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Quarter 1_Grade 10, Sunflower

June 03, 2022

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of Rectangular

coordinate system.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with
coherence and clarity in formulating real-life situations involving Rectangular coordinate
Learning Competencies: Uses appropriate illustrations for applying the concepts of
coordinate system and applied into real-life situation.
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
1. illustrate the Rectangular coordinate system and its uses,
2. plot points on the Rectangular coordinate system; and
3. apply the concepts of Rectangular coordinate system into real-life situation.
a. Topic: Rectangular Coordinate System
b. References: Mindoro Treasures: Teaching Reference for Environment
Awareness and sustainable use of Resources (2020). Page 347-
E- Math: Worktext in Mathematics 8. Page 112-113.
c. Materials: Laptop, T.V/projector, visual aids, worksheets, mini board,
marker, envelops, pictures, tape, chalk, and black board.
d. Value integration: Participation, Cooperation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer/Greetings

Please stand up and get all your prayer

sheets that I had put on your tables. Let us
now pray. In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, through source and giver of light

and wisdom. Grant us discernment,
understanding in wisdom, and
learning. Shine also in our mind the
light of the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Give us our keen sense of
understanding, our retentive memory,
our capacity to grasp things correctly,
and our skills to express ourselves,
with thoroughness and clarity. Be with
us at the start of our work. Guide us
progress and bring us to completion.
Grant this to Christ our Lord. Amen.
Isang magandang kinabukasan hatid ng
New normal sa VNHS!
Pag asa’y hatid ng new normal sa
VNHS, magandang buhay po!

2. Classroom Management

Please arrange your chairs properly. Pick

up all the pieces of paper and trashes you
(the students will follow)
may find around.
(the students will follow)
Thank you! You may now sit down.

3. Securing learning environment

Before anything else, let me remind you

of the things that you must remember.
You should follow classroom protocols
and policies as you enter this room.
1. Always wear your face mask.
2. If you have visual or hearing
difficulties, kindly inform me for I
can provide you seat, where you
will be more comfortable and
enjoy learning.
3. You are free to express your idea
to the language you are most
comfortable with, but still
conveying your ideas in English as
a medium of instruction in the
subject is encouraged.
4. Enjoy learning in a new normal
Yes, ma’am.

Is that clear class?

Very good!

4. Checking of attendance/
Assignments None, ma’am.

Let me check your attendance for today.

Is there anyone absent?
Very good! Let’s give yourselves a very
good clap.

Last time I give you an assignment. Please

get all your assignments and let us check.
Direction: Circle the letter that
corresponds to the best answer.
1. A rational expression is a/an_____.
a. fraction
b. ratio of two polynomials with
denominators not equal to 0.
c. fraction whose numerator and
denominator contain fractions.
d. expression involving fractions
2. A complex fraction is a_____.
a. sum of two fractions.
b. square of two fractions.
c.fraction with large denominator
d.fraction having rational expressions
either in the numerator, denominator, or
28 a+21 b+7
3. The rational expression is
equal to_____.
a. 28a + 3b+1
b. 28a +3b+7
c. 4a+3b+1
d. 4a+21b+7
2 2 2
a +b −c
4. The expression is equal
a. a 2
b. b 2
a (the students will raise their hands)
3 m
5. The sum of + is equal
m−1 1−m
a. 3-m
b. 3
c. Yes, ma’am. It is a representation of
m−3 numbers in a straight line.

Who got a perfect score?

Okay, that’s great. Please pass all your
assignments properly.

5. Recall/ Review
Okay, let’s have a short review of the past
Do you still know what a number line is?

And number line drawn either We have a positive value of numbers

horizontally or vertically. ma’am.

Horizontal line

We have a negative value ma’am.

Integers ma’am.

Vertical line Origin.

In this graph what value of numbers can
we find at the right and upper direction of
the horizontal line and vertical line?

