Research 12 Cyrel

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Tigao National High school
Cortes, Surigao Del Sur

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for


Cyrel Paño
Charles Olvida
Jhezreel Gersan
John Peter Madelo
Emalyn lebrias
Jean Martinez
Mayflor Malaga
Chapter 1

The Problem: Rationale and Background

Financial problem is a situation where money worries are causing individual stresses. Many
student’s especially Senior High School of Tigao NHS are facing hard financial times and the impact on
mental health, academic performance or motivation can be significant. This includes worrying a let or
feelings anxious over money , arguing with loved ones , headaches , feeling unwell , difficulty in sleeping
, feeling guilty spending money in non-essentials , anxiety , stress and even failing grades in school.
In addition financial problem is the main cause of student’s enrolled in college and even in high
school to drop ret heavy borrowings and lack of saving habit have been blamed for financial problem the
Filipino are facing in our country , Poor financial management is one of the main cause of financial
problem among students. The number one problem in todays generation is the lack of “ financial
literacy”. These problem are common among student’s who are attempting to balance small budget with
living expenses and also to there student’s who tend to spend a lot for their wants and not for their needs.
The purpose of this phenomenology study is to explore and explain the effects of having
financial crises toward the academic performance of a Senior High School student’s at Tigao National
High School.
Theoretical Framework
This study aims the students. When worries about the paying of the school and your trying to
decide on the to ways to solve your financial problem’s , many people start to wonder if they missed
something as they went through school. As adult we’re expected to know to manage our money properly.
However, either a lot of people skipped that class , or maybe it was never offered. The good news is that
you don’t need a degree from a ivy-league university to help you solve financial problems. Here are 9
steps and 8felf assignment , some catch – up homework if you will , from the school of common cent’s
that you can challenge yourself with if you want to solve your money and debt problems.
According to Croker and Luhtaben (2003). The unique effects of level of self esteem and
contingencies of self worth assessed prior to college on academic , social , and financial problems
experience during the Immersion in Grade 12 TVL. Low self-esteem predicted social problems , even
controlling for demographics and personality variable ( neuroticism , agreeableness , and social
desirability), but did not predict academic contingency predicted academic and financial problems with
other variables controlled. Academic competence contingency predicted academic and financial problems
and appearance contingency predicted financial problems , even after controlling for relevant Personality
variables. We conclude that contingencies of self worth uniquely beyond level of self-esteem and other
personally variables. Low self-esteem on the other hand appears to unique contribute to later social
Conceptual framework

1. Demographic profiles
of the respondents in
terms of :
I.2 age
I.3 sex?
Data Gathering
2. Effects of online
games in academic
performance among
grade 11 HUMSS senior
high school student

This model will help the students how they solve their financial problems with the help of the
following article , as a separate subject of discipline , finance is still in it’s infancy. It was only the latter
half of the twentieth century that witnessed most of major development in finance with scientific rigor.
This means that the whole profession of the finance had to digest a very large amount of new theoretical
development in a relatively short time period. Teacher , Students and business people have been
continuously introduce to new models , theories and empirical result there of over the recent years and the
trend continues. Started out as largely a descriptive , institutional field of the study , finance has quickly
transformed into a science full of theoretical thrust. While few would dispute it’s origin as a branch of
applied microeconomics , finance now is as theoretical as it’s mother discipline. The rapid changes in
finance have had a profound implication of business education. Especially , such extensive and rigorous
theoretical development over the recent past have made financial teaching in college classroom increasing
challenge. Finance is one of the most quantified and theorized discipline in business curriculum. The
dynamic and complex nature of finance requires continuous development of new theories , As intellectual
advances in finance continues in the form of more sophisticated theoretical inquiries , the challenge of
teaching finance theories will only grow bigger. Yet , finance is somewhat unique in term of the
correspondence between theory and evidence. While we educate students to make independent critical
evaluation of the contending points of views , many finance theories are still at their development stage
and so they are highly controversial , debatable , and subject to close scrutiny. This poses as the very first
problem to a finance instructor what particular theories and models should be taught.
Statement of the problem
1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondent in terms of:
A. Name (option)
B. Age
C. Sex
2. How does the financial instability is finance the academic performance of Grade 12 TVL student
of Tigao National High School?

