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Group #4

12 Humss 2 Marx

Crisostomo, Juvinar

Obina, Love Rose Ann

Dela Pena, Kimberly

Aranas, Ma.Trishia

Guarin, Niel Gerald

Pitogo, Christian


The Financial Problem in Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12

Academic Track Students of Gov. Juanito Reyes

Remulla Senior High School

S.Y 2018-2019

Chapter 1


It is not surprising that financial problems cause stress also for students and what for , for
the employee like teachers, construction worker , vendors sales lady etc. You aren't earning
enough to cover your expenses. Some students for financial reasons could not pay attention in
the class, rather they would be thinking of how to get money to buy their practical materials and
handouts in most institutions today. Some are to be working students because of it. Aside from
that, almost of students not yet to master managing financial. They were not aware on how to
manage their pocket money while they spent their for non-necessary things or overspend and
living away from their family causes of the financial problems among senior high and college
students. Almost all senior high college students option to take food at outside such as
Carenderia the price is exact for the money of the students, because food in their canteen not
worth it. Foods in canteen tend to be expensive. Also some of the students have not enough
money to support their fare in jeep and tricycle because the school is too far.

The researchers want to know if financial problem affect the academic performance of

Background Of The study

Financial problems are an unfortunate reality many people face at some point in their
lives. College students, mid-career workers and even retirees can encounter similar economic
issues. An understanding of the most common causes of financial troubles can help you avoid or
reduce stress during difficult times.Financial problems have many causes and none is bad in
itself. There is no shame in having financial difficulties, no matter their scope or origin. Financial
problems occur for many reasons. Often, they occur after personal or professional problems.
Sometimes while we try to solve these problems, we lose sight of our financial situation and
debts pile up. Financial problem can cause stress, stress can cause physical illness, especially if a
person experiences high stress with little emotional support or feels stress for an extended period
of time. In addition, those suffering from financial stress often cannot afford regular medical care

or cannot access health care due to past unpaid bills. Thus, financial stress can also cause
physical illness to get worse because of lack of access to healthcare. Poor budgeting is one of the
most common causes of financial problems. If a person is spending more than he is earning, he is
setting himself up for money trouble. Many people start using credit cards and loans to offset
their high expenses. As interest piles up, these debts become larger and more difficult to pay off.
Setting a household budget is essential for avoiding these financial problems. As a student Plan
monthly expenses around handouts, transportation, and food. Even the greatest financial planners
are not always prepared for costly emergencies. Sudden medical, educational and home expenses
can eat away at savings accounts and monthly budgets. People often turn to additional loans in
order to pay for emergencies but then fail to account for the loan payments in future budgeting.
Remember that each new expense requires careful balancing with previous costs. When financial
problems occur, some people look for answers and advice in the wrong places. Friends and
family members may have the best intentions but are not always qualified to give financial
help. Many students take on a great deal of debt in the form of student loans. All too often,
students take out loans from private companies with high interest rates. According to an article by
"The New York Times," variable interest rate loans can reach 20 percent. This can lead to long-
term debt that is often difficult to cope with for recent college graduates. Because of the Fiscal
Responsibility Act, students can now take out government loans at rates ranging from 4 percent to
9 percent. At the end of the loan period, repayments required will not exceed 10 percent of your
discretionary income, and if the loan still exists after 20 years, the balance is forgiven.

Theoretical Framework

As a separate subject of discipline, finance is still in its infancy. It was only the latter half
of the twentieth century that witnessed most of major developments in finance with scientific
rigor.1 This means that the whole profession of finance had to digest a very large amount of new
theoretical developments in a relatively short time period. Teachers, students, and business
people have been continuously introduced to new models, theories, and empirical results thereof
over the recent years and the trend continues. Started out as largely a descriptive, institutional
field of study, finance has quickly transformed into a science full of theoretical thrusts. While
few would dispute its origin as a branch of applied microeconomics, finance now is as theoretical
as its mother discipline.2 The rapid changes in finance have had a profound implication for

business education. Especially, such extensive and rigorous theoretical developments over the
recent past have made finance teaching in college classrooms increasingly challenging. Finance
is one of the most quantified and theorized disciplines in business curriculum. The dynamic and
complex nature of finance requires continuous development of new theories. As intellectual
advances in finance continues in the form of more sophisticated theoretical inquiries, the
challenge of teaching finance theories will only grow bigger. Yet, finance is somewhat unique in
terms of the correspondence between theory and evidence. While we educate students to make
independent critical evaluations of the contending points of views, many finance theories are still
at their developmental stage and so they are highly controversial, debatable, and subject to close
scrutiny.3 This poses as the very first problem to a finance instructor

Financial and monetary systems are designed to improve the efficiency of real activity
and resource allocation. A large empirical literature in financial economics provides evidence
connecting financial development to economic growth and efficiency (Levine 1997, Rajan and
Zingales 1998). Unfortunately, financial crises, generating extreme disruption of the normal
functions of financial and monetary systems, have happened frequently throughout history.

