TechManual 2022 02 12 v6.0
TechManual 2022 02 12 v6.0
TechManual 2022 02 12 v6.0
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(Version 6.0)
This document is a compiled rules errata for the first printing of TechManual as of 12 February, 2022.
There have been six printings of the TechManual to date: 2007 (first printing; FanPro), 2007 (second printing; Catalyst), 2019 (retro
art), 2020, 2021, and 2021 (new art)—you can check page 7 of the book to see which one you have. Entries corrected in a given
printing are marked with a number corresponding to that printing (e.g. entries corrected in the 4th printing are marked with a ④).
This section combines all previously issued errata with the new additions of version 6.0, so that every ruling is in order and in one
place. All errata and page number references here are for the first printing (2007) unless specified otherwise. Please note that, in the
interests of brevity, typo and minor formatting corrections have not been listed unless they affect an understanding of the rules.
Special Note: The pace of reprints in 2021 was such that there was a reprint ordered on very short notice: the fifth printing. This
printing flew under the radar and led to some confusion. As a result, unfortunately the 6th printing is also labelled “5th printing”.
However, the actual 6th printing is easy to spot, as it has entirely different cover art. I have no idea what changes, if any, were made
to the real 5th printing. This document assumes that none were made and it is identical to the fourth, but I can’t confirm that.
Construction Basics
② Support Vehicles (p. 20)
Under “WiGE”, first sentence
Wing-in-Ground-Effect Support Vehicles weigh anywhere from 0.100 to 4.999 tons at the Small size, 5 to 80 tons for Medium size and
80.5 to 160 tons for Large size.
Change to:
Wing-in-Ground-Effect Support Vehicles weigh anywhere from 0.100 to 4.999 tons at the Small size, 5 to 80 tons for Medium size and
80.5 to 240 tons for Large size.
Change to:
Non-missile battle armor weapons install ammunition along the same lines as medium and light weapons, integrating all ammunition
into the weapon’s space and counting only as additional weight for the weapon itself.
BattleMech Construction
③ Allocate Tonnage For Internal Structure (p. 47)
Replace the entire “OmniMechs” entry with the following:
The type of internal structure and placement of any critical slots required must be determined upon the design of the base
configuration. All complete primary and alternate configurations thereafter must use the same number in any given bodily location
for their slots, although it is permissible to shift the slots within a location when designing a new configuration.
IndustrialMech Construction
⑥ Fuel (p. 68)
First paragraph, last sentence
Rates at which these fuels are consumed will be covered in Tactical Operations,
Change to:
Rates at which these fuels are consumed are covered in Strategic Operations, pages 32-33.
⑥ IndustrialMech Cockpit Enhancements: Advanced Fire Control and Ejection (p. 69)
Third paragraph, second sentence
Ejection, an advanced rule that will be covered in Tactical Operations,
Change to:
Ejection, an advanced rule covered in Tactical Operations: Advanced Rules, pp. 164-166),
Change to:
Focusing on the lightest possible weaponry, he starts with 3 machine guns at 0.5 tons and 1 critical slot apiece, placing 2 of
these in the right arm and 1 in the left.
ProtoMech Construction
③ ProtoMech Structure and Armor Table (p. 82)
Under “Total ProtoMech Tonnage”, rows 3, 4 and 5, change Arms (Left/Right) from “1 (4)” to “1 (2)”
2) ③ Under “Tractor/Trailer Vehicles”, replace the second paragraph with the following:
The MPs of a combined Tractor/Trailer unit may vary during gameplay. The Cruise MP of a combined Tractor/Trailer unit
is equal to the sum of the Engine Rating of the primary Tractor unit (the one doing all the towing/pushing) plus the lowest
Suspension Factor of the combined units, then divided by the combined weight of the Tractor and its Trailer(s) (rounded
down). The Flank MP is then computed normally by multiplying the Cruise MP by 1.5, and rounding up to the nearest whole
number. Thus, a 15-ton Wheeled Tractor with an Engine Rating of 55 and Suspension Factor 20, towing a 10-ton Wheeled
Trailer (Suspension Factor 20), would have a combined Tractor/Trailer MP of 3 Cruise and 5 Flank MP ([Engine Rating 55 +
lowest suspension factor of 20] / [15 Tractor tons + 10 Trailer tons] = 75/25 = 3 MP; 3 Cruise MP x 1.5 = 4.5MP; round up to
5 Flank MP).
Support Vehicle Engine Weight Multipliers and Fuel Weight Percentage Table (p. 127)
1) ③ Change the Steam Engine Tech E Engine Weight Multiplier from “2.8” to “2.6”
2) ③ Change the ICE Engine Tech B Engine Weight Multiplier from “2.0” to “3.0”
The minimum weight for Fission engines and Tech Rating C Fusion engines is 5 tons.
