heed deals, gate
Aya pglally GAS dylsChagall yuyg!
VV sais vos Rade
WV Gayl Yad Le yg Sieinond Lpiotly omg gihygaguendl oY Sahil ott
va. sone ALLL 5 goal gel I 2d s0 fail
YY, Pla Sinai bg seed te
get nll |
rth atl
SyAglt| y peaall lg. ¥
ALAM Lonel ely tly Rel MSU olledl 7
ell FEEL cal lt laf
A JS be OL) SUL Rell Le gS OAKES 0
solani gpl 2, ltl Jual
2 OLS i pi.
iN felly Hy
atlas sally Hes ga
eS Ny spil.
woclG yah Lei]. 2
vv JLT GLAU iy ghd Leal! Ji UL II GLI] ai ys 1
san SL OLS
al jelelly QL yg cole A
GG Jad bs pole AEN tT
wet NN SS Le yyeae Bayly Coon fea U5 sds yal
voles Go dg Gu sEII LIL year OL Lae)
GN JS be peat ants.
£E ee
o4.....GWU JFL jy ae LU gene: lS al
Rpt obo 5d)
Red clysSI teal Ay ols.
GUN SIU yaa Bl pe ati Seok GL LIU frail
Ge SL al iL plat at I) fund
os Ala gla)
LSLIYN pall. 1
mee THD Fe LT be) Lae gba Sy LAL aL zal spat Jatt
a eulSt aol zl. |
Be -Larglsin SQ
AN a be 8-1
AV suse dill eg gp Sle
0 (Cok gaDL!) asd gpm pnd 2 aL Ay tall Calne poten
1 eM ed sdlt ol Lim # dsl peal
Uy Ul iplary Watt ola
AS oe
Jy Vi cal dl olbar 1 Jl pail!
itl poilsaly Opdeale. \
baste Bogda.
esl pally tll Joss
LalU sil dobay yelenIly gala al oils. &
elWY stasasnnsteesbtacaicsseeunereccrases, cosines SU LS cltias . 0
ede eyAN) UML fl edbae + AIO foal
BL) OLS clued dala olga 9
al g Jalal oil. 1
Hel GANG fill GLI
Lead) D Jill! OLA
Wael Syyah cyl lL b JBL! LIM. 0
von JUN OLY 095.0
BUN OL oF ask Joly -¥
edge lua ey agltcll A
sasssseccscnenttag SLM lj Lam tay GEE 4
a Spailtig Gomes paoa 2 AMA Glaciol! eal hal
enna yall B pL gla! cppdewall (6.5 = Dy5It Jal
Keedg A LSU 5 Lad.
Aj ip abadi.+
nob gla yaad lf
FW geo
secon agilditinny Und ght D9) V
Uaash gp dass g prohl pall Jill ail
VWon(Cialgaill) Capon pero prod! R Qyohy5 Claaiantt yell lal /
ome AIT ELM es pill gab cds jail
Cxtdye EOL LLAV ssssseeceemanssetnantncasssscersssmsenansinseenaeserises MEUM 5 yghs cole bY
I hele bd
OU S to be
oe PLO FAW vediila Pe:
I WM ywae del yl os yl: JU full
woo td gly clas cae lla andl 9
2 Leal fob ely crbaatnne. 1
PNG JF Le ead tll colaccres
soe PLN Oe) Ie Ke gl spall b coladeally Oil €
VAT EI JBL get cy cag JBL pa ia yoy ALS Hits It ual
o oe byl i Le lace)
Tg satan pact glad Jaadll
Syayr- fer. 41 yam Tolan. ¥
esse Ol yalee 5am
goal past EM ha jppedleatl what
wile Elian Syl Juaill
vey (extg RIS) net
OPA ene
ply Jy teall
oGil tly IY Aah
snes Geaghat al Le agents Be ay ga ageplaalt alt
seated Sasol ek iyi poaill
stom ash 1
we GIN Yd Vly Sok, MAAN. ¥
Seer sill Jaa
tian Sa oo a Sage IY
Mh Mea oa. Y
“My dees Meals r
Seth dap g al pal! colpldam eS ail
sete palin ay del pall cal alarm : ayls!l pall a
(pled Bhigd cosh fF eral plates wile
Mate JI) fall pg DL allege es
iePVN ee
. SN gor Bh
EV oe allen
tte apally DEEN Jat ng:
Eos sola Lesa
; vale Se
Gees er CES goblage batty anally SEA gH
: egal BLA Sb yy LIS Ul Er
seam all cian oly Raia Stall IM oles yest
SMS ET ym AU aacaly ‘re gl Spills phe alll ll dus
Da rel Ld of seal gt pay Lp) OLS NL LYysste
