BKM - Magnetism
BKM - Magnetism
BKM - Magnetism
In nature, first time iron ore was found which had a property to attack small pieces of iron, nickel and cobalt
etc. And this property of attracting small pieces of material such as iron, nickel and cobalt etc. by a piece
of material is called magnetism.
There are two types of magnets. One which are found in nature are called natural magnets. These are of
distorted shape.
Second which are artificially manufactured are called artificial magnets. These are of defined shape and size
i.e. bar magnets.
A system composed of two poles, equal in magnitude but opposite in polarity, placed at a small displacement apart
is known as a bar magnet. It is also known as a magnetic dipole.
+mp –mp N S
(a) (b)
0 m1m2
F =
4 r 2
= 1 in CGS units
= 107 wbA1m1
where 0 is absolute permeability of free space.
M = m (2 )
It is a vector quantity and its direction is from south to north pole.
Its unit is ampere meter2 or Joule/Tesla
(a) The space around a magnet in which a torque acts on a magnetic needle is known as magnetic field.
(b) The space around a magnet in which a net force acts on a magnetic test pole is known as magnetic field.
(c) The space around a magnet in which its effect is experienced is known as magnetic field.
(d) There are four types of magnetic field :
(i) Uniform magnetic field: (a) The magnetic field, in which the intensity of magnetic field is same at all points,
is known as uniform magnetic field.
(b) In such a magnetic field the magnetic lines of force are parallel and equidistant. e.g. the magnetic dines of force of
earth’s magnetic field.
(ii) Non-uniform magnetic field: (a) The magnetic field, in which the intensity of magnetic field at different
points is different, is known as non-uniform magnetic field.
(b) It is represented by non-parallel lines of force.
(iii) Varying magnetic field: (a) The magnetic field, which keeps on changing with respect to time is known
as a variable magnetic field.
(b) Example :– B = B0 sin t or B = B0 cos t
(iv) Non-varying magnetic field: (a) The magnetic field which does not change with time is known as a con-
stant magnetic field.
(b) The direction of magnetic field is that in which a force acts on a unit test pole.
(c) It can be produced by moving charges, current carrying loops, and variations in electric currents.
To draw magnetic lines we use a magnetic dipole i.e. small compose needle.
The direction of magnetic field at a point is same as direction of tangent at the point.
1. No two magnetic lines can cut each other.
2. These are closed lines whose direction outside magnet is from north to south pole and inside from south
to north pole.
3. Tangent at a point of magnetic line give direction of field at that point.
4. Crowding of magnetic lines of force represent stronger magnetic field.
5. There is always tension in magnetic field line and repulsion between two lines.
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(i) End-on position : In this position point lies on the axis of magnet.
Magnetic field strength due to south pole
0 m
BS = . along PS
4 (r )2
0 m
due to north pole. BN = along NP
4 (r ) 2
Net magnetic field strength at P
B1 = BN B S along NP
0 m 4 r 0 2Mr
= 4 2 2 2 = 4 along NP.
(r ) (r 2 )
0 2M
So BE = 4 3 along NP.
(ii) Broad - side - on - position :
When point lies on equatorial line of magnet.
Magnetic field strength at point P.
Due to north pole
0 m
BN = 4 × 2 along NP
(r 2 )
Due to south pole
0 m
BS = 4 × along PS
( r 2 )
P r 2l
Net magnetic field
0 m
BB = 2 4 × ( 2 r 2 ) cos along PS
0 m x 2 0 M
= 4 2 2 3 / 2 = 4
(r ) (r 2 )3 / 2
0 M
BB = 4 3 along PQ
BE 2
Note =
BB 1
(a) The number of lines of force passing through a given area is defined as magnetic flux.
(b) The magnetic flux passing through unit normal area is defined as magnetic induction (B).
(c) When the magnetic field is normal to the plane then = BA, when A = 1m2 then = B.
A Normal to
Vibrative lines
Of force
(d) When magnetic field makes an angle with the normal to the plane :
(i) Magnetic flux linked with the plane = Area of the plane
(A) × Component of magnetic field normal to the plane (B cos )
i.e. = AB cos If the number of turns in the coil is N. then = NAB cos
Bcos or
(ii) = magnetic field normal to the plane (B) × component of A in the direction of magnetic field (A cos )
i.e. = BA cos
In both cases q is the angle between B and nˆ .
(iii) When B and A are mutually parallel then = 0o and = BA.
(iv) When B and A are mutually perpendicular, = 90o and = 0.
(v) When B and A are antiparallel, then = 180o and = BA.
(e) When the angle between B and the plane of coil is then = BA sin .
If the number of turns in the coil is N then = NBA sin .
O B sin
n̂ 180o
B cos
= – BA
(j) The flux emanating out of a surface is positive and the flux entering the surface is negative.
(k) is a scalar quantity.
(l) The net magnetic flux coming out of a closed surface is always zero, i.e.
B.dA 0
or .B 0
(b) B when A 1m.2 then B
(c) Direction of magnetic induction: The direction in the magnetic field in which if a current carrying conductor is
placed then no force acts on it, is known as the direction of magnetic induction.
(d) Magnetic induction is a vector quantity.
(e) The magnetic induction due to a bar magnet
(i) In axial position B
(ii) In equatorial position B
Here K 107 Weber / A.m
(b) The intensity of magnetic field due to a pole of strength mp at a distance r from it is H
r 2
(c) Due to a small magnet H = 3
1 3 cos2
mp mp l = r
N S N 2r S
M = mpI
(b) The magnetic moment of an electron due to its orbital motion is 1B whereas that due to its spin motion it is .
eh eh
i.e. Morbital = l
4ml 2ml
eh eh B
and Mspin = s s sB
4ms 2ms 2
Here B = Bohr magneton
(i) The value of Bohr magneton B =
(ii) B = 0.93 × 10–23 Amp-m2
–mp S
mp N
S l N
–mp mp
O M1
(i) I - H curve
v Volume susceptibility
density of meterial
(iii) Molar susceptibility MW
MW = m × MW
= Specific susceptibility × Mol. Wt.
(iv) Molecular susceptibility m
m = Atomic wt. × specific susceptibility
= A m
(i) –T curve
(j) – :
(a) T (b) T– 1
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(a) The ratio of magnetic induction (B) to magnetising field (H) is defined as magnetic permeability ().
(b) The extent to which magnetic permeability of that medium.
(c) It is the characteristic property of a magnetic material because it represents the amplification of magnetising field in
that material.
(d) Its value is always positive and is different for different materials.
(e) For materials its value can be greater or less than 0.
(f) Its value depends on H and T.
(h) = 0 [1 + ]
(i) = 0r
(j) (i) For feeromagnetic materials = high
(ii) For paramagnetic materials = low
(iii) For diamagnetic materials = very low
(k) The unit of magnetic permeability is Weber per ammere-meter or Henry per meter and its dimensions are M1L0T–2A–2.
(a) The ratio of magnetic permeability of medium () to the magnetic permeabiliy of free space (0) is defined as
relative permeability (r). i.e. r
Number of lines of force passin g throughunit area in medium
(b) r
Number of lines of force pas sin g throughunit area in vacuum
magnetic flux density in medium
(c) r
Magnetic flux density in vacuum
(d) The limit unto which a magnetic field penetrates matter, is known as relative permeability of that material.
(e) It has no unit and no dimensions.
(f) r = 1 +
(g) Relative permeability of various substances-
(i) For diamagnetic substances the value of r is slightly less than one i.e. r < 1.
(ii) For paramagnetic substances the value of r is slightly greater than one i.e. r > 1.
(iii) For ferromagnetic substance the value of r is much greater than one i.e. r >> 1.