That’s right.
How about the value at the left and
downward direction of the horizontal
number line and vertical line? Directions: Use the number and
Very good. alphabet in horizontal and vertical line,
And we called these value of positive and identify the location and places of the
negative in the number line as____? following:
Very good. 1. Gym
Zero (0) in our number line is called as__? 2. Back gate
Excellent! 3. Library
Since you all still recall the past lessons so 4. G11-G12_Building
let us now proceed to our next lesson. 5. 3B
6. 7C
6. Motivation 7. 2D
But before that, let’s have an activity first.
I have here a tarpapel showing the
Villapagasa National High School layout
map. Please read the direction.
You may use your mini board to show
your answer. 2. 7A
3. 1E
5. G9-G10 Building
6. Accounting
7. Principal’s Office

For Example: It is fun and enjoying ma’am.

1. Where can we find the gym? I found the location of the place by
Answer: 5F pairing up the numbers in horizontal to
2. How about where can we find the back the alphabet in vertical line.
gate? ____
3. Where can we find the library?____
4. Where can we find G11 &G12 Yes, ma’am.
5. What building is located in 3B?_____
6. What building is located in 7C?_____
7. What building is located in 3B?_____

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation 1. illustrate the Rectangular
How is the activity class? coordinate system and its uses,
How did you find the location of the 2. plot points in the rectangular
place? coordinate system; and
3. apply the concepts of
Rectangular coordinate system
into real life situation.
Did everyone do the same way of method
in locating the places?

Okay class, very good! Let’s give

yourselves a GOOD JOB clap!

Thank you for your participation.

Today we will be discussing and learn
about the Rectangular Coordinate system.
Please listen carefully because at the end
of the lesson you should be able to :
Please read.
None ma’am.

Okay, thank you! Rectangular coordinate system is also

The activity that you have done is an known as Cartesian coordinate system
example of Rectangular coordinate named after Rene Descartes. It is
system’s application where the horizontal based on a grid, and every point on the
line and vertical line is your basis to label plane can be identified by unique x
each place locations. This mathematical and y coordinates.
system has many applications and
significance in real world, which include
the activity that you have done, your seat
plan arrangement inside the classroom is a
good example too, the map, globe and etc.
(Trivia: The story goes that one day,
Now, do you have any questions? while Rene Descartes was gazing at
Clarifications? the ceiling, he saw a fly moving
around it. And it made him wonder
Since there is no questions let us proceed how to describe the position of the fly
to our lesson. at any instant. Finally, he came up
with the idea of using two numbers in
2. Discussion a coordinate system to describe the
What is Rectangular coordinate system? position of a point)
Please read

Before we continue to the discussion of

the Rectangular coordinate system. Let us
first know who is the mathematician
discover the Rectangular coordinate
system. And how he come up with the
idea of the Rectangular coordinate system.
Please read.
The connection of the rectangular
coordinate system to the number line
is that the number line represent the
two lines that intersect at the Cartesian
(The students will follow)

Thank you___! You may now sit down. x-axis.

y- axis.
And now this is typical coordinate system. Origin.

Clockwise follow the rotation of the

hand of a clock, while the
counterclockwise follows the path in a
reverse rotation/ opposite rotation
On your own observation.
from the hand of the clock.
What is the connection of the rectangular
coordinate system to the number line?
At the positive direction above the
origin at the right side of the x- and y-
That’s right. Let’s give him or her 3 claps.
At the negative and positive direction
The horizontal line in the Cartesian plane above the origin at the left side of the
is called as____? x-and –y-axes.
And the vertical line in the Cartesian
plane is called as___? At the negative direction below the
While the point at the middle part of the origin at the left side of the x- and y-
intersection of x-and y- axes is called_? axis

As what you can see the two axes divides At the positive and negative direction
the plane that we called as quadrants. below the origin at the right side of the
These are numbered in a counterclockwise x- and y-axis.

Do you know what is a counterclockwise?

How about clockwise? The number lines that we have in the
quadrant 1 has a value of both positive
The number lines at quadrant II has a
Very good! value of negative and positive
So now, where can we find our quadrant direction.
I? Yes____? The number lines at the quadrant III
has a value of both negative direction.

Very good! The number lines at the quadrant IV

has a value of negative and positive
How about our quadrant II? direction.

Very good!
Next quadrant III?
Very good!
And quadrant IV?

Very good!
So now, we already numbered the
quadrant in our Cartesian plane.
What did you observe in our quadrant 1?

That is right, let’s give him/her 3 claps.

In the quadrant II?

Direction: Identify the location of

While in quadrant III? each point by completing the table. Be
Coordinate Quadrant
And last, what did you observed in our
s /
quadrant IV?
1. fire (7,4) I
Very good!.
2. high (6, -4) IV
Every point on the plane can be described
3. bank (0,4) Axis
in terms of an ordered pair (x, y). The
absolute value of x indicates its distance 4. town (0,0) origin
from the y-axis, while the absolute value hall
of y indicates its distance from the x-axis. 5. (-8,-6) III
The value x and y are also known as the element
coordinates of the point. ary
Note: Various names are used to 6. (-9,5) II
described the x and y axes. The x-axis is library
often called the horizontal axis or axis of 7. (5,0) Axis
abscissa. The y- axis is called the vertical barber
axis or axis of ordinate. the latter shop
terminology would require that the guided by the black points.
coordinates of the points (x, y) be referred
to as abscissa and ordinate.

Now let’s try this activity. Please read the


Though the use of x-and y-axis the

points can be identified.
Yes, ma’am.
None, ma’am.
Who can give the coordinates and the
quadrant of the following: Group 1: Plot each species on
1. Fire house coordinate plane guided by the given
2. High school coordinates at the back of each
3. Bank pictures.
4. Town Hall
5. Elementary school
6. Library
7. Barber Shop
Group 2:
Use your mini board to show your answer.
Mystery picture puzzles with pics
word then guess the name of the
Example: Mindoro Stipe-face fruit bat

Yes, ma’am.

Points which lie on an axis that has one

coordinate equal to 0 are said not to be in
any quadrant.

How did you locate the points on the

Cartesian plane?_______

Is that clear to all? Rectangular coordinated system also

Do you have any questions? Clarification? known as Cartesian plain that named
after Rene Descartes.
3. Application
Let’s have a group activity. You will be (the students answer from what they
grouped into two. Each group will be had learn)
given envelope which contain the
task/activity that you will do. Please read
group 1.

Yes, ma’am
(There are times when people need to
know the location of a certain place.
An easy way of indicating such as a
location is by stating its distance from
a point or a landmark commonly
Thank you! A more accurate and easier way to
Group 2 please read. indicate locations and places is by
using a Cartesian plane. This system
will help you read and interpret graphs
and maps more easily and thereby
facilitate the location of a certain

(1-3 students can share their own

Thank you!.
After the activity each group will choose a
representative who will explain the task
assigned to them.

Is that clear class?

(after 3 minutes)
In this activity all of the animals here
are all endangered species that can be
found somewhere here in Mindoro. And
these are the wild life we need to protect
to address our current issues or wild
animal extinction.

4. Generalization
Let’s sum up the lesson for today.
What is a Rectangular Coordinate system?

How do we plot the points on a

Rectangular Coordinate System?

5. Valuing
Do you think that we can really apply
Rectangular coordinate system in our
daily lives?

How can the Rectangular Coordinate

system be used in real life?

Goodbye Ma’am.

Have you had an experience in your daily

life where a rectangular coordinate system
is applied? If yes, can you describe the

C. Evaluation
Direction: In your answer sheets with
graphing paper plot the concept of
Rectangular Coordinate system and
identify in what quadrant it is located.
1. (0,3)
2. (2,5)
3. (4,3)
4. (3,0)
5. (0,-2)
6. (-3,0)
7. (-4,3)
8. (-2,5)

D. Assignment
Make your own CoordinArt using
graphing paper, ruler, pencil or ball pen,
and any coloring material. Draw the map
of Mindoro Island and locate the different
tourist spot that can be found in that
particular locality.

Rubric:CoordinART MAKING

Criteria Exemplary-4 Satisfactory-3 Developing-2 Beginning-1

All points are plotted
correctly and are All points are plotted
Accuracy of the All points are plotted Points are not plotted
easy to see. The correctly and are easy
Plot correctly. correctly.
points are neatly to see.

The product shows The product shows

The product shows The product does not show
originality complete original little evidence of
some original thought. original thought.
thought. original thought.

Exceptionally well Neatly drawn but the

Neatness and Neat and relatively Appears messy and
designed, neat, and graph appears quite
Attractiveness attractive. “thrown together” in a hurry.
attractive. plain.

That’s all for today Goodbye class!

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:
Master Teacher II

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