Sol HW9 KS 9nov05 v4
Sol HW9 KS 9nov05 v4
Sol HW9 KS 9nov05 v4
Problem 1. (20 Points) Determine by the Kremser method the separation that can be achieved for the
absorption operation indicated below for the following combinations of conditions:
At 90oF, the K values are as follows for the two different pressures:
75 psia 150 psia
Notice that nC10 is being stripped since it enters at the top of the column, while the other
components are being absorbed since they enter at the bottom of the column.
Note to graders: There is one typo: the K value for C1 at 75 psia, 90 F is 29 (not 2.9 as shown
above). This value is consistent with Figure 2.8 in the book. Do not penalize if C1 answers for
part(a) are incorrect.
10 pt for Kremser
method setup
7 pt for tables
Using Excel with the equations mentioned above : 3 pt for recognizing K values
N 6
change between parts a, b, & c
(c) Generate a plot of number of stages versus reflux ratio using ASPEN. For ASPEN, use the NRTL
property model and the DSTW column model. You will have to specify the reflux ratio, operating
pressure, the condenser type, and the distillate compositions. Use the values from your hand
calculations. You can generate a table of reflux ratio versus number of theoretical stages under
the “Calculation Options” in the input for the DSTW column. Include a printout of your ASPEN
flowsheet and stream table for the case when reflux ratio is 3.5.
y 0.21 0.37 0.51 0.64 0.72 0.79 0.86 0.91 0.96 0.98
x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
5 pt
7 pt for staging
3 pt for q line
For part c, use the DSTW type of distillation column. Specify the reflux ratio (3.5), operating
pressure (101000 Pa), the condenser type (total), and the % distillate recoveries (0.974 benzene, 0.02
F B1
HW9 problem2
Stream ID B D F
Temperature K 382.8 353.8 366.9
Pressure atm 1.00 1.00 1.00
Vapor Frac 0.000 0.000 0.000
Mole Flow kmol/hr 0.194 0.155 0.349
Mass Flow kg/hr 17.844 12.156 30.000
5 pt for print out and
Volume Flow l/min 0.380 0.249 0.627
Enthalpy MMBtu/hr 0.005 0.008 0.013
stream table
Mole Flow kmol/hr
BENZENE 0.004 0.150 0.154
TOLUENE 0.190 0.005 0.195
Look up results for the DSTW column and find the tab where ASPEN generated n versus reflux
Theoretical Reflux
stages ratio
9 9.821432
10 5.561028
11 3.387937
12 2.828747
13 2.519747
14 2.279941
15 2.047204
16 1.833878
Theoretical stages
12 5 pt
0 5 10 15
Reflux ratio
Problem 3. (30 Points) A fractionating column equipped with a partial reboiler heated with steam, as
shown in the Figure below, and with a total condenser, is operated continuously to separate a mixture of
50 mol% A and 50 mol% B into an overhead product containing 90 mol% A and a bottoms product
containing 20 mol% A.
The column has three theoretical plates, and the reboiler is equivalent to one theoretical plate. When the
system is operated at an L/V = 0.75 with the feed as a saturated liquid to the bottom plate of the column,
the desired products can be obtained. The system is instrumented as so that the quantity of reflux is
constant. The feed to the column is normally 100 kmol/h, but it was inadvertently cut back to 25 kmol/h.
What would be the composition of the reflux, and what would be composition of the vapor leaving the
reboiler under these new conditions? Assume that the vapor leaving the reboiler is not superheated, but
saturated. Relative volatility for the system is 3.0.
Clarification by email: Make sure that the desired bottoms to feed flow rate ratio [in other words: B/F or
(bottoms flowrate) / (total feed flowrate)] is the same between the two cases of 25 kmol/hr feed and 100
kmol/hr feed. The instrumentation on the column is such that the boilup ratio may change, but remember
that the reflux quantity, L, is constant and that the reboiler returns vapor that is saturated.
