G6 LP 2
G6 LP 2
G6 LP 2
Subject: _English for Grade 6 ___________ Teacher: Ms. Baby Angelou F. Leanillo
Unit No: _________1______________________________ No. of Days: ___6_______
Quarter: _ _______1_____________________________
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways
Content Standard: of determining and word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
Classroom-Based Actitivities
Week 2: A. Review/Drill: A. Lesson Discussion: A. Application:
Day 1-3 Let us apply your learning through an activity!
Specific Objectives: Task 1. Picture Analysis Observe the two Now, let’s discuss the important points in Activity 2: Type to Tell!
1. define analogy first pictures and understand how they the first activity you have just answered. Analyze the relationship in each analogy and
2. analyze the relationships between are related. Find the picture in the given Read it again and analyze the words in identify its type from the choices given. Here is
words used in analogy options that is related to the third picture an example:
3. determine the appropriate words or in the same way as the two first pictures near : far :: smart : stupid
expressions to be supplied in analogy are related. Choose the answer that Answer: Type: Antonyms
4. supply other words or expressions that completes the analogy.
complete an analogy. Choices:
Antonyms Cause and Effect Location
Value Integration/SDG: Part to Whole Synonyms
Life goals
1. wing : bird :: tire : car
Reference/s: each pair. Type:__________
DepEd Self-learning modules The term that means "word relationships” 2. winter : summer :: wet : dry
is called Analogy. It is like a word puzzle. Type:__________
It always contains two pairs of words. It 3. allow : permit :: find : locate
B. Motivation:
can be abbreviated like stallion : mare :: Type:__________
Before proceeding with the first lesson,
man : woman. The single colon (:) 4. bats : caves :: humans : houses
let’s have our opening activity first. represents the phrase “is to”, and the Type:__________
double colon (::) represents the word “as”. 5. finger: hand :: wheel : car
Activity 1. Missing Piece Thus, it is read a stallion is to mare as man Type:__________
Directions: Find the missing piece in is to woman. 6. bad : terrible :: funny : hilarious
each item below by observing how the Type:__________
two first words are related. Choose the An analogy shows comparison bees: beehives :: birds : nests
word in the given options that is related between things that have similar Type:________
to the third word in the same way as the features, often used to help explain a 7. wing : bird :: tire : car
two first words are related. principle or idea. The two things Type:__________
being compared may be completely 8. winter : summer :: wet : dry
Example: accurate: precise | awful: dissimilar which still helps you to Type:__________
______ understand something about their 9. allow : permit :: find : locate
Answer: Disgusting relationship. Type:__________
Essentially, an analogy helps you 10. bats : caves :: humans : houses
understand something abstract or Type:__________
Choices: uncommon by comparing it to 11. finger: hand :: wheel : car
Sad tree forest something familiar or common to you. Type:__________
disgusting hive infant 12. bad : terrible :: funny : hilarious
good grades Type:__________
13. bees: beehives :: birds : nests
1. night: day | happy: _______ Type:_______
14. chaos : peace :: cordial : hostile
2. husband: spouse | baby: ______
3. thirst: drink | study: ________ 15. sunny day : umbrella :: hungry : eat
4. student: classroom | leaf: Type:__________
______ 16. rain : flood :: earthquake : collapse
5. fish: sea | Lion: _______ Type:__________
B. Evaluation:
Read these paragraphs below and fill the blanks
with your answers.
The term that means "word relationships” is
called(1.)_________. It is like a word
(2.)__________ that always contains
(3.)__________of words. It can be abbreviated.
The single colon (:) represents the
phrase(4.)_________, and the double colon (::)
represents the word (5.)___________. Some
types of analogy are (6.)_________ which shows
opposite relationships; (7.)__________ which
shows similar relationship or have the same
meaning;(8.)__________ which contains words
that are sources of some actions or conditions
and words that are results or consequences;(9.)
__________ which contains the section of
something larger, and the entire entity; and
(10.)__________which shows location of
Week 3: A. Introduction: Nouns are words that represent people, places, things and ideas. Common nouns are generic labels such as leaders, cities
Day: 6 and candy. Proper nouns represent specific, named people, places and things such as Gandhi, Orchard Park and Snickers.
Activity No. 5
Specific Objectives: B. Title: Identifying kinds of Nouns: Common, Proper, Collective, and Abstract
1. Identifying kinds of Nouns: Common,
Proper, Collective, and Abstract; C. Pre-Test: Write Com for common, P for proper, Col for collective, and A for abstract Noun.
2. Categorizing the Nouns according to P 1.Starbucks Coffee
its kinds; Col 2. Family
3. Constructing paragraphs with the use Com 3. Country
of kinds of Nouns. A 4. Happiness
Col 5. Wolf Pack
Value Integration/SGD: Creativity
Reference/s: D. Discussion:
a. IE FOR EC Grade 5, page 12-14
b. Reading and answer the chart: Shopping Souvenirs by Alce M. Santos
Sentones, Alice M. et. al, Integrated
English for Effective E. Learning Activities:
Communication, The New Grade 5, c. Answer: Engage page 13 A and B
The Phoenix Publishing House Inc., d. Answer: Enrich page 14 A and B
F. Post-Test: Essay: Engaging Scenario Page 15.
G. Answer Key: