ACC135 Corporation Notes 2nd Sem, AY 2022 2023
ACC135 Corporation Notes 2nd Sem, AY 2022 2023
ACC135 Corporation Notes 2nd Sem, AY 2022 2023
Classes of Persons Composing a Corporation Capital – used broadly to indicate the entire
1. Corporators – those who compose the property or assets of corporation. It includes the
corporation, whether stockholder in a stock amount invested by the stockholders plus the
corporation or members in a nonstock undistributed earnings less losses and expenses.
Collateral attack – one whereby corporate Term of Office of Directors or Trustees – the
existence is questioned in some incidental fixed and definite period of time which the law
proceedings not provided by law for the express prescribes that an officer may hold office and a
purpose of attacking the corporate existence. hold-over does not change the length of the term
but results in shortening the period served by
Liability of stockholders or member of a his successor.
corporation by estoppel or ostensible - They shall hold office for 1 year and
corporation – persons not stockholders or until their successors are elected and
members who assume to act as a corporation qualified. (stock corporations)
knowing it to be without authority to do so shall - In case of non-stock corporation – not
be liable as general partners for all debts, exceeding 3 years
liabilities and damages incurred or arising as a - In case of non-stock educational
result thereof. corporation – 5 years
Retained Earnings – the difference between the Distinctions between Cash Dividend and
total present value of the assets of the Stock Dividend
corporation after deducting losses and liabilities 1. Cash dividend involves a disbursement to
and the amount of its capital stock. the stockholder of accumulated earnings; while
stock dividend does not involve any
Sources of Dividends disbursement.
1. Surplus profits (Retained earnings) 2. Cash dividend declared and paid becomes
2. Paid-in surplus in case of stock dividends the absolute property of the stockholder and
only cannot be reached by the creditors of the
corporation in absence of fraud, while stock
Limit: Stock corporations are prohibited from dividend, being still part of corporate property
retaining surplus profits in excess of 100% of may be reached by corporate creditors.
their paid-in capital stock except:
The single stockholder may not be appointed Minutes Books – OPC shall maintain a
as the corporate secretary. minutes book which shall contain all
actions, decisions, and resolutions taken by
A single stockholder who is likewise the self- OPC.
appointed treasurer shall give a bond to the
SEC in such a sum as may be required. The Records in Lieu of Meetings – When action
bond shall be renewed every 2 years or as is needed on any matter, it shall be
often as may be required. sufficient to prepare a written resolution,
signed and dated by the single stockholder,
Special Functions of the Corporate and recorded in the minutes book of the
Secretary OPC. The date of recording in the minutes
a. Be responsible for maintaining the books shall be deemed to be the date of the
minutes book and/or records of the meeting.
b. Notify the nominee or alternate nominee Reportorial Requirements
of the death or incapacity of the single a. Annual financial statements audited by
stockholder, which notice shall be given an independent CPA. However, if the
no later than 5 days from such total assets or total liabilities of the
occurrence corporation are less than P600,000, the
financial statements shall be certified
Administrative Sanctions:
1. Imposition of a fine ranging from P5,000 to
P2,000,000, and not more than P1,000 for each
day of continuing violation but in no case to
exceed P2,000,000
2. Issuance of a permanent cease and desist
3. Suspension or revocation of the certificate of
4. Dissolution of the corporation and forfeiture
of assets