Foundation Course 2019 Logbook RMC

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Rural Medical College

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences

(Deemed to be University)
NAAC Accredited "A" Gade



First Edition: 2019


Name of the College ______________________________________

Name of the Student _____________________________________

Roll No ______________

Year of Admission ________________

Date of Birth __________________________________________

Hobbies ________________________________________________

Blood Group ____________________________________________

Height (Cm.) ____________ Weight (Kg.) _________ BMI ________

Hepatitis B Vaccination Status 0 dose / 1 Month dose /

6 Month dose / Booster
Rural Medical College
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
(Deemed to be University)

Completion of Foundation Course
This is to certify that
Mr./Ms. _____________________________________________________________
Roll No._________has completed the various elements of Foundation Course as
prescribed by Medical Council of India, at Rural Medical College, satisfactorily, from
____________________ to __________________.


Signature of MEU Coordinator Signature of Dean

Professor and Head Professor and Head

Dept. of Anatomy Dept. of Physiology

Professor and Head Professor and Head

Dept. of Biochemistry Dept. of Community Medicine
Purpose of the Foundation Course is to

1) Orient the students to medical profession, curriculum and institute

2) Acclimatize them to campus environment
3) Familiarize with teaching programs
4) Help to adapt to academic challenges
5) Cope with the vast body of knowledge and skills required in health care system
6) Develop habits of self-directed learning

Contents of Foundation Course

Sr. Subjects/ Contents


1. Orientation

2. Skills Module

3. Field visit to community health center

4. Professional Development including ethics

5. Sports and Extracurricular activities

6. Enhancement of language/ computer skills

Instructions to Students

 It is mandatory for all the students to attend all the modules in the foundation course as
per the college timetable.

 A minimum of 75% attendance in the foundation course is mandatory as per MCI

 As the various sessions in these modules are of interactive, the students are expected to
actively participate in the learning activities.

 The students are encouraged for self-directed learning.

 The student will write his or her reflections about the sessions experienced weekly.

 It shall be the responsibility of the student to maintain the log book, get it assessed and
certified, preserve the record and produce it as and when required by the institute.

Instructions for Reflections:

Reflections should be structured using the following guiding questions:

What happened? (What did you learn from this experience)

So what? (What are the applications of this learning)
What next? (What knowledge or skills do you need to develop so that you can handle this type
of situation?)
Week 1 - 1st August to 10th August
Sr. Date Activity Reflections Teacher’s Remarks
No Pg nos Signature
Week 2 - 12st August to 17th August
Sr. Date Activity Reflections Teacher’s Remarks
No Pg nos Signature
Week 3 – 19th August to 24th August
Sr. Date Activity Reflections Teacher’s Remarks
No Pg nos Signature
Week 4 – 26th August to 31th August
Sr. Date Activity Reflections Teacher’s Remarks
No Pg nos Signature

Reflect on your learning experiences during the week in foundation course

under the following heads:

