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Media and Information Literacy

HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
MEDIA AND INFORMATION Technology literacy

Media ★ ability to acquire relevant information

and use modern-day tools to get,
★ refers to different means of
manage, apply, evaluate, create and
communication, such as television,
communicate information
radio, newspapers, magazine and
Media Literacy
Pre - Industrial Age (Before 1700s)
★ ability to access, analyze, evaluate
and create media ★ People discovered fire, developed
paper from plants, and forged
★ If you can understand the complex
weapons, and tools with stone,
messages from these media, then
bronze, copper and iron.
you are media literate.
○ Cave paintings (35, 000 BC)
Information ○ Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
○ Clay tablets in Mesopotamia
★ specific data acquired for a specific
(2400 BC)
○ Acta Diurna in Rome (130
Information literacy BC)
○ Dibao in China (2nd Century)
★ skills that allows a person to
○ Codex in the mayan region
recognize when information is
(5th century)
needed and how will be able to
○ Printing press using wood
access, locate, evaluate, and use it
blocks (220 AD)


★ systematic application of one’s art or

skill for a practical purpose
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
People harnessed the power of
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
transistors that led to transistor radio,
★ People used the power of steam, electronic circuits, and the early
developed machine tools, computers. In this age, long distance
established iron production, and the communication has become more
manufacturing of various products, efficient.
including books through the printing
○ Transistor Radio
○ Television (1941)
○ Printing Press for mass
production (19th century) ○ Large Electronic Computer

○ Newspaper - The London ■ Electronic Delay

Gazette (1640) Storage Automatic

Calculator (1949)
○ Typewriter (1800)
○ Mainframe Computer
○ Telephone (1876)
■ IBM 740 (1960)
○ Motion picture photography /
projection (1890) ○ Personal Computers

○ Commercial Motion Pictures ■ Hewlett Packard 9100A

(1913) (1968)

○ Motion picture with sounds ○ OHP, LCD Projectors

Information Age (1990s-2000s)

○ Telegraph
★ The Internet paved the way for faster

○ Punch Cards communication and the creation of

social networks. People advanced
Electronic Age (1930s-1980s)
the use of microelectronics with the
★ The invention of the transistor invention of personal computers,
ushered in the electronic age. mobile devices, and wearable
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
technologies. Voice, image, sound ■ Skype (2003)
and data are digitized.
■ Google Hangouts
○ Web Browsers (2013)

■ Mosaic (1993) ○ Search Engines

○ Web Browsers ■ Google (1996)

■ Internet Explorer ■ Yahoo (1995)

○ Portable Computers
○ Blogs
■ Laptops (1980)
■ Blogspot (1999)
■ Tablets (1993)
○ Blogs
■ Netbooks (2008)
■ Livejournal (1999)
○ Smartphones
○ Social Networks
○ Wearable Technology
■ Friendster (2002)
○ Cloud and Big Data
○ Social Networks

○ Microblogs Channel

■ Twitter (2006) ★ Provides opportunities for people to

communicate, share ideas,
○ Video
speculate, tell stories and give
■ Youtube (2005) information

○ Augmented Reality/ Virtual Watchdog

★ Exposes corrupt practices of the
○ Video Chat government and the private sector.
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
Creating a space wherein PRINT MEDIA
governance is challenged or
★ Refers to paper publications such as
scrutinized by the governed. It also
books, newspapers, magazines,
guarantees free and fair elections
journals, newsletters and other
Resource Center materials that are physically printed
on paper
★ Acts as a gateway of information for
the society’s consumption. Also it ○ Books
becomes a keeper of memories of
■ Reading material that
the community, preserver of heritage
can either be fictional
and source of academic knowledge.
or nonfictional
○ Newspaper
★ Through its diverse sources and
■ Printed on daily or
formats, it bridges the gap of digital
weekly basis; contains
a wide range of articles
Monitor which appear on the
different sections, such
★ Inform citizens of what is happening
as news, business,
around them
lifestyle, sports and
The media is a tool to educate the entertainment section.
voters, giving them facts, news and balanced
opinions about how the government runs and
○ Magazine

manages. It is vital to have well-informed voters

■ Periodical publication
in a democratic society to ensure an
released weekly,
accountable and responsible government.
monthly or quarterly;
Well-informed society should be able to
contains articles on
make rational choices, making sure that the
government works as the people want.
various topics
depending on the
– Abie Zaidannas
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
subject or area the ■ Contains a detailed, yet
magazine covers easy to understand,
text with images
○ Journal
○ Brochure
■ Similar to newspaper
and magazine; ■ Small book or
contains informative magazine that contains
articles and provides pictures and
accurate reports on information about the
specific topics products or services
offered by a company
○ Newsletter
○ Leaflet and Flyer
■ Printed on daily or
weekly basis; contains ■ Printed sheet of paper
a wide range of articles which contains
which appear on the information about a
different sections, such product for advertising
as news, business, purposes
lifestyle, sports and
entertainment section.
★ Consists of programs produced by
○ Gazette
television networks and radio
■ Official publication of a stations; airs audio and video
government materials for public information,
organization or interest, or leisure
institution intended for
public notices or listing
of appointments

