Module - D - Community Based Financial Managment
Module - D - Community Based Financial Managment
Module - D - Community Based Financial Managment
Module - D
A Trainer’s Manual for Community Based Financial
P.O.BOX 20023 CODE 1000
TEL: +251-(0)118-60 80 12 / 0911-158613
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Table of Contents
List of Tables ii
List of Annexes ii
3.1 Introduction 8
3.2 Manual to be referred 8
3.3 Session – C1: Introduction to Community Based Financial Management 9
3.4 Session – C2: Preparation of Annual Budget 11
3.5 Session – C3: Principle of Cost Recovery and Cost Categories 17
3.6 Session – C5: Tariff Setting 24
3.7 Session – C6: Revenue Collection 32
3.8 Session – C7: Procedures for Handling Collected Money 39
3.9 Session – C8: Setting Procurement Procedures 55
3.10 Session – C9: Financial Control 60
Annexes: FORMATS 64
List of Tables
Table 3-1: Suggested Schedule of Spare Part Replacement 21
Table 3-2: Decision on payment for water 32
Table 3-3: Formulation of User Households List 36
Table 3-4: Bank Account Opening 37
Table 3-5: Income and Expenses Book Model 43
Table 3-6: A Typical Cash receipt Registration Form/ Invoice 44
Table 3-7: A Typical Cash Payment Invoice Form 45
Table 3-8: Model of Payroll List 46
Table 3-9: Per-Diem Payment Form 47
Table 3-10: Member’s Register 50
Table 3-11: Asset Register 50
Table 3-12: Purchase Order 51
Table 3-13: Payment Voucher 52
Table 3-14: Delivery Note 52
Table 3-15: Cheque Leaf 53
Table 3-16: Cash Book 53
Table 3-17: Bank Reconciliation Statement 54
List of Annexes
Annex A: Basic Ledger of Water Fee Collection 64
Annex B: Income & Expense Ledger 65
List of Boxes
Box 1: Operation and maintenance costs include 19
Box 2: Example of Running Cost for Hand Pump Scheme 20
Box 3: Options for collection of O&M Fund 35
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Accounts Payable Accounts Payable are routine expenses that have already been
incurred but not yet paid. The fact that the expense has been
‘incurred’ is evidenced by the supplier’s invoice or statement of
Accounts Receivable account.
Accounts Receivable represents the balance of water bills not yet
Accounts Summary collected from customers. This is entered as a Current Asset.
The Accounts Summary is a worksheet where all accounts of the
water utility from the Bills for Collection Report, Cash Receipts Book
and Cash Disbursements Book are posted. This worksheet also
allows for special adjusting entries. The Balance Sheet and Income
Statement are prepared based on this Accounts Summary.
Accrued Expenses
Accrued Expenses are routine expense that have already been
incurred but not yet paid and unlike the ‘Accounts Payable’ have not
been recorded in the financial statement for the period because no
invoice or statement of account has yet been received.
Advances are payments made to either employees or third parties
with the intention of collecting them back within one year.
This is a Current Asset account.
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Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet is a financial report showing the financial
condition of the company as of a specific day (for example “as of
Sene 30, 2006 EFY”). It is normally prepared as of the end of the
financial year at the same time as the Income Statement. It may also
be prepared any time of the year. It summarizes the balances of
Assets, Liabilities and Capital as of the specified date.
Bills for Collection Report
The Bills for Collection Report contains all Water Bills issued within a
month. It is recorded in the numerical sequence following the water
bill to ensure completeness. It is summarized monthly and the totals
(per account) are posted to the ‘Accounts Summary Form’.
Capital Expenditure
Is the expenditure incurred for the purpose of acquiring, extending or
improving assets of permanent nature by means of which the
business may be carried on, or for the purpose of increasing the
efficiency of the project.
The Cash Receipts Book contains all Official Receipts issued for all
cash collections. Recording Official Receipts in numerical sequence,
including all canceled or spoiled Official Receipts ensures that all
collections are accounted for.
It is summarized monthly and the totals (per account) are posted to
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
General Administrative Means the recording of two fold effect of every transaction.
General Administrative Expenses account is for all expenses not
specifically identify ed for water production or distribution but is
important in the operations of the water utility. This account may
include office supplies, transportation expenses, representation
expenses, and refreshments during meetings.
This does not include expenses incurred that do not support the
business of CBOs, such as contributions to a village party. These
expenses are classified as ‘Non-Operating Expenses’.
In common usage, “income” is often interchanged with “revenue”. In
accounting, “income” refers to net income, where expenses have
been deducted from revenues.
