Road Transport Proclamation
Road Transport Proclamation
Road Transport Proclamation
WHEREAS the economic and social development of the country requires that road transport
service be regulated to make it more competitive, safe and efficient;
WHEREAS the road transport sector has to be restructured in a manner to create favorable
conditions for the smooth and effective implementation of the government policy;
NOW, THERFORE, in accordance with Article 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
1. Short Title
This Proclamation may be cited as the "Road Transport Proclamation No. -------/2022".
2. Definitions
4/ "Road Transport Service" means the service of transporting of passengers or goods for
hire, remuneration or profit by natural or juridical persons; and is classified as either
private or commercial road transport as follows:
a) "Private Commercial Road Transport" means if the vehicle used for carrying
passengers or goods is owned by the enterprise, and
(i) in the case of goods being transported, the goods are owned by the
enterprise or have been entrusted to it for the purpose of repairs or
transportation by it and the transportation of said goods is necessary and
complementary to the principal commercial activity carried out by the
enterprise; or
(ii) in the case of passengers being transported, the passengers are employees
of the enterprise and are being transported to or from their place of work
or are engaged in the business of the enterprise;
b) "General Commercial Road Transport" means except the city taxi all commercial
road transport not classified as private;
6/ "Highway" means a road administered and designated as such by the Ethiopian Roads
7/ "Trip Schedule" means yearly, monthly, weekly or daily program scheduled for the
operation of public commercial road transport vehicles;
8/ "Assigned Route" means the specific departure and destination point to be determined
by the Ministry where public commercial road transport vehicles are assigned to
9/ "Passenger" means any person boarding for travel in a vehicle, other than the driver,
cashier or any other person assigned to work on a vehicle;
11/ "Road" means any road, street, highway or other travel route customarily used by
vehicles including bridges;
12/ "Vehicle" means any type of wheeled vehicle other than specialized military vehicle;
and includes wagons, cycles, motorized vehicles, semi-trailers and trailers;
13/ "Wagon" means any vehicle other than a bicycle, a motorized vehicle, a semi-trailer or
a trailer;
15/ "Motor Vehicle" means a vehicle moving by mechanical or electrical power፤ and is
classified as truck, motorcycle, private motor car, public service vehicle, truck tractor
and special mobile equipment;
16/ "Truck" means a motor vehicle made or adapted for the conveyance of goods or used
primarily for the conveyance of goods of any description; and includes a truck tractor;
17/ "Motorcycle" means a motor vehicle with less than four(4) wheels, the weight of
which, exclusive of any side-car attached thereto, does not, when unladed, exceed four
hundred kilograms;
18/ "Private Vehicle" means a motor vehicle used for private service exclusive of a truck,
a motorcycle, a public service vehicle, a truck tractor and special mobile equipment;
19/ "Public Transport Vehicle" means a motor vehicle used to carry passengers; and is
classified as commercial motor car and motor omnibus;
20/ "Commercial Motor Car" means a public service vehicle having accommodation for
not more than twelve passengers;
21/ "Motor Omnibus" means a public service vehicle other than vehicles engaged in taxi
service; and having a seat accommodation for more than twelve passengers;
22/ "Truck Tractor" means a motor vehicle made or adapted for drawing other vehicles,
and so constructed as to carry no load other than part of the weight of the vehicle and
the load thereon;
23/ "Special Mobile Equipment" means any motor vehicle designed, made, adapted or
used for agricultural, horticultural, livestock, road construction, building, digging or
any other similar purposes in exclusion of vehicles designed, adapted or used for the
transportation of persons or goods;
24/ "Semi-Trailer" means a vehicle designed or adapted for carrying passengers or goods;
and so constructed as to be drawn by a motor vehicle that some part of its weight and
the load thereon rest upon or is carried by the motor vehicle;
25/ "Trailer" means a non-motorized vehicle designed to be pulled by and behind a motor
vehicle; and so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon the motor vehicle by
which it is drawn, but shall not include a side car attached to a motorcycle;
26/ "Non-motorized Transport Equipment" means any equipment used for transport
services except motor vehicles operated with mechanical or electrical force;
27/ “Public Transport Station” means infrastructure designated for the boarding and/or
disembarkation of Omnibus passengers and/or their cargo;
28/ “Bus Depot” means a hub infrastructure designated for maintenance, car-wash, fueling
and parking of Omnibuses;
29/ “Cargo Terminal” means a hub infrastructure designated for loading, unloading,
packing and unpacking by cargo transport operators;