Bell me oe tL alld dl algo Ly Lin dee il gh
deb Le Shad) ope y ple aly Oy Tae Lesy 6S EV dacbll fal pally
ASM gpa «LY MUS Lim yo SLL Sly aby ju
ABN Rll FL Lay a Ltn a LINE Of eagle Gory oye ecgllly
ee Labbe ty cubs Hal pe Cals ly ge Ly dsl Me
Sat LE Oe Sly MN LAL, ALIS Viagie yt JS
FUN beet oY oly tasty s $Qee ipsa OL WL pall
ante Lat FN US I Udy d call OLS Gilde eh gall uy
gel eRe Li ny 60 Gul NI a ope 2S past OLY
URIS hans LEE BI tell Stay elude gall Ly
he Tals Hepa lS ce tl ab IV les I ogat clym lle
Uae) Sis eae Ja agit J Lite pty pa OLD ied le
6 OF gpm Gea Fag ye Sl Le pT SI baad fay ge LS opiate
Rea sell OD 5] ag bg F BVI LLL Y] aa Le Ll ga oly
£2 hee ple Le BK JS ON east Ye td gay LLL
aga sb Prehistory fu sUN Job Ley yan aed Le ll Gey Ueble y
Pe a eh yet pay CANN Te cade lly gual Ye ges shyt
oF BSIND ond BY OS yy peal slo J, Rina Kato y ford ye Ugil gle
ple tay des pg Fy VIOL GY Ot Leake Hf LMI LS yLuam alae
a hlspf SLID tg GET ellen 5) SII pia a Sy ede se
SOY ED yal Iya aja gear eh
OLN Ab yi Gl LLY
NS ce by SIM lb ole i ay a J LOL
qBly thoy fU DUAYL, dail Ge Se oe IU seer pal
eet AS ail leg gyal pal peal aA
grrtl pani de Okey spall le pat tei Laks
eb Gey TAU 5 OLD he abil pce ll tt
piel Libary bobacdl cle Glass Way gary UL HI oer sly
HS) ay pall Za 3 ALM
ce gered apa gla pel Ube eG Sligo
Lt ce plat te ate ot ase dl rse ap gil gl
Typlsy as tt gpl Gp] Il» eM a cl bul
go Us OL SIs c Jabra cee tle! oe
Teh Ju ip Sobyp gpl tagedl deals Le gysglll lea!
elanuby Vig Sil Silly pall otal abe poh bie fibll LI
ged gl Leelee BI INOS BN La
ee a ee le
gills ayaa Q weedy Lrg AN Be cars Ble ytlhapae
hg ee iu:
censy tel ound J ceeds ipeS Wher Bloadi Wa G> Ay gl!
si) dl pally eel Li ope ns pene Aton Gt [by anaes
gee”? Sa yplely BE Gp pase! 9 lay pBl Jelly Spc
Wsgall adale ) plat Hoag eeiohoadd AlLoad ML y Apnea @ pla + pla aural glad
hecalgal LST elyene «A ebGL Ae FYI YU Hae gle ase AY V(b yee) Caray
gh eaych ge Slyem SGI eBay abi Stony del ol tl dda
AS y ASS OLS GS TOL) Ly Lala clin plall JS byes patlbating «gill
Ash Rage ip Lay Allan y LEILy yo Linrn ly ggalvaci Il andl ya lag ple
OLD Sa dey TELS ob y pry aie Dalcll 2b ype lag Yb bing UL aheg
Lal poy Fel yy SUIS i yyedl heal ley Ua gita y Byte dy ASI YUAN ae
ebadh pLN JS W agke jb LOY ati OLY fe Se gang Qclett
ANN Y) ps ply cL pte pS nll le yal pl am ah ol gy Tae
B aN Rape per cS Len Haoh UV Labiagy oLill Jal yal dali pSV
pe phe Slash ol) Lace yak oer) eda ape ll GL Jad pee
Ua gps oda ppoenall pel eel Lage gible: gle Vgdit JI gti
crate cpa gle IELLy ghd! Bb Ci dadl Joely OLY Joly Mba
Vy $ SIL phd GLY LS bl OL-Lwy Oye Lops Jess
BAS Bement pill Lance p pladl ple Dyteing Ugopal OF ay dae pa pay
Old pw ILS LOLS Bylo ab CALLS sll apa GLAD Gil) Lit
Be py nad abe] ple ASI pay Lind at ASO ya stl fob Le cella
BAF Syl Jy ELSI pil pp Les cLplaytinn JS gle ded ola
ALB pe aly Gaal oleing OL pb Legals GL JF tele
LY, Sielly Caml phe Cay d ppdall 261 pr oll Wl eding «cparttly
Ape pt pbly poled Cio pe Lille CAI BU clge 280 oe
