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218  Chapter 5

Definition of Learning
5.1 Define the term learning.
The term learning is one of those concepts whose meaning is crystal clear until one has
to put it in actual words. “Learning is when you learn something.” “Learning is learning
how to do something.” A more useful definition is as follows: Learning is any relatively
permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice.

What does “relatively permanent” mean? And how does

experience change what we do?

The “relatively permanent” part of the definition refers to the fact that when peo-
ple learn anything, some part of their brain is physically changed to record what they’ve
learned (Farmer et al., 2013; Loftus & Loftus, 1980). This is actually a process of memory, for
without the ability to remember what happens, people cannot learn anything. Although
there is no conclusive proof as yet, research suggests that once people learn something,
it may be present somewhere in memory in physical form (Barsalou, 1992; Smolen et al.,
2006). They may be unable to “get” to it, but it’s there. to Learning Objective 6.5.
As for the inclusion of experience or practice in the definition of learning, think
about the last time you did something that caused you a lot of pain. Did you do it again?
Probably not. You didn’t want to experience that pain again, so you changed your behav-
ior to avoid the painful consequence.* This is how children learn not to touch hot stoves.
In contrast, if a person does something resulting in a very pleasurable experience, that
person is more likely to do that same thing again. This is another change in behavior and
is explained by the law of effect, a topic we will discuss later in the chapter.
Not all change is accomplished through learning. Changes like an increase in height
or the size of the brain are another kind of change, controlled by a genetic blueprint. This
kind of change is called maturation and is due to biology, not experience. For example,
practice alone will not allow a child to walk. Children learn to walk because their nervous
systems, muscle strength, and sense of balance have reached the point where walking
is physically possible for them—all factors controlled by maturation. Once that matura-
tional readiness has been reached, then practice and experience play their important part.

It Makes Your Mouth Water:

Classical Conditioning
In the early 1900s, research scientists were unhappy with psychology’s focus on mental
activity. to Learning Objective 1.2. Many were looking for a way to bring some
kind of objectivity and scientific research to the field. It was a Russian physiologist (a person
who studies the workings of the body) named Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936) who pioneered the
empirical study of the basic principles of a particular kind of learning (Pavlov, 1906, 1926).

Pavlov And The Salivating Dogs

5.2 Identify the key elements of classical conditioning as demonstrated in
­Pavlov’s classic experiment.
Studying the digestive system in his dogs, Pavlov had built a device that would accu-
learning rately measure the amount of saliva produced by the dogs when they were fed a mea-
any relatively permanent change in sured amount of food. Normally, when food is placed in the mouth of any animal, the
behavior brought about by experience
or practice. *consequence: an end result of some action.
Learning  219

