The Gunslinger - GM Binder

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The Gunslinger

Art by: Clonerh

An elf lays the barrel of her rifle atop a rock, peering through
the bushes and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike a
distant target. When her mark is clearly in sight, she pulls the
trigger, taking his head with a single shot and making her
A dwarf clad in dark leathers pulls a revolver from his hip,
unloading a shot into the bandit approaching him. Three
others begin to charge at the dwarf, and with lightning
reflexes, he fells them all before they have the opportunity to
close the distance.
A scarred goliath points his shotgun towards a group of
merchants, demanding the surrender of their goods. When
one of the merchants charges the goliath, he pulls a dagger
from his belt, gutting the hero before unloading his weapon
into another.
Gunslingers make use of quick reflexes and overwhelming
firepower to get the upper hand in combat situations. Out of
combat gunslingers make excellent scouts and lookouts.
Cutting Edge Weaponry
Gunslingers are skilled at using new and unique technology.
They have an intimate understanding of their weaponry and
are quick to adapt in changing situations. Their dexterous
nature and long ranged firepower allow them to stay on the
outskirts of battle while still dishing out devastating damage.
Even when in unfavorable situations, a gunslinger always has
an extra trick up their sleeve.
Varied Beginnings
Gunslingers come from a variety of backgrounds and employ
themselves in numerous professions. A gunslinger can be
anything from a common bandit to a soldier, or even an
intellectual tinkerer. Depending on the technology of the
world, gunslingers may be as common as fighters or as rare
as dragons themselves. Whatever their background, one thing
all gunslingers have in common is their grit in battle and
unparalleled finesse with firearms.
Creating a Gunslinger
When creating a gunslinger, be sure to consider the setting of
your campaign. Are firearms common or rare? Is your
character perhaps the first to wield firearms in your setting?
Does your character have enemies or rivals who covet their
(potentially) rare and powerful technology? Are you from a far
off land where firearms are much more common, or perhaps
from a different plane entirely? Who taught your character to
use firearms? And what is your character's relationship with
that person like? Consider how these factors may influence
the way in which your character interacts with the other
player characters, npcs, and the world around them.
Quick Build
You can make a gunslinger quickly by following these
suggestions, First, Dexterity should be your highest ability
score, followed by Intelligence. Second, choose the faction
agent background.

2 Art by: Applibot Inc

The Gunslinger
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Grit Points Grit Die
1st +2 Shooting Style, Expertise — —
2nd +2 Grit, Trickshots 2 1d4
3rd +2 Specialization, Deft Hands 2 1d4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 1d4
5th +3 Extra Attack, Additional Trickshot 3 1d4
6th +3 Specialization Feature 4 1d6
7th +3 Deadeye 4 1d6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 1d6
9th +4 Additional Trickshot 5 1d6
10th +4 Action Surge 6 1d6
11th +4 Specialization Feature, Extra Attack (2) 6 1d8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 1d8
13th +5 Eagle Eyes, Additional Trickshot 7 1d8
14th +5 Perfect Accuracy 8 1d8
15th +5 Deadly Trickshots 8 1d8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 1d10
17th +6 Specialization Feature, Additional Trickshot 9 1d10
18th +6 Reaper's Sprint 10 1d10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 1d10
20th +6 Extra Attack (3) 10 1d10

(a) A musket and 20 rifle bullets, or (b) Two flintlock

Class Features pistols and 20 pistol bullets
(a) Dungeoneer's pack, or (b) Explorer's pack
As a gunslinger, you gain the following class features Leather armor, a dagger, and Tinker's Tools
Hit Points Shooting Style
Hit Dice: 1d8 per gunslinger level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier All gunslingers have a unique and particular style of shooting.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution When you take your 1st level in gunslinger, choose one of the
modifier per gunslinger level after 1st following options as a shooting style.
You only gain benefits from a Shooting Style when using
Proficiencies firearms and you cannot benefit from Fighting Styles when
Armor: Light armor using firearms.
Weapons: Simple weapons, firearms
Tools: Tinker's Tools Akimbo
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence You may engage in two weapon fighting while using light
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Deception, Intimidation, firearms. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can
Investigation, Persuasion, Perception, Sleight of Hands, add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
Stealth, and Survival
Big Game Hunter
Equipment On each of your turns, the first attack roll you make is rolled
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the with advantage.
equipment granted by your background:

