio n II descri bes thece ll-free massive MIMO down link
the shortco ming oft he traditiona l massive MIMO system. system. In Section III. we redesign the codebooka nd carry
i.e., thep erformance is typica lly limited by intra-ce ll onc hannel estimation . In Section IV, we derivet he closed-
interference. T hus in this pape r, wedi scuss a newma ssive form expression for datar ate and solvet hepo wer andbi t
MIMOmo del, called cell-freem assive MIMO. whichi s free a llocationprob lem. In Section V • We provide numerica l
from ce lls. results and somedi scuss ions. Finally, Section VI conc ludes
In [ I]. the authors considered the distribu ted mass ive this paper.
MIMO systemsw here plentyo fa ccess points( APs) are
Thes ymbols usedin this article are as follows: ( A l' ,
d istributed overawi de areaa nd serve a muchsm aller
num ber of users. AllA Ps arecon nectedt o thece ntral ( A)H repr esentt he matr ix transpose and conjugate transpose .
processing unit( C PU) via a backhaul network. All usersg et
service froma ll APss imultaneously. Sinceno cell is
E {o} • IHI denote Eucl idean norm and expectation
invo lved, whic h is the origin of its name. Ob viously. iti s a respect ively.
combinat ion oft he co-locatedm ass ive MIMO and
distributed massive MIMO. thereforeita lsoi nherits the II. C ELL-F REE M ASS[VE M IMO S VSTHI MODEL
advantages of them. Furthermore, sincet he users are clo ser
We consider a ce ll-free massive MIMO systemwi th
tot he APs,i tca np rovide higher coverage performance. And
alsod ue to the largerco verage. antenna selection for each M APs and K (M » K) users, both of whicha re randoml y
userb ecomes a very important issue. locatedi n a large area. Eachu ser ise quipped with a single
antenna and APs equipped with N , antennas , respec tively.
Fig. l . A cell-free massive MIMO system.\\hcrc thc dashed and solid Bn J/ =).B."""
( I)
lines represent backhaul and access links. respectively. B l "Q1 =(1- ).) B m"" ,
Thed ifferen cebet ween ce ll-free massiveM IMO and Basedon the conclusion of [Ill, the realc hannel vector
traditionalm assiveM IMOi s thatallA Psse rvethetar get h ml canb e decomposed as
user simultaneous ly intheform er. Ino ne coh erence interva l,
itn eeds tocom pleteth ree transmi ssio ns: the uplink
quanti zation bits transmi ssion. the downlink signal
transmission andt he uplin ks ignaltran sm iss ion.Us ers send
where s..... representsth e direction infonnation of theC Ol
qua ntizationb its tot he AP s first and then A Psc hoose
channe ls betw ee nu sers and A Psfro mt hec odebook . Int he quan tizat ion error, sca lar z.... represe nts the magnitude of the
seco ndt ransmission , A Psp rec ede the transmitteds ignals C O l quant izatio n errorand
with the obtained channel statei nformation in thefi rst
transmis sion andu sers sends ignals toth e APs. Toa void (3)
excha nge of CSI between AP s andu sers. we adopt the
maximumra tiot ransmissi on (MRT) in the dow nlink and Noteth at sm.! is distributedi n theze ro spaceo f h....
maximum rat io combining(M RC) in the uplink . In the
follo wing, we mai nlys tudyt he firstt wop hase s. iso topicall y, thus E [s... J = 0 However, z... mea ns the
acc uracy of C Ol and
E {=... }= N~- I r b",·,. / ( N,- l ). (4)
Suppo se thatt he user'sc han nelv ector h... is ,
decomposed into gml and timl , where gml = llhmlll IS CO l
Ass ume thatt he CQ I Ilh",. II/." is quantized byq mi' g iven
and 11 m• = h..l /llhmlll isC Q I. In adownl ink mu lti-user MIMO
system,CO li sg ene rally used tod esig n a precodin g mat rix
toeli minate inter-user interference and obtain multi-user
diversity ga in.C Q I isg enerallyu sed for ada ptive resource
allocatio nincludin g powera llocation , subcarrierallo catio n wher et heva riable e..l isth e quan tizat ion error. whic h
andan tenna selectio n, etc. belo ngs tot he rounding error and e m.! is uniforml y
I, 1
A. Codebook Design d istributed in [_2X,VJ - 2I1, VJ - ] . Thus,
In general, the codebookd esign is basedo n COL
Howe ver, in this paper weneedto take intoacco unt both E{ , . ,} o O. (6)
COl and CQ I. Theco debook designba sed on all infonnatio n
indica tes thatt he large-scalefa ding (LSF)i s alsoc onsidere d
in the cod ebook desig n scheme. Due to thes low ly chan ging
E (( 'N - E {eN lJ} 2'''' /3 . (7)
natu re of LSF, iti s reasonable to assu me thatthet rans mitter T hen theC SI obta ined by the feedback isw ritte n as
and receiver have perfect knowledge of LSF. The literature
(16 )
C. Channel estimation
Boththe transmitter andth e receiver keepth e same
channel codebook which is mentioned abovean d we
assume that thetra nsmitter know s perfect CS l.B y
introduce chordal distance as a metric . the math ematica l .If I
re prese ntat ion of the quantization processis VI .II' .!. 14 "L..'7..i"I · h .. . h.- .' I '
- VPj' ( 18)
.. =1
h... = W,= arg min d 2 ( h... .w) (9) Wetreatt he second, thirdandfo urtht erms in ( [5 ) asth e
W, E!W,.. _." ,! ' effectivenoise ', andthe firstit emi s uncorre latedwi th other
where d ( h..l ' Wi) represents the distance between h... and terms in the worst case. Soweca n obtain theachievablerate
Wi ' The transmitterse nds the position of quantized channel of thek -th userf or cell-free massive MIMO under limited
to there ce iver and the receive r searches the channelfrom feedback
thecodeboo k accord ing top osition.
