Chapter 3 Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids
Chapter 3 Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids
Chapter 3 Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids
Laboratory Analysis
of Reservoir Fluids
Accurate laboratory studies of PVT and phase-equilibria behavior of reservoir
fluids are necessary for characterizing these fluids and evaluating their
volumet- ric performance at various pressure levels. There are many
laboratory analyses that can be made on a reservoir fluid sample. The amount
of data desired deter- mines the number of tests performed in the laboratory.
In general, there are three types of laboratory tests used to measure
hydrocarbon reservoir samples:
1. Primary tests
These are simple, routine field (on-site) tests involving the
measurements of the specific gravity and the gas-oil ratio of the produced
hydrocarbon fluids.
2. Routine laboratory tests
These are several laboratory tests that are routinely conducted to char-
acterize the reservoir hydrocarbon fluid. They include:
○ Compositional analysis of the system
○ Constant-composition expansion
○ Differential liberation
○ Separator tests
○ Constant-volume depletion
3. Special laboratory PVT tests
These types of tests are performed for very specific applications. If a
res- ervoir is to be depleted under miscible gas injection or a gas cycling
scheme, the following tests may be performed:
○ Slim-tube test
○ Swelling test
The objective of this chapter is to review the PVT laboratory tests and to illus-
trate the proper use of the information contained in PVT reports.
Tricosanes 0.55 1.74 0.8770 318 Plus Fractions Mol% Wt% Density MW
Tetracosanes 0.48 1.57 0.8810 331 Heptanes plus 40.66 79.17 0.8494 196
Pentacosanes 0.47 1.60 0.8850 345 Undecanes plus 22.19 58.72 0.8907 266
Hexacosanes 0.41 1.46 0.8890 359 Pentadecanes plus 13.93 45.09 0.9204 326
Heptacosanes 0.36 1.33 0.8930 374 Eicosanes plus 8.42 32.37 0.9540 387
Octacosanes 0.37 1.41 0.8960 388 Pentacosanes plus 5.34 23.16 0.9916 437
Nonacosanes 0.34 1.34 0.8990 402 Triacontanes plus 3.39 16.02 1.0440 474
Triacontanes plus 3.39 16.02 1.0440 474
Vrel ¼ relative volume
Vt ¼ total hydrocarbon volume
Vsat ¼ volume at the saturation pressure
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
The relative volume is equal to one at the saturation pressure. This test is
com- monly called pressure-volume relations, flash liberation, flash
vaporization, or flash expansion.
It should be noted that no hydrocarbon material is removed from the cell,
thus, the composition of the total hydrocarbon mixture in the cell remains
fixed at the original composition.
Table 3-2 shows the results of the flash liberation test (the constant compo-
sition expansion test) for the Big Butte crude oil system. The bubble-point
pres- sure of the hydrocarbon system is 1930 psi at 247°F. In addition to the
reported values of the relative volume, the table includes the measured values
of the oil density at and above the saturation pressure.
The density of the oil at the saturation pressure is 0.6484 gm/cc and is
deter- mined from direct weight-volume measurements on the sample in the
PVT cell. Above the bubble-point pressure, the density of the oil can be
calculated by using the recorded relative volume:
ρ ¼ ρsat=Vrel (3-2)
ρ ¼ density at any pressure above the saturation pressure
ρsat ¼ density at the saturation pressure
Vrel ¼ relative volume at the pressure of interest
Example 3-1
Given the experimental data in Table 3-2, verify the oil density values at 4,000
and 6,500 psi.
Using Equation 3-2 gives:
TABLE 3-2 Constant Composition Expansion Data
(A) Relative volume: V/Vsat or volume at indicated pressure per volume at saturation pressure.
