Anatomy of Flowering Plants 2023 24-12-02!58!7
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 2023 24-12-02!58!7
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 2023 24-12-02!58!7
1. Cambium activity is
a) More active towards the periphery of stem
b) More active towards the lateral sides of stem
c) More active towards the inner side of stem
d) Same on the both sides
2. Cambium is a type of
a) Apical meristem
b) Intercalary meristem
c) Lateral meristem
d) Permanent of mature meristem
3. Pith is a central part of the ground tissues generally made up of
a) Parenchyma b) Collenchyma c) Chlorenchyma d) Sclerenchyma
4. Interfascicular cambium is found
a) Between pith and vascular bundle b) Between two vascular bundles
c) In the vascular bundle d) Outside the bundle
5. Meristematic tissue are
a) Premature having ability of division
b) Mature does not have ability of division
c) Premature not having ability of division
d) Complex differentiating in xylem, phloem and cambium
6. I. The 1° and 2° phloem get gradually crushed due to the continued formation and accumulation of 2°
II. 1° xylem remains more or less intact in or near the centre
III. Secondary growth results in an increase in the length of the axis
Select the correct statements
a) I and II b) II and III c) I and III d) I, II and III
7. Cork is used as the stopper for bottles, for shock absorption and insulation because of
a) It is light and compressible b) Non-reactive
c) Sufficiently resistant to fire d) All of the above
8. Medullary rays are formed by the
a) Radially placed parenchymatous cells between vascular bundles
b) Longitudinally placed parenchymatous cells between vascular bundles
c) Laterally placed parenchymatous cells between vascular bundles
d) Obliquely placed parenchymatous cells between vascular bundles
9. Identify 𝐴 to 𝐷 in the given diagram and choose the correct option
49. The meristem which is particularly present in the mature regions of roots and shoots and produce woody
axis and appear later than the primary meristem is called
a) Secondary meristem b) Intercalary meristem
c) Apical meristem d) Tertiary meristem
50. A monocot stem with secondary growth is
a) Lilium b) Cocos c) Yucca d) Asparagus
51. Vessels are absent in this angiosperm.
a) Mangifera b) Magnolia c) Dillenia d) Drimys
52. Conjoint collateral closed vascular bundle is found in
a) Monocot stem b) Monocot root c) Dicot stem d) Dicot root
53. Palisade parenchyma is absent in leaves of
a) Sorghum b) Mustard c) Soyabean d) Gram
54. The tunica-corpus theory was proposed by
a) Hofmeister b) Nagelli c) Strasburger d) Schmidt
55. Alburnum is otherwise known as
a) Periderm b) Sapwood c) Heartwood d) Bark
56. Roots apical meristem occupies the …A… of roots, while shoot apical meristem occupies the distant most
region of the …B… axis
Complete the above sentence with the correct combination of A and B
a) A-tip; B-stem b) A-side; B-stem
c) A-laterally; B-root d) A-tip; B-meristamatic
57. Vascular bundle in the laves of dicots are surrounded by
a) Epidermis b) Bundle sheath cells c) Pericycle d) Both (a) and (c)
58. Intercalary meristem is a derivative of
a) Lateral meristem b) Promeristem c) Primary meristem d) Secondary meristem
59. Exchange of gases between the outer atmosphere and internal tissue of the stem takes place by (in dicot
a) Lenticels b) Stomata c) Hydathodes d) Pneumatophores
60. A nail is driven into the trunk of a 30 years old tree at a point 1 m above the soil level. The tree grows in
height at the rate of 0.5m a years. After three years, nail will be
a) 1 m above the soil b) 1.5 m above the soil
c) 2 m above the soil d) 2.5 m above the soil
61. Intrafascicular cambium is present in between the
a) Primary xylem and secondary xylem b) Secondary phloem and primary xylem
c) Primary xylem and secondary phloem d) Primary xylem and secondary phloem
62. In dicotyledonous roots, the initiation of lateral roots takes place in
a) Endodermal cells b) Cortical cells c) Epidermal cells d) Pericycle cells
63. The roots of angiosperms show exarch xylem and their stems have endarch bundles. These are continuous
throughout the change occurs in
a) Epicotyl region b) Hypocotyl region c) Upper part of root d) Lower part of stem
64. The stele found in monocot is
a) Haplostele b) Atactostele c) Dictyostele d) Actinostele
65. Largest number of chloroplast is found in
a) Palisade tissue b) Spongy tissue c) Transfusion tissue d) Bundle sheath cells
66. Ground tissue includes
a) All tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles
b) Epidermis and cortex
c) All tissues internal to endodermis
d) All tissues external to endodermis
67. Cambium is present in between
a) Phloem and xylem b) Permanent mature cells
c) Collenchyma and sclerenchyma d) Collenchyma and parenchyma
68. All the following statements regarding sieve tube elements are true except
a) Their end walls have perforated sieve plates which become impregnated with lignin at maturity
b) They possess peripheral cytoplasm as well as a large vacuole
c) Distinct proteinaceous inclusions, the P-proteins are seen evenly distributed throughout the lumen
d) Long, slender, tube-like structures arranged in longitudinal series
69. ‘Exarch’ is the condition of vascular bundles in which
a) Protoxylem lies toward the outside and b) Metaxylem lies toward the outside and
metaxylem lies inward protoxylem lies inward
c) Metaxylem lies toward the lateral side and d) Protoxylem lies toward the lateral side and
protoxylem lies inward metaxylem lies inward
70. Select the correct statements
I. Epidermal call have small amount of cytoplasm and a large vacuole
II. Waxy layer cuticle is absent in roots
III. Root hairs are unicellular, while stem hairs/trichomes are multicellular
IV. Trichomes are branched/unbranched, soft/stiff and secretory or transpiration preventive
V. Guard cells are dum-bell-shaped in dicots and bean-shaped in monocots (e.g., grass)
a) All except I and II b) All except III
c) All except II and IV d) All except IV
71. In dicot root, the vascular cambium are
a) Completely secondary in origin
b) Completely primary in origin
c) Secondary as well as primary in origin
d) Does not exist
72. I. Annual rigs are formed as a result of seasonal environmental conditions
II. Tracheids/vessels elements are larger during periods when water is abundant
III. Tracheids/vessels elements have thicker wall during periods of water deprivation
IV. Wood formed in the previous years is darker than newer wood
Select the combination of correct statements from the options given below
a) I and II b) II and IV c) I, II and III d) II, III and IV
73. Select the incorrect statements
I. Excessive loss of water is prevented by epidermis
II. Stomata develop from epidermal tissue
III. Photosynthesis is one of the primary function of leaf ground tissue
a) I and II b) II and III c) III and I d) None of the above
74. Which element of xylem is the characteristic feature of angiosperms?
a) Tracheids b) Phloem c) Vessels d) Xylem fibre
75. As compared to the dicot root, monocotyledon root have
a) More xylem bundles b) More phloem bundles
c) Less phloem bundles d) Less xylem bundles
76. The function of a vessel is conduction of
a) Food b) Water and minerals c) Hormones d) All of these
77. Complex tissue includes
a) Collenchyma b) Apical meristem c) Conducting tissue d) Idioblast
78. Identify the types of simple tissue given in the diagram 𝐴, 𝐵 and C
a) A-Parenchyma, B-Sclerenchyma, C-Collenchyma
b) A-Parenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Sclerenchyma
c) A-Sclerenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Parenchyma
d) A-Sclerenchyma, B-Parenchyma, C-Collenchyma
79. In the diagram of TS of stele of dicot root, the different parts have been indicated by alphabets, choose the
answer in which these alphabets correctly match with the parts they indicate.
c) Shoot tips and root tips d) Flowers, fruits and leaves
88. Old stem on Combretum has
a) Inter and intraxylary phloem b) Inter and extraxylary phloem
c) Intra and extraxylary phloem d) All of the above
89. Atactostele type of stele is found in
a) Dicot b) Monocots
c) Both (a) and (b) d) Only in gymnosperm
90. I. Sieve tube conduct organic food longitudinally
II. Xylem parenchyma cells stores food and help in lateral conduction of sap
Select the correct option
a) I is incorrect, but II is correct
b) II is incorrect, but I is correct
c) I and II are correct
d) I and II are incorrect
91. Growth rings are formed due to activity of
a) Extrastelar cambium b) Intrastelar cambium c) Interstelar cambium d) Both (b) and (c)
92. Water impermeable, waxy material secreted by endodermal cells is called
a) Lignin b) Suberin c) Conjuctive tissue d) Pectin
93. Tyloses are balloon-like ingrowths in vessels developing from the adjoining
a) Fibres through pits on vessel wall
b) Fibres through the general surface of vessel wall
c) Parenchyma through pits on vessel wall
d) Parenchyma through the general surface of vessel wall
94. Select the correct statement from the following
a) The cells of the permanent tissue do not generally divide
b) Permanent tissues having all cells similar in structure and function are called simple tissues
c) Permanent tissues having many different types of cells are called complex tissues
d) All of the above
95. Tissues involved in secondary growth is/are
I. intercalary stem
II. vascular cambium
III. cork cambium
Select the correct options from below
a) I and II b) II and III c) I and III d) I, II and III
96. Which is a characteristic of dicots?
a) Roots develop from radicle b) Secondary growth usually absent
c) Floral parts in multiple of three d) Parallel leaf veins
97. Identify the plant parts whose transverse section shows a clear and prominent pith.
a) Dicot and monocot stems b) Dicot stem and monocot root
c) Dicot and monocot roots d) Dicot stem and dicot root
98. A tree grows at the rate of 0.5 m per year. What will be the height of the board fixed at 1.5 m above the
base five years ago?
a) 4.0 m b) 3.5 m c) 1.5 m d) 4.5 m
99. Mesophylls of monocotyledon leaf are not differentiated into
a) Palisade tissue b) Spongy parenchyma
c) Bulliform cells d) Both (a) and (b)
100. In the given diagram of secondary growth of dicot root, identify 𝐴 to 𝐷 and choose the correct option
a) A-Cortex, B-Primary phloem, C-Cambial ring, D-Protoxylem
b) A-Cortex, B-Primary phloem, C-Cambial ring, D-Pericycle
c) A-Cortex, B-Primary phloem, C-Primary xylem, D-Pericycle
d) A-Cortex, B-Primary phloem, C-Primary xylem, D-Protoxyleme
101. Anatomically fairly old dicotyledonous root is distinguished from the dicotyledonous stem by
a) Absence of secondary xylem b) Absence of secondary phloem
c) Presence of cortex d) Position of protoxylem
102. Dendrochronology is
a) Secondary growth b) Apical growth
c) Seasonal variation d) Determination of age of tree
103. Vascular tissues in flowering plants develop from
a) Phellogen b) Plerome c) Periblem d) Dermatogen
104. In dicot, leaves, protoxylem elements
a) Face toward the abaxial surface b) Face toward adaxial side
c) Are surrounded by metaxylem d) Are scattered in the middle
105. The wood with lower density is …A… and that of higher density is …B…
Choose the correct combination of options for A and B
a) A-autumn wood; B-spring wood b) A-spring wood; B-autumn wood
c) A-autumn wood; B-blate wood d) A-spring wood; B-early wood
106. The protoxylem and metaxylem in the stem lies towards
a) The pith and root centre, respectively
b) The periphery and root centre, respectively
c) The root centre and periphery of organ, respectively
d) The pith and periphery of organ, respectively
107. Central part of root occupied by parenchymatous (thin or thick walled) cells is called
a) Pith b) Endodermis c) Pericycle d) Meristem
108. The histogens are classified on the basis of
a) Cells they contain b) Cells they give rise to future tissue
c) Meristematic activity d) Cell division
109. Which tissue gives rise to secondary growth?
a) Apical meristem b) Adventitious roots c) Germinating seed d) Vascular cambium
110. Generally the silica is deposited on the free sides of
a) Dorsiventral leaves b) Monocotyledonous leaves
c) Isobilateral leaves d) Both (b) and (c)
111. Monocot root differ from dicot root because of
a) Radial vascular bundle
b) Large and well-developed pith
c) Polyarch xylem bundle
d) Both (b) and (c)
112. The vascular bundle, where the phloem is surrounded by xylem is known as
a) Amphivasal b) Bicollateral c) Amphicribal d) Radial
113. In rhizome of Pteridium, stele, which is composed of two or more than two concentric rings of vascular
bundles is called
a) Polycyclic b) Siphonostele
c) Ectophloic siphonostele d) Cladosiphonostele
114. Stomatal apparatus consists of
a) Stomatal aperture b) Guard cell c) Subsidiary cells d) All of these
115. The apical meristem of the root is present
a) Only in adventitious root b) In all the roots
c) Only in radicals d) Only in tap roots
116. Among the following attributes of xylem, which are mainly mechanical in function?
a) Xylem fibre b) Xylem parenchyma c) Tracheids d) Vessels
117. The quiescent centre in root meristem serves as a
a) Site for storage of food which is utilized during maturation
b) Reservoir of growth hormones
c) Reserve for replenishment of damaged cells of the meristem
d) Region for absorption of water
118. On the basis of their structure and location, tissue system is of …… in plants
a) 2 types b) 3 types c) 4 types d) 5 types
119. In the given TS dicot leaf, identify 𝐴 to 𝐸 and choose the correct option
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d) Endodermal cells lying opposite to protoxylem points
123. Companion cells in plants are associated with
a) Vessels b) Sperms c) Sieve elements d) Guard cells
124. Science, which deals with the study of ageing is known as
a) Teratology b) Gerontology c) Limnology d) Palaeontology
125. The term leptome is used for
a) Xylem b) Phloem c) Endodermis d) Pericycle
126. Grass elongates after cutting (moving) due to
a) Primary meristem b) Secondary meristem
c) Apical meristem d) Intercalary meristem
127. Which of the following would be in significant amount in xylem sap?
a) Sugar b) Nitrates c) Phosphates d) Water
128. The secondary meristem initiates
a) Basal growth b) Transverse growth c) Radial growth d) Vertical growth
129. Xylem fibres are made up of
a) Sclerenchyma cells with thin walls
b) Sclerenchyma cells with thick wall
c) Parenchyma cells with thin wall
d) Sclerenchyma cells with no obliteration in central lumen
130. Removal of ringwood of tissue outside the vascular cambium from the tree trunk kills it because
a) Water cannot move up
b) Food does not travel down and root become starved
c) Shoot become starved
d) Annual rings are not produced
131. Prickles
I. don’t have vascular supply
II. are epidermal in origin
III. help in climbing
Select the right combination of statements from the given options
a) I and II b) II and III c) I and III d) I, II and III
132. Which one of the following is well-developed present in hydrophytes?
a) Aerenchyma b) Collenchyma c) Stomata d) Root system
133. In dicot stem, secondary growth is due to the activity of
a) Apical meristem b) Lateral meristem c) Cork d) Bark
134. The meristem responsible for extra stelar secondary growth in dicot stem is
a) Interfascicular cambium b) Intrafascicular cambium
c) Intercalary meristem d) Phellogen
135. Casparian thickenings are found in the cells of
a) Pericycle of the root b) Endodermis of the root
c) Pericycle of the stem d) Endodermis of the stem
136. In the given TS of monocot leaf, identify 𝐴 to 𝐸. Choose the correct option
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c) A-Adaxial epidermis, B-Phloem, C-Mesophyll, D- d) A-Adaxial epidermis, B-Xylem, C-Mesophyll, D-
Abaxial epidermis, E-Xylem Abaxial epidermis, E-Phloem
137. Length of petiole increases due to division of
a) Apical meristem b) Lateral meristem c) Intercalary meristem d) All of these
138. Phytotron is
a) A controlled condition chamber for tissue b) Leaf culture process
c) Special culture of plants d) Root culture process
139. The tissue which perpetuates itself by active cell division is
a) Permanent tissue b) Ground tissue c) Meristematic tissue d) Vascular tissue
140. Amphivasal vascular bundle possess
a) Xylem around phloem
b) Phloem around xylem
c) Phloem on both sides of xylem
d) Phloem towards centre and xylem towards periphery
141. Trichomes are epidermal hairs of
a) Primary root b) Primary stem c) Primary leaves d) Secondary root
142. I. Protection of internal tissues
II. Protection leaves from microbes
III. Gaseous exchange
IV. Reduction in the rate of transpiration through epidermal cells due to trichomes
Which of the function of epidermis is/are relevant from the above given statements?
