FS 2. Ep. 1 10

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Learning Episode 1

The Teacher We Remember

Clarify your Task
Before you embark on your one-semester journey in Observation and Teaching
Assistantship, it may be good to be reminded of the personal and professional qualities
which we, teachers, ought to possess. Striving to be the best teacher who will leave an
imprint of himself/herself on his/her students, is a never-ending journey. The journey began
three years ago when you started discussing who the professional teacher is in your course
on The Teaching Profession, etc., etc. The journey gets more focused and challenging now
as you observe and assist your Field Study Resource Teacher. Don’t you worry! You have
been prepared for this for three years and you will end up stronger, happier and wiser!

Let’s buckle down for work!

1. You will review the qualities of good teachers as contained in documents such as the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPSTs) and the Southeast Asia Teachers
Competency Framework and the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
2. You will view on youtube 2 TEDx talks on “What makes a good teacher great” and “The
Power of a Teacher”.

Revisit the Infographic/s


Source : DepEd Order no. 42, s. 2017

Career Stage 4: Distinguished Teacher

Teachers embody the highest standard for teaching grounded in global best practices. They
exhibit an exceptional capacity to improve their own teaching practice and that of others.
They are recognized as leaders in education, contributors to the profession, and Initiators of
collaborations and partnerships. They create a lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues,
students, and others. They consistently seek professional advancement and relevance in
pursuit of teaching quality and excellence. They exhibit a commitment to inspire the
education community and stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the

Career Stage 3: Highly Proficient Teacher

Teachers consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching
They manifest an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching and learning
process. They have high education-focused situation cognition, are more adept in problem-
solving, and optimize opportunities gained from experience. Career stage 3 teachers work
collaboratively with colleagues and provide them support and mentoring to enhance their
learning and practice. They continually seek to develop their professional knowledge and
practice by reflecting on their own needs, and those of their colleagues and students.
Teachers are professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the
teaching and learning process. They provide focused teaching programs that meet
curriculum and assessment requirements. They display skills in planning, implementing,
and managing learning programs. They actively engage in collaborative learning with the
professional community and other stakeholders for mutual growth and advancement.
They are reflective practitioners who continually consolidate the knowledge, skills, and
practices of Career Stage 1 Teachers.

Teachers have gained the qualification recognized for entry into the teaching
They profession.
have a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in which they are trained in terms
content knowledge and pedagogy. They possess the requisite knowledge, skills, and values
support the teaching and learning process. They manage
ams andlearning
progr strategies
that promote learning based on the learning needs of their students. They seek advice from
toconsolidate teachin
practice s their g

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Himself Commu
as a nity

Business Authorit

Parents Profession

Learner and Other
The Teacher We Remember

Name: Han Jane O. Poblete Score

Program / Course: FS 1 – Field Study 2 Class Schedule:
INSTRUCTOR: Rosemarie B. Alfarero 1st Sem SY 2021-2022
Year & Section: BSED IV Contact No. / FB Account: 09958736352
Residential Address: Brgy. Progreso Purok 6 Gumaca, Quezon
Type of Activity : _
Activity Title : Participate and Assist
Learning Target: To participate actively by assisting the Resource Teacher in his/her
daily task.
References (Author, Title, Pages) : Field Study 2 (Participation and Teaching
Assistanship), by Maria Rita D. Lucas, PhD., Milagros L. Borabo, PhD, Purita P. Bilbao,
EdD, Brenda B. Corpuz, PhD,C. 2020.
Take note of the following:
• your Resource Teacher comments, facial expressions, gestures and actions in
• students’ comments, facial expressions, gestures and behavior in class
• how your Resource Teacher relates to you
• the classroom proceedings
• the classroom atmosphere – relaxed or threatening?


1. From the PPSTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards and the TEDs
videos that viewed. What competencies does a great teacher possess?
Based from the video are lots of definition to be a great teacher but all those are
focused on one thing, that is to learn to listen to students. It has been said that there
that a great teacher eats apple, a great teacher is chill, a great teacher thinks like a kid
but act like an adult, a great teacher is not a teacher and many more. While listening to
all of those I wondered why I don't make sense but as the speaker explains the reason
behind it, I realized that those are amazing and the best teacher must learn how to
listen to students because they have their own language and you will be able to
understand them if you know how to communicate with your students

2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies?

No. Everyone can show own version of their competencies even with the personal
qualities. Someone's competencies don't revolve only in professionals, I think being
professional doesn't mean you already have the competencies you still have to work for
it because learning is never ending.

3. For a teacher to be great, is it enough to possess the professional competencies to

plan a lesson, execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and
report grades? Explain your answer.
No. Being a great teacher needs the collaboration of the professional qualities and
professional competencies, those two have to be balanced. Students learn easily when
the teachers are competitive enough and know how to connect with them at the same
time because difficult things becomes easy when the teacher makes the student love
learning no matter how hard it is.

4. For a teacher to be great, which is more important – personal qualities or professional

They are both highly needed actually, opinio
basedinonorderfor the teacher to be
my n, because students not only needs someone to
great personal qualities is more important
the they nee someon wh ca liste an understan
m also d e o n n d d .
5 Wh ar th teacherthatw remembmost
o teachers
e e s that we eremembered
er ? the most are those who treated us as family and
buil who with an thos wh teach lessonbeyonbooks
d n us d e o us s d .


The Teacher We Remember

Name: Han Jane O. Poblete Score

Program / Course: FS 1 – Field Study 2 Class Schedule:
INSTRUCTOR: Rosemarie B. Alfarero 1st Sem SY 2021-2022
Year & Section: BSED IV ENGLISH Contact No. / FB Account: 09958736352
Residential Address: Brgy. Progreso Purok 6 Gumaca, Quezon
The Teacher We Remember

Name: Han Jane O. Poblete Score

Program / Course: FS 1 – Field Study 2 Class Schedule:
INSTRUCTOR: Rosemarie B. Alfarero 1st Sem SY 2021-2022
Year & Section: BSED IV ENGLISH Contact No. / FB Account: 09958736352
Residential Address: Brgy. Progreso Purok 6 Gumaca, Quezon

Type of Activity:
Activity Title: Participate and Assist
Learning Target: To participate actively by assisting the Resource Teacher in his/her daily task.
References (Author, Title, Pages) : Field Study 2 (Participation and Teaching Assistanship), by Maria
Rita D. Lucas, PhD., Milagros L. Borabo, PhD, Purita P. Bilbao, EdD, Brenda B. Corpuz, PhD,C. 2020.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. OBSERVE In assisting my resource, teacher, I observed that personal traits such as
respectful and approachable and professional competencies, like good
communication during discussion of her students and also bring professional and
effective teacher were least were least not displayed and as a result students
were/class during discussion about Panitikan.

2. REFLECT The lack of these personal traits and professional ( mentioned in #1 ) may
be caused by the lack of these personal traits and professional mentioned in#1 may
be caused by the discussion can’t understand of the participate actively during class
discussion and also if the student didn’t cooperate the class was boring.

3. PLAN I would like to address this problem ( mentioned in #2 ) by conducting an

action research on I would like to address this problem mentioned#1 by conducting
an action research on the behavior of students during online class and the struggles
and difficulties they one facing during online class and the impact of having a poor

4. ACT
a. The main objective of my action research is to determine the behavior of the
students during online class and the struggle and difficulties that they are facing during
online class and the impact of having poor internet connection.

b. My specific research questions are does the students understand the lesson
and does
the students participate during discussion of the lesson.
c. To answer my specific research questions, I would like to conduct my action
about the behavior of the students during online class and the struggle and difficulties
that they are facing during online class and the impact of having poor internet



Doing Action Research: An Overview
Every teacher is an action researcher. Everyone can do it. Teachers and students can do
it together,
This episode focuses on doing action research as one of the roles of the teacher. Every
teacher should take interest to know how students learn, wants to make innovations in the
curriculum and desires to improve teaching practice. In order to achieve these, a teacher has to do
action research on the everyday practical problems. These problematic situations and observed
discrepancies emerge between what is intended and what actually occurs in the classroom.


