Waterfilling Power Allocation Applied in Block-Diagonalization Multi-User MIMO Precoding Technique

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Waterfilling Power Allocation Applied in Block-

Diagonalization Multi-User MIMO Precoding

Victor-Florin Crâșmariu, Marius-Octavian Arvinte,
Silviu Ciochină, Member, IEEE
Andrei-Alexandru Enescu
Telecommunications Department
Digital Networking University Politehnica of Bucharest
NXP Semiconductors Bucharest, Romania
Bucharest, Romania

Abstract—Next generation of mobile communications (5G) the Moore-Penrose inverse of the channel matrix as a precoding
comes with high throughput demands (up to more than 10 Gbps). matrix. This method eliminates not only the inter-user
From a radio access point of view, this requires using spatial interference, but also the intra-user interference for those users
multiplexing techniques that allow reaching these rates and are that have more than one data stream transmitted to them and
suitable for cases where the transmitter has a large number of also allows for a reduced complexity user terminal.
antennas. The challenges are even bigger when it comes to However, this type of precoding forces equal signal-to-noise
spatially multiplexing multiple mobile stations in the same time- ratios among all the antennas of all the users, thus leading to
frequency resource, a technique known as MU-MIMO (Multi- sub-optimal performances [4] and reduced flexibility in
User MIMO).
adjusting the received power levels for individual users, in
The Block Diagonalization technique shows a strong
performance in MU-MIMO scenarios by eliminating the inter-
other words enforcing a fair allocation of transmit powers.
user interference. This method also presents good flexibility in In contrast with ZF precoding, the SVD (Singular Value
terms of intra-user and inter-user transmission energy allocation. Decomposition) method has complete flexibility when it comes
This paper analyzes the performances – in terms of sum- to power allocations and exhibits a larger capacity even with a
capacity – of the downlink Block Diagonalization MU-MIMO fair power allocation [5]. However, the SVD precoding is only
technique when paired with the waterfilling power allocation suitable in practice for single-user scenarios, due to otherwise
mechanism. The use cases considered in the performed requiring collaborative detection at the user side.
simulations are aligned to those considered in the 5G networks: The BD (Block-Diagonalization) precoding [6]-[10] is a
up to 128 transmit antennas at the base station side, up to 64 type of precoding designed specifically for a multi-user
mobile users spatially multiplexed and up to 16 antennas for each scenario and, in contrast with the ZF method, its purpose is
mobile station. eliminating only the inter-user interference, effectively
decomposing a MU-MIMO system in multiple, parallel SU-
Keywords—Massive MIMO, BD, Precoding, MU-MIMO MIMO ones. Once BD has been performed, the base station can
perform SVD precoding and modify the power allocation for
each user.
The future generation of mobile communications The waterfilling power allocation [5] consists in increasing
(commercially dubbed 5G) targets increased throughput, low the transmission power for the streams that experience better
latency and a large number of simultaneously connected channel conditions and can be performed either on a per-user
devices. This latter requirement is even more important when basis or jointly for all users in order to maximize the overall
considering the scarce amount of spectrum available for future capacity, with the price of an unfair power allocation.
use. This paper studies the performance of the BD scheme when
In this sense, performing spatial multiplexing of users in a coupled with a waterfilling power allocation performed jointly
MIMO scenario in order to increase the achieved spectral across all users, in a 5G-like multi-user Massive-MIMO
efficiency is proven a very well suited solution, and scaling the scenario [11].
current spatial multiplexing techniques to a 5G scenario is The first section of the paper is an introduction to the topic of
currently a topic of great interest [1]. However, in the downlink research, describing the general scenario considered, the
transmission of a multi-user scenario (MU-MIMO) the main problem of inter-user interference that arises and presents the
source of error in the system is the inter-user interference, and BD precoding and waterfilling power allocation as ways to
schemes that cancel it without the need for a collaborative increase the overall capacity. The second section contains a
detection [2] have to be found. These methods fall into the brief summary of the MU-MIMO system model considered, as
category of base station precoding and generally rely on known well as notations used throughout the paper. The third section
CSI (Channel State Information). describes the BD technique and the SVD (Singular Value
One such precoding method that cancels the inter-user Decomposition) precoding method that is applied for each
interference is ZF (Zero-Forcing) beamforming [3], which uses