a) Only II b) I and II c) II and III d) I, II, III and IV
143. Identify 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 indicated in diagram of root apex given below
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a) Companion cells b) Trichomes c) Root hairs d) Guard cells
148. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The collenchyma occurs in layers below the epidermis in monocotyledonous plants
b) Sclerenchyma cells are usually dead and without protoplasts
c) Xylem parenchyma cells are living and thin-walled and their cell walls are made up of lignin
d) The companion cells are specialised sclerenchymatous cells
149. The age of tree by counting annual rings is called
a) Dendrochronology b) Ageing c) Chronology d) Countrology
150. Lignification is associated with
a) Xylem b) Phloem c) Parenchyma d) Chlorenchyma
151. Conducting tissue for the transport of water and minerals from the roots to the stems and leaves is called
a) Xylem b) Phloem c) Parenchyma d) Collenchyma
152. Abaxial surface of the leaf generally bears
a) Less stomata than adaxial epidermis b) More stomata than adaxial epidermis
c) Equal stomata than adaxial epidermis d) Hairs to absorb the minerals
153. Open vascular bundles
a) Have cambium in between the primary and secondary xylem
b) Have cambium in between the primary and secondary phloem
c) Have cambium in between the xylem and phloem
d) Don’t have cambium in between xylem and phloem
154. The lacunae in vascular bundle of monocot stem is
a) Amucilage canal b) A large-sized vessel
c) Lysigenous water cavity d) Metaxylem
155. Complementary cells are associated with
a) Lenticels b) Hydathodes c) Rhytidome d) Bark
156. In which of the following, root system is poorly developed?
a) Phaene b) Hydrilla c) Halophyte d) Xerophyte
157. Heartwood differs from sapwood in
a) Presence of rays and fibres b) Absence of vessels and parenchyma
c) Having dead and non-conducting elements d) Being susceptible to pests and pathogens
158. The sclerenchyma of the hypodermis in the Pinus needle helps in
a) Increasing the absorptive surface of the cell b) Checking transpiration
c) Mechanical support d) Photosynthesis
159. Which one of the following is not a lateral meristem?
a) Intrafascicular cambium b) Interfascicular cambium
c) Phellogen d) Intercalary meristem
160. In dicot stem, vascular bundles are
a) Numerous scattered b) Arranged in a ring
c) Without cambium d) Surrounded by bundle sheath
161. Which of the following statements are true?
I.Uneven thickening of cell well is characteristic of sclerenchyma.
II.Periblem forms the cortex of the stem and the root.
III.Tracheids are the chief water transporting elements in gymnosperms.
IV.Companion cell is devoid of nucleus at maturity.
V.The commercial cork is obtained from Quercus suber.
a) I and IV b) II and V c) III and IV d) II, III and V
162. Which of the above following are simple tissues?
I. Parenchyma
II. Collenchyma
III. Sclerenchyma
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a) I and II b) II and III c) I and III d) I, II and III
163. Non-articulated laticifers are found in
a) Nerium b) Papaver c) Hevea d) Achras
164. I. Epidermal cells
II. Stomata
III. Trichomes
IV. Root hairs
These are the attributes of
a) Epidermal tissue system b) Ground tissue system
c) Fundamental tissue system d) Vascular tissue system
165. The large empty and colourless cells present at intervals on the upper surface of grass leaf are called
a) Bulliform cells b) Palisade parenchyma
c) Spongy parenchyma d) Accessory cells
166. Velamen is found in
a) Vanda b) Rosa c) Viscum d) Santalum
167. The functions of sieve tubes are controlled by
a) Cytoplasm of sieve tube cells b) Nucleus of sieve tube cells
c) Nucleus of companion cells d) Cytoplasm of companion cells
168. Which of the following have sunken stomata?
a) Nerium b) Mangifera c) Hydrilla d) Zea mays
169. The meristem, in which the cells divide in several planes is
a) Plate meristem b) Rib meristem c) Mass meristem d) Lateral meristem
170. Cambium activity is highest in
a) Autumn b) Spring c) Winter d) Rain
171. During the formation of primary plant body specific regions of apical meristem produces
a) Dermal tissue b) Ground tissue c) Vascular tissue d) All of these
172. Vascular bundle, in which two patches of phloem are present on both sides of xylem is
a) Collateral b) Bicollateral c) Concentric d) Radial
173. Vascular bundle with cambium is called
a) Closed b) Open c) Exarch d) Endarch
174. Compound sieve plates are found in
a) Cucurbita b) Vitis c) Magnolia d) Corchorus
175. From evolutionary point of view, tracheids and sieve cells are more primitive than tracheae and sieve
tubes respectively. The angiosperms have
a) Tracheae and sieve tubes b) Tracheids, tracheae and sieve tubes
c) Tracheae, sieve cells and sieve tubes d) Tracheids, tracheae and sieve cells
176. I. Phloem transports the food materials usually from the leaves to other parts of the plant
II. Phloem in the angiosperm is composed of sieve tube elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma
and phloem fibres
Identify which of the following statement is correct and select the correct option
a) I and II are correct b) I and II are incorrect
c) I is correct, but II is incorrect d) II is correct, but I is incorrect
177. The outermost layer of dicotyledonous root is called
a) Cortex b) Epidermis c) Cambium d) Periderm
178. Identify 𝐴 to 𝐸 in the given diagram
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a) A-Endodermis, B-Pericycle, C-Protoxylem, D- b) A-Endodermis, B-Pericycle, C-Protoxylem, D-Pith,
Metaxylem, E-Pith E-Metaxylem
c) A-Endodermis, B-Pericycle, C-Pith, D-Protoxylem, d) A-Endodermis, B-Pith, C-Pericycle, D-Protoxylem,
E-Metaxylem E-Metaxylem
179. Choose the wrong statement from the following
a) Axillary/terminal bud develops from apical meristem
b) Merismatic activity occurs at stem apex/root apex
c) Permanent tissues are produced by primary and secondary meristem
d) None of the above
180. I. It is resistant to microorganisms
II. It comprises dead elements
III. It comprises highly lignified cell wall
IV. It is the peripheral part
V. It is dark and tough
Which of the above property doesn’t belongs to heart wood?
a) I and II b) Only IV c) Only V d) III and I
181. Tracheids
a) Are the dominant cell types of xylem in angiosperms
b) Are primarily found in mosses and liverworts
c) Are responsible for water conduction and support in many land plants
d) First appeared during Palaeozoic era
182. I. Usually cortex of stem is formed the during secondary growth of the stem
II. It is a couple of layer thick
III. It is made up of thin walled rectangular cells
Select the incorrect statements
a) I and II b) II and III c) I and III d) None of these
183. Jute is mainly composed of
a) Xylem b) Secondary bast fibre c) Phloem d) Cortex
184. Which of the following cells are studied during translocation of solutes?
a) Sieve tube cells b) Companion cells c) Phloem fibre d) Xylem fibre
185. Stelar regions are formed from
a) Periblem b) Plerome c) Dermatogen d) Tunica
186. Casparian strips are present in the ……… of the root.
a) Epiblema b) Cortex c) Pericycle d) Endodermis
187. Cork cambium gives rise to
a) Phellogen and secondary cortex b) Phellogen, phelloderm and secondary cortex
c) Cork and phellogen d) Cork and secondary cortex
188. Simple sieve plate with single perforation is present in
a) Cucurbita b) Prunus c) Pyrus d) Vitis
189. Root caps are absent in
a) Mesophytes b) Xerophytes c) Hydrophytes d) Lithophytes
190. Which cells possess chloroplast and regulate the opening and closing of stomata?
a) Cuticle cell b) Stomatal cell c) Guard cell d) Subsidiary cell
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191. Bamboo and grasses elongate by the activity of
a) Secondary meristem b) Lateral meristem c) Apical meristem d) Intercalary meristem
192. At maturity, the sieve plates become impregnated with
a) Cellulose b) Pectin c) Suberin d) Callose
193. Cells of collenchyma have thickened corners due to the deposition of
a) Cellulose b) Hemicellulose c) Pectin d) All of these
194. Complex tissues are
a) Made up of more than one kind of cells
b) Xylem and phloem
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
195. In a vascular bundle, if xylem vessels develop in a centripetal fashion, the xylem is likely to be
a) Mesarch b) Centrarch c) Endarch d) Exarch
196. In monocot roots, which type of vascular bundles are found?
a) Collateral, conjoint and closed b) Radial with exarch xylem
c) Bicollateral, conjoint and closed d) Radial with endarch xylem
197. All the tissues on the innerside of the endodermis constitutes together to form
a) Vascular bundle b) Conjuctive tissue c) Pith d) Stele
198. The cork is impervious to water due to
a) Lignin deposition in the cell wall
b) Compactness of cell
c) Suberin deposition in the cell wall
d) All of the above
199. I. Vascular tissue
II. Cork cambium
III. Xylem and phloem elements
IV. Parenchyma and sclerenchyma
Choose the correct combination for heterogenous tissue
a) I and II b) II and IV c) II and III d) Only III
200. Vascular bundle having phloem at the centre encircled by xylem is known as
a) Bicollateral b) Conjoint collateral c) Amphivasal d) Amphicribral
201. In dicotyledonous root, the cortex consists of
a) Sclerenchymatous tissue b) Collenchymatous tissue
c) Parenchymatous tissue d) Endodermis tissue
202. Which of the following is true?
a) Vessels are unicellular and with narrow lumen
b) Vessels are multicellular and with wide lumen
c) Tracheids are unicellular and with wide lumen
d) Tracheids are multicellular and with narrow lumen
203. Choose the correct combination of labelling of a lenticels
P a g e | 16
204. Meristematic tissue in vascular bundle is
a) Phellem b) Procambium
c) Interfascicular cambium d) Fascicular cambium
205. The following diagrams show the types of secondary thickening in the xylem vessels. Identify the types
labelled from A to F. Choose the correct option from those given.
P a g e | 17
a) maturing b) Elongating c) widening d) Differentiating
215. Damaged sieve tubes are sealed by deposition of
a) Pectin b) Callose c) Suberin d) Lignin
216. Arrange the following in the order of their location from periphery to centre in the entire dicotyledonous
plant body.
I. Fusiform cells II. Trichoblasts III. Collocytes IV.Tyloses
a) IV , I, II, III, b) II , III , I, IV c) III , II, I, IV d) I , IV, III, II
217. Cork tissue arises from
a) Periderm b) Phellogen c) Phelloderm d) Phellem
218. As secondary growth proceeds in a dicot stem, the thickness of
a) Sapwood increases
b) Heartwood increases
c) Both sapwood and heartwood increase
d) Both sapwood and heartwood remains the same
219. A mature sieve tube differs from a vessel in
a) Lacking a functional nucleus b) Absence of lignified walls
c) Being nearly dead d) Lacking cytoplasm
220. Cork cambium of dicot originates from
a) Epiblema b) Pericycle
c) Cambium of vascular bundles d) Endodermis
221. Parenchymatous cells are usually present in the
I. pericycle
II. pith
III. medullary rays
IV. primary root
V. secondary root
VI. primary stem
VII. secondary stem
Select the correct combinations from the given options
a) All except I and III b) All except V and VII
c) All except II and IV d) All except VI and III
222. What differentiates leaf of dicots from monocots?
a) Parallel venation
b) Differentiation of palisade and spongy parenchyma
c) Stomata only on upper side
d) Stomata both on upper and lower sides
223. In dicotyledonous root
a) 3 to 6 xylem and phloem patches are found
b) 4 to 8 xylem and phloem patches are found
c) 2 to 4 xylem and phloem patches are found
d) 5 to 6 xylem and phloem patches are found
224. Simple tissues which occurs in layers below the epidermis in dicotyledonous plants are
a) Simple parenchyma b) Complex parenchyma
c) Collenchyma d) Simple tissue
225. Intercalary meristem is found between the
a) Mature tissue b) Apical root meristem
c) Shoot meristem d) Two nodes
226. Maximum number of vascular bundles are present in
a) Monocot stem b) Monocot root c) Dicot stem d) Dicot root
227. Identify A to E in the given TS of dicot stem and choose the correct option
P a g e | 18
a) A-Hypodermis, B-Chlorenchyma, C-Endodermis, D-Pericycle, E-Medullary rays
b) A-Hypodermis, B-Parenchyma, C-Endodermis, D-Pericycle, E-Medullary rays
c) A-Hypodermis, B-Sclerenchyma, C-Endodermis, D-Pericycle, E-Medullary rays
d) A-Hypodermis, B-Sclerenchyma, C-Endodermis, D-Pericycle, B-Parenchyma
228. In dicot root, the cork cambium is formed with the help of
a) Cortex b) Pericycle c) Epidermis d) Endodermis
229. Quiescent centre is a
a) Weak zone b) Active zone c) Inactive d) Strong base
230. In monocot stem, the hypodermis is
a) Parenchymatous b) Sclerenchymatous
c) Collenchymatous d) Meristematic
231. Bulliform cells are the modification of
a) Abaxial epidermis cell b) Adaxial epidermis cell
c) Mesophyll d) Vascular tissue
232. In dicot stem, secondary xylem lie towards the …A… and secondary phloem lie towards the …B… .
Choose the correct combination of options for A and B
a) A-pith; B-periphery b) A-periphery; B-pith
c) A-periphery; B-laterally d) A-pith; B-laterally
233. In which of the following, the phloem is located only on the outer side of the xylem
a) Open vascular system b) Closed vascular system
c) Conjoint vascular system d) Radial vascular system
234. Which meristem is responsible for the production of secondary tissues?
a) Primary meristem b) Root apical meristem
c) Shoot apical meristem d) Secondary meristem
235. Wood is
a) Primary phloem b) Primary xylem c) Secondary xylem d) Secondary phloem
236. Sclerenchyma mainly provides
a) Storage tissue to the plants
b) Mechanical support to the organs of plants
c) Secretory tissue to the plants
d) Strength to monocot plants, specially their abundance in the layers below the epidermis
237. Bicollateral conjoint vascular bundles have
a) Xylem and phloem, which are arranged in an alternate manner on different radii
b) Xylem and phloem, which are situated at the same radius and it has two groups of phloem along the two
sides of xylem (inside and outside)
c) Xylem and phloem in same radius but it has only one group phloem outside the xylem
d) Phloem surrounds the xylem tissues
238. I. Made up of sclerenchymatous cells
II. Generally absent in primary phloem
III. Much elongated and pointed
Given above characters belongs to which of the following?
a) Phloem fibre b) Xylem fibre c) Companion cells d) Sieve cells
239. I. It is made up of elongated, compactly arranged cells
II. It is usually single layered
P a g e | 19
III. It is parenchymatous
IV. Large vacuole is present
Which of the above characters belong to the epidermis?