Income Statement
The Income Statement is a financial report of the operations of the
company over a period of time (like “For the Year Ending June 30,
2006 EFY”). Normally, this is prepared at the end of the financial
year of the company. It may also be prepared monthly, quarterly or
as often as needed. It contains the total revenues earned and
corresponding expenses incurred during the specified period. The
resulting net income or loss goes into the Balance Sheet (Capital
Interest Expense Interest Expense is the cost of borrowed money or a loan. In the
Income Statement, this amount should be the cost of borrowed
money corresponding to the reporting period of the income
statement. It is not necessarily the actual amount paid, which may be
less or more than the amount due for the period.
Interest Payable
Interest Payable represents the amount of interest due and unpaid
as of the Balance Sheet date. This is entered as a Current Liabilities
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Long-term Liabilities
Long-term Liabilities represent obligations that are payable beyond
one year.
If a loan needs to be paid over 5 years, the portion of the loan that is
Merchandise Inventory
due in future financial years is a ‘long-term liability.’
Other Current Asset account holds all other assets that may be
converted to cash or whose benefits can be realized within one year
that cannot be classified in the specific c Current Asset accounts
Other Current Liabilities defined above.
Other Current Liabilities account represents all other obligations due
to be paid within one year that cannot be properly classified in the
specific Current Liabilities accounts shown in the Balance Sheet.
Other Expenses
Other Expenses account may be used for all other operating
expenses that cannot be classified in the specific Operating Expense
accounts in the Income Statement.
Other Operating
Other Operating Revenues account represents all other revenue
accounts not specifically identified in the Operating Revenues
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Revenue is income from activities that are normally done by the
WB/WASHCO. For accounting purposes, revenues appear in the top
part of the Income Statement, while net income appears at the
bottom after expenses have been deducted from revenues.
Statement of Receipts and
The Statement of Receipts and Disbursements is a financial report
that summarizes all types of cash received and all types of cash
payments made during a specified period. It accounts how the Cash
account moved during the specified period. The bottom line of this
report is the Cash balance available at the end of the period. This
amount may not be the same as the bottom line of the Income
Statement which is the Net Income for the period. Cash received
may include collection of water sales and penalties. It may also
include collection of advances from employees and third parties and
even collection of loan proceeds. So cash received may either be
revenues, a reduction of assets or an addition to liabilities. Cash
payments may include payment of loans, purchase of assets and
payment of expenses. So payments may either be expenses or a
reduction of liabilities or an addition to assets
Subsidiary Ledger
A Subsidiary Ledger is a complementary record providing the details
of the movement of an account under the General Ledger.
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
3.1 Introduction
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Introduction This module addresses the needs of the water project to raise revenue
through fair and affordable tariffs to handle revenue in a manner that follows
proper accounting practices and to utilize funds according to transparent and
accountable procedures.
Outputs Participants are understood the concept of Financial Management for rural
water supply schemes.
Target Group Basically this module is designed form WASHCOs and Water Boards,
however, this training is offered for Regional Water Bureau, Zone and Worda
Water Offices, NGOs who utilize it to cascade the training the primary
audience that is WASHCO.
Step – 1:
In Ethiopia water supply and sanitation have considered as basic social
Introduction to
service which eventually pave way for poverty reduction. This has meant
adopting a policy that demands users to pay for the service that they getting
as supplying water free or almost free of charge are not possible or treat for
equity. Thus, the government has set a policy in which the beneficiary should
manage water supply and sanitation schemes including its financial
The financial management such as recording of income and expenditure,
internal auditing has to be conducted regularly. Thus, failure to keep
appropriate financial records resulted with inability to cover costs of operation,
maintenance in the case of rural water supply schemes.
Financial Management involving community participations pave attention for
the following points:
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Step- 2: Source of
This section looks at financial aspects of water scheme management, which is
an essential part of sustainable O & M and management of water scheme
with regardless of type of water scheme.
In the community-based water scheme management, Cost Sharing for O &
M of a water scheme is an important government policy. The community
needs to pay for maintenance & repair of the water schemes and save the
replacement of the equipment.
Maintenance is your job! When a part wears out, you have to buy a new
part. When the facility breaks down, you have to fix it themselves or pay
service provider to fix it.
To take measures promptly when the water scheme gets broken down, you
need to collect money in advance. With enough financial resource, you can
buy spare parts and pay for a repair works and other necessary expenses.
Some of this money should be used to buy spare parts in advance.
Before starting concrete financial management tasks, you need to
understand about the O & M cost and how to cover O & M cost.
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Session – D2:
3.4 Session – D2: Preparation of Annual Budget
Introduction Preparation of an annual operating budget is the first step WASHCO’s must
take to ensure that there is an accountable and transparent financial
management system in place and that the WASHCO operates on a financial
sustainable basis. There are various reasons why a budget is important:
1. An annual budget, prepared by the finance committee of the WASHCO, is
submitted to the management committee and subsequently to the
membership for approval.
2. Preparation of an annual budget requires information regarding expected
income and expenditure to run the water project, and requires planning
for O&M costs.
3. Expenditure should be kept within the approved budget according to each
budget line.
A budget helps to enhance transparency and accountability, quality of works,
service provision and efficiency and effectiveness.