There is a general agreement among action research community that action

research is
about ACTION taking action to improve practice and RESEARCH; finding things out and coming
to a new understanding that create new knowledge.
Action research is not new. It dates back to the time of John Dewey in 1920 when
introduced the idea of inquiry. This was followed by Collier, 1945; Lewin, 1949; Corey, 1953 and
many others who came later. School introduced the notion of action research as a habit of
continuing inquiry. Inquiry begins with situations that are problematic, confusing, uncertain and
conflicting, and so does Action Research.
It was Stephen Corey (1953) who defined Action Research as the process through
practitioners like teachers, study their own practice to solve their personal or professional
practical problems. Further on, John Illiot in 1993 clarified that action research is concerned
with everyday practical problems experienced by the teachers, rather than the theoritical
problems defined by pure researchers.
Action research is grounded on the reality of the school, classroom, teacher and
students. Sometime it is labelled as Teacher Action Research (TAR) but is popularly known
simply as Action Research (AR).
Action Research is a process that allows teachers to study their own classrooms,
and educational setting in order to understand them better and to improve their quality and
effectiveness. The processes of observation, reflection and inquiry lead to action that makes a
difference in teaching and learning. It bridges doing (practice) and learning (study) and
reflection (inquiry


Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching

Name: Han Jane O. Poblete Score

Program / Course: FS 1 – Field Study 2 Class Schedule:
INSTRUCTOR: Rosemarie B. Alfarero 1st Sem SY 2021-2022
Year & Section: BSED IV ENGLISH Contact No. / FB Account: 09958736352
Residential Address: Brgy. Progreso Purok 6 Gumaca, Quezon
Activity Title : Participate and Assist
Learning Target: To be familiar about action research as a reflective teacher.
References (Author, Title, Pages) : Field Study 2 (Participation and Teaching Assistanship), by Maria
Rita D. Lucas, PhD., Milagros L. Borabo, PhD, Purita P. Bilbao, EdD, Brenda B. Corpuz, PhD,C. 2020.
You must have experienced in your past subjects, doing some activities or accomplishing
tasks similar to an action research. These are activities that required you to do Reflection and
Make Action or the other way around. Schon (1987) distinguishes Reflection in Action or
Reflection on Action as two different things.
Perhaps your mentor teacher has already done on Action Research. Now is the
opportunity for you to participate and assist in ways that you are capable of doing.

Making a List of Computed Action Research Titles by Teachers in the Field

1. Make a library or on-line search of the different Completed Action Research Titles Conducted
by Teachers.
2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.
3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Action Research Studies to your mentor as

Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/Authors
Example: Differentiated Instruction in Teaching English for Grade Four Mary Joy Olicia Classes
1.Illustrational Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra to a Diverse Group of Robert Ojeda
2.A total for Improving Teacher Quality and Classroom Practice. Katherine A. Connon
H. Corol Greene

Patricia J. Anderson
3. Effect of Teaching Technology on Enthusiasm for Learning Science. Jane Hollis
4.Improving Students’ Speaking Proficiency using Games. DWI Nurul Fajariyah
5. Improving of Reading Comprehension of CET4 Jian-Ping Lon LEARNING ACTIVITY # 2.1
Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching
Name: Han Jane O. Poblete Score
Program / Course: FS 1 – Field Study 2 Class Schedule:
INSTRUCTOR: Rosemarie B. Alfarero 1st Sem SY 2021-2022
Year & Section: Contact No. / FB Account:
Residential Address:Brgy. Progreso Purok 6 Gumaca, Quezon
Type of Activity :

Activity Title : Participate and Assist

Learning Target: To be familiar about action research as a reflective teacher.
References (Author, Title, Pages) : Field Study 2 (Participation and Teaching Assistanship), by Maria
Rita D. Lucas, PhD., Milagros L. Borabo, PhD, Purita P. Bilbao, EdD, Brenda B. Corpuz, PhD,C. 2020.

Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles. Let’s
find out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.
Questions My Answer
1.What have you noticed about the action 1. Identified problem to be solved in title no.
research titles? Do the Action Research Illustrational Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra
(AR) titles imply problems to be solved? 2. Identified the problem to be solved in title no. 2
Yes  No Improving Teacher Quality and Classroom Practice
3. Identified the problem to be solved in title no. 3

Effect of Teaching Technology on Enthusiasm

If Yes, identify the problems from the 4. Identified the problem to be solved in title no. 4
title you have given. Answer in the space Improving Students’ Speaking Proficiency
provided. 5. Identified the problem to be solved in title no. 5
Improving of Reading Comprehension
2.What interpretation about action Title of the Action Research: research can you make out
of your answer A total for Improving Teacher Quality and Classroom in question no. 1?
Teaching Algebra is not Practice. easy. It is a difficult subject that is From the title, I think
the study...
difficult to understand by most of the Is about how the teacher can improve himself/herself
students. That is why there is a need to as an educator to build better classroom practices.
illustrate strategies in teaching it.

3.Write the title and your interpretation of the study from the title.”Difficulties encountered
by students in learning
4.What do you think did the titles? The author made implication out of the
author’s do with the identified study.
problem as presented in their I think the author/s ... is finding ways on how can she
improve classroom practices.
Attachment 3


Action Research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching seems to be full of
situations and that the teacher has the responsibility of finding solution for everyday problems
in school, hence teachers should do action research. This is an exciting part of being a teacher,
a problem solver!
Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in
previous activity.
My Answer
Key Questions Choose from the options given. You may check more than one
1. From what source do you think, did the Choices: authors identify the problems of their
Copied from research books
action research?  From daily observation of their teaching practice
 From difficulties they observed of their learners
 From their own personal experience
From the told experiences of their co-teachers.
2. What do you think is the teacher’s Choices:
intention in conducting the action  To find a solution to the problematic situation
research?  To comply with the requirement of the principal
 To improve teaching practice To try out
something, if it works to prove oneself as better
than the others
3. What benefit do you get as a student in Choices:
FS 2 in understanding and doing action  Prepare me for my future job
research? Get good grades in the course
 Learn and practice being an action researcher
Improve my teaching practice
 Exposure to the realities in the teaching profession
Become a better teacher eveeryday
4. In what ways, can you assist your  By co-researching with my mentor mentor in his/her
Action Research  By assisting in the design of the intervention
Activity?  By assisting in the implementation of the AR
By just watching what is being done

Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done.
1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?
I learned that an action research is helpful for aspirant educator like me to improve
myself and my teaching practices.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher?
Yes  No . If Yes, complete the sentence below.
I realized that in order to improve classroom practices and even your quality as a
teacher, you must conduct an action research to find appropriate and best solutions to the
problems you and your students are seeing/facing.
Attachment 4


From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?
• I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a
problematic situation.
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.
Students do not have the same level of comprehension, some are fast learners, some are
average and some are slow learn333333ers. As a teacher, I cannot keep going back on
the lesson that some of the students did not understand. There will be no progress and
some students might feel bored.

What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?
I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above
The problem I gave above is a natural scenario or case in the classroom. If there is
someone to do adjustments, it is me as a teacher. I have to implement differentiated
strategies which everybody understands.

What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve the

• As a future action researcher I can plan for an appropriate intervention like

Identifying learning preferences of the students for me to be able to know what kind of
intervention I need to implement.
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title? “Differentiated teaching
strategies to improve classroom practices”
• If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be “Identifying Students’
Different Learning Preference to Implement Effective Strategies”
ATTACHMENT 5 learning episode 3
Understanding and using Action Research Concepts and Processes
The definition of action research evolved over time. There is no singular definition
of action research. Anchored on the idea of inquiry by John Dewey several other authors have
advanced the concept of action research. Action research is a type of inquiry that is:
• Practical as it involves making changes to practice
• Theoretical as it is informed by theory and can generate new insights  Concerned
with change and improvement

Action research has been embraced in education for its value in transforming school
practices by the practitioners themselves. It is used to address practical problems in the
classroom. It is a process that allows teachers to study their own classroom and school setting
to improve their effectiveness. Teacher Action Research (TAR) is a method for educational
practitioners (teachers, school leaders) to engage in the assessment and improvement of their
own practice. It is a tool to help classroom teachers consider their teaching methods or to adopt
a strategy in order to solve everyday problem in the school setting.

