Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Engineering Mathematics specification provides students with access to important mathematical ideas to develop the
mathematical knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and work lives. The course enable students to
develop mathematical conceptualization, inquiry, reasoning, and communication skills and the ability to use
mathematics to formulate and solve problems in everyday life, as well as in mathematical contexts. At this level, the
mathematics curriculum further integrates the three content areas taught in the higher grades into three main learning areas:
Algebra; Measurement of angles and Trigonometry and Calculus.
Determine the inverse of a square matrix using matrix algebra. Apply the concepts
CO1 of matrices and determinants to solve system of linear equations and find eigen
values associated with the square matrix.
Find the equation of straight line in different forms. Determine the parallelism and
perpendicularity of lines.
Calculate trigonometric ratios of allied angles and compound angles. Transform sum
or difference of trigonometric ratios into product and vice versa.
Differentiate various continuous functions and apply the concept in real life
Integrate various continuous functions and apply the concept in evaluating the area
and volume through definite integrals.
of integration and
Evaluate integrals with 5.2 Evaluation of integrals of simple
CO Course Outcome
Mapped Linked R/U/A in Hrs AL
Determine the inverse of a square
matrix using matrix algebra. Apply the
concepts of matrices and determinants 1, 7 1 R/U/A 10 40
to solve system of linear equations and
find eigen values associated with the
square matrix.
Find the equation of straight line in
CO2 different forms. Determine the 1, 7 2 R/U/A 10 40
parallelism and perpendicularity of
Calculate trigonometric ratios of allied
angles and compound angles.
CO3 1, 7 3 R/U/A 10 40
Transform sum (difference) of
trigonometric ratios into product and
vice versa.
Differentiate various continuous
CO4 1, 3, 7 4 R/U/A 11 40
functions and apply the concept in real
life situations.
Integrate various continuous functions
CO5 and apply the concept in evaluating the 1, 3, 7 5 R/U/A 11 40
area and volume through definite
52 200
Level 3- Highly Mapped, Level 2-Moderately Mapped, Level 1-Low Mapped, Level 0- Not Mapped
These are sample Strategies, which teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various course outcomes
1. Explicit instruction will be provided in intervention classes or by using different differentiation strategies in the main
2. Lecturer method (L) does not mean only traditional lecture method, but different type of teaching method and media that
are employed to develop the outcomes.
3. Observing the way their more proficient peers use prior knowledge to solve current challenges and persevere in problem
solving will help struggling students to improve their approach to engaging with rich contextual problems.
4. Ten minutes a day in homeroom, at the end of class, or as a station in a series of math activities will help students build
speed and confidence.
5. Topics will be introduced in a multiple representation.
6. The teacher is able to show different ways to solve the same problem and encourage the students to come up with their
own creative ways to solve them.
7. In a perfect world, teacher would always be able to demonstrate how every concept can be applied to the real world -
and when that's possible, it helps improve the students' understanding. When a concept cannot be applied in that manner,
we can still share how it might be applied within mathematics.
Author Title of Books Publication/Year
Higher Engineering Mathematics Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 40th
1 B.S. Grewal
G. B. Thomas, R. L. Calculus and Analytic Addison Wesley, 9th Edition, 1995
Finney Geometry
S.S. Sabharwal, Sunita Applied Mathematics, Vol. I &
3 Jain, Eagle Parkashan II Jalandhar.
Comprehensive Comprehensive Mathematics
4 Mathematics Vol. I & II Laxmi Publications, Delhi
ReenaGarg &Chandrika Advanced Engineering Mathematics Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi
CIE Assessment 1
1 (Written Test -1) 80 minutes 30 Average of three
At the end of 3rd week
written tests
CIE Assessment 2
2 (Written Test -2) 80 minutes 30 30
At the end of 7th week
CIE Assessment 3
3 (Written Test -3) 80 minutes 30
At the end of 13th week
CIE Assessment 4
4 (MCQ/Quiz) At the end of 60 minutes 20
5th week
CIE Assessment5
(OpenbookTest) Average of three 20
5 60 minutes 20
At the end of 9th week
CIE Assessment 6 (Student
activity/Assignment) At the
6 end of 11th week 60 minutes 20
1. SEE (Semester End Examination) is conducted for 100 Marks theory courses for a time duration of 3 Hours.
2. Three CIE (written test), each of 30 marks for a time duration of 80 minutes shall be conducted. Also, three
CIE (MCQ or Quiz/Open book test/student activity or assignment) each of 20 marks for the time duration of 60
minutes shall be conducted. Any fraction at any stage during evaluation will be rounded off to the next higher
3. Assessment of assignment and student activity is evaluated through appropriate rubrics by the respective course
coordinator. The secured mark in each case is rounded off to the next higher digit.
trigonometric functions)
4 1,3,7 1
Composite functions and their derivatives. (CHAIN RULE)
4 1,3,7 1
Composite functions and their derivatives. (CHAIN RULE).
4 1,3,7 1
Successive differentiation up to second order 4 1,3,7 1
and their equations and problems 4 1,3,7 1