Q4-W1-English 5

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GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level 5


Date Quarter 4-Week 1
OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates Catch-up Friday
understanding that words are understanding that words are understanding that words are understanding that words
composed of different parts to composed of different parts to composed of different parts to are composed of different
know that their meaning changes know that their meaning know that their meaning parts to know that their
depending in context changes depending in context changes depending in context meaning changes
depending in context
B. Performance The learner uses strategies to The learner uses strategies to The learner uses strategies to The learner uses strategies
Standard decode correctly the meaning of decode correctly the meaning of decode correctly the meaning of to decode correctly the
words in isolation and in words in isolation and in words in isolation and in meaning of words in
context context context isolation and in
C. Learning Analyze how visual and multimedia Analyze how visual and Analyze how visual and Analyze how visual and
Competency/ elements contribute to the meaning multimedia elements contribute multimedia elements contribute multimedia elements
Objectives of a text to the meaning of a text to the meaning of a text contribute to the meaning
EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1 EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1 EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1 of a text
Write the LC code for each. EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

II. CONTENT Analyzing How Visual and Analyzing How Visual and Analyzing How Visual and Analyzing How Visual
Multimedia Elements Multimedia Elements Multimedia Elements and Multimedia
Contribute to the Meaning of a Contribute to the Meaning of Contribute to the Meaning of Elements
Text a Text a Text Contribute to the
Meaning of a Text
A. References

Page 135 Page 135 Page 135 GUIDE
Page 135

2. Learner’s Materials pages SLM in English 5, Quarter 4,Week SLM in English 5, Quarter SLM in English 5, Quarter SLM in English 5, Quarter
1 page 1-8 4,Week 1 page 1-8 4,Week 1 page 1-8 4,Week 1 page 1-8
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resource Charts, pictures, books, Learning Charts, pictures, books, Charts, pictures, books, Charts, pictures, books,
modules, laptop, Learning modules, laptop, Learning modules, laptop, Learning modules, laptop,
projector/television projector/television projector/television projector/television

A. Reviewing previous In your previous lesson, you have Identify the images below. You will answer the following DIRECTIONS: Read
lesson or presenting the new learned how to provide evidence to Select your answers from the items to assess how much you each sentence carefully
lesson support an opinion. boxes. already know about and Choose the letter of
the lesson. Read each item the correct
carefully. Choose the letter of answer.
the correct answer. 1. It combined more than
1.Which of the following is an one type of medium,
example of visual elements that typically in digital form,
helps the readers such as on
understand the text better? computers, audio players,
A. video C. pictures tablets, smartphones, and
B. computers D. audio players other technology.
2 Which of the following is an A. Audio Element
element of multimedia? B. Graphic Element
A. illustration C. Multimedia Element
C. video D. Visual Element
B. diagrams D. comics and 2. This element of text is
cartoons included to help the
3. What do you think is the readers 'see' what they are
reason why some writers use reading
visual and multi -media like pictures, drawings,
elements in their text? comics and cartoons, and
A. to help the readers diagrams.
understand the text A. Audio Element
B. to beautify the text B. Graphic Element
C. to make the story meaningful C. Multimedia Element
D. to define the text D. Visual Element
4. Lee is a Grade 5 learner who 3. This type of multimedia
wrote a recount text as one elements tell about images
of his performance tasks in that let the reader click on
English. In his text, he certain images or words to
described the places he went learn more information
through when they had about them.
their vacation outside the A. Diagrams
country. To have a clear image B. Graphic Element
about the place, he included the C. Interactive Element
photo below in his D. Video Image
text. What kind of visual 4. This is the basic
element did he use for his text? element of multimedia
A. drawing B. animation which involves the use of
C. graphics D. photographs text types,
sizes, colors and
background color.
A. Diagrams
B. Graphic
C. Illustration
D. Text
5. A simplified drawing
showing the appearance,
5. Teacher Liza is one of the structure, or workings of
community facilitators in something; a schematic
Barangay Maligaya. One of representation.
her learning materials in English A. Diagrams
is a video lesson . Often times B. Graphic
she uses story C. Illustration
telling technique and puts series D. Text
of images together to give an
effect of 6. Sentences deal usually
movement . What kind of with action and its result.
multimedia element did teacher A. cause – effect
Liza use ? relationship
A. text C. audio B. comparison and
B. graphics D. animation contrast
C. problem -solution
D. text- messages
7. Sentences that state
similar ideas.
A. Cause
B. Effect
C. Comparison
D. Contrast
Sentences that discuss the
A. Cause
B. Effect
C. Comparison
D. Contrast
9. It is a pattern of
organization of
information in a text or
passage that expressed
as a Dilemma or
concerning issue.
A. Cause
B. Effect
C. Problem
D. Solution
The stories found in
newspapers and
A. feature
B. article
C. feature articles
D. paragraph
B. Establishing a purpose for Do you know why story books are Read this story. Do you have any dream that you DIRECTIONS: Look at
the accompanied by illustrations, wish to pursue in life ? If so, the pictures. Write
lesson photographs or diagrams? what would it be ? sentences on how they
In this lesson you will learn how an contributed to your study.
illustration or other visual and
multimedia elements contribute to
the meaning of text. As a learner,
you Now, read this story.
should learn how to analyze visual
and multimedia elements so that
you can
easily understand the words and the
whole meaning of a text.