a) All except I b) All except III and IV c) All except II d) All of these
240. I. They may be branched or unbranched and soft or stiff
II. They may be secretory and help in preventing water loss due to transpiration
Which of the above characteristics belongs to trichomes
a) Only I b) Only II c) I and II d) None of these
241. In young stem, the vascular cambium is
a) Single layered b) Bilayered c) Trilayered d) Does not exist
242. In the diagram of lenticel, identify the parts indicated as A, B, C, D
P a g e | 20
a) A-Conjoint closed, B-Conjoint open, C-Radial b) A-Radial, B-Conjoint open, C-Conjoint closed
c) A-Radial, B-Conjoint closed, C-Conjoint open d) A-Conjoint open, B-Conjoint closed, C-Radial
252. Velamen and spongy tissue is found in
a) Breathing roots b) Parasitic roots c) Tuberous roots d) Epiphytic roots
253. In previous question, the given diagram is the TS of
a) Root and belongs to monocot
b) Stem and belongs to monocot
c) Root and belongs to dicot
d) Stem and belongs to dicot
254. I. Youngest secondary phloem is just outside the cambium, while youngest secondary xylem is present
inside the cambium
II. Oldest secondary phloem is just inside the primary phloem, while oldest secondary xylem is just above
III. Secondary medullary ray passes through both secondary xylem and secondary phloem
Select the incorrect statement from above
a) I and II b) II and III c) III and I d) None of these
255. Collenchyma is
a) Living and contains protoplasm b) Dead and hollow
c) Dead and filled with reserve food d) Living and contains no reserve food
256. The stele is composed of
a) Vascular bundle b) Pith and vascular bundle
c) Cortex and endodermis d) Pith and cortex
257. Vascular cambium of dicot root originates from the tissue located just below…A… bundles, a portion of
pericycle tissue above the …B… forming a complete continues wavy ring, which later becomes …C…
Choose the correct combination of options for A-C
a) A-xylem, B-protoxylem, C-circular
b) A-phloem, B-protoxylem, C-circular
c) A-phloem, B-metaxylem, C-circular
d) A-xylem, B-metaxylem, C-circular
258. Plant length is increased by
a) Apical meristem b) Lateral meristem c) Dermatogen d) Periblem
259. Given below the diagram of secondary growth in dicot stem (diagrammatic). Identify 𝐴 to 𝐷
P a g e | 22
273. I. Tracheids
II. Vessels
III. Fibres
IV. Parenchyma
All the above structures are the attributes of
a) Xylem b) Phloem c) Meristem d) Vascular tissue
274. Lamellar collenchyma is seen in the stem of
a) Cucurbita b) Leucas c) Sambuscus d) Monstera
275. During secondary growth new meristematic tissues arrising in the cortical region of the stem are called
a) Phellem b) Phelloderm c) Secondary cortex d) Phellogen
276. I. Monocot root
II. Dicot stem
III. Monocot stem and dicot root
IV. Dicot stem and dicot root
V. Dicot root
Which of the above have well-developed pith?
a) I and II b) III and IV c) IV and V d) II and III
277. The cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called
a) Phellogen b) Periderm c) Phellem d) Phelloderm
278. Sunken stomata is found in leaves of
a) Trifolium b) Lemna c) Nerium d) Lilium
279. A vascular bundle without pith is
a) Protostele b) Siphonostele c) Solenostele d) None of these
280. A leaf primordium grows into adult leaf lamina
a) At first by apical meristem and later largely by b) By apical meristem
marginal meristems
c) By lateral meristem d) By marginal meristem
281. The vascular cambial ring of dicot stem is
a) Primary in origin b) Secondary in origin
c) Embryonic in origin d) Partly primary and partly secondary in origin
282. Mesophyll is a tissue which is present in leaf
a) Between the upper and lower epidermis b) Below the lower epidermis
c) In between endodermis and pericycle d) Below the endodermis and upper on the pericycle
283. I. Roots are unicellular
II. Trichomes are multicellular usually
Identify the correct statement and select the correct option
a) I and II are correct b) I and II are incorrect
c) I is correct, but II is incorrect d) II is correct, but I is incorrect
284. Narrow bands of parenchymatous tissue which passes through the secondary xylem and phloem radially
are called
a) Pith b) Stele
c) Primary medullary rays d) Secondary medullary rays
285. Quiescent centre is present in
a) Shoot apex b) Root apex c) Both (a) and (b) d) Meristematic tissue
286. Tyloses an outgrowth from ray or axial parenchyma cell into the lumen of a vessel, which partially or
completely blocks the cavity are present in
a) Periderm b) Heartwood c) Sapwood d) Secondary cortex
287. Bark is the non-technical term which refers to
a) A few tissue exterior to the vascular cambium b) A few tissue interior to the vascular cambium
c) All the tissue interior to the vascular cambium d) All the tissue exterior to the vascular cambium
P a g e | 23
288. From the plants given below, select the monocots having secondary growth in their stem
a) Yucca b) Wheat c) Aloe d) Both (a) and (c)
289. Which of the three sub-zones of cortex of dicot stem performs the function of providing mechanical
strength to young stem?
a) Hypodermis b) Cortical layers c) Endodermis d) Both (a) and (c)
290. Study the following columns and choose the correct combination.
Tissue Structural function
1.Collen- Cell walls Photosy-
chyma with nthesis
high water in young
content stems
2.Parenc- Suberised Storage
hyma cell walls of food
3.Scleren- Lignified Mechani
chyma cell walls cal
4.Digestive Dense Breaking
glands cytoplasm the
a) I and II b) II and III c) I and IV d) I and III
291. The difference in phloem of gymnosperms and angiosperms is due to
a) Parenchyma b) Sieve cell c) Companion cell d) Fibers
292. The waxy material deposited in the Casparian strip of the endodermis is
a) Pectin b) Suberin c) Cellulose d) Lignin
293. What is/are true about heartwood?
I.It does not help in water conduction.
II.It is also called alburnum.
III.It is dark in colour but very soft.
IV.It has tracheary elements, which are filled with tannin, resin, etc.
a) II, III and IV b) I and IV c) II and IV d) I, II and III
294. Vascular cambium of stem is
a) Partly primary and partly secondary meristem
b) Primary meristem
c) Secondary meristem
d) Intercalary meristem
295. Periderm is made up of
I. cork cambium
II. cork
III. secondary cortex
Select the correct combination of options
a) I and II b) I and III c) II and III d) I, II and III
296. Casparian strip is found in
a) Epidermis b) Pericycle c) Endodermis d) Endothecium
297. I. Peripheral region of the secondary xylem in dicot stem in lighter in colour and known as heart wood
II. It is involved in water and mineral conduction
Select the correct option from below
a) I is correct, but II is incorrect b) I is incorrect, but II is correct
c) I and II are correct d) I and II are incorrect
P a g e | 24
298. Choose the correct combination of labeling of Hydathode.
P a g e | 25
305. Vascular cambium in roots takes its origin from
a) Pericycle b) Conjunctive parenchyma
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above
306. Meristamatic tissue helps in the
a) Absorption of water b) Growth of plant
c) Absorption of minerals d) Transpiration
307. The phloem of angiosperms differs from that of other vascular plants by the presence of
a) Vessels b) Companion cells c) Tylosoides d) Albuminous cells
308. Growth rings are absent or not sharply demarcated in the trees of
a) Temperate deciduous b) Tropical evergreen
c) Temperate evergreen d) Tropical deciduous
309. Subsidiary cells are the specialised cell in the
a) Vicinity of guard cell b) Vicinity of stomatal cell
c) Absence of stomatal cell d) Absence of guard cell
310. Axillary bud and terminal bud are derived from the activity of
a) Lateral meristem b) Intercalary meristem
c) Apical meristem d) Parenchyma
311. Cortex consists of three sub-zones in dicot stem, they are
I. hypodermis II. cortical layer
III. pericycle IV. endodermis V. epidermis
a) All except I and II b) All except II and III
c) All except IV and V d) All except III and V
312. Vessels differ from tracheids
a) In being living
b) In being derived from a single cell
c) In having vertical row of cells with crosswalls dissolved
d) Because they conduct water
313. Which of the following cells is an epidermal cell containing chloroplast?
a) Hydathode b) Stomata c) Guard cell d) None of these
314. Elongation of epidermal cells which helps in the absorption of water and minerals from the soil are called
a) Trichomes b) Root hairs c) Emergences d) All of these
315. Old dicot roots differ from dicot stem in
a) Absence of cortex b) Absence of primary phloem
c) Absence of vascular bundles d) Presence of xylem
316. This is a specialised tissue found in the mesophyll of Cycas and Pinus leaves.
a) Spongy tissue b) Palisade tissue c) Conjunctive tissue d) Transfusion tissue
317. Choose the correct statement
a) A group of cell having common origin generally perform common function
b) All of the cells in a plant body are capable of dividing
c) Permanent tissues have all cells same in function but different in structure
d) None of the above
318. Sclerenchyma fibres are
a) Thick-walled b) Elongated c) Pointed cells d) All of these
319. Pericycle is present
I. Just above the phloem
II. on the innerside of endodermis
Select the correct option
a) I is correct, but II is incorrect
b) II is correct, but I is incorrect
c) I and II are correct
P a g e | 26
d) I and II are incorrect
320. Bicollateral vascular bundles are found in the members of this family
a) Malvaceae b) Fabaceae c) Caesalpiniaceae d) Cucurbitaceae
321. The chief function of sieve tube element is to
a) Conduct minerals
b) Help the plant in forming wood
c) Transport water from roots to leaves
d) Translocate the organic material from source to sink
322. When cut horizontally both spring and autumn wood appear in concentric rings known as
a) Heartwood b) Latewood c) Sapwood d) Annual ring
323. Root cap is not used in water absorption due to
a) Presence of epidermis b) Presence of endodermis
c) Absence of root hairs d) Presence of root hairs
324. Epidermis covered with cuticle, bearing trichomes and few stomata is the characteristic feature of
a) Root b) Dicot stem c) Vascular bundle d) Monocot stem
325. Border parenchyma or bundle sheath is made up of
a) Parenchymatous cell b) Sclerenchymatous cell
c) Chlorenchymatous cell d) All of these
326. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of bryophytes?
a) Dominant gametophytic generation b) Filamentous rhizoids
c) Amphibious habitat d) Vascular tissues
327. Vascular bundles in monocotyledons are considered closed because
a) Xylem is surrounded all around by phloem b) There are no vessels with perforations
c) A bundle sheath surrounds each bundle d) There is no secondary growth
328. Primary function of epidermis is
a) Photosynthesis b) Protection
c) Conduction of water and solutes d) Mechanical support
329. The number of stomata and epidermal cells in 1 mm leaf area of lower epidermis of the leaves of X, Y and
Z plants are given below. Arrange the plants in decreasing order of their stomatal index.
Plan Number Number of
t of Epidermal
Stomata Cell
X 30 150
Y 60 240
Z 90 400
a) X, Y, Z b) Y, Z, X c) Z, Y, X d) Y, X, Z
330. In woody trees, the exchange of gases between the outer atmosphere and the internal tissue of the stem
takes place through
a) Aerenchyma b) Stomata c) Pneumatophores d) Lenticels
331. Vascular system consists of
I. xylem
II. phloem
III. ground meristem
IV. epidermal meristem
Select the correct combination from the given options
a) I and II b) I, II and III c) I, II and IV d) I, III and IV
332. In dicotyledonous roots, cambium develops in between
a) Xylem and cortex b) Phloem and meristem
c) Xylem and phloem d) Two xylem strands
333. In a dicotyledonous stem, the sequence of tissues from the outside to the inside is
a) Phellem-pericycle-endodermis-phloem b) Phellem-phloem-endodermis-pericycle
P a g e | 27
c) Phellem-endodermis-pericycle-phloem d) Pericycle-phellem-endodermis-phloem
334. Meristem consists of
a) Undivided cells b) Cells in continuous state of cell divisions
c) Dead cells d) Cells which divide rarely
335. For a critical study of secondary growth in plants, which one of the following pairs is suitable?
a) Sugarcane and sunflower b) Teak and pine
c) Deodar and fern d) Wheat and maiden hair fern
336. Cuticle is secreted from
a) Epidermis b) Endodermis c) Both (a) and (b) d) Hypodermis
337. I. Parenchyma tissue II. Collenchyma tissue
III. Sclerenchyma tissue
Which of the above tissues are found in the ground tissue system?
a) I and II b) II and III c) I and III d) I, II and III
338. In the sieve elements, which one of the following is the most likely function of P-proteins?
a) Deposition of callose on sieve plates b) Providing energy for active translocation
c) Autolytic enzymes d) Sealing mechanism on wounding
339. Example of secondary meristem is
a) Fascicular vascular cambium
b) Interfascicular cambium
c) Cork cambium
d) All of the above
340. Mesophyii is well differentiated into palisade and spongy tissue in
a) Dicot leaves b) Monocot leaves c) Xerophytic stem d) Hydrophytic stem
341. I. Unicellular hair
II. Endodermis with passage cells
III. Pith small and inconspicuous
IV. Radial vascular bundle
V. 2-4 xylem and phloem
VI. Cambium ring develops between xylem and phloem
The above description refers to which of the following?
a) Monocot root b) Dicot root c) Monocot stem d) Dicot stem
342. Vessels are found in
a) All angiosperms and some gymnosperms
b) Most of the angiosperms and few gymnosperms
c) All angiosperms, all gymnosperms and some pteridophytes
d) All pteridophytes
343. The outer walls of guard cells (away from stomatal pore) are …A…. While the inner walls (towards the
stomatal pore) are …B… .
Choose the correct combination of A and B
a) A-thick, B-thin b) A-thin, B-thick
c) A-thin, B-also thin d) A-thick, B-also thick
344. Intercellular spaces are found in …A… region. Intercellular spaces are absent in …B… region. Choose the
correct option for A and B
a) A-cortex, B-endodermis b) A-endodermis, B-cortex
c) A-endodermis, B-pericycle d) A-cortex, B-pericycle
345. Quiescent centre is found in plants at
a) Root tip b) Cambium c) Shoot tip d) Tip
346. Large number of xylary elements having vessels with wider activity are produced in
a) Spring wood b) Autumn wood c) Early wood d) (a) or (c)
347. I. Long tube-like structure, arranged longitudinally and associated with companion cells
P a g e | 28
II. End wall perforated in a sieve like manner to form sieve plates
Given above two character belong to which attribute of phloem
a) Sieve tube elements b) Companion cells c) Phloem parenchyma d) Tracheid
348. Xylem tissue is composed of
a) Four same kinds of elements b) Three same kinds of elements
c) Four different kinds of elements d) Three different kinds of elements
349. Apical meristem and intercalary meristem are called primary meristem because?
a) They appear early in plant and contributes to the formation of primary plant body
b) They make secondary tissue
c) They make the whole plant body
d) All of the above
350. In the given diagram of lenticel, label 𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 in the given option
P a g e | 30
d) Endarch condition of stem and exarch condition of root
370. The beneficial use of epidermal layer is
a) Bast fibre b) Mesocarp c) Cotton fibre d) Jute
371. Axillary bud originates from
a) Meristem b) Shoot apical meristem
c) Root apical meristem d) Secondary meristem
372. Palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma are found in
a) Epidermis of leaves b) Vascular system of leaves
c) Mesophyll of leaves d) Endodermis of leaves
373. The length of different internodes in a culm of sugarcane is variable because of
a) Shoot apical meristem
b) Position of axillary buds
c) Size of leaf lamina at the node below each internode
d) Intercalary meristem
374. Which of the following cell do not respire?
a) Epidermal cell b) Cork cell c) RBC d) Sieve tube cell
375. Outer most layer of primary plant body is
a) Endodermis b) Epidermis c) Mesodermis d) Pericycle
376. Viral infection is usually absent in
a) Phloem cells b) Xylem cells c) Pith cells d) Apical meristem
377. The most abundant tissues in plants are
a) Meristematic tissues b) Parenchyma tissues
c) Collenchyma tissues d) Sclerenchyma tissues
378. In which of the following organs, growth is sub-apical?
a) Root b) Shoot c) Petiole d) Pedicel
379. Which of the following characters belong to sclerenchyma?
I. Consists of long narrow cells with thick lignified cell walls
II. Having few or numerous pits
III. They are usually dead and without protoplasms
a) I and II b) II and III c) I and III d) I, II and III
380. Amphicribal vascular bundle is vascular bundle in which the
a) Xylem is surrounded by phloem
b) Phloem is surrounded by xylem
c) Phloem is surrounded by xylem laterally
d) Xylem is surrounded by phloem laterally
381. The …A… cells are specialised parenchymatous cells, which are closely associated with sieve tube
elements. The sieve tube elements and …B… cell are connected by pit fields presents between their
common …C… walls.
