Liq ProdData 71-499ACL01

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Product Data Sheet

PDS 71-499ACL01/rev.F
February 2011
Model 499ACL-01

Free Chlorine Sensor

• MEASURE FREE CHLORINE without sample
pretreatment. No messy and expensive reagents
• AUTOMATIC CORRECTION to at least pH 9.5.
special tools required.
membrane permeability with temperature.
maintains correct membrane tension.
sensor to be replaced without running new cable.

FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS the chlorine reading. If the sample pH varies more than 0.2
pH (peak-to-peak), an auxiliary pH sensor is required to
The Model 499ACL-01 sensor is intended for the continu- provide the continuous pH correction.
ous determination of free chlorine (hypochlorous acid
plus hypochlorite ion) in water. The primary application is Because the rate of diffusion of free chlorine through the
measuring chlorine in drinking water. The sensor requires membrane depends on temperature, sensor response
no acid pretreatment and can measure free chlorine in must be corrected for temperature changes. A Pt 100
samples having pH as high as 9.5. In some cases, sam- RTD in the sensor measures the temperature, and the
ples having pH as great as 10.0 can be measured. For analyzer automatically performs the correction.
high pH applications, consult the factory. The linear range Stable, dilute chlorine standards do not exist, so the
of the sensor is 0 to 10 ppm. For determination of higher sensor must be calibrated against the results of a labora-
levels of chlorine, consult the factory. tory test run on a grab sample of the process liquid.
The 499ACL-01 is a membrane-covered amperometric Portable test kits are available from other manufacturers.
sensor. The sensor consists of a hydrophilic membrane All amperometric free chlorine sensors respond to
stretched tightly over a platinum cathode. A silver anode changes in pH. Although free chlorine is a mixture of
and an electrolyte solution complete the internal circuit. hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion, hypochlorous
During operation, chlorine diffuses from the sample acid alone is responsible for the sensor current. Because
through the membrane. A polarizing voltage applied to the relative amounts of hypochlorous acid and hypochlo-
the cathode completely reduces chlorine to chloride. The rite depend on pH, a pH change will cause the current and
reduction produces a current, which the analyzer meas- the apparent free chlorine concentration to change, even
ures. The current is directly proportional to the rate at though the true concentration remained constant. To com-
which chlorine diffuses through the membrane, which is pensate for variable pH, most competing sensors require
ultimately proportional to the concentration of chlorine in the sample to be treated with acid. Acid converts the free
the sample. chlorine completely to hypochlorous acid, and eliminates
The 499ACL-01 sensor needs no pretreatment. Instead, the interference.
the analyzer automatically applies a pH correction factor to
FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS tion of the membrane by keeping the pressure inside the
Maintenance is fast and easy. Replacing the membrane sensor equal to the sample pressure.
requires no special tools or fixtures. Simply place a few
drops of electrolyte solution in the membrane assembly, The Model 499ACL-01 sensor is available with a Variopol
place it on the cathode and screw the retainer in place. To (VP) watertight connector. Wire the interconnecting cable to
replenish the electrolyte solution, unscrew the fill plug, add the analyzer and run the cable to the sensor. The sensor
the reagent from a squeeze bottle, and replace the plug. plugs into the cable receptacle. To replace the sensor, sim-
ply disconnect the Variopol fitting and plug in a new sensor.
Pressure changes have little influence on sensor
response. A flexible bladder in the sensor prevents distor-

SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS Process Connection: 1/4-inch OD tubing compression

fitting or 1/4-inch FNPT
Range: 0 to 10 ppm (mg/L) as Cl2. For higher ranges,
consult the factory. Maximum Pressure: 90 psig (722 kPa abs)
Wetted Parts: Noryl 1 , Viton 2 , silicone, platinum, and Maximum Temperature: 158°F ( 70°C)
polyethersulfone. Note: The temperature and pressure specifications for the
Accuracy: Accuracy depends on the accuracy of the low flow cell exceed the specifications for the sensor.
chemical test used to calibrate the sensor.
pH range: 6.0 to 9.5. For samples having pH between 9.5 FLOW-THROUGH TEE (1-1/2 inch body) PN 23567-00
and 10.0, consult the factory. Samples with pH below 6.0 Wetted Parts: CPVC and Buna N; body is schedule 80
require no pH correction. CPVC
pH correction: Use continuous pH correction (requires an Process Connection: 1-1/2 inch socket
auxiliary pH sensor) if sample pH varies more than 0.2
pH (peak-to-peak). If pH variability is less or seasonal, Maximum Pressure: 65 psig (549 kPa abs)
the pH sensor is generally not required. Maximum Temperature: 122°F ( 50°C)
Interferences: peroxides, permanganate, chloramines.
Sample conductivity: >50 µS/cm. FLOW-THROUGH TEE (2 in. body) PN 915240-03, 04, 05
Response time: 22 sec to 95% of final reading at 25°C Wetted Parts: PVC and Buna N; body is schedule 80 PVC
Pressure: 0 to 65 psig (0 to 549 kPa abs) Process Connection: 3/4 inch NFPT, 1 inch NFPT, or
Temperature: 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C) 1-1/2 inch NFPT
Maximum Pressure: 60 psig (515 kPa abs)
Sample Flow:
Maximum Temperature: 120°F (49°C)
Flow through 1-5 gpm (3.8 to 19 L/min)
Open channel 1 ft/sec (0.3 m/sec)
Low flow cell (PN 24091-00) 8 to 15 gph (30 to 57 L/hr) for use with Low Flow Cell PN 24091-00
Low flow cell (PN 24091-01) 2 to 5 gph (8 to 19 L/hr) Flow: 2 to 20 gph (7.6 to 76 L/hr)
Process Connection: 1 inch MNPT Wetted Parts: polycarbonate, 316 stainless steel, brass,
Buna N
Electrolyte Volume: 25 mL (approx.)
Process Connection: 1/8 inch NFPT (brass)
Electrolyte Life: 3 months (approx.); for best results, replace
electrolyte monthly Maximum Pressure: 100 psig (858 kPa abs)
Cable Length (standard integral cable): 25 ft (7.6 m) Maximum Temperature: 130°F (54°C)
Cable Length (maximum): 300 ft (91 m)
Weight/Shipping Weight: 1 lb/3 lb (0.5 kg/1.5 kg) VALVED ROTAMETER PN 9390004
for use with Low Flow Cell PN 24091-01
1 Noryl is a registered trademark of General Electric. Flow: 0.4 to 5 gph (1.5 to 19 L/hr)
2 Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.
Wetted Parts: acrylic, 316 stainless steel, Viton
Process Connection: 1/4-inch NFPT (316 SS)
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Pressure: 100 psig (858 kPa abs)
Maximum Temperature: 150°F (65°C)
LOW FLOW CELL PN 24091-00 and 24091-01.
PN 24091-01 contains a bubble sweeping nozzle to
keep bubbles from accumulating against the mem-
brane. It is intended for samples where high flows are RECOMMENDED ANALYZERS
not available. See flow specifications above.
Use the 499ACL-01 with Models 1056, 56, 54eA, 5081-A,
Wetted Parts: polycarbonate, polyester, 316 stainless 1066, and Xmt-A.
steel, silicone


Sensor with Variopol connector.

Standard sensor with integral cable Length of assembled sensor is 9.3 in. (236 mm).


Low flow cell (PN 24091-00 and 24091-01)

The bubble sweeping nozzle in the inlet
of PN 24091-01 is not shown.