○ Pamphlets
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
★ G – general patronage
★ PG – requires parental guidance
○ Radio
★ SPG – requires strict parental
■ Transmits data through guidance; may have themes that
electric currents or involve violence, horror and
frequencies between inappropriate language that are not
about 3000 hertz to suitable for young audiences
300 gigahertz. ★ R – restricted for a particular age


■ Equipped with ★ Allows users to browse different

electronic system websites and communicate with
capable of receiving people through the web
and projecting transient ○ Web Page
images of fixed or ■ Contains information
moving objects with that made available
sounds online by any
individual, institution
○ Film and Movies
and organization; some
■ Series of still images requires to sign up
captured on film and before gaining access
projected screen that to the page
offers a variety of ○ Instant messaging
themes and genres. ■ Through IM, user can
interact with another
user through online
chat in real time
In the Philippines, Movie and TV ○ E-mail
Ratings Classification Board (MTRCB) ■ Through e-mail, user
released a classification rating for the can send information to
information of parents:
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
other people in any ★ E-books (converging paperbacks
part of the world with the digital technology)
○ Distance Education ★ News Websites and Apps
■ Students can now
study online in any part
of the world where
virtual classroom can To an Individual
be accessed
★ Advantages
○ Online shopping
○ Media and information literacy
■ Allows consumer to
makes studying convenient
shop at their
for students because they can
convenience because
easily access and assess
they can purchase
while at home
○ It builds and enhances
MEDIA CONVERGENCE professional networks.
○ Someone looking for work
★ Interconnects information with
opportunities can check
communication technologies,
websites from LinkedIn,
computer networks, and media
Kalibrr, and Upwork -
websites that allow applicants
★ The coexistence of print media,
to job hunt by sharing their
broadcast media and new media.
personal profiles to hiring
The most popular examples of Media companies.
Convergence are: ○ It strengthens communication.
○ Talking with someone abroad
★ Smartphones (converging camera,
through Skype or Messenger
music, the internet, books, and all
or any other online
other media together)
applications that allows users
★ Online Radio (converging radio with
to communicate via video
the Internet)
calls or instant messaging.
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
○ It can be a form of leisure. spent on watching shows or
○ Watching movies from HBO, updating social media
Fox or AXN if you are accounts, which can be a
subscribed to a cable service form of addiction.
provider; videos from ○ A mistake on social media is
YouTube for free; Netflix for hard to rectify.
subscription fee
In Education
○ Music streaming from Spotify
○ Posting your own work ★ Advantages
(picture, music, video content, ○ Media and information literacy
etc. can improve the quality of
★ Disadvantages education through the use of
○ Media and information literacy different media platforms.
might lure people to abuse ○ These media platforms are
and misuse their skills when not only effective learning
accessing the Internet, which tools as they are not only
can lead to sharing messages meant to be educational, but
or files that are deemed also fun and interesting.
obscene and libelous. ○ It motivates people to learn.
○ It can entice people to ○ The learners will be more
download and share eager to learn if the resources
copyrighted materials such as are eye-catching.
music and movies, whether ○ It makes teaching easier for
deliberately or unintentionally. educators.
○ Missent messages through ○ New learning resources can
text or e-mail might strain be improvised and
relationships, whether customized for the different
personal or work-related. types of learners based on
○ It can distract people from their varied aptitudes.
doing more important tasks
because of too much time
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
○ Social networking sites are all ○ Time wastage. Students,
about showcasing the trends while seeking and
that run around the world. concentrating on their tasks,
○ Students can setup a plan of can overlook why they are
what might be expected out of using the Internet.
them in the future by ○ Sometimes students are not
observing the changes that able to deliver their work in
are being updated, shared, the specified time frame.
discussed, or spoken about ○ Low grades
on social networking sites. ○ Loss of motivation in students.
★ Disadvantages
In Politics
○ Media and information literacy
can tempt online shoppers to ★ Advantages
spend too much on children’s ○ Media and information literacy
play things, which may not be keeps the public well-informed
necessary. on political issues and current
○ Learning how to operate or events.
assemble a new gadget may ○ You can check out some