Choose the correct combination of A, B and C from the options given below
a) A–companion, B–companion, C–longitudinal
b) A–vessels, B–companion, C–longitudinal
c) A–tracheid, B–companion, C–lateral
d) A–companion, B–companion, C–lateral
382. Exarch and polyarch xylem strands are found in
a) Monocot stem b) Dicot stem c) Monocot root d) Dicot root
383. The chief water conducting elements of xylem in gymnosperms are
a) Vessels b) Fibres c) Transfusion tissue d) Tracheids
384. Choose the incorrect statement
a) Medullary rays connects the pith with pericycle b) Medullary rays make intimate contact with the
and cortex conducting cells of both phloem and xylem
P a g e | 31
c) Medullary rays help in radial conduction d) None of the above
385. I. Elongated or tube like cell with thick and lignified walls and tapering ends
II. These are dead and without the protoplasm
III. The inner layers of cell walls have thickening which vary in form
The above mentioned characters belong to which of the following plant structure?
a) Tracheids b) Xylem parenchyma c) Companion cells d) Sieve tube element
386. The first formed primary phloem is referred as ...A… The later formed primary phloem is referred as …B…
Choose the correct combination of A and B
a) A–protoxylem; B–metaxylem b) A–protophloem; B–sieve tube cells
c) A–metaphloem; B–sieve tube cells d) A–protophloem; B–metaphloem
387. Identify the type of plant tissue being represented by the set of statements given below
I. Their cells are isodiametric (they may be spherical, oval, round, etc.)
II. Their cell walls are thin and made up of cellulose
III. They may either be closely packed or have small intercellular spaces
IV. They perform functions like photosynthesis, storage, secretion, etc.
a) Sclerenchyma b) Parenchyma c) Collenchyma d) Meristem
388. Cuticle is absent in which part of plant?
a) Leaves b) Root c) Stem d) Pneumatophores
389. A common structural feature of vessel elements and sieve tube elements is
a) Thick secondary walls b) Pores on lateral walls
c) Presence of P-proteins d) Enucleate condition
390. Velamen tissue is found in
a) Mesophytes b) Epiphytes c) Hydrophytes d) Xerophytes
391. I. Made up of elongated, tapering cylindrical cells which have dense cytoplasm and nucleus
II. Cell wall composed of cellulose
III. Stores food materials
The above mentioned characters belong to which attribute of phloem?
a) Sieve tube elements b) Companion cell
c) Phloem parenchyma d) Phloem fibre
392. Kranz anatomy is found in
a) Dicotyledonous leaves b) Monocotyledonous leaves
c) Both (b) and (d) d) Isobilateral leaves
393. The phloem fibres of which of the following plant is/are used commercially?
I. Jute II. Flax III. Hemp
Select the correct option
a) I and II b) II and III c) III and IV d) I, II and III
394. In any dicot root having secondary growth, the cork is the
a) Outer to endodermis and inner to primary cortex
b) Inner to endodermis and external to primary phloem
c) Inner to endodermis and external to primary xylem
d) Outer to endodermis and external to primary phloem
395. The cells without nuclei are present in
a) Vascular cambium b) Root hair
c) Companion cell d) Members of sieve tube
396. On the basis of variation in form, structure, origin and development, sclerenchyma may be
a) Fibres b) Sclereids c) Either (a) or (b) d) Both (a) and (b)
397. Which statements are correct about guard cells?
I. They are modified ground tissue
II. They are chlorophyllous
III. Its outer wall is thin and inner wall is highly thickened
P a g e | 32
IV. They regulate stomatal movement for transpiration and gaseous exchange
a) All except I b) All except II c) All except III d) All except IV
398. Fibres associated with phloem are………fibres.
a) Hard b) Wood c) Surface d) Bast
399. Consider the following statements.
I. In a dicot root, the vascular bundles are collateral and endarch.
II. The innermost layer of cortex in a dicot root is endodermis.
III . In a dicot root, the phloem masses are separated from the xylem by parenchymatous cells that are
known as the conjunctive tissue.
a) I is true, but II and III are false b) II is true, but I and III are false
c) I is false, but II and III are true d) III is false, but I and III are true
400. First formed primary xylem elements are called ...A… . Later formed primary xylem elements are called
…B… .
A and B in the above statement refers to
a) A–metaxylem; B–protoxylem b) A–protoxylem; B–metaxylem
c) A– protophloem; B–metaphloem d) A–metaphloem; B–protophloem
401. Periderm includes
a) Phellem, phelloderm, plerome b) Phellem, phellogen, dermatogen
c) Phellem, phellogen, phelloderm d) Phellem, phellogen, cortex
402. Gymnosperms lack which of the following structure?
a) Tracheids b) Vessels c) Xylem d) Phloem
403. A branch or a flower develops in the axil of the leaves by the activity of
a) Axillary bud b) Apical bud c) Apical meristem d) Tissue
404. During secondary growth of plants, stem phellogen cuts of cells on both sides. The outer cells gets
differentiated into …A… and the inner cells gets differentiated into …B… cortex
Choose the correct combination of A and B with reference to above statement
a) A-cork; B-phellem b) A-secondary cortex; B-phelloderm
c) A-secondary cortex; B-primary cortex d) A-cork/phellem; B-secondary cortex
405. Vascular system includes …A… bundles, which can be seen in the veins and the …B… . The size of vascular
bundles are dependent on the size of …C… . The veins vary in thickness in the reticulate venation of the
…D… leaves
Choose the correct combination of A to D
a) A-phloem, B-midrib, C-veins, D-dicot b) A-xylem, B-midrib, C-veins, D-dicot
c) A-vascular, B-midrib, C-veins, D-dicot d) A-vascular, B-midrib, C-veins, D-monocot
406. Estimation of the age of the tree is done by
a) Counting the epidermal rings b) Measuring the pith diameter
c) Counting the annual rings d) Counting the late woods only
407. Meristematic cells have
a) Thick cell wall and large intercellular spaces b) Thick cell wall and no intercellular spaces
c) Thin cell wall and large intercellular spaces d) Thin cell wall and no intercellular spaces
408. Which combination of tissues acts together to provide the support to the hypocotyl of a seedling
a) Epidermis and collenchyma b) Xylem and parenchyma
c) Epidermis and parenchyma d) Xylem and phloem fibres
409. Sclereids are commonly found in the
I. fruits wall of nuts
II. pulp of fruit like guava and pear
III. seed coat of legumes
IV. micropile of pea
Select the correct combination
a) All except I b) All except II c) All except III d) All except IV
P a g e | 33
410. The cells of the endodermis are rich in …A… grains and layer is referred to as …B… sheath. Select the
correct combination of A an B from the options given below
a) A-protein; B-protein b) A-fat; B-lipid
c) A-starch; B-carbohydrate d) A-starch; B-starch
411. Identify from the following, a plant tissue in which lignin does not occur in the cell walls?
a) Collenchyma b) Sclerenchyma fibres c) Sclereids d) Xylem tracheae
412. Identify 𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶 the given diagram
P a g e | 34
a) By degeneration of protoplast of living cells b) Tylosis formation
c) By deposition of resins, oils, gums, etc d) All of the above
421. Sequence of cellular layers from the periphery towards the cortex in an old dicot stem is
a) Epidermis, hypodermis, phellogen, phelloderm b) Epidermis, phellogen, phellem, epidermis
c) Epidermis, hypodermis, cortex, endodermis d) Epidermis, phellem, phellogen, phelloderm
422. I. Dicotyledon leaf is also called isobilateral leaf
II. Monocotyledon leaf is also called dorsoventral leaf
Select the correct option from the options given below
a) I and II are correct
b) I is correct, but II is incorrect
c) II is incorrect, but I is correct
d) I and II are incorrect
423. Which of the following statements are not true?
I.Cork cambium is otherwise called phellogen.
II.Cork is otherwise called phellem.
III.Secondary cortex is otherwise called periderm.
IV. Cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called phelloderm
a) III and IV b) I and II c) II and III d) II and IV
424. In leaves, the ground tissues consists of
a) Epidermis b) Vascular tissue c) Mesophyll cells d) Medullary rays
425. Phloem conducts food by
a) Perforated sieve plates b) Bast fibres
c) Xylem parenchyma d) Xylem fibres
426. Continuous ring of cambium is formed by
a) Intrafascicular cambium b) Interfascicular cambium
c) Lateral meristem d) Both (a) and (b)
427. Ground tissue does not include
I. epidermis
II. vascular bundle
III. sclerenchyma
IV. collenchyma
V. parenchyma
Select the right combination from the above given options
a) I and II b) III and IV c) I and V d) I and IV
428. Identify the correct order of the components with reference to their arrangement from outer side to inner
side in a woody dicot stem.
I.Secondary cortex
II.Autumn wood
III.Secondary phloem
a) II, III, I and IV b) III, IV, II, and I c) IV, I, III and II d) I, II, IV and III
429. In which of the following, there is no differentiation of bark, sapwood and heartwood?
a) Ashok b) Neem c) Mango d) Datepalm
430. …A… are structures present in the epidermis of leaves. They regulate process of transpiration and …B…
exchange. It is composed of two bean-shaped cells known as …C… cells.
Choose the correct combination of A, B and C from the following options
a) A–Stomata, B–gaseous, C–guard b) A–Stomata, B–gaseous, C–subsidiary
c) A–Stomata, B–water, C–subsidiary d) A–Stomata, B–water, C–guard
P a g e | 35
1) c 2) c 3) a 4) b 161) d 162) d 163) a 164) a
5) a 6) a 7) d 8) a 165) a 166) a 167) c 168) a
9) b 10) a 11) b 12) d 169) a 170) b 171) d 172) b
13) b 14) c 15) b 16) a 173) b 174) a 175) b 176) a
17) d 18) d 19) b 20) d 177) b 178) a 179) d 180) b
21) a 22) d 23) d 24) a 181) c 182) a 183) b 184) a
25) d 26) c 27) c 28) a 185) b 186) d 187) d 188) a
29) d 30) d 31) d 32) c 189) c 190) c 191) d 192) d
33) d 34) a 35) d 36) d 193) d 194) c 195) d 196) b
37) d 38) d 39) d 40) b 197) d 198) c 199) d 200) c
41) b 42) d 43) b 44) c 201) c 202) b 203) d 204) d
45) b 46) a 47) d 48) a 205) b 206) a 207) c 208) c
49) c 50) c 51) d 52) a 209) b 210) a 211) a 212) d
53) a 54) d 55) b 56) a 213) a 214) c 215) b 216) b
57) b 58) c 59) a 60) a 217) b 218) c 219) b 220) b
61) c 62) d 63) b 64) b 221) b 222) b 223) c 224) c
65) a 66) a 67) a 68) a 225) a 226) b 227) b 228) b
69) a 70) d 71) a 72) c 229) c 230) b 231) b 232) a
73) d 74) c 75) a 76) b 233) c 234) d 235) c 236) b
77) c 78) b 79) d 80) d 237) b 238) c 239) d 240) a
81) d 82) d 83) a 84) c 241) a 242) a 243) d 244) d
85) a 86) a 87) c 88) b 245) c 246) c 247) b 248) d
89) b 90) c 91) d 92) b 249) a 250) d 251) c 252) d
93) c 94) d 95) b 96) a 253) c 254) d 255) a 256) b
97) b 98) c 99) d 100) b 257) b 258) a 259) b 260) c
101) d 102) d 103) b 104) b 261) a 262) a 263) c 264) a
105) b 106) d 107) a 108) b 265) c 266) b 267) a 268) c
109) d 110) d 111) d 112) a 269) c 270) d 271) a 272) a
113) a 114) d 115) b 116) a 273) a 274) c 275) d 276) a
117) c 118) b 119) c 120) b 277) b 278) c 279) a 280) a
121) d 122) b 123) c 124) b 281) d 282) a 283) a 284) d
125) b 126) d 127) a 128) c 285) b 286) b 287) d 288) d
129) b 130) b 131) b 132) a 289) a 290) d 291) c 292) b
133) b 134) d 135) b 136) d 293) b 294) a 295) d 296) c
137) c 138) a 139) c 140) a 297) d 298) c 299) c 300) d
141) b 142) d 143) c 144) d 301) b 302) d 303) d 304) b
145) a 146) d 147) a 148) b 305) c 306) a 307) b 308) b
149) a 150) a 151) a 152) b 309) a 310) c 311) d 312) c
153) c 154) c 155) a 156) b 313) c 314) b 315) b 316) d
157) c 158) c 159) d 160) b 317) a 318) d 319) c 320) d
P a g e | 36
321) d 322) d 323) c 324) b 381) a 382) c 383) d 384) d
325) c 326) d 327) d 328) b 385) a 386) d 387) b 388) b
329) b 330) d 331) a 332) c 389) b 390) b 391) a 392) c
333) c 334) b 335) b 336) a 393) d 394) b 395) d 396) c
337) d 338) d 339) a 340) a 397) a 398) d 399) c 400) b
341) b 342) b 343) b 344) a 401) c 402) b 403) c 404) d
345) a 346) d 347) a 348) c 405) c 406) c 407) d 408) a
349) a 350) a 351) d 352) c 409) d 410) d 411) a 412) d
353) b 354) b 355) c 356) d 413) a 414) c 415) b 416) b
357) d 358) d 359) a 360) b 417) a 418) c 419) b 420) d
361) d 362) c 363) d 364) a 421) c 422) d 423) a 424) c
365) b 366) b 367) d 368) b 425) a 426) d 427) a 428) c
369) d 370) c 371) b 372) c 429) d 430) a
373) d 374) b 375) b 376) d
377) b 378) a 379) d 380) a
P a g e | 37
P a g e | 42
In dicot root, the vascular cambium is completely Conducting tissues (i.e., xylem and phloem) are
secondary in origin. It originates from the tissue complex conducting tissue made up of different
located just below the phloem bundles, i.e., types of cells.
portion of pericycle tissue 78 (b)
72 (c) A–parenchyma, B–collenchyma, C–sclerenchyma
In the formation, the heart wood and sap wood,. it 79 (d)
is not necessarily that the wood formed in A-Endodermis B-Conjuctive tissue C-Protoxylem
previous years is darker than newer wood D-Metaxylem E-Phloem F-Pith
73 (d) 80 (d)
Under extremely dry conditions, the cuticle is Pericycle is the external layer of stele. It forms a
reinforce by a layer of wax. This wax checks the single layer between endodermis and conducting
excessive loss of water from the epidermal layer tissues. The roots or root branches are produced
The epidermis of aerial parts usually bears a endogenously from the pericycle.
number or minute pores called stomata. Each 81 (d)
stomata performs the gaseous exchange in plants Only one xylem strand occurs in the slender root
Ground tissue system of leaves is called of the hydrophyte Trapa natans. In Nicotiana, the
mesophyll. Mesophyll is made up of two types of roots are diarch. In Pisum, the root is triarch. In
photosynthetic cells, palisade and spongy Castanea, the root is tetrarch.
74 (c) 82 (d)
Vessel is a long cylindrical tube-like structure Clowes proposed quiescent centre theory.
made up of many cells called vessel members, 83 (a)
each with lignified walls and a large central cavity. Spring wood plus autumn wood of a year
The vessel cells are also devoid of protoplasm. constitute annual ring. The spring wood (also
Vessel members are interconnected through called early wood) is light in colour and constitute
perforations in their common walls. The presence major part of annual ring. The autumn wood (also
of vessels is a characteristic feature of called late wood) is darker in colour.
angiosperms Wood consists of secondary xylem. The central
75 (a) hard, tough and darker region of wood constitutes
The anatomy of the monocot root is similar to the heart wood while peripheral portion constitutes
dicot root in many respects. It has epidermis, sap wood. But these are not specified in annual
cortex, endodermis, pericycle, vascular bundles rings.
and pith. As compared to the dicot root, which 84 (c)
have fewer xylem bundles, there are usually more In roots the protoxylem lies towards the
than six (polyarch) xylem bundles in the monocot periphery and metaxylem lies toward the centre.
root. Pith is large and well-developed. Such arrangement is called exarch
Monocotyledonous roots do not undergo any 85 (a)
secondary growth The outside of the epidermis is often covered with
76 (b) waxy thick layer called cuticle, which prevents the
Vessels are long, tubular having lignified cell wall loss of water. Cuticle is absent in roots
and are components of xylem tissue. The cross 86 (a)
wall (end wall) at both the ends of vessels, The various function of the epidermis are
dissolves and form a pipe-like channel. (i) Protection of internal tissues
They functions in ascent of sap in angiosperms. (ii) Prevention of entry of harmful organisms
Conduction of food materials occurs through the (iii) Minimising surface transpiration by having
sieve tubes, which are cellulosic, thin-walled and thick cuticle
are component of phloem tissues. (iv) Exchange of gases through stomata
77 (c) (v) Protection against excessive heating up and
Idioblast (modified parenchyma cells) and sudden changes in temperature with the help of
collenchyma are simple permanent tissue and hair (as in sunflower)
apical meristems are simple meristematic tissue. 87 (c)
P a g e | 43
In a woody dicotyledonous tree, shoot tips and
root tips consist of primary tissues.