Which of the two versions of the

story is more appealing to you?
C. Presenting examples/ Do you have scouting movement in Look at this picture titled “The Write the letter of the correct Look at the visual
instances of the new lesson your school? Did you join such Boy and His Dog.” Then, answer on the blank provided presentation and answer
school organization? answer the questions before each the questions below.
Scouting offers a lot of thrilling that follow. number.
indoor and outdoor activities that ________1. I chuckled when he Nowadays, computer
you can enjoy. Here, you can learn spoke that someday he wants to plays a vital role in our
different skills like pioneering, first have a restaurant. everyday living. We use
aid, ________2. He went through computer in so many ways
and survival techniques. Hiking is many hardships and challenges such as for communication
another exciting outdoor activity throughout his life. and by connecting with
usually ________3. He also skipped a one another within and
done in the woods. Have you lot of meals and almost starved outside the country. We
experienced attending an outdoor himself because he use computer for online
camp? 1. What have you noticed with did not have enough money for classes,
Now, read the story about a scout the picture at first glance? it. researching homework and
who joined a camp. Find out 2. As you take a longer look, ________4. He would always different lessons,
what happened to him. Study the what other details have you study diligently so that he can interactive games and
given illustration and analyze how noticed? graduate and would many more.
it becomes helpful to understand 3. What can you say about the become one step closer to his
the meaning to the text. Answer the boy and his dog? What qualities dream. 1. What is a computer?
questions that follow. do they have? ________5. I was amazed with 2. How was the computer
4. Do you think the picture is the modern design and style of discovered?
more appealing if it is colored? the new restaurant. 3. Why was the computer
4. Is computer important?

Scout’s Answered Prayer

A boy scout once lost his way in the
woods. He was left behind
by his patrol during a hike as part of
their outdoor activity. He had tried
his best to look for the other scouts
but he failed. The sun was so bright
and it was extremely hot. He was
very thirsty, tired and hungry. He
looked for something to eat or drink
but his
backpack was already empty. He
uttered a short prayer while walking
carefully. “Lord, I’m hungry and
thirsty please give me some food to
eat and water to drink. Help me find
my brother scouts.” As the scout
came close to a big tree, he saw
something like a
sack-filled with something. “God
heard my prayers that’s why he sent
me food”, the scout whispered. He
hurriedly approached the sack and
it with his jungle knife.
“Oh my!” the boy gasped. There
were assorted fruits inside the sack.
He ate some fruits and put the rest
in his backpack. He continued
walking until he found his patrol
resting and
cheering near a brook.
He happily joined his patrol and
silently said, “Praise God
because you answered my prayers”.

Process Questions:
1. Who is the main character in the
story? What is the setting?
2. What happens to the scout in the
3. Why does he say that God is
really good?
4. What are the things found in the
5. Does the illustration show
relationship with the text?
6. Does the illustration speak of the
meaning of the text? Why?
7. What is the message of the story?
8. What is the tone of the character
in the illustration? Does the tone
affect the illustration?
9. What is the mood of the story?
10. How does the illustration help
you to understand the words of
the text?

