Madan2017 ITC
Madan2017 ITC
Madan2017 ITC
Abstract — This paper investigates the reliability of PIN- leakage current, high subthreshold swing (SS), and other short
gate-all-around (GAA)-tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) channel effects [1]. These challenges enforce for exploring
with N+ source pocket. The reliability of the PNIN-GAA-TFET the novel devices that work on new operation mechanisms
is examined by analyzing: 1) the impact of interface trap
charge (ITC) density and polarity and 2) the temperature other than thermionic emission over the thermal barrier as
affectability on analog/RF performance of the device. It in the case of MOSFET. In this regard, tunnel field-effect
is realized that the interface traps existing at the Si/SiO2 transistors (TFETs) that use interband tunneling in the source
interface modifies the flatband voltage and, thereby, alters and channel junction with a control of gate bias has attracted
the analog and RF characteristics of the device. The analy- much attention [2]–[6]. The major challenges faced by
sis is done at various trap charge densities and polari-
ties. The results, thus, obtained reveal that, at higher trap MOSFET, such as the limitations on the SS that has a
charge density, the device performance alters significantly. fundamental limit of 60 mV/decade and high OFF-state leakage
It is obtained that, for a donor trap charge density of current, have been overcome by TFET up to a great extent.
3 × 1012 cm−2 , the off-state current of the device In TFET, the large tunneling barrier width present at the
degrades tremendously (increases from an order of source–channel junction at lower gate bias blocks the tunneling
10−17 –10−9 A). The temperature affectability over the device
of electrons and, thereby, benefits a very low leakage current.
reveals that, at lower gate bias, the Shockley–Read–Hall
phenomenon dominates and degrades the subthreshold However, the band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) of carriers from
current of the device at elevated temperatures. How- the source potentially allows a steep SS values [7]. Apart
ever, for the superthreshold regime, the band-to-band from these merits, TFET suffers from low ON-current, high
tunneling (BTBT) mechanism dominates. Furthermore, threshold voltage (Vth ), high gate–drain parasitic capacitance,
the results show enormous degradation in the off-state
and ambipolar current [8], [9]. For superior analog/RF per-
current at elevated temperatures, such that, with an
increase in the ambient temperature from 200 K to 400 K, formance, many device engineering architectures and III–V
the IOFF degrades by an order of 105 , i.e., increases materials have also been proposed by various researchers [2],
from 10−18 A to 10−13 A. The results specify that the [8], [10]–[15]. Among all device engineering architectures, the
PNIN-GAA-TFET is insusceptible to the acceptor traps exist- N+ source pocket p-i-n TFET or PNIN-TFET proposed by
ing at the Si/SiO2 interface in comparison with the donor [14] is a strong candidate as it offers higher ON-current with
lower SS and lower Vth . III–V TFET, however, mitigates the
Index Terms — Interface trap charges (ITCs), N+ source problem of lower ION offered by their lower bandgap, lower
pocket, temperature sensitivity, tunnel FET (TFET). effective mass, and wide range of band alignments; thus, III-V
material-based TFETs have the potential of high switching
I. I NTRODUCTION speed, but at the same time suffering from large SS [16].
However, the basic device characteristics, such as improved
0018-9383 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
charges. These fixed charges can adversely affect the yield and
reliability, and also alters the ideal predicted device character-
istics [19], [20]. The impact of interface trap charges (ITCs)
has also been investigated on lateral p-type InAs/Si (a III–V
TFET) by Sant et al. [21], which reported that the high con-
centration of trap centers formed at the heterojunction of III–V
material (source side) and the silicon (channel region)
attributes to the carrier generation by the trap-assisted tun-
neling (TAT) at the heterojunction, which degrades the SS
of TFET. The large trap centers at the interface of III–V Fig. 1. (a) Simulation structure of PNIN-GAA-TFET. (b) Comparison of
experimental [28] and simulated Ids –Vgs of GAA-TFET.
TFET evaluate the charge density at the interface and, thereby,
alter the device electrostatics. In addition to the traps present
at the heterojunction, for a III–V TFET, the traps at the The device parameters such as the channel length (L g ),
interface of channel and oxide add to further degradation gate oxide thickness (tOX ), and radius (R) of the device under
of the subthreshold characteristics of TFET. However, till consideration are 50, 3, and 10 nm, respectively. The source,
date, not much has been reported regarding the study of the channel, and drain are of silicon. The source (P+ ), channel,
impact of ITCs on the reliability of TFET [18]–[20], [22]–[24]. and drain (N+ ) regions are uniformly doped. The source is
Moreover, to meet the everlasting demand of transistors with p+ -type doped (1 × 1020 cm−3 ), and the drain is n+ -doped
high- and low-temperature tolerance (other than the room tem- (5 × 1018 cm−3 ). The drain doping is 5 × 1018 cm−3 (i.e.,
perature) needed in aircraft, space, and automotive technology, less than source doping), to minimize the drain–channel tun-
the temperature affectability over the device performance must neling and, thus, the ambipolar conduction [29]. Furthermore,
be analyzed [25], [26]. In addition, with an increase in number an optimum value of gate metal work function, i.e., 4.3 eV has
of on-chip transistors, the heat dissipation increases drasti- been chosen for optimum better subthreshold characteristics.