ðpsat — pÞ
(B) Where Y-function
ðpabs Þ · ðV =Vsat — 1Þ
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
○ At 4,000 psi
ρo ¼ ¼ 0:6714 gm=cc
○ At 6500 psi
ρo ¼ ¼ 0:6919
The relative volume data frequently require smoothing to correct for
laboratory inaccuracies in measuring the total hydrocarbon volume just below
the satura- tion pressure and also at lower pressures. A dimensionless
compressibility func- tion, commonly called the Y-function, is used to
smooth the values of the relative volume. The function in its mathematical
form is only defined below the saturation pressure and is given by the
following expression:
psat — p (3-3)
Y ¼ pðVrel —
psat ¼ saturation pressure, psia
p ¼ pressure, psia
Vrel ¼ relative volume at pressure p
Column 3 in Table 3-2 lists the computed values of the Y-function as
calculated by using Equation 3-3. To smooth the relative volume data below
the saturation pressure, the Y-function is plotted as a function of pressure on a
Cartesian scale. When plotted, the Y-function forms a straight line or has only
a small curvature. Figure 3-2 shows the Y-function versus pressure for the Big
Butte crude oil sys- tem. The figure illustrates the erratic behavior of the data
near the bubble-point pressure.
The following steps summarize the simple procedure of smoothing and
cor- recting the relative volume data:
Step 1. Calculate the Y-function for all pressures below the saturation
pressure by using Equation 3-3.
Step 2. Plot the Y-function versus pressure on a Cartesian scale.
Step 3. Determine the coefficients of the best straight fit of the data, or:
Y ¼ a + bp (3-4)
where a and b are the intercept and slope of the lines, respectively.
Step 4. Recalculate the relative volume at all pressure below the saturation
pressure from the following expression:
Example 3-2
The best straight fit of the Y-function as a function of pressure for the Big
Butte oil system is given by:
Y ¼ a + bp
a ¼ 1.0981
b ¼ 0.000591
Smooth the recorded relative volume data of Table 3-2.
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
Smoothed Vrel
Pressure Measured Vrel Equation 3-5
193 — —
193 — 1.001
0 4
192 — 1.001
8 8
192 — 1.003
3 0
191 — 1.004
8 2
191 — 1.005
1 8
187 — 1.013
8 9
180 — 1.032
8 4
170 1.0625 1.063
9 0
160 1.1018 1.102
0 8
146 1.1611 1.162
7 6
131 1.2504 1.253
3 2
116 1.3696 1.374
1 1
103 1.5020 1.509
5 1
782 1.9283 1.945
600 2.4960 2.532
437 3.4464 3.529
Example 3-3
Using Figure 3-3, evaluate co at 3,000 psi.
132 Reservoir Engineering
○ Draw a tangent line to the curve and determine the slope.
∂Vrel=∂p ¼ —14:92 × 10—6
○ Apply Equation 3-6 to give
. Σ
—1 . Σ
c ¼o —14:92 × 10—6 ¼ 15:23 × 10—6 psi—1
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
Volumetric Data
(at 247°F)
Saturation Pressure (Psat)......................1936 psig
Density at Psat...................................... 0.6484 gm/cc
Thermal Exp @ 6500 psig....................1.10401 V at 247°F/V at 60°F
Average Single-Phase Compressibilities
Pressure Compressibili
Range ty v/v/psi
6500 to 6000 10.73 E-6
6000 to 5500 11.31 E-6
5500 to 5000 11.96 E-6
5000 to 4500 12.70 E-6
4500 to 4000 13.57 E-6
4000 to 3500 14.61 E-6
3500 to 3000 15.86 E-6
3000 to 2500 17.43 E-6
2500 to 2000 19.47 E-6
2000 to 1936 20.79 E-6
It should be noted that Table 3-3 lists the compressibility coefficient at several
ranges of pressure, e.g. 6,500–6,000. These values are determined by calculat-
ing the changes in the relative volume at the indicated pressure interval and
evaluating the relative volume at the lower pressure, or
c ðVrelÞ1 —
o ¼ ½Vrel ]2 (3-7)
p1 — p2
where the subscripts 1 and 2 represent the corresponding values at the
higher and lower pressure range, respectively.
Example 3-4
Using the measured relative volume data in Table 3-2 for the Big Butte crude
oil system, calculate the average oil compressibility in the pressure range of
2,500 to 2,000 psi.