This work is stored as the potential energy of the field magnet system. Thus
U () U (0) = MB (cos0 cos)
If U (90º) = 0
U () – 0 = MB (cos90 cos) = - MBcos
U() = M . B
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When a bar magnet of pole strength m and magnetic length 2l is placed at an angle with a uniform
magnetic field B .
Force on N-pole = mB along B
Force on S-pole = mB opposite B
These forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in since
so they will form couple.
Torque = mB x ON = MB 2l sin = MB sin
= M x B
The direction is perpendicular to plane containing M and B , and is given by right hand screw rule
Consider a current loop in adjacent figure. Looking from left we find anticlockwise current so it has north
Similarly looking from right, current is clockwise hence it has south polarity. So a current loop work as
magnetic dipole.
The magnetic dipole moment (M) of current loop is directly proportional to current (I) through the loop and
area (A) enclosed by the loop.
M = I A
For N turns
In vector from we can write M = NIA n̂
Where n̂ in a unit vector perpendicular to the plane of loop in the direction give by right hand screw rule.
If an electron having charge e is revoling in an orbit of radius r having uniform angular velocity . Then
Magnetic moment of atom contributed by the electron M = e r2 and magnetic field
B= = 9.27 x 1024 . ampere meter 2
If source as the unit of atomic magnetic dipole moment. Where h is plank’s constant.
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According to this theory
(i) Every molecule/atom of a magnetic substance has north pole as well as south pole of equal strength, so
it is a magnetic dipole.
(ii) In unmagnetized condition, atomic dipoles are randomly oriented and they cancel dipole moment of one another.
(iii) After applying magnetic field, atomic dipoles align in its direction.
(iv) Extent of magnetization depends on extent of realignment of the molecular dipoles.
(v) On heating magnetization reduces or vanish completely.
On the basis of this theory magnetic materials are classified into three categories
(a) Paramagnetic substances : Every molecules / atoms of these substances has its own dipole moment.
When we place such substances in magnetic field tries to align every individual molecule / atom in its direction
e.g. chromium, CuSO4 , crown glass, aluminimium, platinum, manganese, solution of salts of iron and nickel
are paramagnetic substances.
Permeability of paramagnetic substance is greater than unity. Susceptibility of paramagnetic substances varies
inversely to the temperature of substance.
(b) Diamagnetic substances : Molecules / atoms of this type of substances do not have dipole moment
individually. When they are kept in any magnetic field, magnetic moment induces but it is in opposite direction
to the applied magnetic field. e.g. copper, gold, mercury , quart, antimony and Bismoth etc.
Permeability of diamagnetic substances is always less than unity.
Susceptibility of diamagnetic substances does not change with temperature.
(c) Ferromagnetic substances : In these substance each individual atom/molecule has magnetic moment.
They have strong tendency to align themselves so they make domain. In a domain, a large no. of atoms/
molecules align in same direction.
Different domains have different directions of magnetic moment hence, the material remains un magnetized.
When a magnetic field is applied, the domains which are aligned along the direction of the field grown in size
and those opposite to it get reduced. iron nickel and cobalt etc. are examples of such materials.
As we increase field intensity, magnetization point A corresponds to saturation magnetization. As value of and
direction of field intensity varies, magnetization along path ACDEFGA is followed.
Hence as field intensity increased or decreased, magnetization does not return to its initial value. This fact is called
hysteresis. The curve ACDEFGA is called hysteresis loop. This are of the hysteresis loop is proportional to the
thermal energy developed per unit volume of the material as it goes through the hysteresis cycle.
Hysteresis loop for soft iron is narrow and large, whereas hysteresis loop for steel is wide and short.
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According to this law, intensity of magnetization (I) of a magnetic material is directly proportional to magnetic
induction (B) and inversely proportional to the temperature of magnetic material.
we know B H
I 1 I C
So ; = =
where is susceptibility of material and C is a constant called curie constant.