cally. Therefore, the operating temperature of transistor also
increases. Thus, for better reliability, it is obligatory to analyze A. Simulation Methodology
the performance of the device at various ambient temperatures. The PNIN-GAA-TFET is simulated using the ATLAS
Dey et al. [16] and Mookerjea et al. [27] reported that the device simulator [30]. For TFETs, the BTBT model is signif-
temperature dependence of III–V TFET is a strong function icantly important. Local BTBT model estimates a triangular
of gate bias, due to the onset of various conduction mecha- barrier approximation in the energy bands and, thus, considers
nisms at different gate-bias regions. At lower gate-bias region, a constant electric field at the entire tunneling region. However,
the consequence of exponential temperature dependence of the non-local BTBT incorporates the dynamic changes in the
Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) generation recombination results electric field at the entire tunneling path. Thus, the non-local
in the exponential rise of IOFF . Further increase in the gate BTBT that calculates the generation rate at each mesh point
bias thermally excites the carriers from the trap centers into in the tunneling region is incorporated in this work [31].
the conduction band. However, at higher gate-bias region, In addition to the non-local BTBT model, concentration-
the BTBT contributes to the drain current with negligible and field-dependent mobility model, SRH model for carrier
contribution from the trap centers. Moreover, it is reported recombination, bandgap narrowing, and Fermi–Dirac statistics
in [27] that the peak interface state density is in the middle are also invoked during simulation. Besides, Gummel (decou-
of the energy bandgap. Therefore, the major contribution of pled) and Newton’s (fully coupled) methods have been used
the midgap traps at the oxide–semiconductor interface in the to numerically solve the carrier transport equation. Owing
tunneling process causes a degradation in SS at elevated to the strong electric field at the source–channel (tunneling)
temperatures. The surface passivation is recommended for junction, the ITCs are considered only at 10-nm length from
reducing the TAT and the degradation caused at the elevated the interface of the source and the N+ pocket and along the
temperatures and the ITCs to the SS and IOFF . In this work, Si–SiO2 interface [19]. In addition, the reliability of device
the gate-all-around (GAA) architecture with N+ source pocket in terms of ITCs is analyzed by transmuting the equivalent
PIN-TFET is considered, and an elaborate study of its analog positive (negative) localized charges at the Si–SiO2 interface.
characteristics and RF figure of merits is reported, including The uniform distribution of ITC density is considered in the
the impact of ITC density and polarity at various ambient TCAD simulations. The parameters such as the trap charge
temperatures. density, polarity, and their position along the channel are
defined in INTERFACE statement. In this work, the density of
II. D EVICE A NALYSIS AND S IMULATION the interface charge density (N f ) is chosen in support with var-
Fig. 1(a) shows the 3-D view of simulated device structure, ious formerly published experimental and simulation data that
i.e., N+ source pocket PIN-GAA-TFET (PNIN-GAA-TFET). includes the process damage, radiation damage, and hot carrier
For PNIN-GAA-TFET, the source pocket length (L p ) and the damage, and results in ITC density of 1011–1013 cm−2 eV−1
source pocket (N+ ) doping (N p ) are assessed for the optimized [18], [20], [21]. The reliability of PNIN-GAA-TFET
analog characteristics, and the optimum values of L p and N p is analyzed in terms of various electrical, analog, and RF
are obtained as 4 nm and 4×1019 cm−3 , respectively, as shown figures of merit. Moreover, while analyzing the influence
in our previous work [4]. of ITCs on device characteristics, the temperature is kept
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
constant at 300 K, and during investigation of tempera- is a merit for enhancing the tunneling rate of electrons, but
ture affectability, the trap charge density is kept constant at it also attributes to the generation of trap centers near the
N f = ±1 × 1012 cm−2 . source–channel junction. As reported in [32], the parallel
component of the electric field, i.e., E y contributes to the
tunneling rate of electrons and, thereby, affects the drain
B. Model Validation
current of TFET. Higher value E y is required for enhanced
Simulation setup has been validated by the experimental BTBT rate of electrons and, thus, for the higher value of
data, before simulating the device structure [28]. The Ids . However, the normal component of the electric field,
non-local BTBT model has been calibrated by tuning i.e., E x is responsible for the reliability concerns, such as
the tunneling masses from their default values to fit it the interface trap generation along with the gate leakage
with [28]. The adjusted value of me.tunnel = 0.22 m o and current. The lower value of E x is required for improved device
mh.tunnel = 0.52 m o [4], [19], where m o is the rest mass reliability. Thus, the peak of parallel (E y ) and normal (E x )
of electron. The validation of simulation setup with the components of electric field at the tunneling junction as a
experimental data for the transfer characteristics is shown function of ITC density is analyzed and is shown in Fig. 2(b).