Cheap Shot Some of your grit features require your target to make a
When making a ranged weapon attack against a creature that saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw
is within 5 feet of at least one friendly creature (including DC is calculated as follows:
yourself), gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
Grit Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
Duelist your Intelligence modifier
When you are wielding a firearm in one hand and no other
weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that Trickshots
weapon. At 2nd level, you learn to perform powerful shots against your
Evasive opponents. You learn three Trickshots of your choice, as
The bonus you receive from half and three-quarters cover is detailed in the following list. You may only use one trickshot
doubled. per attack and must declare that you are using a Trickshot
before the attack roll is made, if an attack role is required.
Marksman You learn one additional trick shot at 5th, 9th, 13th, and
You gain a +2 bonus to ranged weapon attack rolls. 17th level. When you learn a new Trickshot, you may also
choose a Trickshot you already know and replace it with
Nimble another Trickshot.
While you are wearing armor, gain a +1 bonus to AC. Aimed Shot. When you make a ranged weapon attack, you
may expend 1 Grit Point to add 1 roll of your Grit die to the
Rapid Reloader attack or damage roll of the attack.
You ignore the Reload property of firearms. Bore Shot. When you make a ranged weapon attack, you
may expend 1 Grit Point to target a creature behind cover,
Skeet Shooter ignoring any disadvantages that would normally be imposed
As a reaction, when a creature within your weapon's range upon the attack. You may target a creature's last known or
makes a ranged weapon attack, you may attempt to shoot the assumed location if the creature is behind total cover. If the
projectile from the air. You subtract one roll of your Grit Die creature has moved from its assumed location, the attack
from the attack roll of the projectile. You must use this misses regardless of the roll.
reaction before you know the outcome of the roll. Disarming Shot. When you make a ranged weapon attack
against a creature, you may expend 1 Grit Point and attempt
Steady Aim to shoot an object from their hands. On a hit, the target must
When you roll a 1 on a damage die for an attack, you can make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops 1
reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is object its holding of your choice and the object is pushed 10
a 1. feet away.
Distracting Shot. When you make a ranged weapon attack
Expertise against a creature, you may expend 1 Grit Point in an attempt
At 1st level, choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of to impede the creature's ability to make attacks. On a hit, the
your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with tinker's creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check save, the creature has disadvantage on its next attack.
you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. Forceful Shot. When you make a ranged weapon attack
against a creature, you may expend 1 Grit Point attempt to
Grit force them back. On a hit, the target must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from you.
By 2nd level, through your quick reflexes and and skill with Hemorrhaging Shot. When you make a ranged weapon
firearms, you are able to take a variety of beneficial attack against a creature, you may expend 1 Grit Point in an
maneuvers. Your skill is represented by Grit Points. Your attempt to cause bleeding. The creature must make a
gunslinger level determines the number of Grit Points you Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
have, as shown in the Grit Points column of the Gunslinger takes damage equal to 1 roll of your Grit Die. The creature
table. Grit Points are used to perform various class features. repeats it's saving throw at the end of each of it's turns, taking
Some Grit features use a Grit Die, which is determined by piercing damage equal to 1 roll of your grit die on a fail, or
your gunslinger level as shown in the Grit Die column of the ending the condition on a success.
Gunslinger Table. Overwatch. As a reaction, you may expend 1 Grit Point to
You regain 1 expended Grit Point each time you roll a make a ranged weapon attack against a moving creature
critical strike or reduce the health of a creature of significant within your firearm's normal range.
threat to 0 (DM's discretion). You regain all expended Grit Piercing Shot. When making a ranged weapon attack
Points after a short or long rest. against a creature, you may expend 1 grit point to attempt to
fire through multiple opponents. On a hit, the creature suffers
normal damage and you make an attack roll with
disadvantage against every creature in a line directly behind
the target within your first range increment.

Pinning Shot. When making a ranged weapon attack against
a creature, you may expend 1 Grit Point to attempt to pin the
creature in place. On a hit, the creature must make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
unable to move until the end of its next turn.
Winging Shot: When making a ranged weapon attack
against a creature, you may expend 1 Grit Point to attempt to
topple them. On a hit, the target must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.

Optional Rule: Preparing Trickshots

As an optional rule, instead of simply knowing
Trickshots, a gunslinger may prepare a number of
Trickshots equal to the number of Trickshots that
the gunslinger would normally know, allowing
them to swap Trickshots each time they take a
long rest.