The variation of I with graph it is clear that saturation is reached when H/T exceeds a certain limit. Magnetic
thermometers are based on curie law and filled with paramagnetism substance (e).
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(i) The temperature above which a ferromagnetic material behaves like a paramagnetic material is defined as curie
temperature (TC).
(ii) The minimum temperature at which a ferromagnetic substance is converted into paramagnetic substance is
defined as curie temperature.
(iii) For various ferromagnetic materials its values are different. e.g. for Ni TCNi 358C
Due to earth’s magnetic dipole, magnetic field is present everywhere on earth’s surface. The axis of dipole
makes an angle of 11.5º with the earth’s axis of rotation. The dipole axis cuts the earth’s surface at two
points, one near the geographical north pole and the other near the geographical south pole. These are called
geomagnetic northpole and geomagnetic south pole.
Earth’s is magnetic field change in magnitude and direction both. But this change is appreciable for longtime
interval say 20 years.
The exact cause of earth’s magnetism is not yet known. At present it seems that the field results mainly due
to circulating electric currents induced in the molten liquid and other conducting material inside earth.
Our earth behaves in such a way that we can assume the existence of a powerful magnet inside it. This magnet
is so oriented that its south pole is towards earth's north pole while the north pole of the magnet is towards
earth's south pole.
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(a) Geographical Meridian : Planes passing through geographical north and south pole is called geographical
meridian and they are infinite in numbers.
(b) Magnetic Meridian : Planes passing through magnetic south and north pole is called magnetic meridian.
(c) Angle of Declination () : The angle between geographical meridian and magnetic meridian is called
the angle of declination and its value lies between 15º to 18º As the north-south axis of earth's magnet and
earth's geographical poles do not coincide, a freely suspended magnetic needle makes an angle with geographical
axis. This angle between the axis of magnetic needle and geographical axis is called the angle of declination.
(d) Angle of Dip () : If a magnetic needle is pivoted on a horizontal axis through its centre of gravity so
that it is free to rotate in a vertical plane only, then such a needle is known as dip needle. If dip needle
is so adjusted that its vertical plane (in which it is free to rotate) coincides with the magnetic meridian (which
is also a vertical plane), the needle then aligns itself along the direction of B (total magnetic field intensity
of earth).
The angle which the axis of the needle makes with horizontal is called angle of dip.
Thus, angle of dip at a place is defined as the angle between the direction of the earth's magnetic field and
the horizontal in the magnetic meridian at that place. Angle of dip at magnetic poles is 90º as the needle
rests vertically at that places and at magnetic equator angle of dip is 0º.
(e) Horizontal component of Earth's Magnetic field : Earth's magnetic field is not horizontal except at
magnetic equator, i.e., at any place, the earth's magnetic field 'B' in the magnetic meridian can be resolved
into a horizontal component, BH, and a vertical component, Bv.In fig. (4) , AE represents the total intensity
of earth magnetic field & PAE = . The resultant intensity B is resolved into two rectangular components.
Horizontal component, BH = AK = B cos and Vertical component, Bv = AL = B sin .(It is vertically
upward in southern hemisphere and vertically downward in northern hemisphere)
(i) At poles, BH = 0
(ii) At equator, Bv = 0
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The point at which the horizontal component of magnetic field due to a magnet is equal and opposite to the
earth’s horizontal magnetic field is called neutral point because net horizontal component of magnetic field
is zero at that point.
Generally we consider two cases
(A) When magnet is placed with its N-pole towards north of earth. We get two neutral points P and Q lying
on the equatorial line of the magnet. If 2 = magnetic length, M = magnetic dipole moment of the magnet.
d = distance of each neutral point from the centre of magnet.
0 M
Due to magnet, magnetic field at neutral point B =
4 ( d2 2 ) 3 / 2
Let horizontal component of earth’s field = H
At neutral point B = H
M = H (d2 + l2)3/2
(B) When magnet is placed its south pole towards north of earth. We get two neutral points P and Q lying
on the axis of magnet.