ppt Dead Ladd Cj Ley HUIS Cad gm gly gelace WSU ge Le
she a NN pple Le She pte aad Latte Gandy ele lrg Gabe,
VW,Lae bast An le Goat ia dal aby lg alt}
coe a ph OM Gel ay faye SMELL 3 tll ob 66 lay
ae TAI Sec fete taal ay kab UE Wy a
dt aiculnapeentaeser
Hy ELS os, N YOU AS ps aly ica LS Ls tas
AMM OLA Uy eZ al LS Ell a Yl all Sly “wll
POLS RU i ae gay 8 Gall le Whim ar oblZ YI JS by
SoSH aE ye AL po Gy La GE fe J py ile ol
J} G8 UG A LI ISL ols) yw ley eal go age WY gallly
Jy Ge oye Ls Lee bel bayey gd feel ony Lil
bape Gy Opty Lach alle Lio pasily pits GU Aas IIL spat J
capsclly Lely My obs JOE 5 SNL Lat LGA] JS Opened GL,
ELAS «LEVI AU pe dd Uae geet ly RMy pally ily
By pe Gg bays eye My edly ally ONS GIS s oI
Lisa U gd peeled Peas pel Le Lele Lede Etihad ol a ts
BY ASL] tle} bal 5.32 le tol le iB gy i ot abe
Keekdy iLe] LN Lat gy peall pall pail J La ody. ghd gy bl
asd a BLAS eh a LLM Ut 5 pnd US oY Lad Bau
(Bi Nba cath jee IS Le pa Typing Le pase dy ll cdbasl Cals
walS pla! 3 fest JS Lr ype gle 5,5 ely al
AL yy yb Gp he SLALI aad ye Sou pe tlll eal AIO
pes Lgl gp Gllsd dl SUAS JS 285 gl MOLI Laney O98
ApS ULES aby LAZY Sj SL cre thd peat
ahssland Jy OLLI Mia) Bl inal J cabal UG Loligy 63 5)
BAM a ple JS ILI Aesth JF Ley pane ge Labels I] 2S level
6 GRU bee pte Lt cs gb Aa yolk JS yy py styl
LT NG tS hp tly yy dl OG ye sb gla oye ASI cca
BLN Shine ily UG ops Atl bi doe LS. iy Gol se ASTI peal
Sas Shh bab 6 pT Lge pay gp yl Lin p> debpr ol fice phy
htisle} lj ool uid TS ash Db Loliyy Slowly teal pill
My La cali AST gall beaiay Sell pall ea tly
OLS ypheiy ppliy GS Bde ole Jab LS pl LS Le Lad st
Sa ry glib. cat pany OLIN holt plysl ite Uidhey
ape ade LS opt Ly hel ell § Lal kei] AK bad Bye
CpeAl MAG pally Corel ily, glaby JSty Cad Lig, asl Sobel AM Conds La pb
GRU ilies jc ylary ft JF LOLS ge
Tes V/olaje — GeaJoX) what
Alvi or gta sgogunt) stay
TE ud be yyuae Giycant
Apt pguantty sola st soil fuaall
Olus Yl 59g A JucatyJatt Jura
Agilent pguaatiy gels
gplbe) ByS3) Cues 2 pugs — t
Artuled! ppuaall slgial — 1
Mgt apd oot laut Que WN aus Slain -
ths 2 ah Gait oLuul - £
TN Jab be Luss) 91975 Aycly! dim glgunt) OSISaGI — 0oY) uaa
Asuletl yguaatly (pols yt!
agli hewn LM pana YT call (yd (Fossils) Leal Ulan tl Ob
WA Ey La gle y SL UIST alsin yah LAST pagseel a dye Uh
rela eal ja thal cabled oobagl oF yell ae y bcd
Ae DEES) GUN Lala UME ays dabsally Shad > act
shied ele ONT ple ALL ghd sj ale ad I Otel Joos ppd
ORE DLN Jalil as a SE LS led ge gyal Glin
alle he fee LE penal UG OT alle Lonel a phaisy OLstly
SS Lat a le /0 | ae Renal Le pe Oy SSAA ee be [V0 /
Un cao F as hale [PO iny es she 8, 0 J dea po ILS SS
ee PPV fee ll Jee NIL aly ALIA TLS Ky
QW SLA Sap OL gb Lal olastt gy Ligs a
ER rN gh pe JO tye Lenya
Bo AVM Ad Uaill OL atl od UL ob (Palacozoic) ths 3 .JLI
Ogcbe [To / py Lea gl (Mezozoic) thi jell dame pee yet | abd
Seth po gly thd bet Ciel yl Loliay ON OL oe i
le Nt ye yale PV] ply Lee (Cenozoic) Yh 95 I!