Ho: The effects of having financial problem towards the academic performance of Senior High School
student’s in Grade 12 TVL in Tigao National High School
Ha: The effects couldn’t of having financial problem towards the academic performance of Senior High
School student’s in Grade 12 TVL in Tigao National High School.
Scope and Delimitation
The study limited of finding out the factors affecting the financial support on Senior High
School evening students , Hence it is further delimited to the effects of having financial problem towards
the academic performance of Senior High School student’s in Grade 12 TVL in Tigao National High
School as the respondents of the study who is particularly related to the financial support.
Significant of the Study
This issue will help the students to find solution how you might be having budgeting
problem if you’re consistently running out of money before you run out of months , and you find yourself
relying on credit card you make ends meet. You look at what you earn and wonder why it doesn’t seem to
ve enough you cover all your bills even though you earn a good salary.
Definition of Terms
For better interpretation and understanding of the term association in this study , the
following terms are define operationally and conceptually:
Financial development
Improvements in the production of information on possible investments and the allocation
of capital , the monitoring of companies and the exercise of corporate, trade, diversification and risk
management , the mobilization and pooling of savings and the facilitation of exchange of goods and
Financial literacy
Is an ability to understand and apply financial management skills appropriately. Good
financial planning, sound debt management, accurate interest calculation and understanding of the time
value of money are all facets of financial literacy.
Financial management
Applies to the planning, organization, management and control of financial activities such
as the procurement and use of company funds.
Financial problems
Pressure is a situation where you get stress from money worries. Many people face tough
financial times and the mental health impact can be significant. It may seem impossible to overcome these
problem but you can get help and take steps to improve your situation.
Financial statement
Are written record which convey the company business activities and financial
performance. Financial statement are often audited by government agencies, accountants, companies, etc.
to ensure consistency and for according, finance or investment purposes, financial statement: balance
Financial support
Financial resources provided to enable some project; “the foundation provided experiment
support” for financial support, financing, support and support. Resources available source of wealth; new
or reserved supply that can be obtained if necessary.
Organization of the study
Chapter one identified and stated the problem. This chapter aims to know what the existing
phenomenon that is happening around. Thu, this help us to formulate and to state the problem.
The second chapter was all about asking questions and explored existing literatures and studies.
The chapter will most likely present other studies coming from different authors. Also, in this chapter
where reviewing literature will happen.
Chapter three described the Method that was being used and evaluating the answers thought the
collected data. This chapter will present the data

Chapter II


This chapter present the related literature and studies which covers the study of the impact of
financial problem towards the academic performance of the respondent where part of several literature
will be shown to fully understand the research to be done.

Review of Related Literature Foreign and Local

Foreign Literature
Weaver (2013) conducted a research and surveys were completed detailing participants
finance responsibility for college and their high school academic background. Participants also completed
the academic motivations scale and consented to the Researcher gathering their finance aid and GPA
information from the University. Study showed that finance issue are a huge factor of students entering
college because they are responsible for praying thousands of money attain high quality education.
Heckman, Lim, Montalto, (2014) concerns that debt loads and other financial worries
negatively affect students wellness are a top priority for many University administrator. Factors related to
financial stress among college students were explored using the Roy Adaptation Model, a conceptual
Framework used in health care application. Their study claimed that there are factor regarding financial
problems of college students. Some students rely on student loans to pay off their tuition and other
necessities causing them to have a debt load before even graduating from college. Money is a temporary,
but vitality important, resources. As a result, the capacity to manage ones finance is a vital role in ones
quality of life (Widener, 2017). Students frequently struggle to make ends meet and pay for for their
education, and many of them have little income , poor financial compulsive spending habits, and high
debt levels. These can be ascribed to a variety of factors, including demographic, social factor, family
socioeconomic background, academic influences, psychological factor, personality, and other.
Understanding these connections is essential for bettering the next generation financial prospects.
Wildeners study focuses on identifying the factors of financial issue of college students. They identified
and grouped it into major topics: financial situation, financial influences, or financial consequences.
These will be used to form a clear picture of college students and their money. Because college students
are still young and often partially dependent on their families, their finances are heavily impacted by their
parents statuses and other familial factors ( Charles, Roscigno, & torres (2007). Not all students who to go
to college have a job to support their studies, so not everyone is able everyone is able to enroll. Some
students still rely on their parents money to pursue their academic goals. It is also one of the things they
should prioritize and consider in deciding on their pursuit of a college education.