A Budget is merely a plan expressed in quantitative (monetary) terms.
Its preparation involves setting targets for the revenues and
expenditures of the water supply service office.
The budget is prepared by management, usually during the last quarter of the
year, and should be approved by the Board before being endorsed to the
General Assembly/WASHCO and to the regulatory bodies like RWB, ZWO or
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Illustrations in practice
Group work
Short presentations/question and answer
Practical exercise on budgeting
WUA books of accounts
Flip Charts and marker pens;
Pens (different colors), note books;
Sample WASHCO budget statements;
Session Guide
The following terminology need to be explained:
Term Definition
Fixed Cost These are costs that are not related to how much water
the WASHCO produces
Recurrent cost These are costs that are dependent to how much water
the WASHCO produces.
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Capital Cost Cost incurred for something that has a life span that
extends over several years
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Step - 2:
One of the tools to reach financial sustainability is the development of a
of an annual
1. Ask participants what they understand by the term „budget‟. Probe for
household level budgets, CDF budgets, constituency support,
2. Help the participants to discuss the importance of these budgeting
processes – what is the advantage of having a budget?
3. How often do you budget at HH level?
4. Who should participate in the budgeting process?
5. What do you do if the HH budget indicates that the costs exceed the
income? - Prioritize the costs
Step - 3: Worked
Example of Annual
Group work:
Budget Let participants form groups of 4 - 5 persons and discuss and prepare a draft
annual budget using the example below. The worked example is presented in
Attachment - 1 with a graph showing changes in income and expenditure.
Discussion questions based on worked example
1. What are the implications of the fact that the scheme starts the year with
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For existing projects, does the budget reflect the experience of the
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Step - 5:
Once a budget has been prepared, what action is required? Prepare a plan of
action, using the questions as a guide.
ratification and use
of the budget 1. Are the WASHCO members entitled to see the budget? If so, what
should be done to make the budget details available (e.g. placing budget
on notice board);
2. How should the budget be approved by the management committee and
3. How should the expenditure be checked against the budget?
4. What should be done if the expenditure does not follow the budget?
5. What should be done if the revenue falls below expected amounts?
6. What time of year should the annual budget normal be developed?
7. What does the WASHCO constitution say about preparation and
approval of an annual budget?
Session – 6: Management must monitor the level of expenditures against the budget
Budget on a monthly basis in order to control overruns that could lead to
Monitoring and unexpected fund shortfalls.
Control Monitoring the budgeted expenditures enables management to take
cost reduction measures, make decisions on budget realignments, and
consider the need for a supplemental budget if it is forecast that the
approved budget for essential expenditures will be exceeded.
What happens if the WASHCO does not have any budget?
What is the final balance (profit/loss) of the annual budget we have
Attachment 1: Worked Example Annual Budget
Attachment 2: Annual Budget Worksheet
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Step – 2: Cost The cost recovery principle emphasizes the coordinated effort of the water
Recovery system to cover the entire cost of running the water supply scheme from
Concept sales of water.
The cost is said to be fully covered if the ration of total revenue to that of total
O&M cost is grater that 1. This case may be changed in the case of rural
water supply, that the ration can be equal to 1. This clearly stated in the
Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy.
Step – 4: Ability With regard to income related issues, detailed up-to-date information
and Willingness regarding specific income data of aforementioned beneficiary should be
to Pay collected using structured household survey for sample households 30-50.
However, experiences show that people are usually unwilling to reveal their
periodic income.
Affordability deals with the analysis of ability of consumers to pay for water.
In order to analyze the ability of consumers to pay for water, the water supply
consumption of the users and the income level of Consumers (Low-income
section of the society) should be identified and computed. Specially, the
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Step – 5: This consists of introducing progressively an “O&M costs recovery only”, mainly
Recovery of by subsidizing costs (for example the price of spare parts, M&E cost, the cost of
O&M Costs fuel) at the beginning, and providing free technical support for some
maintenance. Although this approach can be necessary for poor communities,
the use of subsidies can send wrong signals to a market, especially for spare
parts. Some arrangement will need to be made about who will recover the other
costs that the community will not cover, and how.
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All the above types of O&M cost should be considered in calculating and setting
of tariff.
What is O & M Cost?
The scope of the cost recovery for a water scheme includes three groupings of
i. Running (operation) cost
ii. Maintenance cost
iii. Replacement cost
For the purpose of simple explanation, the case of a hand pump, which is one
of major water schemes, is shown as an example.
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A WASHCO in XXXX Kebele employs one pump guard. Monthly running costs of
XXXX WASHCO are as follows:
Item Description of Expense Amount (Birr)
1 Salary of pump guard (Ato XXXXXX): 150.00
2 Stationary expenses: 30.00
3 Per-diem for travelling to Woreda 50.00
Total 230.00
With regard to the regular replacement of spare parts for Afridev hand
pump, it is recommended to follow a schedule below. Some parts (U-seal
and bearings) need to be replaced every 6 months, others once a year,
and others once a two years.