OL GI Cp Mele ey ILM pepe S Le Jets}
SAL pe gly LN oye gl alll od a) aye pall a yay gall aad OLY
-(V + JS2ND (Quaternary) el J sl ttl otal ell
Th.(lho! 3S aus 2 yuu = 9
pleat aiid La
Le gpa Leela gb Els Ley ol go al gall ga pele HO)
HOLS TT aed hems Cpt pr a IS] OLY yo pao 0 Gey sbs
she bap ty BLA NN Gee ce a pal oll Jey (Anthropozoic)
PUM agp d gl Oye LS aan OT te patie UL Ley Bie Oe IP /
typ (Kainos)s «C+ sl) (Pleistos) «+ ily = (Pleistocene) (p+ yobs!
AR olla) 85 hl gf EI pa Ll oe ops dating ott
5 es ty Be GMTV fe le IPF oye gen gteeelell Eres
te Ra ee IT pe F545 (Lower Pleistocene) (539 gps gmelall —
ved i il [Vee /
uo el ves 1 che es (Middle Pleistocene) L s\ gy -
sede al foe /
NO f Sie [\0+/ 34=¢5 (Upper Pleistocene), lel jp gaol! =
op Bae GT
(Holos) + aly 505 (Holocene) jp sgl pa el MG pl eal
ay Le CAL Il al oda ye hay toa gi (Kainos) ie aig
OU ie Tae Nj bey See YT V0 fae pur yg Ly
ee 6 ES pa ll SE 12k peat Ol ee tall cL eal}
By LLlb pis Katee ype osldtal gle coal y pS EE ba Ol paid a
he SS oF ere JUL Gl allen des clyshoge teal obeys
Bet ILENE Sia Ol gle (A, Penck, B. Bruckner) cs Sy eo
Eile lie oll Lag GLENN Gin Ne de gua Be etal
be dhtinns [80 / rye tess go byl day ole yay debey
2d Ele J call GT abeal ole SL any pounce elt ga LLL eh wl
TY,avers foibles fiasy AMI ALLL Axi JL ghd gabe
el LA Gy EY IU GUY oye ALL La Gis jay aplters
CVO LNG AV ST tne alll je dilate ob Le okey ptt
Sally OLN ane erly slybly gts eal pols ONS AA ota Lace
LL, olay PA OLS AL oil LISS Sy
the 9 2s JR ae asl (Geomorphology) Lr s)si yy pl «53
IES MAL pall UC poy wet «yo SW tell pple
el pe FB LIC yaa oy Lem all GbE ks.
HBS phy te US 9 SF lth py OWS eve shy (Morenes)
RAMEN HU pity Lapd Lg el LS eM ee ey ally JE BT le
SSA Cle yA eel Sly ll LEI le Jay Lae gs
ea IS y ALLIS log VN
Ve NUT aad fF Glacials) bite jyae Re I yung LI B Pw
CF TN Gt As pall ily, coe las nds ly Os Lal og esaly
chil JLT pasls vee Slay (Gunz, Mindel, Riss, Warm) py 5 «pry ehice
Up ober eaghe dh OLLI ola Biber po ali + Donau) y55o ale yoy
Upaiany dete agua cabaad Siy days lay gm fos sill Jue tle par
9592 + (Inter-Glacials) SUH oy bs eye Ui Lol yy ae. van ge
Gb pall Gade cam AS pb ys ty Uhee tae Soe se
Jf RSs fatal elas (Stadia) yb cp Saas dye 7 ols wi
taagdd Ligh Iles gy (nter Stadia) Hts OLS «hold gb
ee Gg) SaM MU gy ae gba stl ORtde spar
agi Yd
_(Tiglian, Cromerian, Holstein, Bemian) pal «GHA 94 «46 545 SH «Ly
attsPUNO pill gg al BR 9 QA yy an lead ale
Js oles SOL LA Sy ll SGU AE le Uflbe Gb Oy AS Sle
Tat Delp Li le oss sy pall UU plas cage takes
SNF LEST, py Loe Ll rete hel Sept dles shies ally i
Wet asl ope ial chp alee
gt pil peal
Je NE Sa ht pclae ll dbl LUO}
PE ph Oe LLM TB} eth hogs bo Mile bake
Janell go SL (Phuvial) 33505 plas Type cal etl Ls lat to. V0 /
DS ap Nasal oh ony clea 6 lat SH iad Slat eed
Janell SFU = CLL (Inter-Pluvial) § lal cy Le gees TL opel
; + PAW SW ina lat BBA oe Le yl
EY a Chy bee ng kt dae ike JAN OLLI IS iy