1. What happened? (What did you learn from this experience)

2. So what? (What are the applications of this learning)
3. What next? (What knowledge or skills do you need to develop so
that you can handle this type of situation?)
Leave 25-30 pages blank for writing reflections
Foundation course-Rural Medical College, PIMS 1st-31st August 2019 TOTAL HOURS=175
Date 9.00 AM-11.00 AM 11.00 AM-1.00 PM 2.00 PM-4.00 PM 4.00 PM-5.00 PM
1/8/2019 welcome address Hostel rules-Dr.J.M.Farooqi,sports- parents meeting-Dean & formation of hobby clubs-
Dean-AVM(Retd) Dr.Rajvir Bhalwar, Dr.Sunil Bular, cultural activities- preclinical HODs; Dr.Anagha Marawar
Antiragging measures- Dr.Rahul Kunkulol documentation-Shri.Malve
Dr.Rajiv Desai,mentorship -Dr.M.N.Pawar
2/8/2019 visit to visit to overview of MBBS program- 9.1.1 a viii -
Anatomy,physiology,biochemistry,Community Patho,Micro.,Pharmacology,FMT(coordinated Dr. D.B. Phalke Dr.Sachin Deorukhkar
medicine(coordinated by Respective HOD) by Respective HOD)
3/8/2019 visit to OPD complex,CCL,Blood bank, MRI- visit to IPDs in Pravara Rural Hospital- doctor patient relationship- 9.1.1 a x- Dr.S.N.Jangle
Dr.Mandar Baviskar & Tutors Dr.Anand Bhide & Tutors Dr.S.N.Mahajan,
BMWM- Dr.S.M.Jain
4/8/2019 Sunday
5/8/2019 9.1.1 a I -AVM(Retd) Dr.Rajvir Bhalwar; 9.1.1 a iii-Dr.D.B.Phalke; Video-Pravara Example to indoor/outdoor sports-
9.1.1 a iv- Dr.M.C.Tayade 9.1.1 a vii-Dr.J.D.Deshpande follow; loni PURA model- Dr.Sunil Bular
6/8/2019 9.1.1 a v- Dr.S.J.Javadekar 9.1.1 a vi-Dr.Anup Kharde; 9.1.1 a ix- Introduction to Language & indoor/outdoor sports-
Dr.Kalpak Kadarkar computer skills-Dr.Kalpak & Dr.Sunil Bular
Dr.Anup Kharde
7/8/2019 Introduction to AETCOM and medical ethics- basic principles of bioethics, professionalism- Learning skills,e learning & indoor/outdoor sports -
Dr.M.C.Tayade Dr.Rajiv Desai PBL,SDL-Dr.Sandeep Pakhale Dr.Sunil Bular
8/8/2019 briefing on COME & field visit- introduction to skills module-Dr.Sandeep visit to skill lab- indoor/outdoor sports-
Dr.Kaplak Kadarkar Pakhale Dr.Tushar Bhavar Dr.Sunil Bular
9/8/2019 Field visit/computer skill/language skill Field visit/computer skill/language skill Field visit/computer extracurricular activities-
A/B/C -Dr. Sujata Muneshwar A/B/C-Dr.Varsha /Dr.Anup/Dr.Namrata skill/language skill A/B/C- Dr.Anagha Marawar
/Dr.Mandar/Dr.Arun Chepte Dr.Anand/Dr.Mandar/Dr.Desai
10/8/2019 Field visit/computer skill/language skill Field visit/computer skill/language skill Field visit/computer extracurricular activities-
A/B/C-Dr. Sujata Muneshwar A/B/C-Dr.Varsha /Dr.Anup/Dr.Namrata skill/language skill A/B/C- Dr.Anagha Marawar
/Dr.Mandar/Dr.Arun Chepte Dr.Anand/Dr.Mandar/Dr.Desai
11/8/2019 Sunday
12/8/2019 Field visit/computer skill/language skill Field visit/computer skill/language skill Field visit/computer indoor/outdoor sports-
A/B/C-Dr. Sujata Muneshwar A/B/C-Dr.Varsha /Dr.Kalpak/Dr.Namrata skill/language skill A/B/C- Dr.Sunil Bular
/Dr.Mandar/Dr.Arun Chepte Dr.Anand/Dr.Mandar/Dr.Desai
13/8/2019 Field visit/computer skill/language skill Field visit/computer skill/language skill Field visit/computer indoor/outdoor sports-
A/B/C-Dr. Sujata Muneshwar A/B/C-Dr.Varsha /Dr.Kalpak/Dr.Namrata skill/language skill A/B/C- Dr.Sunil Bular
/Dr.Mandar/Dr.Arun Chepte Dr.Anand/Dr.Mandar/Dr.Desai
14/8/2019 skill module /computer skill/language skill skill module/computer skill/language skill skill module/computer indoor/outdoor sports-
A/B/C-Dr.Sandeep A/B/C-Dr.Tushar/Dr.Preeti/Dr.Dhokikar skill/language skill A/B/C- Dr.Sunil Bular
Pakhale/Dr.Bindu/Dr.Bhalerao Dr.Akshay
15/8/2019 Flag Housting00 AM
16/8/2019 skill module/computer skill/language skill skill module/computer skill/language skill skill module/computer extracurricular activities-
A/B/C-Dr.Sandeep A/B/C-Dr.Tushar/Dr.Preeti/Dr.Dhokikar skill/language skill A/B/C- Dr.Anagha Marawar
Pakhale/Dr.Bindu/Dr.Bhalerao Dr.Akshay