Change to:
The minimum weight for Fission engines and Tech Rating C Fusion engines is 5 tons; the minimum weight for Tech Rating D+
Fusion Engines is 0.25 tons.
Non-Gunners Minimum Crew Requirement
Communications Equipment (per ton, see p. 212) 1
Field Kitchen (per item, see p. 217) 3
MASH (per theater, see p. 228) 5
*Gunners are required only for items that require a Gunnery Skill roll to use in combat.
†Round up
††Tech E Chassis SVs use Tonnage ÷ 5; Tech F Chassis SVs use Tonnage ÷ 6 to determine gunners
‡Turret and pintle mounts counts as separate facing
‡‡Includes the vehicle’s driver
2) For the first subtable, Insert a new row, “WiGE”, with a Total Max Armor Factor of “4 + (0.5 per ton)”
3) Replace the lower portion of this table (the part that cross-references BAR and Tech Rating) and its footnote with the
Barrier Armor Weight (in kg) per Armor Point (by Tech Rating)
Rating (BAR) A B C D E F
2 40 25 16 13 12 11
3 60* 38 24 19 17 16
4 NA 50 32 26 23 21
5 NA 63* 40 32 28 26
6 NA NA 48 38 34 32
7 NA NA 56* 45 40 37
8 NA NA NA 51* 45 42
9 NA NA NA 57* 51* 47
10 NA NA NA 63* 56*† 52*†
*The Armored chassis modification is required to install this armor on a chassis of this Tech Rating.
†At Tech Ratings E and F, BAR 10 Armor occupies slot space equal to that of Inner Sphere and Clan Ferro-Fibrous Armor
types (respectively).
Rating D (29 points x 63 kg per point = 1,827 kg = 1.83 tons, which also rounds up to 2 tons), for flavor reasons Todd chooses to go
with less efficient Tech Rating D armor instead.
2) ⑥ Under “Weapons and Ammunition”, in between the first and second paragraphs insert the following:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
When mounting Small and Medium Weapons on Support Vehicles, each such weapon occupies 1 item slot. Use the
Conventional Infantry Weapons Table starting on page 349 to determine the weapon’s damage in BT gameplay. Because
such weapons fire individually, however, the actual damage values for a Small/Medium weapon in BT gameplay when fired
by a Support Vehicle must be rounded to the nearest whole point (rounding 0.5 up). Thus, a Support Vehicle mounting a
Thunderstroke II Gauss Rifle as a Medium Weapon (Base Damage: 0.53), would inflict 1 point of damage with that weapon in
BT gameplay (0.53 rounds up to 1), but if the vehicle used a Gyroslug Carbine instead (Base Damage: 0.35), it would inflict no
BT damage with that weapon (0.35 rounds down to 0). Any applicable special weapon effects (such as Heavy Burst or Flame-
Based Weapon capability) also apply to Light or Medium Weapons mounted on Support Vehicles.
To find the weapon’s Short, Medium, and Long Range values when fired by a Support Vehicle, use the weapon’s listed
Base Range for Short, multiply it by 2 for Medium Range, and 3 for Long. If applicable, the Range can then be used to
determine a Small or Medium Weapon’s Aerospace combat range as well: a range of 9 or less equals Aerospace Short
Range; 10 to 19 equates to Aerospace Medium Range; 20 to 24 is Aerospace Long Range; and 25 or more is Aerospace
Extreme Range. Thus, a Support Vehicle that mounts a Thunderstroke II Gauss Rifle (Base Range: 2) has a Short Range of 2
(Base Range 2), Medium Range of 4 (Base Range 2 x 2 = 4), and a Long Range of 6 (Base Range 2 x 3 = 6). If mounted on a
Support Vehicle that uses Aerospace rules (such as a Fixed Wing Support Vehicle), the Long Range of 6 would translate to an
Aerospace Range of Short. Non-melee weapons with a Base Range of 0 use a Short Range of 0, Medium Range of 1, and
Long Range of 2.
