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English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal) ISBN : 978-6 -23 6911-38-9

January, 27 2021
University Of PGRI Semarang



Noor Frida Loveana1) Faiza hawa 2)
Sri Wahyuni 3)
Corresponding Author :
Universitas PGRI Semarang

This research deals with the analysis of figurative language used in Meghan Trainor album
“Title”. This research focus on what are types of figurative language used in song lyrics.
The aims of this research are (1) What kinds of figurative language are found in Meghan
Trainor’s songs? (2) What is the most dominant figurative language found in Meghan
Trainor’s songs? (3) What messages are intended to convey in Meghan Trainor’s songs?
The research method used in this study is qualitative research that is descriptive research.
According to Creswell (2014) qualitative research is an approach for exploring and
understanding the meaning individuals or group ascribe to a social or human problem.
The type of data that used in this research is a qualitative data. The data analyzed in the
research are some written texts. The texts discuss is song taken from Meghan Trainor album
“Title” song lyric. After analyzing the songs of Title song album, the result shows forty
lyrics that used figurative language in all of songs. In this research, the researcher found
twelve types of figurative language that used in songs lyric. There were five for metaphors,
two for alliteration, two for litotes, two for anaphore, two for personification, eight for
hyperbole, eight for simile, two for euphemism, one for assonance, one for symbol, three for
idiomatic, and four for synecdoche. The most dominant of figurative language that used is
hyperbole and simile. The research also found the message of each song. The result of this
research will be able to give contribution to the readers who are interested in learning and
understanding or interpreting those lyrics.

Keywords: analysis, figurative language, song lyrics

418 English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal)

1. Introduction
Literature is an expression in the written form or oral form based on thoughts,
opinions, experiences, and feelings in an imaginative form through language.
According to Kusumawardhani, O. A., & Doyin, M. (2019) literary works are
created because of one’s thoughts on various events in his or her life. The functions
of literature are to sharing knowledge, as media communication, entertainment, and
sharing the aesthetic taste. Poetry, novels, fairy tales, dramas, and songs are forms
of literary work. Song is an example of literature. Song is tone or sound art that
is usually accompanied by musical instruments to produce a beautiful rhythm.
According to Darmayasa (2008) a song is a sound composition or sound played by a
singer or by musical instruments. The functions of the song are as a media to express
the person’s emotions and moods, as a media of communication with others, and as
an entertainment. Song also contains about feelings that want to share to others. We
can express our feelings through songs. Song has two important elements, there are
lyric and instrument. The lyric can include a series of verses from the song that tells
the story, and a chorus is a short sentence that is repeated at the end of each verse.
According to Siallagan, Manurung, Sinaga (2017) lyric in a song can complement and
beautify the song and make listeners more interested in hearing it. According to Rahim
(2019) the meaning of song lyrics is words, expressions, or signs that refers to or is
represented and which can be explained using other words. In song lyrics contain the
hidden moral values. The lyric consists of figurative language. The figurative language
in songs lyric is used to beautify the language and make the listeners more interested
in listening to the song. According to Rahim (2019) figurative language are often
presented with words in such a way that they are equated, compared, or associated,
with meanings that are usually unrelated. The words in figurative language have
very deep and precise meanings. In figurative language there is an implied meaning
that is not realized by the listeners. Figurative language in lyrics usually uses words
that are not commonly used and imagery word that cannot be interpreted by each
word. There are many kinds of figurative language. There are simile, personification,
metaphor, synecdoche, litotes, hyperbole, symbol, idiom, euphemism, assonance,
alliteration, and anaphore. Simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison by
showing the similarities between two different things. The purpose of simile is to
give information about one object that is unknown by the reader by comparing it
to something with which the reader is familiar. Personification is a figure of speech
which an idea or animal is given human attributes. Non-human objects are described
having the ability to act like human. . Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes
an implicit, implied, or hidden comparison between two unrelated things, but has

English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal) 419

some general characteristics. Synecdoche is a figure of speech that uses a part of an
object or something as a whole. Litotes is a figure of speech that describing a situation
by using words that have opposite meanings. An understatement by using double
negatives sentence or other words. Hyperbole is a figure of speech whose statements
are on purpose to make exaggerate facts and used to emphasize a particular situation
from someone. Symbolism is a figure of speech by giving symbolic meaning that
is different from its literal meaning to signify ideas and qualities. Alliteration is a
figure of speech which some of words have the same consonant sound and appear
in a series. Anaphore is a figurative language that repeats a word or phrase at the
beginning of consecutive sentence, phrase, or clause. Euphemism is replacing words
or phrases that might be considered rude or offensive with more polite expressions
replace. Assonance is repetition of the same vowel sound in two or more words, which
are close to each other. Idiom is an expression or phrase consists of two or more words
which are not literally meaning. Many love songs are popular nowadays because it
can represent their feelings. One of the popular love songs is Like I’m Gonna Lose You,
a song by Meghan Trainor in album Title. Meghan Trainor is a female singer and
songwriter from the United States. She has won many awards, such as the Grammy
Award as Best New Artist in 2016, ASCAP Pop Music Awards, and Billboard Music
Awards. Trainor also won the number one position in the music charts. His debut
Title has got rid of the position of other famous singers. Therefore, it is need to find
out the figurative language used in Meghan Trainor’s Album Entitled “Title”. This
study is trying to analyze the figurative language used in song album.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Figurative Language
The figurative language in songs lyric is used to beautify the language
and make the listeners more interested in listening to the song. According to
Rahim (2019) figurative language are often presented with words in such a
way that they are equated, compared, or associated, with meanings that are
usually unrelated. The words in figurative language have very deep and precise
meanings. In figurative language there is an implied meaning that is not realized
by the listeners. Figurative language in lyrics usually uses words that are not
commonly used and imagery word that cannot be interpreted by each word.
There are many kinds of figurative language. There are simile, personification,
metaphor, synecdoche, litotes, hyperbole, symbol, idiom, euphemism,
assonance, alliteration, and anaphore.

