Joan D. Iniego Marilou P. Curugan, DM-HRM Teacher 1 Principal IV NARRATIVE NARRATIVE REPORT To clearly communicate the Student’s progress in school, particularly in the case of a studentwho is approaching graduation and encountering difficulties enlisting parental cooperation to address any problems, a Homeroom Parent- Teacher Conference (PTA Meeting) was convened for Grade 12-Mars a t Patin-ay National High School SHS Building, first floor, on February 23, 2024.
The Grade 12-Mars session commenced promptly at 1:00 pm.
Parents/guardians signed the attendance form before taking their seats, Grazie Buhian Husain, one o my students who attended the meeting , led the opening prayer. The National Anthem was sung by Janel BritaniaSilvarez another one of my stidents, followed by opening reamrks from the class president Zian Abaluyan .
1. Accomplishment Report on HRPTA Project: Former Class
Adviser Cheryl P. Plaza began reviewing the accomplishments related to the Homeroom Parent-Teacher Association (HRPTA) project regarding the Television project, which is intended to be converted into Classroom wall divisions for the SHS building classrooms. Unfortunately, progress has been delayed due to insufficient funds. And the former class adviser commenced the introduction of the new class adviser, Joan D. Iniego, to the parents and students. NARRATIVE REPORT 2. SHINE Patin-ay High Project: To enhance the beauty of our school and classrooms, our Principal, Ma’am Marilou P. Curugan, DM-HRM, Principal IV, has initiated the SHINE Patin- ay High program. This program aims to improve the learning environment by standardizing each classroom. As part of this initiative, we will conduct evaluations for each room and recognize the cleanest classrooms. However, we need support from parents in terms of financial contributions to purchase the necessary items to maintain cleanliness and enhance the beauty of our classrooms.
3. Catch-up Friday: Every Friday, we host a 'Catch-Up Friday'
session where students engage in reading activities aimed at enhancing their language capabilities. It's an opportunity for students to read and participate in activities that foster English language development. We've explained to parents the importance of their children attending these sessions to ensure meaningful growth in their English proficiency.
4. Education and Emergency Plan: Patin-ay National High
School concerned to the safety of the students that’s why the school make an effort of theto Prevent and mitigate education emergencies such as heavy rainfall, flood, earthquake, etc. to ensure the safety of the learners. By implementing these measures, schools can better prevent and mitigate education emergencies, ensuring the safety and well-being of learners and staff members. NARRATIVE REPORT 5. Tardiness of Students: Addressing student absences and tardiness during flag ceremonies on Mondays is essential for maintaining discipline and fostering a sense of responsibility among students.
6. Wearing of School Uniforms: Enforcing a policy on wearing
a complete uniform is important for promoting discipline, unity, and a sense of belonging among students. Here are some steps that Patin-ay National High School can take to address this issue effectively like clear communication, peer influence and others. By implementing these strategies consistently and collaboratively, Patin-ay National High School can reinforce the importance of wearing a complete uniform while fostering a positive school culture and environment
7. D.O. 003S. 2024: The Deped secretary recently just signed
regarding of shortened school calendar year. The amendment for school calendar year was also explained.
8. Pahina: It was announced to the parents that the next
Pahina will be on March 1 @ 1pm.
9. Convocation Proper: The honor students were called in
front together with their parent/guardians to receive their awards. NARRATIVE REPORT 10. Signing of Form 9 (Report Card).
The teacher's appreciation for the support of parents in their
children's education is a crucial acknowledgment of the partnership between home and school in nurturing students' growth and success. By attending convocations and actively supporting their children's educational journey, parents demonstrate their commitment to their children's academic and personal development. This collaborative effort between teachers and parents creates a supportive environment that fosters students' confidence, motivation, and overall well- being. LETTER ATTENDANCE SHEET ATTENDANCE SHEET MINUTES OF THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE MEETING PICTORIALS PICTORIALS PICTORIALS PICTORIALS MONITORING AND EVALUATION MONITORING Part Five
AND EVALUATION JOAN D. INIEGO Signature Over Printed Name/Date Grade 12 Mars Adviser