At neutral point B = H
0 2md
= H
4 ( d2 2 )
4H (d2 2 )
m =
2 0 d
As we see when we rotate magnet by 180º, neutral point is rotated by 90º. Similarly if we rotate magnet by
angle , neutral point will rotate by an angle /2.
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When a magnet (e.g. a compass needle) is placed under the combination of two perpendicular magnetic fields
of intensities V and H. Let the magnet make an angle with H at equilibrium position then
V = H tan
K= is a constant for a galvanometer. It is called reduction factor of galvanometer.
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When a magnet is suspended freely in a uniform magnetic field, using an unspun thread, it comes to rest in
a direction NS parallel to the direction of the field. If this magnet is slightly deflected from its equilibrium position
and left, magnet begins to vibrate simple harmonically about the direction of field and its mean position.
The time period of T of vibration is given by
T = 2
where, I = moment of inertia of magnetic about the suspension fibre as the axis of rotation,
M = magnetic moment of the magnet,
H = intensity of uniform magnetic field
Uses : (A) To compare of horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field at two places, horizontal component of
earth’s magnetic field be H1 and H2 and time perior of oscillation T1 andT2 respectively.
H2 T12
Then H = 2
1 T2
(B) To compare magnetic moments of two magnets of same size and same mass
M2 T12
M1 T22
(C) To determine the magnetic moment of a magnet
T = 2
m ( 2 b 2 )
If mass, length and breadth of magnet are m1l and b respectively then I = . If H is known, M
can be calculated
(D) To compare the magnetic moments of two magnets of unequal size and masses. When north pole of two
magnets are in same direction, Then
I1 I 2
Time period T1 = 2 (M1 M2 )H ................(1)
M1 T22 T12
By equation (1) and (2) = 2
M2 T2 T12
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1. The main difference between electriclines of force and magnetic lines of force is
(A) Electric lines of force are closed curves whereas magnetic lines of force are open curves.
(B) Electric lines of force are open curves whereas magnetic lines of force are closed curves.
(C) Magnetic lines of force cut each other whereas electric lines of force do not cut.
(D) Electric lines of force cut each other whereas magnetic lines of force do not cut.
Sol. The magnetic lines of force are in the form of closed curves whereas electric lines of force are open curves.
Hence the correct answer will be (B).
2. A bar magnet with its poles 25 cm apart and of pole strength 24.0 A-m rests with its centre on a frictionless
pivot. A force F is applied on the magnet at a distance of 12 cm from the pivot. So that it is held in
equilibrium at an angle of 30º with respect to a magnetic field of induction 0.25 T. The value of force F is
(A) 65.62 N (B) 2.56 N (C) 6.52 (D) 6.25 N
Sol. MB sin30 = F × distance
(Torque due to external M.F. = Torque due to to applied force)
0.25 × 24 × 0.25 × = F × 0.12
F = 6.25 N
3. A small magnet of magnetic moment 4A-m 2 is placed on a deflection magnetometer in tan-B position at
a distance of 20 cm from the compass needle. At what distance from compass needle should another
small magnet of moment 0.5 A-m 2 be placed such that the deflection of the needle remains zero ?
0 2M
Sol. B = 4 × 3 = constant
1/ 3 1/ 3
M2 1
x 2 = x1 = 20 × = 10 cm
M1 2x 4
4. The ratio of intensities of magnetic field, at distance x and 2x from the centre of magnet of length 2cm
on its axis, will be
(A) 4 : 1 (B) 4 : 1 approx (C) 8 : 1 (D) 8 : 1 approx
0 2M 0 2M
Sol. B = 4 = 2 2 3/2 = 4
( x ) x3
B1 x2
= = 8 : 1 approximately.