Local Literature
Financial issue are a huge problem when it come to education. Even if you are a scholar
students, you will still need money to sustain your needs as a student and if you don’t have enough of it,
you will struggle. The reason why there’s Students who stopped going to school ( Landicho, Mendoza,
Olimpiada, 2019). Education requires money. It is important in the studying to attain high quality
education, and to be able to buy other necessities. The study focuses on how financial instability affects
the performance of students in Talisay High School which is a big help to our study that is about the effect
of financial issue on the students that will pursue college. Their study guides us on what are the
significant roles of these variables to each other.
Financial stress is common among Filipino students with government figures indicating that a
large proportion of the school age population has financial challenges. ( Resurreccion, 2018). The study
stated that the college age population’s reason for not going to college was the high cost of college
education. Furthermore, approximately 16.0 percent of individuals who chose not to pursue high
education say they did so in order to find jobs to support their families. Low income families are highly
affected by this issue. Sending one person to college is already hard for most of them. Some students are
Forced to work after studying senior high school to provide their needs and some are working part time
and studying at the same time. Although one recent study did not evaluate financial stress, it found that a
sense of poverty was connected to suffering among students.

Review of Related Studies Foreign and Local

Foreign Study
Financial problem are commonly faced by everyone, especially for those who come from
underprivileged or low income families. According to Asri, Abu bakar, laili and saad (2017), stated that
although students do not have a commitment on paying monthly debt instalment like to other Household,
however, their status as students require them to pay their education fees, rent and other essential, by
which they received the financial from loans, scholarship or their families. In addition, students who
come from underprivileged or low income families might affect their academic performance. Many past
Research has been done to show a relationship between financial problem and the students academic
performance. According to Olufemioladebinu, Adedrian and Oyedrian (2018), the parents income or
social status has positively affected the students academic performance in an examination.
This can be further supported by a precious study by Olufemioladebinu et al. (2018) explained
that students who come from low socio economic family status tend to show a poor academic
performance compared to students who com from a better family background status. To add, according to
Asri et al. (2017) stated that students who come from a High economic status are able to have a
stimulating learning environment. Hence it is possible for those who have a better family financial
background to excel well and and achieve a better academic performance compared to those students who
come from low income families. According to Nnamani, dikko and kinta(2014).

Local Study
Financial Issues are a huge problem when it comes to education. Even if you are a scholar sstuden, you
will still need money to sustain your needs as a student and if you don't have enough of it, you will
struggle. The reason why there's students who stopped going to school (Landicho, Martinez, Mendoza,
Olimplada, 2019). Education requires money. it is important in studying - to attain high quality education,
and to be able to buy other necesslties. The study focused on how financial instability affects the
performance of students in Talisay High School which is a big help to our study that is about the effects of
financial issues on the students that will pursue college. Their study guides us on what are the significant
role of these variables to each other.