in Fig. 1(b). The close proximity of simulation model At higher donor (acceptor) trap charge density, the peaks
with the experimental data, thereby, authorizes the model of both E x and E y are large (small). The higher value
considerations of simulation setup. of E y enhances the tunneling rate of electrons; however,
the larger value of E x degrades the device reliability. Fig. 3
III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION shows the impact of ITC density on nonlocal BTBT rate
A. Impact of Interface Trap Charges—Density of electrons along the channel length. It is examined that,
and Polarity with an increase in the density of donor (acceptor) ITCs,
In this section, the influence of ITC density and polarity of the BTBT rate of electrons increases (decreases) extensively.
PNIN-GAA-TFET is examined at a constant temperature of This increase (decrease) in the BTBT rate of electrons is
300 K. Fig. 2(a) shows the impact of ITC density on the total attributed to the enhanced (reduced) electric field at the
electric field of PNIN-GAA-TFET. It is clearly evident from tunneling junction, as shown in Fig. 2(a). Fig. 4(a) shows
the inset (that shows the magnified view of the peak of the the impact of ITC density on the transfer characteristics of
electric field at the tunneling junction) that, with an increase of PNIN-GAA-TFET at T = 300 K. The result reveals that
donor (acceptor) trap charge density, the peak of electric field the positive (negative) traps enhances (reduces) the drain
increases (decreases) with respect to the case of undamaged current. This increase (decrease) in the drain current is the
device. This increase (decrease) in an electric field is attributed consequence of the enhanced (reduced) effective gate bias
to the decrease (increase) in the flatband voltage caused by the caused by the reduced (increased) Vfb by the presence of
presence of positive (negative) trap charges, defined as positive (negative) trap charges. The degradation posed by
the donor traps is more hazardous for the device operated in
V f b = subthreshold regime in comparison with the superthreshold
Cox regime. Furthermore, it is analyzed that, with an increase in
where q is the electronic charge, N f is the ITC density, positive trap charge density, IOFF degrades significantly from
and Cox is the gate oxide capacitance. The presence of posi- an order of 10−17 A to 10−9 A. Therefore, as the fixed charges
tive (negative) ITCs decreases (increases) the flatband voltage generated by the various process-, radiation-, and stress-
and, thereby, increases (decreases) the effective gate bias induced damages are always present in a practically fabricated
(Veff = Vgs − Vfb ) at the tunneling junction. The device, it may severely degrade the device characteristics.
enhanced (reduced) Veff caused by the occurrence of Fig. 4(b) shows the impact of trap charge density on IOFF and
donor (acceptor) trap charges, thereby, enhances (reduces) the current switching ratio (ION /IOFF ratio). As clearly shown
the electric field at the tunneling junction as evident from in Fig. 4(b), the damaged region with donor trap charges of
Fig. 2(a). Moreover, the considerably high electric field peak 3 × 1012 cm−2 degrades IOFF tremendously from an order
at the tunneling junction (caused by the steeper band bending) of 10−17 A to 10−9 A. However, as shown in Fig. 4(a),
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 6. Influence of ITC density on (a) Cgs , Cgd , and (b) Cgg as a function
Fig. 4. Impact of ITC density on (a) transfer characteristics (b) Ioff and of gate voltage of PNIN-GAA-TFET.
switching ratio of PNIN-GAA-TFET at Nf = ±1, 2, 3 (×12) cm−2 .
Fig. 8. Variation of nonlocal BTBT rate of electrons at the tunneling Fig. 9. (a) Drain current (b) Ioff and current switching ratio
junction as a function of temperature of PNIN-GAA-TFET at as a function of temperature (200–400 K) of PNIN-GAA-TFET at
Nf = ±1 × 12 cm−2 . Nf = ±1 × 12 cm−2 .