At 3rd level, you choose a specialization that you emulate in
the exercise of your gunslinging abilities, all of which are
detailed at the end of the class description, your
specialization grants you features at the 3rd level and then
again at the 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
Deft Hands
By 3rd level, you know your weapons inside and out and are
able to maneuver them with unparalleled finesse. You may
expend 1 Grit Point to reload a firearm or change weapons
without using an action or bonus action during your turn.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1.
As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the attack action on your turn. The
number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th
level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in
this class.
Starting at 7th level, you learn to carefully line up
exceptionally lethal shots. When you make a ranged weapon
attack using the attack action on your turn, you may choose
to forgo one or more of the extra attacks granted by your
Extra Attack class feature. For each attack you choose to
forgo, you gain a +1 to the attack roll. You also increase the
damage of the attack by 1 roll of your Grit Die for each attack
forgone. Additionally, if a creature struck by deadeye has to
make a Grit saving throw, such as when struck by the Pinning
Shot Trickshot, it does so with disadvantage.

Art by: Berylcirclet

Action Surge Deadly Trickshots
Starting at 10th level, you can push yourself beyond your By 15th level, you have learned to combine multiple
normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one trickshots into a single deadly attack. You may apply two
additional action on top of your regular action and a possible trickshots to the same attack, without expending any
bonus action. additional Grit Points beyond the first.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again. Reaper's Sprint
Eagle Eyes When you reach 18th level, whenever you reduce a creature
to 0 hit points, you regain 1 Grit Point.
By 13th level, you have grown proficient in scanning the
environment for threats, and have become stalwart is Specializations
preventing others from obscuring your senses. You have
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight As a your prowess with firearms grows, whether due to talent
or sound, as well as advantage on saving throws against or practice, your begin to develop patterns and manifest new
effects that would make you blinded or deafened. abilities with firearms. At 3rd level, the ways in which you
approach gunslinging become more defined as you select a
Perfect Accuracy specialization. When you select a specialization, you begin on
By 14th level, your have become an expert at identifying flaws the path to mastery as you unearth new ways of gunslinging
in your opponents' defenses. You bypass resistance to and learn unique and powerful methods of approaching and
piercing damage from non-magical attacks and treat controlling the battlefield with firearms.
immunity to piercing damage from nonmagical attacks as Specialization: Battlefield Medic
resistance. In addition, your weapon attacks score a critical
hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Battlefield medics are experts in providing support to their
allies. Their primary focus is on healing and utility rather
than raw damage. Due to their sharp intellect, Battlefield
Medics also gain access to a larger pool of Grit and
Trickshots than other gunslingers.
Grit Reservoir
When you choose this specialization at the 3rd level, you gain
a number of Grit Points equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of one) in addition to the Grit Points granted by
your gunslinger level. These Grit points function the same as
those granted by your gunslinger level.
Combat Medicine
When you choose this specialization at the 3rd level, you
learn to quickly tend to wounds incurred on the battlefield. As
an action, you may expend up to 3 Grit Points to heal a
creature you touch for an amount of Grit Dice equal to the
number of Grit Points expended + your Intelligence modifier.
Violent Remedy
By 6th level, you have learned to combine medicine and
gunslinging in a unique way. When you critically strike a
creature or when a creature dies within 60 feet of you, you
can use your reaction to shoot an empowering tonic at a
creature you see, granting one of the following benefits:
Heal for a number of hit points equal to 1 roll of your Grit
Gain advantage on their next attack.
Gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks until the end of their
next turn.