Financial stress is common among Filipino students with government figures indicating that a large
proportion of the school-age population has financial challenges.(Ressurrecion, 2018). The study stated
that the college-age population's reason for not going to college was the high cost of college education.
Furthermore, approximately 16.0 percent of Individuals who chose not to pursue higher education say
they did so in order to find jobs to support their famillies. Low Income famillies are highly affected by
this issue. Sending one person to college is already hard for most of them. Some students are forced to
work after studying Senior High school to provide their needs and some are working part time and
studying at the same time. Although one recent study did not evaluate financial stress, it found that a
sense of poverty was connected to suffering among students.

Chapter III
This chapter presented the research design, the sample, Research instruments, data gathering
procedure, data analysis procedure, and the statistics treatment of data. Likewise, this chapter shall
present in details how the research will be implemented and how pertinent findings will be achieved.
Research Design
The Researcher will use a correlation Research design for this study. According (2019) ,
correlation Research design is a type of non-experimental research methods that facilitates prediction and
explanation of the relationship among the variables he added that Researchers use a correlation Research
design to measure 2 or more variables to investigate the extent to which the variables are related. This
Research design is specifically chosen by the Researcher. Among all the design, correlational Research
study is the most fitted type of design because the Researchers aims to investigate the impact of financial
problem on the decisions of Grade 12 TVL in Tigao National High School
Research locale
The study was conducted at TIGAO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL , a DepEd managed public
school and comprises Junior High School and Senior High School department. The Senior High School
offers three (3) tracks which are Academic and Technical Vocational Track. Under Academic Track are
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and science , Technology , Engineering , and Mathematics
stand (STEM) 2t is located ate Purok Tigao , Cortes , Surigao Del Sur (Latitude 9.1818°N, Longitude
126.1545°E). The study will be conducted second semester of the calendar year 2022-2023.
Participants and Sampling
This study is planned to ask Grade 12 TVL Senior High School students in Tigao National High
School. The said participants was decided by using a purposive sampling. Etikan and Alkassim (2016)
defined purposive sampling as a form of sampling who shares similar traits of specific characteristics.
The idea is to focus on this precise similarity and how it relates to the topic being Research. This
entails and choosing individuals or group of person who are especially qualified about a topic of interest.
Purposive sampling is chosen for this Research to select the best fit of instrument mentioned about for
this study. The following criteria should be met by the respondents in other selected that would undergo
answering the questionnaire:
• Respondent should be a student in Tigao National High School
• Respondent should be a resident of Tigao Cortes Surigao del sur
• Respondent should be a graduating senior high school student
• Respondent should not be financially stable

RResearch Instrument
This study will use a questionnaire survey form to gather answer from respondents. The
instrument to be prepared focused on answering the state of the problem. The questionnaire has a 3 parts.
The questionnaire consisted of items that determined the effect of having financial problem towards the
academic performance of senior high school students in grade 12 TVL in Tigao national high school.
Data Processing Method
After gathering all the data needed, we carefully tailed and range the data. In this researcher that
fathered data, the researchers applied some method that are inevitable to make the researcher successful.
Data Gathering Procedure
The following step are to be followed in conducting this study:
Step 1: Selection of the topic: After discussing about a research paper the researcher decided a topic that
is relevant and for students
Step 2: Approval of the topic: After the researcher decide what should be the topic , undergone the
process of checking until it was approve.
Step 3: Formulation of the chapter. After the approval of the topic , the started formulating the chapter 1
It includes the introduction , the problem and it’s setting.
Step 4: Checking of chapter 1. After the researcher finished the chapter one the researcher submitted to
their adviser and for checking before proceeding to the next chapter.
Step 5: Chapter 2 (Review of Related Literature). This chapter researcher present the local and foreign
literature and studies to support research study.
Step 6: Chapter 3 (Research Design and Methodology). This focuses on what the researcher going to do
questionnaire and for the researcher on how they will find out the percent of the respondent.
Step 7: Making of questionnaire. In the part , the researcher focus on the possible question that they can
make for questionnaire.
Step 8: Distribution of the questionnaire. The researcher conducted the survey on the Senior High School
TVL student’s.
Step 9: Tallying. After the researcher gather the answered questionnaire and data the researcher proceed
to tallying to know the results of the study that being conducted.

