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A Study on the Effectiveness of Supply Chain Management from

Retailers Perspective in Aavin at Vellore District.


Register No – 30521P07013

Submitted for the partial fulfillment for the award of the



(Accredited by NAAC with A+ grade with a CGPA of 3.55 out of 4 in the 3rd cycle)
Vellore – 632006
Under the Guidance of

Ms. S. Umamageswari., M.B.A., M.Phil., SET., (Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration

MAY 2023


(Accredited by NAAC with A+ grade with a CGPA of 3.55 out of 4 in the

3rd cycle) Vellore-632006


This is to certify that the project work entitled “A Study on the effectiveness of Supply
Chain Management from Retailers perspective in Aavin at Vellore district” being
submitted by Indhumathi V (30521P07013) for the award of degree of Master of
Business Administration is bonafide record of original work carried out by them under our
guidance and support.

Dr. Beulah Suresh., M.B.A., M.Com. M.Phil., Ph.D., NET.,

Head of the Department, Department of Business Administration
Auxilium College (Autonomous)
Vellore- 632006

Submitted for the Viva- Voice Examination


Internal Examiner External Examiner

………………………… …………………………
I affirm that the project work entitled “A study on the effectiveness of Supply Chain
Management from Retailers perspective in Aavin at Vellore district” submitted in partial
fulfilment for the award of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is the original
work carried out by me. It has not formed the part of any other project work submitted for
award of any degree or diploma, either in this or any other university.


Place: Vellore.


I first and foremost thank the almighty for having bestowed his blessings on me to
complete the project.

I am indebted to our beloved Principal Dr. (Sr.) Jaya Santhi R., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Auxilium College (Autonomous) Gandhi Nagar, Vellore for her support and encouragement.

I thank our Director- Management Studies Dr. (Sr.) Sagaya Mary T., M.B.A., M.Com.,
Ph.D., for her support.

I take this opportunity to thank Dr. Beulah Suresh, M.B.A., M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
NET., H.O.D Department of Business Administration, Auxilium College (Autonomous)
Gandhi Nagar, Vellore for supporting me for completion of this project.

I thank Ms. S. Umamageswari., M.B.A., M.Phil., SET., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor and
guide for the great opportunity to do my project well. Thank you for challenging me to reach
my full potential.

Also, I wish to thank General Manager- Aavin Vellore for providing me an opportunity to
undertake my project work in their esteemed organization.

I like to express my gratitude to all the faculty members of Department of Business

Administration, Auxilium College (Autonomous), Gandhi Nagar, Vellore under whose
valuable guidance the project was done.

My special thanks to my Parents, Brothers, Family members, Friends and Well-wishers for
their moral support and financial support throughout the project period.




1.1 Introduction 1

I 1.2 Problem definition 5

1.3 Objectives of the study 5

1.4 Scope of the study 5

1.5 Limitations of the study 6






6.1 Findings 102

6.2 Suggestions 103

6.3 Conclusion 104

Table No. Table Name Page No.
4.1 Gender of the respondents 43
4.2 Educational qualification of the respondents 45
4.3 Age of respondents 47
4.4 Marital Status 49
4.5 Years of experience 51
4.6 Monthly Income 53
4.7 Other business apart from milk supply 55
4.8 The respondents other business 57
4.9 Kinds of Aavin Retailership 59
4.10 Ranking of factors influencing the retailership in Aavin 61
4.11 Procurement of milk for daily sales 63
4.12 Types of customers 65
4.13 The Customers through card system 67
4.14 The Customers through spot customers 69
4.15 Retailership availability 71
4.16 The procedure to apply for retailer 73
4.17 Opinion about price of Aavin milk when compared to 75

4.18 Relationship maintained with the customer 77

4.19 Reasons for the problems faced by retailers 79
4.20 Level of satisfaction-towards Packing 81
4.21 Level of satisfaction towards the factors 83
4.22 Freezer provided by the company 85
4.23 On-time delivery by distributer 87
4.24 Problem of unsold milk 89
4.25 Usage of unsold milk 91
4.26 Sales of different kind of milk 93
4.27 High sales of different quantity of milk 95
4.28 Chi-square 97
4.29 ANOVA 98
4.30 Regression 100
4.31 Correlation 101