Here are some questions and answers that you need to know.
1. What are the Core Characteristics of AR (Titchen, 2015)?
• Systematic – Like any form of research, it follows a system.
• Rigorous – it has rigor, meaning a strict adherence to the rules of empirical studies.
• Reflective – it follows a continuous reflection and action
• Situational – it is more specific to the location (school) circumstances (teaching and
learning, etc.)
• Participative – AR can be participative where teachers and learners are co-researchers
• Future-oriented – it seeks solution to the current problem for future improvement
2. Why is Action Research useful to me as a Teacher Researcher?
• AR can help me to learn how to improve my practice as a teacher in terms of teaching
methods, classroom management, preparation of the learning environment, developing
instructional materials and assessment.
• AR can help me learn more about a wider range of research methods that I can use in
the future.
• AR can provide me more space to think deeply about the issues that confront teaching
and learning.
• AR can help me engage with my mentor and peers to enable me to improve my teaching
and practices through action research.
• AR can help me develop new knowledge which is directly related to my area of
3. What types of classroom action studies that can I engage in?
• Creating changes in the classroom practices. Example: what changes will daily writing
have on my students?)
• Establishing effects of curriculum restructuring. Example: Will the use of mother tongue
enhance the reading skills of my learners?)
• Enhancing new understanding of learners. Example: What happens when students get
• Teaching a new process to the students. Example: How can I teach third grades to do


McNiff & Whitehead 2006 (Adaptation)
Action Research Cycle The Action Research Process
OBSERVE Identify the problem.
1. Based on observation and noticing, what problematic situations
prevail in the classroom or teaching learning improvement?
2. Which of these problems shall I focus on?
3. What does literature say about this problem? On what theories or
principles, I leaned before is the problem anchored?
REFLECT Reflect (Reflection continues all through out the process)
1. What do I hope to achieve? What do I intend to change for the
2. Is doing this action research important to improve my practice?
3. Can I do this alone? Or should I collaborate?
PLAN Plan An Action Research Strategy
1. What type of research will I use? Quantitative? Qualitative?
2. How I will describe my innovation? Intervention? Strategy?
3. Is my plan doable within the given period of time?
ACT Take Action
1. How do I put my plan into action? How long?
2. How I will gather data or information?
3. What sense or meaning do I get out of the data?
EVALUATE Use Findings
1. Where do I apply results to improve practice?
2. Are my findings worth sharing?
MODIFY Move To Another Cycle
1. Is there a need to modify intervention to get new results?
2. Should I move to another cycle of action research?
Nelson, O 2014 Model
OBSERVE Identify The Problem
1. Based on observation and noticing, what problematic situation
prevails in the classroom or teaching learning environment?
2. Which of these problems shall I focus on?
3. What does literature say about this problem? On what theories
or principles, I learned before are the problems anchored?
REFLECT Reflect (Reflection continues all throughout the process.)
1. What do I hope to achieve? What do I intend to change for the
2. Is doing this action research important to improve my practice?
3. Can I do this alone? Or should I collaborate?
PLAN Plan An Action Research Strategy
1. What type of research will I use? Quantitative? Qualitative?
2. How will I describe my innovation? Intervention? Strategy?
3. Is my plan doable within the given period of time?
ACT Take Action
1. How do I put my plan into action? How long?
2. How will I gather data or information?
3. What sense or meaning do I get out of the data?

Department of Education (DO 16) 2017 Model

Action Research Key Components Action Research Process I.
CONTEXT AND RATIONALE Identifying the Problem
1. Why am I doing this?
2. What is the background of my action research?
II. ACTION RESEARCH QUESTIONS 3. What problem/question am I trying to solve?
4. What do I hope to achieve?
INTERVENTION AND STRATEGY 1. What do I plan as a solution to the problem I
identified? (describe)
2. What innovation will I introduce so solve the problem? (describe)
3. What strategy should I introduce? (describe) IV. ACTION RESEARCH
METHODS Plan of Action Research
a. Participants and/or other Sources 1. Who are to participate? (my students, peers,
Data and Information myself)
b. Data Gathering Methods 2. What are my sources of information?
c. Data Analysis Plan (participants)
3. How shall I gather information?
4. How will I analyze my data/information?
V. ACTION RESEARCH WORK PLAN Action Research Work Plan
AND TIMELINES 1. What should my work plan contain? (targets,
activities, persons involved, timeline, cost)
2. How long will I conduct my intervention? (for
reliable results 8 to 12 weeks)
VI. COST ESTIMATES Action Research Cost – (consider also the maximum cost
if externally funded like DepEd, LGUs NGO or personal)
1. How will I share the result of my action
research? (publish, present, flyers, LAC
2. Can I collaborate with other teachers to
continue or replicate my study?
1. What reading materials and references are
included in my review of literature?

Both Action Research Processes above are supported by the two AR Models
which will be presented next

REVISIT the Infographic/s

Action research is a dynamic process anchored on Reflection – Action Cycle of Observing,
Reflecting, Acting,
Evaluating and Modifying

Action research is a cyclical, recursive process of observe >> reflect >> act >> evaluate
>> evaluate >> modify >> move in new direction is known as action -reflection (McNiff &
Whitehead, 2006) in 2011, McNiff defined action research as a form of inquiry that enables
practitioners to investigate and evaluate their work. Before that, Corey in 1953 viewed action
research as a recursive or repeated process, proceeding through spiraling cycling of planning,
actions, reflections and change.
In a similar vein, Nelson, 2014 proposed an action research cycle that starts with Observe

followed process.




4. The reflection is the one that helps the researcher make implications out of the results of the

Since the models are all for action research, what are the common elements of the three?
The action research is a method used for improving practice. It involves action, evaluation and
critical reflection and based on the evidence gathered changes in practice are then
Choose the AR sample abstract that you submitted in Episode 2.
Analyze the components vis-à-vis only one model out of the 3 presented.

If you choose to compare with Model A-McNiff & Whitehead, 2006, here are the components.
Title and Author of the Action Research
Key Components Entry from your Sample AR
OBSERVE The Problem
REFLECT Reflection
PLAN Plan of Action
ACT Implementation
MODIFY Recommendation
If you choose to compare with Model B-Nelson, O. 2014, here are the
components Title and Author of the action Research:
Key Components Entry from your Sample AR
OBSERVE The Problem
REFLECT Reflection
PLAN Plan of Action
ACT Implementation
Or if you choose the DepEd Model, 2017, here are the components
Title and Author: (the same as your entry in model A)
Key Component Action Research Process
I. Context and Rationale Study Background
II. Action Research Question AR Questions
III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention Describe Innovation/Intervention/Strategy Strategy
IV. Action Research Methods Describe Action Research Methods
a. Participants/Other sources of Data
b. Data Gathering Methods
c. Data Analysis Plan
V. Action Research Work Plan Summarize Action Research Work Plan
VI. Cost Estimate Write cost estimate
VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization Describe how the results will be shared
VIII. References Write at least 3 references
What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how will these be utilized
in your practice?
As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing? Yes.
Why? Because an action research helps teachers focus on one aspect of their practice
they would like to improve to have successful teaching journey. Aside from that, it also helps
students to improve their learning.

How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher?

It can be useful by means of making at as a reference to improve specific problem
inside the classroom, it is used to diagnose and address problems. In a school
setting, the teacher plays the role the researcher, and the students represent the
study participants. Action research is a meaningful way for a teacher to find out why
students perform the way they does.

Write Action Research Prompts

Remembering my classroom observations in FS 1, I noticed that there are many
questions that I raised in my mind. These include:
a. The students always say yes when they are being asked if they understood
what the teacher explained but cannot answer questions regarding the topic.
b. The students always turn off their cameras.
c. Only few of the students attend the virtual class.
Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been
done to solve the problem or answer the question, like:
a. The teacher should ask students from time to time if they understand what is
being discussed.
b. Tell students to practice showing themselves in the cameras to boost their
c. Give merits to those students who are always attending class in order for
everyone to be motivated.
Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my solution to problem (choose
from a, b, c) because…
I choose C, because new normal education nowadays is not easy. It is necessary for
the students to always be present in the class in order for them to understand the
difficult part of the lessons.
My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching
My action with regards to that problem is to build rapport with my students as their
teacher because not having a good relationship between students and teacher might
be one of the huge factors why they are less motivated to attend online classes.
Check for Mastery
Direction: check from the choices, what answer/s respond to the questions
correctly and put an X if otherwise.
1. Action research requires a teacher to be:
 observe of what is happening in the classroom
 asking oneself of how to improve teaching.
 following ways on how children should learn better  finding ways on how
children should learn better x blaming learners for their inability to learn
2. There are many ways of doing action research which follow a cyclical
process. The process includes:
 observe, reflect, plan,
act  observe, plan, act,
reflect x reflect, act, plan
observe  plan, observe,
act, reflect x modify,
observe, plan, reflect

3. As an action researcher, I will be developing my skill as a person

who is x systematic  reflective x rigorous  futuristic
x situational

4. On which of the following would you conduct an action research, why?

The Teaching a new process to the students, because nowadays we encountered a
virtual studies and we know that we facing and struggle on how to pass our activities and
exam with gaining knowledge. Because nowadays we admit that we gaining knowledge in
5. Which of the following relatescloselyto what action research is?
our own strategies
 usedto addresspractical problemsin the classroom
 refers onlyto everydaylife of the learners
 allows teachers to study their own classroom
x Brings theories andpractices together

and we
teach our self in our own way.
Matching Problematic Learning Situation with Probable Action

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
• Analyze teaching learning problems prevailing in the classroom
• List matching action as a probable solution to the teaching-learning problems

Clarify Your Task

Matching Problematic Learning Situations with Probable Actions as Solution
Identifying a problem is a tricky task. Action research begins with identifying a problem.

If you observe and notice closely the-learning environment in the classroom, you
discover of lot of problematic situations.will
You must have also observed these problematic
wheyo di youFS1coure
n u d r s .
But thes problem
wit appropriat
actioi trickier.
matching e s h e n s
REVISITth Infographic
e s of more than six hundred teachers was surveyed and asked what teaching
A group
confronthemHer ar theiranswer
pu togethei awordle
c t . e e s t r n .
Study the wordle below. Each word represents in an issue or a problem which was
teachers in theby
field. Which of the words do you recognize as a problem? Draw a CIRCLE around
wordthatyo havals identifiea problemi teacin -learnin
s u e o d s s n h g g.

Oftentimes, it is one of the difficult things to begin with. When a researcher was asked: “Have
you identified a problem for you action research? “Common answer will be: “My problem is
that, I do not have a problem.” Ironical, isn’t it?
FIGURE 2. words that Represent Common Teaching-Learning Problems Identified by Filipino
Teachers (Felimon, Siason, Bilbao, 2021)
Each of the identified problem that you encircled has a corresponding action or solution.


Let children watch the topic
Difficulty in Comprehension about denotative and
of visual materials connotative

What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Why? Yes, because it can also
help improve comprehension

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension of the Making learning tasks to improve
lessons comprehension

Interesting, isn’t it? Now, you can assist your mentor by identifying observed problems in the
class and suggest actions to be done.


What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one
solution to the problem? Yes, because everything has lots of solutions if you can just think

A creative and innovative teacher can find one or more than one solution or answer to
the same problem. Each solution matches with the problem. The more solutions identified to
choose from, the better for an action researcher.


Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a teacher. This scenario
might also be similar to the class you have observed and noticed.

Scenario A: Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty
learners in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and
invertebrates. She has been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no progress
was observed. This situation has been bothering Miss Fely.

• Can you identify Miss Fely’s problem? Miss Fely’s problem is the student who cannot
understand the lesson even if the particular lesson has been being discussed for two
• Can you find a solution to solve her problem? Give your two suggestions.
• Privately talk to the student and ask what the problem is why he cannot understand the
• Ask the student which makes it difficult for him/her to understand the lesson.
• What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? Ask the student which makes it difficult for
him/her to understand the lesson.
How? By means of knowing which part of the lesson that makes him/her difficult to understand,
Miss Fely will be able to identify what kind of strategy or intervention has to apply.
Are they matched with the problem? Yes, because they both aim to make the student
understand the lesson.

Scenario B: Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners come
from families that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their guardians who stand
only as parents. They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter.
 Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir
Ryan? a. Students do not have enough support when it comes to financial.
b. Students do not have enough support when it comes to their basic needs such as food,
clothing, shelter and even necessary learning materials such as laptop, cellphone,
internet connection and the like.
 Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
It has to be reported in the government officials in order for them to request materials for
the students.

After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic
situations and finding solutions to these problems help you to become a better teacher?

By means of identifying the existing problems, as a teacher, I will be able to appropriately

address the said difficulties/problems. Providing an intervention will never be possible without
first knowing the problem and its cause.

Write Action Research Prompts

Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:

What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?
The problematic situation prevails in the classroom is the diversity of the students and the need
to address them all at the same time.
What changes do you want to achieve?

The change I want to achieve is the behavior of the students toward positivity to have a healthy
competition inside the classroom in spite of their differences.
What strategies will you use to improve this situation?

I will use differentiated learning strategies in order to reciprocate all the needs of students.
What would be the title of you Action Research should you conduct the study?

Add: Solutions / Actions

I will observe my students during before, during and after class daily. In that way, I will be able
to have an idea regarding their preferences among all the learning styles.

Check for mastery

Here are some problematic situations in the teaching-learning environment as observed and
experienced by the teachers. Match the problem listed in column A with corresponding
probable solutions in Column B. you may use letter once, then once or not all.
Preparing the Learning Environment: An Overview
Clarify Your Task

Overview of the Learning Environment

A learning environment, traditionally called the classroom, is a space in a school that

supports student learning. It is a self-contained area where teacher teaches and children learn.
In the classroom are chairs or tables for students and a front table for the teacher. This a
traditional face- to-face classroom. Most often the students should face the teacher as the
chairs are arranged that way. But as teaching deliveries changed to enhance learning,
modification in the seating arrangement evolved and more opportunity for the learners to move
about for cooperative learning was addressed.

A conducive learning environment should have the following characteristics:

• Flexibility – there is opportunity to have small groups, movable walls
• Openness – learning corners/areas which could be shared
• Access to resources – audio-visual materials are ready and open for use
• Physical classroom – space is clean and safe
• Psychological atmosphere – it is friendly and accommodating

The classroom climate nurtures the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development
of the students.

Here are some specific strategies for developing the optimal classroom climate. You may
consider these.

1. Learning environment addresses both physical and psychological needs of the students
for security and order, love and belonging, personal power and competence, freedom
and fun.
2. Create a sense of order. For example, teacher should teach students how to
• Enter the classroom and become immediately engaged in the activity;
• Distribute and collect materials;
• Find out about missed assignments due to absence and how to make up for them;
 Get the teacher’s attention without disrupting the class and  Arrange
desks, tables quickly and quietly for various purposes.
3. Greet learners as they enter your face-to-face or on-line classroom.
4. In a healthy and conducive learning environment, everybody belongs and knows each
5. Encourage class building activities like games and team activities
6. In a conducive learning environment, success whether small or big is recognized and

Based approaches, either the traditional face-to-face or online, lead to positive results and in
different ways, so usually in practice both approaches are combined.
REVISIT the Infographic/s
Participate and Assist

What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in
the following conditions:

1. Bulletin Board Display

I will give additional ideas to his/her knowledge on how we will make the board display effective
because BBD whether in or outside the classroom, it makes the learning visible, it shows what
we value, offer opportunities for reflection, help learners make connections within and across
subject matter, and contribute to a shared and public body of knowledge.
2. Small Group Discussion
I will actively participate in this kind of discussion with my mentor because Group discussions
are a very important aspect of group communication. Group discussions are a creative and
dynamic activity which stimulates reflective thinking among the members. Group discussions
may be defined as an activity in which a small number of persons meet face to face and
exchange and share ideas freely or attempt to reach a decision on a common issue.