17/8/2019 skill module/computer skill/language skill skill module/computer skill/language skill skill module/computer extracurricular activities-
A/B/C-Dr.Sandeep A/B/C-Dr.Tushar/Dr.Preeti/Dr.Dhokikar skill/language skill A/B/C- Dr.Anagha Marawar
Pakhale/Dr.Bindu/Dr.Bhalerao Dr.Akshay
18/8/2019 Sunday
19/8/2019 skill module/computer skill/language skill skill module/computer skill/language skill skill module/computer indoor/outdoor sports-
A/B/C-Dr.Sandeep A/B/C skill/language skill A/B/C- Dr.Sunil Bular
Pakhale/Dr.Bindu/Dr.Bhalerao Dr.Akshay
20/8/2019 skill module -BLS-Dr.Tushar Bhavar skill module -BLS-Dr.Akshaya Shetty skill module -BLS- indoor/outdoor sports-
Dr.Mrs.Badhe Madam Dr.Sunil Bular
21/8/2019 skill module first aid-Dr.Mule A.B. skill module first aid-Dr.Tanpue T.B. skill module first aid-Dr.Nigute indoor/outdoor sports-
S.S. Dr.Sunil Bular
22/8/2019 skill module -suturing skills-Dr.Gokul Jorwekar skill module suturing skills-Dr.P.K.Baviskar skill module suturing skills- indoor/outdoor sports-
Dr.K.N.Dandekar Dr.Sunil Bular
23/8/2019 skill module ACLS-Dr.Tushar bhavar skill module ACLS-Dr.Akshaya Shetty skill module ACLS practice- extracurricular activities-
Dr.Mrs.Badhe Madam Dr.Anagha Marawar
24/8/2019 AETCOM-professionalism-AVM(retd) AETCOM-principles-Dr.Rajiv Desai Movie/videos on ethics- extracurricular activities-
Dr.Rajvir Bhalwar Dr.M.C.Tayade Dr.Anagha Marawar
25/8/2019 Sunday
26/8/2019 AETCOM-ethical issues-Dr.Mrs.S.K.Chavan AETCOM-unprofessional behaviour- AETCOM-value of integrity- indoor/outdoor sports-
Dr.J.M.Farooqui Dr.S.N.Jangle Dr.Sunil Bular
27/8/2019 AETCOM-honesty-Dr.A.N.Badve AETCOM-respect to others- Dr.Preeti AETCOM-communication skills indoor/outdoor sports-
Padmanabhan -Dr.V.B.Bangal Dr.Sunil Bular
28/8/2019 AETCOM-clinical ethics- Dr.Gokul Jorvekar AETCOM-patient communications- AETCOM-communication indoor/outdoor sports-
Dr.K.N.dandekar skills-Dr.V.B.Bangal Dr.Sunil Bular
29/8/2019 AETCOM-role play-Dr.M.C.Tayade/ AETCOM-video on ethical issues-Dr.Dr.Sabde Interpersonal communication- indoor/outdoor sports-
Dr.Rajiv Desai/Dr.Namrata Marathe S.B. Dr.Rahul Kunkulol Dr.Sunil Bular
30/8/2019 AETCOM-role play-Dr.M.C.Tayade/ AETCOM-group dynamics-Dr.Namrata AETCOM-medical records & extracurricular activities-
Dr.Rajiv Desai/Dr.Namrata Marathe Marathe documentation- Dr.Anagha Marawar
31/8/2019 Guest lecture with demo-Yoga & meditation- stress management & time management- culurual fest singing,dancing, valedictory;National Anthem
Shri.Chirag Patil Dr.Anand Patil,Dr.Vibha Bhide mimicry,music-
Dr.Rahul Kunkulol
Coordination-Ist week-Community Coordination-II nd week-Anatomy dept. coordination-IIIrd week- IV th week-Physiology
Medicine(PSM) Biochemistry department

Note: 9.1.1 Batches : A 1-67 B-68-134 C-135-200

(a) Orient the learner to:
(i) The medical profession and the physician’s language skills(marathi & english) computer skills Distribution of Hours - 175
role in society
(ii) The MBBS programme local language common words MS Office orientation-30
(iii) Alternate health systems in country and body parts MS Excel - data entry and skills module-35
history of medicine analysis
(iv) Medical ethics, attitudes and history taking common words statistical softwares field visit-8
(v) Health care system and its delivery marathi movie with english subtitles useful sites on internet professional development
including ethics-40
(vi) National health priorities and policies online education language skills-20
(vii) Universal precautions and vaccinations digital media computer skills-20
(viii) Patient safety and biohazard safety sports & extracurricular 22
(ix) Principles of primary care (community
based care)
(x) The academic ambience

Dr. D.B. Phalke AVM (Retd) Dr. Rajvir Bhalwar

Coordinator , Medical Education Unit Dean, Rural Medical College,Loni

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