b) Apply the * footnote marker to both the Anti-Aircraft Weapon and Flame-Based Weapon entries
d) At the end of the entry for Special Feature “N” (Non-penetrating weapon) add a double dagger (††)
2) Footnotes section
a) Change the asterisk footnote to the following:
*Unless otherwise stated, these effects apply for the full platoon’s attack, regardless of the number of weapons
per squad
Change to:
*Platoon special feature applies if one or more weapons assigned
Change to:
If the platoon fields 1 Secondary Weapon or less per squad, the ranges, modifiers and Damage Type that apply to the platoon’s attack
are those of the Primary Weapons. If the platoon fields 2 or more Secondary Weapons per squad, then it is the Secondary Weapons’
range, modifiers and Damage Type that apply.
Change to:
He then calculates that at 20 troopers, his platoon weighs 20 tons in all (20 troopers x 1 ton per Mechanized Tracked Trooper Base
Weight = 20 tons), and may only be broken down as far as 5 troopers per transport.
ammunition load of 4 shots, which takes up the remaining turret weapon slot, and weighs 160 kilos (4 SRM-4 shots at 40 kg per volley
= 160 kg). Though the resulting weapon weight is only 400 kilograms, leaving the SRM-4 Fenrir 400 kilos shy of its 2,000-kg maximum
(800 kg – 400 kg = 400 kg), Peter cannot allocate more weaponry to the Fenrir without making it a completely different design
(because he reserved all the leftover weight for his configurable turret).
(2 tons of ammo per launcher x 5 shots per ton = 10 shots per ton
Change to:
(2 tons of ammo per launcher x 5 shots per ton = 10 shots per launcher
⑥ Transport Bays and Doors (DropShips and Small Craft only) (p. 196)
Replace the second paragraph (first on the page) with the following:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
Transport bays for any unit type other than infantry must assign a minimum of 1 bay door each, to allow for entry and egress from
the vessel. Aerodyne small craft can have no more than 2 bay doors, while spheroid small craft can have no more than 4 bay doors.
For all other vessels, the maximum number of bay doors is equal to 7 plus the vessel’s total weight (in tons) divided by 50,000
(rounded up). Thus, a DropShip weighing 20,000 tons would receive a maximum of 8 bay doors (7 + [20,000 ÷ 50,000] = 7.4, rounded
up to 8, while a DropShip weighing 80,000 tons would be limited to 9 doors (7 + [80,000 ÷ 50,000] = 8.6, rounded up to 9).
⑥ Transport Bays and Doors (DropShips and Small Craft only) (p. 196)
Third paragraph (second on the page), last line
Rules for dropping ’Mechs will appear in Tactical Operations.
Change to:
Rules for dropping ’Mechs are in Strategic Operations, page 20.
2) Under “Construction Rules”, at the end of the entry insert the following sentence:
An AR-10 launcher only requires a total of 10 shots, adding shots for all missile types together.
2) Under “Game Rules”, replace the entire entry with the following:
BattleMechs, ProtoMechs, Combat Vehicles and fighters of all kinds automatically possess a basic amount of
communications equipment (equivalent to 1 ton) as part of their cockpit and control systems. Small Craft and DropShips
incorporate communications equipment as well (equivalent to 3 tons of such equipment) as part of their cockpit and control
systems. IndustrialMechs and Support Vehicles do not carry communications equipment more sophisticated than a radio
unless they invest tonnage in such gear.
Advanced units have the following basic communication equipment equivalency: satellites (1 ton), JumpShips (4 tons),
WarShips and Space Stations (5 tons); rules for such units are found in Tactical Operations (satellites) and Strategic
Operations (JumpShips, WarShips, and Space Stations).
Communications equipment that a unit automatically comes with stacks with a set of additional equipment to produce a
total communications equipment tonnage rating. For example, a Small Craft (which receives 3 tons free) that adds a set of 3
tons of communications equipment has a total communications equipment rating of 6 tons.