420 English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal)

2.2 Definition of Song
Song is tone or sound art that is usually accompanied by musical
instruments to produce a beautiful rhythm. According to Darmayasa (2008)
a song is a sound composition or sound played by a singer or by musical
instruments. The functions of the song are as a media to express the person’s
emotions and moods, as a media of communication with others, and as an
entertainment. Song also contains about feelings that want to share to others.
We can express our feelings through songs. Song has two important elements,
there are lyric and instrument. Susanto (2017) explained The interpersonal
meaning realized in the lyrics of Christina Perri’s album “love strong” and the
contribution for teaching a modern English grammar.

2.3 Lyric
The lyric can include a series of verses from the song that tells the story, and
a chorus is a short sentence that is repeated at the end of each verse. According
to Siallagan, Manurung, Sinaga (2017) lyric in a song can complement and
beautify the song and make listeners more interested in hearing it. According
to Rahim (2019) the meaning of song lyrics is words, expressions, or signs that
refers to or is represented and which can be explained using other words. In
song lyrics contain the hidden moral values.

2.4 Title album by Meghan Trainor

Many love songs are popular nowadays because it can represent their
feelings. One of the popular love songs is Like I’m Gonna Lose You, a song
by Meghan Trainor in album Title. Meghan Trainor is a female singer and
songwriter from the United States. She has won many awards, such as the
Grammy Award as Best New Artist in 2016, ASCAP Pop Music Awards, and
Billboard Music Awards. Trainor also won the number one position in the
music charts. His debut Title has got rid of the position of other famous singers.

3. Research Methodology
The research used qualitative research that is descriptive research. According to
Creswell (2014) qualitative research is an approach for exploring and understanding
the meaning individuals or group ascribe to a social or human problem. According to
Kothari (2004) descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries kinds.
The researcher has to analyze the data to make a critical evaluation of the material.

English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal) 421

The object of the study was the figurative language that used in Meghan’s songs’
lyrics. The researcher observed the data was taken from In analyzing
data, the researcher used theory qualitative research by Creswell (2014) which goes
through some steps: first, organized and prepared the data. Second, read or looked
at all data. Then, started coding all of data. A final step is data analysis involved an
interpretation the result of the types of figurative language in Meghan Trainor’s songs
in qualitative research.

4. Findings

4.1. Sub Findings

This part is divided into two sections which include the types of figurative
language and messages in Meghan Trainor’s songs.
Table 1.1
The type of figurative language
No Sentence Song Figurative
Code Language
1. Because you know I’m all about that bass S-1-1 Methapors
2. Bout that bass, no treble S-1-2 Alliteration
3. Yeah, it’s pretty clear, I ain’t no size two S-1-9 Litotes
4. But I can shake it, shake it, like I’m supposed S-1-10 Alliteration
to do
5. And all the right junk in all right places S-1-12 Anaphore
6. I see the magazine workin’ that photoshop S-1-13 Personification
7. Cause every inch of you is perfect from the S-1-16 Hyperbole
bottom to the top
8. You know I won’t be no stick figure silicone S-1-19 Methapors
Barbie doll
9. My one and only all my life S-2-4 Hyperbole
10. I’ll be the perfect wife S-2-9 Hyperbole
11. I never learned to cook S-2-16 Litotes
12. You gotta know how to treat me like a lady S-2-19 Simile
13. Tell me I’m beautiful each and every night S-2-27 Hyperbole
14. Don’t have a dirty mind S-2-48 Euphemism
15. I can’t believe I’m still doing this S-3-1 Assonance