134 Reservoir Engineering
Apply Equation 3-7 to give
—1 0:9890 — 0:9987 —6 —1
co¼ 0:9987 2500 — 2000 ¼ 19:43 × 10 psi
relative oil volume factors) at all the various pressure levels are calculated by
dividing the recorded oil volumes VL by the volume of residual oil Vsc, or:
Bod ¼ (3-8)
The differential solution gas-oil ratio R sd is also calculated by dividing the
volume of gas in solution by the residual oil volume.
Table 3-4 shows the results of a differential liberation test for the Big
Butte crude. The test indicates that the differential gas-oil ratio and differential
relative oil volume at the bubble-point pressure are 933 scf/STB and 1.730
bbl/STB, respectively. The symbols Rsdb and Bodb are used to represent these
two values, i.e.:
Rsdb ¼ 933 scf=STB and Bodb ¼ 1:730 bbl=STB
@ 60°F ¼ 1.000
Column C of Table 3-4 shows the relative total volume Btd from differential
liberation as calculated from the following expression:
Btd ¼ relative total volume, bbl/STB
Bg ¼ gas formation volume factor, bbl/scf
The gas deviation z-factor listed in column 6 of Table 3-4 represents the z-
factor of the liberated (removed) solution gas at the specific pressure and
these values are calculated from the recorded gas volume measurements as
. Σ. Σ
Vp Tsc
z¼ (3-10)
T Vscpsc
V ¼ volume of the liberated gas in the PVT cell at p and T
Vsc ¼ volume of the removed gas at standard column 7 of Table 3-4 con-
tains the gas formation volume factor B g as expressed by the following
. Σ
psc zT
B ¼ (3-11)
Tsc p
Bg ¼ gas formation volume factor, ft3/scf
T ¼ temperature, °R
p ¼ cell pressure, psia
Tsc ¼ standard temperature, °R
psc ¼ standard pressure, psia
Moses (1986)) pointed out that reporting the experimental data in relation to
the residual oil volume at 60°F (as shown graphically in Figures 3-5 and 3-6)
gives the relative oil volume Bod and that the differential gas-oil ratio Rsd
curves the appearance of the oil formation volume factor B o and the solution
gas solubility Rs curves, leading to their misuse in reservoir calculations.
It should be pointed out that the differential liberation test represents the
behavior of the oil in the reservoir as the pressure declines. We must find a
way of bringing this oil to the surface through separators and into the stock
tank. This process is a flash or separator process.
138 Reservoir Engineering
Separator tests are conducted to determine the changes in the volumetric
behav- ior of the reservoir fluid as the fluid passes through the separator (or
separators) and then into the stock tank. The resulting volumetric behavior is
influenced to a large extent by the operating conditions, i.e., pressures and
temperatures, of the surface separation facilities. The primary objective of
conducting separator tests, therefore, is to provide the essential laboratory
information necessary for determining the optimum surface separation
conditions, which in turn will maximize the stock-tank oil production. In
addition, the results of the test, when appropriately combined with the
differential liberation test data, provide a means of obtaining the PVT
parameters (Bo, Rs, and Bt) required for petroleum engineering calculations.
These separator tests are performed only on the orig- inal oil at the bubble
The test, as shown schematically in Figure 3-6A, involves placing a hydro-
carbon sample at its saturation pressure and reservoir temperature in a PVT
cell. The volume of the sample is measured as V sat. The hydrocarbon sample is
then displaced and flashed through a laboratory multistage separator system—
commonly one to three stages. The pressure and temperature of these stages
are set to represent the desired or actual surface separation facilities. The gas
lib- erated from each stage is removed and its specific gravity and volume at
standard conditions are measured. The volume of the remaining oil in the last
stage (repre- senting the stock-tank condition) is measured and recorded as
(Vo)st. These
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
T, Pb Tsc
Tsep Psc
(B) Psep
FIGURE 3-6 (A) Solution gas-oil ratio versus pressure. (B) Flash liberation (separator) tests.
