ILMP Sample
ILMP Sample
ILMP Sample
Learning Area Learner’s Need/s Intervention Strategies Monitoring Date Learner’s Status
Insignificant Significant Mastery
Progress Progress
Mathematics 6 The learner needs to improve - Provide the learner with more basic activity September 30, 2022 /
his skills in adding 3- to 4- sheets or worksheets that develop the skills in
digit numbers up to three addition in a step-by-step manner.
addends with - Provide the learner with more examples on
sums up to 10 000 without how the addition process takes place on 3 to 4-
and with regrouping. digit numbers up to three addends.
- Designate a learning partner or organize a
learning support group in their area that
focuses in developing basic numeracy skills.
- Regularly communicate with the
parent/guardian for monitoring and providing
additional guidance.
English and Struggling reader. -Giving separate activities for reading and September 30,2022 /
Filipino comprehension
-Seeking for more supervised time with
learning facilitator.
Intervention Learner is not making significant progress in a timely manner. Intervention strategies need to be revised.
Learner is making significant progress. Continue with learning plan.
Learner has reached mastery of the competencies in learning plan.