salivary glands automatically start releasing saliva to help with chewing and digestion.
This is a normal reflex—an unlearned, involuntary response that is not under personal
control or choice—one of many that occur in both animals and humans. The food causes
a particular reaction, the salivation. A stimulus can be defined as any object, event, or
experience that causes a response, the reaction of an organism. In the case of Pavlov’s
dogs, the food is the stimulus and salivation is the response.
Pavlov soon discovered that his dogs began salivating when they weren’t sup-
posed to be salivating. Some dogs would start salivating when they saw the lab assis-
Dr. Ivan Pavlov and students working in his
tant bringing their food, others when they heard the clatter of the food bowl from the laboratory. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist,
kitchen, and still others when it was the time of day they were usually fed. Switching his was the first to study and write about the
focus, Pavlov spent the rest of his career studying what eventually he termed classical basic principles of classical conditioning.
­conditioning, learning to elicit* an involuntary, reflex-like response to a stimulus other
than the original, natural stimulus that normally produces the response.
Elements of Classical Conditioning Pavlov eventually identified several key
elements that must be present and experienced in a particular way for conditioning to
take place.
UNCONDITIONED STIMuLus  The original, naturally occurring stimulus is called the
unconditioned stimulus (UCS). The term unconditioned means “unlearned.” This is the
stimulus that ordinarily leads to the involuntary response. In the case of Pavlov’s dogs, reflex
the food is the unconditioned stimulus. an involuntary response, one that is
not under personal control or choice.
UNCONDITIONED REsPONsE The automatic and involuntary response to the uncondi-
tioned stimulus is called the unconditioned response (UCR) for much the same reason. It
classical conditioning
is unlearned and occurs because of genetic “wiring” in the nervous system. For example,
learning to make an involuntary
in Pavlov’s experiment, the salivation to the food is the UCR (unconditioned response).
response to a stimulus other than the
CONDITIONED STIMuLus  Pavlov determined that almost any kind of stimulus could original, natural stimulus that nor-
become associated with the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) if it is paired with the UCS often mally produces the response.
enough. In his original study, the sight of the food dish itself became a stimulus for salivation
before the food was given to the dogs. Every time they got food (to which they automatically unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
salivated), they saw the dish. At this point, the dish was a neutral stimulus (NS) because it in classical conditioning, a naturally
had no effect on salivation. After being paired with the food so many times, the dish came occurring stimulus that leads to an
to produce a salivation response, although a somewhat weaker one, as did the food itself. involuntary and unlearned response.
When a previously neutral stimulus, through repeated pairing with the unconditioned stim-
unconditioned response (UCR)
ulus, begins to cause the same kind of involuntary response, learning has occurred. The
previously neutral stimulus can now be called a conditioned stimulus (CS). (Conditioned in classical conditioning, an invol-
untary and unlearned response to a
means “learned,” and, as mentioned earlier, unconditioned means “unlearned.”)
naturally occurring or unconditioned
CONDITIONED REsPONsE The response that is given to the CS (conditioned stimulus) is stimulus.
not usually quite as strong as the original unconditioned response (UCR), but it is essen-
tially the same response. However, because it comes as a learned response to the condi- neutral stimulus (NS)
tioned stimulus (CS), it is called the conditioned response (CR). in classical conditioning, a stimu-
lus that has no effect on the desired
Putting it all Together: Pavlov’s Canine Classic, or Tick Tock Tick Tock
response prior to conditioning.
Pavlov did a classic experiment in which he paired the ticking sound of a metronome (a
simple device that produces a rhythmic ticking sound) with the presentation of food to
conditioned stimulus (CS)
see if the dogs would eventually salivate at the sound of the metronome (Pavlov, 1927).
in classical conditioning, a previously
Since the metronome’s ticking did not normally produce salivation, it was a n ­ eutral
neutral stimulus that becomes able
stimulus (NS) before any conditioning took place. The repeated pairing of an NS and to produce a conditioned response,
the UCS (unconditioned stimulus) is usually called acquisition, because the organism is after pairing with an unconditioned
in the process of acquiring learning. Figure 5.1 explains how each element of the condi- stimulus.
tioning relationship worked in Pavlov’s experiment.
conditioned response (CR)
in classical conditioning, a learned
*elicit: to draw forth. response to a conditioned stimulus.
220  Chapter 5

Before Conditioning
Neutral Stimulus No Salivation
(NS) Metronome

During Conditioning
Neutral Stimulus Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditioned Response
(NS) Metronome (UCS) Food (UCR) Salivation

After Conditioning
Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response
(CS) Metronome (CR) Salivation

Figure 5.1 Classical Conditioning

Before conditioning takes place, the sound of the metronome does not cause salivation and is a neutral
stimulus, or NS. During conditioning, the sound of the metronome occurs just before the presentation of
the food, the UCS. The food causes salivation, the UCR. When conditioning has occurred after ­several pair-
ings of the metronome with the food, the metronome will begin to elicit a salivation response from the dog
without any food. This is learning, and the sound of the metronome is now a CS and the ­salivation to the
metronome is the CR.