3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. google meet or

zoom) I will simply put mark on the name of the student if he/she is absent
or present.

Learning Environment 1:
• What you have noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or theme

it anyway?
The bulletin board in the class is about the motivational quotes that inspire students to
strive harder in spite of the challenges they go through.

• What makes it attractive to the learners?

The thing that attracts the students is its content itself because every time they see it, they
feel motivated.

• Does it help in the learning process? How?

Yes, due to its content.
Learning Environment 2:
• If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most
likely the learning space of the student?

In their homes.
• Can you describe?
The home learning environment is the combination of everything you and your family do
and the spaces your child has access to that affect your child's development and learning.

• How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
The point is, the pace and manner of learning of each child are different. As a teacher, it is
your responsibility to craft an environment that encourages students to learn at their own
pace, style, and despite differences. Establishing rules and regulations inside the classroom
can help guide them into being a part of a group.


The example above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows that the learners
are in the same room or space while in the second, the learners maybe in different learning
space like homes, study hubs or in extreme cases parks or under the trees.
As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2. Explain your choice: why?
I prefer the learning environment 1 because the physical classroom is the best place to study.
Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that
a. Learners have different learning preferences.
b. There is no inferior learning preferred style by the students because learning styles
works depending upon the student who uses/applies it. Write Action Research Prompts

What probable problems may result from the two situations of the learning environment?
It is always the noise that comes in any kind of environment and it is the very first problem all
the time.

What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?
The only thing that we can do about it is to control in order to minimize the unnecessary noise
because it is a normal thing in any situations.
How should I do it?
I think it will start at the self-discipline of the students, once they learn how to have it in
themselves they will be able to control the noise they will make.

Work on my Artifacts
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “MY Conducive Learning

“My Conducive Learning

Conducive learning environment is crucial to the success of learning of the adult
Conducive environment of the adult learners can be viewed from two perspectives, the
environment and the learning interaction. The learning environment refers to the
the adult learners undergo in their learning. While the raction
to the
relationshithatexist betweeth adul learnean th adul educato(facilitator )
p s
Learning interaction n is one
e oftthe rcardinal
d factors
e t that r dictate the outcome
. of learning
adult learners. The facilitator needsous to be
of the characteristics of the adults
letthatdictate takes place in the and
o in the process of learning
what further
The author classroom r interaction.
stated that adult learners come into a learning situation with
manof whichma b directl o indirectlrelate to th issue bein discusseTh
facilitator y e create
should y r y for friendliness
room d e ins the g d.
classroom fore effective learning to
plac durin interaction i th
e g n e


TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to assist in the preparation of the
traditional face-to-face learning environment.


Enhancing a Face-to-Face or In-Person Classroom Environment for Learning.

In a face-to-face classroom, students and the teacher are physically present. They meet
at a time set in the classroom. The teacher prepares activities, provides instruction and
evaluates students’ learning. Equipment and instructional materials are made available in the
classroom where teaching and learning take place most of the time.

Some of the advantages of a face-to-face learning environment for the students are:
• Less distraction and more concentration than when studying at home or elsewhere;
• Greater understanding and real-world examples from teachers and classmates;
• Greater chance of completing course work by doing it in the classroom space;
• Learn more easily and more comfortably in familiar, traditional classroom situation;
• Access more relevant information from teachers and classmates’ interactions and
• Greater opportunity to connect and socialize, network and solve problems together with
classmates and teacher.

Here are some characteristics of the face-to-face or in-person learning environment.

 Learning space is physical. Both the teacher and learner see and hear each other from
the same contained safe place called the classroom.
 Lessons are delivered with the teacher physically facilitating. Reading assignments are
from the textbooks and other resources provided or referred.
 Class meetings occur regularly on a specific time or schedule.
 Teacher leads the conversation, within a limited amount of time.
 Assessment is done face-to-face and usually during the class meeting.

REVISIT the Infographic/s

Notice the physical arrangement found in two classroom space. Spot the similarities and
the differences,
3Participate and Assist
Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in a face-to-
face learning environment?
I would participate and assist in the face to face learning by means of facilitating learners and
address all their problems at the same time so that the class discussion will be smooth and

Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it seems that
everything is familiar. However, as teaching-learning theories evolve over time there are
changes that are taking place.
What changes have you noticed in the face-to-face classroom spaces?
Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now
Does not have enough ventilation and has lowlighting Provides enough ventilation and lights
Learners’ desks are not comfortable Each learner has their own seats
Traditional materials are being used in the TV, Projector, Laptops with internet connection
discussions are being used for teaching and learning. Spoon feeding/teacher centered
What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment now?

It is the advent of technology that brought the changes to the face-to-face classes.

From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?

Due to being millennial and too much exposed to modern technologies, the shift from
traditional materials for learning to modern resources such us TV, Projector, Laptops with
internet connection is the thing that I can do.

Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom
will enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes? Explain your answer.
Yes, because students spend a significant amount of their time in school, with the majority of
this time being in the classroom. Therefore, the layout and arrangement of the classroom
should be one that encourages students to be productive. Instead of sticking to the typical
classroom arrangement that we are so accustomed to, opt to have different sections of the
room with each serving a specific purpose.
Write Action Research Prompts

What common problem I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment? Can I translate
this problem into a question?
The common problem that I noticed in the face-to-face learning environment is the unnecessary
noise. (What is/are the cause(s) of unnecessary noises in the face-to-face learning
How would I solve the problem?
This problem is cannot be solved but it can be minimized.
Will it improve my teaching? Yes. How? By means of minimizing the noise, the teaching and
learning process will go smoothly.
What will I do to solve problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.
Teach students to have self-discipline.
WORK on my Artifacts
Visit a school, where the learning environment is face-to-face. Prepare a detailed
report describing the face-to-face learning environment in terms of the three components:
Physical Environment
 Is the space inside the room more than enough for learners to move about?
 Does the room arrangement match with teaching-learning principles? Are there several
room arrangements in the school?
 Are the visual displays attractive and do they stimulate learning?
 Are the school premises safe and is the classroom space free from hazards?
 Are learners comfortable in terms of light and ventilation?
Psychological Environment
 Are there sets of rules and procedures followed? What are these?
 Are there sets of expectations that can motivate the learners to learn?
 Are these observables in the classroom?
- Classroom atmosphere based on trust, cooperation and empathy
- Modeling of positive attitude, respectful behavior, constructive actions
- Avoidance of ridicule, sarcasm, superiority in the classroom
- Opportunities for learners to share their experiences and learning with each other
Social Environment
 Are there opportunities for positive interaction inside the classroom?
 Are there outdoor activities that foster friendship, camaraderie and cooperation?
 How are individual needs and differences considered?

Title: The face-to-Face Learning Environment
Describe the Physical environment:
The term physical environment refers to the overall design and layout of a
given classroom and its learning centers, teachers should design the design the
environment by organizing its spaces, furnishings, and material to maximize the
learning opportunities and the engagement of every child. Describe the
psychological environment:
This varies for each classroom environment, but a positive classroom
environment will have the following characteristics, a safe, a welcoming
atmosphere, a sense of belonging among students, trust between students and
the teacher, willingness in students to ask questions, participate and take risks,
clear expectations, and fair and honest feedback, from the teacher.
Describe the social environment:
The term social environment refers to the way that a classroom
environment influences or supports the interactions that occur among young
children, teachers, and family members, small groups allow more time for
interaction with individual children and are ideal for teaching new skills and
providing feedback.


TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to explore the different ways of
establishing a safe and conducive on-line or virtual learning environment.

Clarify Your Task

Safe and Conducive On-line or Virtual Environment (VLE)

Education has dramatically shifted in recent years. Schools aligned physical spaces to
flexible spaces that integrate technology to support the 21 st century learning opportunities. The
modern learning environment incorporates the three elements: (1) connected devices such as
notebooks, tablets, smart phones; (2) audio visual tools including projectors and touch screen
displays and (3) purposeful furniture such as standing desks, collaborative work stations and
connected seating that allow students to learn in different ways at different times.
The on-line learning environment requires a constant access to connectivity which allows
learning to take place anytime, anyplace and anywhere. On-line or virtual learning can be
delivered synchronously, so the teacher’s role is a moderator between the technology and the

Unlike face-to-face, on-line or virtual learning does not happen in one contained physical
space but learners are in different imaginary spaces made possible by technology such as
computer network. Virtual classrooms refer to digital learning environment that allows teachers
and student to connect on line in real time.

Let us now consider an on-line or virtual classroom or learning environment. What are
some safety reminders to remember?

1. Encourage parents and carers involvement. Keep parents/carers informed of how you
and the children will be using the on-line platform.
• Assist them on how to set up appropriate home learning spaces, if students will be
learning from home.
• Provide contact times and classroom schedules.
• Provide procedures to follow and consequence if they failed.
• Share information about protection from cyberbullying and image abuse.

2. Make lesson plans as interactive as possible to keep attention of students. Be flexible

with class length and topics.
• Make assignments as guided as possible. Teachers may need to source research
sites to ensure on-line safety.
• Provide students wit resources. Share with your students’ websites and videos so
as not to take them to inappropriate materials such as ads from You Tube and
other sites.

3. Encourage public chatting. Avoid texting students one-on-one, instead send a group text,
or group chat. When using technology like zoom, google.meet, MOOCS allow public
chatting or group instead of chatting privately so that you can be part of their
4. Use of password, log in and log out.
• All students should have individual password. This should not be disclosed.
• No one should log in as another person
• All users should log off when they have finished working.

There are more reminders to follow in the use of the digital platform for virtual or on0line
learning environment but for the meantime let us have a few. As technology advances, so do
policies and guidelines.

REVISIT the Infographic/s

Participate and Assist
If you are assisting your mentor in an on-line class, there are some reminders you should
share to your remote learners on a synchronous platform like google.meet, zoom, MOOCS or
any other platforms you are familiar with and are using.

With the use of any google.meet, Zoom or any platform, organize a virtual class. Do this
with the guidance of your mentor.
Try to handleoneon- line classanduse the guidelinesabove.Happyvirtualteaching!


Unlike the traditional face-to-face classroom environment, online or virtual environment

is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is imaginary and
not in the physical sense. It has no corners or walls and it can be set up with the support of

As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual class?
Open lines of communication are key to a virtual classroom, especially now that face-to-face
conversations are limited, by providing accessible and consistent communication, teachers can
keep parents and guardians informed on the latest school news or their student’s progress. This
also lets educators check in on their students and ensure their social and emotional needs are

How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
Students show their active participation in the class by means of answering teacher’s questions
during class.

Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line learning
environment? Check one or more.

 It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.

It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform
Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make responses
 Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive environment

As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe if
The teacher has the master list of the students under his/her supervision. The teacher has to
verify first each student before accepting if he/she belongs to the class so that the strangers
will not be able to get into the class.

I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is

Difficult in the part of the students because their home serves as their classroom and we all
know it is not the best place to learn. Aside from that, internet connection and gadget is a
must. If you do not have as a student, online classes would not be possible.

Write Action Research Prompts


Identify the problems brought about by the on-line learning environment

Unfortunately, technical issues are bound to happen in an online only environment. This
may sound obvious but technical issues and internet connection only add to the online
environment’s frustration and interrupt new learning sessions. Sometimes your
computer will shut down or these are moments when your Wi-Fi is spotty, and weak
monitors can make it difficult to keep up with your virtual classmates and learning

How would you solve this problem?

The most important step is to stay in touch with professors and inform them about what’s
happening. They should understand and be flexible about the situation, perhaps even recording
class sessions on your computer through learning platforms as a backup. There will be
technical issues and it’s important to realize you aren’t the only one with this problem. If your
school has technical support services they can be a valuable resource.
What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?

As a teacher should contact technical support for solving problems that cause hindrance in the
learning process. Or maybe provide other strategies of teaching to make discussions easy.

Work on my Artifacts
Make a list of 10 websites where you can source references and instructional materials
for this episode. Place the list in the matrix like the one below. Share this with your mentor.


Name of Website Topics/ Title of Content or Instructional Materials
1. ReadWrite Offers a wide variety of classroom and professional development resources. These
includes Think student interactives, lesson plans, printouts, mobile apps, strategy guides etc.

2. Common This is a platform where you can access teacher-created reviews of educational tools and
sense mobile apps, read-made lesson plans, webinars, videos and many other resources. media
3. CK-12 Provides teacher-curated STEM content that include lessons, activities study guides and
practice exercises.

4. Smithsonia Smithsonian learning lab empowers learners with materials and tools to help them n
Learning personalized their learning, create new ideas find resources and access collection of Lab
educational content and build meaningful educational networks.

5. OER- Open educational resources are a public digital of open educational content that allows you
to explore create and collaborate with educators around the word improve curriculum.

6. Discovery Discovery Education provides tons of standards aligned resources, tools to enhance
Education thinking skills and opportunities for collaborative learning experiences to help teachers
grown their professional practice.

7. TED Ed Is an education initiative from TED to help teacher’s educators and student to access and
create interactive video lessons?

8. Edshelf This is socially curated discovery engine of websites mobile apps desktop programs and
electronic products for teaching and learning

9. Symbaloo Is the visual resource management tool that helps educators and students organize and
Edu share organize the best of the web users, save their resources in the cloud and access them
from anywhere with any device.

10. Khan Khan academy provides free educational content in the form of instructional videos and
Academy: practice exercises covering different subjects including math, chemistry, physics,
science, khan arts, humanities and many more. academy. Org.

Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures in A Face-To-Face/ Remote
Learning TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
• Establish my classroom routines and procedures before during and after classes in a
face-to- face or in remote learning.
• Explain the classroom routines (what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why those
need to be done).
• Reflect on the basic questions when building my classroom routines and procedures in
the classroom and in remote learning
• List down some possible topics for action research on classroom routines and
• Use professional reflections and learning to improve practice. Clarify Your Task

Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures

(Face-to-Face or Remote Learning)

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning.
Routines don’t just make the life of the teacher easier. They save valuable classroom time.
Efficient routines make it easier for students to learn and achieve more.

Establishing routines early in the school year enables you to run your daily activities run
smoothly; ensures that you manage time effectively; helps you maintain order in the
classroom; makes you more focused in teaching because you spend less time in giving
directions/ instructions; and enables you to explain to the learners what are expected of them.
Classroom routines set the foundation for a meaningful school year with teachers and
students whether in the classroom or remotely. To teach classroom routines remotely, it is best
to record videos and to post these in the learning management system so students may watch
them over and over again for better retention and for families to view them so they can assist
their children when needed.

Students can take an active role in establishing classroom routines. They can brainstorm
on ideas which they will most likely do and follow. Routines are important especially when done
in remote learning so that there will be less distractions both for synchronous participation

REVISIT the Infographics

Participate and Assist





the classroom/ online classes?