experimental, measured data can then be used to determine the oil formation
volume factor and gas solubility at the bubble-point pressure as follows:
Bofb ¼ (3-12)
. VΣ g sc
Rsfb (3-13)
Bofb bubble-point oil formation volume factor, as measured by flash lib-
eration, bbl of the bubble-point oil/STB
Rsfb ¼ bubble-point solution gas-oil ratio as measured by flash liberation,
(Vg)sc ¼ total volume of gas removed from separators, scf (Figure 3-6B)
140 Reservoir Engineering
Separator Stock-Tank
Pressure Temperature Oil Gravity
(psig) (°F) GOR Rstb* (°API at FVF, Botb**
50 75 737
to 0 75 41 40.5 1.481
100 75 676
to 0 75 92 40.7 1.474
200 75 602
to 0 75 178 40.4 1.483
300 75 549
to 0 75 246 40.1 1.495
*GOR in cubic feet of gas at 14.65 psia and 60°Fper barrel of stock-tank oil at
FVF is barrels of saturated oil at 2.620 psig and 220°F per barrel of stock-
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
Rsfb ¼
*Collected and analyzed in the laboratory by gas chromatography.
Insufficient quantity for measurement.
(A) Cubic feet of gas at 14.73 psia and 60°F per barrel of oil at indicated pressure and
(B) Cubic feet of gas at 14.73 psia and 60°F per barrel of stock-tank oil at 60°F.
(C) Barrels of saturated oil at 1936 psig and 247°F per barrel of stock-tank oil at 60°F.
(D) Barrels of oil at indicated pressure and temperature per barrel of stock-tank oil at 60°F.
separator test. This significant difference is attributed to the fact that the
proces- ses of obtaining residual oil and stock-tank oil from bubble-point oil
are different. The differential liberation is considered as a multiple series of
flashes at the elevated reservoir temperatures. The separator test is generally a
one-or two- stage flash at low pressure and low temperature. The quantity of
gas released will be different and the quantity of final liquid will be different.
Again, it should be pointed out that oil formation volume factor, as expressed
by Equation 3-12, is defined as “the volume of oil at reservoir pressure and
temperature divided by the
resulting stock-tank oil volume after it passes through the surface separators.”
Bod ¼ differential relative oil volume factor at pressure p, bbl/STB
Bodb ¼ differential relative oil volume factor at the bubble-point pres-
sure pb, psia, bbl/STB
Sod ¼ differential oil shrinkage factor, bbl/bbl of bubble-point oil
The differential oil shrinkage factor has a value of one at the
bubble-point and a value less than one at subsequent pressures below pb.
Step 2. Adjust the relative volume data by multiplying the separator (flash)
formation volume factor at the bubble-point Bofb (as defined by
Equation 3-12) by the differential oil shrinkage factor S od (as defined
by Equation 3-14) at various reservoir pressures. Mathematically,
this relationship is expressed as follows:
Bo ¼ BofbSod (3-15)
Bo ¼ oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB
Bofb ¼ bubble-point oil formation volume factor, bbl of the bubble-
point oil/STB (as obtained from the separator test)
Sod ¼ differential oil shrinkage factor, bbl/bbl of bubblepoint oil
Step 3. Calculate the oil formation volume factor at pressures above the
bubble- point pressure by multiplying the relative oil volume data
Vrel, as generated from the constant-composition expansion test, by
Bofb, or:
Rs ¼ gas solubility, scf/STB
Rsfb ¼ bubble-point solution gas-oil ratio from the separator test,
Rsdb solution gas-oil at the bubble-point pressure as measured by the
differential liberation test, scf/STB
Rsd solution gas-oil ratio at various pressure levels as measured by
the differential liberation test, scf/STB
These adjustments will typically produce lower formation volume
factors and gas solubilities than the differential liberation data.