Notice that the responses, CR (conditioned response) and UCR (unconditioned

response), are very similar—salivation. However, they differ not only in strength but
also in the stimulus to which they are the response. An unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is
always followed by an unconditioned response (UCR), and a conditioned stimulus (CS) is
always followed by a conditioned response (CR).
Is this rocket science? No, not really. Classical conditioning is actually one of the
simplest forms of learning. It’s so simple that it happens to people all the time without
them even being aware of it. Does your mouth water when you merely see an advertise-
ment for your favorite food on television? Do you feel anxious every time you hear the
high-pitched whine of the dentist’s drill? These are both examples of classical condition-
ing. Over the course of many visits to the dentist, for example, the body comes to asso-
If you find yourself cringing at the mere ciate that sound (CS) with the anxiety or fear (UCR) the person has felt while receiving
sight of a hypodermic needle, your a painful dental treatment (UCS), and so the sound produces a feeling of anxiety (CR)
cringing is a CR to the CS of the needle. whether that person is in the chair or just in the outer waiting area.
The pain of the shot would be the Pavlov and his fellow researchers did many experiments with the dogs. In addi-
original UCS. tion to the metronome, whistles, tuning forks, various visual stimuli, and bells were used
Learning  221

(Thomas, 1994). Although classical conditioning happens quite easily, Pavlov and his
other researchers formulated a few basic principles about the process (although we will
see that there are a few exceptions to some of these principles):
1. The CS must come before the UCS. If Pavlov sounded the metronome just after he
gave the dogs the food, they did not become conditioned (Rescorla, 1988).
2. The CS and UCS must come very close together in time—ideally, no more than
5 seconds apart. When Pavlov tried to stretch the time between the potential CS
and the UCS to several minutes, no association or link between the two was made.
Too much could happen in the longer interval of time to interfere with condition-
ing (Pavlov, 1926; Ward et al., 2012; Wasserman & Miller, 1997). Studies have
found that the interstimulus interval (ISI, or the time between the CS and
UCS) can vary depending on the nature of the conditioning task and even the

(galvanic skin response)

CS during
organism being conditioned. In these studies, shorter ISIs (less than 500 milli- conditioning

Strength of GSR
seconds) have been found to be ideal for conditioning (Polewan et al., 2006).
3. The neutral stimulus must be paired with the UCS several times, often many 15
times, before conditioning can take place (Pavlov, 1926).
4. The CS is usually some stimulus that is distinctive* or stands out from other
competing stimuli. The metronome, for example, was a sound that was not 10
0 1 2 3
normally present in the laboratory and, therefore, distinct (Pavlov, 1927; Stimuli
Rescorla, 1988).

Figure 5.2 Strength of the Generalized

That seems simple enough. But I wonder—would Pavlov’s
dogs salivate to other ticking sounds? An example of stimulus generalization. The UCS was
an electric shock and the UCR was the galvanic skin
Stimulus Generalization And Discrimination Pavlov did find that simi- response (GSR), a measure associated with anxiety.
lar sounds would produce a similar conditioned response from his dogs. He and The subjects had been conditioned originally to a CS
tone (0) of a given frequency. When tested with the
other researchers found that the strength of the response to similar sounds was
­original tone, and with tones 1, 2, and 3 of differing
not as strong as it was to the original one, but the more similar the other sound frequencies, a clear generalization effect appeared.
was to the original sound (be it a metronome or any other kind of sound), the The closer the frequency of the test tone to the frequency
more similar the strength of the response was (Siegel, 1969; see Figure 5.2). The of tone 0, the greater was the magnitude of the galvanic
tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stim- skin response to the tone (Hovland, 1937).
ulus is called stimulus generalization. For example, a person who reacts with anxiety to
stimulus generalization
the sound of a dentist’s drill might react with some slight anxiety to a similar-sounding
the tendency to respond to a stimu-
machine, such as an electric coffee grinder.
lus that is only similar to the original
Of course, Pavlov did not give the dogs any food after the similar ticking sound.
conditioned stimulus with the condi-
They only got food following the correct CS. It didn’t take long for the dogs to stop
tioned response.
responding (generalizing) to the “fake” ticking sounds altogether. Because only the real
CS was followed with food, they learned to tell the difference, or to discriminate, between stimulus discrimination
the fake ticking and the CS ticking, a process called stimulus discrimination. Stimulus the tendency to stop making a gen-
discrimination occurs when an organism learns to respond to different stimuli in differ- eralized response to a stimulus that
ent ways. For example, although the sound of the coffee grinder might produce a little is similar to the original conditioned
anxiety in the dental-drill-hating person, after a few uses that sound will no longer pro- stimulus because the similar stimulus
duce anxiety because it isn’t associated with dental pain. is never paired with the unconditioned
Extinction And Spontaneous Recovery What would have happened if Pavlov
had stopped giving the dogs food after the real CS? Pavlov did try just that, and the extinction
dogs gradually stopped salivating to the sound of the ticking. When the metronome’s
the disappearance or weakening of
ticking (CS or conditioned stimulus) was repeatedly presented in the absence of the a learned response following the
UCS (unconditioned stimulus or food, in this case), the salivation (CR or conditioned removal or absence of the uncondi-
response) “died out” in a process called extinction. tioned stimulus (in classical condition-
ing) or the removal of a reinforcer (in
*distinctive: separate, having a different quality from something else. operant conditioning).
222  Chapter 5