88 (b)
In Combretum and Entada, the cambium shows
abnormal behavior by cutting phloem on the
inner as well as at certain places for a short
period and then resumes normal activity.
89 (b) 95 (b)
Monocots have atactostele, in which vascular The tissue involved in secondary growth are two
bundles are arranged into more than one ring and lateral meristems
they are usually found at the centre of the stem (i) Vascular cambium
90 (c) (ii) Cork cambium
Phloem lie towards the pericyclet on the 96 (a)
outerside of vascular bundle. Phloem consists of In dicots, flower parts in four or five or multiple of
sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma these. They have leaf veins in the form of a net
and phloem fibres. The companion cells and and secondary growth is present.
phloem parenchyma are connected with sieve 97 (b)
tubes through pits. They help in lateral flow of A thin-walled pith is generally present in monocot
organic food. The companion cells also control the roots, while in dicot roots, a thin-walled
functions of the sieve tubes. The sieve tubes conjunctive tissue is present in between vascular
conduct organic food longitudinally elements. Thin-walled pith is also well marked in
91 (d) dicot stems but absent in monocot stems.
Intrastelar cambium is the cambium present 98 (c)
between xylem and phloem (i.e., within the stele), The increase in height of a plant is due to apical
and the interstelar cambium, is present between meristem. Therefore, the height of the board
steles (vascular bundle) and show growth rings remains same after five years.
formation. 99 (d)
92 (b) In dicotyledon leaves, the mesophyll tissue is
Suberin. differentiated into the palisade tissue and spongy
The innermost layer of cortex is called parenchyma but in monocot such differentiation
endodermis. It comprises a single layer of barrel- is not seen
shaped cells without any intercellular spaces. The 101 (d)
tangential as well as radial walls of the In dicotyledonous root, the condition of xylem is
endodermal cells have a deposition of water exarch as the protoxylem away from the centre
impermeable, waxy material called suberin in the and metaxylem towards the centre. In
form of casparian strips dicotyledonous stem (e.g., Cucurbita), the
93 (c) condition of xylem is endarch as the metaxylem
Tyloses are protrusions of the axial and ray away from the centre and protoxylem towards the
parenchyma cells, which enter in tracheary centre.
elements. 102 (d)
94 (d) Dendrochronology is the branch of Botany that
The cell of the permanent tissues do not generally deals with the determination of age of a tree by
divide further. Permanent tissues having all cells counting and analyzing the annual growth rings of
similar in structure and function are called simple the tree.
tissues. Permanent tissues having different types 103 (b)
of cells together are called complex tissues In flowering plants, vascular tissues develop from
plerome of apical meristem.
104 (b)
P a g e | 44
Generally in leaves of dicots, the protoxylem 2. Small Pith is large and
(newly formed xylem) face towards the adaxial inconspicuous generally
(upper) surface or side pith conspicuous
105 (b) 3. Fewer xylem More than six
bundle (polyarch) xylem
A–spring wood, B–autumn wood. bundles
The spring wood is lighter in colour and has a 4. Secondary Secondary growth
lower density whereas the autumn wood is growth is present is absent
darker and has higher density. The two kinds of 112 (a)
woods that appear as alternate concentric rings, In amphivasal vascular bundle, the phloem is
constitutes an annual ring. Annual rings seen in a surrounded by xylem.
cutted stem give an estimate of the age of the tree 113 (a)
106 (d) The stele composed of two or more than two
In stems, the protoxylem lies towards the centre concentric rings of vascular bundles is called
(pith) and the metaxylem lies toward the polycyclic, as found in Pteridium rhizome.
periphery of organ. This type of primary xylem is 114 (d)
called endarch The stomatal aperture, guard cells and the
107 (a) surrounding subsidiary cells are together called
The centre of monocot root or dicot root is stomatal apparatus
occupied by pith. It consists of parenchymatous 115 (b)
(thin-walled or thick-walled) cells which may be Apical meristems are primary meristems, which
rounded or angular. Intercellular spaces are are located in the growing points (roots and shoot
present in the pith cells. The pith cells stores food. apices), as well as buds in the axils of leaves. The
Pith is small or inconspicuous in dicots and large, various organs increase in length due to activity
conspicuous in monocots of apical meristem.
108 (b) 116 (a)
The histogens are the group of cells, which give Xylem fibres.
rise to future tissues. Major histogens of stem are Xylem or Wood fibres They are sclerenchymatous
as follows fibres associated with xylem. Xylem fibres are
2. Dermatogen forms external layers like mainly mechanical in function.
epidermis. Xylem fibres have highly thickened walls and
obliterate central lumens. These may either be
3. Plerome forms central core of tissues like septate or aseptate
pith and vascular bundles. 117 (c)
4. Periblem forms the region between In root meristem, the quiescent centre serves as
central core and epidermis such as reserve for replenishment of damaged cells.
endodermis, cortex, etc. 118 (b)
On the basis of their structure and location, there
109 (d) are three types of tissue systems. These are
Vascular cambium gives rise to secondary growth. epidermal tissue system, the ground or
110 (d) fundamental tissue system and vascular or
Isobilateral leaves or monocotyledons leaves are conducting tissue system
thickened on the free side, where silica and cutin 119 (c)
are deposited. These deposition protects the TS of dicot root. Palisade and spongy mesophyll
leaves from herbivores tissue are the characteristic of dicot leaves
111 (d)
Differentiation between dicot and monocot root
Dicot Root Monocot Root
1. Cortex is Cortex is very
narrow wide
P a g e | 45
120 (b) which do not have vascular supply. They protect
In gasses, i.e., monocots, the guard cells are dump- the plant from excessive transpiration, grating
bell shaped animals and in some, helps the plant in climbing
121 (d) 132 (a)
T.S. of dicot root (A-collenchyma, B-parenchyma, The cortex of hydrophytes is well developed.
C-cambium, D-protoxylem, E-pith) Major portion of it is occupied by well-developed
122 (b) prominent air cavity called aerenchyma, which
Root is that part of plant body which grow and increase buoyancy and allows a rapid gaseous
down into earth. The primary roots develop from exchange.
radicle and gives secondary and tertiarg roots. 133 (b)
Lateral roots develop endogeneously i.e., from In a dicot stem, secondary growth occurs due to
pericycle. lateral meristem.
123 (c) 134 (d)
Companion cell is a thin-walled elongated cell, Cork cambium or phellogen is a lateral meristem
which is associated with sieve tube. The sieve as it is responsible for increase in the thickness of
tube elements lack nucleus, they remain living stem. It is secondary in origin and function. It
being dependents upon the adjacent companion gives rise to secondary tissues like cork and
cell nucleus. secondary cortex.
124 (b) 135 (b)
Gerontology is the study of ageing and senescence. Endodermis is innermost distinct layer of cortex.
125 (b) The endodermis is uniseriate and almost
The term leptome is used for soft-walled universally present in the roots. The cells of
conducting part of the phloem; it includes sieve endodermis are living and characterized by
elements, companion cells and parenchyma cells. presence of Casparian strips or Casparian bands
126 (d) on their anticlinal walls. The strip is formed
Intercalary meristem. during the early ontogeny of the cell and is a part
The meristem which occurs between mature of primary wall. The strip is typically located close
tissues is known as intercalary meristem. They to the inner tangential wall. Thin-walled passage
occurs is grass and regenerate the parts removed cells are also found in the endodermal layer,
by grazing herbivores which lie against the protoxylem poles.
127 (a) 136 (d)
In plants, xylem conducts the water and minerals. T.S of monocot leaf. In monocot leaf the adaxial
Thus, in xylem sap, sugar would be in significant and abaxial both surfaces same and equally
amount. receive sunlight
128 (c)
The secondary meristem initiates radial growth.
129 (b)
Xylem or Wood fibres They are sclerenchymatous
fibres associated with xylem. Xylem fibres are
mainly mechanical in function.
137 (c)
Xylem fibres have highly thickened walls and
The intercalary meristems are responsible for
obliterate central lumens. These may either be
localised growth. Perhaps they have been
septate or aseptate
detached from the mother meristem, e.g.,
130 (b)
meristem present at the base of leaves in many
Vascular cambium forms phloem tissue outside.
monocots, in the internode of grasses, at the top
Food synthesised in the leaves move to different
of peduncles of Plantago and Taraxacum, etc.
parts of the plant through the phloem.
138 (a)
131 (b)
Phytotron is a device or chamber, in which plants
Prickles are the example of emergences. These are
can be grown under controlled conditions.
multicellular epidermal sharp and stiff outgrowth,
P a g e | 46
139 (c) Sclerenchyma are considered thick-walled
Meristematic tissue is a group of cells specialized lignified supportive tissue characterised by the
for the production of new cells, i.e., perpetuates absence of living protoplast. Their principal
itself by active cell division. function is to provide mechanical support.
140 (a) 149 (a)
In amphivasal vascular bundle, phloem is Dendrochronology is the determination of age of
surrounded by xylem, e.g., Dracaena. tree by counting annual rings (these rings are
141 (b) formed by activity of cambium in dicot root and
The cells of epidermis bear a number of hairs. The stems).
root hairs are unicellular elongations of the 150 (a)
epidermal cells and helps to absorb water and Lignification is associated with xylem. The walls
minerals from the soil. On the stem the epidermal of xylem cells are made up of lignin.
hairs are called trichomes. The trichomes in the 151 (a)
shoot system are usually multicellular. They may Xylem is a complex tissue which performs the
be branched or unbranched and soft or stiff. They function of transport of water or sap inside the
may even be secretory. The trichomes help in plant. Simultaneously, it also provides mechanical
preventing water loss due to transpiration strength. Xylem is also known as wood. It consist
142 (d) of four types of cells
The epidermis performs various function like the Tracheids, vessels (both tracheary elements),
protection of internal tissue. The stomata in the xylem and phloem
epidermis helps in gaseous exchange and the 152 (b)
trichrome helps in the reduction of transcription The abaxial epidermis generally bears more
rate stomata than the adaxial epidermis. The later may
144 (d) even lack stomata. The tissue between the upper
Both (a) and (b) (tracheid and vessels). and the lower epidermis is called mesophyll
Tracheids are elongated or tube like cells with 153 (c)
thick and lignified walls and tapering ends. These Cambium is present between xylem and phloem.
are dead and are without protoplasm. The inner Such vascular bundles because of the presence of
layers of the cell walls have thickenings which cambium, possesses the ability to form secondary
vary in form. In flowering plants, tracheids and xylem and phloem tissue and hence, is called open
vessels are the main water transporting elements vascular bundles
145 (a) 154 (c)
A dorsoventral leaf in its vertical section through During primary growth, protoxylem elements are
union shows three main parts, i.e., epidermis, crushed and they form a distinct cavity known as
which covers both upper or adaxial epidermis and lysigenous water cavity.
lower or abaxial epidermis, among which the 155 (a)
lower possesses cuticle mesophyll and vascular Loosely arranged cells of a lenticel are called
bundle complementary cells.
146 (d) 156 (b)
Only II. Hydrophytes are those plants that grow in water
Mesophyll, which possesses chloroplasts and conditions. Water conduction systems are not
carry out photosynthesis, is made up of well developed in them. So, roots are poorly
parenchyma developed. Roots are required only for anchorage,
147 (a) while halophytes are those plants that grow in
Companion cells are characteristic elements of high salty or marshy areas. In those plants, root
phloem tissue associated with the sieve tubes in system is very well developed. Roots may be
the angiosperms. They are absent in entirely absent in hydrophytes like Wolffia,
pteridophytes and gymnosperms. Salvinia, Ceratophyllum or poorly developed in
148 (b) Hydrilla.
157 (c)
P a g e | 47
As a result of continued secondary growth in Cork is produced by a number of plants. However,
subsequent years, the older part of secondary it is commercially obtained from the cork oak tree
xylem or wood becomes non-functional as it loses (Quercus suber).
the power of conduction. The cells of this wood 162 (d)
are filled with resins or tannins produced by I, II and III.
adjacent functional cells. The activities of vessels The cell of the permanent tissues do not generally
become blocked by tyloses. Due to these divide further. Permanent tissues having all cells
activities, non-functional, secondary xylem similar in structure and function are called simple
becomes hard, durable and blackish in colour, tissues. Permanent tissues having different types
called heartwood. of cells together are called complex tissues
158 (c)
Sclerenchyma cells are thick-walled, lignified and
dead at maturity. These provide mechanical
support to the Pinus needle. Sclerenchyma may be
fibrous or sclereid.
159 (d)
Intercalary meristems are the portions of apical
meristems, which are separated from the apex
163 (a)
during the growth of axis and formation of
Nerium belongs to family-Apocynaceae (dogbane
permanent tissues.
family). Nerium contains latex cells that do not
160 (b)
form a network. Thus, called non-articulate
The characteristic features of vascular bundles of
laticiferous. Family-Urticaceae, Asclepiadaceae,
dicot stem are as follows:
Moraceae, Euphorbiaceae and Apocynaceae bear
5. Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring.
such type of latex cells.
6. They are conjoint, i.e., xylem and phloem 164 (a)
are present on the same radius. Epidermal cells are elongated compactly arranged
and form continuous layer called epidermis.
7. They are open, i.e., a cambium layer is Stomata are present in epidermis of leaves and
found between xylem and phloem. regulate process of transpiration and gaseous
exchange. The epidermal hairs, i.e., root hairs,
8. They are not surrounded by bundle
unicellular elongations and trichomes,
multicellular elongation of epidermis on root and
9. The position of protoxylem is towards the shoot helps in absorbing water and preventing
centre, i.e., endarch. water loss, respectively
165 (a)
161 (d) Bulliform cells or motor cells specialized large,
Sclerenchyma is composed of dead cells. The cell empty, vacuolated colourless, thin-walled cells
wall is heavily thickened due to deposition of present in the upper epidermis of isobilateral leaf
lignin. of monocots. They function in rolling up of leaves
According to histogen theory, periblem is the during water stress or xerophytic conditions.
middle dermatogen, which gives rise to cortex of 166 (a)
root and stem. Velamen tissue is found in the aerial roots of
Tracheids are most primitive type of conducting certain epiphytic orchids (e.g., Vanda).
elements in xylem. The xylem of gymnosperms 167 (c)
consists of tracheids only. Companion cells are Nucleus of companion cells.
thin-walled elongated cells in phloem. They are Sieve tube elements are long, tube-like structures,
living, contain dense protoplasm and large arranged longitudinally and are associated with
elongated nucleus. the companion cells. Their end walls are
perforated in a sieve-like manner to form the
P a g e | 48
sieve plates. A mature sieve elements possesses a In angiosperms, xylem consists of tracheids,
peripheral cytoplasm and a large vacuole but vessels or tracheae, xylem fibres and xylem
lacks a nucleus. Functions of sieve tubes are parenchyma. Tracheae are absent in
controlled by the nucleus of companion cells pteridophytes and gymnosperms. In angiospermic
168 (a) phloem, sieve elements are sieve tubes, while in
Nerium is a xerophytic plant. It has sunken gymnosperms and pteridophytes sieves cells are
stomata in leaf, which is an adaptive structure in found.
xerophytic plants for reducing the water loss 176 (a)
during transpiration. Nerium has several layer of Phloem transports food material, usually from
epidermis. leaves to other parts of the plant. Phloem in
169 (a) angiosperms is composed of sieve tube elements,
In plate meristem, the cells divide in several companion cells, phloem parenchyma and phloem
planes and consequently, there is an increase in fibres. Gymnosperms have albuminous cells and
the area of the organ. It results in the formation of sieve cells
flat structures, e.g., in epidermal growth and leaf 177 (b)
formation. In dicotyledous root, the outermost layer is
170 (b) epidermis. Many of the epidermal cells protrude
The cambium activity is seen in the temperate in the form of unicellular root hairs which absorb
trees in two seasons of the year. In the spring water and minerals and increases the surface area
season, cambium activity is highest as a result 179 (d)
more amount of wood is formed due to long Meristematic activity is characterised by the
duration of favourable period. This type of wood presence of meristematic tissue which are present
is known as spring wood or early wood. In at root apex (root apical meristem), shoot apex
autumn season, cambium activity is arrested as a (shoot apical meristem) between mature tissues,
result dark-coloured, narrow band of autumn intercalary meristem and in mature regions
wood or late wood is formed. The two woods (lateral meristem)
jointly constitute the annual rings or growth 180 (b)
rings. Only V.