5 pt
10 pt for solving the
100 kmol/hr case
3 pt for
B for 25
5 pt for Lbar/Vbar
7 pt for correct
diagram and staging
Problem 4. (25 Points) A water-isopropanol mixture at its bubble point containing 10 mol% isopropanol
is to be continuously rectified at atmospheric pressure to produce a distillate containing 67.5 mol%
isopropanol. Ninety-eight percent of the isopropanol in the feed must be recovered. A reflux ratio L/D of
1.5 times the minimum is used.
(a) How many theoretical stages will be required if a partial reboiler is used?
(b) How many theoretical stages will be required if no reboiler is used and saturated steam at 101
kPa is introduced below the bottom plate?
(c) How many stages are required at total reflux?
Note: There is one typo: in the equilibrium data, the T-x-y combination for (80.16, 0.6794,
0.7421) should be (80.16, 0.6794, 0.6821). For this problem, this shifts the equilibrium curve
slightly which thus changes how we step off stages. Below are the answers for both cases, with
and without the typo. Credit should be given to either set of answers. The concepts and strategy
remains the same.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Xb x
The slope of the operating line = L/V = =(0.675-0.465)/(0.675-0.1) = 0.365. From Equation 7-
27, Rmin = (L/D)min = (0.365)/(1-0.365) = 0.575.
The operating reflux ratio = R = 1.5Rmin = 1.5(0.575) = 0.86. From Eq 7-7, L/V = R/ (1+R) =
0.86 / 1.86 = 0.463. The intercept of the rectifying O.L. is xD/ R+1 = 0.95/1.86 = 0.36 as in
Figure 7.5. The rectifying operating line is thus y = 0.463x + 0.36, and it passes through the
point y = 0.675, x = 0.675. The stripping section operating line passes through the point y =
0.0023, x = 0.0023 and intersects the vertical q-line at the point where the rectifying section
operating line intersects the q-line. As seen, the equilibrium stages are stepped off starting at the
top, with a switch from the rectifying section to the stripping section to minimize the number of
stages and thus, locating the optimal feed stage. Nine equilibrium stages (8 + partial reboiler)
are needed for the separation.
McCabe-Thiele Diagram for Isopropanol (4a & 4b)
Equilibrium Line
45 Degree Line
0.9 q Line
Rectifying OL
Stripping OL
0.8 2 pt for staging
0.7 1
0.6 4
3 pt for rectifying O.L.
2 pt for q line
Xb x
b) When open (live) stem is used with the same reflux ratio, the rectification section operating
line and the q-line are identical to part (a) for a partial reboiler. Thus, the part (a) McCabe-
Thiele diagram for the high concentration region applies for open stem. However, the stripping
section operating line and the bottom mole fraction change as follows: The liquid rate in the
rectification section = L = 0.86(14.52) = 12.53 kmol/h. The vapor rate in the rectifying section =
V = L+D= 12.53 + 14.52 = 27.05 kmol/h. The liquid rate below the feed stage = L' = L + F =
12.53 + 100 = 112.53 kmol/h. The vapor rate in the stripping section = V' = V= 33.6 kmol/h =
open steam flow rate. The bottoms rate = B = L' = 112.53 kmol/h. The mole fraction of
isopropanol in the bottoms = 0.2 / 112.53 = 0.00177. The change to the part (a) McCabe-Thiele
diagram on the preceding page is extremely small because the location of the stripping section
operating line changes only slightly. The number of stages remains about the same as for part
(a). Thus without a reboiler, 9 stages are needed. 5 pt
c) The minimum number of stages is determined as shown in the McCabe -Thiele diagram below
by stepping off stages between the equilibrium curve and the y=x line from xB to xD. The
number of minimum equilibrium stages is about 4 stages. 5 pt
McCabe-Thiele Diagram for Isopropanol (4c - Total Reflux)
Equilibirum Line
0.9 45 Degree Line
Operating Line
0.7 1
0.6 2
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Xb x
(b) Calculate NOG and compare you answer to that for the number of theoretical stages
(c) Determine HOG and the HETP from the operating data.