The last five years have been characterised by great turmoil in the world’s financial systems,
which took much of the economic profession by surprise. We have witnessed the meltdown of
leading financial institutions in the US and Europe, a sharp decrease in lending and trading
activities, and the ongoing challenge to the European Monetary Union. Explaining the forces
behind the crisis and coming up with suggestions for policymakers on how to solve it and fix the
system going forward have become top priorities for many economists1.

These recent events feature familiar ingredients from the history of financial crises.
Understanding the theories behind these crises and where these theories need to be further
developed is crucial for properly addressing the current challenges and designing the financial
systems for the future.

In Goldstein and Razin (2012), we provide an extensive review of three literatures that have been
developed over more than three decades, highlighting the analytical underpinnings of three types
of crises: banking crises and panics, credit frictions and market freezes, and currency crises2. We
argue that features from these types of crises have been at work and interacted with each other to

shape the events of the last few years. We address some of the policy challenges that face the
global economy today using the analytical tools at hand.

Conceptual Framework

 The Financial
Problem In
OF THE Academic
REPONDENT Performance Of
Grade 11 and 12
S Academic Track in
 AGE Gov. Juanito
Reyes Remulla
Senior High
 Financial
Problem in
Performance Of
The Students

Different ways of financial problem in academic

performance of the students

Statement Of The Problem

The researcher aimed to determine The Financial Problem in Academic Performance

of Grade 11 and 12 Academic Track Students Of Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High

in line with this research study , it focused on the following problems.

1. What is the Socio- Economic of the Students?

2. What is the level of academic performance of Grade 11 and 12 Academic Track Students Of
Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High School?

3. Is there a significant relationship between financial problem and academic performance?


This study focused to identify the relationship of financial problem and academic
performance of Grade 11 and 12 Academic Track Students Of Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla
Senior High School

There is no significant relationship between Financial Problem and Academic Performance

among selected students of academic track in Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High School.

Scope And Limitation

The focused on the Financial Problem In Academic Performance Of Grade 11 and 12

Academic Track in Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High School

This study is limited only to Grade 11 and Grade 12 Academic Track students in Gov.
Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High School.

Significance Of The Study

The result of the study will value the following

Teachers. The result of this study will help them to know more about their students. Because
some students want to be alone
Parents. Who are directly concerned with the education of their children
Teachers. The result of this study can use by the teachers to the improve students productivity
Future researchers. This study may able to help future researchers as their basis about effects of
coping mechanism for stress
Students. This study will help students to cope up to their stress and to improve their productivity
People. This study will nit only benefits with the students but also in other people who
experiencing stress

Definition Of Terms

Financial Problem - is a situation where money worries are causing you problem or to stress.

Academic Performance - is the performance of the students base on how do their do.

Students - is primarily a person enrolled in a school or other educational institution who attends
classes in a course

Survey- the researchers used survey to gathered data

I.P.O Diagram- the researchers used the i.p.o diagram to know the input, process sand output of
the study
Financial stress- is linked to health problems like depression and sleep problems.

Chapter 2

Review Related of Literature

This chapter shows the studies and related literature which are researched to bring out
further information about the topic.


Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005), used GPA to measure student performance because
the main focus in the student performance for the particular semester. Educational services are
often not tangible and are difficult to measure because they result in the form of transformation
of knowledge, life skills and behavior modifications of learners (Tsinidou, Gerogiannis, &
Fitsilis, 2010). Some other researchers used test results or previous year result since they are
studying performance for the specific subject or year (Hijazi and Naqvi, 2006). Many researchers
have discussed the different factors that affect the student academic performance in their
research. There are two types of factors that affect the students‘ academic performance. these are
internal and external classroom factors and these factors strongly affect the students’
performance. Internal classroom factors includes students competence in English, class
schedules, class size, English text books, class test results, learning facilities, homework,
environment of the class, complexity of the course material, teachers role in the class, technology
used in the class and exams systems. External classroom factors include extracurricular
activities, family problems, work and financial, social and other problems.