7. What rules must be set for students who finish task early/ and for those who cannot
complete work on time?
8. What procedures must be observed for tardiness/ early dismissals?
9. What procedures must be done when submitting homework/ performance tasks in the
classroom/ remote learning?
10.What procedures must be employed in movements into and out of the classroom/ remote
Having these guide questions in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on the possible
assistance or participation that you can do to help her/him in doing the classroom routines.
Complete the matrix for the routines that you can employ before, during and after classes in
the classroom/ remote learning to ensure order and discipline in your classes. List down the
problems which you have encountered while implementing these routines.
There are the problems that we facing during face to face or remote learning, these are number
1. Struggling with seeing relevance, the first struggle for students is related to motivation,
relevance is one of the two foundational elements (the other is success) students need to see
value in what they are being asked to do. Second is struggling with lack of enjoyment, next, our
students, particularly those who enjoy face-to-face interactive classroom activities, may not
enjoy the isolation of remote learning. This particularly challenging, especially since we may
not enjoy remote learning either. Next is struggling with a poor relationship with peers.

After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you
noticed by answering the following questions:

• How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your
procedures in the classroom/ remote learning?
If the classroom routine can increase student confidence and comfort levels since learners
know what is expected of them in different situations. Set routines are especially helpful when
working with young learners and teens that need extra support in regulating their behavior.

• How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?

Routines allow students to quickly accomplish day-to-day tasks that required of both the
teacher and students. Routines help to create smoother transitions between activities and
therefore allow fewer opportunities for disruptions to occur.

• What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and

Teacher shown commitment and love for our child and put so much time and effort. Teachers
give so much patience and positive qualities like care, compassion and commitment.

• Was there a change in the classroom environment/ teaching- learning process after you
have implemented your classroom routines and procedures?

When you can remain calm and focused, you will communicate better with your class, create a
more positive learning environment and enjoy stronger foundations in the classroom.

• What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and

1. What factors/ conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and

Classroom routines and procedures are important as they help students feel comfortable with
the flow of the day. However, they age, maturity level, and objectives of the class, before
coming up with a huge. List of routines and procedures, start with some basics and make up
more of fewer procedures on the basis of the needs of the kids.
2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your
classroom routines?
Get to know your students, strong personal relationships with your students will form the
backbone of a well-run classroom. Think about your own experiences as a student: were you
more motivated to follow the rules with a teacher you felt knew you on a personal level or with
a teacher who treated you like just another number.

3. Did the teaching- learning process improve? Justify your answer.

All said that, we do know that teaching and learning can be improved but if quality and
effectiveness are to be raised.

What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?

Embrace technology, identify instructional objectives, use co-operative learning, ask about
student’s experiences, meet other teachers, learn to handle unruly behaviors, use of portfolios.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. The problems/ challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines
Building relationships with students is the most effective way for teachers to avoid classroom
management issues. When students have relationship with their teacher, they’re less likely to
act out. So get to know your students.
2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by Talk with them and

meet with them one-on-one

3. Some strategies/ ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are

Find out what’s going on in their lives and see if you can help with problems they might be
having. Building relationships with students can go long way toward creating a classroom that
is truly a community.

4. (based on m6y answers in nos. 1-3), the possible title of my action research on this
episode is



To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and procedures, whether

in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help
me in these activities. (include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to
your peers).

Work on my Artifacts

Take some snapshots of your routines in the classroom or in remote learning and tell
something about them. You may also write down the procedures you have formulated and
explain the reasons for

Creating my Classroom/ Remote Learning Management Plan

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode I must be able to:

• Explain the importance of my classroom management plan.
• Enumerate the components of my classroom management plan
• Write my classroom management plan
• Use professional reflections and learning to improve practice

Clarify Your Task

Creating My Classroom/ Remote Learning Management Plan

A classroom management plan is a plan that a teacher designs that sets expectations for
every student. The purpose of a classroom management plan is to make the students
accountable for their actions. Effective classroom management increases students’ success,
enhances students’ academic skills and competencies and promotes social and emotional
The teaching- learning process may be implemented in various modalities. Teachers
must bear in mind that alternatives and other options may be considered in designing
classroom/ remote management plan.

A good learning environment procedures highly engaged students who learn more, do
more and work more. Teachers likewise become more creative and productive in their work.

Key Elements for Effective Classroom Management:

1. Classroom Design: this refers to seating arrangement, bulletin boards, display, storage
area, equipment, supplies, etc.
2. Rules: these are the expectations set at the beginning of the class to foster love, care,
respect and sense of community in the class.
3. Discipline: classroom rules must define the consequences of every action/ misdemeanor
in class. This will ensure fairness and consistency in dealing with the students. This also
includes the rewards given for good behavior.
4. Scheduling: this includes time allotment given for each period and activity in class. This
will make the students to stay on time and on task.
5. Organization: this refers to the systematic arrangement of files and records and keeping
them organized always and ready for use.
6. Instructional Techniques: these are ways by which you implement your learning content.
Tailoring your techniques to the subject, grade levels and nature of the learner is really
7. Communication: consistent open lines of communication to all the stakeholders of the
school community will lead to better teacher- student teacher relationship.
Source: https://education.gov.gy/web/index.php/teachers/tips -for-teaching/item/1735-seven-
key- elements-for-effective-classroom-management

In order to implement these elements effectively, a classroom management plan must

be designed. Each teacher has its own unique style of management to meet class needs,
although the same elements are found consistently. In order for a classroom management plan
to be successful, the students must have a complete understanding of each of the guidelines.
At the same time, teachers must follow their plan to ensure that the learning environment is
safe, friendly, secured and non- threatening whether in the classroom or in remote learning.
Participate and Assist

After realizing the different elements and steps of a classroom/ remote management
plan, you are now ready to make your own plan which you can implement in your classroom/
remote learning. You may request a copy of the Classroom/ Remote Learning Management Plan
of your Resource Teacher or you may surf the internet for more samples/ examplars to guide
you in creating your plan.
Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements. Follow these reminders I
writing your plan:
• State your plan positively
• Use simple specific terms
• Use measurable and observable behaviors
• Convey expected behaviors
My Classroom Management Plan
Philosophical Statement
A classroom management plan should maintain order in the classroom, have positive
communication between teacher and student, teacher should mostly be in charge, rules
should be made together, including the teacher and students, students should be aware of
rules and consequences and also set awareness, patience, good timing, boundaries and
Classroom Rules and Procedures
Create consistency; students of all ages will react positively to a consistent approach to
discipline. It’s essential that your pupils know what is expected of them. Make it clear from the
start what your expectations are for behavior in your class. Ensuring that your pupils know the
rules and why they are in place should be enough to stem most casual behavior issues. If
students are aware of the consequences of their actions they are less likely to misbehave in
the first place.
Teacher- Student Relationships
I will never do partially between students, no discrimination in class and also I will be friendly
to students but with limits and also will also let them know their limits. I will never take
advantage of being a teacher and demanding my students to do may personal stuff.
Schedules and Timeframes
You need some way to keep track of your daily schedule and to you to do list. It doesn’t
matter how you keep track of your schedule (white board, calendar app, planner, etc.) but
make sure that it is easy for you to maintain. Starting putting down of all information that you
know about your schedule.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements
Remember that students, like adults, have not only physical needs but also important
psychological needs for security and order, love and belonging, personal power and
competence, freedom and novelty and fun. Students are driven to meet all of these needs all
the time, not just two or three of them. When teachers intentionally address these needs in the
classroom, students are happier to be there, behavior incidents occur far less frequently and
student engagement and learning increases.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
Ensure that school property is well lit. Appoint guards at outside doors, and designate separate
doors for entering and exiting buildings. Also, install cameras and intercoms at these locations.
Assign a guard to patrol the premises.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
Giving your students a say about the reward he receives can make it feel more enticing.
Consider creating a reward “menu” if your students seem to be losing motivation after a
couple weeks, change the reward but be sure to talk it through with your child first.

After reading and reviewing the classroom/ remote learning management plan from different
sources and creating your own plan, answer the following questions.