take long and can be difficult reliable news channels on TV
for someone who is not adept or visit some websites for
with technology. online news.
○ Reduced learning and ○ It educates the public in the
research capabilities. field of politics.
○ Reduction in real human ○ Wise voters can choose
contact. leaders based on their
○ Reduces command over competency and character as
language use and creative they are exposed to different
writing skills by using slang media platforms.
words or abbreviated types of ○ It allows ordinary citizens to
words. express their opinion on
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
certain political issues using investments and look for
the web. business opportunities.
○ It allows politicians to reach ○ An individual can check the
easily the target newpaper’s Business section
demographics of their or go online to check the
campaigns through stock market.
advertising. ○ One can also check out
★ Disadvantages printed materials, such as The
○ It can adversely affect politics Business Mirror, Wall Street
because it can be used by Journal and Financial Times
some to manipulate the news for useful tips about
through social media and use developing their business.
it as a black propaganda for a ○ They can scan through the
political rival in order to get classified ads for real estate
sympathy or public support. foreclosures or put up an ad
○ It can cause panic or to sell products or offer
confusion among the citizens services.Social media can be
if false reports about political used as a platform by small
instability are disseminated. businesses to gain a foothold
○ It can incite the public to rebel in the market much easier.
against the government and ○ Social media also helps fuel
engage in violent acts. the global economy by
creating new jobs like social
For the Economy
media managers and social
★ Advantages media influencers.
○ It can promote tourism, which
can provide employment
opportunities and attract
potential investors.
○ It can educate people who are
interested to try other forms of
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
○ Watching Asian Food
Channel or the Food Network
★ Disadvantages
may convince a viewer to try
○ It can be a disadvantage to
the economy if wrongful use
○ It updates people about the
of information is carried out.
latest fashion, lifestyle and the
○ If ungrounded and inaccurate
latest happenings.
reports about the status of the
○ Watching E! Entertainment on
economy are published, it can
cable television keeps the
cause panic or chaos.
viewers informed of latest
○ It can be used to take
news about celebrities.
advantage of the people who
○ Checking BuzzFeed for latest
have inadequate knowledge
about economic policies and
○ It encourages people to build
support groups engaging in
○ Negative reviews are harmful.
various advocacies.
In Society ○ Many Facebook pages and
groups serve as a platforms
★ Advantages
for a good cause and
○ It allows people with the same
outreach projects.
interests to develop
★ Disadvantages
camaraderie and interaction.
○ It distracts users because
○ If a person loves taking
they are always preoccupied
photos and posting them
updating or viewing their
online, they can sign up for
social media sites.
Flickr or Instagram.
○ It exposes people to the
○ If a person wants to post
concept of materialism and
ideas about arts and crafts,
worldliness because of the
they can check out Pinterest.
variety of advertisements
○ It encourages people to have
a more productive hobby.
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
○ People may lose their of Expression and Right to
allegiance to our nation due to Information: ASEAN Scenario, 2014)
criticisms posted online.
○ Cyberbullying
○ Internet Crimes (Fraud,
Scams, Hacking, etc.) 1. Oral tradition of communication
2. Store information in memories
3. Information exchange is face to face
INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE 4. Information are contained within the
border community
★ It is the local knowledge –
knowledge that is unique to a given THE LIBRARY
culture or society. It contrasts with
★ A building or room that contains a
the international knowledge system
large collection of books and
generated by universities, research
reference materials that are kept for
institutions and private firms.
(Warren 1991)
★ Libraries are evaluated on the extent
INDIGENOUS MEDIA of information they provide.
★ The main role of a library is to
★ owned, controlled and managed by
organize and provide information.
indigenous peoples in order for them
to develop and produce culturally 4 TYPES OF LIBRARY
appropriate information in the
★ Academic Library
languages understood by the
○ It usually serves different
community by utilizing indigenous
colleges and universities
materials and resources, reflecting
★ Public Library
community needs and interests,
○ Serves cities and towns of all
visions and aspirations, and
independent from vested interest
groups. (Indigenous Media, Freedom
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022

