Michelly, 8
Michelly, 8
Michelly, 8
Department of Electrical Engineering, Centro Universitario da FEI, Sao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil
e-mail: renantd@fei.edu.br
Junctionless nanowire transistors (JNTs) are considered promising for the sub-20 nm era, since they
provide a great scalability without the need for rigorously controlled doping techniques. In this work, the
modeling of triple-gate JNTs is addressed, focusing on the short-channel effects. Analytical expressions
for the subthreshold slope, threshold voltage roll-off and drain induced barrier lowering are presented.
The model is validated using tridimensional numerical simulations.
Index terms: Junctionless Nanowire Transistors, Analytical Model, Subthreshold Slope, Drain Induced
Barrier Lowering .
Analytical expressions for the subthreshold slope (S), current that flows through the device. The voltages VA
threshold voltage roll-off (VTH,roll-off) and drain induced and VB represent the voltages at the points A and B,
barrier lowering (DIBL) are also proposed. respectively.
2.4 Symbols - Simulation 10-5 The model has been also compared to experi-
VD = 0.05, 1 V
Lines - Model
mental data. The devices were fabricated according [7]
2.0 and present H = tox = 10 nm, doping concentration
Drain current [µA]
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Gate voltage [V]
Figure 3. Drain current and transconductance as a function of the
gate voltage for the n-type devices.
W = 10 nm
1.5 tox = 2 nm
VGT = 0.8 V
L = 1 µm
VGT = 0.6 V
0.5 VGT = 0.4 V
VGT = 0.2 V
Output conductance [S]
Φmin [V]
gate voltage needs to be analyzed. In Fig. 8, the point 0.3
of the minimum potential normalized by the channel L = 20, 30,
0.2 40 and 50 nm
length is shown as a function of the gate voltage for
devices with different L at a low drain bias. The thresh-
0.56 0.0
L = 20, 30,
40 and 50 nm -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Gate voltage [V]
Figure 9. Minimum potential in the channel as a function of the gate
0.48 voltage for devices of different lengths.
0.44 VD = 0.05 V
where S was calculated by S = (kT/q) ln(10).n, with n ≈ 1.
tox = 2nm
0.40 H = 10 nm Differentiating (20) in relation to the gate volt-
W = 10 nm age it can be obtained
0.36 ND = 1 x 1019 cm-3
Symbols - Simulation W H tox
Subthreshold slope [mV/dec]
The subthreshold slope calculated by (23) has The threshold voltage roll-off is finally obtained
been compared to the data of simulated devices of dif- substituting (28) in (27), which leads to
ferent dimensions in Fig. 10. From this figure, one can
conclude that eq. (23) can predict adequately the sub-
threshold slope on the devices characteristics.
VII. Threshold Voltage Roll-off and In Fig. 11, the VTH,roll-off obtained through eq.
Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (29) is compared to the one extracted from the simu-
lated devices. For the simulated devices, VTH is extract-
Eq. (17) can also be used to develop an analytic ed using the double-derivative method [37] for a drain
model for the threshold voltage roll-off and for the bias of 50 mV. The comparison is performed for de-
drain induced barrier lowering. To obtain an analytical vices of different dimensions, showing that the model
expression for the VTH roll-off, the surface potential in is adequate for predict the VTH,roll-off.
the threshold condition is needed. For a long device, The drain induced barrier lowering can be cal-
this potential can be obtained by [24] culated using the threshold voltage roll-off. Firstly,
the surface potential Φ2D is calculated for VG = VTH
– VTH,roll-off using eq. (19), with VTH obtained by (14).
Then, the point ymin is calculated considering a
higher drain bias, e.g. VD = 1 V, using (18) and the min-
imum potential at this higher VD (Φmin,Vd=1V) is obtained
However, this potential changes with the by (17). The drain induced barrier lower is calculated as
variation of the minimum potential in the channel.
Therefore, the potential at threshold considering short-
channel effects (ΦVth,SCE) can be obtained by the dif-
ference between the surface potential for long-channel where DIBLL is the drain induced barrier lower-
devices and the minimum potential in the surface in the ing extracted for the long device.
threshold condition
Substituting (27) in (25), the potential at thresh- Figure 11. Threshold voltage roll-off comparing modeled and simu-
old considering short-channel effects is described by lated data for devices of different dimensions.
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