D. Discussing new Did you see that an illustration is Visual and multimedia elements Find out how the narrator‘s There are different
concepts and practicing new used with the text? Did you realize are used to catch the readers’ friend achieved his dream . elements that make text
skills #1 that it has the connection to the text attention. They Notice what visual and come alive and contribute
you have read? The different also aid readers in understanding multimedia elements were used to the reader's
objects in the text. to present the story. understanding. Visual
the illustration like the scout, trees, The following are examples of elements are included in
sack of fruits, and jungle knife visual elements: the text to help the readers
contribute to the meaning of the  Line is the foundation of all 'see' what
text. By just looking at the visual drawings. It can suggest shape, they're reading. These
elements, pattern, include:
you can get an idea what the entire growth, movement, form, depth, • Pictures
text is all about. The illustration can distance, rhythm and a range of • Drawings
also emotions. • Comics and cartoons
help you understand the different • Diagrams
words in the text. Multimedia elements
As a learner, you should learn how Nothing is impossible! Success combine more than one
to analyze visual and multimedia is always achieved when it is type of medium, typically
elements and how they contribute equated with in digital form,
to the meaning of the text that you hard work and determination. such as on computers,
read.  Symbol is a visual image that audio players, tablets,
is used to represent a concept or As long as you dare to dream
By analyzing images, diagrams and big and trust yourself smartphones, and other
other visual elements you can read an idea. technology. These
that you can make it real, then
and you can also achieve it. elements help the reader
understand the terms you encounter use sight, sound, and
in a text. With the help of visual sometimes even other
and senses to experience
multimedia elements you can what they are reading.
analyze and generalize the story or Multimedia elements
poem based  include:
on the visual and multimedia Color has the strongest effect on • Video
elements presented. our emotions. We use color to • Audio recordings and
In order to acquire the skill of create sound effects
analyzing visual and multimedia the mood or the atmosphere of • Interactive images
elements, you need to read and an artwork. (images that let the reader
study the bolded words below. I remember, when my friend click on certain images or
Visual elements are images such as and I were young, we used to words to learn
photographs and drawings. These walk around the beach more information about
can be in the form of images like and gaze at the stars every night. them, including how the
pictures, illustrations, comics, We would always talk about our word sounds, its
cartoons and dreams and goals, definition, and
diagrams.  Gaze refers to where the but there is something that he important facts.
Multimedia elements are video, figure in the picture is looking. would often say to me,
audio recordings, sound effects, It implies looking at someone or “Someday when I get older, I
animations and interactive images. something based on one’s want to have my own
Meaning suggests the message of beliefs and judgment. restaurant ,so that I can help my
the visual and multimedia parents and they would not
elements that the text would like to have to sacrifice everything for
convey. us , so we can live. I also want
Tone is the feeling of the story that to help them”, he told
the author wants to convey to me. I chuckled at him, because
the reader/viewer. It indicates a that was a very big dream, but
particular feeling. It can be anyone can dream,
cheerful, serious, right? I could see in his eyes
 Framing is deciding what will
funny, sad, frightening/fearful, determination and willingness.
be shown or what will not be
angry, hopeful, gloomy, etc. shown in a
Mood is the general impression of photograph or picture. It is also
the story. It is somewhat similar about deciding whether the
to the tone. subject will
Importance of Visual and fill the frame and appear close-
Multimedia Elements up or will the screen be seen at a
I know you are familiar with distance
illustrated big books. The as part of a larger context.
add or contribute to the meaning of
the story. With visual elements, you
easily understand the meaning
stated in the text. When you
At such a very young age, he
unfamiliar words while reading,
experienced many hardships and
you can go over the illustration to
give you
throughout his life. Going to
idea what the terms is about.
school was always
Photographs and diagrams are
an adventure for him because it
helpful in comprehending the
took him many
information in factual or nonfiction
hours to reach the school, since
writing. Adding illustrations can
he could not
afford to pay for the
makes us feel the way the author
transportation. He also
wants us to feel. Multimedia
skipped a lot of meals and
elements also
almost starved himself,
work the same as visuals in printed
because he did not have enough
materials. They are essential to
money for it.
Despite all of these, he still did
the materials you are reading or
well in school and
viewing more meaningful and
always tried his best. Time
came he decided to
drop out from school to get a
job with the thought
of helping his parents with the
expenses they have
at home.
He then went to Manila in hopes
of finding a job. He applied for
many jobs
but got rejected because of his
educational background. He did
not stop, and he kept
on trying until he finally got a
job at a small restaurant as a
waiter. Sometimes, he would
look out at the windowpane and
daydream about having his own
just like the one where he is
working at. He then decided to
go back to school and
continued his studies. In the
morning, he worked at the
restaurant. While at night,
he would always study
diligently so that he can
graduate and would become one
closer to his dream. He never
stopped dreaming and believed
that this dream of his
would finally come true.