6 Art by: Tales of Tad

Lifeline Close-Quarters Combatant
By the 11th level, you have become efficient at finding the You have learned to excel in the brutality of close quarters
safest and quickest path towards your allies when they are in combat. When you choose this specialization at the 3rd level,
danger. Your walking speed is increased by 10 feet and you you gain proficiency with schimitars and shortswords. You
gain a bonus to your AC equal to half your your Intelligence also no longer have disadvantage on ranged attack rolls made
modifier, rounded down (minimum of one). when within 5 feet a of hostile creature. Furthermore, you
Furthermore, you learn to pull your allies from danger. As a gain the Akimbo Shooting Style. If you already have the
bonus action, you may expend 1 Grit Point to move a willing Akimbo Shooting Style, you may choose a different Shooting
creature that you touch up to 5 feet. This movement does not Style.
incur attacks of opportunity. In addition, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon
attack while engaged in two-weapon fighting, you may reload
Do No Harm the firearm in your off-hand without using an action or bonus
By 17th level, when using the Violent Remedy feature, the action.
target creature gains all listed benefits instead of a single
benefit of your choice. In addition, when granting a creature Menacing Presence
other than yourself the benefits of Violent Remedy, you also You exude an aura of violence and ferocity. When you choose
gain the benefits. this specialization at the 3rd level, you have advantage on
Charisma (Intimidation) checks and gain expertise in
Specialization: Highwayman Intimidation. If you already have expertise in Intimidation or
Gunslingers who choose the Highwayman specialization are not proficient in Intimidation, you may choose another
emphasize skullduggery and intimidation. They shine in close skill to gain expertise.
quarters combat and focus on combining a flourish of melee Additionally, as an action, you may expend 2 Grit Points to
and ranged attacks. They excel at debilitating their foes and threateningly discharge your firearm into the air. All
striking when they're too weak to retaliate. Highwaymen will creatures that can see you within 30 feet must succeed on a
do whatever it takes to gain the upper hand, both in and out Wisdom saving throw against your Grit Save DC or become
of in combat. frightened of you for the next minute. If a creature ends its
turn in a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to you,
the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw against your
Grit Save DC. On a successful save, the effect ends for that

Art by: GroPhosforid

Arrogant Mettle Specialization: Infiltrator
Starting at the 6th level, when a creature makes a melee
weapon attack against you, you may use your reaction to While gunslinger who choose this specialization are skilled
taunt the creature, imposing disadvantage on melee weapon combatants in their own right, they prefer to employ charm
attacks it makes against you until the end of its turn. and guile to reach their goals. These gunslingers thrive in
This feature can be used a number of times equal to your social situations and prefer to avoid direct confrontation.
Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any They also excel at stealth and subterfuge. As such, Infiltrators
expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. make excellent thieves, assassins, and diplomats.
Gritty Skirmisher Silent Shooting
When you reach the 11th level, your blade and firearm have Firearms are well known to lack subtly. However, when you
begun to feel like an extension of one another. You may choose this Specialization at the 3rd level, whether through
choose to replace the damage die of any light melee weapon mechanical or magical means, you have engineered your
with your Grit Die. firearms to be as silent as a bow and arrow. In addition, when
you hit a surprised creature with a ranged weapon attack, the
Vicious Rampage attack gains 2 rolls of your Grit Die as bonus damage.
By the 17th level, your mastery of firearms and light melee Cunning Mannerisms
weapons allows you to maneuver yourself out of situations in Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with forgery kits
which you find yourself surrounded by enemies on all sides. and thieves tools. In addition, whenever you make a
As an action, you may expend 3 Grit Points to may make a Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check, you may add 1
melee weapon attack against any number of creatures within roll of your Grit Die to the total.
5 feet of you, making a separate attack roll for each target.
You then make a ranged weapon attack against any number Untraceable
of creatures within 10 feet of you. You must have ammunition When you reach 6th level, you (and objects you carry) can no
loaded into your firearm for each target, as normal, and you longer be detected by divination magic. Additionally, you are
make a separate attack roll for each target. No creature can able to discern when any creature or object within 100 feet of
be targeted by both a melee and ranged attack at the same you is being tracked by divination magic.
time when using this feature.
Subterfuge Expert
While your charming nature helps you bypass most
obstacles, some problems require a more direct approach to
infiltration. When you reach 11th level, you have learned to
imbue your bullets with conjuration and illusion magic. When
you hit a non-creature target with a ranged weapon attack
from a firearm, you can choose to teleport to the location of
the impact up to a maximum of 60 feet away. In addition, you
immediately become invisible upon teleportation. The
invisibility lasts up to 1 minute and ends early if you attack,
cast a spell, or move more than 5 feet. When you make an
attack with a firearm while invisible, you increase the damage
of the attack by two rolls of your Grit Die.
This feature can be used a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any
expended uses when you finish a long rest. You may also
expend 1 Grit Point to use this feature if you have no uses
Blinding Bullet
By 17th level you have learned to imbue bullets with
necromantic magic. As an action, you may expend 3 Grit
Points to to fire a blinding bullet at a target within your
firearm's range. All hostile creatures within a 15 foot radius
of the impact must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
against your Grit Save DC or take force damage equal to 3
rolls of your Grit Die and be blinded until the start of your
next turn.