B. Temperature Affectability
In this section, PNIN-GAA-TFET is analyzed at various
ambient temperatures at constant ITC density. Fig. 8 presents
the variations in the nonlocal BTBT rate at various temper- Fig. 10. (a) Vth and SS as a function of temperature (b) output
characteristics at Vgs = 1.2 V, for the temperature range of 200–400 K
atures, including the effect of ITCs. In the case of TFET, of PNIN-GAA-TFET.
the BTBT rate is reliant on temperature. In addition, the prop-
erty of semiconductor, such as the energy bandgap, is also
dependent on temperature. The reliance of energy bandgap on dependence of BTBT (that is caused by the bandgap narrowing
temperature has been experimentally measured [35], and is with temperature) is dictated by the slight enhancement in
defined as the drain current at elevated temperature in the superthresh-
old region, as clearly shown in Fig. 9(a). The impact of
αE T 2
E g (T ) = E g (0) − temperature on transfer characteristics remains unaltered for
T + βE donor/acceptor ITCs. The influence of temperature on IOFF and
where E g (0) is the energy bandgap at T = 0 K for Si, the ION /IOFF ratio at N f = ±1 × 12 cm−2 and for the undam-
E g (0) = 1.170 eV, α E and β E are the material spe- aged device, i.e., with N f = 0, is shown in Fig. 9(b). The
cific fitting constants for Si, α E = 4.37 × 10−4 eV/K, results reveal that, with an increase in the temperature from
β E = 636 K, and T is the absolute temperature. With an 200 K to 400 K, IOFF increases from 10−19 A to 10−15 A (for
increase in the temperature, the bandgap of a semiconductor N f = −1×12 cm−2 ) and from 10−14 A to 10−10 A (for N f =
decreases. Thus, the narrower bandgap at elevated temperature +1 ×12 cm−2 ). However, the current switching ratio degrades
lowers the tunneling barrier width and, thereby, enhances from an order of 1014 –109 A (for N f = −1 × 12 cm−2 )
the BTBT rate of electrons. It is evaluated that, with an and from 109 A to 105 A (for N f = +1 × 12 cm−2 ). This
increase in the temperature from 200 K to 400 K, the nonlocal degradation in the ION /IOFF ratio is attributed to the enhanced
BTBT rate of electrons increases by 97.17% and 81.46% for IOFF at elevated temperatures. The influence of temperature
N f = 1 × 12 cm−2 and −1 × 12 cm−2 , respectively. The and ITC polarity on Vth and the SS of PNIN-GAA-TFET
influence of temperature (200–400 K) on the drain current as is depicted in Fig. 10(a). The significantly high degradation
a function of temperature at N f = ±1 × 12 cm−2 and for the in IOFF at elevated temperatures (instigated by SRH) and an
undamaged device, i.e., with N f = 0, is shown in Fig. 9(a). inconsiderable increase in ION (instigated by BTBT) degrade
It is clearly evident from the results that the temperature the SS at elevated temperatures. It has been analyzed that, for
affectability on the transfer characteristics is bias-dependent, an increase in the temperature from 200 K to 400 K, the SS
due to the distinct transport mechanism in OFF and ON increases by 83.23% and 25.43% for N f = −1×12 cm−2 and
states. In the subthreshold region, the drain current increases N f = 1 × 12 cm−2 , respectively. The temperature dependence
exponentially with the rise in the temperature. This increase in of Vth is also shown in Fig.10(a). As discussed before,
the drain current is attributed to the dominance of SRH recom- the drain current increases with an increase in the temperature,
bination at lower gate bias that has an exponential temperature i.e., PNIN-GAA-TFET has positive temperature coefficient
dependence. However, with an increase in Vgs , the BTBT in both subthreshold and superthreshold regions. This higher
current dominates. The consequence of small temperature drain current at elevated temperature results in reduced Vth .
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 11. Influence of ITCs on the temperature sensitivity of the Ioff Fig. 12. (a) Variations of Cgg as a function of Vgs at the temperature
variability of PNIN-GAA-TFET at Nf =± 1 × 12 cm−2 and Nf = 0. range of 200–400 K and (b) fT as a function of Vgs at the temperature
range of 200–400 K of PNIN-GAA-TFET at Nf =± 1 × 12 cm−2 .
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versity of Delhi, New Delhi, India, in 2011 and
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the Ph.D. degree in electronics with the Micro-
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[19] J. Madan and R. Chaujar, “Interfacial charge analysis of heterogeneous Ph.D in Electronics from Delhi University in 2005
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Jun. 2016. Engineering Physics, Delhi Technological Uni-
[20] M. G. Pala, D. Esseni, and F. Conzatti, “Impact of interface traps on the versity, New Delhi. She has authored or co-
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in IEDM Tech. Dig., Dec. 2012, pp. 6.6.1–6.6.4. national and national journals and conferences.
[21] S. Sant et al., “Lateral InAs/Si p-type tunnel FETs integrated on Si— She has supervised around 10-11 M.Tech stu-
Part 2: Simulation study of the impact of interface traps,” IEEE Trans. dents and 6 Ph.D students are presently working
Electron Devices, vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 4240–4247, Nov. 2016. under her guidance.