171 (d) In old trees, the greater part of secondary xylem is
During the formation of primary plant body, dark brown due to the deposition of organic
specific regions of apical meristem produce compounds like tanins, resins, oils, gums,
dermal tissue for hardning and vascular tissue for aromatic substances and essential oils in the
transport and ground tissue central or innermost layers of the stem. These
172 (b) substances make it hard, durable and resistant to
Vascular bundle, which possess both xylem and the attacks of microorganisms and insects. The
phloem are called conjoint vascular bundle. In region comprises dead elements with highly
bicollateral conjoint vascular bundle, phloem lignified walls and is called heart wood
present on both outer and inner side of xylem, 181 (c)
e.g., Cucurbita. Tracheids are elongated and their cell walls are
173 (b) usually extensively thickened by deposition of
When cambium is present between phloem and lignin. Water flows from one tracheid to another
xylem tissue of a vascular bundle, the vascular through unthickened regions (pits) in the cell
bundle is called open but if cambium is absent, the walls.
vascular bundle is called closed. 182 (a)
174 (a) Cells arranged in multiple layers between
Compound sieve plate consists of several pore epidermis and pericycle constitutes the cortex. It
regions, which are separated by bars of wall is divided into three regions
thickening, e.g., Vitis. (i) Hypodermis, few layer of collenchymatous
175 (b) cells
P a g e | 49
(ii) Cortical layer cells, rounded thin walled grasses, wheat, etc) or at the base of leaf (e.g.,
parenchymatous cells Pinus) or at the base of node (e.g., mint). The
(iii) Endodermis activity of intercalary meristem also add to the
183 (b) length of plant or its organs.
Jute fibres occur in long wedge-shaped bundles 192 (d)
outside the xylem (i.e., phloem fibres). It is most Sieve plates are formed by two adjoining end
important of bast fibres and comes second in walls of neighbouring sieve elements of sieve tube
production only to cotton among natural fibres. of phloem. At maturity, these become
184 (a) impregnated with callose pad, which may be
Sieve tube cells are studied during the seasonal callose (for only limited unfavourable
translocation of solutes because they have period) or definitive callose (formed permanently
interconnected lumen. Sieve tubes takes part in in functionless old sieve tubes).
the conduction of organic food 193 (d)
185 (b) Cullulase, hemicellulose, pectin. All of the above
Vascular tissue, pericycle and pith are stellar The collenchyma occurs in layers below the
regions, and are formed from plerome. epidermis in dicotyledonous plants. It is found
186 (d) either as a homogenous layer or in patches. It
Endodermis is the innermost limiting layer of consists of cells which are much thickened at the
cortex which separates the vascular tissue from corners due to the deposition of cellulose,
cortical cells. In some dicots the endodermal cells hemicellulose and pectin. Collenchymatous cells
bear characteristic thickening on then walls, the may be oval, spherical or polygonal and often
Casparian thickenings. The thickenings are contain chloroplasts. These cells assimilate food
restricted to radial and inner tangential walls. when they contain chloroplasts. Intercellular
187 (d) spaces are absent. They provide mechanical
Cork cambium or phellogen cells divided support to the growing parts of the plant such as
perclinically cutting off cells towards the outside young stem and petiole of a leaf
and inside. The cells cut off towards the outside 194 (c)
become suberised and dead. These are compactly Complete Tissue They are permanent tissue which
packed in radial rows without intercellular spaces contains more than one type of cells. All type of
and form cork or phellem. Cork is impervious to cells of a complex tissue work as a unit. The
water due to suberin and provides protection to common complex permanent tissues are
underlying tissues. The cells cut off from cork conducting tissue, xylem and phloem
cambium towards inside add to the cortex and are 195 (d)
called secondary cortex cells on phelloderm. When the protoxylem elements lie at the
188 (a) periphery and metaxylem in the centre, the
In phloem, sieve tubes possess the perforated condition is said to be exarch. Here, the direction
oblique or transverse sieve plates. Sieve plates are of development is centripetal, e.g., root.
called simple when they consists of one region of 196 (b)
pores (e.g., Cucurbita, Nicotiana) or compound When xylem and phloem groups are located on
when they consists of several pored regions different radii, the bundles are said to be radial,
separated by bars or wall thickenings (e.g., Vitis). e.g., root. The protoxylem element lie at the
189 (c) periphery and metaxylem in the centre, this
In hydrophytes, root caps are absent. condition is called exarch, e.g., root
190 (c) 197 (d)
The guard cells possesses chloroplast and Stele is the innerside of endodermis, such as
regulate the opening and closing of stomata pericycle, vascular bundles and pith
191 (d) 198 (c)
Intercalary meristematic tissues are intercalated The cork (phellem) is impervious to water due to
in between the permanent tissues. They may be suberin deposition in the cell wall
present either at the base of internodes (e.g., 199 (d)
P a g e | 50
Xylem and phloem are called the heterogenous 209 (b)
tissues Intercalary meristem is present at the base of
200 (c) internodes, e.g., in grasses (Gramineae) or at the
When phloem is surrounded by xylem on all sides, base of leaves, e.g., in Pinus or at the base of
such concentric vascular bundle is called nodes, e.g., mint.
amphivasal or leptocentric. Such vascular bundle Intercalary meristem is the part of apical
is found in Dracaena, Yucca, Aloe, etc. meristem and responsible for increase in length.
201 (c) 210 (a)
In dicotyledous root, the cortex consists of several Anatomically, root is distinguishable into
layer thin walled parenchyma cells. These following layers or regions sequentially
parenchyma cells have intercellular space. The Epiblema → Cortex → Endodermis → Pericycle →
inner most layer of the cortex is called Vascular system → Pith
endodermis. It surrounds the vascular tissue Epiblema is the outermost piliferous layer of root
202 (b) tissue.
Vessels or tracheae are made up of a row of cells Cortex is the extrastelar fundamental tissue of the
placed one above the other with their intervening sporophyte.
walls absent or variously poured. These have Endodermis is the most innermost layer of cortex,
wide lumen for conduction of minerals and water. surrounding the pericycle.
While tracheids are unicellular and have a narrow Pericycle is an external layer of stele or the later
lumen. between endodermis and conducting tissues.
203 (d) 211 (a)
A-Pore B- Complementary C- Cork D- Cork Anatomically, the monocot stem is composed of
cambium E- Secondary cortex epidermis, hypodermis, ground tissue and
vascular bundles.
204 (d) 212 (d)
The cambium present between the xylem and Plasmodesmata are thread-like cytoplasmic
phloem of vascular bundle is called vascular strands running from one cell to other and these
cambium. It is a lateral meristem that gives rise to make connection between adjacent cells.
secondary xylem and phloem and occurs in the Each vascular bundle is made up necessarily of
form of a thin strip. Vascular cambium is also xylem and phloem elements and the cambium
called fascicular cambium. may or may not be present.
206 (a) The first differentiated xylem is called
P-proteins or phloem proteins are found in the protoxylem, whereas those differentiated
phloem, particularly sieve tube elements of the afterwards are called metaxylem.
flowering plant, where it may block or hinder Radial vascular bundles are mainly found in the
translocation through sieve pores. roots. In these, there are separate and alternate
207 (c) strands of phloem and xylem present on different
In a bicollateral vascular bundle, the phloem radii.
occurs in two groups one outside the xylem and 213 (a)
the other inner to it, i.e., two groups of phloem, In leaves, the tissues, which constitute the
one on each side of xylem. conduction system (i.e., vascular bundles) are
So, the correct sequence is situated near or at the centre of the midrib and
Outer phloem → Outer Cambium → Middle xylem generally form a ring composed of xylem
→ Inner cambium → Inner phloem (towards upper surface) and phloem (towards
208 (c) lower surface). The structure of large veins is
Divisions of cells in both primary and secondary more or less similar to that of a midrib. The small
meristems results in the formation of new cells, veins consist of only of few conducting cells.
which become structurally and functionally 214 (c)
specialised and loose the ability to divide. Such Vessels or tracheae are made up of a row of cells,
cells are called permanent or mature cells placed one above the other, with their intervening
P a g e | 51
walls absent or variously poured. The walls of There are usually two to four xylem and phloem
vessels are lignified and hard, but not very thick. patches. Later, a cambium ring develops between
The cell cavity or the lumen is wide. The the xylem and phloem. All tissues on the innerside
thickening may be annular, spiral, scalariform, of the endodermis such as pericycle, vascular
reticulate and pitted. bundles and pith constitutes the stele
215 (b) 224 (c)
Damaged sieve tubes are sealed by the deposition The collenchyma occurs in layers below the
of calloses across the sieve plates blocking the epidermis in dicotyledonous plants. It is found
sieve pores. either as a homogenous layer or in patches. It
216 (b) consists of cells which are much thickened at the
The correct sequence of structures in order of corners due to the deposition of cellulose,
their location from periphery to centre in a dicot hemicellulose and pectin. Collenchymatous cells
plant is : may be oval, spherical or polygonal and often
Trichoblasts → Collocytes → Fusiform cells → contain chloroplasts. These cells assimilate food
Tyloses when they contain chloroplasts. Intercellular
217 (b) spaces are absent. They provide mechanical
Mature stems of woody plants have a peripheral support to the growing parts of the plant such as
water proof tissue called cork (phellem). It is a young stem and petiole of a leaf
result of the activity of cork cambium (phellogen) 225 (a)
during secondary growth. Cork takes the place of The meristem which occurs between mature
epidermis in the stem and roots of older woody tissues is known as intercalary meristem. They
plants. occurs is grass and regenerate the parts removed
218 (c) by grazing herbivores
In dicot stem, secondary growth results in the 226 (b)
increase in thickness of both sapwood and In monocot root, the vascular strand has a large
heartwood. number (25-30 in maize) of alternate redial
219 (b) bundles of xylem and phloem.
A mature sieve tube lacks lignified walls. 228 (b)
220 (b) Cork cambium is formed by pericycle in the
In dicots, as a result of production of enormous dicotyledonous roots. It is absent in monocot root
amount of secondary tissues, a pressure is exerted that’s why secondary growth does not take place
on the peripheral tissue, which are sloughed off. in the monocots
From the outer layer of pericycle, the phellogen 229 (c)
(cork cambium) is arise, which cuts off phellem Quiescent centre concept in concern of root apex
(cork) on the outer side and secondary cortex or organization was proposed by Clowes (1961).
phelloderm towards the inner side. According to which, a region called quiescent
221 (b) centre is found below the root cap. It is a zone of
Parenchyma cells are usually present in cortex, inactive cells that act as reservoir of cells and
pericycle, pith and medullary rays, in the primary used when other meristematic cells are damaged.
stems and roots. In leaves, the ground tissue 230 (b)
consists of thin-walled chloroplast containing The monocot stem has a sclerenchymatous
cells and is called mesophyll hypodermis, a large number of scattered vascular
222 (b) bundles, each surrounded by a sclerenchymatous
In dicot leaf, mesophyll tissues are of two types- bundle sheath, and a large, conspicuous
palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma parenchymatous ground tissue. Vascular bundles
with large intercellular spaces. Whereas in are conjoint and closed. Peripheral vascular
monocot leaf, mesophyll is made up of only bundles are generally smaller than the centrally
spongy parenchyma, which has very small located ones. The phloem parenchyma is absent
intercellular spaces. and water-containing cavities are present within
223 (c) the vascular bundles
P a g e | 52
231 (b) become dead. Phloem fibres of jute, flax and hemp
In grasses, certain adaxial epidermal cells along are used commercially
the veins modify themselves into large, empty, 239 (d)
colourless cells. These are called bulliform cells. All of these.
When the bulliform cells in the leaves have Epidermal cells are elongated compactly arranged
absorbed water and are turgid, the leaf surface is and form continuous layer called epidermis.
exposed. When they are flaccid due to water Stomata are present in epidermis of leaves and
stress, they make the leaves curl inwards to regulate process of transpiration and gaseous
minimise water loss exchange. The epidermal hairs, i.e., root hairs,
232 (a) unicellular elongations and trichomes,
The cambial ring becomes active and begins to cut multicellular elongation of epidermis on root and
off new cells, both towards the inner and the shoot helps in absorbing water and preventing
outer sides. The cells cut off towards the pith, water loss, respectively
mature into secondary xylem and the cells 240 (a)
towards the periphery mature into secondary Trichomes are multicellular, branched or
phloem unbranched and soft or stiff epidermal hairs of
234 (d) stem of the plant. They may be secretory and help
Secondary meristem. in preventing excessive loss of water
The cylindrical meristem, i.e., fasicular vascular 241 (a)
cambium, interfascicular cambium and cork Single layered.
cambium are examples of secondary or lateral Vascular Cambium
meristem and are responsible for producing The meristematic layer that is responsible for
secondary tissue cutting off vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) is
235 (c) called vascular cambium. In the young stem. It is
The secondary xylem or wood is distinguishable present in patches as a single layer between the
as spring wood and autumn wood by presence of xylem and phloem. Later, it forms a complete ring
annual rings. Later on, due to excessive growth, it 242 (a)
termed as heartwood and sap wood. Wood is Lenticel is composed of complementary cells, and
superior to any metal in its availability, phelloderm form outside sequencially.
cheapness, toughness, strength and elasticity. 243 (d)
236 (b) Lateral meristem is that meristem, which occur on
The sclerenchyma cells are commonly found in the sides and helpful in increasing width of stem
the fruit walls of nuts; pulp of fruits like guava, and root. They divide mainly in one plane
pear and sapota; seed coats of legumes and leaves (periclinal), increasing the diameter of an organ,
of tea. Sclerenchyma provides mechanical support e.g., cambium (fascicular and interfascicular
to organs cambium), extra stellar cambium, cork cambium
237 (b) and marginal meristem of some leaves.
In bicollateral vascular bundle, xylem and phloem 244 (d)
are present on the same radius and one xylem Secondary phloem remains functional as long as
group is present in between the two phloem plant is alive.
groups, e.g., Cucurbita. 245 (c)
238 (c) As the stem continues to increase in girth due to
Phloem fibres (bast fibres) are made up of the activity of vascular cambium, the outer
sclerenchymatous cells. These are generally cortical and epidermis layers get broken and need
absent in the primary phloem but are found in the to be replaced to provide new protective cell
secondary phloem. These are much elongated, layers. Hence, sooner or later, another
unbranched and have pointed, needle like apices. meristematic tissue called cork cambium or
The cell wall of phloem fibres is quite thick. At phellogen develops, usually in the cortex region,
maturity, these fibres lose their protoplasm and which forms new layers, which is called periderm
246 (c)
P a g e | 53
Companion cells are present between sieve tubes secondary xylem is just above pith secondary rays
in the phloem of angiosperms. These are the living passes through both
cells with large nucleus that controls the activity 255 (a)
of non-nucleated sieve tubes. Collenchyma is a specialised supporting simple
247 (b) permanent tissue of living cells filled with
The vascular bundles in Hordeum vulgare protoplasm and characteristically possessing
(barley) plant are scattered in ground tissues, unevenly distributed thickenings of cellulose,
many in number and vary in size-smaller towards pectin and hemicellulose on their wall.
periphery and bigger towards centre of the 256 (b)
ground tissue, oval or rounded in outline, Stele is composed of pith and vascular bundle. On
conjoint, collateral and closed. the basis of orientation of xylem and phloem the
248 (d) vascular bundles of stele are classified as
Pith is well developed in the monocots and is collateral, bicollateral and concentric. Pith is
small, inconspicuous in dicots formed of large parenchymatous cells.
In monocot, is there is no secondary growth due 257 (b)
to the absence of vascular cambium between the This is the description of secondary growth in
xylem and phloem. But secondary growth is the roots
characteristic of dicotyledonous plants 258 (a)
249 (a) Apical meristems are present at the apices of
Parenchyma is most primitive type of permanent shoots and root of the plants and possess actively
tissue. In hydrophytes (aquatic plants), dividing cells. These meristems are virus free and
parenchyma develops abundant air spaces and is are responsible for increase in length and all
known as aerenchyma. Aerenchyma helps in primary tissues of the plant body originated from
floatation. them.
