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الاغريق تاريخهم وحضارتهم من العصر الهيللادي
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الاغريق تاريخهم وحضارتهم من العصر الهيللادي
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الاغريق تاريخهم وحضارتهم من العصر الهيللادي
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oy * oA, |e Molamsy aye 62 hall yucanll pe ASW iS! 2a ool peel pL yi p82 SHOU ple son) lesa Ld pT ety Steal FylDl dele — OLY ils cal auyell decraill jloAbe gaove aulall gdm G tm Vag lL all age Bege pereny sd pel ors % aa cell Jee Wily DED Gd GE al ele) Spel ypst) Gpee st Att aus coll Ang atu SHAY es pe Nha AS Ly wll Leal aa of ioe setijlos, Chagas Oa a MI ASS ay 8 55 Le jac lates ual Ged Y ad Ae Sls se Jae pasty Fel of od Gay Ay ¢ yuayll ha GAS ye stl Sy ogi al Mi ghey Gey LN Lee oh paced y LB alge GV ADL Ba AM Ge ls UGS ase Lika ad of cise A ull Gaal ie Le Cty ial cya 5 jp jl Une dae Lig Gy dy lca Ji all yee Laan yg Lill pea I coe hes pl Guat ya arelall ed shy GA GG wy Gi ML LI GY Ypuleen Gye Ugbias Abpea) CIN AG yea ls of JS Hl CH aa (lS nal WLAN, ses La 8 all J CST db Ladle Ls al of Jstal ol uli alls Ent Gata Ly shad cya gal ullhy AILS y lly La Sie Gay 2) tial OS DEEN y Le MSL ot Gully Galil Gig yes NI lgiaa ee BAY Cop OY cee ob 50 J pall ge LSM aad of He TS 6 Gay asad CAL G40 930g lly aly GIS 66h ea Jl JS us es cod nal La 8s Ll aa jal pie Cs & as Ol el ll Gey Kill pateVagge gay dead y pacts ol in oe US ob Gay Alasind cot nll 6s Jl phe LS saysne Chal Gi fh esd J sagt Lah dead J Le le la Sia yaa ¢ yall GY Lineal Cie gia yal an baal clin co cl etal ced Sly pplic La fs Sanne 3 Sh dead Id wd leds - ali tle wall ge ea FY Sb KS Ui AHA pte ties oly of dy Lele nals Ujlas Gay Led sY9p Ge dliy Gf oSay Le dS ha Gb lie ails 5h CKinw gin Leal ll, aly pol 5 cna oa Nyaa Gil sCptball Ga pila Lae git ry diy til’gall © byl dade. GLY! GIS VAVY jugsfag dag pasa Peas Daal AUN Laban of YS sie US Lay Lgl Ul (gl A gay AAS ly pte alles pled coi eal) gle Lia si IMI al ea te ode Onall BBW SS cy AY Laghll cs yrds of ia Casas af Le Ossie CN haa ol Anse St Chal hn ly Js hl i pyar GIS Ley et Gal il quad SIMs Ga HO pla A ya yy athe gh ol CH Gp Gr ying Lad ll alia us an gl Codlaiad gle pot all (yh Claale See ape Gd IM Ladd as Laie i Lise y Lig + AGED y Si a coated eal i Le DES yh Culncae MALAY) GaN ng! yall Hasll SV AV ale Git Reh pre ah Gay cet pall Gh y jue Sens crat Lib yy Lead Lyle cl Lad daa ga Lay V4AY gle 220 PAM 50 sine Fa AW 5 leas uy Lal Stall 5 ates (I pl Aya Lily aS5i Sly clit § gle Lust Geil tha Gays cued in play DLs peasy Lull (gf ce ye 6 cl ab pW 5 eat ag ya JY 239 GUS 65 yy jell isin yd ela Stall co WG dees ual CN) ll Aly cone Celis 2H il Nia gle Lilia 6d cyuahaall elidel! saree oi