Weap ply the MRT preceding for thedow nlink signal ,. a [ E1IBV.I'l+t, E(IUiul'l +1
transm ission. With imperfect CSI. APs can only regard the
channel esti mates asthetrueva lues. The receiveds ignal of Thus, the closed -form expressionisded uced to
thek ·th user is givenb y
rd.• =
Lh.. 1 x .. + W d. l • ( 10)
.. ~ I
( 11) where
where P. with £ {Ipln= I is thes ignal intended to the A.."= '1... ( «: + q ~ . 2- ; "", ) X...' (2 1)
k-th user, '7mt is the powercon trol coefficient which should
satisfythefo llowing inequality X
... N,,
= 1_ N, -1 2 /.', - l +_1_
N 2
" ,- 1
' (22)
, ,
rd.• = DSlq. + BUlq. + L U I.II,q« + W d .l , ( 15)
subjectto L fJ...q;" =::; 1 m = I,2, ··, M (24)
quantify C Ol. Now , weneedtocon side r howtoa llocate bits
eac h part to improves yste m performance. Ass ume that all
0.9 _ _ r.we......, __
usershavethe same b it allocation factor. Toimp rove the
performance of the entire system, we ai matmax imizingt he
overall rate tofi nd o ut theo ptima l bit allocationf actor .
, ~ 07
L R':f
~ 06
n,'II' H,1)/ h i d .• ~ 0.5
• e 1012 14
P ... ·use< dow nlink lhroog~
16 16
20 22 24
In thiss ection, weprov idet hen umerical results tover ify Fig. 3. Comparison of different hit allocat ionsc hemesand power control.
the performance of our proposed algor ithms. In a
Ikrn x I kmsq uare area, all A Ps andu sersa re di stribu ted Fig. 3 shows thec umu lative d istr ibution of the per-user
random ly. T he LS F coe fficie nt p,... is given by the COST downlinkth roughp utunde r different power con trol andb it
a llocat ion schemes.Weaddt he influence oft hebit
lI ata model:
allocation factor in this figurec ompared w ith thefigure
P"", = I O - IJ 6-3 IIOS,.(d.. j, X.. 1IO• (26) above . We can see from itt hat the performance of max- min
power control scheme is better under the sameb it allocation
where d",. is th edista nceb etween th em oth A P and th e schemea nd the performance of optimalbita llocatio n
k- th user in ki lometers . lOu .. I IO) repres ents the shadow scheme is better under the sam e power control scheme. The
effect with X mJ - N (O,a ,z'-I ) ' Un less othe rwise specified, cond ition for achieving thebes t performa nce isa pply ing
max-minp owerco ntrol and optima l bita llocation scheme.
thevar iance a ~ isset to8 dB. T he carrier frequency T he reaso n is thatt he max -min powe r co ntro l sc heme
is 1,. = 1.9 G Hza nd the bandwid th is B = 20M Hz. The ens ures that each user' s perfor mance tends tobe consisten t
ma ximumt ransm it powerforeac h A Pi s 200 mW.Th e and opti mal b it allocation sc heme ai msa ti mprovi ng the
numbe rs of APs and usersare 100 and 40 , respectively . overall performance of all users. T hese two algorithm s have
d ifferent purposes. Sowecanach ieve best res ults by
Fig. 2 show s the cumulative distribu tion of theper- user co mbining the m.
down link th ro ughput under the max- min power con trol and
average power a llocation when the quantization b its are Fig. 4 showsh ow the per-use r throu ghput cha nges with
allocat ed uniform ly. Iti sse en that the throu gh put of the then umbero fq uantizatio n bits. Wec an seefro m itcle arly
averagepowe r a llocat ion a lgorit hmh as awide range that theth rough put of opti malb ita llocationi s alway s better
distribu tion andt he d ifference betweenth e maximum than that of averageb it allocatio n. As then um bero f
throughputand the m ini mumt hroughput is very large. In quan tiza tionb its increases, the per -user's throughput also
ad ditio n, a largep ercentage of users are co ncentrat ed in increases. In addition , whe nth en umber of quantizati on b its
reac hes ace rtain value, thepe r-user throughput of optimal complex ity of the channele stimation and power allocat ion
bit allocation scheme becomess table, while that of average a lgorithms willal so decrease.
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.. w ---:;,----:;- --::-- ---:;---;o-- --.J.
" '" 20 JO
Nu_ oIb f
<E{M(t."i.h.,h:'- E{t."ih..h:,}]'j (28)
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