Why does the removal of an unconditioned stimulus lead to extinction of the condi-
tioned response? One theory is that the presentation of the CS alone leads to new learning.
During extinction, the CS–UCS association that was learned is weakened, as the CS no
longer predicts the UCS. In the case of Pavlov’s dogs, through extinction they learned to
not salivate to the metronome’s ticking, as it no longer predicted that food was on its way.
Look back at Figure 5.1. Once conditioning is acquired, the conditioned stimulus (CS)
and conditioned response (CR) will always come before the original unconditioned stimu-
lus (UCS). The UCS, which comes after the CS and CR link, now serves as a strengthener,
or reinforcer, of the CS–CR association. Remove that reinforcer, and the CR it strengthens
will weaken and disappear—at least for a while.
The term extinction is a little unfortunate in that it seems to mean that the original
conditioned response is totally gone, dead, never coming back, just like the dinosaurs.
Remember the definition of learning is any relatively permanent change in behavior. The
fact is that once people learn something, it’s almost impossible to “unlearn” it. People
can learn new things that replace it or lose their way to it in memory, but it’s still there. In
the case of classical conditioning, this is easily demonstrated.
After extinguishing the conditioned salivation response in his dogs, Pavlov waited
a few weeks, putting the conditioned stimulus (i.e., the metronome) away. There were no
more training sessions, and the dogs were not exposed to the metronome’s ticking in that
time at all. But when Pavlov took the metronome back out and set it ticking, the dogs all
began to salivate, although it was a fairly weak response and didn’t last very long. This
brief recovery of the conditioned response proves that the CR is “still in there” somewhere
(remember, learning is relatively permanent). It is just suppressed or inhibited by the lack of
an association with the unconditioned stimulus of food (which is no longer reinforcing or
strengthening the CR). As time passes, this inhibition weakens, especially if the original
conditioned stimulus has not been present for a while. In spontaneous recovery the condi-
tioned response can briefly reappear when the original CS returns, although the response is
usually weak and short lived. See Figure 5.3 for a graph showing both extinction and spon-
taneous recovery.