Flow-through tee (1-1/2 inch) (PN 23567-00)


Flow-through tee (2 inch) (PN 915240-03, -04, -05)

The Model 499ACL-01 sensor is intended for the determination of free chlorine in water. The sensor is generally
intended for mounting in a flow cell installed in a sidestream sample. The sensor is available with either an inte-
gral cable or a VP 6.0 quick disconnect fitting. Three replacement membrane assemblies, three o-rings and a 4-
oz (125 mL) bottle of electrolyte solution are provided with each sensor.

CODE Required selection
54 For use with Model 1056, 56, 54e A, 5081-A, 1066, and Xmt-A analyzers

CODE Optional selection

60 Optimum EMI/RFI cable (not available with -VP option)
VP Sensor with Variopol 6 connector (interconnecting cable must be ordered separately)
499ACL-01 -54 -VP EXAMPLE


23747-06 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 2.5 ft (0.8 m)
23747-04 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 4 ft (1.2m)
23747-02 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 10 ft (3.0 m)
23747-07 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 15 ft (4.6 m)
23747-08 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 20 ft (6.1 m)
23747-09 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 25 ft (7.6 m)
23747-10 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 30 ft (9.1 m)
23747-03 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 50 ft (15.2 m)
23747-11 Interconnecting cable, VP 6, 100 ft (30.5 m)

23567-00 1-1/2 in. flow through tee with 1-1/2 socket connections
914240-03 2-in. flow through tee with ¾-in FNPT connections
915240-04 2-in. flow through tee with 1-in FNPT connections
915240-05 2-in. flow through tee with 1-1/2-in FNPT connections
24091-00 Low flow cell for 8 - 15 gph
24091-01 Low flow cell with bubble sweeping nozzle for 2 - 5 gph
196-898754 Rotameter: 2.0 - 20.0 gph
23550-00 Junction box, 12 terminals
9200266 Extension cable (standard), unterminated (specify length)
9200275 Extension cable (optimum EMI/RFI), unterminated (specify length)
23747-00 Extension cable (optimum EMI/RFI), terminated (specify length)
2001492 Stainless steel tag
23501-08 Free chlorine membrane assembly: includes one membrane assembly and O-ring.
23502-08 Free chlorine membrane assembly: includes three membrane assemblies and three O-rings.
9210356 #4 Free chlorine sensor fill solution, 4 oz (125 mL)

3900-02-10 3900 sensor with 15 ft (4.7 m) cable, no pre-amplifier
3900-01-10 3900 sensor with 32 ft (10 m) cable, with integral preamplifier
3900VP-02-10 3900 sensor with VP connector (consult 3900/3900VP product data sheet for cable).


1. The sensor shall be suitable for the determination of free chlorine in water without the use of sample
conditioning reagents. Sensors that require sample conditioning are not acceptable.
2. The sensor shall be suitable for use in samples having pH as high as 9.5.
3. An auxiliary pH sensor to compensate for the effect of pH on the chlorine sensor response shall be required
if the pH variability is more than 0.2 units (peak-to-peak). Otherwise, a pH sensor shall not be required.
4. The sensor shall be a two-electrode membrane-covered sensor with a silver/silver chloride anode and a
platinum cathode. The fill solution shall be potassium chloride.
5. The sensor shall have a 1-inch MNPT process connection.
6. The sensor shall be able to tolerate temperature between 32 and 122ºF (0 to 50ºC) and a pressure as high
as 65 psig (549 kPa abs).
7. Flow cells designed for the sensor shall be available. A low flow cell requiring no more than about 2 gal/hour
(8 L/hr) of sample shall be available.
8. The response time to a step change in free chlorine concentration shall be about 22 seconds to 95% of final
9. Sensor maintenance shall require no special tools or fixtures.
10. The sensor fill solution shall require replacing no more often than once a month.
11. The sensor shall be available with either integral cable or a VP 6 quick disconnect fitting.
12. The sensor shall be Rosemount Analytical Model 499ACL-01-54 (standard integral cable), 499ACL-01-54-60
(optimum EMI/RFI resistant cable), 499ACL-01-54-VP (VP 6 connection), or approved equivalent.