Step 5. Obtain the two-phase (total) formation volume factor Bt by
multiplying values of the relative oil volume V rel below the bubble-
point pressure by Bofb, or:
Bt ¼ ðBofbÞ ðVrelÞ (3-18)
B ¼ two-phase formation volume factor, bbl/STB
Vrel ¼ relative oil volume below the pb, bbl/bbl
Similar values for Bt can be obtained from the differential liberation test by
mul- tiplying the relative total volume Btd (see Table 3-4, Column C) by Bofb,
Bt ¼ ðBtdÞðBofbÞ=Bodb (3-19)
It should be pointed out that Equations 3-16 and 3-17 usually produce
values less than one for B o and negative values for R s at low pressures. The
calculated curves of Bo and Rs versus pressures must be manually drawn to B o
¼ 1.0 and Rs ¼ 0 at atmospheric pressure.
Example 3-5
The constant-composition expansion test, differential liberation test, and sepa-
rator test for the Big Butte crude oil system are given in Tables 3-2, 3-4, and
3-6, respectively. Calculate:
○ Oil formation volume factor at 4,000 and 1,100 psi
○ Gas solubility at 1,100 psi
○ The two-phase formation volume factor at 1,300 psi
Step 1. Determine Bodb, Rsdb, Bofb, and Rsfb from Tables 3-4 and 3-6
Bodb ¼ 1:730 bbl=STB Rsdb ¼ 933 scf=STB
Step 4. Calculate the gas solubility at 1,100 psi by using Equation 3-17.
. Σ
Rs ¼ 646 — ð933 — 622Þ ¼ 371 scf=STB
*Separator Conditions
Fist Stage 28 psig at 130°F
Stock 0 psig at
Tank 80°F
(A) Cubic feet of gas at 14.73 psia and 60°F per barrel of stock-tank oil at 60°F.
(B) Barrel of oil at indicated pressure and temperature per barrel of stock-tank oil at 60°F.
(C) Cubic feet of gas at indicated pressure and temperature per cubic feet at 14.73 psia and 60°F.
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
Step 2. Plot the values of the Y-function versus pressure on a Cartesian scale
and draw the best straight line. Points in the neighborhood of the sat-
uration pressure may be erratic and need not be used.
Step 3. Calculate the coefficients a and b of the straight-line equation, i.e.:
Y ¼ a+ bp
Step 4. Recalculate the relative volume V rel values by applying Equation 3-5
and using the “new” saturation pressure, or:
Vrel ¼ 1+ pnew
sat — p (3-20)
pða +
To determine points above the “new” saturation pressure, apply the following
Step 1. Plot the “old” relative volume values above the “old” saturation
pressure versus pressure on a regular scale and draw the best straight
line through these points.
Step 2. Calculate the slope of the Line S. It should be noted that the slope is
negative, i.e., S < 0.
Step 3. Draw a straight line that passes through the point (Vrel¼ 1, psat new) and
parallel to the line of Step 1.
Step 4. Relative volume data above the new saturation pressure are read from
the straight line or determined from the following expression at any
pressure p:
. Σ
Vrel ¼ 1 — S psatnew — p (3-21)
S ¼ slope of the line
p ¼ pressure
Example 3-6
The pressure-volume relations of the Big Butte crude oil system is given in
Table 3-2. The test indicates that the oil has a bubble-point pressure of 1,930
psig at 247°F. The Y-function for the oil system is expressed by the following
linear equation:
Y ¼ 1:0981 + 0:000591p
Above the bubble-point pressure, the relative volume data versus pressure
exhibit a straight-line relationship with a slope of –0.0000138.
The surface production data of the field suggest that the actual bubble-
point pressure is approximately 2,500 psig. Reconstruct the pressure-volume
data using the new reported saturation pressure.
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
Using Equations 3-30 and 3-31, gives:
Pressure Old New
Psig Vrel Vrel Comments
6500 0.9371 0.944 Equation 3-21
6000 0.9422 0.951
5000 0.9532 0.965
4000 0.9657 0.979
3000 0.9805 0.993
pb new ¼ 2500 0.9890 1.0000
2000 0.9987 1.1096 Equation 3-20
pb new ¼ 1936 1.0000 1.1299
191 1.0058 1.1384
180 1.0324 1.1767
160 1.1018 1.1018
600 2.4960 2.4960
437 3.4404 3.4404
0.3 Pb 0.9 Pb
(Pb)old (Pb)new
Step 1. Defining the fluidity as the reciprocal of the oil viscosity, i.e., 1/μo, cal-
culate the fluidity for each point below the original saturation pressure.