Research studies shows that students’ performance depends on many factors such as
learning facilities, gender and age differences, etc. that can affect student performance (Hansen,
Joe B., Harb and El-Shaarawi (2006) found that the most important factor with positive effect on
students' performance is student's competence in English. If the students have strong
communication skills and have strong grip on English, it increases the performance of the
students. The performance of the student is affected by communication skills; it is possible to see
communication as a variable which may be positively related to performance of the student in
open learning. A major distinction of this study from previous studies is that it focuses on open
learning (Abdullah AL-Mutairi, 2011).

Noble (2006), students’ academic accomplishments and activities, perceptions of their

coping strategies and positive attributions, and background characteristics (i.e., family income,
parents’ level of education, guidance from parents and number of negative situations in the
home) were indirectly related to their composite scores, through academic achievement in high
school. The students face a lot of problems in developing positive study attitudes and study
habits. Guidance is of the factor through which a student can improve his study attitudes and
study habits and is directly proportional to academic achievement. The students who are properly
guided by their parents have performed well in the exams. The guidance from the teacher also
affects the student performance. The guidance from the parents and the teachers indirectly affect
the performance of the students (Hussain, 2006). The students who are actively engage in the
learning process are observed to have a positive correlation with the CGP. A Study effort from
student and the proper use of the facilities provided by the institution to the student, a good
match between students’ learning style and are positively affect the student's performance
(Norhidayah Ali, et. al., 2009)

Socio-economic factors like attendance in the class, family income, and mother’s and
father’s education, teacher-student ratio, presence of trained teacher in school, sex of student and
distance of school are also affected the performance of the students. (Raychauduri et al., 2010)
Kernan, Bogart & Wheat (2011), academic success of graduate student will be enhanced if the
optimal health related barriers are low. There is negative relationship between college credit and
stress but weak relationship between GPA (Grade Point Average) and stress. (Zajacova, Lynch
and Espenshade, 2005) Amitava Raychaudhuri, et. al., (July 2010), found that numerous studies
have been done to identify those factors which are affecting student’s academic performance.
The students’ academic performance depends on a number of socio-economic factors like
students’ attendance in the class, family income, mother’s and father’s education, teacher-student
ratio, presence of trained teacher in school, sex of the student, and distance of schools. Hijaz and
Naqvi (2006) observed that there is a negative relationship between the family income and
students’ performance and they focus on the private colleges in Pakistan.

Based on a study conducted by Kyoshaba Martha in 2009 at Uganda Christian

University, she made the following conclusions; A’ level and diploma admission points are the

most objective way to select just a few students from a multitude of applicants for the 12 limited
slots available at universities in Uganda. Parents’ social economic status is important because
parents provide high levels of psychological support for their children through environments that
encourage the development of skills necessary for success at school. That location, ownership
and academic and financial status of schools do count on making a school what it is and in turn
influencing the academic performance of its students because they set the parameters of a
students’ learning experience. College students have many obstacles to overcome in order to
achieve their optimal academic performance. It takes a lot more than just studying to achieve a
successful college career. Different stressors such as time management, financial problems, sleep
deprivation, social activities, and for some students even having children, can all pose their own
threat to a student’s academic performance. The way that academic performance is measured is
through the ordinal scale of grade point average (GPA). A student’s GPA determines many
things such as class rank and entrance to graduate school. Much research has been done looking
at the correlation of many stress factors that college students’ experience and the effects of stress
on their GPA.


According to Nicole B. (2005).Research suggested that the wealth of the district within
itself does not affect student performance. Specific possible associated factors included
instructional methods, effectiveness and experience of teachers, parental involvement, and
external social factors. This study, through quantitative data analysis, reviewed data collected
related to district finances, local wealth, and student achievement in math and reading as
measured by ISAT between 2005 and 2012. To measure the financial solvency of the school
district, the study examined the school district Illinois Financial Profile Scores, their annual
school budget, and the district's annual audited financial reports. Review of the local wealth
consisted of examining local property values, reported unemployment rates, as well as student
enrollment and mobility rates. Data collected were utilized to measure the correlation of student
achievement by grade level to the district's financial health and changes to local wealth. [The
dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further
reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by

Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:


Conducted by Drake J. (2013)Financial management in schools has changed in the UK

with the introduction of the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS). There is increasing
delegation of financial responsibility to the management team in the school, increasing the role
of the head teacher and the governing body as part of overall responsibility for the strategic
direction of the school. This article draws on contemporary research from three case studies
within one local authority based on interviews with three stakeholders: the head teacher; a
member of the finance sub-committee of the governing body; and a local authority finance
officer. Evidence is presented of how financial management responsibility is discharged and on
the relationship between the three parties. It is found that financial management is increasingly
being prescribed without clear guidelines. The article presents some implications and
recommendations for governance arrangements, including consideration of how financial
management might be made more effective. (Contains 1 figure and 2 tables.)