sad OUR AG Nyce Gel OLY! Chall DE ye shqlalbaas) 5 Lyles Bk Ge Vela y Ga sleall uo ye pi Ligh sii a I diLaYL, = vasa add. ay OLE) Le csi Gilad y heal geal co gl!Aye ob JADE Glenn Lad Fed ph pai 4 JS ate ole CShay Lage gle (yiilas ny My Ay pl Coat Spee gil cls a Ls Nadal y 28 Ge Heal) cyan pall Cali go Ge 8S) cask gill og mal Ls Barley as ood pals of oy2 ya CH flan Go Lala Ca cil gla Lia gd oly Le Qa CaS pg lens AW Ye LES Nels Us pst oN ya J ce.g O99 eg Y AMM, Hyg VI Calpe Act dy al cba g Lael Gila ple L538) Lil jue ers Jill book lis CaaLd ll a yl CAS ye ead (gh SI jiu clad ale Li gig 6 final oq] GAM OB ph de pty tad iol AM jearss ial Gauls aud dls] ons ot EM Ga" ya 5s Cilye Gls (i Jaad of ay ene Le Ld oY ch gh cd Al aay ad yo UI ny Lain aes Ll SY Ls ilyall AN ANS: Gy il a VAAY prasad (gi 5 pall deal2H ey Ugg oo soil led Joly wey!SY! uci! Epesall ool) Jota Ca yezy Hellas (OU pauls Gyfsaally Last lal aie ig Dy ays Va dans oF Gans pial cys OLS lilly Hellenes ‘gat pel Gail gl Bild ye corse GG I celle ela J ydLb Ga h5 pad GS Cl lke Gea ed peal) GLb) GY) LY Sytae Lal ciulla uel, Gey SS Gut ST bial Gt pad ale Gilli SLs GLa, CAG al Sal 6 coins ped ae we Lal ily bil of a alld Ole Ry) QU lly Lea paall GL gly quill GL yl Aalall alee iY} low al "Ub! 5 (big! bil of ab GY aay gE SPT Da a pa hana ay gic CBJ S Ca) cally Le ~All) GLa I dl 1 Plecally Lasill 4y poroall plod) 68 375 ceil oll Sale Ct Gaull Lal ple Gael 454 CAML) Syl dual ode y NaS plat las oY calles Jalil 5 aja dey cs piel Lia Galas VSS Se ANU Aha clay sil pan] Jonians “a siall pals Guy ye AS casts Vs Clolians) Sul Ml 5 Dorians) car ysl SiS Gc pauls ook eal pane ih ail 4 lly Ledl Cogatll I all oi gl 2399 mata pal cya Bickel Cals SVU ot gaudy ashy 6a sell Ia eed AB sal iad Ca Ll Ay eel Ohi Gi LT GF jus LS lsSy 228 LG UGS Sly ARDS pal i lad Gee oa 3 ly pail plead BJ jy CLS GB pas Lye dp dare ye Lal Ill dame J Big GEO J al GS pals HISD Nk gas Una bl eat gl Gt ADU 5 eal yy Ga Lyd ced od oS! cilall ley DU Ayal cps Ayes ALG TH GL AM pd Gut ll ple cullll i291 GLA gy saa] de Gla 9 (gill 4600) dyn oie y Gracci CALS y Laas Lasgy Gipie cell GLig Shad oi Liye pall Ge Ciel cl Cet AIS lo Ayes oda Chay sM pac Le gle yey «Crachi pl Gt et Anil she Lineal Fang Vl Chall 8 gi pi cle y Wd Ask yl Sl) OU A Que cabeait (a glad Ugil ga LG Igy a Gills sad Lay MN Lal a yaa oka Cf ye (Yang py neal eta pala J oLaaill ol pr Gaal ll le yg AT LS .catligll y Sigal padl ayy GOLA! Aer pell roa obs J es SU ay GAY CUD Lil pgede AS Lay oe EM y BLE pal ad at Lesa cul gall cpl y atl any Ge AY Laid Lain aa CA2yaall GU gill y Lasaill Qligall Qu of pill aie UbIS Cassy (cio aul! ha ist cee i pad gina GL he Jes aly Ge A al UJ ge head aly AUS, Grecces Greek 42 hla dyad cai) LDU Spud oda ys (1) QUAI Scilly