8 Art by: Bran Boco Sels

Specialization: Mystic Gunner For example, if you know the 1st-level spell shield and have a
1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast
Mystic Gunners are by far the most magically inclined shield using either slot.
Gunslinger Specialization. In combat, they combine a Spells Known of 1st-level and Higher. You know three
devastating array of spells with fierce gunslinging prowess. 1st-level wizard spells of your choice.
As such, they are one of the most versatile gunslinger The Spells Known column of the Mystic Gunner
specializations, and have a solution prepared for almost any Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells
obstacle. of 1st-level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a level
for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach
7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one
Mystic Gunner Spellcasting || Spell Slots of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your
choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a
Level Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th level for which you have spell slots.
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting
3rd 2 3 2 - - - ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your spells
4th 2 4 3 - - - through study and memorization. you use your Intelligence
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
5th 2 4 3 - - - addition, you can use your Intelligence modifier when setting
6th 2 4 3 - - - the savint throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when
7th 2 5 4 2 - -
making an attack roll with one.
8th 2 6 4 2 - - Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
9th 2 6 4 2 - - your Intelligence modifier
10th 3 7 4 3 - -
11th 3 8 4 3 - - Spell Attack Modifier = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier
12th 3 8 4 3 - -
13th 3 9 4 3 2 -
14th 3 10 4 3 2 -
15th 3 10 4 3 2 -
16th 3 11 4 3 3 -
17th 3 11 4 3 3 -
18th 3 11 4 3 3 -
19th 3 12 4 3 3 1
20th 3 13 4 3 3 1

When you choose this specialization at the 3rd level, you
learn to cast spells as an augment to your gunslinging
prowess. As a quick-witted and industrious individual, you
can cast wizard spells.
Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the
wizard spell list. You learn an additional wizard cantrip of
your choice at the 10th level.
Spell Slots. The Mystic Gunner Spellcasting table shows
how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level
and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a
slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell
slots when you finish a long rest.

Art by: Graey Erb

Mystic Firearm Fanfire
When you choose this specialization at 3rd level, your Starting at 6th level, you learn how to efficiently distribute
understanding of magic and mysticism allow you to imbue a shots amongst your enemies. Whenever you make an attack
particular firearm with magic properties. Whenever you roll against two or more different creatures during your turn,
finish a long rest, you can touch one firearm. Attacks made you may add 1 roll of your Grit Die to the damage of each
with your this firearm are considered magical for the purpose attack after the first. When you make two or more attack rolls
of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical against the same creature on your turn, you may add 1 roll of
attacks and damage. Additionally, the firearm you chose can your Grit Die to the attack roll of each attack after the first.
be used as a spellcasting focus when casting wizard spells.
These benefits last until you finish a long rest. Trigger Discipline
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher using your Starting at 11th level, as an action you may expend 3 Grit
firearm as a focus, you may expend one Grit Point to Points to enter a trance of unadulterated focus for the next
summon a spectral firearm. Using the spectral firearm, you minute. While in this state, you function as if under the
make a ranged spell attack against a creature within your effects of the Haste spell, and must maintain concentration as
firearm's normal range. The spectral firearm vanishes after such.
making an attack. The damage of the attack is equal to 2 rolls
of your Grit Die + your Intelligence modifier. Double Tap
By 17th level, you have become a master of following up
Spectral Reload lethal attacks with even more firepower. When you score a
Starting at 6th level, you learn to summon a spectral hand to critical strike against a creature, you may perform an
aid you. You learn the Mage Hand cantrip. If you already additional ranged weapon attack using a Trickshot against a
know the Mage Hand cantrip, you may choose another creature within your firearm's range, without expending a
cantrip to learn from the wizard spell list. Whenever you cast Grit Point.
a spell or cantrip, you may briefly summon a spectral hand to Furthermore, you may take the Reload action without
reload one of your weapons, allowing you to take the Reload using an action or bonus action whenever you score a critical
action action without using an action or bonus action. strike.
Iron Wizardry
Starting at 11th level, when you use your action to cast a spell
or cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus
Arcane Barrage
Starting at 17th level, when using your Mystic Firearm
feature to summon a spectral firearm after casting a spell of
1st level or higher, you instead summon 2 spectral firearms.
Specialization: Operator
Gunslingers who choose this specialization combine
lightning reflexes and careful aiming to act as masters of
ranged combat. They rely on their rate of fire and accuracy -
their most important attributes - to perform amazing feats
with firearms. They excel at dealing with large groups of
enemies and single combatants alike. As such, operators
shine as relentless killers on the battlefield.
Firearm Savant
When you choose this specialization at the 3rd level, you
dedicate yourself to the art of simple gunslinging, without
employing any additional tricks or gimmicks. Choose an
additional Shooting Style to learn.
When you choose this specialization at the 3rd level, you
become a master of striking your enemies before they can
strike you. Immediately after initiative is rolled (and when not
surprised), you can use your reaction to make a ranged
weapon attack against a creature within your firearm's range.