978-1-5090-3748-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

virtually created link generated after performing the BD method, which is shown to be a suitable and scalable method
precoding. The fourth section introduces the waterfilling power for a Massive-MIMO system [6].
allocation method, which is used for an optimal choice of Contrary to the ZF beamforming method, which is a
transmission power in order to maximize the capacity. The fifth classical technique that eliminates both the inter-user and intra-
and the final section presents the obtained simulation results user interference (the interference that appears between the
when using the BD precoding coupled with two variations of antennas of the same user), the BD technique aims to eliminate
the waterfilling power allocation in a Massive-MIMO scenario. only the inter-user interference.
Let PBD be the BD precoding matrix and He as the
II. MU-MIMO SYSTEM MODEL equivalent channel matrix that is virtually created after applying
The downlink MU-MIMO system that is used is depicted in the BD precoding matrix,
Figure 1.The model consists of a base station and K mobile
stations. Denoted with nt is the number of antennas that the base H e = HPBD (2)
station possesses. One particularity of the MIMO system used
in this paper is that the base station has a large number of
In other words, it can be said that PBD leads to zero values
antennas (Massive MIMO), with nt equals to 32, 64 or 128
on the elements corresponding to inter-user interference of the
antennas or above.
He matrix.
Each of the K mobile stations has nr,i antennas and nr
Another observation is that H e can be viewed as being
denotes the summed receive antennas of all of the K users.
formed from a set of block-matrices consisting of non-zero
elements and positioned along the main diagonal, while all the
other elements are zero. The total number of blocks is equal to
the number of mobile stations, K,

H e ,1 
 0 
 H e ,2 
He =  . (3)
  
 0 
 H e,K 

It has been proven [7] that PBD can be found within the
Figure 1. Representation of a multi-user MIMO system. vectors that form the null spaces of a family of matrices derived
from H, each such matrix corresponding to a mobile station.
The MIMO equation used in this paper is given in the (1) Each block within the He matrix can be considered as an
and corresponds to a narrowband, flat-fading, time-invariant equivalent channel matrix that characterizes the communication
channel affected by AWGN (Additive, White, Gaussian Noise). between the base station and a single user. Over each such
This mathematical model is hence restricted to the coherence channel, a SU-MIMO communication can be performed. Also,
time and bandwidth of the system and it can be easily a classical MIMO technique (such as ZF, SVD, etc.) can be
generalized with various technologies for any type of mobile applied.
and fading channel. In this paper, SVD precoding implemented by the base
station for each of the virtually created SU-MIMO links has
y = Hx + n, (1) been considered.
The SVD decomposition for each block within the He
where: matrix is
x is the nt × 1 vector of symbols that are transmitted over
the nt base station antennas. H e,i = U i Σ i Vi . (4)
y is the nr × 1 vector of symbols that are received on each
antenna of each of the K users.
n is the nr × 1 vector that represents the AWGN on each where:
receive antenna. Ui – A nr,i × nr,i unitary matrix.
H is the nr × nt matrix representing the MIMO channel Vi – A nl,i × nl,i unitary matrix, where nl,i represents the
matrix. number of data layers associated to i-th user.
Σi – A nr,i × nl,i diagonal matrix with the main diagonal
III. BD-SVD PRECODING TECHNIQUE elements equal to λ1 ≥ λ 2 ≥ ... ≥ λ n , real numbers that

The problem of collaborative detection at the receiver side represent the singular values of the H matrix.
can be mitigated by eliminating the inter-user interference. e ,i
This technique ensures that each user will only receive the It is denoted
signals that carry the information intended to it. One such
technique is the Block-Diagonalization (BD) beamforming
V1 σ n – AWGN noise power.
 0  λi – the singular value associated to the i-th layer.
PSVD =  (5) wi – the transmission power allocated to the i-th layer.
  