422 English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal)

16. Baby, you know I’m the one that should be S-3-8 Hyperbole
loving you
17. I still get crazy every time I hear your name S-3-11 Hyperbole
18. And I can’t help it, I can’t help myself, no S-3-16 Anaphore
19. Kinda stressing like I’m gonna have a heart S-3-20 Hyperbole
20. Likea scence from a movie S-4-3 Simile
21. Like I’m gonna lose you S-4-15 Simile
22. Like I’m saying goodbye S-4-17 Simile
23. Just a whisper smoke S-4-27 Personification
24. Tell me that you’re not just about this bass S-5-6 Symbol
25. Nah…. I come from outer space S-5-8 Hyperbole
26. I gave you bass, you gave me sweet talk S-5-24 Euphemism
27. You’re so two-faced, two-faced, babe, oh S-5-36 Idiomatic
28. Little birdies sound like airplanes S-6-20 Simile
29. A little bit of rum in my tummy S-6-35 Synecdoche
30. I shook it uo, and danced like a dummy S-6-37 Simile
31. Gimme that title, title S-7-15 Synecdoche
32. Look ma, no hands! S-7-41 Synecdoche
33. You gotta treat me like a trophy, put me on S-7-45 Simile
the shelf
34. But he’s no good for you, he’s no good for you S-8-9 Metaphors
and I’m sure he’s worth a lot of gold
35. Cause he’s such a tool, girl S-8-22 Metaphors
36. And your kiss is a drug that pulls me back so S-9-13 Metaphors
37. Aye, baby, let’s keep in touch S-9-15 Idiomatic
38. So, give some credit where it’s due S-10-10 Idiomatic
39. Never stares at other boobies S-10-20 Synecdoche
40. Got him looking like Ryan Gosling S-10-39 Simile

4.2. Sub Findings

The first song “All Abou That Bass” tells about the beauty of woman can
not be measured by her body size. Fat body does not mean ugly because the
beauty comes from the heart. Song “Dear Future Husband” tells about some

English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal) 423

things that must be known if you want to marry her. Women always want to
be praised as beautiful and treated well. Women want to be very special. Song
“3AM” tells about someone who misses her ex lover until late at night and she
has not gotten over him. Song “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” tells about someone
who loves her boyfriend like she will lose her boyfriend because she doesn’t
know how long they can be together. Song “Lips Are Movin” tells about a
women can see her lover’s lie from the motion of his lips. She can not be fooled
with sweet words that come out of his lips. Song “Walkashame” tells about a
girl who comes home late at night and she is drunk. The neighbor stares at her
cynically. They thought that she was a bad girl but she ignored her neighbor’s
accusations. Song “Title” tells about a girl who wants certainty of status from
her lover. She wants to get a special affectinate call for her so that she knows that
she is the only girl that he had. Song “No Good for You” tells about someone
who misses her friend because her friend is always with her lover. Actually she
knows her friend’s lover was not good for her friend because he had asked her
out. She always advised her friend to stay away from her lover. Song “My Selfish
Heart” tells about a girl who regrets having wasted her lover because she was
too focused on his dream. He wanted her lover to call her back as before. Song
“Credit” tells about a girl who wants to be praised for what she has done. She
had turned her lover into a more handsome bou. But now he has someone else’s
lover and his lover never knows that she made his lover became more handsome.

5. Discussion
The research results have been completed by providing a description of the
figurative language has found in Meghan Trainor’ album “Title”. In this research,
the theory is taken from Cresswell to find the types of figurative language that used
in song lyrics Meghan Trainor’s album “Title”. According to the research problems
that exist, this research discussed about the types of figurative language that was
found in song lyrics, the most dominant of figurative language that was found in
song lyrics, and the message that intended in Meghan Trainor’s songs. The data taken
from song lyrics in Meghan Trainor’s album “Title”. The researcher analyzed ten
songs in this album. There were All About That Bass, Lips Are Movin’, Dear Future
Husband, Like I’m Gonna Lose You, Title, Credit, Not Good For You, My Selfish
Heart, Walkashame, 3am. The result got twelve types of figurative language that
used in songs album “Title”. There were methapors, alliteration, litotes, anaphore,
personification, hyperbole, simile, euphemism, assonance, symbol, idiomatic, and

424 English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal)

synecdoche. there were twelve kinds of figurative language which used on the album
“Title” by Meghan Trainor . There were five for metaphors, two for alliteration, two
for litotes, two for anaphore, two for personification, eight for hyperbole, eight for
simile, two for euphemism, one for assonance, one for symbol, three for idiomatic,
and four for synecdoche. The most dominant of figurative language that used is
hyperbole and simile. The research also found the message of each song. This album
talks about love and herself, and the contents of the song mostly express her feeling
about her ex-lover. On lyrics of Meghan Trainor selected songs that contain figurative
language is helpful to understanding and knowing about the song. The existence of
figurative language is to give the learners to clear the meaning of the lyrics.

6. Conclusion
This research conclude that there were 40 expressions of different types of
figurative language used in song lyrics of “Title” album, such as metaphors, alliteration,
litotes, anaphore, personification, hyperbole, simile, euphemism, assonance, symbol,
idiomatic, and synecdoche. The most dominant of figurative language that used is
hyperbole and simile. The figurative language were really found in the song lyrics
of Title album by Meghan Trainor. Her album mostly reflected about love, sadness,
happines, herself, and the others. There were many contribution using Meghan
Trainor selected songs in album Title for teaching poetry, such as the song can
improve students’ skills, improve vocabularies, and gave more knowledge especially
in figurative language.

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