Kneppersteven Tlqinitial2
Kneppersteven Tlqinitial2
Kneppersteven Tlqinitial2
Save this file as LastFirstName_TLQInitial.docx (KnowlesBeyonce_TLQInitial.docx)
For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories (E/A/I). Be honest.
This is an opportunity to document growth
Mark each box with an X
Provide examples of your experiences in the leadership domain
Identify areas within each domain where you are interested in growing as a teacher leader.
Summarize your strengths and areas of possible growth.
Boxes will expand as needed.
Exploring/Emerging (E) - a level of practice in which the teacher leader relies on ongoing
assistance from more experienced colleagues for support, guidance, and survival. The
teacher leader is moving toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her/his
Applying (A) - a level of practice in which the teacher leader is able to provide
independent leadership and easily applies what s/he has learned about leadership.
Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach E A I
those subjects to students.
Accomplished Teachers:
1. Command Specialized Knowledge of How to Convey a Subject to Students X
2. Generate Multiple Paths to Knowledge X
Three examples of experience (i.e., if you Area of interest for growth
scored A or I, give examples)
1. I engage in professional learning 1. I know that I can improve in curriculum
throughout the year in content areas to differentiation, particularly for
ensure that I am up-to-date on the newest assessments, to ensure my students are
trends and strategies to teach content being assessed effectively, appropriately,
matter to students. I also engage in my and equitably.
own reading to grow my instructional 2. I am also interested in learning more
toolkit. about multiple paths of knowledge to
2. I know how to generate multiple paths of enhance my instructional effectiveness.
student knowledge, particularly by This can be achieved by personal reading,
providing alternative assessments to research, and advocating for new
students to demonstrate their learning in a professional development sessions.
variety of manners, rather than traditional
3. I effectively provide differentiated
learning experiences for students, in the
forms of one-on-one support, small group
tutoring, curriculum customizations, and
conversations with students and families.
Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring E A I
student learning.
Accomplished Teachers:
1. Call on Multiple Methods to Meet Their Instructional Goals X
2. Support Student Learning in Varied Settings and Groups X
3. Value Student Engagement X
4. Regularly Assess Student Progress X
5. Engage Students in the Learning Process X
Three examples of experience Area of interest for growth
(i.e., if you scored A or I, give examples)
1. I support student learning in varied 1. One area of growth to improve on is
settings and groups. In our setting, I have student engagement. In our setting, many
opportunities to work with students one- students come to us already being
on-one, in small groups, and in large disengaged and unmotivated by school.
groups as well. I have learned how to While I have done a good job of
effectively manage different grouping increasing student enjoyment of learning,
strategies, and when to employ each one. I know that there are many areas that I
2. I tremendously value student engagement, can improve in to meet the needs of all
as evident in my continued interaction, students.
communication, and creativity in 2. I can also improve using multiple
connecting content matter to students’ methods of teaching and learning to meet
lives. While engagement is something I instructional goals. I continuously am
want to work on, I fully value my students looking for new and innovative ways to
participating in the classroom. differentiate instruction, so I would like to
3. I also have done a good job of engaging continue to work on this area.
my students in the learning process. My
students are expected to complete all
tasks, respond to messages, and seek
additional support when needed.
My areas for growth include becoming more skilled in identifying student individual needs,
learning how technology could be enhanced further to support learning, and ensuring
equitable multiple paths of learning for all students. I can also improve on student
engagement, using varied instructional strategies, and using feedback more effectively and
efficiently to improve my practice. Lastly, I would like to improve in collaborating more with
the community and other school members to ensure my students are being provided with a
more comprehensive education.