Chapter IV
This chapter of the paper present the data gathered from 20 respondents in Grade 12 TVL
Senior High in Tigao National High School, who served as respondents of this research. It also
provide the analysis and interpretation of data has been organized according to the research
question enumerated.

Personal Information

Table 1 Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

15-16 0 0%
17-18 7 35%
19-20 13 65%
Total 20 100%

This table

Table 4.2 Gender of the respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage
Female 5 25%
Male 15 75%
Total 20 100%

According to the table, male respondents make up 75% of the total respondents, while female
respondents make up only 25%. This indicates that our sample is heavily skewed towards male
respondents and may not be representative of the entire population in terms of gender. It is important
to keep this in mind when interpreting any gender-related results or conclusions drawn from the study.

Table 4.3 Level of school fees or expenses

Weighted Verbal Interpretation
Statement Mean

1.The parents earn sufficient amount of money

to provide the needs of theirs children. 4.13 Agree

2.The parents salary provides the wants and

needs of their when it comes to school work 4.06 Agree
and requirements.
3.The students did not encountered difficulties
when it comes on passing their school works 3.53
because their parents can provide them Agree
4.The parents aim the same amount of money
every payday 3.60 Agree
5.The parents can provide financially on the
needs 4.26 Strongly Agree

Total 3.91

Khan (2005) development by Islam and khan (2017) introduced different factors which relate the socio
economic status of the students at higher secondary level and their Academic. Khan observation are
unique and are as follows. The Academic Achievement. Khan observations are unique and are as follows:
The Academic Achievement of a student is not only a function of his/her intellectual and personal
characteristics but also influence by his/her Socio-economic Status and which in turn also, influences and
determine the attitudes, interest and motivation of students for studies.
Table 4.4 Student Profile

Weighted Verbal Interpretation

Statement Mean

1.The students pass their requirements on

time because their parents help them in 3.60 Agree
terms of finances.
2.The students allowance is enough to pay
their school expenses such as contribution
to their group worries, activities and 3.46 Agree
miscellaneous fees.
3.The students allowance is enough to save
money 3.46 Agree

4. The students allowance is enough to pay

for school activities that are needed. 3.26 Agree

Total 3.44

These findings suggest that many of the students surveyed may be experiencing financial insecurity and
struggling to cover the costs associated with school and daily living expenses. This can have negative
consequences for their well-being and academic success. The results may also reflect broader issues
around affordability and access to education and resources, particularly for students from low-income
backgrounds or marginalized communities.

In summary, Table 4 highlights the challenges faced by students in meeting their financial needs and
suggests the importance of addressing financial barriers to education and promoting greater financial
literacy and support for students.,

Table 4.5 Financial Status

Weighted Verbal Interpretation

Statement Mean

1. The parents are complaining about too much

expenses in activities and school works 3.86 Agree

2. The students experience a rough situation in their

studies due to the insufficiency of their allowance 3.46 Agree

3. The students can afford to join class outing

3.80 Agree
4. The students can afford to pay the class funds and
the other requirements 3.40 Agree

5. I can't continue my immersion where ever my

parents cannot provide allowance 3.86 Agree

Total 3.67

Table 5 prov


Thus, Socio-economics Status is important variable for determining the Academic students. The effect of
Socio-economic status on Academic Achievement has hievement of the shown sex differences. The boys
from the low Socio-economic Status and the girls from the high Socio-economic Status have been found
to achieve high. The High achieving boys have been found impulsive, suspicious, shy, fickle-minded,
conservative and dominant while the high achieving girls have been found stable, trusting, venturesome,
preserving, experimenting and submissive. The conclusion does not find support in the related research
literature. Apart from the above studied, many researches related to Socio-economic Status and
academic success/ Achievement were reported in the past also. The five items got a descriptive
equivalent of often times. These items with corresponding mean ratings were presented as follows: The
students were never late at school because they tend to commute other than walking every day (3.88):
The students pass their requirements on time because their parents help in terms of finances (3.66)

Table 4.6 How much does that parents earn per month?