Table No. Chart Name Page No.
4.1 Gender of the respondents 44
4.2 Educational qualification of the respondents 46
4.3 Age of respondents 48
4.4 Marital Status 50
4.5 Years of experience 52
4.6 Monthly Income 54
4.7 Other business apart from milk supply 56
4.8 The respondents other business 58
4.9 Kinds of Aavin Retailership 60
4.10 Ranking of factors influencing the retailership in Aavin 62
4.11 Procurement of milk for daily sales 64
4.12 Types of customers 66
4.13 The Customers through card system 68
4.14 The Customers through spot customers 70
4.15 Retailership availability 72
4.16 The procedure to apply for retailer 74
4.17 Opinion about price of Aavin milk when compared to 76

4.18 Relationship maintained with the customer 78

4.19 Reasons for the problems faced by retailers 80
4.20 Level of satisfaction-towards Packing 82
4.21 Level of satisfaction towards the factors 84
4.22 Freezer provided by the company 86
4.23 On-time delivery by distributer 88
4.24 Problem of unsold milk 90
4.25 Usage of unsold milk 92
4.26 Sales of different kind of milk 94
4.27 High sales of different quantity of milk 96


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A study on the effectiveness of Supply Chain Management from Retailers perspective in

Aavin at Vellore district.
1. Gender a) Male b)
2. Educational a) No b) School c)College d)Profession e) Others-
Qualificatio formal Level Level al Level (please specify)
n education
3. Age of a) Less b)26-35 c)36-45 d)46-60 e) Above 60
respondents than 25 Years Years Years Years
4. Marital a) b)
Status Married Unmarrie
5. Years of a) Less b)2-4 c)5-7 years d)8-10 years e) Above 10
experience than 2 years years
in this filed years
6. Monthly a) Less b) 5,001- c)!0,001- d) 15,001- d) Above
Income (in than 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 20,000
7. Apart from a) Yes b) No
milk supply
are you
involved in
any other
8. If yes, are a) Private b) Daily c)Entreprene d) e) Others-
you a employee wages ur Agriculture (please specify)

9. Are You a a) FRO (Franchise Retail Outlets) b) Parlour

10 Rank the factors which influenced you to be the dealer in Aavin milk
Factors / 1 2 3 4 5
a) High
b) Easy
of milk
d) Brand
value and
e) Profit
11 State the a) 50 b) 51-100 c) 101-150 d) 151-200 e) More than
. procuremen Litres litres litres litres 200 litres
t of milk
for the
daily sales
12 Your a) b) c) Restaurant d) Tea shops e) Others –
. customers Individual Househol (please specify)
are mainly s d
13 State the a) Less b) 101- c) 201-300 d) 301-400 e) Above 400
. number of than 100 200
made by
14 State the a) Less b) 101- c) 201-300 d) 301-400 e) Above 400
. number of than 100 200
made by
15 Was the a) Yes b) No
. Aavin milk
available to
16 The a) Very b) Delay c) Too many d) Difficult e) Others-
. procedure difficult in procedures through (please specify)
to apply for granting online
17 State your opinion on the price of Aavin milk when compared to competitor’s product
a) Very b) High c) Moderate d) Low e) Very low
18 State the a) Very b) Good c)Moderate d) Bad e) Very Bad
. relationship Good
with the
19 The a) Late b) c)No d) Non- e) All the above
. problem is distributio Damaged compensatio returnability
you faced n packages n for
as a retailer damages
20 Level of a) Highly b) c)Neutral d)Dissatisfie e) Highly
. satisfaction Satisfied Satisfied d Dissatisfied
Aavin milk
21 State your level of satisfaction towards the following factors
Factors Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied
n Received
n Network
22 Is Freezer a) Yes b) No
. provided
by the
23 Products a) Yes b) No
. are always
on-time by
24 Do you a) Yes b) No
. face
problem of
25 How do a) Making b) c) Making d) Giving e) All the
. you use the curd Making ghee free to Above
milk? paneer someone
26 Mention a) Toned b) c) d) Full e) All the
. the type of milk- Double Standardized cream- Red/ Above
milk you Blue toned milk- Green Orange
sell more colour milk- colour
27 Which a)1/4 lit b)1/2 lit c) 1 lit d) 2 lit e) Both a and b
. quantity of
sold is

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