For all eligible units, a set of communications equipment must be installed in full-ton lots (to a maximum of 15 tons per
unit). No unit may add more than one set of communications equipment.
For BattleMechs and IndustrialMechs, communications equipment requires 1 critical slot per ton and must be allocated
to the Critical Hits Table in a contiguous series within the same location; it may be operated by 1 crewman.
Combat and Support Vehicles need to allocate only 1 equipment slot to the entire set, regardless of its tonnage.
Aerospace units may treat communications equipment like cargo, allocating the set to the Body/Fuselage location without
occupying weapon slots. For these units, all additional communications equipment adds 1 crewman to the unit’s minimum
crew needs for every ton of communications gear.
ProtoMechs may not mount any additional communications equipment.
2) Under “Construction Rules”, replace the first paragraph with the following:
AP, Light, standard (Inner Sphere and Clan) and Hyper-Assault Gauss rifles may be mounted on any unit per its standard
weapon and equipment mounting rules. Biped OmniMechs that choose to mount a Gauss rifle in the arm must remove the
lower arm and hand actuator before doing so.
3) Under “Construction Rules”, at the end of the second paragraph insert the following:
On aerospace fighters, Heavy Gauss rifles may only be installed in the nose or tail, never the wings.
③ (p. 225)
Change the header title “Standard Structure” to “BattleMech Structure” and replace the entry with the following:
The first true BattleMech chassis was, of course, that used on the Terran Hegemony’s pre-Star League Mackie design. Today’s
standard internal structures—though they may look different from ’Mech to ’Mech—are essentially built to those same centuries-old
specifications: a tribute to the genius of the Mackie’s original design team.
Change to:
Its full functionality is covered in Campaign Operations, pages 191 and 210.
2) Third sentence
The standard short-range torpedo (SRT) or long-range torpedo (LRT) launcher can only function at water depths of six
meters or more, and their munitions cannot be swapped out for standard missiles because of physical differences in the
launch mechanisms.
Change to:
The standard short-range torpedo (SRT) and long-range torpedo (LRT) launchers’ munitions cannot be swapped out for
standard missiles because of physical differences in the launch mechanisms.
Its use will be expanded upon in Tactical Operations and CBT: RPG Revised.
Change to:
Its use is expanded upon in Campaign Operations, page 198.
2) Under “Game Rules”, replace the entire entry with the following:
Pintle mounts provide a 180-degree firing arc for any equipment mounted on the vehicle’s sides. Pintles—and the
equipment mounted on them—may not operate if the unit’s engine is shut down or the crew/pilot is otherwise incapable of
4) At the bottom of the Pintle Mount box, insert “Game Rules: Total Warfare, p. 206”, aligned right.
The remote sensor dispenser has no impact in Total Warfare; its use will be covered in Tactical Operations.
Change to:
The remote sensor dispenser has no impact in Total Warfare; its use is covered in Tactical Operations (see p. 187, TO:AUE).
Any unit with cargo space may devote tonnage to additional remote sensors as “ammo” at a rate of 30 sensors per half-ton.
Change to:
Every Remote Sensor Dispenser has a fixed payload of 30 sensors and cannot be equipped with additional remote sensor
Change to:
The weight of a targeting computer is based on the weight of all non-missile heavy weapons of the pulse and/or direct-fire Types (not
counting machine guns, flamers or TAG systems) used by the unit.
2) Under “Unit Restrictions”, replace the entire entry with the following:
BattleMechs may only carry Standard, Liquid, or Insulated Cargo Bays; IndustrialMechs may only carry Standard, Liquid,
Insulated, or Container Cargo Bays; ProtoMechs may not carry Transport Bays of any kind.
4) Under “Construction Rules”, at the end of the last paragraph insert the following:
However, crew for the unit carrying the bay cannot be housed in those bays.
Change to:
’Mech units may mount bridgelayers in torso locations only (with a forward facing).
Refueling drogues and fluid suction systems have no impact in Total Warfare; their use will be covered in Tactical
Change to:
Refueling drogues and fluid suction systems have no effect in Total Warfare play; their use is covered on page 33 of
Strategic Operations.
Delete the first sentence (“Refueling drogues may only be mounted in”…)
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The salvage arm has no effect in Total Warfare game play. Its use will be described more fully in Tactical Operations.