According to Erner C. (2008)After graduating high school, underage individuals soon

face ever more complex and important financial decisions. Pivotal to the development of
improved financial literacy programs is a comprehensive examination of financial literacy levels
and potentially related factors. The authors conducted a survey among German high school
students and found similarly weak performances on standard financial literacy measures as have
been documented for other samples. Female students and those with a low level of integration
exhibit significantly lower financial literacy across measures. Additionally, basic financial
literacy is related to mathematical skills, while sophisticated financial literacy is related to a
student's general cognitive aptitude and foreign language skills. Subpopulations identified by
these factors should be given attention in the development of more targeted financial literacy

Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design, research environment, respondents, research
instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment that used in research.

Research design

The researchers choose to use the research design of Correlational it because the
researcher want to know if they have a relationship between the financial problem to academic
performance of students.

Research environment

The research was conducted at Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High School in
Toclong II-B Imus City, Cavite.


The respondents of this study are the grade 11 and grade 12 students in Academic
Track of Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High School

N – 271 (total population of grade 11 and 12 Academic Track)

E – 5% (margin of error)

Formula: ___N__


__N__ substitute 271 = 161.30 or 161 respondents

1+Ne2 1+271(.05) 2

Research instrument

The instrument to be used for gathering data is a survey form. The researchers prepared
a survey from consist of question that gather data about The Financial Problem in Academic
Performance of Grade 11 and 12 Academic Track Students Of Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla
Senior High School.

Data gathering procedure

The survey will be administered by track on grade 12 students of Gov. Juanito Reyes
Remulla Senior High School. In every track there was a corresponding number of student who
will answer the survey.


G12 HUMSS 1 20

G12 HUMSS 2 20

G12 GAS 20

G12 ABM 1 20

G12 ABM 2 20

G11 GAS 11

G11 HUMSS 30

G11 ABM 20

TOTAL = 161

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the answer to the specific problem raised in this study. It contains
analysis and interpretation of the data gathered.

Graph 1 shows the results of the weighted mean from the selected Grade 11 and 12 Academic


3.04% 3.25% Strongly Agree

2.94% 3.12% Agree
3.09% Agree
2.93% 3.03% Agree
3.08% 3.14% Agree

The Graph show the result of the survey from selected Grade 11 and 12 academic Track.

1 – 1.24 = Strongly Disagree

1.25 – 2.49 = Disagree

2.50 – 3.24 = Agree

3.25 – 4 = Strongly Agree


Strongly Agree
48.44% 42.86%

45% 50.31% Agree

57.14% Agree
46.58% 46.58%
51.56% 39.13%

The graph 2 shows the result the percentage of selected Grade 11 and 12 using FDT
(Frequency Distribution Table). The researchers compute only the highest score survey in the
research questionnaire. So, there are (42.86% strongly agree) that financial problem affect the
academic performance of the students. (50.31% agree) that family problem is cause of financial
problem. (57.14% agree) that being absent of the students is cause by financial problem.
(46.58% agree) those fare hikes in transportation affect the financial problem of students.
(39.13% agree) that the poverty is the root of the financial problem by the students (51.56%
agree) that over hand outs in the school cause of financial problem. (46.58% agree) that the
price in the canteen affects also the financial problem of students. (56.52% agree) that working
of students is the solution to solve the financial problem of the students. (45% agree) that
managing of financial is the problem of the students and (48.44% agree) that the state of life of
students is the cause also of financial problem.



42% Strongly Agree

Dis Agree
Strongly Dis Agree


Figure 2


Strongly agree
Dis agree
Srongly Disagree


Figure 3


21.80% Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree


Figure 4

20.50% 29.80%
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disgree


Figure 5

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disgree


Figure 6

20.50% 26.00%
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disgree


Figure 7


Strongly Agree
Strongly Disgree


Figure 8


Strongly Agree
Strongly Disgree


Figure 9

25.50% Strongly Agree
Strongly Disgree


Figure 10

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disgree


Name (optional): Gender:

Grade & Section: Age:

The study is to know The Financial Problem in Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12
Academic Track of Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High School. This questionnaire aimed to
know if there is a relationship between financial problem to the student's academic performance. All of
the information will be kept confidential between respondents and the researchers.