(d) Calculate KGa from the data in units of 3
m -atm-s
G’ L’
Since this problem is dilute, you could assume that the L’ = L and G’ = G and y = Y and x = X,
but we will be rigorous in these solutions and calculate the solute-free quantities.
First we do some preliminary calculations. The SO2-free air inlet flow rate is:
The SO2 outlet flow rate in the liquid is the balance of SO2 left, i.e.:
That means the fraction absorbed was 0.75. Now we can start to solve the problem.
Part (a):
We use equation (6-11) to determine the minimum liquid flow rate required for the absorption
process. This equation is only valid for dilute systems:
To the graders: they also could have used a graph of Y vs X (or y vs x because it is dilute) to
determine the L’/G’.
Part (b):
We can use the Kremser group method do determine the number of stages required. Therefore,
we will use equation (6-13) in our text:
( Ai ) − Ai ,
N +1
Note that we use the over all flow rates and not the ‘ versions. Solving the above equation:
( 0.887 ) − 0.887 ,
N +1
( 0.887 ) − 1
N +1
5 pt
we arrive at N = 4.01.
To the graders: they also could have used an equilibrium diagram to step off stages. The
number should be around 4 plus or minus a stage.
To determine NOG, we use (6-89) in our text, which is valid for dilute solutions and for linear
equilibrium lines ONLY:
N OG =
{ }
ln ⎡⎣( A − 1) / A⎤⎦ ⎡⎣( yin − Kxin ) / ( yout − Kxin ) ⎤⎦ + (1/ A )
( A − 1) / A
where yin = 0.016 , xin = 0 , and yout = 0.004 , which gives us N OG = 3.78 . We could have also
obtained this result using equation (6-91), which applies when the operating and equilibrium
lines are linear, but not necessarily parallel:
ln (1/ A )
5 pt
N OG =N = 3.78 .
(1 − A) / A
Part (c):
We are told that the packed height is 3.5-m. We can use equation (6-85) to get HOG:
ln (1/ A ) 5 pt
HETP = H OG = 0.873 m.
(1 − A) / A
Part (d):
H OG = ,
where S is the cross section area of the tower (given as 1.5-m2 in problem statement) and P is
pressure (1 atm from problem statement). We can rearrange for K G a and solve:
Problem 6 (35 Points) Determine the optimal stage location for each feed and the number of
theoretical stages required for the distillation of water from acetic acid using the specifications
in the diagram below coupled with the equilibrium data below. Do the problem by hand first.
For ASPEN, use the NRTL property model and the RadFrac column model. You will have to
specify the stage number, the feed stage locations, the reflux ratio, and the distillate rate. Use
the values from your hand calculations. Do you do better or worse for on the simulation, i.e., is
your distillate richer or leaner in water and is you bottoms richer or leaner in acetic acid?
100 kg/hr
Bubble-Point Liquid D
F1 L ⎛L⎞ 98 mol% Water
75 mol% Water R= = 1.2 ⎜ ⎟
25 mol% Acetic Acid D ⎝ D ⎠ min
100 kg/hr
50 mol% Vaporized
50 mol% Water
50 mol% Acetic Acid
95 mol% Acetic Acid
Partial Reboiler
The first thing we do for this problem is due a material balance and determine the bottoms rate,
B, and the distillate rate, B. We will have two equations and two unknowns:
F1 + F 2 = D + B
5 pt We know that F1 = F2 = 100 kmol/hr. We can solve these two equations to arrive at B = 76.3
kmol/hr and D = 123.7 kmol/hr.
Now, we will determine the q-line for each feed and eventually plot it at the feed compositions
points on the y-x diagram. The q-line is just a straight vertical line for F1 because it is a
saturated liquid. So, we will have a vertical line at ZF1 = 0.75. Although not needed yet, the q-
line equation for the second feed is the following using equation (7-26) in the text:
⎛ q ⎞ ⎛ zH ⎞
y=⎜ ⎟x−⎜ ⎟.