250 (d) 260 (c)
Permanent or mature cells don’t have the power The correct sequence of tissue from cambium
of division. They are formed by the division of present in dicot stem during secondary growth is
both types of meristems i.e., primary meristem primary cortex, secondary cortex, phellogen and
(shoot apical meristem, root apical meristem) and cork.
secondary/lateral meristems (fascicular, cork, 261 (a)
cambium) In dicotyledonous stem, the sequence of tissue
251 (c) from the outside to the inside is
A–radial, B–conjoint closed, C–conjoint open Phellem → endodermis → pericycle → phloem →
10. Radially arranged vascular tissue found in xylem
the dicot root 262 (a)
11. When vascular bundle is present in In grasses, certain adaxial epidermal cells along
between xylem and phloem it is called the veins modify themselves into large, empty,
open otherwise close-vascular bundle colourless cells. These cells are called bulliform
252 (d) cells. When the bulliform cells in the leaves have
Velamen and spongy tissues are found in the absorbed water and are turgid (called motor
epiphytic roots. These are hygroscopic and absorb cells) the leaf surface is exposed. When they are
water from the atmosphere. flaccid due to water stress, they make the leaves
253 (c) curl inwards to minimize water loss.
Root and belongs to dicot 263 (c)
254 (d) In grasses (monocotyledons), the guard cells are
Youngest secondary phloem is just outside the dumb-bell shaped and in dicotyledonous (bean,
cambium, while youngest xylem is present inside castor, pea), the guard cells are bean or kidney-
the cambium. Oldest secondary phloem is just shaped
inside the primary phloem, while oldest 264 (a)
Duraman and albrunum
P a g e | 54
265 (c) (ii) Vessels A long cylindrical tube with lignified
In Strychnos, both interxylary and intraxylary walls and large central cavity. It is a characteristic
phloem are present. feature of angiosperms
267 (a) (iii) Xylem fibres have thickened walls and
Parenchyma forms the major component within obliterated central lumen either septate or
organs. The cells of the parenchyma are generally aseptate
isodiametric. They may be spherical, oval, round, (iv) Xylem parenchyma is a thin cellulose and
polygonal or elongated in shape. Their walls are used to store food in the form of starch or fat
thin and made up of cellulose. The may either be 274 (c)
closely packed or have small intercellular spaces. Schleiden (1839) discovered and coined the term
The parenchyma performs various functions like collenchyma. Lamellar collenchyma is
photosynthesis, storage, secretion, etc. characterized by deposition of heavy thickenings
268 (c) in the tangential radial cell walls, e.g., stems of
Fusiform initial divided to form secondary Sambuscus and Raphanus.
phloem on the outer side and secondary xylem on 275 (d)
the inner side. With the formation of secondary Phellogen or cork cambium is the meristematic
xylem (tracheary elements) on the inner side, the tissue which arises in the cortical region.
vascular cambium moves gradually to the outside Phellogen is a couple of layers thick. It is made of
by adding new cells. This phenomenon is called narrow, thin-walled and nearly rectangular cells
dilation. 276 (a)
269 (c) Monocot root and dicot stem have well developed
Monocotyledonous roots. and conspicuous pith (central part of vascular
The anatomy of the monocot root is similar to the bundles)
dicot root in many respects. It has epidermis, 277 (b)
cortex, endodermis, pericycle, vascular bundles The periderm is a secondary protective structure
and pith. As compared to the dicot root, which and is made up of cork cambium (phellogen), cork
have fewer xylem bundles, there are usually more (phellem) and secondary cortex (phelloderm).
than six (polyarch) xylem bundles in the monocot 278 (c)
root. Pith is large and well-developed. Stomata are adapted for water loss but plants
Monocotyledonous roots do not undergo any which grow in xeric habitat have sunken type of
secondary growth stomata in their lower epidermis of leaves to
270 (d) minimize the loss of water, e.g., Nerium.
The meristem which occurs generally at the tip of 279 (a)
either roots or shoots are called apical meristem The stele without pith is protostele. The
271 (a) protostele is most primitive stele, which consists
The photosynthetic cells are found in mesophyll of a solid core of xylem surrounded by phloem
and are parenchymatous in nature and pericycle.
272 (a) 280 (a)
Many organs of aquatic plant floats in water. The The leaf primordium has an apical meristem at its
mesophyll between upper and lower epidermis is tip, which becomes inactive at early stage of
differentiated into palisade parenchyma and development. Further increase in length occurs by
spongy parenchyma. Intercellular spaces are intercalary meristem. Simultaneously marginal
present among the spongy parenchymatus cells meristem (cells of margin of leaf axis) divide and
273 (a) redivide to form leaf lamina.
Xylem. 281 (d)
Xylem is composed of four types of tissue The vascular cambial ring of dicot stem is partly
(i) Tracheids Elongated or tube like cells with primary and partly secondary in origin.
thick lignified walls and tapering ends. These are 282 (a)
main water transporting elements
P a g e | 55
Mesophyll, which possesses chloroplasts and present but some special parenchyma cells are
carry out photosynthesis, is made up of associated to sieve cells, which are known as
parenchyma ‘albuminous cells’.
283 (a) 292 (b)
Roots arises as a result of activity of root apical Endodermis is the innermost layer of cortex. A
meristem, while trichomes are multicellular special thick band or strip is present on radial and
extension of epidermis on stem to prevent the tangential walls of endodermal cells. This band is
loss of extra water from the surface called Casparian strip. These band-like
284 (d) thickenings are made of a waxy material, suberin.
Secondary medullary rays. 293 (b)
The primary xylem is in the centre of the stem, Heartwood is also called duramen. It represents
while primary phloem is pushed outward and the central wood of the plant. It is dark in colour
crushed into the cortex by the significant activity and heavier in weight. Living cells are absent. It
of vascular cambium. While the secondary phloem represents non-functional part of the secondary
differentiates from the cells that divide towards xylem (wood).
the outside of the stem 294 (a)
285 (b) Vascular cambium of stem is partly primary and
Clowes (1961) by autoradiographic studies of partly secondary meristem.
DNA synthesis found a reservior of cells having 295 (d)
low DNA, RNA and protein concentration in the The periderm is the secondary protective
root apex and named it as quiescent centre. These structure and is made up of cork cambium
cells do not divide but may become active. (phellogen), cork (phellem) and secondary cortex
286 (b) (phelloderm)
Tyloses are found in heartwood. Sometimes, the 296 (c)
xylem parenchyma develops balloon-like Endodermis is the last layer of cortex and is single
structure to which penetrates into the adjacent layered. It is characterized by presence of
xylem. Vessels, which are called tyloses, blocks Casparian strips.
the lumen of the xylem. 297 (d)
287 (d) The peripheral region of secondary xylem, is
Due to activity of the cork cambium, pressure lighter in colour and is known as the sapwood. It
builds up on the remaining layers, peripheral to is involved in the conduction of water and
phellogen and ultimately these layers die and minerals from the roots to leaves
slough off. Bark is the non-technical term that 298 (c)
refers to all tissue exterior to the vascular A-Water pore B-Epidermis
cambium C-Mesophyll D-Epithem
288 (d) E-Vasculature
As mentioned earlier that secondary growth does 299 (c)
not takes place in the monocots. But there are The autumn wood or latewood has less active
some exception like yucca and aloe in which the cambium and, thus forms fewer xylem elements
secondary growth occurs 300 (d)
289 (a) The cells of sieve tube do not possess nuclei.
Hypodermis consists of a few layers of 301 (b)
collenchymatous cells just below the epidermis, The endodermis regulates the flow of fluid both
which provides mechanical strength to the young inwardly as well as outwardly by functioning as
stem. Cortical layers below the hypodermis biological check post of the vascular bundles
consists of rounded thin-walled parenchymatous 302 (d)
cells with conspicuous intercellular spaces Phloem tissue have following attributes
291 (c) (i) Sieve tube
The companion cells are found in angiosperms (ii) Phloem parenchyma
only. In gymnosperms, no companion cell is (iii) Companion cell
P a g e | 56
(iv) Phloem fibres Hypodermis consists of a few layers of
collenchymatous cells just below the epidermis,
which provides mechanical strength to the young
stem. Cortical layers below the hypodermis
consists of rounded thin-walled parenchymatous
cells with conspicuous intercellular spaces
312 (c)
303 (d) Vessels is a composite structure formed by
In a monocot stem, the vascular bundles are dissolution of end walls of row of vessel elements,
scattered and surrounded by a thick-walled while tracheid is an individual cell.
bundle sheath. There vascular burdles are 313 (c)
conjoint collateral, closed and endarch. Guard cells are the specialized epidermal cells
304 (b) containing chloroplast.
Meristematic region is the region of cell division, 314 (b)
which situated below the root cap. Roots have unicellular root hairs, which arises as
305 (c) tubular unbranched outgrowth of the cells of
In roots, conjuctive parenchyma cells on the piliferous layers of epiblema (epidermis). They
lateral sides of phloem bundles and the pericycle increases the absorptive surface of the roots
cells lying outside the protoxylem ends became 315 (b)
meristematic. These give rise to a wavy band of Cambium gives off secondary phloem towards
vascular cambium. outer side and secondary xylem towards inner
306 (a) side. In old stage the primary phloem of root is
Both primary and secondary meristems usually crushed, while in dicot stem primary
contributes to the growth of plants. Shoot apical phloem of root is usually crushed, while in dicot
meristem and root apical meristem helps the stem primary phloem, secondary phloem,
plant to grow in length while the lateral meristem cambium, primary xylem and secondary xylem is
helps the plant to grow in width present.
307 (b) 316 (d)
Companion cells are thin-walled elongated cells In Cycas leaflet, transfusion tissue or
connected with sieve tube cells through hydrostereon are present on each side of the
plasmodesmata, in phloem cells. They are the midrib in between the palisade and spongy tissue.
characteristic of angiosperms, function in Transfusion tissue is made up of horizontally
controlling metabolic activities of sieve tube cells arranged tracheids, which supply water and
by nucleus of companion cells. minerals to palisade and spongy tissue up to
308 (b) margins. Transfusion tissue facilitates lateral
Annual growth rings are present in trees, which conduction of water because there in no lateral
grow in regions with contrasting seasonal veins.
variations in evergreen tropical forests. There is Leaf of Pinus also contains transfusion tissue
no distinct change in season so, the growth rings (needle).
are diffused. 317 (a)
309 (a) A group of cells which have a common origin
Sometimes, a few epidermal cells, in the vicinity of generally perform some function. For 𝑒. 𝑔., a
the guard cells become specialised in their shape meristamatic tissue formed in the body may be
and size and are known as subsidiary cells either apical or secondary but it continues to
310 (c) divide
It is the shoot apical meristem, which gives rise to 319 (c)
lateral buds. The lateral buds, however, remain Pericycle It is few layered thick tissue. It lies inner
suppressed due to apical dominance. to the endodermis and outside the vascular
311 (d) strand. The pricycle is made up of both
All except II and IV. parenchymatous and sclerenchymatous fibres
P a g e | 57
320 (d) Stomata Epiderma
In a bicollateral vascular bundle, the phloem (S) l Cell (E)
occurs in two groups, one outside the xylem and X 30 150 16.6
the other inner to it, i.e., the two groups of phloem Y 60 240 20.0
Z 90 400 18.3
one on each side of xylem. These are
So, the arrangement of plants in decreasing order
characteristically found in the stems of members
of their stomatal index in Y, Z, X.
of family-Cucurbitaceae, e.g., Cucurbita, Luffa, etc.
330 (d)
321 (d)
Lenticels are small pores formed on the surface of
The chief functions of sieve tube elements is to
stems and roots of higher plants. Lenticels usually
translocate the organic material from the source
arise below the stomata of the original epidermis,
to sink.
where loose packing tissue becomes
322 (d)
waterproofed with suberin, leaving large
The spring wood is lighter in colour and has a
intercellular spaces through which gas exchange
lower density whereas the autumn wood is
can take place.
darker and has higher density. The two kinds of
331 (a)
woods that appear as alternate concentric rings,
The vascular system consists of complex tissue,
constitutes an annual ring. Annual rings seen in a
the phloem and the xylem. The xylem and phloem
cutted stem give an estimate of the age of the tree
together constitutes the vascular bundles
324 (b)
332 (c)
The transverse section of a typical young
The initiation of vascular cambium during
dicotyledonous stem shows that the epidermis is
secondary growth phase takes place in pericycle
the outermost protective layer of the stem
which is present in between xylem and phloem
covered with a thin layer of cuticle. It may bear
333 (c)
trichomes and a few stomata
In a dicotyledonous stem, the sequence of tissues
325 (c)
from the outside to the inside is Phellem →
Each vascular bundle is surrounded by a sheath of
endodermis→ pericycle→ phloem→ xylem.
parenchymatous cells called bundle sheath. They
334 (b)
are chloren chymatous in nature
Meristem consists of cells in state of continuous
326 (d)
cell division. These cells are most active and show
Bryophytes are simple, small, amphibious (i.e.,
high rate of cell division and metabolism.
they require both water and land) plants, but do
335 (b)
not have vascular tissue system (atracheata).
The increase in diameter or thickness is due to the
327 (d)
formation of secondary tissues as a result of the
The vascular bundles containing cambium are
activities of vascular cambium and cork cambium.
said to be open but if no cambium develops, they
This secondary growth is characteristic of dicot
are referred as closed. Due to absence of
stem and root.
cambium, the secondary growth is not found. In
336 (a)
most monocotyledons, closed vascular bundles
The outer tangential wall of epidermal cells are
are found.
covered by a fatty substance cutin , which forms
328 (b)
the cuticle. The cuticle is very well developed in
Generally, the epidermis layer does the function
xerophytes but absent in hydrophytes. It is
of protection but it modifies to the different
secreted by epidermal cells.
structures to give the various structures (like-root
337 (d)
hairs, trichomes, stomata etc) to perform the
I, II and III (parenchyma tissue, collenchyma
various functions in an organism
tissue and sclerenchyma tissue).