B2 x1
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5. Two magnets A and B are identical and these are arranged as shown in the figure. Their length is
negligible in comparison to the separation between them. A magnetic needle is placed between the
magnets at point P which gets deflected through an angle under the influence of magnets. The ratio
of distances d1 and d2 will be
(A) (2 tan )1/3 (B) (2 tan )1/3 (C) (2 cot )1/3 (D) (2 cot )1/3
Sol. According to tangent law
BA = BB tan
0 2M 0 M
or 3 = 3 tan
4 d1 4 d1
= (2 cot )1/3
6. The force experienced by a pole of strength 100 A-m at a distance of 0.2 m from a short magnet of length
5cm and pole strength of 200A-m on its axial line will be
(A) 2.5 × 102 N (B) 2.5 × 103 N (C) 5.0 × 102 N (D) 5.0 × 103 N
0 2m'
Sol. F = mB = m
4 x3
7. A magnet 10 cm long has a pole strength of 12 A.m. Find the magnitude of magnetic field strength B
at a point on its axis at a distance of 20 cm from it. What would be the value of B, if the point were to
lie at the same distance on equatorial of magnet ?
(A) 3.4 × 105 T (B) 1.4 × 105 T
(C) 1.7 × 10 T (D) 0.85 × 105 T
Ans. (C)
8. A magnet of moment M is lying in a magnetic field of induction B. W 1 is the work done in turning it from
0º to 60º and W 2 is the work done in turning it from 30º to 90º. Then -
(A) W 2 = W 1 (B) W 2 = (C) W 2 = 2W 1
(D) W 2 = 3 W 2
Sol. W = MB (cos1 cos2 )
W 1 = MB (cos 0º – cos 60º) =
3 MB
W 2 = MB (cos 30º – cos 90º) =
W2 = 3 W 1.
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9. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 4.0 A-m 2 is free to rotate about a vertical axis through its centre. The
magnet is released from rest from east-west position. Kinetic energy of the magnet in north-south position
will be (H = 25T)
(A) 102 J (B) 104 J (C) 106 J (D) 0
Sol. Loss in P.E. = gain in K.E.
Ek = Ui Uj = MB cos 90º (MB cos 0º)
= 4 x 25 x 106
= 104 J
10. A magnet having a magnetic moment of 1.0 × 104 J/T is free to rotate in a horizontal plane where a
magnetic field 4 × 105 T exists. Find the work done in rotating the magnet slowly from a direction parallel
to the field to a direction 60º from the field
(A) 0.4 J (B) 2J (C) 0.2J (D) 1J
Ans. (C)
11. The length of a bar magnet is 10 cm and its pole strength is 103 Weber. It is placed in a magnetic field
of induction 4 x 103 Tesla in a direction making an angle of 30º with the field direction. The value of
torque acting on the magnet will be
(A) 2 × 107 N-m (B) 2 × 105 N-m (C) 0.5 × 102 N-m (D) None of these
Sol. = MB sin = m B sin
= 103 x 0.1 x 4 x 103 x 0.5
= 2 x 107 N-m
12. A current of 1 ampere is flowing in a coil of 10 turns and with radius 10 cm. Its magnetic moment will be :
(A) 0.314 A-m 2 (B) 3140 A-m 2 (C) 100 A-m 2 (D) 0 A-m 2
Sol. M = iA = R2Ni
= 3.14 x 0.01 x 10 x 1 = 0.314 Am 2
13. A short bar magnet is placed with its north pole pointing south. The neutral point is 10 cm away from
the centre of the magnet. If H = 0.4 gauss, calculate magnetic moment of the magnet.
(A) 2 Am 2 (B) 1A m 2 (C) 0.1 A m2 (D) 0.2 Am 2
Sol. Here, d = 10 cm = 0.1 m ,
H = 0.4 gauss = 0.4 x 104 T
M = ?