Greca ¢ Greco 1 aLLsYl 4peuilll Grece « Gree dpa) yeu -EL- Greco 4jlus\l y Griesche 5 Grieschland=. Jad Ghazal od py cI daa AlN IE Ga gill OG J vols, BAY Cpe Lael y alba Lad FMS Ga Oy satlalh Gast dle (gy Lous gual ah yay lin yds old cline Lens corsa ¢ sielly yaatll ge Vins day s¥l gull loa LIS ya GLigll MAM le (lil) gots tl ail yall Ae ole ALY seas Gi ued 4 ables call juSI cll, ili LI sy cA GMT pat) ue LST Sal og fo 5 fuseall ada call Yash os 8 AL Lars cols dull ilins ecto y tesDLull dal OL gis y Dhall ALAM oad Gh) abl ged fale Call oye Cs Les lua oka coe s dally SS gpa y cua sl pdt SLeclS dm yuu Lisa! il Qisay Las SIs 5341 TSS A oN yay ts la iiliney apli glae J Ades «gars yyy Asal), Ua Ge Gal Gk eb cS allel Ge agile SY 4udL Mal ialiny inti 585 5A aU gay fyb Jy ghd bi ie tuts iin ay cmlenad Me cya can J ob Lae och el pus Sa apld SLeely Ca tages Asal IY le pu Ga I tong Sy ts geey (aly Suey Leiabins jaall Lui LEG aleall DUI SFY y elas! sil) OI sal 6 ps3 Lie Laie dial 50 od te ig GY GBIF Ueslatt yf alls Yllen y set od SM SI Lee LS ally Ets Unie SS Oe Aaanluall Gl yall, Aad Label) ans (4 Ba 29) Gy pS) pal Lis 1) Sail ey co fell ot putt I GiSay ilasyl SB Gatlias Gye pA Gy PY! aaa ail (1) monarchy 1SUl Jb Silly Akal carlin gd puolaall Lidl (4 passin jay “Oligarchy 4AM Sa 4} 445 Jos M1, Democracy “abl jails aristocracy gb jiu 51, polly GAY ol 8} Ge Med Tyranny slab Say ‘Demagogy 482.520 J Lup gales Coualls Drama LULA A My dyric GUA saueallly cBpie 4 jet dealall ie LUVa] ead OES Ny acy poled Qa ial) JEL Get Ij a al, Ue fely Lanka dpa (Alay) A 0 5 ena dy Ly oF owes 50 Laugh ashe Ge pa ueeally a pl NS dus yf ijieo Js Rsk plait cails oJ (Mg al LAN oLal a Lite cae Ld Lgl Lynn 4p) pealic Cyn i Ugua uly VN F laa of ay Tala LL ceil) tall Ls Udine GANS Gale GP ced (al Ay VI 5 Leal ph dS, SS of MADLY ca pall 5 cans cpl Gp pron Bae chess cpa pe GN Lisied Gy eS y aeS Ue Lil 2 Sd ences pllall 5 jn Saal pian La pads Ula Au oY) 5 laa ale LY Ub « jaolaall alla Day pres pot ell oad + LS ojo J AB pf Gaal cyl a Cihy gh aba BY cao) A jhe pal cya CALS Cyl LAN Day Lig al cay ui AIS day BY! Upine DS Gs gk AY! CL ll CHL, pusne Calan: aly Poetry xy {Comedy Lanish sells ‘Tragedy Lael sl J old, Theatre Gilad y History go Ji mathematics (ual, 15 Astronomy llill , Physic ely jill ple y cys paghs J GaeY Elne G+ WAS -Poychology vail dey logic Gil y Philosophy weeds ag J GS lle Lean 8 (en JH) Us ue ene 6h JES pele wy ahs pill DLA G5 Lead bt (VAAN 5 atid 5S caf Mada) 1404 ay siul ASS GAY ads — AGS fa — Lali pine Leal yay apes GSI MPF TIF SE sVEtye V410 3 lil Get USA shad ag AyullgD 5 fucaally AM Go Cf ce (1) F.B. Peters: The Harvest of Hellenism. A History of the Near East from Alexander, the Great, to the triumph of Christianity. New York 1970.