1. What salient components have you noticed?

The most important components of classroom management are relationships. The relationships
with my students start at the door when I shake their hand and greet them with a smile
(regardless of what misbehaviors might have happened the day before) those relationships are
solidified when I spend individual time when I spend individual time with each student to get to
know them and then use that knowledge to create personal learning opportunities.

2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom management
The purpose of a classroom management plan is to hold students accountable for misbehavior
without having to yell, scold or lecture. When used correctly, a classroom management plan
eliminates the need to use these and other stressful, counterproductive methods.

3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing your

Classroom management is important because it directly affects your student’s ability to learn
and your ability to teach. It impacted a teacher’s ability to be effective and actually enjoy
teaching. Most importantly, a well-managed classroom highly impacts students’ academic

4. Were there items in your classroom/ remote learning management plan which were
not tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?

Is free service for schools, non-profits and anyone with a personal Google Account. Classroom
makes it easy for learner and instructors to connect, inside and outside of schools. Classroom
saves time and paper, and makes it easy to create classes, distribute assignments,
communicate and stay organized.

1. What elements in your classroom /remote learning management plan were mostly followed/
complied with?
Develop rules that foster respect, caring and community in your classroom. To make
expectations for behavior clear at the beginning of the year by reviewing these rules with
students. Continue to reinforce your rules throughout the course and post them in a visible
location. Consider having students sign contract that shows they have read the rules with their
parents and understand how to behave properly.

2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?
Planning before getting to know your class, would you plan a road trip group friends
without knowing what they want to see or what their interest are? Chances are they have their
own goals/expectations for the trip. You will surely have the course syllabus for the
semester/year ahead of time, but that is simply a list of what your students should learn to
reach of what your students should learn to reach specific level. Lesson planning what you’ll do
for each individual lesson should begin after you’ve obtained more information about your
What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom/ remote
learning management plan?
The responses from students were largely positive overall 85% said their online courses felt like
a classroom community, 84% said remote learning environment can be effective and 70% said
they would consider taking more virtual classes in the future.
Write Action Research Prompts
1. The problems/ challenges I encountered in writing my classroom management
plan Is the time management and satisfying learners’ needs.
2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
Satisfying all of them in the same way while approaching a particular curriculum will be a
serious challenge.
3. Some strategies/ solutions/ means that I can employ to improve these situations/
problems Trying differential teaching strategies to satisfy a slow learner and quick learner so,
they will be forced bring a lot of creativity and diverse strategies which in turn require
additional preparation time. However, once you learn to come out of it, it will of course, be an
empowering experience for your career and for the benefits of the classroom well.

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1 -3, the possible title of my action research on this
episode is
QUEZON COLLEGE A.Y. 2021-2022”

To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/ remote management plan,

whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which
will help me in these activities. (include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share
these to your peers.)

Work on my Artifacts
Paste your Classroom/ Remote management Plan
Writing My Learning/ Lesson Plans

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

• Explain the importance of lesson/ learning plans
• Write learning/ lesson plans using the specified learning competencies reflections, and
effective communication skills.
• Revise the lesson/ learning plans based on the feedback given by the Resource Teacher
• Cite some problems encountered in writing lesson/ learning plans  Use professional
reflection and learning to improve practice


Writing My Learning/ Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan/ Learning Plan – this refers to the blueprint of the daily teaching and learning
activities. It is a step-by-step guide which helps teachers in maintaining the quality of
instruction. Lesson plans consist of essential components such as learning outcomes, learning
content, resources and procedures. An effective lesson plan has a great impact on the
teaching- learning process. It is a must that teachers plan their lessons effectively to ensure a
successful instructional experience. There are three types of lesson plans: detailed, semi
detailed and brief. Some schools design their own lesson plan template which includes their
vision, mission, goals and core values.

The Department of education has provided templates for Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) and
Daily Lesson Log (DLL). This was done to institutionalize instructional planning which is vital to
the teaching- learning process. Guidelines were formulated to assist teachers in planning,
organizing and managing their lessons to meet the needs of the diverse learners.

Teachers must also keep in mind that in stating the learning outcomes, the three
domains must be considered (Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor). Outcomes must be stated
in terms that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). The
cognitive domain includes remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and
When writing lesson plans, the learning outcomes, activities and assessment must be
constructively aligned. The instructional strategies used must help in the attainment of the
learning outcomes. The modes of assessment must determine if the outcomes were attained at
the end of the lesson.

REVISIT the Infographics

Participate and Assist

With all this information in mind, you are all set in writing your lesson plan. Based on the
instructions given by your Cooperating Teacher, prepare your lesson plan (s) based on the
learning competencies of the lesson. Consider the age appropriateness and level of
communication of your students.
Request lesson plan exemplars/ lesson plan templates from your Resource Teacher. If
not available, you can make use of the basic components of a lesson plan.

Lesson Plan in English

The Department of Education has issued Department Order 42s 2016, Policies Guidelines
on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
These are the templates for the Detailed lesson Plan (DLP) and Daily Lesson Log (DLL).
Source: http://www.deped.gov.ph/2016/06/17/do -42-s-2016-policy-guidelines-on-daily-lesson-

Questions Answers
1. How did you respond to the Get to know your students, ensuring that cultural awareness is
diverse types of learners? promoted in the classroom starts with the teacher
1.1 gender, needs, strengths, understanding each individual student. Take the time to
learn interests and experiences about each student’s cultural background, hobbies,
1.2 linguistic, cultural, socio- styles. And what makes them unique. Demonstrating a
genuine economic and religious interest in learning about each student their culture
will help backgrounds establish trust and allow you to form a bond with them so they
1.3 with disabilities, feel valued.
giftedness and talents
1.4 in difficult circumstances
1.5 from indigenous groups
2. what instructional strategies will Online courses have become an incredibly popular way for
you employ in face-to-face or in a students and employees to advance their education or
remote learning delivery for this professional development. So that you should engage
with lesson? Explain. your student learners online, without your physical presence in the
classroom, it’s vital that you establish a virtual presence at the beginning of the eLearning
course. Online teachers need to be engaging and supporting students’ right from the start
and for the duration of the course, to maintain an effective learning.
3. Was the language used Choose words that accurately reflect your thoughts and appropriate
to the level of the feelings. Avoid making blaming statements; know the meaning students?
Explain your answer of words and phrases you choose. briefly.
4. What types and levels of the levels of questions strategy help students comprehend and
questions did you formulate? Are interpret a text by requiring them to answer their types
they of the higher order thinking factual, inferential, and universal.
skills (HOTS)? Write two (2) examples.
5. What instructional resources will Instructional resources usually fall into one of two
you use? Why? Cite the possible student-centered and teacher centered.
online resources that you can
utilize whether done in the
classroom or in remote
6. Are your modes of assessment The teaching methods and the assessment are aligned to
the aligned with your learning learning activities designed to achieve the learning outcomes
outcomes and activities? Cite a specific example.
7. Will your performance tasks Yes, because competency-based mastery is when you can
apply ensure the mastery of the what you know, not just learn it but apply it. Since learning
competencies? Explain competencies are observable, they can be measured and briefly.
assessed to ensure their acquisitions.
8. In a scale of 1- 10, how will you Based on the knowledge: 8 because I admit that I need to
rate your learning plan(s)? justify improve myself to become better and goods in doing my
Lesson your answer. plan.
9. If this lesson is not Make sure your remote students feel like they’re still part of
implemented face-to-face, your class even though they’re still learning from home.
how are you going to do it Your remote students should still be able to participate in
remotely? the same activities and lessons that your hybrid students

Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?
Lesson planning is at the heart of being an effective teacher. It is a creative process that
allows us to synthesize our understanding of the second language acquisition and language
teaching pedagogy with our knowledge of learners, the curriculum and the teaching context.

Write Action Research Prompts OBSERVE

1. The problem / challenges I encountered in writing my learning / lesson plans I
never have enough time to finish the last part of my lesson.
2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
I need to adjust my lesson plans and expectations of what can cover in class.

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