Instruction: Please rate how you strongly agree, agree ,disagree or strongly disagree which is of the
following statements by placing at CHECK mark in the appropriate box.

Legends: S.A - Strongly Agree A - Agree D.A - Disagree S.D.A - Strongly Disagree

Questions: S.A A D.A S.D.A

1. Do you agree that financial problem affect the academic

performance of the students?
2. Do you agree that family problem is cause of financial problem?
3.Do you agree that being absents of student is cause by financial
4. Do you agree that fare hike in transportation affect the financial
problem of students
5. Do you agree that poverty is the root of the financial problem by the
6. Do you agree that over handouts in the school cause of financial
7. Do you agree that price in the canteen affect also the financial
problem of students?
8. Do you agree that working of students is the solution to solve the
financial problem of students?
9. Do you agree that managing of financial is the problem of the
10. Do you agree that state of life is the cause also of the financial

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


The researcher is not in the situation that this is an easy work. The researcher experiences
much rejection from the chapter 1, 2 and 3. After a few months the researchers discover and
aware that their research is wrong because hear a many bad feedback for the teachers when it
comes to title, chapter 1, 2, and 3. So, the researchers start again to start they change it form “The
Teachers Perception in Students Home Live and Students Academic Performance” from “The
Financial Problem in Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12 Academic Track of Gov.
Juanito Reyes Remulla Senior High School.” The researcher feels sad disappoint because they
did not know if the new research that they pass is correct


In the conclusion, the data revealed that respondents did not have sufficient knowledge
and skills about managing their financial affairs. Most of the respondents agree that financial
problems affect the academic performance of students. Financial education should be introduced
at the high school level or earlier to prepare students to manage their finances effectively. The
effective financial management will contribute to improving the quality of life and students must
have ability to plan their money to avoid financial problem.


The researcher recommends about the financial problem in academic performance in

Gov.Juanito Reyes Remulla are first, the respondents need to be more efficient and they need to
manage how to use it in proper way. Next is even though there are experiencing lack of money
try to save extra money if ever because it can result a good feedback to the respondents because
if the time has come and you are in the situation that you have no money. Your extra savings
help you. Next if ever you cannot avoid buying anything. Make a list that tells what you need for
this day and if ever it have extra money save it for future


Williams, E. (2017). Meaning of Academic Performance. Retrieved from

Gbollie. J. and Keamu, H. P. (2017). Student Academic Performances. Retrieved from

Weaver, A. (2013). The relationship between students’ financial responsibility for college and
levels of academic motivation and success. Retrieved from

Grasgren, A. (2015). Finances affect students academically. Retrieved from

Harding, J. (2011). Financial circumstances, financial difficulties and academic achievement

among first-year undergraduates. Retrieved from

Marthen, E. M. (2011). Financial problems among students. Retrieved from

Cadwell, M. (2018). Financial problem-solving tips. Retrived from

Suttle, R. (2010). Definitions of financial problem. Retrieved from


The Relationship Between Students’ Financial Responsibility, Academic Motivation, and

Academic Success

Higher education is an important goal for many. This is made evident by the large number of
people working for their undergraduate degrees: there were twenty one million students enrolled
in postsecondary education institutions in the United States in 2010 (U.S. Department of
Education). The value of higher education is well known, as the statistics about how a degree can
improve employment opportunities and increase earnings are often cited. According to a survey
done by the College Board in 2010, those with a bachelor’s degree earn 66% more over a forty
year career than those with only a high school diploma (Supiano, 2010).

The same study also reported that the unemployment rate for those with an undergraduate
degree was significantly lower than for those without one. All of these things provide evidence to
the commonly held belief that higher education is of high value to those who attain it. While the
value of higher education is not often disputed, the value it holds for individual students could
be. There are some students who put a huge amount of effort into their studies and graduate with
an exceptional academic status. There are others, however, who do not focus on their studies and
only put in the minimal amount of effort necessary to pass their classes and earn their degree.

One human resources professional called it the best way to predict job performance for
the first years of employment, and a good example of work ethic (Koeppel, 2006). Most
companies that look at GPA will not consider candidates with less than a 3.0, and more
competitive companies may have even higher expectations (Koc, 2011). Therefore academic
performance certainly is important, and good performance is extremely helpful throughout a
graduate’s life.

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