Step 2. Plot fluidity versus pressure on a Cartesian scale (see Figure 3-10).
Step 3. Draw the best straight line through the points and extend it to the new
saturation pressure pbold.
Step 4. New oil viscosity values above pbold are read from the straight line.
To obtain the oil viscosity for pressures above the new bubble-point pressure
pbnew, follow these steps:
Step 1. Plot the viscosity values for all points above the old saturation
pressure on a Cartesian coordinate as shown schematically in Figure
3-11, and draw the best straight line through them, as Line A.
Step 2. Through the point on the extended viscosity curve at p bnew, draw a
straight line (Line B) parallel to A.
Step 3. Viscosities above the new saturation pressure are then read from
Line A.
. .
1/o o
0 Pressure
(pb)old (pb)new
FIGURE 3-10 Extrapolation of oil viscosity to new Pb.
0 Pressure
(pb)old (pb)new
FIGURE 3-11 Extrapolation of oil viscosity above the new Pb.
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
Separator gas-oil ratio:
The total gas-oil ratio Rsfb is changed in the same proportion as the differential
ratio was changed, or
. Σ
old new
¼ Rsfb R sdb =Rold
The separator gas-oil ratio is then the difference between the new (cor-
rected) gas solubility Rsfbnew and the unchanged stock-tank gas-oil ratio.
Example 3-7
Results of the differential liberation and the separator tests on the Big Butte
crude oil system are given in Tables 3-4 and 3-6, respectively. New field and
production data indicate that the bubble-point pressure is better described by
a value of 2,500 psi as compared with the laboratory reported value of 1,936
psi. The correction procedure for B od and Rsd as described previously was
applied, to give the following values at the new bubble point:
Bnew new
odb ¼ 2:013 bbl=STB R sbd ¼ 1; 134 scf=STB
Using the separator test data as given in Table 3-6, calculate the gas solu-
bility and the oil formation volume factor at the new bubble-point pressure.
○ Gas solubility: from Equation 3-22
. Σ
Rsb ¼ 646 ¼ 785 scf=STB
Constant-Composition Test
This test involves measuring the pressure-volume relations of the reservoir
fluid at reservoir temperature with a visual cell. This usual PVT cell allows
the visual observation of the condensation process that results from changing
the pres- sures. The experimental test procedure is similar to that conducted
on crude oil systems. The CCE test is designed to provide the dew-point
pressure pd at reservoir temperature and the total relative volume V rel of the
reservoir fluid (relative to the dew-point volume) as a function of pressure.
The relative vol- ume is equal to one at pd. The gas compressibility factor at
pressures greater than or equal to the saturation pressure is also reported. It is
156 Reservoir Engineering
only necessary to experimentally measure the z-factor at one pressure p 1 and
determine the gas deviation factor at the other pressure p from:
. Σ
p Vrel (3-25)
z ¼ z1
p1 ðVrelÞ 1
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
z ¼ gas deviation factor at p
Vrel ¼ relative volume at pressure p
(Vrel)1 ¼ relative volume at pressure p1
If the gas compressibility factor is measured
. Σ at the dew-point pressure, then:
z¼zd ðV Þ (3-26)
d rel
zd ¼ gas compressibility factor at the dew-point pressure pd
pd ¼ dew-point pressure, psia
p ¼ pressure, psia
Table 3-9 shows the dew-point determination and the pressure-volume
relations of the Nameless Field. The dew-point pressure of the system is
reported as 4,968 psi at 262°F. The measured gas compressibility factor at the
dew point is 1.043.
Example 3-9
Using Equation 3-26 and the data in Table 3-9, calculate the gas deviation
factor at 6,000 and 8,100 psi.