⎝ q −1 ⎠ ⎝ q −1 ⎠
We are told that the feed is 50 mol% vaporized, so q = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5. Therefore, the q-line
equation is :
5 pt
y = −x +1.
If we now plot both q-lines on the y-x plot and use them to determine the minimum reflux ratio.
We get the minimum L/V by using the pinch point line going from the distillate exit composition
on the 45 deg line to the intersection of the F1 q-line with the equilibrium curve. The value of
the minimum L/V is 0.668 which gives us a value of the minimum reflux ratio:
( L / V )min
Rmin = = 2.0 .
1 − ( L / V )min
Equilibrium Line
45 deg line
F1 q-line
Min rectifying line
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
We now know that we are going to use a reflux ration of R = 2.0 Rmin = 4.0. Using this
information, we can calculate the slope of our real rectifying line:
R 5 pt
( L /V ) = = 0.80 ,
1+ R
which will go into the rectifying equation operating line that can be plotted on the y-x diagram,
which we get from equation (7-9) in the text:
L 1
y= x+ xD = 0.80 x + 0.195 .
V 1+ R
We add this to the y-x plot. We can also add the F2 q-line at this point, since it will prove useful
soon. Before we start counting of stages, we need the operating lines for the other two areas of
the column: the stripping section and the inter-feed section.
A good way to do this is to determine the slope of the inter-feed section and then connect it from
the point we know on the F1 q-line and then take the slope all the way down to the F2 q-line.
Therefore, we must do a balance on the inter-feed section. We will use the following diagram:
V = 620.7
F1 = 100 kmol/hr
L = RD = 497 kmol/hr
We know that F1 and L (from the reflux) are coming into the section and that L’ (which is the
flow out of the bottom of the inter-feed area) is going out. Since we know F1 and L, we know L’
(see above). Also, we know V because it is simply L + D = 620.7 kmol/hr, which will be equal
to V’.
5 pt
Now we can determine L’/V’ = 0.962, which is the slope of the inter-feed section. We can now
draw a line with this slope between the two q-lines. Finally, we can draw a line from the F2 q-
line to the 45 degree line at xB = 0.05 to give us the stripping section line. The slope of the
stripping line is 1.133. The total graph looks like the following:
Equilibrium Line
0.4 45 deg line
F1 q-line
0.3 F2 q-line
Rectifying line
0.2 Inter-feed line
Stripping Line
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
We can now step of stages, which is the next graph. You may want to zoom in on portions of
your graph, since the equilibrium line and the operating lines are tight. You will find that there
are 20 stages with the F1 feed stage at 10th from top and the F2 feed stage at 15th from top. The
bottom most stage is a reboiler, so you need 19 stages plus a reboiler.
5 pt
2 1
4 3
7 6
0.9 8
0.6 15
17 Equilibrium Line
0.4 45 deg line
F1 q-line
0.3 F2 q-line
Rectifying line
0.2 Inter-feed line
Stripping Line
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Now we go to ASPEN. We use RadFrac for the column and NRTL for the property model. This
is very similar to how we set up the discussion problem. You were told to specify the stage
number (20), the feed stage locations (10 for F1 and 15 for F2), the reflux ratio (4), and the
distillate rate (123.7 kmol/hR). Everything else is specified like in the discussion. Using
ASPEN, we get the following stream table:
Two feeds
Stream ID B D F1 F2
Temperature F 243.0 212.2 218.0 227.4
Pressure psi 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70
Vapor Frac 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500
Mole Flow lbmol/hr 168.213 272.712 220.462 220.462
Mass Flow lb/hr 9891.268 5002.836 6288.598 8605.506
Volume Flow cuft/hr 168.086 87.503 112.815 55390.529
Enthalpy MMBtu/hr -32.186 -32.994 -30.581 -33.023
Mole Flow lbmol/hr
WATER 5.004 270.574 165.347 110.231
ACETICAC 163.209 2.138 55.116 110.231
As you can see, the water mole fraction in the distillate is 0.992 and the acetic acid mole fraction
in the bottoms is 0.97. We did better than the problem specification. These answers will
drastically change based upon the model you choose. Therefore, do some research before
choosing a model and find the best one! 10 pt for correct ASPEN
(d) If the ratio L/V is 0.8, how many theoretical stages will be required and what is the
optimal feed stage?