-o- REAM 6 galll al) yung eye ya git y Sungai) y Ayallary Ljasbl iy an pe SM ay pla Gye La Lia ye Dey Vigty staal GUE Leal Na pig Jaeal jee 93 Gils tly (GR BVT 22 sad CALS 8 8 i BOY ga a Ni gle | bila Lad opal! cok pall datas 9 hes pes MI UN 5p Ys elglal ya allel cya Ua yes Lg SAY dy ls Od DUN pe pall Gu SGML plitiny «Lavell Loa Boel a eh acd Lan fy eens Iyld Guill GAOL Ga Arne oA till, \ yall Lay) JY! alnall o peu) (53) sha J clilye ole day yall Ae yiiny aad dy RYN Gy lly Un gaa (gil pla pad GGA UI OG od le Nady Oo Goes NT OLRM Gl ba 9 yay ca ll GIS GOLA Lala NF ela] Gd te dang 1 Y) Acagill | yasil Vgale y Lay yf clad ails a J a od tol pi ab BY 5 cea dd thas hy is Lgasly Lakes s Ley ait 63 Leal Lyd pales os pall OY Gas agile CA Sd 8 ya glial A gigi ue Leis Lsy$ hay Leste Gay) SU DS (of 4d US Zana engi oe Ct Usd 4 A 5 poleall 5 inal Badal All 48 yea oy 99 OLY! og lanl) Sil OES agi GAY CLAM Ga A") eI ables Gull Gy ALD Clg pee ley Wein Gl cast ated Gay (1) AS (pe st) aula (ula yak Cis pouey phil ap siLin Cia yaaa yan Tae LA bial oon AS Coa af Lee oa Cals, igual sis ye glauJ ABs WD Wiel ies yee ghiegh yal Gi ha 8 8 gay bp JUS chad 9 Lad 5 Jaa oof iLigld GI UM us phy Gea ll ge il (Y) ~ ys 5 She Ge Gayl flee glia Dp AS N67 AR abl yd yea1 Upipbdaa yoht ple oly Sigal Dut oil tall hyall pat ced bl 9 pally lll bye ak Ggll DY J) LOLA dat wg pevall Laud Gales Ggle 3 pitiall 4G yall paca gall els y dod cok ts Meee sin AS aE Galt Oo BS) gpl Db dalae sy Ce DM hye ple # ples Ligh gly cen AL ae #8 Ga J leah Sai deh of LGA 5M ue Logie Je jee ind bed Wel ebay J Gas 8 Las Yt 5 aja uh Lin OY) al 5 y jell ad a Lys Anal lal Led US (Laud See Aad sty cot ill Sy jell Any LILLY 2 yy jall 4 say aay Le GSH sally Losin Lea gill Gang! ja Gage ole Shs (Ned poe pb Leal.y 3 piel 5 jal Ltt Bab LS Wb Ao) (pe Ses) Sly Leg, Lind Lig ASHI LI shad Land 01 16 5 alll Se ease Lc phil Land (a ysieSh Lada Lad cpa 8 MS) VATA Ay yA deal EH AUS 40V yeaa ged Se cs hy) Gals Go el ale iy 2 SLR Alle TY ye VAOY 5 til (VV) SAR ASSAD. Aya y VI 5 Jaan y co yall pty yAll asia sane Sead Uy LOL Gad spite Lai Le ges bl Land Lose Ley TV ga VAT Ay pl Acyl Joo atl AVI day V7! ae ted god GaN cecal le yp Lal, Lal tal 3H ce 4 5Al(1) VAY Say yey — Lapa Lagi Ja 5 DUG joo redhiggl Qa JOD. gle weal Gab Fay heady alld gle tye £A-Vue Oe Goi Le igh DG ae cals Bande EAT Ulla cay dad oa ad So: (1) 2X0 ga Gla aa yal gle seal Cighlll ue oy je 11=) ees pee Uy yall ode cals 15 zinall Lud Jala Usb (ley BMG LS tes sal al Ge lis adly ab ca os taal Lady GM yl) oy Caber Ons Laga iy basil al ob Gea hy CaS 6 05a ga Leal Ld OB Shay Le had oy ally Calan tpn Lal iol Mad bir 508 Deal ssn) jut Ue a Lig OY Gu as Lali ge LI Doe oS cane gas DUM ol jal ce ily lal ALN G0 dad il nbd ats S99) Ga Le gan