Income Frequency Percentage

Php1000 - 5000 12 60%
Php5000 - 10,000 3 15%
Php10,000 - 15,000 above 5 25%
Total 20 100%

Table 6 shows that parents earn per month. 60% respondents answered that the parents income of
1000-5000 per month.15% answered that their parent's income is in the amount of 5000-10,000 per
month and 25% answered that his parents' income is 10,000-15,000 above per month

Table 4.7 The parents have other sources of income often than at work

Verbal Interpretation Frequency Percentage

Yes 12 60%
No 3 15%
Not sure 5 25%
Total 20 100%
Table 7 shows of other sources of income in their parents. Many of the respondents answered Yes and
the equivalent of 60%. 15% of the respondents answered No. 25% of the respondents answered Not
sure. Based on the table they answered, there are parents who have other sources of income just to
meet the needs of their children

Table 4.8 Does that parents earn enough for daily expenses

Verbal Interpretation Frequency Percentage

Yes 8 40%
No 5 25%
Not sure 7 35%
Total 20 100%

Table 8 shows that parents earn enough for daily allowance. 40% of the respondents answered Yes. 25%
of the respondents answered No. 35% of the respondents answered Not sure. Based on the table, there
are parents who can afford their child's expenses

Table 4.9 Have you ever had the experience of working just to pay for something and still pay for school

Verbal Interpretation Frequency Percentage

Yes 12 60%
No 4 20%
Never 4 20%
Total 20 100%

Table 9 shows, 60% of the respondents answered yes. 20% of respondents answered no. 20% of the
respondents answered never. Based on the table many of the students are experience of working for just
to pay for something and still pay for school.

Table 4.10 Have you ever thought about dropping out of school because of the lack of financial support
from your parents

Verbal Interpretation Frequency Percentage

Yes 5 25%
No 14 70%
Never 1 5%
Total 20 100%

Based of the table 10, 70% of the students answered No. Many students did not think of dropping out of
school. 25% of the respondents answered Yes. There are other students who want to stop studying
because of the lack of financial support from their parents.

Financial problems are a serious issue that needs to be addressed as it leads to multiple stages of
problems such as health issues and academic performance. Dang and Bulus (2015) education is a high-
cost social service therefore insufficient financial support will be a problem for students to enhance
themselves in academics thus leading to poor academic performance.

According to Asri, Abu Bakar, Laili and Saad (2017), stated that although students do not have a
commitment on paying monthly debt instalments like other households, however, their status as
students requires them to pay their education fees, rents and other essentials, by which they received
the financial from loans, scholarships or their families. In addition, students who come from
underprivileged or low-income families might affect their academic performance.


This chapter includes the summary of findings that the researchers have analysed, documented
conclusion and recommendation that will help inenhancing students writing quality, in upgrading
the curriculum and for the futurere searches.

The researcher focuses on the effects of having financial problem towards the academic performance of
senior high school. The researcher identity the financial problems of grade 12 tvl by the twenty (20)

The researcher used the discriptive methods in explaining, analysing, and classifying the data. This
instrument helped the researchers to discribe and interpret the problem and analysing relationship of
variables, testing hypothesis and the development of generalization. The errors were analysed and
tallied with the use frequency distribution, percentage, verbal Interpretation and analysis variance.

The researcher had come up with their conclusion based from the gathered data and information.
Therefore, the researcher reject the null and void hypothesis. The findings show errors that there is a
statically significant difference between the frequencies of the grammatical error.

The difficulties experience in Grade 12 TVL students is the financial support from their parents. The
results of the test questionnaire only prove that financial problems effects of the students learning.
There is much to be regarded with the status of the students.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, here are several recommendation to be considered:

1. The universities should provide more programmes to enhance the awareness of the students
regarding life skills and management.

2. They also

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