Figure 5.3 Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery

This graph shows the acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, and reacquisition of a conditioned
spontaneous recovery salivary response. Typically, the measure of conditioning is the number of drops of saliva elicited by the CS
the reappearance of a learned on each trial. Note that on the day following extinction, the first presentation of the CS elicits quite a large
response after extinction has occurred. response. This response is due to spontaneous recovery.
Learning  223

Higher-Order Conditioning Another concept in classical conditioning is

­ igher-order conditioning (see Figure 5.4). This occurs when a strong conditioned
stimulus is paired with a neutral stimulus. The strong CS can actually play the part of a
UCS, and the previously neutral stimulus becomes a second conditioned stimulus.
For example, let’s revisit the point when Pavlov has conditioned his dogs to salivate at
the sound of the metronome. What would happen if just before Pavlov turned on the met-
ronome, he snapped his fingers? The sequence would now be “snap-­ticking-salivation,”
or “NS–CS–CR” (“neutral stimulus/conditioned stimulus/conditioned response”). If this
happens enough times, the finger snap will eventually also produce a salivation response.
The finger snap becomes associated with the ticking through the same process that the tick-
ing became associated with the food originally and is now another conditioned stimulus.
Of course, the food (UCS) would have to be presented every now and then to maintain the
original conditioned response to the metronome’s ticking. Without the UCS, the higher-or-
der conditioning would be difficult to maintain and would gradually fade away.

Why Does Classical Conditioning Work? Pavlov believed that the conditioned
stimulus, through its association close in time with the unconditioned stimulus, came
to activate the same place in the animal’s brain that was originally activated by the
unconditioned stimulus. He called this process stimulus substitution. But if a mere asso-
ciation in time is all that is needed, why would conditioning fail to happen when the CS
is presented immediately after the UCS?
Robert Rescorla (1988) found that the CS has to provide some kind of information
about the coming of the UCS in order to achieve conditioning. In other words, the CS must
predict that the UCS is coming. In one study, Rescorla exposed one group of rats to a tone,
and just after the tone’s onset and while the tone was still able to be heard, an electric shock
was administered for some of the tone presentations. Soon the rats became agitated* and

Stage 1
Metronome (NS) UCR (salivation) Conditioning Metronome (CS1) CR (salivation)
UCS (food)

Stage 2
Metronome (CS1) CR (salivation) High-Order Snapping (CS2) CR (salivation)
Snapping (NS) Conditioning

Figure 5.4 Higher-Order Conditioning

In Stage 1, a strong salivation response is conditioned to occur to the sound of the metronome (CS1). In higher-order conditioning
Stage 2, finger snapping (NS) is repeatedly paired with the ticking of the metronome (CS1) until the dog occurs when a strong conditioned
begins to salivate to the finger snapping alone (now CS2). This is called “higher-order conditioning,” because stimulus is paired with a neutral
one CS is used to create another, “higher” CS. stimulus, causing the neutral stimu-
lus to become a second conditioned
*agitated: excited, upset. stimulus.
224  Chapter 5

reacted in fear by shivering and squealing at the onset of the tone, a kind of conditioned
emotional response. But with a second group of rats, Rescorla again sounded a tone but
administered the electric shock only after the tone stopped, not while the tone was being
heard. That group of rats responded with fear to the stopping of the tone (Rescorla, 1968).
The tone for the second group of rats provided a different kind of information
than the tone in the first instance. For the first group, the tone means the shock is com-
ing, whereas for the second group, the tone means there is no shock while the tone is
on. It was the particular expectancy created by pairing the tone or absence of tone with
the shock that determined the particular response of the rats. Because this explanation
involves the mental activity of consciously expecting something to occur, it is an example
of an explanation for classical conditioning called the cognitive perspective.