Fe RH Shed pe atta Gaba 35 5b Ulead J glen gh SH as
2aN SSN NAG 5 es Al oe SU all gle y base SV 3
age Gi sy cL eiahigeuls ai ge blll
fey tapres Lol NESW olds Nola ad Mylo Gal
PAE NG Pe EN SN a Sat SLY pal OF im he rane Upan |
Leal She CAN GALE oy Ua ly LAT SI a gt pe
SLrS Rey Leis Ul gbLtt ol Lue Ae GGLy ae Lb SLAs SI |
Beebll pas Po ores, HaglH IML yaad ay C556 Ua i
tly Sal pa hear JS gle SH UV okay ggg GUL oe
BU sald pee cea Fo ee att gag LST aL pseu Ge
ele bs Leal ne panty ALUN destiny Shs bles yr US
¥ ,eles ms LE L955 ally veal UT gl LS 1D all 6 At
DW e993 ag ally ayy Slay Dake fil ge eben JS
Cnter-Glacials) ptt opp cil ele yyaall Ys LF o6 6)
Ginter-Plavial) 5 tas ine splat SU a oye JAAN ai am
JS de td Lo oh Ns las ye gephl eal je ham
Bote ll ls Leal Lays bail (Paleo-Shorelines) ica iy gl pt
1Y : JS). dese po
Atl! ygucall lgiit— 1
SE ot) pane IS LL pact oy FL opens pe gto Lg
Ws gbuirisbs, DLW LT LoL Jide Gh Lie ity AJL ball
a OT ade tLe fe Leal Shy Ola Hl Feo tae olde GL AL
Last Jal yall GLa yb! otto} Blt Sly tly ool «last
IIE peels p4ell palell ope Harpe pte Weal DA Sper peel Be
ed ale ee FMM Femelle Olea lh gt yg bl yl ole
Labbe isle oll Lal opt al ye ollie aay shabby ob
LSS) Gtowinly ol Lill ode yUTeny iy» GAULy UII oy tb 4 facil y
CLS Wt Moby ty UL elyily Le At ol ll deb g
wUaaal lad Shles cp eel pea Lt paces Allan bil egal
pi Bloetanll Ligh chan II ISS Gye dere JS ty Sn pee gl pat yas id
iilog Bagh Hee pyar Ld UNE Gradey «gail ll blyA,
FBS eB ops cals
Bal pe BIg A Gh ld pate gm y Large J Le
gg eG cgHtall Segall at 0 9 tae [NACH AT ON] oye satay
pty ee dy hb ye pode en itl foe — Mh sf
vo.CA SE Seasd eb tly pbitee Me = 0088 / ys cul gellly
Lee Ht lee teat peasy Gi /Aee 7s ST ee peel gl
LL, . @Pre-Boreal, Boreal, Atlantic, Sub-Boreal, Sub-Atlantic) 3S ale
WW Flam cee sl paegl yg LSU Sy pace ANG ne ll 3
tae AION Sb Uy pally Maygl Slat 9 Lael 4b cose Aid pb Bae JAYS +
PAS pe WV Wr oe fae Le asl gle pat phy «Js
BE Vee Vee fen OUR yo iltaLeey ALU ot tam ear
ca Gea gM peas SS edie MOH Vs ery Sat pbs pat
AO Hine ig Lee 2 NI ls pat dlye Gis fAaee doer]
Ar + JS) . (Dryas 1, Bolling, Dryas Il, Allerod, Dryas TID p (3 i /AY+ +
Peta Aap) Glo git duet Aue LL Oban —
oS co 5 Sel olka g ell pol GSU ole Jl
TU gr Gh lin che g Leal eggtne Lg 9 (Transgression ) te
GAD 5] Lad ole carl i Lave (Regression) )5= ONS > iba
GEMTos bess, eA eye GU gshe Il GbUI pe op osly
QU dole ge Lgeliz ty Vesa Land de ytce 128 Ba bp JS
RA ga ella Ne opty ee hgh Leta b Ga Oo LI Lape
shoe JS Leylll Gh seal pel oe Sy pas ply,
FAEAB bl yeh dad SUT dae ym JES hy LaLa ops
eV Pd tel ope Laday Lpilelityl Gt pute (Paleorivages)
+ PS wy pai y
PLL ely pally oe Nhat pial yg LEI gL!
Calabrian, Sicilian, Tyishenian,) Jaussll sh PL aco gil fee gL g paisa
oN el A Ol ony baby aide Akay . (Monastrian, Flandrian
TK.polbthloolw eo.
ee We Pr t9 Eat yyas ghee JS t4 Lal be cae
odie BOs sl) eet satis .