ool SL gale GS Gat 258i le FA th al jal Nga Jaa) OLY gS yl OS lly Gay Ge peas he Hea pile gle y Gy AVI Ce ely Sh Lact age AN 5 Al On cba SU aN FAN A yl Ay SLi all DL, ee cme) Dig DU J pane Ae Ga Sy ad yin CALS LS css) yl 6 Jian Cadi Lge (gly Lia Jala Gly OL gu Goals sel DeDY agin jueall GpHeall Loud dale Ugh ile y das J A ASG jal als LS Slat BLA dts ales LS LS aos paca Luly Lasad cot kt jaeatl they (Korkyra | S58) 54) Banja Lanlay 48 I yjally (os all ul gl Boma GEV Os yaleally Jacl das Cue GU gal DUI Aa all Ul yall Uy ke Glin DL (i all Asal soles lly y AU 5 yall dats ulin ol BBW clad ily cle Lele jyally ptt Cd lina dy sisal 50 psi gl eM Ba ool elas 5 yall Cisin Gaye y Guibtals | st a Ml sal oF dbus (4 re HES LS 6 Saaall Nal Ba AY yyes of SUL posal uy AM AAT ss Ge WBS Gad IS Gy eV lle GY ceunall Ladle Li yas-A- pad gle Mead Ay sl gla gas os get HEM dually by dl OS gl Yedda BILE CAS y ogi A pall AB ST jong ded yaa Ca By geen y dae sll Ag) peas cle Alaa [gill pty Mikra Aseia os zisall Lisl ga pel Anal: Lal Lasin cet sya o phil pin VAS Jala pally j shall Dae Ge GIST plall ol pane JSS GA ol Mail gl ulslall Gala LAY Lege pled cpl Cd jlaceall (ype ayaall age Cogs (Mesopotamia Oil! DL Wb sadaad Ylyqany Cyd Laae CIS pel Laatll bal Us y «SI Gee! Lage Las pal dpaly palin cally yin Caiy b aigll UD cous 3h yay ue “Aaa, OLS Lay lo LE Ld gy Saal pL Gb Gd es Lilla Lay pol a AN Lage GILL aly Lina Das oe ple Malate a Ge 29 A)Libya Gal J a Ge Cle yee cll Cig Coad gil ually eh oe sles of tL yey Sai Mile] ol) ca clgiy Dust! dy yard dl jetall 3 steall oho s GpBW Le De Lads GLigdl Obs pp Aiba FLL Gay 4y lel Ul jad pol oa Apa y 1 Sill A jal 9d od A cod a Gay cgnl GV Gaal ya Lats y(")Poleis Gaal COU ollsi Miva gs Us sided) OU we ge Gilead ga yall le seal Gish ae 585! (1) pe G yA Gaye 6 Si (Us Polis Gan ya Us of 94 J) Ss ane (") Shas (gD LN ge LES GBR (Ula oy Dla JS IDG Gl Se “Oy nel Lal galas pL aad Ge II LAS Suen dD ot d OSMy gna Lead G29! cw (cL yy8) Sy inne ced TNT le Se 188g (igre ain) ca lol leas el (jin) Lyd Spl pac renal pps (ls pit Ge pl oll Abi LS, Alig 2IN 5 Jaden 8 ppl By 4 Jadon Leal se Ga 8s-4a- + WEIS Nalcied Upaait le acid Gf Polis Zigae JS gle ney Aalglly us Sl Autonomia ,gslud) GQ Dial digae JS cints LS cAutarkia Golo) dali Op Wile Coif, Lal all Ayelet Gi yall Gf 3p Bleutheria 4yyally Chua y Laie aya Masbate Ze oct 44 pits Line Lytle dp cALalt dude Sans oll Tai 2 bce lees (gle alld IS galellyy ger Ui je le dunn 5 pal Bosal) Gay yall Usaly Wes cand ill [gaat Dod od GLE Aad ola Gu slant 5505 git Ga IS ullis gh Lila peal Sy ot AW gle Jess Ga IS 13 (aad dba S SOLS ah ay ebay lanlly Glatt jal jUital Mite aay Gf le call yy Sohal GLSy cLyilay Lie Lyle Ay jet dy ard jlien Lay Yl 5 lena Anal by Ly ob Lely 3 acon) alles Gus