Normally a community would put aside enough money to cover the FAST
WEARING PARTS - parts that need to be replaced frequently. In
addition, WASHCO should buy a few long wearing parts – e.g. rod) - as a
way of investing the money and guarding against inflation.
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Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
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Question: How do Users support the Total Cost? That is revenue, mainly
water tariff paid by users.
Total replacement cost: Birr 20,000.00
Annual Maintenance cost: Birr 20,000 x 5 % = Birr 1,000.00
Monthly Maintenance cost: Birr 1,000 / 12 months = Birr 83.30
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Cost of a hand pump: Birr 20,000.00
Service period: 10 years
Annual Replacement Reserve: Birr 20,000/10 = Birr 2,000.00
Monthly Replacement Reserve: Birr 2,000 / 12 months = Birr 167.00
Note: The above calculation is prepared without any considerations on interest rate, inflation rate,
and foreign currency exchange rate.
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Short presentation
Question and Answer
Group exercise on tariff calculation
Handout - calculating of tariff
Flip chart paper and marker pens
O&M guidelines
Water Board guidelines
WUA by-laws
Session Guide
A water tariff is the rate at which users are charged for water. If cost recovery
Definition of
aims to satisfy an increasing demand for water then the tariff should reflect the
Water Tariff
cost of the operation and maintenance for rural schemes as stipulated in Water
Resources Management Policy. However, many water supply tariffs do not
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Step – 3: Basis
Once the WASHCO members and the user community recognize the need to pay
for Setting
for the cost of operating and maintaining the water supply schemes, then the
discussion can progress to how to set the tariff.
Ask participants „What should be the basis for setting the tariffs?‟ Facilitate a
discussion on whether the tariff should be set according to one of the following
criteria and what are the consequences of each:
1. What people can afford;
2. What people are willing to pay;
3. What the project requires to cover the operating costs (partial cost
4. What the project requires to cover all operating costs and to replace the
assets when they need replacement (full cost recovery);
5. The maximum the project can possibly charge;
The User Communities are generally willing to pay fair prices for
good water services!
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Step – 4:
The main consideration in setting tariffs must be to ensure that revenue at least
Discussion on
covers operational costs and from a public health/social perspective that each
Tariff Setting
person can benefit from access to sufficient water to meet basic human needs.
Reflect on whether it is wise and cheaper to set low tariffs that result in
For a water supply schemes to be financially self-reliant, the tariff should
be set according to one of these two scenarios:
i) Full cost recovery:- The tariff is set to generate sufficient revenue to meet
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The discussion is moved into water tariff. O&M cost recovery shall be taken into
considerations under the subsequent exercises.
Let us refer to the following basic formula in the cost recovery.
Total Cost = (1) Running Cost + (2) Maintenance Cost + (3) Replacement
a) Revenue:
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Taking the above case of XXX WASHCO, let us calculate an amount of required
Revenue = Tariff x Quantity
Minimum required revenue accounts for the sum of running cost plus maintenance
cost plus and replacement cost in reference with the above basic formula No. 2
Monthly running cost: Birr 230.00
Monthly maintenance cost: Birr 83.30
Monthly replacement cost: Birr 167.00
Total Birr 480.00
The answer to an amount of required revenue shall be Birr 480.00.
b) Quantity:
In accordance with technical standard, a hand pump lifts up waters with an
amount of 0.2 liter per second. XXX WASHCO sets service hours separately in
the morning and in the afternoon.
Service hours:
Morning service (2 a.m. to 4 a.m.) local time: 2 hours
Afternoon service (8 p.m. to 12 p.m.) 4 hours
Hand pump operation hours (hours to lift up waters 6 hours)
Cross-check exercise:
Is the above estimated quantity sufficient enough to serve for
people’s demand? Let us see as follows;
A hand pump is ideally set to serve 250 people (50 households).
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Required amount of monthly revenue: Birr 480.00
Monthly amount of water production (quantity): 130.0 m3
Required tariff: 480.00 / 130 = 3.70 Birr / m3
Monthly consumption per household:
Daily consumption: 15 liter per person per day
Average size of a household: 5 people
Daily Household consumption: 15 l/c/d x 5 = 75 liter
Monthly household consumption:75 x 30 (days) = 2,250 liter
Monthly household consumption-2: 2,250 / 1,000 = 2.25 m3
Through the above simple exercise, it is suggested in the case of XXX WASHCO
that each household shall be requested to make a monthly payment with an
amount of Birr 8.35 in order to reach the O&M cost recovery.
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Step - 6:
Repeat the exercise in groups but this time focus on setting the tariffs for the
participants‟ WASHCO. Based on the exercise the annual budget that was
Tariffs for
WASHCO developed in Session - C2: Preparing an Annual Budget.