10 Art by: Noblified

Specialization: Shotgunner
Gunslingers who choose the Shotgunner specialization
emphasize close combat and spreading damage among
multiple targets. They excel at maintaining just enough range
to stay safe, while still remaining near the front lines of
When you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you learn to
control the spread of shotguns in such a way that you can
damage multiple creatures with a single attack. When
making a ranged weapon attack against a creature while
using a firearm with shotgun ammunition, you may expend 1
Grit Point to damage all creatures in a 10-foot cone behind
the initial target. The initial target takes the standard damage
of your weapon attack, while all additional targets in the 10-
foot cone take damage equal to 1 roll of your Grit Die.
When you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you learn to
better shoot your way through inanimate objects. Attacks you
make with firearms deal twice as much damage when
attacking objects such as doors, locks, crates, or walls.
Mindful Spacing
By 6th level, firearm weapon attacks you make against
creatures within 10 feet of you deal additional damage equal
to 1 roll of your Grit Die. In addition, you may use your
reaction to subtract 1 roll of your Grit Die from the attack roll
of an opportunity attack made against you.
Improved Scattershot
Starting at 11th level, once per turn, you may use the
Scattershot feature without expending a Grit Point.
Additionally, the damage of your scattershot increases to 2
rolls of your Grit Die and the area of creatures affected
increases to a 15-foot cone.
Shotgun Surgeon
Starting at 17th level, once per turn you may use the
Scattershot feature without expending a Grit Point.

Specialization: Sniper Perspicacious
By 6th level, you are able to detect even the subtlest
Gunslingers who choose the Sniper specialization excel at at movements. You have blindsight up to a range of 5 feet, and
exceptionally long-range combat. They emphasize singular, may take the Search action as a bonus action.
devastating shots over multiple attacks and provide some of
the largest single-target damage of any gunslinger Careful Shooter
specialization. You are a master of patiently lining up the perfect shot. At
Long-Range Expert 11th level, when using the Deadeye class feature, you may
When you choose this specialization at the 3rd level, you add 1 additional Grit Die to the attack's damage per attack
become an expert at devastating foes from long range. You
suffer no penalty for making ranged weapon attacks at long Headshot
range when using firearms. In addition, you excel at securing Starting at 17th level, you become a master of killing
vantage points. As such, you have advantage on Strength opponents with a single strike. When you hit a ranged
(Athletics) checks made when climbing or jumping. weapon attack against a creature while using the Deadeye
class feature, you can guarantee the attack critically strikes.
When you choose this specialization at the 3rd level, you Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you
learn to analyze and exploit weak points in your targets. As a complete a short or long rest.
bonus action, you may expend 1 Grit Point to mark a
creature you see for the next minute. The next attack you hit
against a marked creature within the next hour deals
additional damage equal to 2 rolls of your Grit Die,
consuming the mark.