Change to:
The salvage arm has no effect in Total Warfare game play. Its uses are described more fully in Tactical Operations (p. 181,
TO:AR) and Campaign Operations (pp. 193, 214-216).
2) Below this line, insert two new lines: “Extinct: 2781”, followed by “Recovered: 3051 (Federated Commonwealth)”
2) First sentence
A recent advance in battlesuit SRM technology, the so-called advanced SRM debuted in 3058 with Clan Hell’s Horses’
Gnome-class battle armor.
Change to:
A recent advance in battlesuit SRM technology, the so-called advanced SRM debuted in 3056 with Clan Hell’s Horses’
Gnome-class battle armor.
Change to:
An entry of “As Location” under Capacity means that all slots remaining in the mount’s location (after those occupied by the
mount itself or any gear placed there before the mount was installed) are considered part of the mount.
7) Table
Under “Anti-Personnel Weapon Mount”, change Capacity (Slots Available) from “As Location” to “1”
2) Under “Construction Rules”, after the first sentence insert the following:
It may only be mounted in the Body location.
This equipment has no impact on Total Warfare standard rules play. Its effects will be described in detail in Tactical
Change to:
This equipment has no impact on Total Warfare standard rules play. Its effects are described in detail in Tactical Operations
(see p. 187, TO:AUE).
3) ③ Under “Construction Rules”, at the end of the section insert the following sentence:
The battle armor-grade Remote Sensor Dispenser has a fixed payload of 6 sensors, and cannot be equipped with additional
remote sensor “ammo”.
2) Under “Construction Rules”, append the following line to the end of the second paragraph:
Though only one suit in a squad actually has the weapon, a squad support weapon mount always counts as one of a suit’s
allowable anti-’Mech weapons.
3) Under “Construction Rules”, insert the following new paragraph at the end of the section:
This mount can accommodate non-weapon items: see Modular Technology on page 171 for details.
2) Under “Game Rules”, replace the second paragraph with the following:
The rules on page 218, Total Warfare presume the battlesuit is mounting a single Auto-Rifle as an AP weapon. At the
players’ option, the damage, ranges and to-hits of alternative anti-personnel weapons types may be found in accordance
with Step 2 of the Conventional Infantry core construction rules (starting on p. 148).
3) Under “Construction Rules”, replace the entire entry with the following:
The anti-personnel weapon mount (see Modular/Turret Mounts, p. 262) carries Standard-type conventional infantry
weapons. In addition, a humanoid suit equipped with at one or more armored glove manipulators (see Manipulators, pp.
259-260) may carry any non-Melee conventional infantry weapon with a crew requirement of less than 2. In either case, the
weight of these weapons and any ammunition required is never counted towards a battlesuit’s weight limits.
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③ BattleMech and IndustrialMech Structural Cost and Availability (Cont) (p. 278)
1) Under “Jump Jets” , “Standard”, “Cost (in C-bills)”
200 x (Number of Jump Jets)2 x Unit Tonnage
Change to:
200 x (Number of Jump Jets)² x Unit Tonnage
2) ③ Footnotes
*The base Tech Rating for Support Vehicle Motive Systems, Chasses, Engines, and Armor are determined in the Core
Construction process (starting on p. 116)
Change to:
*The base Tech Rating and Availability Ratings for Support Vehicle Motive Systems, Chassis, Engines and Armor are
determined in the core construction process (starting on p. 116)
3) ② Under “LB 5-X AC (Standard)”, “(Cluster)” subsection, change Availability from “(C-D-D)” to “(X-X-D)”
5) ② Under “LB 10-X AC (Standard)”, “(Cluster)” subsection, change Availability from “(C-D-D)” to “(E-F-D)”
3) ③ Under “ER Missiles (ATM)”, change Introduced (Affiliation) from “NA / 3053 (CSA)” to “NA / 3054 (CSA)”
7) ③ Under “Anti-Missile System (Clan)”, change the Availability from “E-F-D” to “X-D-C” and change Introduced (Affiliation)
from “2617 (TH)” to “2831 (CBS)”
4) ③ Under “Mortars”, change Introduced (Affiliation) for both the Light and Heavy Mortar from “PS” to “3057 (LA)”
5) ③ Under “Grenade Launchers”, delete the “Grenade Launcher” row entirely and replace the Heavy Grenade Launcher entry
with the following:
Grenade Launcher (Heavy) 4,500/500 (X-X-D) 3050 (FC) / 2900 (CDS) NA / — NA / NA
6) ③ Under “Advanced SRM (per tube)”, change Introduced (Affiliation) from “NA / 3058 (CHH)” to “NA / 3056 (CHH)”
7) ③ Under “Detachable Missile Pack Mod.**”, change Introduced (Affiliation) from “3060 (LA) / 2825 (CSV)” to “3060 (LA) /
2870 (CSV)”
8) ③ Under “Compact Narc Launcher”, change Introduced (Affiliation) from “3060 (LA) / 2825 (CSV)” to “3060 (LA) / 2875
9) ③ Under “Light Active Probe”, change Introduced (Affiliation) from “2900 (CMN)” to “2900 (CSJ)”
Battle Value
Note – pages 302-314 have been replaced completely. See the BT website for a replacement document.