30/ “Warehouse” means a joint infrastructure specifically designated for the purpose of
departure and destination of cargo transport services;
31/ “National Road Transport Services” means a commercial transport service operated on
roads connecting two or more regions;
32/ “Region” means the regional states established as per Article 47 of the Constitution of
the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian; and includes the Addis Ababa and
Dire-Dawa City Administrations;
33/ "International Road Transport Service" means any commercial road transport service
conducted in international trade on roads crossing the Ethiopian borders;
34/ "Bureau" means a state executive organ in charge of enforcing transport laws;
35/ "Special Training" means training specially given for holder of a valid driving license
as identified by the Ministry or States for acquiring a special driving license;
36/ "Regular Training" means training given for the first time to persons with no driving
qualification; or to persons changing their valid driving license category; or to persons
upgrading their valid driving license;
3. Scope of Application
This Proclamation shall be applicable on the transport services and infrastructures carried out on
roads linking two or more regions, on all vehicles, drivers and all other road users.
4. Objectives
Part Two
Without prejudice to the powers and duties vested in it through The Federal Executive
Organs Proclamation No. 1263/2021, the Ministry shall, on road transports in particular, have
the following powers and duties:
1/ initiate policies and laws relating to road transport and execute when approved; follow up
and supervise their execution;
2/ undertake, cause to be undertaken, and supervises activities that ensure the safety,
reliability, fairness and accessibility of road transport services;
3/ ensure the availability of safe and suitable road transport service for people with special
needs due to disability; monitor and inspect its implementation;
4/ follow up the implementation at national level of International, Continental or Regional
Road Transport related Agreements to which Ethiopia is a Party;
5/ administer, supervise and ensure accessibility of road transport services carried out on
high ways linking two or more regions;
6/ issue directives for the development of an integrated passenger and cargo transport
system throughout Ethiopia; the transport of passengers, goods and postal services
through commercial arrangements; and supervise their enforcement;
7/ enforce appropriate remedial measures where persons or enterprises may face demand
deficit or where the public faces with supply side deficit of road transport services;
including where necessary employing a market based approach;
8/ Approve trip schedules submitted to it by persons or enterprises engaged in public
transport services; inspect and supervise the fairness and implementation of approved trip
schedules; develop schedules where no such schedules are submitted to it, monitor and
control their implementation and enforce disciplinary procedures issued thereon;
9/ mobilize and assign commercial road transport vehicles to operate in areas and routes
where their service are demanded, where the occurrence of a natural disaster, sever
economic reasons, social crises or public interest so demand; monitors and supervises the
execution of same;
10/ issue directives governing the operation of the transport services of persons and
enterprises engaged in national and international commercial road transport services;
determine, issue, renew or cancel operators permit; issue cross-border permits;
11/ undertake periodic review of tariff and may determine tariff cap on persons or enterprises
engaged in national commercial public transport services having due considerations to
their services as well as the overwhelming economic capability of the consumer;
12/ assess and employ mechanisms on the development and expansion of international
commercial road transport services; and follow up and supervise their execution;
13/ determine the registration system of drivers and vehicles engaged in international traffic;
issue registration certificate or other permits to these drivers and vehicles; decide on other
specifications to be issued to them; and administer international road traffic;
14/ provide mediation and arbitration services when so requested by adversaries engaged in
commercial road transport services; and provide administrative decisions on issues
relating to road transport services or disputes that may arise between regions relating to
road transport;
15/ ensure the development of non-motorized transport services in our country as may be
suitable to the geography and demand of the society; implement incentive mechanisms;
monitor and control their execution;
16/ determine the weight and dimension, number of passengers and payload of motor
vehicles depending on the transport services they are engaged in;
17/ follow up and implement decisions relating to vehicle age limit on imported, locally
manufactured, assembled, semi-assembled motor vehicles or motor vehicles already in
use; and issue technical specifications thereof and supervise their proper enforcement;
