Use UDG To Control Carry-Over Contamination in PCR
Use UDG To Control Carry-Over Contamination in PCR
Use UDG To Control Carry-Over Contamination in PCR
93 (1990) 125-128
Elsevier 125
GENE 03659
Short Communications
Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) synthesize abundant amplification products. Contamination of new PCRs with trace
amounts ofthese products, called carry-over contamination, yields false positive results. Carry-over contamination from some
previous PCR can be a significant problem, due both to the abundance of PCR products, and to the ideal structure of the
contaminant material for re-amplification. We report that carry-over contamination can be controlled by the following two
steps: (i) incorporating dUTP in all PCR products (by substituting dUTP for dTTP, or by incorporating uracil during
synthesis of the oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers; and (ii) treating all subsequent fully preassembled starting reactions with
uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG), followed by thermal inactivation of UDG. UDG cleaves the uracil base from the
phosphodiester backbone of uracil-containing DNA, but has no effect on natural (i.e., thymine-containing) DNA. The
resulting apyrimidinic sites block replication by DNA polymerases, and are very labile to acid/base hydrolysis. Because UDG
does not react with dUTP, and is also inactivated by heat denaturation prior to the actual PCR, carry-over contamination
of PCRs can be controlled effectively if the contaminants contain uracils in place of thymines.
U D G has the in vivo function of removing uracil bases of uracil from any contaminating carry-over P C R products,
from DNA, since slow chemical deamination of cytosine blocking reamplification, while leaving natural D N A un-
produces uracil in vivo, and consequent C --, T transitions, affected.
The mutagenic effect of the C --, T conversion accounts for (1) In one procedure, referred to as the d U T P protocol,
the universal distribution of U D G (Duncan, 198 l), which d U T P is substituted for dTTP during all PCRs, and the
quickly eliminates uracil from DlqA by cleaving the N-gly- products of these reactions contain many dUs throughout
cosidic bond between the base and the sugar-phosphate their length (except the 5' ends, which are comprised of the
backbone. The resulting apyrimidinic sites block replication primers). U D G treatment of the fully pre-assembled start-
by D N A polymerases and are recognized and repaired in ing reactions prevents amplification of any contaminating
vivo by other D N A repair enzymes (Friedberg et al., 1981). P C R products. U D G is inactivated at the heat-denatu-
U D G does not remove uracil from R N A or free nt, but only ration steps in the normal temperature-cycling profde, so
from D N A (single- or double-stranded) longer than about that new PCR products, which contain many dUs, are
4 nt (Duncan, 1981), unaffected.
(2) In a second procedure, called the dU primer proto-
EXPERIMENTAL A N D DISCUSSION col, the PCR is performed with primers that contain dU,
which replaces dT during automated chemical synthesis.
(a) Priueiples of the method Uracils in the P C R products are found only in the 5' ends
We hypothesized that if PCR products contained dU of the strands, but U D G treatment of such D N A is
instead of dT, incubation of such D N A with U D G would sufficient to block amplification because the primers must
render it unamplifiable in new PCRs. In contrast, target be copied by the Taq polymerase to allow re-priming at
DNA, i.e., sample D N A whose amplification is desired, successive cycles. In the dU primer protocol, reactions
would not contain dU and would be unaffected by the must be reopened after the U D G has been heat-inactivated
U D G and therefore would amplify normally. We have so that the primers can be added, since the primers them-
modified PCR to produce D N A that contains dU. Incu- selves are substrates for the enzyme. The d U T P protocol
bation of subsequent PCRs with U D G results in removal controls carry-over contamination from all sources, in-
A Fig, 2,
1 2 3 4 M 1 2 3 4 56 7 M 1 2 3 M
bp bp t)p
4369 4369 ~1369
4246 4 246 4 246
Fig. I. Replacement of dTTP w/th dUTP in PCR reactions. PCRs contained I #M oligo primers ($'-GGTCGATGTATGTCTTGTTGand
5'-GTCTACGTGTGTGCTTrGTAC;Synthecell,Inc.), 200 ~M dNTPs (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and either dTTP or dUTP), and Z$ units of TaqDNA
polymerase (Cetus/Perkin-Elmer) in 50 pl of25 mM Tris. HCI pH 8.3/5 mM M~21a/$0mM NaCI/0.01% gelatin under mineral oil. After 5 min at 94°C
and 30 cycles of I rain at 94°C, 2 rain at 55°C, and 3 rain at 72°C in a Cetus/Perkin-Elmer Thermal Cycler, aliquots of reactions were electrophoresed
on 2% agarose/2pg per ml EtdBr/40mM Tris. acetate pH 7.9/I mM EDTA gels. (Panel A)Target was I0 P8 of linearized plasmid HPVI6pTTI3 (a
full.length clone of the HPV type 16 genome,propagated in u~ + £. co//). Lanes I and 2, duplicate reactions containing dTTP; lanes $ and 4, duplicate
reactions containing dUTP.M, 123-bpladder size standards (Bethesda Research Laboratories). Bands migrating at 284 bp are amplification products.
Bands migratingbelow 123 bp are primer and primer dimer. (Panel B) Titration of input PCR product DNA (made with dUTP) into new PCRs containing
dUTP substituted for dTTP. Lane I, no target. Lanes 2 through 7 contained tenfold serial dilutions from I0- " - I 0 - te g ofdU-contalning 284-bp DNA.
Fig. Z Effect of UDG upon 'natural' target DNA, i.e., DNA not containing uracil. PCRs containing I0 pg of linearized plasmid HPVI6pTTI3 were
assembled, with dUTP replacing dTTP, and in the absence of UDG (lane I), the presence of UDG (5 ng; lane 3), or the presence of heat-inactivated
UDG (100°C, 30 min; lane 2). Followingincubation at 37°C for 15 min, thermal cyclingwas beam with a standard 5 rain 94°C heating step to inactivate
the UDG and denature the DNA. UDG was the generous gilt of Dr. J. van de Sande (Varshney et al., 1988). This UDG preparation (5 ng) released
5 pmol of uracil from DNA in 30 min at 37°C in 70 mM Hepes pH 7.8/I mM EDTA. For other details see legend to Fig. I.
cluding primers, enzyme, and nt, because the fully pre- M 1 2 3 4 5 6
assembled amplification reactions are not opened after the
incubation with UDG.