3) ③ Under “Gauss Rifle (David)” and “Gauss Rifle (“King David”)”, change Ammo BV from “1” to “0”.
4) ③ After “Gauss (Grand Mauler)”, insert two new entries: “Gauss (Magshot) 15 2” and “Gauss (Tsunami) 6 0”
8) ⑥ Under “Anti-Battle Armor Pod (B-Pod)”, add a new ‡ footnote symbol next to the item name.
10) ③ For the following items, after the Item BV add a ** footnote marker: Hatchet, Retractable Blade, Sword.
11) ③ Under “Wrecking Ball” add an empty row followed by a new header, “Battle Armor Equipment”
And then rename the “Grenade Launcher (Automatic)” entry to “Grenade Launcher (Micro)”
3) ③ Under “SRM-5”, change BV from “58/12” to “47/9”, and change Ammo BV from “8” to “6”
4) ③ The Battle Claw (w/Vibro-Claws) and Machine Gun Array entries from the Inner Sphere table on p. 317 should be copied
to the Clan table exact, complete with footnotes.
5) ③ Clan Active Probe and Light Active Probe should be listed as defensive equipment with the † item.
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7) ⑥ Under “Anti-Battle Armor Pod (B-Pod)”, add a new ‡ footnote symbol next to the item name. Create a new ‡ footnote
stating the following: “Treat as Gauss weapon when calculating defensive battle rating.”
8) ③ Under “Wrecking Ball” add an empty row followed by a new header, “Battle Armor Equipment”
F (p. 321)
③ Third column: delete “Flare LRM, 230”
④ Third column: change the page ref for “Fluid suction system” to 247, 248
④ I (p. 321)
Fourth column: delete “Incendiary LRM, 230”
④ P (p. 322)
Fourth column: change the page ref for “Pintle mount” to 234
Fourth column: change the page ref for “Plasma cannon” to 235
③ S (p. 323)
First column: between “Salvage Arm” and “Searchlight” add “Screen Launcher, 292, 318, 342”
③ T (p. 323)
Third column: between “Tear gas SRM” and “Technology Base” add “Tech Rating, 122”
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Record Sheets
③ Four-Legged ’Mech Record Sheet (p. 325)
Add an extra circle to both the LT and RT internal structure locations: the maximum IS points in each location is 21.
③ Inner Sphere Weapons and Heavy Equipment Table (p. 341)
1) Under “LB 5-X”, change the Range from “5/3/7/14/21 (Long)” to “3/7/14/21 (Long)”
2) Under “Large Laser”, change the Space for SV from “5” to “2”
③ Inner Sphere Heavy Weapons and Equipment Table (Cont) (p. 342)
1) Under “Beagle Active Probe”, change the Space for DS from “0” to “NA”.
2) Under “Guardian ECM Suite”, change the Space for DS from “0” to “NA”.
3) Under “Targeting Computer”, column “SV”: change value from Var* to 1
4) Under “Capital Missiles”, change the Tech Rating for “Killer Whale”, “White Shark”, “Barracuda”, “AR-10 Launcher”,
“Kraken-T”, “Killer Whale-T”, “White Shark-T”, and “Barracuda-T” from “F” to “D”.
5) Under “Capital Missiles”, change the Tech Rating for “Screen Launchers” from “F” to “E”.
