e-ISSN 2798-6543
p-ISSN 2798-5164
Pages: 1-7
Abstract: Keywords:
Figurative language is a way of speaking to express someone’s thoughts Figurative Language;
or intentions without using a literal meaning. The aims of this research Lyrics; Joji; Ballads 1
are to identify types of figurative language in album “Ballads 1” by Joji
on Keraf’s & Kennedy theory. This research used qualitative method.
The source of the data in this research is the Lyric from the album
“Ballads 1” by Joji. They are Why Am I Still in LA, Test Drive, Rip, No
Fun, Yeah Right, Come Thru, Slow Dancing in The Dark, Attention,
Xnxx, I’ll see you in 40, Wanted U, and Can’t Get Over You. Moreover,
to archive the aims of this research, the researcher used the qualitative
method. The researcher uses the theory of Gorys Keraf (2009) & X.J
Kennedy (1979). The result of this research shows that there are 31 data
of figurative languages including simile (3), metaphor (7), hyperbole (4),
personification (4), symbol (2), paradox (2), synecdoche (2), and
repetition (7).
A song is a musical composition that typically consist lyric, a melody and harmony, songs
can serve a variety of purposes such as entertainment, communication of ideas or
emotions and cultural expression. However, some people just listen without
understanding the meaning of the song lyric especially the English song. Even though we
will more enjoyable if we know the meaning of the song lyric that we listen to.
Songs are one of the media in language to communicate or convey a message created by
a song’s writer through a singer to listeners (Sari et al., 2019). In the statement above, the
song is used as a medium of communication. We can speak with other people through
songs. Because the song has a characteristic of the language.
According to Hornby in Ain, a song is a short piece of music with spoken words that you
sing. Written for a lyric poem, the words of a song were used to express a person's
personal feelings and thoughts. Lyric poems were associated with singing. We can talk
with others through tunes. because a feature of the language is present in the song. People
are able to express themselves to the listener through song by incorporating the meaning
of the lyric, and other people are aware of the song's message. People all over the world
2 Chardo Maulana, Arie Sugiyartati
value the song. With the help of music, incorporate it into the song. To serve as the lyric,
some people arrange words into a beautiful poem to be the lyric. According to (Swarniti,
2021e). It is very interesting to analyse figurative language in a song lyric.
In the lyrics of a song, the songwriter will make beautiful and interesting words so that
there are many figurative languages in them. It is supported by (Yastanti et al., 2019).
Figurative language or figure of speech is a beautiful word that has implicit meaning.
Sometimes, the meaning of figurative language cannot absorb correctly by the people.
Because a figure of speech cannot be translated word by word. Furthermore, people must
understand what writers or speaker says with think deeper in figurative language.
Figurative languages use words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the
literal interpretation. Figurative language is produced in our daily conversation and often
found in literary works, such as newspaper, advertisement, novel, poem, and so on.
Figurative languages give the value in a language (Swarniti, 2021a). Figurative language
is a language that uses many figures of speech that explain or suggest by using words and
ideas differently from literal meaning and lots of kind figurative language. Such as
understanding the lyric, analysing and combining expressions of figurative language, and
also grasping the meaning. This figurative language has been used by several previous
studies. Nowadays many people like music, from teenager to adults, especially who speak
English. When people listen to music through its lyrics, language plays an important role
in conveying the meaning of the song. Most of the people like learn and improving
English through song are popular right now.
Therefore, from the statement above the researcher choose Ballads 1 album by Joji as
object of research. The researcher uses Ballads 1 album by Joji because want to know
how many figurative languages that used in Ballads 1 album by Joji which can be
analysed. This Research presents step by step to analysing the research. To analyse the
data, the writer processes the data that has been collected.
First, the research on Figurative Language was done by Fitri Iryanti from University of
Islam Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Entitled A Figurative Language Analysis on Slyvia
Plath. The result of this research showed that Plath used figurative language to an make
an effect in the poems. Plath used many varieties of figurative languages, such as
metaphor, simile, personification, paradox, synecdoche, symbol, and hyperbole.