Many years have passed since

we parted and
lost touch. Until one day, I was
invited to a grand
opening of a restaurant from my
batch mate in
high school. I decided to come,
because I wanted
to see how far everyone has
become. So, the day
came, I was amazed with the
modern design and
style of the new restaurant
“Wow! The owner
must be rich to be able to own
this kind of
restaurant”, I thought, as I
explored the place.
Surprisingly, while looking
around the place, I
bumped into someone who was
familiar. It was my
childhood friend whom I used to
play with back in
my hometown. He changed a
lot. He was not the
same boy anymore that would
play with me in the
fields. He wore an expensive
suit with matching
shoes. He greeted me with a
smile which I
returned. The program then
started, and the host
called the owner, whom I have
been curious of
since the beginning, but I was
shocked to see him.
“He finally achieved his long
dream and finally helped his
parents” I smiled.
All things are possible for
anyone who dreams, it can be
possible if you are
willing to achieve it. Even if
you feel like you are losing
hope, you will always find
another way for it. You just
have to trust and believe in

Answer the following questions.

1. How would you describe the
boy when he was young based
from the picture
that is being shown in the
story ?
2. What dream did he want to
3. What were the challenges that
he went through before he
achieved his own
4. What character traits did he
show in order to achieve his
dreams as shown in
the illustrations in the text?
5. What do you think is the
author’s purpose of writing the
6. If you were the young boy in
the story, would you have done
the same to
achieve your dreams?
7. Based on the last illustration
that is being shown in the story,
can you
describe his life at present ?
8. What lesson did you learn
from the story ?