Convert the annual costs to average monthly costs;
If the quantity of water consumed per water point/hand pump or per
household is not known, then make some reasonable assumptions.
Let each group present their draft WASHCO tariff plan
Let the group explain about how they arrived at the figures, what were the
considerations? Why they think the tariffs would work for their project etc.
Facilitator should direct the discussion towards a consensus on the tariff plan.
Note the following challenges and ask participants to reflect on how these
factors should be incorporated into the tariff plan:
1. Seasonality of water availability (for seasonal sources)
2. Seasonality of demand
3. Unaccounted for water (or Non-revenue water). This is water that is
2. produced but does not appear in any consumer meter
3. Non-payment
4. Vulnerable groups who could be considered for exclusion from
5. payments
Step 7: Action
The proposed Tariff Plan has to be explained to the management committee, the
WASHCO membership and the consumers.
Dissemination Make a Plan of Action that deals with:
And Dissemination/explanation of the proposed Tariff Plan;
of Tariff Plan Approval of the Tariff Plan;
Implementation of the Tariff Plan;
Monitoring of the revenues to see whether the tariff plan has resulted in the
revenues that are expected/required.
Plan of Action
Task Who By When
1) Why is it important to pay for water?
2) What are examples of operational costs? What are examples of maintenance
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Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Appreciation of challenges associated with revenue collection
Timing 1 hour
Target Groups WASHCOs and User Communities
Methodology Short presentations, Question and Answer, Discussions, Practical exercise on
meter reading
Illustrations, Flip Charts, Pens, books, Record book for daily collections for water
point, Water Meter, Meter Book
Session Guide
Once the amount of water supply fee is determined, WASHCO will decide how to
decision of
collect the fee. Let community users decide what method will work best for them.
When the community helps to choose the method of collection and the amount
to be collected, they are more likely to contribute.
The WASHCO should organize a general assembly or user communities to meet
with the whole community to decide on how money is to be collected and
Table 3-2: Decision on payment for water
Financial Decision on Payment Method (through Community
Activity1: Consultative Meeting)
Objective To set the basic rules for collection and any sanctions
for those who fail to contribute.
Main Woreda Water Office (WWO), WASHCO
Procedure WASHCO organize a community consultative meeting
WWO explains to users the importance of users
contribution to O & M fund and possible payment
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Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
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Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Options for The following box illustrate the available options for collection of O&M fund,
collection of whichever is applied based on the agreement of the user community.
O&M Fund
Box 3: Options for collection of O&M Fund
i) FLAT RATE: this is the common method for point sources. Each
household or individual makes a regular payment at fixed amount.
ii) BUCKET LEVY: In some villages money is levied at the water point on
each bucket of water collected. For example, 10 cents per one Jerry-can
with 20 liter capacity. Any cash transaction should be transparent with
proper accountability. In some case a ticket shall be used for this
Pump Operator shall prepare a pile of tickets.
Each ticket shall be piled in order with sequential number.
A pump operator shall give collected cash with numbers of tickets
that were sold to a cashier.
Some farming communities ask households to contribute in the form of
produce on an annual basis (i.e. after harvest)
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
WASHCO needs to have an updated list of all household users in the
Formulation of
community. Based on that households list, WASHCO prepare “Household
Payment List (see attached list) which can be used every month for record
Table 3-3: Formulation of User Households List
Financial Formulation of User Households List
Activity 2
Objective Toset the basic management document for proper record
keeping and transparency of fee collection
Main Organizers WASHCO
Procedure WASHCO make a user household list (in a notebook)
in collaboration with kebele chairman, kebele
WASHCO uses the above list to check when collecting
O & M fee from user households
WASHCO needs to update regularly the household
lists so as not to miss households who have newly
joined in the community.
How to Use
Money should be collected in a way that promotes trust!
Payments should be carefully recorded in a register of payees and receipts
should be issued for all payments. The minimum record of cash transaction
should be kept by the casher that is accountable to users as well as WASHCO
members. Based on experiences prevailing in the region, a sample form of
minimum record is presented in Table below.
Table: WASHCO Basic Ledger of Water Fee Collection
No. Name of Rate of Month
Household Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fee in Birr
1 Kefel 1.5
Genzeb Birr/Month
2 Tamen 18
Mulate Birr/Year
3 Chala Tulu 9 Birr/6
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Step-4: Bank
For proper and safe keeping financial resources, collected cash is deposited in
an account of financial institution of either the nearest bank or micro-finance
institute (MFI).
Woreda Water Office shall follow ordinary procedures in reference with their own
experiences, so that each WASHCO can have its own the bank account or the
Micro-Finance account soon as possible.
Bank Account Opening
Activity 3
To save collected money in safe and to avoid misuse of O
& M fund by WASHCO
To keep accountability to the water scheme users
WASHCO submits a letter of application to WWO
Upon an official acknowledgement of the letter of
application by WASHCO, the WWO issues a supporting
letter to a financial institute.