Second, the research on Figurative Language was done by Btari Iyena Ithop from
Gunadarma University Depok. Entitled The Analysis of Figurative Language in Sam
Smith’s The Lonely Hours Lyric. The aims in this research in order to describe the content
of the song lyrics and the researcher used the theory about figurative language based on
K. L Knickerbocker & H. Williard Reninger Theory.
The last, the research on Figurative Language was done by Santi Dewantari from
University Gunadarma Depok. Entitled The Analysis of Figurative Language in Three
Songs Lyric of Album 30 by Adele. The aim of this research is to identify the types of
figurative language used in three songs lyrics by Adele. The data source of this research
was taken from 30 Album by Adele. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative
method and the researcher used the theory about figurative language based on Perrine’s
This research used descriptive qualitative method. In song writing, usually the song writer
gives a unique colour or impression to the listener. One of them is figurative language in
song lyrics. Bonvillain (2003) says that the study of linguistic, specific words and
expression, reveals a person’s ideas, beliefs and traits that are important to humans.
According to Ibrahim, et al (2019, p. 119), Figurative language becomes necessary in
song lyrics because the song writer can convey messages that show the beauty and
uniqueness of the song to people who hear or read it. Looks or sound like poetry uttered
with a series of song structure and accompanied by music (Suka, Ginting; Jeremia, 2019).
It will make the song will have a different yet unique meaning if translated and the hearer
more attracted to hearing or reading that song that implied figurative language.
The figurative language also has impleaded meaning is used in poetry, prose, and song
lyrics. To make it more interesting, some literature uses expressions of figurative
language. Figurative language is a language that contains figures of speech, such as
personification, metaphor, simile, and hyperbole, etc.
There are expressions to express something that has a hidden meaning. In this chapter,
the figurative language based on theory X.J Kennedy (1979) & Gorys Keraf (2009)
consist of Personification, Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, Symbol, Litotes, Paradox,
Oxymoron, Metonymy, Synecdoche, and Repetition.
Figurative language is a style of language that compares something with something else,
or tries to show similarities between the two things. Based on the explanation of the
figurative style above, from the result of the comparison of analogies emerged the types
of language styles.
The procedure taken in collecting data is: listening to the song, reading the lyrics carefully
and repeatedly in order to identify the figurative language, breaking up and making note
the lyric that contain figurative language to help the writer understand more about the
lyric, and classifying the lyric into several categories of figurative language.
The procedure taken in analyzing the data is: classifying the data based on each theory,
analyzing the data by using Gorys Keraf & X.J Kennedy theory, and making conclusion
drawing the table and put the categorization in order to show the result of the analysis.
URL: http://jim.unindra.ac.id/index.php/jedu/index
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30998/jedu.v4i1.9977
4 Chardo Maulana, Arie Sugiyartati
1. I’m feeling like a drum without a beat
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as simile, indicated by the word "like,"
which contrasts the words "feelings" and "drum without a beat" in the song. He feels
uneasy when he sees her, as indicated by the phrase "drum without the beat" in the
song's lyrics. We are all aware that when we see our crush, we frequently experience
2. And I'm swimmin' like Nemo
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as simile, as we can see here the word
“like” is the sign of simile and the word “Nemo” it means a fish in cartoon. In the lyric
means that he will pass through it easily and quickly like a fish, and he believed in
himself that he would get through it.
1. Don’t follow me, you’ll end up in my arms
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as metaphors. The word “follow” is
compare with the word “arms”. The singer chooses the word “follow” is verb, and
while the word “arm” is a noun that is part of body. In the lyric the singer describe that
her life is getting worst and he does not want his girlfriend to end up to be the same
like him.
2. I’m looking for a long ride, she just wants a test drive
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as metaphors. As we can see that, these
two sentences have correlation meaning. In this lyric the singer says that he wants a
long-term relationship to his girlfriend but she wants this relationship just for a while.
1. When I’m around slow dancing in the dark
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as hyperbole. The word “slow dancing
in the dark” means his life just get lost. The singer means he do not want to anyone
involved anyone and afraid someone be the same like him.