PF A I gle dale pane J] 5] gpd al
sleek DOI i
ead thats ME LU ole ails Jeo pat (LS Lay
Gs I TaN eb Ja gees Jay pul Ln al
SOL Say ua)
A e BoM GL La ol) atl yy aly sabe ol
N gh Xba vl Jive
SNS Nemeth Dy tbs Udo Jolpe Jo gals gd
DH LL san pls salty dnl
ste OE
arvaslicnes Leal EL i yl ball oy LUT ol Lake
CAM Mm eet ll ol adele ga laggey pull abe tey Hal
MOE Ly Hate Syst iny Reader ble Gd tbls oy
SUS Ay CI al Jel Ui al jl) J Eagle tleNCsd al
YUE orci, FT Mie ye Jiisay glove gel ob OLAV ye
AGS, Sell Go LI GLb OL AUIS y TST 5 25S nce ey ts
» Hiaa LI GANS a pel eda GCI Leh al oda 05 UL
hag pete abst patel Mola aly Cry) Sea of
ALIS LG plpily GLU Inch ype colaghll foadl Ly ui ie
DLS gL bel LLe GUY LOL tle em esl ge gl atlas
spe iS he fai GOL Te Be Banas ahs Jas ell, Sula
ng tte Esler BIEN gaia 6 AM ty yaa
stl SSL Shai Laud = ¢
ett eyelet elit ae sie See esinki at
= peat eLa elisa cms oll Jelena Lola, Lely tt
ail Lec tally UWS pyle Be Lela pe Lgl
aplula cypent Lert guts
Aytall igi BIS (Ghromosomes) cs ipwall sl scales} y+ uly (Genes) ct gli
Badal aL alle LU 2
CFE SAIL I pe BS Gh, QLSY Oye pct trary
iG, (Mammaliac) oL,45! cine (Vertebratae) 2 jl Lat La Le
(Homo) (OLY! je (Homonidac) oljL.iy! Lai (Primatae) oh
eh op SSI Oper gl yee Ue te LS . (Homo-Supiens) Jal GLY ¢ 53
WS Utd od oped hy OLS ey ran Co Maan LET Rpg ne ASSL
eta ghee pest Jansen Lele ae rT ges ad Me
gel soya Leas AJL let cps tee oe SUI OLIN ow
welt NILE op pti OLA y LEA ola hire ID Open yde LS
whages SU bath
ean 5 Lyle ope Ay OLY go Ltt ola Lt Md}
; ; jel By Ul bt i -
Lapis eral aslers epee IN st
agit La pets BUS yb 9 gMy ata perl fees Reese ply Hegel
o8 oT '
ataLt Sly OLN ge JS Dates eit tnly ol age gr Opto adel ay tsit
olf nN BI in gp Lng ei pe tell Slat coat LS el gee ate ole
oy Spt lial JAF plot 3 U cual By yadl OUST ys all GLEST
Lab sae Lagi y Lely Lisl oe Bade Gh lie J Suny diy OLIV Ly a alt
Bab Ola Le Gly Ber dgale JA T+ Joy eles! cal oder lee
Gly Har Dyale IP */ dye le Gy5hl (Acgyptopithecus) os pall 2 pal Jee
ppt a Hg I LLL DLS a ey ag ll Sipura
Lay JL a pall pow 44 Upsaen 3 gl pil ce Australopithcus)
om le Cb etree jsrail b [Hadar / pam Roy Jodny
pelle Libby gay pal pins claim polio JSm pay de Opel, 0
Ke SEIS "ta BB Dp bles prong @S Er ll Wy og VT
Lactoli bys) Wl dase Le AIS oll lb Uli dey LS. Salah
ple iA ILS fg gid GLa ol le Jy Le Lat
ole ne
Ua ygetl apna Le le Ragas Rte OES SY cage J ST ay
dbz gil (Australopitheus Ramidus) sat) th gl SM all eg
eptiths p51 cdl ats badd d ALL wi a> Q /Aramis/ poli
phy pee ee lle bla erony ae NY Sabet Ash SD ogee ah ey)
papi gapS bila J AAT Le Jap PLS Bayle OE lear
ale Ep) gpl] a Oba i ple alts (DUA pw gd y+) (Koro - Toro)
ots.E2249 CAustralopithcus Bahralgazalt) SiN) joy Bea gl pes] aghe gull
SB Hee La ne Geaal Jape gS) cps te I ag ll ong
Rae H Gt ld p> (Y.Coppens) a iyyS ciel Latins cate LI any lpm eal
SsOLIY ppl Lat LI ey AI abc Lg gl ISL yo
Soliathece las Jha gel I BL ea sl hae caedhe IT lm
Hea aM yen IM ene gi Ld Otol dlp te S isles Up,
Av y4s (Australopithecus Africanus) .yb1 >, iil cl inti s| peal
oH ol they gt gy ty (Gracile) Law!