Le ale — Lad i Lali, CALEY 3.9 13Sey Lil Cah) Ga | gIS ad Galalall GY GA2YI Aub! ig, deste, Glee oS vile Bay Gly ally dau gf ale deal gad Led) aad Gf any a jlien bye yb os if ol lian cya IS y yh deny Plu La) a daale Leola dl pi ash Ge Aull daey of g Ubi! Ls Us aM lastly et eli al Gy del jl deal yas) YI ali, 4 ad gf: Bagte Gad ge Cay syne gl Sul! giv igfSudl ase i a plaaall aha MI Cet hh GLa (5H Ay VN lh flsaally Quid Lita te ullh sel aly Celina & ail Sie Lely yb Gye ye Cal ll Sul gis LS «lal Blane La age dt OS al GEV) DU 5 leas Gli oi Gay Lully 48 al Ayes yay lame CuLS Gy ceed Dig DU J) pune dyltaas del 5 Aeljosid di tele- we DM jetled iy EVN 5 coal a yuSIl o fh cL abel US : bel ABI pal) Sh ll gh Cals Goll plall ple 4G pci Uganasty cclsinall 6 Hall Tin AVN Auli @ geal yi gle clas oglanyy Lally sents che elias pple Sal aa US Hla ye (ya lagen By ley |p nt Sl leas PAN gs cals (gl Ayia Laks Sy cal ad Hagly cpa tn za ot cy abd asa te eas peal Ge ened US ("clan sla alle Cl jute inal) Gyan dead cad oleh g3lh caus ISa_y AscLctn Yl y Apelall aiinne cy sats Eptll sels Lead ail A BVI Lisa ples pal gre UlS silly Agora coil) Dus ga cle Ahi gall 3 yp jal dub ya Medill lal Jail 5 (gil all ua ay us iia jas of GSU hb a spa blal ay 8 5 sill ode Lidia Gye Coa glad Cagas By shat ay dy glusl ll Lets 6 L2Y1 ala) 6 juaalt Aiguad Cghh ogi Canal GM Polis Jail (ye alll a” sl Politics 4s citi! (1) Cetin pseier Sly Aeclnad ya a eM J Gd AS (agore) Gand Gee id dss DS sl) cade Bp Hee heal J ghia) GUS Sp J50 Aled aly ul Jal Gal 2 atl (elidel Emest Parker: Greek Political Theory. London 1960 Paperbacks) p. 12 ff. Lal yay ed BOI Len fy wy 2% Cd Gli Gy £4 sie eh 2d Lad VAN Zap yell uae Jos all 4qlis jie rere= Ne th EY cually By glad! LaDy crate pad peal ole Lyall B24) of GS of Gus Blot olf yeti Lad Lied pall hey api ayinend Ce Ge Cl Lae eal! Ge aa lly bloat) a Jal 2 Qe Y GL) ehh 68D Gy OY AGY Addy day us Zgtleg bai Gy 22 Chaos (") poe sill cols (Nea al aay 241 abt Cue 5 Ones «Tartarus psoall Liss Cpe (p85 okey dabue Gaca yo YI cole Oty Oceanus GLbaally Lely SLeally « Uranus claull Coilas gua YI coislll ES Zilla Cll gle as y Titanes 82 yall Coady cLaull (ua YI eas cesta dete eilé (cba) Ge SM pall Gil Lee cally Gall dan eeeaad pall gi lina ell cl Lede je ccaliad ya MI Gly 32 yall pe Shy laden die | peice ayant) cyan agiad y ch caged sue 5s) le Ul doe de 589 ats of pts ad i Kronos (Gai!) esis S ern (uedsesda) Apnea yf Lapua spay AL gS Gs bl on ofS Le (1) GENS sal asd 555 oul ony (AM dyad) Gil GIS call bd Jy Gly aya gl (G29) Ge Got Lad Legals dash ay yi elgg ry Pye WS dt AD bias Oe asily Coney Galy Oey s 34] Lend Len gus cul (claadl) Osi My 1S Se rs meld ied 1S) cLaally Al Ga MI ay eYI ote! 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