2. I feel dead, but I feel my bones, I hide out on my throne
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as hyperbole. There are two sentences
which contained hyperbole. The singer tells that when he just works as comedian
character and become popular then he decided to end his career as comedian into
singer. The word “throne” means when he became singer and decided to hide or throw
it all away as comedian character.
1. With a thousand teeth, like Leviathan
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as personification. The word
“Leviathan” is monstrous creatures’ sea monster mythology, such known as powerful
2. Cupid pass another my way (My way)
The lyrics that underlined are considered as Personification. The word “Cupid” means
God of love. The singer tells us about his feelings, as we can see here the singer is in
love with someone else. Day by day, night by night the singer always thinks of his
1. I don't wanna live forever now, L.A.
The lyrics that underlined are considered as Symbol. As we can see here, the word
“L.A” it presents a Los Angeles, the majority of the city in California, USA. And
everyone knows what is L.A means.
2. I run, I run, I run (I run, I run)
The lyrics that underlined are considered as Symbol. The word “run” means escape
from the reality. As we known in this song, the singer does not have any friends
because his friends left him alone, and the singer just pretend do not care. Furthermore,
he decided to run from the reality.
1. I’m dead, but I feel my bones (my bones)
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as paradox. The word “dead” and “feel”
are contradiction, as we know if someone was dead, he will not feel anything. It means
the lyrics are paradox.
2. I’m rich, but my A/C broke
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as paradox. The word “rich” and “broke”
are contradiction. The word “broke” signify inability which contradict with statement
before "rich”.
1. I don’t wanna die so young, got so much to do
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as synecdoche. The lyrics “I don’t
wanna die so young” say it all. The singer does not want to die so young, there is still
many things to do in his life, and he wants to enjoy his life until old.
2. You see it on my face when I turn blue
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as synecdoche. The lyrics “face” and
the lyric “blue” in this case, the lyric “face” is not mean only face but it used to mention
the author. The author feel blue in here means sad. One part of the body mentions all
of the body people.
URL: http://jim.unindra.ac.id/index.php/jedu/index
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30998/jedu.v4i1.9977
6 Chardo Maulana, Arie Sugiyartati
1. Yeah, you bet I know that she ain't, never give a single fuck about me, Yeah, you bet
she know that we ain't, never gonna be together, I see
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as repetition. As we can see here, the
lyric using A-B-A-B rhyme scheme where the ending words of lines one and three (A)
rhyme with each other and the ending words of line two and four (B) rhyme with each
other also known as repetition.
2. Yeah, I bet you won't cry, Yeah, I bet you won't try, but you know I don't mind, but
you know I don't mind
The lyrics that have been highlighted are seen as repetition. As we can see here, the
lyric using A-A-B-B rhyme scheme where the ending words of lines one and two (A)
rhyme with each other and the ending words of line three and four (B) rhyme with
each other also known as repetition.
From the first, data findings that assimilated with expert theory gathered by Gorys Keraf’s
(2009) and X.J Kennedy (1979). It can be concluded that Joji used various types of
figurative language in album “Ballads 1”. The writer finds that are 31 lyrics containing
figurative language in album “Ballads 1” by Joji, they are: Why Am I Still in LA, Test
Drive, Rip, No Fun, Yeah Right, Come Thru, Slow Dancing in The Dark, Attention,
Xnxx, I’ll see you in 40, Wanted U, and Can’t Get Over You. All of these terms are
divided into 8 types of figurative language, those data consist of three simile, seven
metaphor, four hyperbole, four personification, two symbol, two paradox, two
synecdoche and seven repetition. The writer found that metaphor and repetition are the
most dominant figurative language used in album “Ballads 1” by Joji.
From the second, the writer also explains the function of figurative language in album
“Ballads 1” by Joji. The functions are to emphasize, explain beautify, arouse the lyric,
not to complicate the understanding of the lyric, but to simplify and to clear the
understanding of the lyrics. The song is very suitable for the English Learner who wants
to improve their English skills in analyzing lyrical meaning especially figurative
language. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that analyzing lyrics besides
finding figurative language in the lyrics, can also undercover the true message of songs
that contain figurative language.
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URL: http://jim.unindra.ac.id/index.php/jedu/index
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30998/jedu.v4i1.9977