E. Discussing new concepts Study the comic strip and read the The following are examples of Readers enjoy reading stories DIRECTIONS: Identify
and practicing new dialogue of the characters. Then multimedia: with pictures or listening to the visual and multimedia
skills #2 answer the questions that follow.  Text is one of the basic videos or element. Encircle the
elements of multimedia. It recorded novels because these correct answer
conveys information to pictures and videos greatly inside the parenthesis.
the audience, tell stories and affect them on 1. jigsaw puzzle (audio
describes things, interpret how they interact with and effect, comic and cartoon,
graphics and respond to the story . They help interactive image)
charts, inform people about an the readers better 2. video game sound
Questions: event, or tell something about a understand the words in the text (audio effect, video, visual
1. Who are the characters in the person. and identify the tone of the effect)
comic strip?  Graphics are part of visual characters 3. Computer-generated
2. What topic are they talking presentation material. It displays and writings . Pictures and imagery (audio effect,
about? information videos are examples of elements interactive image, visual
3. Does the comic strip relate to the graphically, which cannot be of visual and effect)
text? expressed in letters and words. multimedia that make the text 4. Photoshop effect
4. What is the tone used by Mark in  Animation is a collection of alive which contribute to the (cartoons, diagrams,
the text? Does it affect the message graphics applied with meaning of the picture)
conveyed in the text? movement. story. What are visual and 5. Dynamic effect (audio
5. Does the mood of the characters  Audio is produced by multimedia elements ? effect, diagrams,
affect the message conveyed in the vibration as perceived by the photograph)
text? sense of hearing. In Visual Elements
6. How did the illustration help you multimedia, audio could come in
understand the words in the text? a form of speech, sound effects
and also
music score.
 Video is a technology of
capturing, recording,
transmitting, and
reconstructing moving pictures.
Multimedia Elements
Multimedia Elements use
combination of different forms
communication such as text,
images, animation, videos ,
sound , graphics
and any manipulated digitally.
These can help the readers use
their sight ,
sounds and other senses to help
them analyze clearly the
meaning of the
text .
The story of Nothing is
Impossible was presented
through video
accompanied with text, audio,
animation and moving images .
These made
the story interesting and
enjoyable so that the readers
would easily
understand the meaning of the
F. Developing mastery Study the given illustration and Read Perrault’s version of Identify what visual and DIRECTIONS: Write
(leads to Formative read the poem. Then answer the Cinderella at this website. multimedia is described in the True if the statement is
Assessment 3) questions. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/ following . Choose the letter of correct and False if
29021/29021-h/29021- the correct answer from the list incorrect. Write the
h.htm#Cinderilla_or_The_Little in the box . answer on the blank.
_Glass_Slipper _________1. One of the
In his version of the story, things that the illustrations
Perrault uses a serious tone. The can do is to help us better
story has a understand the words in
happy ending, but the narrator Answer the questions that the text.
does not make jokes or describe follow. Choose the letter of the _________2. Photographs
Beauty of the Eyes any silly characters. correct answer from the and diagrams cannot help
By: Elena C. Tugade Perrault’s narrator also uses a list in the box. us to connect with
A pair of marble-like gems, shiny sympathetic tone toward information that is being
and round Cinderella. He feels sorry for shared in text.
Like open doors that can explore her because she is a good person _________3. Authors
you around who has a difficult life. For include visual elements
Our eyes are marvelous, magical example, he says that with their writing.
and lovely “the poor girl bore all patiently” _________4. Visuals or
Let’s see nature’s amazing beauty and mentions that she “was no interactive images help the
and serenity. less good than reader understand the
We see the environment with our beautiful.” In contrast, the vocabulary
naked eyes narrator describes her sisters as being used in the text.
The trees, birds, fields and the blue proud and cruel. _________5. Multimedia
skies Now, watch the video about elements combine more
Tall mountains, blue oceans, rivers Cinderella. This video uses than one type of medium,
and falls sound and animation typically
Our heart beats fast when we see to retell the story of Cinderella. in digital form, such as
them all. How do these multimedia book, magazine and
Be grateful and fortunate we’ve got elements affect the tone newspaper
1. What did the girl feel for her
good sight and meaning of the story? Are
old school during her first week
Let’s take good care of our the tone and meaning of this at her new school ?
incredible eyesight version different from __________________________
God gave them to us for happiness Perrault’s version? ____________________
and satisfaction https://www.youtube.com/ 2. Based from the picture, what
For seeing the things around watch?v=XBNuXIML5AM This did she feel when she was new
because of our vision. video is 1hour and 14 in her old school ?
minutes long __________________________
Questions: _______
1. What things are presented in the 3. Did she feel the same way in
illustration? her new school ?
2. What is the message of the __________________________
poem? ________
3. Does the illustration show 3. What did she think about
relationship to the text? everyone in her new school ?
4. Does the illustration speak of the __________________________
meaning of the text? Why? __________________________
5. What is the tone of the poem? ________
Does the tone affect the 4. What do you think did the
illustration? girl do after remembering the
6. How did the illustration help you time when she was new
to understand the words of the text? in her old school ?
5. What kind of girl is she ?

G. Finding practical Study the given drawing then read Read the comic strip. Then, Read the poem and analyze the What is the importance of
application of concepts and the text. Then answer the answer the questions below. picture. What do you think is analyzing multimedia
skills in daily living questions. the poem all elements in a given text ?