WASHCO goes with cash to the designated financial
institute with the official supporting letter for opening an
WASHCO is given a bank account book or statement by
the financial institute.
Minimum requirement of cash to open a bank account.
It is said that Birr 500 is required to open an account in a
certain bank. Some cases can be shared herewith to
respond to such conditions.
Formulation and collection of seed money. Some of
WASHCO succeeded in meeting this minimum
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1. Brainstorm on the risks to the WUA revenue. Document risks on flip chart.
Develop a
Risks to consider include:
Risk Mitigation
Plan Defaulters, illegal connections, burst pipes, vandalism
Low water quantity/yields in dry spell
Identify causes of these challenges
Double receipt books and other corrupt practices
Discuss any other challenges that affect revenue base
2. For each risk, identify steps that can be taken to mitigate the risks. Steps to
be considered include:
Written warnings to the culprits
Effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms
Disconnections and penalties for reconnection
Customer contract
Improving customer care – complaints box
What is the main risk to the WASHCO revenue? How has this risk been
What happens to the water supply scheme if the revenue is less than
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
By the end of the session, participants should be able to:
1. Confidently handle WASHCO funds, following proper accounting procedures
Proper financial accounting systems are set up (new schemes) or reviewed
(existing schemes)
Timing 4 hours
Target All members of the WASHCO plus a number of community resource persons.
Methodology Demonstration/Observation
Illustration in practice
Short presentation
Practical exercise
Materials Illustrations
Flip charts and marker pens, pens and notebooks
Pens, note books and blank ruled sample receipt books, vouchers,
invoices, cheque books, LPOs,
Information a) Primary documents are records where initial information of transaction in a
WASHCO is indicated. They provide evidence that a transaction has taken or took
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
b) The recorded information is then transferred to the books of accounts, which are
referred to as secondary documents. These include Cashbook and Ledger.
Step 1:
Why should a WASHCO keep records? Points to consider include:
of Planning purposes;
Stock and asset management;
Keeping To know WASHCO debtors/creditors;
To know cash position;
To be able to explain to the WASHCO membership the revenue and
utilization of the revenue;
To maintain credibility of consumers that tariffs are fair;
To be able to account for any donations to the WASHCO.
Step 2:
1. What type of records should a community organization keep and who should
the different keep them? [List and discuss the types of records in one column of a table
and show against each record who should keep it.]
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
of records The object in this step is to help WASHCO members become familiar with the
terminology and the look of each kind of record.
2. Ask different participants to explain the type of record, its purpose, who keeps
the record, who signs it.
Members register: This contains a list of members and their personal names
among other details
Receipt Book is a document showing evidence that money paid into the
WASHCO is received and records are kept. It is issued to the person paying in the
money such as member paying for membership fees.
Petty Cash Voucher is a document showing money was paid OUT in cash.
Order book: Order Book is used by a WUA to order for goods or services. It is
also called local purchase order (LPO) by some organizations.
Step-3 Bank
For proper and safe keeping financial resources, collected cash is deposited in an
account of financial institution of either the nearest bank or micro-finance institute
Woreda Water Office shall follow ordinary procedures in reference with their own
experiences, so that each WASHCO can have its own the bank account or the
Micro-Finance Institute account soon as possible.
WASHCO submits a letter of application to WWO
Upon an official acknowledgement of the letter of application by WASHCO, the
WWO issues a supporting letter to a financial institute.
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
WASHCO goes with cash to the designated financial institute with the official
supporting letter for opening an account.
WASHCO is given a bank account book or statement by the financial institute.
Minimum requirement of cash to open a bank account. It is said that Birr 500 is
required to open an account in a certain bank. Some cases can be shared
herewith to respond to such conditions.
Formulation and collection of seed money. Some of WASHCO succeeded in
meeting this minimum requirement of Birr 500 through collection of seed
money. In this case, each registered household shall contribute equal amount
of money to form group fund.
For instance, there is a case that more than 50 registered households
accumulated Birr 500 through even contribution of Birr 10 per each household.
The WASHCO will keep its own FINANCIAL RECORDS. The record-keeping
system should be simple – mainly a record of payees and an account book to
the daily
record monies collected and used.
Movement Basic Elements of Financial Records
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Cash receipt registrations are invoices issued for the cash amount paid for
the water service by employees, other individuals or organization.
Other revenues collected from sales of water at public fountains or on water
consumption bills are also invoiced in the cash receipt registration.
Receipt invoice pads should be printed in sequenced numbers in three
duplicates. The original receipts are forwarded for payer; the copy is passed
to the casher or tiller while the third copy shall remain in the pad.
In the receipt first the date shall be filled, full name of the payer, signature of
payee, and delegated authority are required.
The casher should keep the copy of the receipt in file and record in the book of the
account all the details such as receipt number, date, reasons of receiving, amount
in figures and words in sequence.