Classical Conditioning Applied To Human Behavior

5.3 Apply classical conditioning to examples of phobias, taste aversions, and
drug dependency.
Later scientists took Pavlov’s concepts and expanded them to explain not only animal
behavior but also human behavior. One of the earliest of these studies showed that even
an emotional response could be conditioned.
Phobias In the first chapter of this text, John B. Watson’s classic experiment with
“Little Albert” and the white rat was discussed. This study was a demonstration of the
classical conditioning of a phobia—an irrational fear response (Watson & Rayner, 1920).
Watson paired the presentation of the white rat to the baby with a loud, scary noise.
Although the baby was not initially afraid of the rat, he was naturally afraid of the loud
noise and started to cry. After only seven pairings of the noise with the rat, every time the
baby saw the rat, he started to cry. In conditioning terms, the loud noise was the UCS, the
Figure 5.5 Conditioning of “Little fear of the noise the UCR, the white rat became the CS, and the fear of the rat (the phobia)
was the CR (see Figure 5.5). (It should be pointed out that Watson didn’t really “torture”
After “Little Albert” had been conditioned the baby—Albert’s fright was temporary. Still, no ethics committee today would approve
to fear a white rat, he also demonstrated
an experiment in which an infant experiences psychological distress like this.)
fear of a rabbit, a dog, and a sealskin coat
(although it remains uncertain if stimulus Little Albert remains a topic of interest for many researchers and students of psychol-
generalization actually occurred, as this fear ogy alike. Researchers have suggested his true identity was Douglas Merritte, the son of a
was of a single rabbit, a single dog, etc.). wet nurse at the hospital where the study took place (Beck & Irons, 2011; Beck et al., 2009).
Can you think of any emotional reactions And, if in fact Little Albert was really Douglas Merritte, additional research has revealed
you experience that might be classically
that Douglas was neurologically impaired at the time he was tested by Watson and Rayner
conditioned emotional responses?
(due to hydrocephalus, brain infections, and serious allergic reactions) and sadly, later died
at six years of age (Fridlund et al., 2012). And while Watson and Rayner’s original study still
cognitive perspective prompts curiosity and controversy, so do the recent investigations, as not everyone believes
modern perspective in psychology that that Little Albert’s identity has been found (Harris, 2011; Powell, 2010; Reese, 2010).
focuses on memory, intelligence, per- The learning of phobias is a very good example of a certain type of classical condi-
ception, problem solving, and learning. tioning, the conditioned emotional response (CER). Conditioned emotional responses
are some of the easiest forms of classical conditioning to accomplish, and our lives are
conditioned emotional full of them. It’s easy to think of fears people might have that are conditioned or learned:
response (CER)
a child’s fear of the doctor’s office, a puppy’s fear of a rolled-up newspaper, or the fear
emotional response that has become
of dogs that is often shown by a person who has been attacked by a dog in the past. But
classically conditioned to occur to
other emotions can be conditioned, too.
learned stimuli, such as a fear of dogs
It is even possible to become classically conditioned by simply watching someone
or the emotional reaction that occurs
when seeing an attractive person.
else respond to a stimulus in a process called vicarious conditioning (Bandura & Rosen-
thal, 1966; Hygge & Öhman, 1976; Jones & Menzies, 1995). For example, one of the authors
vicarious conditioning (we’re not saying who, but her name rhymes with "candy") grew up watching her mother
classical conditioning of an involun- react very badly to any stray dog. The mother had been bitten and had to get rabies shots,
tary response or emotion by watching so her fear was understandable. Her daughter had never been bitten or attacked yet devel-
the reaction of another person. oped an irrational and strong fear of all dogs as a result of watching her mother’s reaction.
Learning  225

The next time you watch television, watch the commercials closely. Advertisers often
use certain objects or certain types of people in their ads to generate a specific emotional
response in viewers, hoping that the emotional response will become associated with their
product. Sexy models, cute little babies, and adorable puppies are some of the examples of
stimuli the advertising world uses to tug at our heartstrings, so to speak. But advertisers
also use vicarious classical conditioning, often showing people reacting emotionally in the
ad (either positively or negatively) to a product. They hope that the viewer will become con-
ditioned to experience that same emotion when seeing the same product on store shelves.
The good news is that the same learning principles that can contribute to pho-
bias and anxiety disorders can also be used to treat them, as we’ll see in the video Using
­Classical Conditioning to Treat Disorders.