(e) Using the NRTL property model with the DSTWU column model, use ASPEN to solve for
the minimum reflux ratio, the minimum number of stages, and the actual stages with L/V
= 0.8, with one simulation. Specify the reflux ratio as the value from part (d). You will
need to calculate the recovery of water in the distillate.
x y T (oC) x y T (oC)
0.0190 0.1700 95.50 0.3965 0.6122 80.70
0.0721 0.3891 89.00 0.5079 0.6564 79.80
0.0966 0.4375 86.70 0.5198 0.6599 79.70
0.1238 0.4704 85.30 0.5732 0.6841 79.30
0.1661 0.5089 84.10 0.6763 0.7385 78.74
0.2337 0.5445 82.70 0.7472 0.7815 78.41
0.2608 0.5580 82.30 0.8943 0.8943 78.15
0.3273 0.5826 81.50
Part (a):
F = D+B
z F F = x D D + xB B .
We know that F = 100 mole s/ hr, z F = 0.2 , xD = 0.85 , and that we want 97 % recovery of
ethanol in the distillate. Therefore, xD D = 0.97 z F F . Therefore, we get D = 22.8 moles/hr. This
will gives us from the overall material balance that B = 77.2 moles / hr. Finally, we can calculate
xB =0.008 from the material balance. 6 pt
Part (b):
We are told that the feed is a saturated liquid, so the q = 1 and the slope of the q-line is infinite,
so we get a vertical line at z F = 0.2 . Usually, we would draw a line from xD = 0.85 on the 45
degree line to the intersection of the q-line and the equilibrium line (called the pinch point).
However, given the strange appearance of the data (this is in fact an azerotrope), we can not do
that because we can not have the rectifying line being outside of the equilibrium curve.
Therefore, the operating line for the minimum reflux ratio is the line that goes tangent to
equilibrium curve as we move towards the q-line (see below). Also, the stripping line must
intersect at this point on the q-line, so it goes from that point on the q-line all the way down
to xB . Using these two lines, we get L/V min for the rectifying section at approximately 0.7 and
L/V max for the stripping section at 2.1. We can now calculate the reflux ratio:
( L / V )min
2 pt Rmin = = 2.33
1 − ( L / V )min
VB = = 0.91 .
2 pt
( L / V )max − 1
Equilibrium line Min Rect line in red
0.9 45 degree line Min Strip line in green
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Part (c):
For this part, we just use the equilibrium data and step off stages. We get 9 stages. Remember, 1
stage is a reboiler. See below (the 9th stage is very hard to see, but it is there):
6 pt
Equilibrium line
45 degree line 2
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Part (d):
Now, we have a defined L/V ratio, so we can plot the operating line on the graph for the
rectifying section, determine the stripping section operating line, then step off stages. The
operating line for the rectifying section is:
L 1
y= x+ xD = 0.8 x + 0.17
V R +1
0.9 1
0.8 8 7
7 pt 10
0.7 11
Equilibrium line
45 degree line
Rectifying line
14 Stripping Line
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Part (e):
Now we do the problem in ASPEN. The recovery of water is 0.04275 = 0.15 D / 0.8 F. The
following is abstracted from the result of the DSTWU block
As you can see, we get larger results in terms of stage numbers. Again, picking a good model is
critical. A small change in the appearance of the data can drastically affect the number of stages
calculated. Also, this method is more rigorous than a graphical calculation. This shows us why
ASPEN is very important.
7 pt for correct ASPEN