○ At 6,000 psi
. Σ
6000 + 15:025
z 1:043 ¼ 0:9397
ð Þ 1:184
4968 + 15:025
○ At 8,000 psi ¼
. Σ
8; 100 + 15:025
z 1:043 ð Þ 0:8733
¼¼ 1:483
4; 968 + 15:025
Step 4. Mercury is reinjected into the PVT cell at constant pressure P while
an equivalent volume of gas is simultaneously removed. When the
initial volume Vi is reached, mercury injection is ceased, as
illustrated in col- umn c of Figure 3-12. This step simulates a
reservoir producing only gas, with retrograde liquid remaining
immobile in the reservoir.
Step 5. The removed gas is charged to analytical equipment where its com-
position yi is determined, and its volume is measured at standard
conditions and recorded as (Vgp)sc. The corresponding moles of gas
produced can be calculated from the expression
. VΣgp sc
np R Tsc (3-28)
np ¼ moles of gas produced
(Vgp)sc ¼ volume of gas produced measured at standard conditions,
scf Tsc ¼ standard temperature, °R
psc ¼ standard pressure, psia
R ¼ 10.73
Step 6. The gas compressibility factor at cell pressure and temperature is cal-
culated from the real gas equation-of-state as follows:
p Vg
z . npΣ RT (3-29)
Another property, the two-phase compressibility factor, is also
cal- culated. The two-phase compressibility factor represents the total
compressibility of all the remaining fluid (gas and retrograde liquid)
in the cell and is computed from the real gas law as
ztwo—phase ¼ . Σ (3-30)
n—i n p RT
(ni – np) ¼ the remaining moles of fluid in the cell
ni ¼ initial moles in the cell
np ¼ cumulative moles of gas removed
The two-phase z-factor is a significant property because it is used
when the p/z versus cumulative-gas produced plot is constructed for
evaluating gas-condensate production.
Equation 3-30 can be expressed in a more convenient form by
repla- cing moles of gas, i.e., n and np, with their equivalent gas
volumes, or:
. Σ" #
zd p
ztwo—phase ¼ (3-31)
Pd 1 —
. Σ
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
zd ¼ gas deviation factor at the dew-point pressure
Pd ¼ dew-point pressure, psia
P ¼ reservoir pressure, psia
GIIP ¼ initial gas in place, scf
Gp ¼ cumulative gas produced at pressure p, scf
Step 7. The volume of gas produced as a percentage of gas initially in place
is calculated by dividing the cumulative volume of the produced gas
2 both
by the gas initially in place, 3
. atΣ standard conditions
%G ¼
∑ Vgp sc
5100 (3-32)
" ∑ np#
The above experimental procedure is repeated several times until a minimum
test pressure is reached, after which the quantity and composition of the gas
and retrograde liquid remaining in the cell are determined.
The test procedure can also be conducted on a volatile oil sample. In this
case, the PVT cell initially contains liquid, instead of gas, at its bubble-point
pressure. The results of the pressure-depletion study for the Nameless Field
are illus- trated in Tables 3-10 and 3-11. Note that the composition listed in
the 4,968 psi pressure column in Table 3-10 is the composition of the
reservoir fluid at the dew point and exists in the reservoir in the gaseous
state. Table 3-10 and Figure 3-13 show the changing composition of the
well-stream during deple- tion. Notice the progressive reduction of C7+ below
the dew point and increase
in the Methane fraction, i.e., C1.
The concentrations of intermediates, i.e., C2–C6, are also seen to decrease
(they condense) as pressure drops down to about 2,000 psi, then increase as
they revaporize at the lower pressures. The final column shows the
composition of the liquid remaining in the cell (or reservoir) at the
abandonment pressure of 700 psi; the predominance of C7+ components in
the liquid is apparent.
The z-factor of the equilibrium gas and the two-phase z are presented.
(Note: if a (p/z) versus Gp analysis is to be done, the two-phase
compressibility factors are the appropriate values to use.)
The row in the table, “Wellstream Produced, % of initial GPM from
smooth compositions,” gives the fraction of the total moles (of scf) in the cell
(or res- ervoir) that has been produced. This is total recovery of wellstream
and has not been separated here into surface gas and oil recoveries.