The Model 1056 Dual Input The Model 56 Dual Input Analyzer
Analyzer offers the choice of single offers the choice of single or dual
or dual sensor inputs in any combi- sensor inputs in any combination of
nation of pH/ORP, contacting and pH/ORP, contacting or toroidal con-
toroidal conductivity (or resistivity), ductivity, chlorine, oxygen, or ozone.
chlorine, oxygen, and ozone. When When used with the 499ACL-01
used with the 499ACL-01 sensor, sensor, the most common dual-
the most common dual-channel channel configuration is chlorine
configuration is chlorine and pH, where the pH meas- and pH, where the pH measurement is used to com-
urement is used to compensate the chlorine reading for pensate the chlorine reading for pH effects. The analyzer
pH effects. The Model 1056 analyzer features a large, has four fully programmable analog outputs and four
easy to read back lit display, which can be customized fully programmable alarm relays, including PID and TPC
to fit user requirements. The analyzer has two fully control. The high contrast, full color display shows meas-
programmable analog outputs, and digital communi- urement results in large, easy-to-read digits. Menu
cation, either HART or Profibus DP, is available as an screens for programming and calibration are simply and
option. Four fully programmable alarm relays are also intuitive. Information screens, offering detailed explanation
optional. Diagnostic variables to aid in troubleshooting of programming features and calibration methods as
are displayed at the touch of a button. Menu prompts well as troubleshooting assistance, are available at the
can be displayed in one of seven user-selectable lan- touch of a button. An event and data logger and a dual
guages. Programming and calibrating is so simple that graphical display are also standard. HART and Profibus
a manual is almost not necessary. DP digital communication are optional.

The Model Xmt-A Transmitter is

The Model 5081 Conductivity compatible with any Rosemount
Transmitter is compatible with any
Analytical amperometric sensor
Rosemount Analytical amperometric
sensor (chlorine, oxygen, or ozone). (chlorine, oxygen, or ozone).
Although the 5081-A is a single Although the Xmt-A is a single input
input and single output device, a and single output device, a second
second input channel for pH is input channel for pH is available if the instrument is
available if the instrument is configured to measure configured to measure free chlorine. The pH channel is
free chlorine. The pH channel is used to correct the used to correct the chlorine reading for variability
chlorine reading for pH effects. The analog output is caused by pH changes. The analog output is dedicated
dedicated to chlorine, but it can be freely scaled to any to chlorine, but it can be freely scaled to any range.
range. Two digital communication protocols, HART and Two digital communication protocols, HART and
Foundation Fieldbus, are available as options. The Foundation Fieldbus, are also available as options. The
5081-A has a large, easy to read display. Local com-
local display has two lines and can be customized to fit
munication with the transmitter is through an infrared
remote controller. The analyzer enclosure is NEMA 7B user requirements. Menu prompts (in six user-selec-
(explosion-proof). table languages) for calibrating and programming are
clear and intuitive.


Instead of ordering and assembling individual compo-
nents, choose the Model FCL Free Chlorine System.
The Model FCL consists of the free chlorine sensor, a
pH sensor (if required), the analyzer, VP quick-
disconnect cable(s) prewired to the analyzer, flow
cell(s), and a constant head flow controller. The flow
controller automatically provides the correct sample
flow and eliminates the need for pressure regulators,
valves, and rotameters. Commissioning the FCL is
simple. The analyzer, flow controller, and flow cells are
all mounted on a back plate. Simply mount the FCL on
a wall, bring in power and sample, provide a drain, and
connect the sensors to the cables.

The right people,
the right answers,

Specifications subject to change without notice.


Credit Cards for U.S. Purchases Only.

Emerson Process Management

2400 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92606 USA
Tel: (949) 757-8500
Fax: (949) 474-7250

© Rosemount Analytical Inc. 2011

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