If receipts are invalid or when there is an error in the preparation of the receipt, the
receipts is cancelled by writing “CANCELLED” diagonally across the face of the
A typical cash receipt registration form/ invoice is shown below.
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Original for payer
Copy for cashier/tiller
Second copy in the pad for account section
Cash payment vouchers are legal documents for payment of cash approved
and authorized by committee or Head of WWO.
Before processing cash payment voucher, all supporting documents and
invoices are carefully examined for completeness and then cash payment
vouchers are signed by the secretary and chairperson of the WASHCO or
Woreda Finance Head and office superintendent on the amount for payment.
Supporting documents for village water schemes or WWO could be:
o Purchase requisition or application for purchase of fuel oil and lubricant, the
recommendation given by the committee or the office on the application and
stores good receiving notes.
o For spare parts, the operator purchase application, the copy of water
committee verbal for purchase of spares addressed for WWO and stores
goods receiving models.
Similar to cash receipt registration, cash payment pads are printed in
sequence numbers in three duplicates and the original payment leaflet are
attached with source document and kept in box files with cashers. The second
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
copy of the payment leaf should be maintained in other box file for
reconciliation for account head the third copy shall remain in the pad.
In the cash payment voucher the following details should be presented, date,
paid name, amount paid in numbers and words, reason for payment, prepared
by, approving authority signature, recipient signature; moreover the recipient
address and ID number if kept in the receipt are recommended.
The account clerk maintaining payment registration should reconcile the
source document against the voucher there by coding the expenses and
record them in the book of expenses sequentially by date, voucher number,
reason, amount and filing them in box files.
A typical cash payment invoice form is shown below
Table 3-7: A Typical Cash Payment Invoice Form
Tool - 4: Payroll
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Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Step 5:
Records from the primary documents discussed above are then transferred to the
secondary documents. These include the ledger and cash book
and Facilitator to demonstrate how to transfer information from primary to secondary
Bank financial documents ensuring all primary documents are used:
reconciliatio Cash Book: A cash book is a record of all cash or cheques received (in) and paid
(out) in the transaction of business. The information recorded in the cashbook is
from primary documents. Which primary documents would provide information for
the cash book? Discuss. Receipts, incoming cheques for the receiving side;
payment vouchers, outgoing cheques for paid (out) side.
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Step 5: Bank
Bank reconciliation (See sample Attachment ):
n Bank reconciliation is a very important procedure for a WASHCO as it is a way of
checking that the books of accounts tally with what is in the bank and/or petty cash
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
If it does NOT then there is a problem that needs to be found and/or explained.
The Bank Reconciliation Statement should be made at the end of each month.
In reviewing the Bank Reconciliation Statement the Chairman should:
When the Bank Reconciliation Statement does NOT Balance for whatever reason
say a cheque has been signed but has yet to be cashed then the Chairman MUST
ensure that the discrepancy is adequately explained. The Bank Reconciliation
Statement Format allows for such explanations.
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Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
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Please supply the following goods / services and charge to our A/C
Quote the above Order No. on all invoices.
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Delivery Note
From order………………………………………………………
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Date: ……………
Signed: ….…….…………………………………………
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Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
The purpose of this session is to appreciate the need for procurement guidelines
for any WASHCO. Procurement of goods and services is an important aspect of
the life of any organization. Procurement rules ensure that organizations remain
transparent and leaders are accountable to members.
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the role of procurement sub-committee
2. Develop terms of procurement of goods and services
WASHCO procurement procedures established
Timing 2 hours
The term to procure means to buy or acquire goods or services.
Procurement Sub-Committee
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Step 1:
1. Facilitator can ask participants what they understand by the term procurement.
of 2. Discuss scope of procurement process: covers goods and services.
Procurement 3. What is the purpose of procurement?
4. Discuss what can happen if procurement is not done properly?
Step 2:
Every organization often has to set rules to guide the procurement processes for
goods and services.
responsibilities Discuss the following points:
1. Who should set the rules and procedures for procurement?
Management committee with AGM approval.
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Step 3:
Facilitator should divide participants in groups of five and provide them with the
case studies provided.
a procurement
process Each group will be required to convert themselves into a procurement
subcommittee for a WASHCO and simulate the discussions that would go on in
procuring services and goods for their organization and present the winning
bidder to the plenary.
Facilitate the presentations and guide the ensuing discussions from the
Review the following steps:
1. Specifying precisely what is needed;
2. Drawing up a notice;
3. Advertising;
4. Evaluation of bids;
5. Documenting procurement process;
6. Final selection;
7. Disclosure of results;
8. Handling complaints.
Step 4:
With reference to Attachment 1, ask the participants to draw up Procurement
Guidelines for their WASHCO.