Lage Lit Dene sl ale pe JS ble sy (Australopithecus Robustus)
CELT SUL yom y ULI YS te IIS Lloret Ghlie LES ges
a OF Sle ba yr sll AU ge ales Y TL My oto I lea y ay als
Ce SAN yo Rad a SU lea TL pelle Tl I eel
SrA ye J Re Lab OLIN pos yyy ytd lye
GIFS Hol Aral yl ope aplate GIS gle ABIL G (Olduvai)
sb cobra, /y, OF Mm le Ca Ub G cigae Syed ale
cr PASS IgM ple 5 (Homo-Habilis) Chall QUI al oS Lia he
Sst ae INC T Sym Ugh pad SULA atte Fy IL IS aw
A) ie pes 294 DUG amar ee V0 VO] eile hae Plat ane
paces ide wlinly Sis invly nb Udy PAN SI yey gee yy LLL
co lple polis Jonyisle yay ot Ua natn Uae
SSM er 9s ALD OLS a gas Jil ad a ode Heyl gl
BA ld ope jel Del yalins hte y fy OLY tale Radial
BEF tyre tool le shesdl d yasl eee Gg Ladd Latte aptalt
oe A UNI ss ato, , 17S sg al iE Gy LS
+8\eAB «etl yertll Ei ce il 9 yay gy La A gt Gol 2 (Drimolen)
Upped del y ile Ly las am pe Hylee Ally Ry pn cal yal pail
JS+33 (Chopping Tools) Lab asl jay enile c+ sl (Choppers) cols
eet LSI NL gs Laine Sis Ss LEY OLS gle Dy MN Ja col gol be
BB ope ASN GI Le ly al paolo le I ay
A VS Laclede slitel Legg than ELST oll af gay Sy «OLD
TIE I ily de ta ty ald pe Vy Leelee Wy doy gl ole ye Et
gba ge ST Ugh le tee Lads al dle a gue aly pl al de dy e Linsdl
Seals 251 pT lal Ey selh ol JF
1 usSzlgagetl — £
ct pb AST 2 et ade gd Be pale V0 fate ee eb
fe 25, (Homo-Erectus) iad) atte Lis O gto deans Shall OLY!
cle VAST ie syle 25% G (Solo) 93 py gm Bye Uy allie gle
Le dL ell iI(E. Dubois) !y252 cnr al std yg bil,
Je SUL EST os gS (Pithecanthropus) » it BLY hoy SIS!
bey Upedinny La ily Ly gly Lalo GEM oye pba GO aI Me oye OLS!
cone ope lpi ae tie Le Uy Ga Call Pe fone
cies gry - LUN J Bilzingsleben ond gga talaie yo cal i ULES I
gles sip! g Hatnora |) ysl pi ys (+ (Normada) tsa gals
jSandalya) Wiss . Jt) 3 (Pineta) Lezay Lee se ‘Demaii)
Lies Aa SR oad erthatoas) Sui 93 has
pln Con elt ON pei eye Baad oye Fee solo
ppolsyl a cle Andon AS sob AlN abe SI 5 ob de ill [vee /
op he Lat TA oe oe Bale UIS pho IS on ale te Le 9)
-4Y.ike pee pt ih ise year ey Sule poll Mi pite id Hew Sy. A gl cela
eM ade gal ge Leary BALAN O gaLlall Qi ye gyot pT BS lie y gly
Dp Si Ay one gy ns nm Cg Sal ge tll ot sk Ey ol
OU pe ype EES Al Sy Gre tT mm Stl JPL OLIN pa ley
ct A J heey BAU! nL poled poll pill ya GLSD Ligh
RY dtl pe mete Ae ein pe Le bly pee J All a ge
PS lrgell Mme Gorell LSM Cpudine ol] Gy Ih La Opto Ll a naiay
Qos -Homo-Ergaster Le jl y+ y4)) «le jth teil Laity
BUS ppb cain ope Typed 2ST allan Lae gh pb Lie Gy 9 Spall
ARO oe EL emmy pe IVA 108 | ci Nghe sly Lola ate
cole ple I I Le Jit ape y Lt AST tare a [Vee
GS oy Eh AST py Le OWS iy doco pb CIN) Le aby dLacey BL
Leet ash cidade tly Gla foo GY LiL slaty ple tI g
thy Sipe Sy Cae LS Label SLM gee MU ys 9ST JSty alias
Prades Li By Ba yes LIBE py OLAS Yale cds all deal E591