3) ③ For the following weapons, change Space for P from “NA” to “1”:
LB 10-X, Ultra AC/10, Gauss Rifle, HAG/20, Flamer (Vehicle), ER Large Laser, Large Pulse Laser, Heavy Large Laser, ER PPC
4) ③ Under “Plasma Cannon”, change “Ref” from 234 to 235
5) ④ Under the "Damage Std. (Aero)" column, change the values for the ATM-6, -9, and -12 as follows (the -3 is fine):
7) ③ Under all three SRM entries with Artemis, change Space for P from “1” to “NA”
8) ③ Under “Active Probe”, change the Space for DS from “0” to “NA”
9) ③ Under “ECM Suite”, change the Space for DS from “0” to “NA”
10) ③ Under “Capital Missiles”, change the Tech Rating for “Killer Whale”, “White Shark”, “Barracuda”, “AR-10 Launcher” from
“F” to “D”.
3) ③ Under “Fluid Suction System”, “Light (Vehicle)” and “Light (’Mech)”, change Ref from “247” to “248”
4) ③ Under “Lifeboat (Atmospheric)”, change Heat from “NA (0)” to “0 (NA)”; change its SC and DS ratings from 0 to NA
5) ③ Under “Lifeboat (Aerospace) and Lifeboat (Maritime)”, change Heat from “NA (0)” to “0 (NA)”
6) ③ Under “Lift/Arresting Hoists”, change the Arresting Hoist M and CV Space from “3*” and “1*” to “NA”
TechManual Errata v6.0 Page 37 of 41
7) ⑥ Under “MASH”, Space for SC and DS, change the (Core Unit) value from “NA” to “1” and the (Added Theatre) value from
“NA” to “0”
8) ③ Under “Mining Drill”, change Space for CV and SV from “NA” to “1”
9) ③ Under “Paramedic Equipment”, change the Space for M from “NA” to “1*”, and change the Space for CV from “1*” to
10) ④ Under “Pintle”, change the name of the entry to “Pintle Mount”, change the Space for CV from “0” to “NA”, change the
Space for SV from “0” to “0*”, and change the Ref from 235 to 234
11) ③ Under “Quarters/Seating”, change Steerage, Crew/2nd Class and Officer/1st Class CV Space from “1*” to “NA”
12) ③ Under “Quarters/Seating”, after “Officer/1st Class”, insert the following entry:
Seating (Combat Crew) … 0 … NA (NA) … NA (NA) … NA … 0.5 … NA … NA … 1* … NA … NA … NA … NA … A … 236
13) ③ Between “Quarters/Seating” and “Refueling Drogue”, insert the following entry:
Power Amplifier … 0 (0) … NA (NA) … NA (NA) … NA … Var* … 0 … NA … 0 … 0 … 0 … NA … NA … D … 235
14) ③ Under “Remote Sensor Disp.”, change the entry name to “Remote Sensor Dispenser”, and change Ammo (Per Ton) from
“60” to “30*”
3) ④ Delete the footnote that reads “‡Incendiary LRM capability may be combined with…”
5) ③ Under “Heavy Recoilless Rifle”, change Range from “–/2/4/6” to “–/3/5/7”; change Weight (Item) from “375 kg” to “325
6) ③ Under “Flamer (Vehicle)”, change the name of the entry to “Flamer (BA)”
8) ③ Under “Compact Narc”, change Weight Per Shot (Ammo) from “10 kg (2)” to “10 kg (1)”
These are all the new entries or modifications of old entries for version 6.0 of this document, entries corrected in the 6th printing of
TechManual. They may also be found in the Full Errata section in the appropriate locations, marked with a ⑥.
⑥ Transport Bays and Doors (DropShips and Small Craft only) (p. 196)
Second paragraph (first on the page), first sentence
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
On DropShips, however, transport bays—including those for fighters, BattleMechs and other units—must assign a minimum of
1 bay door each, to allow for entry and egress from the vessel.
Change to:
Transport bays for any unit type other than infantry must assign a minimum of 1 bay door each, to allow for entry and egress from the
Change to:
BattleMechs, ProtoMechs, conventional and aerospace fighters, Small Craft, DropShips and submersible Support Vehicles may not
install environmental sealing (as they receive it automatically).