Step 5: If If the Revolving Fund Office or Enterprise is established by the respective
Revolving regional states to operate and managed the revolving fund for ensuring the
Fund applied sustainability of water supply schemes in spare part supply chain. This method of
provision of spare parts, local service providers (Micro or small Enterprises) as
spare part retailer in the Woreda town involves as one of the potential
stakeholders. The WASHCOs thus buy spare parts from these retailers.
Therefore, the above procurement procedures can be modified with this revolving
procedure. See Module – E for more clarification.
Review What may happen to a WASHCO if procurement guidelines are not followed?
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
In regard to items to be procured at any one time for which the total amount to be procured does not
exceed Birr 3,000 procurement can be made through direct purchase on the checking of prices.
Written quotations will not be required.
2) From Birr 2,001 to Birr 10,000
For all procurement of goods and/or services (including Area Mechanical) for the project, between a
total of Birr 2,001 to a total Birr 10,000 a minimum of three written competitive offers will be required.
The selection of the supplier will be made by the procurement sub-committee based on the quotations,
taking into account price, quality, availability and timeliness of delivery.
In each case the procedures followed must be documented and all quotations/bids collected and /or
submitted must either:
Be filed as supporting documents attached to the voucher reflecting the purchase, or
Be filled separately with a reference made on the voucher as to the location (file name of the
supporting documents)
3) For purchases over Birr 10,000
In regard to items to be procured at any one time for which the total amount to be procured exceeds
Birr 10,000, the procurement sub-committee will:
Prepare the list of items to be procured;
Determine the closing date for the submission of quotations;
Determine the list of suppliers/contractors to be invited to quote. The list shall be approved by
the management committee prior to requesting quotations and shall be displayed on the
WASHCO notice board;
Send out requests for quotations ensuring a reasonable period of time for suppliers to prepare
their quotations;
Arrange the opening and evaluation of quotations;
Evaluate and determine the preferred supplier/contractor.
In each case the procedures followed must be documented and all quotations/bids collected
and /or submitted must either:
Be filed as supporting documents attached to the voucher reflecting the purchase, or
Be filled separately with a reference made on the voucher as to the location (file name/page of
the supporting documents)
In each case the procedures followed must be documented and all quotations/bids collected and
/or submitted must either:
Be filed as supporting documents attached to the voucher reflecting the purchase, or
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Be filled separately with a reference made on the voucher as to the location (file name of the
supporting documents)
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Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
Tools for Financial Controls
Approved Annual Budget;
Bank Reconciliation;
Financial Report;
Internal Audit Report;
External Audit Report;
Procurement Guidelines;
Procurement Report.
Step 1:
Facilitator to make a presentation to introduce the topic.
to financial Financial controls are a set of procedures that assist the WASHCO and its
controls members to have confidence that:
Funds are being spent in line with intended use and according to the
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
approved budget;
That discrepancies in financial records are noticed early on and rectified;
That revenue is in line with expected amounts and any discrepancies are
noticed and acted on;
That procurement activity follows the guidelines agreed by the WASHCO or
as set out in the Constitution or by-laws.
Step 2: Role
Use the following role play to help illustrate the need for proper and regular
financial controls.
Undertake the role play involving the trainer, the WASHCO chairman, the treasurer
and community members.
In moderating the role play, the facilitator should draw out the following points:
1) Is there an approved annual budget?
2) Does anyone check monthly income and expenditure against the approved
3) What should the project do if the treasurer is unwell and cannot perform
his/her duties? Why did the problem persist for six months?
4) What is the procedure for checking monthly income and expenditures
against the bank accounts and petty cash box? (Monthly bank
5) Why was the motorbike purchased without being budgeted for and how
should this be avoided in future? What systems does the project have to
move funds from one budget line to another?
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Training Module - D
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual Community Based Financial
6) Why were the WASHCO members not aware of how much the motorbike
7) What has been the impact of the cash flow problem on water supply
services within the community?
Step 3:
Using Attachment 1, ask the participants to identify the financial controls that would
Establishing a
improve the accountability of the project.
control For each issue identify what should be done, how often and by whom.
plan Important points to emphasize are that financial controls only work if:
1. There are agreed procedures that should be followed;
2. That there is a check or audit to ensure that the procedures are being followed;
3. That any discrepancies are addressed immediately
Step 4:
As specified elsewhere in this manual, auditing of WASHCO’s on annual basis
should be carried out by assigned Auditor of the Woreda or else if the revolving
fund office/enterprise is established the local service provider can do this work. See
Module – C for further clarification.
Do participants feel that the Financial Control Plan would have prevented
the situation as discussed in the role play?
Who has the responsibility to ensure that Financial Control Plan is adhered
Attachment 1: Sample Financial Control Plan
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Ensuring that all receipts, Audit External Auditor Chairman External audits
vouchers, accounts etc are of Audit Sub-Committee - annually
being properly kept
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Annexes: FORMATS
Annex A: Basic Ledger of Water Fee Collection
No. Name Rate of Month and Signature
Water Fee
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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