Types of Bird Migration-II
Types of Bird Migration-II
Types of Bird Migration-II
(i) Longitudinal,
(ii) Latitudinal,
(iii) Altitudinal or Vertical,
(iv) Partial,
(v) Total,
(vi) Irregular or Vagrant
(vii) Seasonal,
(viii) Diurnal and
(ix) Nocturnal.
The longitudinal migration means that the bird species occurs moves/migrates
from east to west and vice- versa. A species of birds called Starlings (Sturnus
vulgaris), which is naturally found in east Europe and west Asia migrate
towards the Atlantic coast.
Starlings Migration.
The latitudinal migration of birds is the movement of birds from north to south,
and back south to north. Most birds live in the land masses of the northern
temperate and subarctic zones where they get facilities for nesting and feeding
during summer. They move towards south during winter. The American Golden
Plover bird migrates from America to Argentina to escape from harsh winters of
America. Another example is that of the Siberian Birds which move to the
Himalayas. The Indian Koel /Cuckoo breeds in India and spends the summer at
South-east Africa and thus covers a distance of about 7250 km. Sterna
paradisaea (Arctic tern) breeds in the northern temperate region and migrates to
the Antarctic zone along the Atlantic and many a times also travels a huge
distance of 22 500 km during migration.
The Arctic Tern
Many Sea birds also migrate considerably to certain distances. Puffinus bird
(Great shearwater) breeds on small islands and migrates as far as Greenland in
May and returns after few months and cover a distance of nearly 1300 km