Fat bl ta ye Bel pay GLU ileus UB! plant EL SYN oie
DN See pe ALS oUt gle y SUL LAY GL yl wurylal
ABS oll pe GLIA by Gell LUM y WHA 5p FS lyb Ad cali |
spd hy (Chesowanja) Eby at hye § LS pa Lt odlgl S90 gle te
GIN pe TAILS Bau Dye oe AT le E555 Laysl J (Gaded)
Gul 15 Menez Dragan Slt)» 5» (Organaz) sls ly (Arago) yé1)1 ailys
udp tei hy (Choukution) (pall J gy yyy Losi 3 (Terra - Amata)
cole oalecel ib Leal gle slab OLY La y yb a, 2 3 (Vertesszolos)
all pt TM AN Hoe gl IS Lacy Lael Ley panes Ue Gl Skate SUL
Url) he Let SN Ay jae cit yaly dal Cee LS atl id baad
aft,ey sa
We GI Joa oS SI FPA SO Yetta aly slesyn
That eS SD Lely Vi a: 9 hy
BH AN IMAM JS te talents cal bh ded
tng aii : cele the lil ah sis «stat
a PB G29 IN ole sj ie hang esyl
ony BUS Lobe Ly alls GLI YI J le ficth aly
Feely 8 9 Shy pa ygll gud OS cho pol esby Wally ol yl
Nee ga iT ibe ony ep lh ail ble ICUS olay alsa
LG tery Se ps ple LAM na dali y Lgijlery Lydd cis
tg bel LSI Ls gat te oy glahy Lo pill U pall Ue OLLI
Ui pe SM Linliate UIs tad CSLSG ol cally pal yl
ced iS be BLN Rall aye ope epee Lee ets yl EE LS deL
aS ele Lgl CSI fy pot Wl Sey pt ly bd a
gilly gil lel 0954 3) gad Olle oe Fhe
JG GLe! SLi) ~
fli phe est tlle Seg Be dE Mei ed
Bi peda Epis Sk le ty CULES ol alae US J ely
og ph Ble ad pt LAU Gt ngo 5 (Neander) jas a galy
Biface) ivy yh 1
5 ps CB oS toe > gb DUES YI Waa tadely 140% 3 (I. Fuhlrott)
Lie oS tee He
gol ty dat Ol gall de ct Le «Gt aol ope gayyb OLS
eld 7
cedar Slt Ep 2rd ASI OUI Clase ope ULES Hil te
° ye SLES ole Gol 34 (Homo-Neanderthalgnsis) JZ.015
oh oy Saint- Vaast) Ls bb celd dle soley Lil! 3 (Atapurca)
Lips * z ais
pian Bagi srs ee ATV eS fla ee DLS
oth.pos Leys fl eqns byt Sl cemery edie oy UE GE ely ALY
Kole Wathe ye gephobayle ltl poaly dowels at ob aly cil
Bloke ple Lypettily matcher et ae AST OIL till OLS aad dplad Vy
ae yee ptm Lpelae gh Seb ope (Saal al lal 5 SIN iat B32 yl.y Baya
PLA ey fal de el plicly Laelatyly LU LU Lelie baal of
bl aids penis Lanes Bale] y Lg Lye pall Sell Spon SHU
QUI gp Fale Nyy ghey NEN nom Update Co 97 sl Uged OL
ct eae Ly CAMS 1 Lala tl lay Lgi tg tay ES Lyd 2 ll
HLM Balad LN ye tal gle fA gods ala! GUI le alae YI
Fpkby RP OUye LF AL he JU wl ILS yy LI ep YS ctl
Bed SILAS Lgalie y Ladle y pad ope hee pall ie yy eral
Cd be SH etl ota UY «peel Pde actat iby cde
BLEU gees be gl a I SLL OASIS Sy Ge iT ile Lyte
bal foal ob LS MelpYi arey eet ee ee Fes)
IE LN OLS yp Ka! Likely Ld oip Vy BLN dl Lady
a Dit gab lel] CS eM Ll ALM Leg M colaiiall jhe os
aN ge ey tony gio y gy tal fp Co JLLY yg ly ll tes
BN oe ketal Sy ASH NL Gh pe ly Lal pas Je wi
Li, halit 298 sph fabian 23 SN LEV Li oy GL, ally cule LS
293, IS cby Laglie gl gsle hie CAL Ud camtey chile
BOS UE pitt pte Uy Le AL py Leak, Ay Vy BLY
te Ye gMLa tiely itn Li ya dbaly cll aby jel tll gene
‘Appling Le IS aay 3h ai pal al aly ail ys ale