12 Art by: Kenneth Solis

Art by: Jack Kaiser
Specialization: Tactician
Gunslingers who choose the Tactician Specialization are
experts at supporting their allies from a distance. They favor
bolstering the abilities of others over improving their own
firepower. They make excellent leaders and often come from
military backgrounds.
War Stories
When you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you learn to
inspire your allies through tales of past glory. After
completing a short or long rest, you may share an inspiring
tale of an event from your past. After listening to your story,
you and up to 6 other creatures gain one of the following
benefits of your choice for the next 8 hours:
A number of temporary hit points equal to 1 roll of your
Grit Die + your Intelligence modifier.
A bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Intelligence
Immunity to the negative effects of the first 3 levels of
If you use this feature a second time within the duration,
you lose the previously chosen benefit and select a new one.
Co-ordinated Firepower
When you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you learn to
better use the tools at the disposal of your allies in combat.
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack on your turn,
you may use your bonus action to command a friendly
creature to make a weapon attack or cast a cantrip against a
creature that you can both see within range. The commanded
creature chooses which weapon they use in the attack or
which cantrip they cast, if they choose to attack or cast at all.
Planned Defense
By 6th level, you learn to manipulate the battlefield in your
favor. You may spend 10 minutes to do one of the following:
Set up a a 10 foot long, 5 foot wide, and 5 foot tall
barricade using nearby materials. Creatures behind the Tactical Genius
barricade are considered to have 1/2 cover. Starting at 17th level, when an ally makes an attack or casts a
Create a 15 foot radius of difficult terrain. cantrip using your co-ordinated firepower feature, if the allied
Set up a 10 foot long tripwire. Creatures who hit the creature must make an attack roll, they do so with advantage.
tripwire must make a Dexterity saving throw against your If the enemy creature your ally targets must make a saving
Grit Save DC or are knocked prone. throw, they do so with disadvantage.
Organized Assault Multiclassing
By 11th level, you are an expert at correctly directing the
firepower of your allies. When you hit a creature with a Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must
weapon attack, you mark that creature until the start of your have a minimum Dexterity score of 13 in order to take your
next turn. The next attack made or cantrip cast against the first level in gunslinger, or to take a level in another class if
marked target by a creature other than yourself adds 1 roll of you are already a gunslinger.
your Grit Die to the attack roll. This effect does not stack on Proficiencies Gained. If gunslinger isn't your initial class,
the same target but may be active on multiple targets at the you gain proficiency with the following: light armor, simple
same time. The mark is consumed the first time a creature weapons, firearms, one skill of your choice from the
makes an attack or casts a cantrip against the marked target, gunslinger skill list, and tinker's tools.
whether the attack hits or misses.

Name Cost Ammo Damage Range Properties
Blunderbuss 75g Shotgun 3d4 piercing 15/60 Two-handed, Reload (1)
Bolt-Action Rifle 150g Rifle 1d10 piercing 150/600 Two-Handed, Reload (5)
Bomb Shooter 350g Cannon 1d4 fire 30/120 Explosive, Reload (3)
Double-Barrel Shotgun 125g Shotgun 2d6 piercing 15/60 Two-Handed, Reload (2)
Flintlock Pistol 50g Pistol 1d8 piercing 60/240 Light, Reload (1)
Hand Cannon 500g Cannon 2d6 fire 30/120 Two-handed, Heavy, Explosive, Reload (1)
Heavy Revolver 250g Pistol 2d4 piercing 80/320 Heavy, Reload (6)
Hunting Shotgun 300g Shotgun 3d4 piercing 15/60 Two-handed, Heavy, Reload (5)
Lever-Action Rifle 250g Rifle 1d8 piercing 100/400 Two-handed, Reload (8)
Longrifle 300g Rifle 2d6 piercing 200/800 Two-Handed, Heavy, Loading, Reload (1)
Lupara 175g Shotgun 2d4 piercing 15/60 Light, Reload (2)
Musket 100g Rifle 1d12 piercing 100/400 Two-Handed, Reload (1)
Revolver 200g Pistol 1d6 piercing 80/320 Light, Reload (6)

Firearm Properties
Standard Ammunition
There are two unique properties to firearms as seen in the
table above.
Type Price (Amount) Reload. A weapon can be fired a number of times equal to
its Reload score before you must spend 1 action or 1 bonus
Cannon 25g (5) action to reload the weapon.
Pistol 2g (20) Explosive. Upon a hit, everything within 5 ft of the target
Rifle 4g (20)
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your Grit
Save DC or suffer 1d8 fire damage. If the weapon misses, the
Shotgun 5g (20) ammunition fails to detonate, or bounces away harmlessly
before doing so.

14 Art by: Eytan Zana

Gunslinger 4.0
by Jake Hawke

Gunslinger Fighter Subclass by Matthew


Gunslinger Class by Coso (u/Mood-Powerful)

Page Stains by u/flamableconcrete


Art by: Nosgoth Art

This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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