 0  It is shown [5] that the capacity (either for the entire system,
 VK  or for each user individually) is maximized when

as the matrix that prepares the data symbols for SVD λi + = constant, for all i. (8)
decomposition that is to be applied for each block within the wi
H e matrix.
To reach this solution one can start from (7) together with
the constraint that the sum of the wi coefficients must be
IV. WATERFILLING POWER ALLOCATION METHOD bounded by the total power budget and solve the multi-
The SVD decomposition opens up the possibility of dimensional extrema problem with the well-known Lagrange
enforcing a power allocation policy, in which each individual multiplier method, which leads to the following expression:
symbol meant for transmission is allocated a different power. In
this paper, the waterfilling power allocation method has been
Pt 1 Nl
σn σn
Regarding how the waterfilling coefficients are chosen, two
wi = +
Nl Nl
j =1

, (9)
different optimization criteria have been studied that concern
the capacity function that is being maximized: where Pt represents the total power constraint and Nl represents
i) Across all users simultaneously (system) by using the the number of symbols intended for MIMO transmission.
singular values of the equivalent channel matrix He. This leads In the case that one or more of the wi coefficients is
to an unfair power allocation that will favor some users over negative, the lowest one of them is set to zero, meaning that this
others, possibly even cancelling out completely some others in certain layer is not transmitted, and the solution is computed
the process. again for the rest of the coefficients.
ii) Per individual user by using the singular values of
each equivalent channel He,i and assuming that the total
transmit power constraint is the same for all users. This leads to V. SIMULATION RESULTS
a fair power allocation.
In both cases, the power weighting factors can be expressed Simulations have been performed in order to investigate the
as block-matrices of the global prescaling matrix that will be capacity gain obtained from combining the BD precoding with
applied directly to the transmitted symbols, defined as: the waterfilling power allocation using both optimization
criteria (system and per user).
In order to measure the achievable end-to-end performance,
 Λ1
0 
the sum of the capacities of each user’s equivalent MIMO
 Λ2
channel is used, where the capacity of the i-th user can be
expressed as:
Λ= , (6)
  
 0  nl ,i
 λ j(i ) (i ) 
 ΛK  Ci [bps / Hz ] =  log 2 1 + w j , (10)
 σ 
j =1  n 
where Λ i is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements that
represent the power adjustment coefficients for the i-th user. where:
The Λ matrix multiplies the data symbol vector before λ (j i ) – the singular value of the j-th layer, i-th user.
applying the subsequent precoding matrices for BD and SVD. (i )
The waterfilling power allocation policy aims to maximize w j – the power allocated to the j-th layer, i-th user.
the sum capacity for a multi-channel system that is under a total The simulated scenario is a flat-fading (either single-carrier
transmit power constraint. In case of a MIMO communication or a subcarrier in an OFDM system) and time-invariant one in
system, for which SVD technique is used as a MIMO which we have used the Rayleigh model for generating the
transmission method, the capacity is written as: coefficients of the H matrix.
Furthermore, following the BD, SVD and waterfilling
 λ2  precoding, the transmit antenna vector is scaled such that the
C[bps / Hz ] =  log 2 1 + i wi , (7) entire power budget is used for transmission.
i =1  σn 
This paper investigates the performance of the waterfilling
power allocation scheme when applied to a Multi-User
Massive-MIMO scenario in combination with the BD and SVD
Two types of waterfilling algorithms have been studied: one
in which the waterfilling is performed individually per user and
another one across the entire system. Both methods are shown
to exhibit superior performance to that of the scenario without
waterfilling, while having a reasonable implementation cost.
Particularly, the system waterfilling method shows a larger
performance gain, with the added cost of an unfair power
allocation among users.
Figure 1. The capacity offered by the two types of waterfilling performed Furthermore, the gain offered by waterfilling is proven
together with the BD precoding as a function of SNR. through simulations to be independent of the number of users
the system is fragmented in, proving it is scalable to Massive-
Figure 1 shows the obtained capacity for both waterfilling MIMO scenarios.
methods in a scenario with Nl = Nt = Nr = 128 in which the
transmitted layers and receive antennas are equally distributed REFERENCES
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Figure 2. The capacity offered by the system waterfilling as a function of SNR

and the number of users the system is fragmented in.

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