★ School Library MASS MEDIA

○ Serves students from
★ It is the primary means of
Kindergarten up to grade 12
communication used to reach the
★ Special Library
vast majority of the general public.
○ Specializes in environments
The most common platforms for
such as hospitals, military,
mass media are newspapers,
private businesses, and the
magazines, radio, television, and the
Internet. The general public typically
MODERN LIBRARY relies on the mass media to provide
information regarding political issues,
★ A social organization which uses
social issues, entertainment, and
technology to offer information
news in pop culture.
services. The services are offered to
its heterogeneous population. INFORMATION EVALUATION GUIDE
★ “Librarians now are facilitators of the
Accuracy, Author, Currency, Fairness,
21st century, using technology to Relevance
more efficiently help people find
content and are thus able to reduce
back office work and spend more STEREOTYPE

time away from their desks, ★ A stereotype is defined as "a

interacting with patrons.” common form of media
representation that uses instantly
INTERNET recognized characteristics to label
members of a social or cultural
★ It is a global computer network group."
★ It can have both negative and
providing a variety of information and
positive connotations in their
communication facilities, consisting portrayals.
of interconnected networks using ★ Positive connotations help us accept
the realities of these characters
standardized communication
because they could resonate with
protocols. ours in real life
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
○ A geek who is interested with
computers and gadgets are
probably popular because
they always seek his help in
understanding these gadgets.
★ Predominant in media is the negative
★ Refers to creations of the mind, such
○ PWD - made fun of by peers
and feel sorry all the time as inventions; literary and artistic
○ Outcasts - people are works; designs; and symbols, names
automatically scared of them and images used in commerce
because of the way they act,
○ LGBT - automatically gets
called hurtful names or terms Copyright
The stereotyping we see on
★ A legal term used to describe the
television greatly affects our perception
towards people in real life. rights that creators have over their
literary and artistic works.
It can also affect the values and
morals that we have. ★ Books, music, paintings, sculpture
and films, to computer programs,
Negative Media Affecting Positive Life
databases, advertisements, maps
Some characters on film and TV
and technical drawings.
exemplify the values, beliefs and attitudes
we admire or subscribe to, perhaps even ★ Copyright owners have the right to
aspire to have. control the reproduction of their work

Media analysts warn of heavy impact including the right to receive

such media products on us as media payment for that reproduction.
★ Violation of copyright is called
Our cultural dictates also impact our infringement.
behavior, and it trickles down to our
cultural products.
★ An exclusive right granted for an
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
★ Provides the patent owner with the ★ Commentary
right to decide how- or whether the ★ Criticism
invention can be used by others. ★ Review
★ Parody
★ A sign capable of distinguishing the
goods or services of one enterprise ★ A majority of the content you create
from those of other enterprises. must be your own.
★ Give credit to the copyright holder.
Industrial Design
★ Don't make money off of the
★ Constitutes the ornamental or copyrighted work.
aesthetic aspect of an article.
★ May consist of three-dimensional
features, such as the shape or ★ The act of using another person's
surface of an article, or of two- words or ideas without giving credit
dimensional features, such as to that person.
patterns, lines or color ★ The practice of taking someone
else's work or ideas and passing
Geographical Origin
them off as one's own.
★ Signs used on goods that have a
specific geographical origin and
possess qualities, a reputation or Sources Not Cited
characteristics that are essentially
★ The Ghost Writer
attributable to that place of origin
○ The writer turns in another’s
★ Most commonly includes the name
work, word-for-word, as his or
of the place of origin of goods.
her own.
Fair Use ★ The Photocopy
○ The writer copies significant
It means you can use copyrighted
portions of text straight from a
material only for certain purposes. These
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
single source, without ★ The Forgotten Footnote
○ The writer mentions an
author’s name for a source,
★ The Potluck Paper but neglects to include
specific information on the
○ The writer copies from several
location of the material
different sources, tweaking
the sentences to make them
fit together while retaining ★ Misinformer
most of the original phrasing.
○ The writer provides inaccurate
★ The Poor Disguise information regarding the
sources, making it impossible
○ The writer has altered the
to find them.
paper’s appearance slightly
by changing key words and ★ The Too-Perfect Paraphrase
○ The writer properly cites a
★ The Labor of Laziness source, but neglects to put in
quotation marks on text that
○ The writer takes the time to
has been copied word-for-
paraphrase most of the paper
word, or close to it.
from other sources and make
it all fit together rather than ★ The Resourceful Citer
putting effort to make an
○ The writer properly cites all
original work.
sources, paraphrasing and
★ The Self-Stealer using quotations
appropriately. The catch? The
○ The writer “borrows”
paper contains almost no
generously from his or her
original work!
previous work.
★ The Perfect Crime
Sources Cited
Media and Information Literacy
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Wendel Balita | SEM 1 2022
○ The writer properly quotes
and cites sources in some
places, but goes on to
paraphrase other arguments
from those sources without

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