18/ issue standards relating to road safety; issue directives for the registration and inspection
of vehicles; and monitor its proper enforcement;
19/ issue directives under which certification of technical competence, operational license
and levels of vehicle maintenance and overhaul garages may be determined, issue, renew
or cancel certificate of competence;
20/ determine through directives the manufacturing, dismantling, refurbishment or changing
the original purpose of motor vehicles; scraping or disposing of motor vehicles either due
to damage or vehicle age limit; and supervise its implementation through guidelines
developed for this purpose;
21/ monitor the movement of commercial road transport services through technology based
platforms; consolidate data relating thereof and employ the data for appropriate purposes;
22/ determines standards to motor vehicle parking areas, public bus stations, cargo terminals,
depots; ensure their observance; and where appropriate it shall develop and administer
such infrastructures;
23/ determines, through directives, standards for vehicle inspection and drivers training
institutions including special machinery drivers training institutions; issue, renew or
cancel certificate of competence for them and supervise the enforcement of same by other
competent organs;
24/ determine through directives the different classes of driving permits, the designs፣ colors
and detailed contents; and requirements for getting such driving permits; and monitor and
supervise their proper enforcement;
25/ set standards through directives and cause the manufacturing of plates for all categories
of motor vehicles to be registered either at the federal or regional transport bureau;
monitor their production, distribution and proper usage; discard and dispose worn-out
plates and vehicles abandoned with no claims; issues a single trip pass for new vehicles
having no plates;
26/ assign its supervisors on permanent or temporary basis in any region in Ethiopia for the
proper execution of its duties and responsibilities as per this Proclamation;
27/ Cause measures to be taken against any bodies engaging in illegal acts that may harm the
safety of the road transport sector and the public using it;
28/ identify and implement, in coordination with concerned organs, measures that mitigate
the impact of road transport service on the environment and the climate;
29/ form an advisory council comprising of members from persons and enterprises engaged
in public commercial road transport, the concerned government organs and the society;
30/ modernize the road transport services through developing technology based data
collection and dissemination systems to be utilized by stakeholders;
31/ in cooperation with the concerned organ, issues standards of technologies and
communications equipment that may be fixed to vehicles or operated by drivers for the
efficient and safe road transport service; and issue, renew or cancel certificate of
competence for persons providing such services; supervise their proper implementation;
32/ identify and publicize annual performance ratings of transport bureaus based on
international rating standards;
33/ conduct or cause to be conducted by organs to which such duty is delegated, the
registration and annual technical inspection to motor vehicles engaged in commercial
road transport services or which are owned by diplomatic missions, international
organizations, aid organizations operating in more than one region, or the Federal
34/ ensure that international and national commercial road transport routes are fairly
distributed and available; and supervise their implementation;
35/ represent Ethiopia in the Tripartite Transport and Transit Facilitation Program in which
Ethiopia is a party; execute activities in the Program that are of the Ministry; follow up
and supervise their national implementation;
36/ support and follow up the expansion of commercial road transport services on linking
road of urban and rural areas;
37/ develop a technical manual and register vehicles that are designed or repurposed for
special purposes; monitor and supervise that such vehicles are employed only for the
purpose they are designed or repurposed;
38/ identify, where necessary, persons and enterprises engaged in the road transport service
that deserve special assistance or incentive and submit to the government; and execute
when approved;
39/ study ways through which vehicles using renewable energy could be more accessible in
Ethiopia, in cooperation with concerned organs, ensure the development of charging
40/ issue, renew or cancel competency license to manufacturers, assemblers, semi-assemblers
or importers of any types of motor vehicles in Ethiopia;
41/ Provide assistance to manufacturers of motorized and non-motorized vehicles in
Ethiopia; ensure a suitable investment environment for such investments in cooperation
with concerned organs.
Any person shall have the duty to cooperate for the implementation of this Proclamation and
laws issued pursuant to this Proclamation.
This Proclamation shall enter into force from the date of its publication in the Negarit Gazette.