329 (b)
All tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles
Stomatal index (SI) = S + E × 100 constitutes ground tissues. It consists of simple
Plan Number Number SI tissue such as parenchyma, collenchyma and
t of of sclerenchyma
P a g e | 58
338 (d) impermeable, waxy material called suberin in the
The main function of P-protein is sealing off form of casparian strips
damaged sieve elements by plugging up sieve 345 (a)
plate pores. In many cases of root apices, a cup-like region of
339 (a) cells called quiescent centre is present lying
The cylindrical meristem, i.e., fasicular vascular between the root cap and the active meristematic
cambium, interfascicular cambium and cork region. The quiescent centre is an inactive region
cambium are examples of secondary or lateral of root apices and is often said as reserve
meristem and are responsible for producing meristem.
secondary tissue 346 (d)
340 (a) In winter, the cambium is less active and forms
Mesophyll tissues occur between the two fewer xylary elements that have narrow vessels,
epidermal layers. In a dicot (dorsiventral) leaf, it and this wood is called autumn wood or late wood
is differentiated into palisade and spongy 347 (a)
parenchyma. Both of these are rich in chloroplast. Sieve tube elements are long, tube-like structures,
341 (b) arranged longitudinally and are associated with
Dicot root. the companion cells. Their end walls are
There are usually two to four xylem and phloem perforated in a sieve-like manner to form the
patches. Later, a cambium ring develops between sieve plates. A mature sieve elements possesses a
the xylem and phloem. All tissues on the innerside peripheral cytoplasm and a large vacuole but
of the endodermis such as pericycle, vascular lacks a nucleus. Functions of sieve tubes are
bundles and pith constitutes the stele. controlled by the nucleus of companion cells
Pith is well developed in the monocots and is 348 (c)
small, inconspicuous in dicots. Xylem is composed of four types of tissue
In monocot, is there is no secondary growth due (i) Tracheids Elongated or tube like cells with
to the absence of vascular cambium between the thick lignified walls and tapering ends. These are
xylem and phloem. But secondary growth is the main water transporting elements
characteristic of dicotyledonous plants (ii) Vessels A long cylindrical tube with lignified
342 (b) walls and large central cavity. It is a characteristic
Most angiosperms have vessels except a few (e.g., feature of angiosperms
Drimys, Tetracentron, Trochodendron). The (iii) Xylem fibres have thickened walls and
gymnosperms lack vessels but these are found in obliterated central lumen either septate or
the order-Gnetales. Vessels are the constituent of aseptate
xylem complex tissue. They are composed of row (iv) Xylem parenchyma is a thin cellulose and
of cells placed one above to other. Transverse wall used to store food in the form of starch or fat
of these cells is absent due to dissolution. 349 (a)
343 (b) Both apical meristems and intercalary meristems
A –thin, B –thick are called primary meristems because they
344 (a) appear early in life of a plant and contributes to
A-cortex, B-endodermins. the formation of primary plant body
In dicotyledous root, the cortex consists of several 351 (d)
layer thin walled parenchyma cells. These Xylem parenchyma cells are living and thin-walled
parenchyma cells have intercellular space. The and their cell walls are made up of cellulose. They
inner most layer of the cortex is called store food materials in the form of starch or fat
endodermis. It surrounds the vascular tissue. and other substances like tannins. The radial
The innermost layer of cortex is called conduction of water takes place by the ray
endodermis. It comprises a single layer of barrel- parenchymatous cells
shaped cells without any intercellular spaces. The 352 (c)
tangential as well as radial walls of the
endodermal cells have a deposition of water
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Bulliform cells in monocotyledons epidermis have In dicot stems, the cells of cambium present
bulliform cells, which regulate the surface area of between primary xylem and primary phloem are
leaves intrafascicular cambium. The cells of medullary
353 (b) cells, adjoining these intrafascicular cambium
Desert grasses often roll their leaves due to becomes meristematic and form the
presence of bulliform cells. These are big-sized, interfascicular cambium. Thus, a continuous ring
thin-walled and large vacuolated cells frequently of cambium is formed
occur towards the lower epidermis. 361 (d)
354 (b) Meristems are the specialised regions of active
Xylem vessels are the tube-like structure. The cell division
walls of the xylem vessels are lignified. They lack
the protoplasm. They are thick and variously-
annular, spiral, reticulate, scalariform and pitted.
The pitted condition is more common
355 (c)
At certain regions, the phellogen cuts off closely
arranged parenchymatous cells on the outer side
instead of cork cells. These parenchymatous cells
soon rupture the epidermis, forming a lens-
shaped openings called lenticels. Lenticels permit The division the of both primary and secondary
the exchange of gases between the outer meristems resulted in formation of functionally
atmosphere and the internal tissue of the stem. and structurally specialised cells/tissue which
These occur in most woody trees loose their ability to divide and thus are called
356 (d) permanent tissues
If the plants belongs to the tropical forest then the 362 (c)
age of tree can’t be determined by annual rings The number of vascular bundles in the leaf
because the physiological and environmental depends upon the size and venation of leaf
factors remains the same throughout the year and 363 (d)
due to this, the fluctuation of cambial activity does Interfascicular cambium is secondary meristem. It
not take place originates only at the time of secondary growth
357 (d) between the vascular bundles.
No reserve food materials like fats, proteins and 364 (a)
sugars are present in meristematic cells. After certain years of growth, the xylem elements
358 (d) of the stems of a number of trees develop dark
Tyloses are balloon-like structures develop from brown colouration, especially in the central or
xylem parenchyma. These tyloses block the innermost layers. This region comprises dead
passage of xylem vessels and ray parenchyma. So, element with highly lignified walls and is called
these are also called tracheal plug. These tyloses heartwood or duramen. It is present in inner
block the continuity and flow of water, which region of secondary wood.
leads to death of elements of heartwood. 365 (b)
359 (a) In tropics, there is no sharp distinction between
The tissue derived from the procambium is called the seasons, hence, there is not much differences
the vascular or fascicular tissue system. It consists in the activity of cambium. In a diffused porous
of varying number of strands or bundles called wood, the large-sized vessels are distributed
the vascular bundles. Each vascular bundle is through spring wood and autumn wood, eg,
made up of xylem and phloem necessarily but the Syzygium cumini.
cambium may or may not be present. 366 (b)
360 (b) Scattered vascular bundles is the characteristic of
Medullary rays to intrafascicular cambium. monocot stem
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376 (d)
The apical meristems are present in the apices of
primary and secondary shoots and roots of the
plant. The cells of apical meristem are in very
active stage of division, have dense cytoplasm,
thin cell wall and remain virus free.
377 (b)
367 (d) Parenchyma is the most abundant and common
Phellogen, phellem and phelloderm are tissue of the plants. Parenchyma forms ground
collectively known as periderm tissue in the non-woody or soft areas of the stem,
368 (b) leaves, roots, flowers, fruit, etc. The typical
In the upper epidermis of monocots (e.g., wheat, parenchyma is meant for storage of food. It is
maize cereals, grasses, etc), there are some large modified to performs special functions
cells, found in groups, which are known as motor 378 (a)
cells or bulliform cells. These cells help in rolling In root, growth occurs, just behind the apex as
of leaves in dry climate. there is root cap at apex.
369 (d) 379 (d)
Characteristic feature of stem is endarch Sclerenchyma consists of long, narrow cells with
condition of xylem tissue. In endarch, protoxylem thick and lignified cell walls having a few or
is present towards the centre of stem, while numerous pits. They are usually dead and without
metaxylem towards the pericycle. Characteristic protoplasts. On the basis of variation in form,
feature of root is exarch condition of xylem tissue. structure, origin and development, sclerenchyma
In exarch condition, protoxylem is present may be either fibres or sclereids
towards the pericycle and metaxylem towards the 380 (a)
center of the root. In amphicribal vascular bundle, the xylem is
370 (c) surrounded by phloem
Cotton is chiefly composed of epidermal hair of
seed. Chemically it is cellulose.
371 (b)
During the formation of leaves and elongation of
stem, some cells ‘left-behind’ from shoot apical
meristem. These constitute the axillary buds. Such 381 (a)
buds are present in the axis of leaves and are The companion cells are present in association
capable of forming a branch of flower with the sieve tube elements with the help of pit
373 (d) fields present between their walls. The
Intercalary meristem is present away from apical companion cells help in maintaining pressure
meristem in primary permanent tissue. gradient is sieve tubes
374 (b) 382 (c)
Cork cells are dead cells and hence, do not respire. In monocot roots, xylem strands are exarch and
375 (b) polyarch.
Epidermis. 383 (d)
Epidermal cells are elongated compactly arranged The tracheids are elongated, angular dead cells
and form continuous layer called epidermis. with hard lignified wide lumen and narrow end
Stomata are present in epidermis of leaves and walls. The walls of tracheids possess different
regulate process of transpiration and gaseous types of thickenings and the unthickened areas of
exchange. The epidermal hairs, i.e., root hairs, its wall allow the rapid movement of water from
unicellular elongations and trichomes, one tracheid to another. Tracheids are the
multicellular elongation of epidermis on root and characteristic cell types of xylem tissues in
shoot helps in absorbing water and preventing gymnosperms and pteridophytes, where they are
water loss, respectively chief elements of water conduction.
P a g e | 61
384 (d) Phloem parenchyma is made up of elongated,
Medullary ray or pith rays They are the radial tapering cylindrical cells which have dense
strips of parenchyma cells present between the cytoplasm and nucleus. The cell wall is composed
adjacent vascular bundles. The medullary rays of cellulose and has pits through which
connects the pith with pericycle and cortex. They plasmodesmatal connections exist between the
ray cells make intimate connection with the cells. The phloem parenchyma stores food
conducting cells of both xylem and phloem material and other substances like resins, latex
through pits and mucilage. Phloem parenchyma is absent in
The medullary rays help in the radial conduction most of the monocotyledons
of food and water. They also transport gases from 392 (c)
pith to cortex and vice-versa In maize leaf (monocot), the undifferentiated
385 (a) mesophyll occurs in the concentric layers around
Tracheids are elongated or tube like cells with the vascular bundles having large centrifugal
thick and lignified walls and tapering ends. These chloroplasts in its large bundle sheath cells. Such
are dead and are without protoplasm. The inner an arrangement is called Kranz anatomy
layers of the cell walls have thickenings which 393 (d)
vary in form. In flowering plants, tracheids and The phloem fibre of jute, flax and hemp are used
vessels are the main water transporting elements for commercial purpose because of its
386 (d) characteristic to loose protoplasm and become
The first formed primary phloem consists of dead at maturity
narrow sieve tubes and is referred to as 394 (b)
protophloem and later formed primary phloem is In dicot root, during the secondary growth, the
referred to as metaxylem cork is formed. This cork is inner to the
387 (b) endodermis and external to the primary phloem
Parenchyma. 396 (c)
Parenchyma forms the major component within On the basis of variation in form, structure origin
organs. The cells of the parenchyma are generally development sclerenchyma may be fibre, i.e., thick
isodiametric. They may be spherical, oval, round, the elongated and pointed cells or sclereids, i.e.,
polygonal or elongated in shape. Their walls are spherical oval or cylindrical
thin and made up of cellulose. The may either be 397 (a)
closely packed or have small intercellular spaces. Each stoma is composed of two bean-shaped cells
The parenchyma performs various functions like known as guard cells. These are modified ground
photosynthesis, storage, secretion, etc. tissue. They have the chlorophylls and performs
388 (b) photosynthesis. The outer walls of guard cells
Root. (away from the stomatal pore) are thin and inner
The outside of the epidermis is often covered with wall (toward the stomatal pore) are highly
waxy thick layer called cuticle, which prevents the thickened
loss of water. Cuticle is absent in roots 398 (d)
389 (b) The fibres bound associated with the phloem,
The wall of both vessel and sieve tube elements pericycle and cortex are referred to as stem, bast
are perforated by large opening. Due to these or soft fibres. Fibres of this category are derived
adaptation, the cell to cell contact is possible. mostly from the dicotyledonous plant.
The vessels are nucleated, whereas the sieve tube 399 (c)
elements are enucleated. In a dicot root, the vascular bundles are collateral
390 (b) and exarch. The innermost layer of cortex in roots
Velamen is a layer of dead cells acting as water- is endodermis. It is made up of closely packed
absorbing spongy material found on the outside living cells characterized by presence of Casparian
of aerial roots of epiphytic plants. strips.
391 (a) In vascular bundle of dicot roots, xylem and
phloem patches are separated from each other by
P a g e | 62
intervening thin-walled parenchyma cells called On the basis of variation in form, structure, origin
conjunctive or complementary tissue. and development, sclerenchyma may be fibres or
400 (b) sclereids. The fibres are thick walled, elongated
Primary xylem is of two types. First, formed and pointed cells, generally occurring in groups,
primary xylem is called protoxylem and later in various parts of the plant. The sclereids are
formed is called metaxylem. The position of spherical oval or cylindrical, highly thickened
protoxylem and metaxylem is towards pith and dead cells with very narrow cavity (lumen). These
periphery, respectively in case of stem and vice are commonly found in the fruit wall of nuts, pulp
versa in roots of fruit like guava, pear and sapota, seed coats of
401 (c) legumes and leaves of tea. Sclerenchyma provides
Periderm includes-phellem, phellogen and the mechanical support to organs
phelloderm. 410 (d)
402 (b) The innermost layer of the cortex is called
Gymnosperm lacks vessels in their xylem tissue. endodermis. The cells of the endodermis are rich
Vessels are also absent in pteridophytes. Their in starch grains and the layer is referred to as the
tracheary element comprise only tracheids. starch sheath
Flowering plants possesses, both vessel and 411 (a)
tracheids but later are comparatively fewer and Collenchyma cells are elongated and polygonal
moreover vessels are the characteristic features with tapering ends, found in outer region of
of angiosperms cortex, e.g., angles of stems, midrib of leaves, etc.
403 (c) The cell wall of collenchyma consists of cellulose,
Apical meristem. pectins and hemicellulose.
During the formation of leaves and elongation of 412 (d)
stem, some cells ‘left-behind’ from shoot apical Tracheids and vessels are the characteristic of
meristem. These constitute the axillary buds. Such xylem vascular bundle and the A, B and C are
buds are present in the axis of leaves and are tracheid, vessels and vessels, respectively
capable of forming a branch of flower 413 (a)
404 (d) Cells of meristematic tissue are living and thin
Phellogen cuts off the cells on both sides and form walled. They contain dense protoplasm and
an outer imprevious layer, cork and an inner conspicuous nuclei and are without intercellular
parenchymatous layer, phelloderm spaces.
405 (c) 414 (c)
A–Vascular, B–Midrib, C–Veins, D–Dicot The increase in the height of plant is due to apical
406 (c) meristem. Therefore, the height of the board
Counting the annual rings. remains the same after ten years
The spring wood is lighter in colour and has a 415 (b)
lower density whereas the autumn wood is Cell wall in a plant cell is found in both the phases,
darker and has higher density. The two kinds of i.e., sporophytic and gametophytic phase of life
woods that appear as alternate concentric rings, cycle
constitutes an annual ring. Annual rings seen in a 416 (b)
cutted stem give an estimate of the age of the tree Motor cells or bulliform cells are found in
407 (d) epidermis of monocot leaf, e.g., grasses. Epidermal
Meristematic cells have thin cell wall without cells situated in ling furrows are larger with thin
intercellular spaces. flexible walls. These cells help in the rolling of
408 (a) leaves in dry weather.
Mechanical strength of hypocotyls of seedling is 417 (a)
provided by epidermis and collenchyma tissue. The cambium lies in vascular bundles of dicot and
409 (d) gymnosperm stem in between phloem and xylem
All except IV. 418 (c)
P a g e | 63
Growth in plants in largely restricted to vascular system. Ground tissue system of leaves is
specialised regions of active cell division called called mesophyll. Mesophyll is made up of two
meristem. (Gk meristos-divide). Plants have types of photosynthetic cells, palisade and spongy
different kind of meristems. The meristems, 425 (a)
which occur at the tips of roots and shoots and Sieve tubes are cylindrical tube-like cells with
produce primary tissues are called apical perforated cross walls called sieve plates. Sieve
meristems tubes are responsible for movement of food
419 (b) material and sealing of pores after wounding.
During the secondary growth, the continuous ring 426 (d)
of cambium is formed by joining of intrafascicular Interfascicular and intrafascicular both cambium
cambium and interfascicular cambium not by join each other and form a continuous ring of
vascular cambium. Vascular cambium form xylem cambium for the secondary growth of dicots
on the its inside and phloem on outside due to 427 (a)
differential action of for more All tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles
420 (d) constitutes ground tissues. It consists of simple
By the deposition of resins, oils, gums, etc, in the tissue such as parenchyma, collenchyma and
xylem cell wall, ‘formation of tylosis’ in xylem sclerenchyma
vessels and by degeneration of protoplast of living 428 (c)
cell ‘sapwood’ is converted into ‘heartwood’. Phellem is a group of tissue formed due to activity
421 (c) of phellogen (cork cambium) towards the outer
Sequence of cellular laters from the periphery side, while towards the inner side, phellogen cuts
towards the cortex in an old dicot stem is another group of cells called phelloderm or
epidermis, hypodermis, cortex, endodermis, secondary cortex. Below secondary cortex is
pericycle and vascular bundles. occurred secondary phloem, it is formed due to
422 (d) activity of vascular cambium, which cuts
Dicotyledon leaf is also called dorsiventral leaf. secondary xylem towards inner side. This newly
Monocotyledon leaf is also called isobilateral leaf formed secondary xylem is called autumn wood.
423 (a) 429 (d)
Cork cambium is also called phellogen. Cork is In datepalm (Phoenix sp), there is no secondary
also called phellem. Secondary cortex is also growth, differentiation of wood into bark,
called phelloderm. sapwood and heartwood is not present.
Cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are 430 (a)
collectively called periderm or secondary ground Stomata are present in the epidermis of leaves.
tissue. Their main function is regulation of transpiration
424 (c) and gaseous exchange with the help of two bean
Ground tissue system occupies the whole of the shaped cells known as guard cells
interior of plant organs with the exclusion of
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