In 1831, Faraday published his discovery of
electromagnetic induction. In a famous experiment he
undertook, he created a basic transformer. He made two
coils by wrapping two separate lengths of wire around
opposite sides of an iron ring. He connected one coil to a
galvanometer, and the other he connected to a battery.
As he connected and disconnected the battery, he
noticed the galvanometer kick. This effect is now known
as mutual induction, and forms the basis of
e = N × dΦdt
Electrical Generator:
The EMF generated by Faraday’s law of induction due to
relative movement of a circuit and a magnetic field is the
phenomenon underlying electrical generators. When a
permanent magnet is moved relative to a conductor, or
vice versa, an electromotive force is created. If the wire is
connected through an electrical load, current will flow,
and thus electrical energy is generated, converting the
mechanical energy of motion to electrical energy.
Electrical transformer:
The EMF predicted by Faraday’s law is also responsible
for electrical transformers. When the electric current in a
loop of wire changes, the changing current creates a
changing magnetic field. A second wire in reach of this
magnetic field will experience this change in magnetic
field as a change in its coupled magnetic flux, dΦB/dt.
Therefore, an electromotive force is set up in the second
loop called the induced EMF or transformer EMF. If the
two ends of this loop are connected through an electrical
load, current will flow.
The phenomenon of generation of electric current by
causing a variation in the magnetic field is
electromagnetic induction. Faraday conducted an
experiment in which a coil connected to a galvanometer
is placed near a bar magnet. The movement of the bar
magnet towards or away from the coil causes the
generation and flow of electric current in the coil.
Materials Required:
Magnetic bar, a galvanometer, coil and connecting wires.
Working principle:
The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction was first
discovered by Michael Faraday while experimenting on
how to produce an electric current in a circuit using only
the force of the magnetic field. Faraday noticed that
moving a permanent magnet in and out of a coil induces
an electromotive force thereby producing current.
The experiment conducted by faraday is described in
brief as follows:
In the experiment, a coil denoted by C1C1 is connected
to a galvanometer, and a bar magnet is placed near to it
as shown in the figure.
When the bar magnet is held stationary, the
galvanometer does not show any deflection. When the
north pole of the magnet is pushed towards the coil, the
pointer in the galvanometer deflects indicating the
presence of an electric current in the coil.
However, when the north pole of the magnet is pulled
away from the coil, the pointer in the galvanometer
deflects in the opposite direction, indicating that the
direction of the current is reversed.
Similarly, when the south pole of the magnet is moved
towards or away from the coil, the galvanometer deflects
in a manner opposite to that observed when the north
pole of the magnet was moved towards or away from the
coil. When the coil is pushed towards and pulled away
from the fixed bar magnet, the same effects of deflections
in the galvanometer are observed.
The relative motion between the magnet and the
coil C1C1 changes the magnetic flux associated with the
coil. This induces an electromotive force in the coil. This
induced emf causes the electric current to flow in the coil
and through the galvanometer.
When the bar magnet is not moving away or towards the
coil, no sign of deflection is seen in the galvanometer
implying the non-induction of current in the coil.