1. What motivated Freddy to do

everything he could think of to
get Fiona’s
a) Freddy wants to ask favor
from Fiona.
b) Freddy is so in love with
Albert is a Grade 5 pupil. He loves c) Fiona is the only frog to be
to play football. He is an athlete friend.
of the school. He is one of the
players of RG Football Team in 2. How do you think Freddy
Occidental caught the attention of Fiona
Mindoro. He plays during district, based on the last
provincial and even regional levels. strip?
The a) Freddy caught the bee for
team had already won in several Fiona.
local football competitions. b) Freddy called Fiona while
One day, Albert came late to school imagining.
because of playing football. He c) Freddy summoned the bee to
did not know that they had a test. notice him.
As a result, he got a low score in 3. What could be the best title
the for this comic strip?
examination. a) Freddy, Fiona, and the Bee
“Next time, don’t play too much so b) Fiona’s extreme lover
you will not be late in going to c) The Diligent Lover Freddy
school”, Miss Cruz reprimands Frog
Albert. 4. What helped you most in
Questions: understanding the story?
1. What does the illustration tell the a) The written text or narration
reader about Albert? b) Your own expert
2. Which words in the text show interpretation
connection to the given illustration? c) The clever and symbolic
3. Does the illustration has the drawings in the comic strip
relationship to the text?
4. Does the illustration speak of the
meaning of the text? Why?
5. How did the illustration help you
to understand the words of the text?
H. Making generalizations Visual and multimedia elements Complete the following In this lesson, you learned about I have learned that:
and abstractions about the affect or sentences based on what you visual and multimedia elements • Visual and multimedia
lesson contribute to the meaning of a text. learned. Write your and their elements can help readers
They can help answers on a separate sheet of importance in the text . Fill in clarify meaning while
us to better understand words in a paper. the blanks with the correct reading in
text and to 1. Text, graphics, and words. many ways. Visuals or
connect with given information. animations are __________ 1. interactive images help the
elements. _________________________ reader understand the
2. Lines, symbols, color, gaze, are things that can be seen in vocabulary
texture, and framing are text that help us being used in the text.
________________. understand the story clearly. • This is the basic element
3. Video is a technology of 2. ______________________ of multimedia it involves
capturing, ______________, use combination of different the use of text types, sizes,
transmitting, and forms of communication colors
reconstructing moving pictures. such as text , images, animation, and background color.
4. Multimedia is a combination videos , sound , graphics and • A figure or drawing
of multiple forms of media any, manipulated made to illustrate a
useful to ___________. digitally . statement or facilitate a
5. Color has the __________ 3. Visual and Multimedia demonstration
effect on our emotions. elements are important in and a plan.
6. Animation is a collection of analyzing the meaning of text • If you didn't know about
graphics applied with because kryptonite, a picture of the
____________. __________________________ rock and what it does to
7. Visual elements are any __________________________ Superman would let you
characteristics that we can _____. know that it hurts him.
_________. • Text classification also
8. Black represents evil, known as text tagging or
mysterious, power, and text categorization is the
__________. process
9. Symbols are of categorizing text into
______________ of concept or organized groups. By
ideas. using natural language
10._________ conveys processing,
information to the audience, tell text classifiers can
stories and describes things automatically analyze
texts and then assign a set
predefined tags or
categories based on its
I. Evaluating learning Study the given picture, cartoon and A. Read each item and write the Read the fable about “The DIRECTIONS: Identify
diagram. Then, read the text and letter of the correct answer on a Wind and The Sun“ the following. Choose the
answer the questions that follow. separate sheet of (https://www.youtube.com/ answer in the box. Write
paper. watch?v=DWJVgNUqnIs ) and the
1. Which of the following is a examine the visual / answer on the blank.
visual element that can multimedia elements used in the
contribute to a text? text . Answer the questions that 1. This element of
A. A drawing of a character’s follow multimedia tells about the
1. What does the image tell the home hardware or software
reader about Orange? B. An audio recording of a story devices that
A. Orange is my pet. C. Sound effects during a scary manipulate how an audio
B. Orange is colorful. story signal sounds.
C. Orange loves to play. D. Background music _____________________
D. Orange loves to pose in front of 2. Which of the following is an __
camera. example of a multimedia 2. They are used as a way
2. Which word in the text shows element that can to change your image to
connection to the given illustration? contribute to text? add an artistic look, make
A. Orange is happy go lucky. A. An illustration at the ending textured patterns, or
B. Orange is playful. of a story
Questions produce an enhanced real-
C. Orange likes to eat fish. B. A picture of a main character
1. Based from the pictures that world view.
D. Orange makes me happy. C. A diagram about a new
is being shown, who were _____________________
3. Does the image tell something gadget __
about the text? D. All of the above having an arguments ? 3. It includes a variety of
A. Not at all. 3. It creates the mood or the 2. What did the man do with his effects, which you can
B. Partially yes. atmosphere of an artwork. coat when the wind blew hard ? apply to an object, group,
C. Maybe. A. line __________________________ or layer
D. Yes. B. color __________________________ to change its
4. Which of the following sentences C. gaze __________________________ characteristics.
is not mentioned in the text? D. symbol ___ _____________________
A. Orange loves to play with me. 4. It is produced by vibration as 3. Between the sun and the wind __
B. Orange likes to run around. perceived by the sense of which one of them made the 4. It is a form of visual art
D. Orange loves to pose in front of hearing. man took off his in which a person uses
the camera. A. video coat ? various drawing
D. Orange is my pet. B. text __________________________ instruments to mark
C. animation __________________________ a similar effect in the text.
D. audio ___________ _____________________
5. You read a story on your 4. What do you think is the __
tablet and there are bold words reason why the man took off his 5. They are visual effects
throughout the coat ? that provide
story. When you click on a bold 5. Who is stronger the sun or the comprehensive image
word, a box appears on the wind ? Why ? manipulation, in the
screen and gives __________________________ same form as optical
you the definition of the word. __________________________ printer effects in story.
This is an example of a __________________________ _____________________
multimedia element _ __
that _____________.
A. helps set the tone of the story
B. clarifies the meaning of the
C.helps you hear the sounds the
main character would hear
D.helps you visualize what
events are happening in the story
6. What do we mean by
A. The sound that is transmitted
over the internet.
B. Images that are printed in a
C. Image, sound, text, and video
that are combined.
D. Computer with speaker and
video camera
J. Additional activities for Analyze the picture and read the Examine and describe each Read the questions carefully DIRECTIONS: Look at
application or remediation given text. Then answer the picture below. then answer each of them the table below. Encircle
questions that follow. correctly. Write only the different visual and
the letter of the correct answer . multimedia
1. Which of the following can elements used in the text.
make the multimedia
attractive ?
A. video C. video
B. text D. graphics
2. What element of multimedia
is used to attract attention to
1. What concept or idea does the
illustration show?
information ?
2. What is the message of the text?
A. graphics C. video
3. Does the illustration has the
B. animation D. audio
relationship to the text?
3. Which of the following is
4. Does the illustration speak of the
NOT an element of
meaning of the text? Why?
multimedia ?
5. How did the illustration help you
A. text C. graphics
to understand the words of the text?
B. photographs D. animation
4. Why do some authors use
visual elements in their text ?
A. to attract readers
B. to explain the meaning of the
C. to make the text attractive
D. to help the readers
understand the text
5. Mrs. Delia Santos is
preparing her materials for her
presentation . She
thought of featuring related
music and sound effects in her
application . What
component of multimedia will
she use ?
A. audio C. text
B. graphics D. animation

A. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who earned
earned 80% in the above 80% above 80% above earned 80% above 80% above
B. No. of learners ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who require
who require additional additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for require additional additional activities for
activities for remediation remediation remediation activities for remediation remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
lessons work?
No. of learners who have ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
caught up with the lesson lesson the lesson the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson

D. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
continue to require require remediation to require remediation to require remediation continue to require continue to require
remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
strategies worked well? ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration well: well:
Why ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
did these work? ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Games ___ Games
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Solving ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Answering preliminary
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Answering activities/exercises
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads preliminary ___ Carousel
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) activities/exercises ___ Diads
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Carousel ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories ___ Diads ___ Rereading of
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Think-Pair-Share Paragraphs/
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama (TPS) Poems/Stories
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Rereading of ___ Differentiated
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method Paragraphs/ Instruction
Why? Why? Why? Poems/Stories ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Differentiated ___ Discovery Method
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials Instruction ___ Lecture Method
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Role Playing/Drama Why?
___ Group member’s Cooperation ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Discovery Method ___ Complete IMs
in Cooperation in Cooperation in ___ Lecture Method ___ Availability of
doing their tasks doing their tasks doing their tasks Why? Materials
___ Complete IMs ___ Pupils’ eagerness to
___ Availability of learn
Materials ___ Group member’s
___ Pupils’ eagerness to Cooperation in
learn doing their tasks
___ Group member’s
Cooperation in
doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
encounter which my __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
principal or supervisor can __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs behavior/attitude __ Colorful IMs
help me solve? __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Colorful IMs __ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) __ Unavailable Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ Technology __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Equipment Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works (AVR/LCD) __ Additional Clerical
__ Science/ Computer/ works
Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical
G. What innovation or Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
localized materials did I __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
use/discover which I wish to __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from
share with other teachers? views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be used __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics __ Recycling of plastics to
as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials to be used as Instructional be used as Instructional
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition Materials Materials
__ local poetical __ local poetical
composition composition

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