RM Jati Diri Dan Lingkungan
RM Jati Diri Dan Lingkungan
RM Jati Diri Dan Lingkungan
Before studying the material about identity and environment, let's sing the
song from Sabang to Merauke together!
What can you conclude from the picture above? In the picture
above, there is a child who has straight hair and one who has curly hair.
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Civic, 5th Grade
There is a child who has white skin and one who has brown skin. This
shows a person's physical characteristics. A person's physical
characteristics can vary. Physical characteristics are the shape of the
human body that can be seen. Basically, there are some physical
characteristics that are the same, but there are also some that are
different. For example, some have straight or curly hair, white or brown
skin, tall or short bodies, and so on. We should not insult other people's
physical characteristics. We must appreciate the differences in physical
characteristics as a gift from God Almighty.
2. Differences between Hobbies or Passions
A hobby is something that is enjoyed to do or have. It can be an
activity or an object. Everyone's hobbies are also different. Some people
like playing soccer, swimming, cycling, cooking, fishing, reading books,
and so on. Differences in hobbies should not cause division. Differences
in hobbies further strengthen the bonds of brotherhood
3. Differences in Talent
What is meant by talent? Talent is an innate potential possessed by
a person. A person's talent can be seen from their ability to do
something. Every human being has their own talents or advantages as a
gift from God Almighty. Some have talents in dancing, singing, painting,
and so on. Differences in talent should not be a problem. Differences in
talent should not cause division.
4. Ethnic Differences
Ethnicity is a differentiator of a social group in a social system. The
influence of ethnicity is the origin of the place of residence and culture
that is close to the area of residence.
The definition of ethnicity according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary
(KBBI) is a social unit that can be distinguished from other social units
based on awareness of the identity of cultural differences, especially
Indonesia is a pluralistic nation consisting of various ethnic groups.
Referring to the population census by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS)
in 2010, Indonesia has around 1,340 ethnic groups.
Each ethnic group in Indonesia has its own characteristics and
identity that are a source of national pride. All ethnic groups in Indonesia
feel and acknowledge the existence of one nation, namely the Indonesian
5. Religious Differences
The first principle of Pancasila, Belief in the One Almighty God, is
one of the signs that Indonesia is a religious country. Indonesian people
believe and are devoted to the One Almighty God. Based on the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 29, all people have the
freedom to embrace their respective religions and beliefs. There are six
religions recognized by the Indonesian state, namely Hinduism,
Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, and Confucianism. Religious
differences do not prevent us from uniting. We must respect religious
differences in our environment.
6. Cultural Differences
Indonesia has a rich cultural heritage. The archipelago stretching
from Sabang to Merauke makes Indonesia have cultural diversity from
various ethnic groups. The cultural diversity is diverse, such as traditional
houses, traditional ceremonies, traditional clothing, traditional dances,
traditional musical instruments and songs, traditional weapons, and even
various typical foods.
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Civic, 5th Grade
Differences are a gift from God Almighty to develop oneself and provide
benefits to the surrounding environment. This diversity gave rise to the
motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which means different but still one. Despite
having a variety of tribes, cultures, religions, and groups, Indonesia remains
one unit. This motto confirms that in reality the diversity that exists in our
country is the wealth and beauty of the Indonesian nation that is not
possessed by other countries.
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Civic, 5th Grade
instilled from an early age in order to accept existing differences. Examples
of tolerant behavior in diversity in the surrounding environment are as
1. Respecting existing cultural differences.
2. Giving neighbors the opportunity to practice their worship.
3. Helping each other between residents when celebrating holidays.
4. Not discriminating against neighbors.
5. Be polite to neighbors even though they are of different ethnicities,
races, religions, and groups.
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Civic, 5th Grade
that can be applied in the proud and state environment.
1) Complying with applicable laws and regulations.
2) Developing a spirit of unity.
3) Preserving cultures from other regions.
4) Prioritizing an attitude of tolerance.
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