Watch the Video Using Classical Conditioning to Treat Disorders on MyPsychLab

Conditioned Taste Aversions Some kinds of associations in classical conditioning

seem to be easier to make than others. For example, are there any foods that you just
can’t eat anymore because of a bad experience with them? Believe it or not, your reac-
tion to that food is a kind of classical conditioning.
Many experiments have shown that laboratory rats will develop a conditioned taste
aversion for any liquid or food they swallow up to 6 hours before becoming nauseated.
Researchers (Garcia et al., 1989; Garcia & Koelling, 1966) found that rats that were given a
sweetened liquid and then injected with a drug or exposed to radiation* that caused nau-
sea would not touch the liquid again. In a similar manner, alcoholics who are given a drug
to make them violently nauseated when they drink alcohol may learn to avoid drinking
any alcoholic beverage. The chemotherapy drugs that cancer patients receive also can cre-
ate severe nausea, which causes those people to develop a taste aversion for any food they
have eaten before going in for the chemotherapy treatment (­Berteretche et al., 2004).

But I thought that it took several pairings of these stimuli to bring

about conditioning. How can classical conditioning happen so fast? conditioned taste aversion
development of a nausea or aversive
It’s interesting to note that birds, which find their food by sight, will avoid any
response to a particular taste because
object or insect that simply looks like the one that made them sick. There is a certain
that taste was followed by a nausea
species of moth with coloring that mimics the monarch butterfly. That particular reaction, occurring after only one
*radiation: beams of electromagnetic energy. association.
226  Chapter 5

butterfly is poisonous to birds, but the moth isn’t. The moth’s mimicry causes birds to
avoid eating it, even though it is quite edible. Researchers have found that some asso-
ciations between certain stimuli and responses are far easier to form than others and
that this is true in both animals and people. This is called biological preparedness.
While mammals are biologically prepared to associate taste with illness, birds are bio-
logically prepared to associate visual characteristics with illness (Shapiro et al., 1980).
As for phobias, fear is a natural emotional response that has ties to ­survival—we need
to remember what the fear-inducing stimuli are so we can safely avoid them in the future.
Nausea and fear are both examples of involuntary reactions that help organisms survive
to reproduce and pass on their genetic material, so the innate tendency to make quick and
Conditioned taste aversions in nature. This strong associations between stimuli and these reactions has evolutionary importance.
moth is not poisonous to birds, but the
Biological preparedness for fear of objects that are dangerous makes sense for
monarch butterfly whose coloring the moth
survival, but when objects are not typically dangerous, it turns out to be very difficult
imitates is quite poisonous. Birds find their
food by vision and will not eat anything that to condition a fear of those objects. In one study, monkeys easily learned to be afraid
resembles the monarch. of a toy snake or crocodile by watching videos of other monkeys reacting fearfully to
these stimuli (a good example of vicarious classical conditioning). But the monkeys
never learned to fear flowers or a toy rabbit by the same means (Cook & Mineka,
1989). Snakes and crocodiles are predators; flowers and rabbits are not.
Drug Dependency The “high” of drug use, whether it comes from an opiate deriva-
tive, a stimulant, or a depressant such as alcohol, often takes place in certain surroundings,
with certain other people, and perhaps even using certain objects, such as the tiny spoons
used by cocaine addicts. These people, settings, and objects can become conditioned stim-
uli that are associated with the drug high and can produce a conditioned "high" response.
The presence of these cues can make it even harder to resist using the drug because the
body and mind have become classically conditioned to associate drug use with the cues.

Thinking Critically
biological preparedness
Do you think that humans are as controlled by their biology as other animals? Why or why not?
referring to the tendency of animals
to learn certain associations, such as
taste and nausea, with only one or few
pairings due to the survival value of
the learning.