In addition to the composition of the produced wellstream at the final
depletion pressure, the composition of the retrograde liquid is also measured.
The composition of the liquid is reported in the last column of Table 3-10 at
162 Reservoir Engineering
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
Methane 63.71 69.14 71.96 73.24 73.44 72.48 69.74 12.09
Ethane 11.63 11.82 11.87 11.92 12.25 12.67 13.37 5.86
Propane 5.97 5.77 5.59 5.54 5.65 5.98 6.80 5.61
iso-Butane 1.21 1.14 1.07 1.04 1.04 1.13 1.32 1.61
n-Butane 2.14 1.99 1.86 1.79 1.76 1.88 2.24 3.34
iso-Pentane 0.99 0.88 0.79 0.73 0.72 0.77 0.92 2.17
n-Pentane 0.77 0.68 0.59 0.54 0.53 0.56 0.68 1.88
Hexanes 1.60 1.34 1.12 0.98 0.90 0.91 1.07 5.34
Heptanes plus 10.75 5.93 3.79 2.82 2.30 2.22 2.52 61.78
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Molecular weight of 185 143 133 125 118 114 112 203
heptanes- plus
Specific gravity of heptanes- 0.809 0.777 0.768 0.760 0.753 0.749 0.747 0.819
160 Reservoir Engineering
TABLE 3-10 Depletion Study at 262°F—cont’d
700 psi. These data are included as a control composition in the event the
study is used for compositional material-balance purposes.
The volume of the retrograde liquid, i.e., liquid dropout, measured during
the course of the depletion study is shown in Table 3-11. The data are
reshown as a percent of hydrocarbon pore space. The measurements indicate
that the maximum liquid dropout of 34.4% occurs at 3,500 psi. The liquid
dropout can be expressed as a percent of the pore volume, i.e., saturation, by
adjusting the reported values to account for the presence of the initial water
saturation, or
ðSo ¼ ðLDOÞ ð1 — (3-33)
So ¼ retrograde liquid (oil) saturation, %
LDO ¼ liquid dropout, %
Swi ¼ initial water saturation, fraction
Example 3-10
Using the experimental data of the Nameless gas-condensate field given in
Table 3-10, calculate the two-phase compressibility factor at 2,000 psi by
applying Equation 3-31.
The laboratory report indicates that the base (standard) pressure is 15.025 psia.
Applying Equation 3-31 gives:
162 Reservoir Engineering Handbook
6 C1
Dew-point pressure
9 C7+
Mol %
1.0 iC5
3 N2
1:043 2000 + 15:025
Z 2—phase¼ ¼ 0:787
4968 + 1 — 0:46422
Table 3-12 shows the experimental results performed on a crude oil sample
taken from the Mtech field. The results include the CCE, DE, and separator
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
○ Select the optimum separator conditions and generate Bo, Rs, and Bt values
for the crude oil system. Plot your results and compare with the unadjusted
○ values. Assume that new field indicates that the bubble-point pressure is
better described by a value of 2,500 psi. Adjust the PVT to reflect for the
new bubble-point pressure.
Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir Fluids Chapter 3
71 222 223 48.2 1.549 1.006 1.367
100 to 0 72 522 566 1.083 0.801
72 126 127 48.6 1.529 1.006 1.402
50 to 0 71 607 632 1.041 0.869
71 54 54 48.6 1.532 1.006 1.398
25 to 0 70 669 682 1.020 0.923
70 25 25 48.4 1.558 1.006 1.340
Amyx, J.M., Bass, D.M., Whiting, R., 1960a. Petroleum Reservoir Engineering-Physical
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Dake, L.P., 1978a. Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Com-
pany, Amsterdam.
Dodson, L.P., 1953. Application of laboratory PVT data to reservoir engineering problems. J. Pet.
Technol. 287–298.
McCain, W., 1990. The Properties of Petroleum Fluids. PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa,
OK. Moses, P., 1986. Engineering application of phase behavior of crude oil and condensate
systems. J.
Pet. Technol. 38, 715–723.