Neutral points in this case, lie on axial line of magnet, such that
0 2M
= H
4 d3
107 x = 0.4 x 104
M = 0.2 A m2
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14. At any place on earth, the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field is 3 times the vertical
component. The angle of dip at that place will be :
(A) 60º (B) 45º (C) 90º (D) 30º
Bv Bv
Sol. tan = =
BH 3 Bv
= = tan 30º = 30º (4)
15. The radius of the coil of a tangent galvanometer is 16 cm. How many turns of the wire should be used
if a current of 40 m A is to produced a deflection of 45º. given, horizontal component of earth’s field is
0.36 × 104 T.
(A) 458 (B) 229 (C) 200 (D) 115
Sol. Here , r = 16 cm = 0.16 m , n ?
I = 40 mA = 40 × 103 A,
= 45º H = 0.36 × 104 T
As = H tan
2r H tan
n = 0I
2 x 0.16 x 0.36 x 10 4 tan 45º
= = n = 229
4 x 10 7 x ( 40 x 10 3 )
16. The period of oscillation of a freely suspended bar magnet is 4 second. If it is cut into two equal parts
length wise then the time period of each part will be :
(A) 4 sec. (B) 2 sec. (C) 0.5 sec (D) 0.25 sec
I m 2
Sol. T = 2 = 2 = 4 sec
MB 12 m p B
m 2
T’ = 2 mp = 4 sec
12 B
17. The length , breadth and mass of two bar magnets are same but their magnetic moments are 3M and 2M
respectively. These are joined pole to pole and are suspended by a string. When oscillated in a magnetic
field of strength B, the time period obtained is 5s. If the poles of either of the magnets are reverse then the
time period of the combination in the same magnetic field will be –
I 1
Sol. T = 2 or T
T1 3M 2M
= or T2 = 5 5 s
T2 3M 2M
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18. A thin magnetic needle oscillates in a horizontal plane with a period T. It is broken into n equals parts.
The time period of each part will be
(A) T (B) 2 (C) Tn2 (D)
n n
I m 2 / 12
Sol. T = 2 = 2 mp B
or T m l
1/ 2
= n n
T m
T’ =
19. The magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance is 3 × 104 . It is placed in a magnetising field
of 4 × 104 amp/m. The intensity of magnetisation will be
(A) 3 × 108 A/m (B) 12 × 108 A/m (C) 12 A/m (D) 24 A/m
20. The horizontal component of flux density of earth’s magnetic field is 1.7 × 105 tesla. The value of
horizontal component of intensity of earth’s magnetic field will be ?
(A) 24.5 A/m (B) 13.5 A/m (C) 0.135 a/m (D) 1.35 A/m
B 1.7 x 10 5 Wb / m 2
Sol. H = = = 13.5 A/m
0 4 x 10 7 Wb / A m
21. A magnetising field of 2 × 103 amp/m produces a magnetic flux density of 8 Tesla in an iron rod. The
relative permeability of the rod will be
Sol. r = = H
0 0
or r = = 104
2 x 10 3 x 4 x 10 7
BKM CLASSES 1-E-30, Near Global Public School, Talwandi, Kota-324005 25
22. A bar magnet made of steel has a magnetic moment of 2.5 A-m 2 and a mass of 6.6 × 103 kg. If the
density of steel is 7.9 × 109 kg/m3, find the intensity of magnetization of the magnet.
Sol. The volume of the bar magnet is
mass 6 .6 10 3 kg
V = density =
7.9 10 3 kg / m 3
= 8.3 x 107 m 3 .
The intensity of magnetization is
M 2.5 A m 2
I= = = 3.0 × 106 A/m
V 8 .3 10 7 m 2
23. The mass of a speciment of a f erromagnetic material is 0.6 kg. and its density is
7.8 x 103 kg/m3. If the area of hysteresis loop of alternating magnetising field of frequency 50Hz is 0.722
MKS units then the hysteresis loss per second will be –
= Aft
or WH = x 0.722 x 50
7.8 10 3
= 277.7 x 105 Joule
BKM CLASSES 1-E-30, Near Global Public School, Talwandi, Kota-324005 26