Concept Map L.O. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Definition of Learning
(any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice)

“relatively permanent” aspect of learning although physical changes may be

refers to learning being associated present we may not always be able
with physical changes in the brain to “get” to the information

discovered by Ivan Pavlov focused on observable, measurable behavior

worked with salivating dogs
unconditioned stimulus (UCS): original, naturally occurring
stimulus that ordinarily leads to an involuntary response
unconditioned response (UCR): involuntary response
several key elements to the unconditioned stimulus
must be present conditioned stimulus (CS): previously neutral stimulus that begins
and experienced to cause the same kind of involuntary response when paired
repeatedly with the UCS
conditioned response (CR): response that is given to the CS

Classical Conditioning
(learning to make an involuntary response to a stimulus other than the original, natural stimulus that normally produces it)
unconditioned response (UCR): involuntary response
several key elements to the unconditioned stimulus
must be present conditioned stimulus (CS): previously neutral stimulus that begins
and experienced to cause the same kind of involuntary response when paired Learning  227
repeatedly with the UCS
conditioned response (CR): response that is given to the CS

Classical Conditioning
(learning to make an involuntary response to a stimulus other than the original, natural stimulus that normally produces it)

CS must come before the UCS

CS and UCS must come very close together in time (< 5 sec)
basic principles for
classical conditioning CS must be paired with the UCS many times
to occur CS must be distinct from other competing stimuli

stimulus generalization: response to a stimulus that is similar to the original CS

stimulus discrimination: response to different stimuli in different ways
key features
extinction: presentation of the CS in the absence of the UCS leads to reduction in the CR
spontaneous recovery: reappearance of a previously extinguished CR
higher-order conditioning: occurs when strong CS is paired with new neutral
stimulus; new previously neutral stimulus becomes a second CS

conditioned emotional responses: emotional responses that have some associations are
become classically conditioned to occur in response to learned stimuli; relatively quick and easy
based on work of John B. Watson; helps explain development of phobias to learn due to survival
value for organism
conditioned taste aversion is one situation where classical conditioning
(biological preparedness)
can occur quickly without repeated pairings
vicarious conditioning can occur by simply watching someone else respond to a stimulus

Pavlov—stimulus substitution occurs where the CS comes to activate

Why does it work? the same part of the brain that was originally activated by the UCS
cognitive perspective—organism consciously expects
something to occur; CS provides information about
the coming of the UCS (based on work of Rescorla)

Practice Quiz How much do you remember?

Pick the best answer.
1. Michael noticed that whenever he moved his dog’s food dish, his b. Tommy is told about a new product by a close friend and
dog would come into the kitchen and act hungry and excited. He decides to buy it for himself.
reasoned that because he feeds the dog using that dish, the sound c. A cat responds to the sound of a bell because it sounds similar
of the dish had become a(n) to a bell it hears on the television.
a. unconditioned stimulus. c. unconditioned response. d. Tonja watches her grandfather check the air pressure in her bike
b. conditioned stimulus. d. conditioned response. tire and then use a hand pump to add air to the tire. She is later
2. Ever since she was scared by a dog as a young child, Angelica has able to check the air pressure and pump up the tire herself.
been afraid of all dogs. The fact that she is afraid of not only the 5. Cindy had cheesy tacos at a local Mexican restaurant. Later she
original dog but all types of dogs is an example of became terribly ill and suffered bouts of nausea and vomiting. What
a. extinction. c. stimulus discrimination. might we predict based on conditioned taste aversion research?
b. spontaneous recovery. d. stimulus generalization. a. Cindy will probably develop a strong liking for cheesy tacos.
3. In Watson’s experiment with “Little Albert,” the conditioned b. Cindy will probably be able to eat cheesy tacos with no nausea
stimulus was at all.
a. the white rat. c. the fear of the rat. c. Cindy will probably get nauseated the next time she tries to eat
b. the loud noise. d. the fear of the noise. cheesy tacos.
d. Cindy will probably continue to eat cheesy tacos except when
4. Which of the following would be an example of vicarious classical she feels nauseous.
a. As a young child, Tony frequently observed his older sisters jump 6. Rescorla found that the CS must _________ the UCS for
around and scream whenever any of them saw a spider, as they ­conditioning to take place.
were very afraid of them. Subsequently, Tony experiences feel- a. replace c. come at the same time as
ings of fear when he sees a spider. b. come after d. predict

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